By D One

Published on Nov 20, 2018



It was one of those adolescent sleepovers that things started. Pizza, TV movies, six guys laughing, making fun of each other, telling jokes about girls in the films. One beer can stolen from one of the guy's Dads, passed around and everyone acting drunk from one or two sips.

A joint appeared and shared. Lots of coughing and giggling. None of us really got stoned. In fact Troy found out later it was a real cigarette which Pony has disguised as a hand rolled joint.

Everyone arrived with sleeping bags and items they needed. Troy's Dad laughed and told everyone the rules and disappeared. Troy asked him and he agreed. The sound of the car leaving them alone in the house was like a cloud lifting allowing whatever was going to happen happen.

Sometime during the films and pizza, clothing disappeared and all wore only their underwear. Pony had a jockstrap, Troy his Calvins, Madison tiny whiteys and Sol some kind of shorts that seemed to bunch up his manhood thrusting it out front. Nasty, that was his nickname wore some shorts that were made out of mesh material. He gyrated making his slightly visible glands bounce making us laugh and whistle as he showed off.

A second very late night pizza delivery was eventful as Nasty answered the door. The delivery boy ignored the sight and left. We all laughed.

Lights off, only the TV illuminated us as we lounged around, obviously getting tired but refusing to acknowledge it.

They guys gathered in Troy's bedroom, made remarks who would go to bed with Troy and rolled out their sleeping bags. Several trips to the bathroom and soon everyone lay down laughing, cursing, joking. And one by one their sounds changed from verbal utterances to those of their bodies adjusting to the floor, sleeping bags and occasional farts...which instigated laughter.

The room was quiet. Troy lay on the bed, his hand inside his calvins feeling the arousal. He could smell the odors of the bodies that surrounded him. Similar to the lockerroom at school and yet stronger. He wanted to stroke wondering if he could do it silently.

He felt the bed depress. "Shhhsss" the person said. He wasn't alone. One of the group lay beside him. "Floor's too hard" the voice said. Troy didn't answer.

"Room for me too?" another voice asked from the floor. "Shut the fuck up and go to sleep" Troy's companion said.

It took a few minutes to realize it was Pony's body beside him.

"Too hot" Pony said as he rustled the bedding. Despite the darkness Troy's enlarded pupils allowed him to see Pony lifting the blankets, then adjusting and finally settling down. "Here" Pony said as he tossed his jockstrap on Troy's face.

"Fuck off" Troy said taking the strap and throwing it in the air. It didn't talk long but long enough for Troy to inhale the scent. He had inhaled that before, though it was his own jockstrap stimulating his self satisfaction now and then.

"That getting you hard?" Pony whispered. Troy didn't answer. He didn't want to lie and dared not tell the truth.

"It's ok, we all have boners" Pony said. Troy didn't know what to do. The hand was on his stomach and moving under his calvins. "Shit man nice one" Pony squeezed Troy's erection and then pulled away.

Troy reached and felt Pony's. "Shiittt man that's huge" he whispered.

"Fuck off guys we're all huge" the voice from the floor said.

Troy responded "No man Pony has the largest boner I've ever seen"

"Bigger then Mad's?"

Madison was well known for showing off in the gym locker room, ignoring whistles and comments as he danced about making his impressive erection bounce.

"Look" Troy had grabbed the flashlight he kept by the bed, flung the blanket back and aimed it at Pony's boner.

The others had arisen from where they lay to see the promised large appendage.

"Shit man that's not as big as this" Of course that was Madison and Troy moved his flashlight from Pont to Madison.

"Shit get a ruler" And soon every boy's enlarged penis was measured. Hands touched each other, rulers pressed against bellies, penis shrunk as Pony's was declared slightly bigger then even Madison's.

"What do we do now?" someone asked.

"Troy started this" The room got quiet and in the darkness the sounds of hands stroking erections mixed with groans, curses and deep breathing.

Troy felt the moisture, Pony too the others didn't react but they could year the unmistakable grunts of satisfaction in the room.

Bare feet shuffled to the bathroom and returned. Bodies once again rustled in the sleeping bags. Pony returned from the bathroom and placed his hand across Troy's bare chest. His fingers located a nipple and pinched.

"Shit man" Troy responded in a whisper.

"You love it" Pony said his fingers stopping but his hand remaining.

"My Dad my look in" Troy said moving Pony's hand under the sheets lower on his stomach. As he lay in the darkness waiting for sleep, Troy felt Pony's hand move to where his softening penis lay across his belly and stay there.

Pancakes, Orange Juice, Eggs cooking. Troy's Dad was laughing and cooking for everyone the next morning. Troy wondered if his Dad knew what they did the night before.

Food consumed, they left through the sliding glass door to dive into the pool. Most still wore their underwear, Pony had grabbed a pair of Troy's ignoring his still discarded jockstrap.

"HEY TROY" Troy's dad stood poolside. "Go get a pair of your shorts and give them to Maidson"

Troy didn't have to ask why. Mad's mesh shorts nearly looked transparent in the morning sun. He was under the pool water but the sight of him afterwards would be more revealing.

"I don't want the neighbors thinking things" Troy's Dad said "Hell I don't care you boys could swim bareass for all I care. But gotta get the walls higher back here" the man looked at the 3foot walls surrounding the back yard.

Their height didn't stop Troy's Dad from naked late night pool diving. He had seen the man in the moonlight sometimes.

Troy trotted back from the house jumping back in the water near where Madison and Sol were wrestling.

He spoke to Mad who looked toward where the May lay on a chaise lounge, shucked and pulled his mesh underwear off under water then tossing them on the grass. He swam underwater and after Troy finally caught him put on the provided black pair of underwear.

"What's up?" Pony asked swimming nearby. "Dad didn't want the neighbors to see Madison's dick" Troy responded. "Why not everyone else has" Pony laughed "Hey T man, your dad is hot"

Troy elbowed Pony but looked towards his Dad. The man, shirtless, wearing small shorts lay in the sun, eyes closed. The man was fit to be sure. Troy wondered if Pony was gay. He had talked about an older man, gone to sleep with his hand on Troy's penis. His Dad was good looking Troy realized.

Pony's pulling his shorts down underwater got Troy's attention.

The boys' fun filled the air for another hour or so.

"Dad, thanks" Troy said as he picked up empty soda cans, pizza boxes and dishes alongside his Dad.

"Have fun?" the man asked

"Yea it was ok. Pony said something weird..." Troy wondered if he should finish his sentence.

"What's that?"

"Oh nothing....just bs"

"What's the name of that friend in those revealing shorts?"

"Mad, er Madison" Troy said.


It was the last sleepover Troy hosted or went to for that matter. He lay in his bed wondering about it though from time to time, until his teenage erection beckoned his attention. Pony's boner, Madison's naked dancing in gym locker room, videos from the internet, Kyle the blonde captain of the swim team and even his Dad flashed as he sought the goal of painful pleasuring occurred.

"Hey folks are gone this weekend, Wanna come over?" Pony asked as he was dressing.

"All the guys?" Madison asked.

"Naw..can't do that. But ..... you can, if you're not doing anything" Pony tried to sound casual.

Somehow Troy knew what the weekend would be, what it would offer and what might happen. He suspected about himself as well as Pony.

"You and Pony alone?" His Dad asked.

"Why not have him come here? You boys can use the pool and whatever. I'll stay in my room so you have the place to yourself"

"He has to stay at the house, his parents want him to since they'll be gone.

Troy left the car agreeing to his Dad's instructions about alcohol, pot and whatever other things they had planned.

"Thanks Dad it'll just be pizza, tv and stuff" Troy's gut was already nervous.

Pony contributed more as he was totally naked when Troy entered.

"We are free" he announced.

There was no talk about it. We drank Tequila and danced naked. Pony had already closed the blinds and retrieved the bottle. Troy stripped off his shirt first, drank and soon discarded pants shoes, socks and underwear too.

They watched porn on the large screen, letting their boy dicks respond and their hands play.

More Tequila and the darkened room invited more porn videos and Troy suddenly felt the wet lips.

"Shit man" He said but Pony didn't stop and Troy didn't stop him.

He lay back and let his body be be touched, his nipples pinched, his balls cupped and then the finger entered him as the lips slip their tightened grip up and down.

The orgasm made Troy shake and he lay there exhausted, his brain dizzy. Opening his eyes Troy watched Pony licking the last fluid from his penis.

"I've been wanting to do that" Pony smiled and licked his lips. "Your turn" his hand held up his erection for Troy to see.

But Troy had dashed to the bathroom with a alcohol stimulated need to vomit.

"Shit man you ok?" Pony stood at the door.

Troy just nodded waiting for his stomach to calm down.

"I didn't think a blowjob would do that" Pony laughed.

Troy stood and wiped his mouth.

"You want to go home?" Pony asked this time in a quiet voce.

"Hell no, just need to drink less" Troy said "where's the mouthwash"

They lay on the couch, their legs intertwined, arms stretched and fingers finding places to please each other.

Late night talk shows ended and Pony clicked on his laptop. Sights of more porn appeared, this time threeways, guys on guys, bondage and shots of boys like them showing off their erections.

Troy began to move and soon was licking Pony's cock. He had never done this before. He had felt the sensations or course and seen videos even before that night. He hoped he had learned how to do what Pony seemed to know.

And Pony guided him until Troy was swallowing the sperm of his first gay lover.

"I hoped we'd do this tonight" Pony said

Troy didn't' know what to say but he heard himself confess "me too".

They lay in the bed their naked bodies now familiar with each other, their young years allowing for mutual erections that rubbed together as they lay on each other.

"You ever been fucked or fuck?" It was Troy who asked.

Pony responded "yea, once"


"Mad" Pony said.

"Shit man, that huge cock?"


Madison was sleeping when he answered Pony's call. "Now? I don't know. He's there too?"

Troy and Pony were nearly asleep their hands and arms on each other when the sounds woke them. The back door left unlocked, Madison arrived, stripping as he entered the bedroom.

"OK who's first?"

Troy wouldn't call that night another sleepover. It was more of a wakeup that changed the rest of his young years, in fact his life.

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