The Lieutenant and the Lifeguard

By Homer's Odyssey

Published on Jan 5, 2005



Hey Dudes, This is a new field for me so bear with me a bit. The kicker in this story is for you to tell me who you think wrote it, the Lieutenant or the Lifeguard! If you make a guess and E-Mail me I will be sure to answer you as soon as I can with the right answer.

The story is true but names and places have been changed to protect the guilty. The story is written about unprotected explicit gay male sex and of course in this day and age it is always necessary to use safe sex and have a condom and be ready and safe. If it is illegal for you to read about MXM sex where you are then buzz off and come back when it is legal for you to read this kind of story.

If you think you know who wrote the story, the lieutenant or the Lifeguard, just send me an E-Mail and I will answer if you are right or wrong. My E-Mail address is (Homer's Odyssey) . Sorry no prizes except a good jerk off story. I don't have the tech knowledge to send pictures or other good stuff so just straight E-Mail is best for me. I don't open attachments or do dangerous things like that.

This story is not copy righted, who in hell would want to copy right this, so go ahead and plagiarize if you want. So, just sit back, unzip and enjoy! That is what it is all about isn't it?

Lieutenant Andrew McLean had just flown back from Kuwait and was ordered to report to the Base as an instructor in desert warfare. He had checked out his fire engine red corvette from the local town vehicle storage company and found his uniforms and gear in the Base storage warehouse.

When he had stripped from his cammies and changed into his pressed green uniform with his two rows of ribbons, he drove to the Base Headquarters where he checked in with the Base Adjutants Office.

The Lieutenant was a hunk. Just under 6 foot with brown hair and green eyes he had a toned body that weighed just over 170 pounds. His face and hands had the desert tan of the middle east. The Corporal who checked him in at the Base Adjutant's office looked him over and thought how much he would have liked to roll with the Lieutenant in the sack! Those deep green eyes and that great looking package really turned the Corporal on!

"I will check you in" the Corporal said, "and then you can see the Base Adjutant, Major Holtze. He likes to talk to all of the new officers. I can check you in to the BOQ, and show you to where your new outfit is". (BOQ, Dudes, is the Bachelors Officers Quarters. Usually it is just a long building with a row of rooms and Baths along each side of a corridor down the middle of the building. Most times it is a two story building.)

After Lieutenant McLean had checked in with Major Holtz and given the Corporal a quick squeeze on his shoulder and a quick pat on his ass, he got back into his corvette and drove to the BOQ. He was pleasantly surprised to find a large swimming pool on one side of the BOQ, and even more surprised to find that his room on the first floor had sliding glass doors that looked out onto the pool. Lieutenant McLean had been on his college swim team and whenever he could he did laps and practice swimming strokes. His style was very good and he was able to tone his bod to near perfection when he got into his swimming routine.

For the next few days Lieutenant McLean set up a training schedule for a morning swim of about an hour and then came back to the "Q" pool for a leisurely set of laps in the evening. (Q is short for BOQ, Dudes!)

It wasn't until almost the end of the first week back that Lieutenant McLean really noticed that the Lifeguard in the evenings was the same one every evening. In his faded red swimming trunks and with his straw blond hair he was gorgeous! He was about 5 feet 10 and looked to weigh about 150 pounds. Lieutenant McLean started saying Hello and Hi when he saw the hot looking lifeguard. Then a week after he had first used the pool in the evenings he introduced himself and found that the Lifeguard was named Bill Jason and that he was a Hospital Corpsman Second Class and that he worked at the Base Dispensary. Corpsman Bill had also been to Iraq and he and Lieutenant McLean shared their experiences in their after swim conversations.

Corpsman Bill Jason had spent eleven months in Iraq near Baghdad with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Unit and was used to being with Marines. In the field he was usually assigned to a Marine Battalion Aid Station and did all sorts of preliminary first aid and triage stuff for the Battalion Medical Officers. Since returning to the States he had been assigned at the Base Dispensary where he usually checked the sick, lame and lazy Marines before they saw a Doctor. It was not a particularly demanding job and about half of the Marines he saw were just trying to get out of work details of some sort.

Corpsman Jason had signed up to do lifeguard duty at the Officers swimming pool at the BOQ and received a small salary which helped with liberty expenses and kept him busy in the evenings. His lifeguard shift was from 6 PM to 10 PM Monday through Friday each week. The pool was his responsibility and since he had the last shift of the day he was in charge of cleanup. His shift came after that of a Marine who was on duty from 2 PM until 6 PM.

Hospital Corpsman Jason had worked on his Water Safety and Lifeguard certificates when he was going to Corpsman school and had re- certified when he had returned from Iraq.

The Lifeguard duties were not too difficult and Jason could usually do the cleanup in a quarter to a half an hour. Military dependants, wives and kids, were not allowed to swim after 6 PM and usually the pool was nearly empty after 6PM! From 9 to 10 there was rarely any one in or around the pool at all. Lieutenant McLean did some laps at about 9 PM and then showered and went back to the Q, where he would stroke himself until he came in long blasts of cum. Then he would slip off to sleep thinking of hot lifeguards with big cocks.

Sometimes the Lieutenant would be in the shower naked when Hospital Corpsman Jason would be scrubbing out the Men's dressing room. The Hospital Corpsman could not keep his eyes off of Lieutenant McLean when this happened.

It got to where Jason would wait for McLean to get in the shower before he began cleaning the men's dressing room every night. He would take side glances at McLean's package as he mopped closer and closer to the shower area. McLean was not unaware of what was going on and tried to give a little show when he thought that Jason was looking. He would turn to show his back and perfectly rounded buttocks to Jason. Then he would turn and give a couple of strokes to his soft cock before he would turn again and bend over, exposing the crack of his ass and his ass hole. That usually ended the show for the night.

Jason would always need a while to come down from his arousal and be able to continue his clean up of the men's dressing room. Sometimes he would get so hot and horney that he would wait until he heard the pool fence gate squeak closed and then drop the faded red life guard shorts, lay back on a changing bench and stroke his 6 1/2 inch hard cock until he came in short passionate spurts of hot cum!

One Friday night, as he finished his shower, Lieutenant McLean asked Hospital Corpsman Jason if he had any plans for the rest of the night. Jason felt his body tense and his mind tried to grasp the feeling of sexual arousal, before he answered. "I'm not doing anything special" he said. "Well",the Lieutenant continued "I thought I might take a drive into town and pop a couple of beer caps. Would you like to come along?" Jason realized that this was a big jump in their relationship and a dangerous one at that. He was more than aware of the "Don't ask, and Don't tell" policy of the current Military. He definitely had the hots for Lieutenant McLean, but to go on liberty with the Lieutenant was risky and dangerous if they were caught. It was called fraternization and was a Courts Martial offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. It was mostly overlooked when an Officer spent time with an enlisted man while they were on liberty; but it could lead to an investigation of both parties if the Naval Investigative Service wanted to make any kind of a big deal out of it. Jason figured that the Lieutenant knew all about those things, and if he wanted to overlook them; what the hell. So he said "Sure, that would be cool. Just give me a few minutes to change and turn off the pool lights. Then I'll be ready to go with you and hoist a few beers!"

McLean led the way to his corvette and they got in to it. Bill Jason looked the convertible over and said "What a great set of wheels. This car should be a great pussy catcher! Although the pussy around here is pretty scarce." "Yeah, I know what you mean." McLean said. "I get so horney sometimes, that I could pound sand with my hard on!"

They drove in silence through town and into the countryside where McLean continued down a lane and finally parked next to a big barn like building. He turned to Jason and said "This place is pretty well out of the way and the Shore Patrol don't make it here at all. We can drink up and not be interrupted. By the way, do you have to be back on base any time soon?" Jason shook his head and said "No, I'm off duty until Monday morning. I'm ready for whatever happens until then. I have to warn you that I get a little friendly when I have had too much to drink. I'm a happy drunk, but I can usually walk and talk until I find a bed to pass out on"

They entered the building and it took a few minutes to get their eyes adjusted to the dark. There were a couple of guys close touch dancing in a room next to the bar and that was it. The dancing couples had crew cuts and were obviously military. There was a bartender at the long bar and McLean led them to the bar, where the young stud bartender was standing. McLean said "It's a quiet night and how are you doing , Jake?"

"Oh my God!" Jason thought. "He has been here before, and knows the people! It is definitely a gay bar of sorts so the Lieutenant is no virgin to gay scenes! Is this night going where I think it is?" Bill Jason was aware that he was in a gay bar with a probably gay Lieutenant and he was excited and horney enough to want to continue with the Lieutenant to where ever it led.

They took their beers from Jake and found a semi booth where they could watch the action. Lieutenant McLean looked at Jason and said "I have been here before and it is always quiet and there are no hassles. Jake has a room in the back of the building, but I've never seen it. Most of the gay dudes make out in a car outside and there is just dancing and drinking in here. Sometimes I get propositioned but for the most part it is just a friendly way for the dudes to get acquainted and to let you know that they are available!" Almost on cue, two young good looking dudes came over to the booth and asked McLean and Jason if they wanted to dance.

McLean looked at Jason for acceptance and then nodded to one of the dudes. They got up and walked into the dark part of the room, where they pressed close and began touch dancing. Jason and the other dude made small talk while they watched the Lieutenant and his dance partner rub their bods together. Their dancing was slow and sensuous, almost as if they were making love on the dance floor.

Jason felt his cock get hard and he was not surprised when the other dude asked him if he wanted to go out to his car. Jason wasn't going to spoil the evening with McLean by having casual sex with this dude. A romp in the back seat of a car wasn't what he was after. He wasn't sure, but he thought that McLean and he could do a lot better if it worked out. Forgetting his hard on he asked the dude if he wanted to dance; and they walked to the dance area where he pressed his whole bod against the dude. He adjusted his package and they both gave in to the music and the feeling of their bods rubbing together.

Jason realized that if he didn't stop rubbing cocks with this dude soon he was about to come. He already had a small spot of pre-cum on the fly of his shorts. When they got back to the table, McLean and his dance partner were started on a couple of new beers and looked as if they had their hands on each other's cock. Jason felt a pang of jealousy as Jake brought another couple of beers for Jason and his dance partner.

After three rounds of beer Jason felt the need to empty his bladder and asked Jake where the head was. (Head, dudes is the bathroom or place where you piss when you're in need of bladder release. If you are in the right kind of Head you can sometimes get the blow job of your life as a bonus! (Get it? Bonus-boner!) Hot damn!)

McLean said "it's O.K., I know where it is. just follow me." He led the way through the bar room and added "It's just here in the hallway before you get to Jake's room." "how the hell did he know where Jake's room was?" Jason thought!

When Jason was standing at the only urinal in the small head he heard McLean say from behind him, when I'm finished pissing, let's shake this place and go back to my room where we can drink the hard stuff and not worry about my getting too drunk to drive." Jason felt a hand on the cheek of his ass and it almost stopped him from being able to piss. "That is one great ass!" he heard McLean say, I'd sure like to feel it naked! What do you think!" Jason heard himself say "I think we should go and find out what kind of sin we can get into together in your room!"

In the corvette Lieutenant McLean put his right hand on Jason's thigh and squeezed it a little. "This is going to be one hot night, my Corpsman friend and we will work on all those naughty feelings for the rest of the night too!"

When they drove through the main gate to the Base, Lieutenant McLean showed his I.D. to the sentry and Jason showed his liberty pass. The sentry saluted and grinned as he said "Have a good one, Sir!"

McLean put his hand back on Jason's thigh and then moved it up to where he cupped Jason's now raging very hard cock. Jason said "We better get to somewhere quick or I am going to come in my shorts! McLean laughed and said give me a squeeze and then we will get to my room in a hurry!"

McLean parked the corvette near one end of the Q and led the way to a door that entered the corridor leading down the center of the building. He continued until he reached his room and unlocked and opened the door. When they were both inside he shut and locked the door. He closed the window blinds and then drew the drapes so there was no light showing from the room. He also locked the shared bathroom door to the next room. "There is no one in the next room, but there is no sense taking any chances! Now, what do you want to drink? I have bourbon, scotch, vodka and gin. I could mix an orange blossom. That's orange juice and vodka and is my favorite for getting soused. It doesn't mess me up the day after and no one knows that I have been drinking!" Bill looked at him and said "That's good for me too! I don't want to get too drunk! it takes the edge off of things, if you know what I mean!" Andrew nodded and said "Yeah, we don't want to get too drunk so that we don't get to enjoy this night to the fullest!"

Andrew McLean prepared the drinks and said "Let's get comfortable and I have some porn that I can show on the VCR while we talk. The television was set up to be seen from the bed and as Andrew turned on the VCR he said to Bill Jason "Why don't you stretch out on the bed and we can watch this together from there! We can both watch this from the bed, it's wide enough for both of us to lie on it at the same time."

Andrew started a short VCR recording of two guys giving each other head and then one of the actors got on all fours while his companion slipped his big cock into his ass. "Wow" Bill said, "Look at that cock! It's tremendous! I can do pretty well but that guy must be packing an 8 to 9 incher!" Andrew was taking off his soccer shirt and he said "This is a good one but I have some other shows that are just as good!" He had already taken off his shoes and socks so when he dropped his trousers, he was standing with just his briefs and a stiff rod pushing them out. He turned off the lights in the room and the only illumination in the room came from the picture on the television screen.

Bill had taken off his shoes before he lay down and as he watched the two guys on the screen fuck each other he started unbuttoning his own shirt, pulling it off and working on the zipper of his trousers. "Should I go all the way?" he asked. Andrew rolled on to the bed and started helping Bill get out of his trousers and pulling off his shorts. Bill's 6 1/2 inch cock stood straight out from his bod and Andrew took it in his hand and gave it a stroke. At the same time he and Bill pulled his own briefs down over his thick 7 inch cock and they clasped each other pressing their cocks together! "Oh my God"Bill whispered. "I've been wanting to do this ever since I first saw you! I just want to touch and feel you close to me!" Andrew rolled half onto him and they pressed their bods against each other and Andrew leaned into bill's face and put his lips against Bill's mouth. He licked Bill's lips and pressed his tongue into Bill's mouth.

Their kiss was long and passionate and when they broke it off, Andrew asked "What do you like to do? I want you in every way, but I want you to have pleasure too! Do you want me to suck you? Do you want to fuck me? Just tell me and I will do it!" This is going to be our honeymoon night and I want you to have everything that you ever wanted." He kissed Bill again and this time their lips found each other and it was heaven.

Bill said "I want to suck you while you suck me! But, I don't want to come for a long time and then we can put our cocks up each other's ass. First, though, let me play and caress your bod and then we can 69 until we are ready to fuck each other. Oh God, it's going to be a wonderful night with you in my arms and your cock in my bod!"

Andrew shifted around so that he could suck on Bill's nipples and then squeeze his ass cheeks and insert a finger into Bill's ass. Bill thrashed and moaned as Andrew licked his way down to his pubes. Andrew was laying with his mouth on Bill's throbbing cock when Bill took Andrew's cock into his mouth and started sucking it in and out. He would suck it down to the base and then pull up until he just had the cut head of Andrew's cock in his mouth. All the time, Andrew was finger fucking Bill's sweet ass. Bill was sucking Andrew's cock and at the same time he would play and squeeze Andrew's tight balls. Their bods were pressed together and finally Bill moaned "If we don't stop this right away, I am going to come! Jeez, I am so hot for you that I could do this forever, except that I want you to come inside me and I want to come inside you! Oh my God! This is so wonderful!"

Andrew pulled away first and turned his bod so they were looking into each others eyes and kissing again. Andrew opened his thighs and closed them on Bills cock. He pulled Bill into him and began to pump back and forth on Bill's cock. The dry fucking wasn't as exciting as giving and getting head, but it did keep the level of excitement up enough so that both of their cocks remained hard and sensitive.

Finally Bill said "I'm ready! I want you to fuck me now! I want to see your face when you do it so I'll lay on my back and put my legs on your shoulders!" "That's great, but first let me rim you to get you really ready!" Andrew said. Bill turned on his stomach and spread his legs. Andrew bent over Bill's ass crack and put his tongue around Bill's ass hole. He licked it and pressed his tongue into the pink hole. He had to hold Bill's thighs to keep him from thrashing and moving while Andrew rimmed his ass hole. When Andrew had thoroughly wet and tongued Bills ass he lifted Bill's legs onto his shoulders and pressed his hard 7 inch cock into Bill's pink hole!

Bill moaned when the cock invaded his bod, but it was obvious that he had been fucked before. When Andrew pushed into him Bill waited until Andrew was fully in and his balls were pressed against his ass cheeks; then Bill squeezed so that his ass muscles were tight on Andrew's cock as he pulled almost out. Then Bill relaxed his ass muscles as Andrew shoved his cock back in to the hilt. They were in a sensuous haze as Andrew push and pulled his cock in and out. Bill was moaning "Oh, do me! Do me deep! Oh, Marine, I want your cock in me for the rest of the night! Oh Baby, it feels so good! Just keep doing it to me! I want you so much!" Andrew was moaning and giving short cries as he kept his fucking going on and on. "Jeez", he moaned, "I love this and I love your bod being a part of mine! Oh, I am going to come! Going to come! Ah, shit I am coming! I'm coming!" Bill felt the hot cum flow into his ass and he couldn't help it but he came too! Andrew could hardly keep his cock in Bill's ass and Bill was shooting his own cum all over Andrews belly. Andrew leaned in and kissed Bill. He kept pumping and whispering "I love you! I love you!"

They lay a few minutes with Andrew's softening cock still in Bill's ass and Bill's cum on their bellies. Then Andrew pulled out and said "It is your turn now! I want to feel that wonderful cock in me!" Bill said "Hey Marine, I just came all over your belly and there isn't much I can do right now! Maybe later in the night or early next morning I can get it stiff again. Why don't we curl up and catch some ZZZs and see what happens later." Andrew said "Yeah, but I owe you, so when you are ready just come to your Marine, Baby!" He got up, went to the bathroom, and got a damp cloth to wipe the cum off of their bods. Then he got back in bed and curled into a spoon with Bill and was soon asleep. Bill felt Andrew's bod laying tight against his back, and he too drifted off to sleep.

Just before dawn Andrew woke to feel a hard cock pressed against the crack of his ass. As he moved around a little Bill whispered in his ear "Are you ready for me to put my cock in your ass!" "Oh yes" Andrew moaned ! I think I have been waiting all my life to feel your hard cock become a part of me! I have some lube in this drawer in the bedside table. Let me lube your cock a little and then I want it all the way up my ass. Oh, I've been waiting for this from the first time I saw you! I have been so afraid that you wouldn't want to do me! I want you so much! "

Andrew gently spread the lube onto Bill's cock and with his finger pushed some lube into his own ass hole. With that he rolled on to his side and Bill pressed his bod against Andrew's back! Bill gently pushed his hot throbbing cock into Andrew's ass hole. Gently, back and forth he pushed and at the same time he nibbled on the back of Andrew's neck. They were soon in a frenzy of fucking sex. Andrew was almost shouting and Bill was panting mad breathing in quick gulps! Andrew felt the full length of Bill's cock moving in and out of his ass! As Bill moved his pelvis back and forth he also took his left hand and played with Andrew's nipples. Bill would pull himself into a tight fit with Andrew's bod and hold on to Andrew with all of the strength he had! They continued this until Bill cried "Andrew, I'm coming! Oh Andrew I'm coming! it feels so good! I'm coming in your ass! Oh my God, it's coming out of your ass and it feels so good!" They lay with Bill's cock in Andrew's ass until they both dropped off to sleep and dreamed of fucking and being fucked.

Well, Dudes, you can take it from there! All I want to know from you is which one wrote the story! Was it Lieutenant Andrew McLean or Hospital Corpsman Second Class Bill Jason? Just write me a line at . I will be sure to answer you with who I am and who wrote the story! If you have any clues about who it is just add that too and I'll give you the fucking truth! Blind Homer!

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