The Life of Koru

By Doren Grey

Published on Nov 23, 2024


The Life of Koru, Chapter 58

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"Was there anything more loathsome than the worship of idols?" Chief Khalid wondered. Infidels always did that. They bowed low in front of stupid representations of a false deity, ignoring the fact that Allah was the One Almighty.

Chief Khalid was a devout follower of Islam. He wanted the quarry to be in conformity with Sharia law, and that meant no idols and no worship of idols were allowed. Periodically, his underlings stormed the jailhouse and confiscated all the idols they could find. The idol-worshippers were punished severely, their objects of worship smashed to pieces before their eyes. Chief Khalid believed that through such stringent measures, he was purging the camp of false beliefs and reinforcing the supremacy of Allah.

And so, one day, Mulo was caught with his little stone idol. He had tried to hide it well, tucking it away in a crevice of the cave, but the overseers have found it nevertheless.

"Who is responsible for this blasphemy?" Chief Khalid demanded, his voice echoing off the quarry walls.

Mulo felt a chill run down his spine. He knew the consequences of being caught with an idol.

"Me, suh!"

"Disgusting infidel!"

After being whipped, Mulo was tied to a wooden post, up in the sky, to suffer there like a dehydrated dog.

"It's all yer fault, boy!" Gryf said. "Ye knew ye would anger them Arab Lords!"

"Better to suffer for what I'se believe!" Mulo thought.

With a faith as strong as Mulo's, was his punishment too much to endure? Mulo didn't think so. It was just a test!

He hung there from the post, his body racked with pain, his arms tied above him, leaving his hairy armpits exposed, his legs forced into a cruel wrap around the post. The rough ropes bit into his flesh, every movement sending fresh waves of agony through his body. He was left there to roast like a piece of meat.

But he would not give in! Mulo knew how to harness the pain in order to replenish his love and devotion for the Black Lords. Mulo's mind transcended the physical torment, drawing strength from the depths of his soul and his unwavering loyalty. When he was taken down from the post, he was stronger and wiser.

"Ye are our true leader, Wild Pup! Ye showed us ye stand for the Black Empire!" some of his mates told him.

Gryf was angry because his hopes of re-becoming head of the pack proved futile.

"I'se like ye a lot, luver boy! Ye know how to luve!" Elastine told Peon as she wrapped her flexible legs around his waist.

Purring like a cat, she placed her pussy right on top of Peon's erect cock.

"Oh, Elastine, ye're so hottie!" Peon whispered in her ear, his voice husky with desire.

He stood there carrying her weight, his heart pounding in his chest, helping Elastine jump up and down his shaft, each movement sending a shiver of pleasure down his spine.

"Don't be shy, luver boy! Just feel!" she encouraged him, taking his hands and placing them on her large breasts.

The breasts were soft and easy to knead and massage, just like dough. They filled Peon's hands with their sweet tantalizing roundness, their warmth and weight easily measured by his palms. Peon really liked to feel some wumma breasts.

"Ye have magic'ry in those hands, boy!" Elastine said, her voice a mixture of pleasure and relief.

Suddenly, Peon felt a lot of cum surging in his cock:

"Milk coming in!" he announced.

"Milk and dough! They go so well together!" she said.

With an upward thrust, Peon started pumping hot cum inside Elastine's pussy. It jumped from his body like a geyser of love.

"AAAAH!" Elastine exclaimed in an ecstatic state.

The build-up! The culmination! The orgasm!

They collapsed in the hay of the stable, sharing hugs and kisses.

"Damn! That wuz a good fuck!" Peon said.

Soon after that, they washed their bodies in the courtyard, preparing themselves for the show. Peon and Elastine applied a perfume made from rare, exotic flowers, its fragrance enveloping them in an aura of mystique and allure.

Meanwhile, Dwarfissimo was bustling around the tent, dressed in his best costume, a striking ensemble adorned with glittering sequins and rich fabrics that accentuated his commanding presence.

But the most impressive of all was Master Eamon, who looked out of this world. His elaborate costume shimmered with an otherworldly glow, a cascade of silvery fabrics that seemed to capture and reflect the light in mesmerizing patterns. Miss Amara stood by her father's side like a magnificent shadow.

With a confident stride, Dwarfissimo stepped forward into the spotlight of the scene and shouted:

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to out brilliant circus! We have a lot of surprises for you tonight! Elephants, magicians, a silly clown and a do-it-all slave! Sit back, relax, and let the magic of the circus transport you to a world of wonder and delight! And now, without further ado, let the show begin!"

Peon was waiting his turn in the backstage, peeking now and then from behind the curtain like a curious pup. The crowd was larger than he had ever imagined, hundreds of faces of Black Lords glowing with anticipation under the big top's dazzling lights. And among them he saw Lil Massa and his friend, Sir Kenneth!

"Suh, Lil Massa is in the audience!" Peon told Master Eamon.

"Not surprising at all!" Master Eamon said. "Tonight, all places converge to one and we can be wherever we wanna be!"

"I'se don't understand, suh!"

"You don't need to! Just focus on what you have to do!"

"But, suh! Lil Massa knows we'se fugitives! He gonna recognize us!"

"He does have his eyes open, but can he really see?"

Peon didn't know what to say to that. He had to admit that he didn't understand anything from what Master Eamon told him. Was it just a coincidence that Lil Massa was there at the show or was it pure unadulterated magic'ry?

"I need you to welcome on the stage Slave Do-It-All!" Dwarfissimo shouted.

Peon made his entrance with a series of tumbling flips, which finished with a bow in front of the audience. During all this time, Peon was keeping large chunks of gold in his ass.

"Slave Do-It-All, I heard you are one of those rare varieties of koru that shit gold!" Dwarfissimo said in all seriousness.

"Damn yessuh I'se am, suh!" Peon said.

"Then do it, boy!"

Peon assumed the shitting position and started shitting gold.

The crowd erupted into laughter and cheers.

After that, Peon had to juggle some torches. Then he had to walk on his hands. Then he had to do a ropewalking representation. Then he had to walk on burning coals. Then he had to do a trapeze act with Elastine. Then he had to fuck Elastine. Then he had to suck his own cock.

By the end of it, Peon was dead tired.

It was at that point that Dwarfissimo decided to introduce a new act:

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to welcome our magician! Mister Fantastico!"

Master Eamon stepped on the stage, surrounded by an aura of mystery and a flamboyant cloak.

"For my next trick I will need a volunteer from the public!" he said.

"Me! Me!" Lil Massa shouted, waving his hand frantically.

Next: Chapter 59

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