The Life of the Nomad

By J Wolfstone

Published on Mar 1, 2012

The Life of the Nomad (a Story of the Spartans)

This book, "The life of the nomad," is the third using the same mythos originally created for the series "Spartan" and used later in "Sons of Sparta". In order to fully appreciate the details behind this story it would be advisable for readers to have some familiarity with both earlier works, which can be found in the gay/scifi section on Nifty. The mythos was originally created by the author CF.

Note that this story series is based in Western and Central Europe at around the time of the collapse of the Roman Empire and the start of what is colloquially known as the 'dark ages'. However I beg any experts out there not to point out my failings or deficiencies in my knowledge of the period - I am not a historian and make no claims whatsoever to authenticity.

Part 1

Character list (ages are as at the start of part 1):

1.Gaia - oldest in group, 94 summers old, surname Melonson

2.Elis Gaiason, 70 summers old, son of Gaia and a deceased human 3.Tito Teleklosson, partner of Elis, 62 summers 4.Marcus Elisson, 38 summers, son of Elis and Tito, brother to Clio 5.Clio Titoson, 34, son of Elis and Tito, brother to Marcus

6.Hyacinth Gaiason Elis's younger brother aged 62, son of Gaia and a deceased human 7.Alexander (HUMAN), Hyacinth's partner, 59 8.Jason Hyacinthson, son of Hyacinth and Alexander 30 9.Cleopas Hyacinthson son of Hyacinth and Alexander 23

10.Philip (HUMAN) partner of Marcus, 29 11.Socra Marcusson aged 5, son of Marcus and Philip 12.Unborn baby, 'Maia Marcusson', son of Marcus and Philip

13.Aeson Elpison, partner of Clio, aged 29 14.Demaratos Aesonson aged 7, son of Clio and Aeson 15.Konon Clioson aged 2, son of Clio and Aeson

16.Nabis Platoson, son of Plato Melonson (the deceased older brother of Gaia), father of Demeter and nephew of Gaia, aged 79 17.Jocasta Kirkeson, partner of Nabis, aged 81

18.Demeter Nabisson, 49, only surviving son of Nabis and Jocasta 19.Rhea Larisason, 52 partner of Demeter

20.Kalliope Demeterson, son of Demeter and Rhea, father of Ajax and Carme, aged 37 21.Leander Rheason, brother of Kalliope, aged 29, father of Evander 22.Acantha Demeterson brother of Leander, father of Xanthe aged 22 23.Lykurgos Rheason, brother of Acantha, aged 11 youngest son of Demeter and Rhea

24.Mark (HUMAN), partner of Kalliope, sire to and Ajax and Carme, aged 37 25.Ajax Kalliopeson aged 10 son of Kalliope and Mark and brother of Carme 26.Carme Kalliopeson, aged 14 son of Mark and Kalliope, brother of Ajax

27.Joseph (HUMAN) partner of Leander, aged 28, father of Evander 28.Evander Leanderson aged 3 son of Leander and Joseph

29.Charon Pallasson partner of Acantha, sire of Xanthe aged 23 30.Xanthe Acanthason aged 8 months son of Acantha and Charon

The family moved cautiously along the winding caravan path that they'd been following steadily northwards for the past month. Perhaps family was the wrong term but then using the word tribe would be equally incorrect, they were a group of individuals around thirty-strong whose ages ranged from a babe of eight months old to a man of ninety-four summers.

In common usage they spoke a polyglot language comprising both the Greek from their homeland and words and phrases acquired from the various Germanic and Latin dialects spoken by the peoples among whom they travelled, traded and occasionally lived beside, however they were able to converse solely in Greek, in Germanic, in Latin or various other tongues as necessary. In appearance they were olive skinned and dark haired for the most part, though two of the adults and two boys had somewhat paler hair and skin than their companions.

Their clothing comprised well-tanned animal hides, most still with hair attached but some smoothed off, stitched with thongs into rough tunics, cloaks and leggings. In contrast to their rather barbaric clothing, their shoes were all custom-made of the finest leather, laced and coming up the calf to just below the knee and their saddles were also each custom-made and fitted both to the horse and the rider with precision accuracy. Each person had a fitted pair of boots, even the children, and they all wore a variety of other leather items visible over the skins which sheltered them from the harshness of the weather on the endless journey on which they trekked, some a hardened breastplate or arm sheaths, others a leather skirt or kirtle in the Roman fashion. All had a smart, ornamented, wide swordbelt and matching scabbard, even the children whose swords were little more than long daggers.

They herded no animals and kept no permanent home but made their money through a variety of means. Sometimes they travelled with rich merchants in order to defend their caravans of goods from bandits. Other times they would take a commission from a lord or landowner to capture or kill a bandit or robber troop operating in the area. When in peaceful lands, with robbers, bandits and nervous merchants in short supply, they would trade some of their beautiful leatherwork for food or metals or tanned skins to work into the leather ornamentation which was the mainstay of their regular income. When even this income was in short supply the family hunted game and foraged for wild foods, indeed, game meat was the mainstay of their diet.

Their main skill set, as has been mentioned, was leatherwork but some of the group were passable smiths and they forged all their own weapons, buckles for belts, clasps for bags, pots and pot hooks for cooking and other such tools as were necessary. They were also proficient at tanning the hides of the deer and other game they hunted. However none knew how to weave or work with wool, and farming and animal husbandry were quite alien to them. They had good herb lore and knew a surprising amount about anatomy. Most also knew how to read and write and use numbers and they carried with them written records of their histories. They loved to tell stories but as there wasn't a passable musician between them, songs and dancing were never part of their relaxation time. They could work wood into practical objects such as carts or sleds for carrying goods, or boxes for keeping items dry, but using the same wood to build a house or a structure any more solid than a temporary lean-to for keeping the weather off for a night was beyond them.

They attracted quiet, cautious attention from the people they passed as they travelled, though no one dared be disrespectful as every member of the group was armed, the only exceptions being the small baby, who was carried in a papoose type garment on one of the men's backs and the two year old who, though unarmed, wore the smart leather boots as his kin did and rode his own pony close beside his father's mount. Even the children seemed to be proficient with the swords they each wore and carried them with confidence. But they still attracted attention because of their physical prowess and handsome appearance and because, unless they were hiding in one of the two covered wagons, there were no women in the group at all.

And the reason for the group's many peculiarities? Apart from a small number of human men who were mates to the others, the rest of the group were descendents of the ancient and proud city of Sparta.

"Grandfather Gaia, why do they stare so?" a small boy asked. They'd just ridden through a village and had received a bushel of curious stares from the residents.

"Because they are curious, Socra" the oldest man in the group, Gaia, answered his five year old great-grandson, whose name, Socra, was an abbreviation of the longer name, Socrates. He pulled his taller, sturdier mount in beside the young boy's pony. "And also because we are very wealthy compared to them, we all have mounts and have wagons and pack animals too. And, don't forget, they'll be wary because we are all armed and they'll all be hoping that we don't choose their village to stop in."

"That's silly, we don't stop in roadside villages except to trade" Socra said.

"Yes, but they don't know that" Gaia replied. Gaia was the oldest man in the group, ninety four summers, but apart from weather-beaten skin that looked and felt like worn leather he didn't appear or act his age. He still rode confidently, straight backed, and still wielded his sword with pinpoint accuracy. The boy, Socra, was his grandson's son and since his father, Marcus, was gestating, care of the five year old had been willingly taken on by Gaia. Marcus was laying out in one of their two covered wagons with his human partner, Philip, in attendance. Marcus' birth father, Elis, was outrider for the day along with his lover, Tito. So the family heritage ran thus: Gaia Melonson, Elis Gaiason, Marcus Elisson, Socra Marcusson. Elis had a younger brother, Hyacinth Gaiason, who had been blessed with two sons, Jason Hyacinthson and Cleopas Hyacinthson, both of whom were still single. Hyacinth's partner was a human named Alexander.

The remaining members of the group included Clio Titoson, Marcus' brother, Aeson Elpison, his partner, and others who were descendents of Gaia's older and now deceased brother, Plato Melonson. It was one of his descendents, Gaia's grand nephew, who had the eight-month old boy in the sling on his back. In total there were seven junior members of the family, Socra, aged five, the baby, Xanthe Acanthason, aged eight months and five others: Konon Clioson aged two, who was the son of Clio and Aeson, Evander Leanderson aged three who was the son of Leander and Joseph, Demaratos Aesonson aged seven and Konon's older brother, Ajax Kalliopeson aged ten was the son of Kalliope and Mark, and Lykurgos Rheason was eleven and was the youngest of the four sons of Demeter and Rhea. The adults ranged from fourteen year old Carme, Ajax's older brother, up to Gaia, the oldest member of the extended family.

They'd been riding uphill through thick trees for most of the morning and as noon approached they crested a ridge and saw below them Elis and Tito, waiting beside a pool of clear water that was fed by a spring flowing from the ridgeline. The trees were thinner so though it was clear they were still in the forest it was lit with dappled sunshine and pleasant to ride in.

"Hail! I thought this would be a good spot to take lunch" Elis beckoned his extended family as they rode up.

"Did you see any robbers, grandfather Elis?" Socra asked with the breathless enthusiasm of the young as he met the man of nearly seventy summers who was Gaia's own son.

"There's no robbers around here Socra" he chided the boy, "we're in safe territory for the moment."

The wagons trundled down the hill, being steered carefully by Leander and Nabis who had taken the job that the morning, their mounts on lead ropes tied to the wagon frame. They were large, sturdy vehicles, each pulled by two horses, they had four wheels and space inside for three men, or more children, to lie and sleep comfortably. Each was covered by a patchwork of deerskin, laced together with leather thongs and draped over a wood and metal framework that gave sufficient headspace for a man to sit up or kneel inside. One had a variety of soft goods, spare hides, sacks of leather scraps that could be used as thongs and ties, and also various grains and other foodstuffs that they didn't want to get damp. It was in this wagon that the smaller children were tucked to sleep their nights away. The other was normally used as a suite when one of their number was gestating as well as the store for their written records, money and valuables, and currently Marcus was in residence in the second vehicle.

Shortly after the wagons arrived and everyone else rode up and began to dismount, they were joined by the back riders, Carme and Cleopas.

"Brothers" Carme addressed the group, "we are being followed by a small group of brown-robed men, I think men of Rome" he passed on the message, "and by my reckoning they should be with us within the hour. Do we make lunch here or should we move so as not to be seen?"

"We are doing no harm and these men of Rome will all have taken a vow of non violence" Gaia said. "I recall brothers of the Way from my youth in Cyprus, they will not cause us any difficulty."

"Grandfather" Cleopas nodded, "I haven't heard of this Way you speak of. What is it?"

"It comprises belief in the god of the Israelites, the Jews from south of our homeland and in a human man they claim was his true begotten son, a man named Yeshua in his original dialect or Jesus in Greek. You'll find they mention Jesus more openly and sometimes refer to him as the Christ which means anointed. They believe that even though he was human he was divine also."

"That's silly," Socra laughed.

"Socra! Be respectful of the gods!" his human father, Philip, reminded the small boy. "They may not be your gods but you cannot risk their wrath even so!" he said and a touch of fear could be detected in his voice.

"Sorry, father Philip" Socra said contritely.

"How is my brother?" Clio asked. Philip turned. "Marcus is hungry and in pain and frustrated" he grinned, "plus he needs a bowel movement so I need to get a sheet of bark and get some volunteers to lift him."

Socra screwed his face up. "Can't father Marcus just go make a latrine like the rest of us?" he asked, nodding towards Lykurgos who had a shovel in his hands and was helping the little ones, Konon and Evander, as well as Evander's human father, Joseph, to dig a latrine ditch just outside of the campsite.

"You know he can't" Aeson said, "and when you have sons you'll be just as helpless." He turned to Philip who was busy at the side of the clearing cutting a square of bark free from a nearby tree. "I'll help" he offered.

"And I, he is my son after all" Tito smiled.

Philip took the bark and entered the wagon followed by Tito and Aeson. The two cradled Marcus' hips and lifted the naked man carefully as Philip slid the bark underneath. "Go on, lover" he said softly.

"This is torture" Marcus growled. He was eight months gestant and as such was unable to do anything for himself. He lay in the spacious wagon on a thick layer of skins, and was carefully covered as much as possible in order to keep warm but avoid anything at all touching the grey-white, painful, ugly looking womb which he bore.

"You think it's torture, try it from this end, your bowel movements stink" Philip said with a gentle chuckle as Marcus voided himself. He turned to the wagon opening. "Demaratos" he shouted to the seven year old who lurked nearby, "bring me a rag and water, quickly" he asked.

Demaratos did as asked and as he reached the opening of the wagon where Philip stood, having just put the now-filled bark plate onto the ground. "That's gross" he said.

Philip clipped his ear. "It's necessary" he said shortly before going to wipe his lover clean and move the lower animal skin that had been dripped on so that Aeson and Tito could finally lower their gestant relative back to the floor.

"You putting on weight?" Aeson growled cheerfully as he rubbed his biceps once Marcus was safely laid down. "Man, you're getting heavy."

"Just a bit, there's this growth on my front for some reason" Marcus laughed equally cheerfully. "We having lunch here?"

Tito nodded. "There's a spring and clean water for the horses and rocks to build a firepit" he said, "but we'll have some company soon, there's some followers of the Way who are coming down the road behind us so we'll have to cover the wagon and hide you whilst they are here" he said.

Marcus sighed. "Why can't we be open about what we are?" he said, mostly in jest as he knew the reason.

"You are much too vulnerable to reveal yourself" Elis said from the opening of the wagon, where he'd walked over to join in the conversation. "All it'd take is one misplaced hand and you'll lose the baby."

"I know father" Marcus sighed. "Just bring me some food quickly before they come so I can eat" he pleaded. Socra heard his birth father's request and climbed into the wagon carrying a chunk of hard trail bread, some smoked, dried deer meat and a handful of fresh blackberries that he'd just picked from the bramble and had been planning to eat himself.

"Blackberries from near the stream" he reported, "and some meat and bread for you, father" he smiled, putting the small leather sack that had contained the foodstuffs on the floor in easy reach, "and a flask of water" he finished, taking the sling-shaped flask from over his shoulder. "You'll be okay?" he asked.

"As long as they don't stay nearby for too long" Marcus replied.

"You want me to stay with you?" he queried. Marcus shook his head. "You have too much energy, son, to hide silently in the wagon. You go play, just roll the skin up under my head a little tighter so I can rise up a little and not choke when I drink."

Socra took care of his father Marcus as requested and leaned down to give him a kiss before climbing back out of the wagon. Philip was there and looked at Marcus. "In or out?" he asked.

"I need someone with me" Marcus replied, "but you've been in here all day."

Hyacinth came over. "I'll stay with you" he offered. "Thank you, uncle" Marcus said to his father's brother. Philip nodded and as Hyacinth climbed in to sit beside the gestating man he took the deerskins that made up the back cover and tied them tightly over the opening to obscure the people inside.

"Ready for company?" Gaia asked the group.

"As we'll ever be, uncle" Acantha answered his great-uncle as he lifted the baby sling from his back and helped Xanthe out. "Thank goodness this little one only takes milk at night now" he smiled as he kissed his boy. The baby, now almost a toddler, giggled and wriggled from his father's arms to totter around the group, landing on his bottom and spending more time sat down than standing.

"He needs a change, it isn't good for him to sit in soiled and wet clothing for too long" Gaia reminded his nephew. Acantha grabbed hold of the giggling child and stripped the soft rabbit-skin leggings from his bottom half, untied the diaper and took the wet, soiled moss out, dumping it in the latrine pit. He carried the soft leather diaper downstream so he could rinse it in the running water and then tied it to the outside of one of the pack saddles to dry before rooting in the same pack to find a fresh diaper cover. The baby, who was now free of his clothing and unencumbered, was watched by his other father and various relatives as he happily ran and scampered around the clearing. It was his siring father, Charon, who was on hand to grab Xanthe as he made a lunge for the pool of water. "Not so fast little one" he chuckled, "you need to learn to swim first!"

Acantha came back and hugged his son and partner. "That was close" he said, having seen at a distance Xanthe's bid for water. Charon nodded. "But not that close, I was on hand, I would never leave him unattended, he's too small and too precious" he replied.

Carme was still mounted and waiting with a good view of the road so as to get first glimpse of the brown-robed men who walked behind them. He was fourteen summers old, fully grown and by anyone's standards a man. His ten year old brother, Ajax, was also mounted on a slightly smaller but equally worthy animal, as was suitable for his youthful frame. "Do you think they will cause problems, brother?" he asked Carme.

"It always pays to be vigilant" Carme replied softly, his eyes never leaving the top of the path where the men would first come into sight. "You never know what you might encounter."

One of their grandfathers, Rhea, came over on foot. "You boys eating?" he asked.

"As soon as we're either relieved of guard or the brown robes are proved friendly, grandfather Rhea" Ajax replied.

Clio and his seven year old son, Demaratos, came to the edge of the path, both on horseback but with provisions in one hand as they held reins in the other. "We can eat and watch, you two get some food" Clio instructed. Acquiescing to their elder the young man and his youthful brother went to the open wagon to collect some food as boy and father took over watching the path.

Gaia and Alexander, Hyacinth's human partner, had quickly built a fire and had hot water ready for drinking and cleaning, and a good hearth for frying meat was also constructed. "This is a pleasant place, father Gaia" Elis observed as the old man worked. "More than suitable for a sojourn of a day or two at least."

"That depends on whether these brown robes are going to hang around, though, surely?" Ajax said, "after all, uncle Marcus cannot stay unhelped and unheeded for too long."

"You're correct, Ajax, we will stay to eat but hold making a decision until we know the minds of the men following us" Elis replied.

"I wouldn't mind stopping for a while, these old bones can't take being in the saddle all day" Alexander said gruffly as he smiled a brief grin at Gaia, his lover's father.

"You're not old, you've not even reached three-score summers yet" Ajax scoffed from nearby. Gaia turned to him. "Ajax, son, that is very old for a human, we are longer lived than they" he said softly, not wanting to offend his younger son's lover but knowing that it needed to be said. Ajax blushed and bowed his head. "I'm sorry, I didn't know" he mumbled before heading to a pack horse to find some bread and cheese.

It didn't take long for voices to be heard, echoing. "What are they doing?" Demaratos asked his father. Clio cocked his head and listened. "Singing, I believe" he replied with a faint smile. They crested the ridge, a group of eleven brown-robed men who were walking and three mounted guards watching out for their safety. They had a wagon which they led by halter rope and on which was loaded provisions, some spare clothing and a large wooden crucifix.

"Father! They appear to be planning a crucifixion!" Demaratos said urgently, his small hand going to his sword hilt instinctively. The old Roman-style punishment had followed the legions through Europe and had remained enshrined in local folk law and imaginations for many decades after it had been outlawed, surviving even after the legions had withdrawn back to Rome. The family had more than once seen such crosses outside the forts of petty thieves and land-grabbing tyrants, who tried to use such punishment to impose their own rule, and own tax demands, on swathes of countryside whose residents would have preferred to remain ungoverned.

Clio's hand went to his own sword as he watched the party through narrowed eyes. "I'm not sure, son, that cross doesn't seem large enough to take the weight of a man. Go get Gaia, but caution him to come armed" he replied to the seven year old, who turned his horse and cantered down to where the family were camped.

"Gaia, come, armed if you will, there might be a problem" he gasped and Gaia mounted his horse, which was only a few paces away, and rode back the two hundred yards to the path edge to join Clio. He was followed by Jocasta and Kalliope, both of whom were also armed and mounted.

"Problem, Gaia, Clio?" Jocasta asked. Clio shrugged. "They appear to be planning a crucifixion but the cross they carry seems at this distance to be too lightweight to support a grown man" he replied. "And apart from their caravan guards they aren't armed and by my reckoning they have no prisoners."

Gaia looked at the group. "Clio, if my memory serves me correctly I seem to recall some old stories about the god of the men of the Way being crucified. If that is the case then the cross they carry might be in remembrance of that sorry event rather than for a victim" he suggested.

"I'm not going to relax my guard until we're sure they are of peaceful intent" Clio replied.

"I'll brief the others to be cautious" Kalliope suggested, turning his horse.

"Nothing too noticeable" Gaia suggested, "we don't want to appear too warlike if they do have only peaceful intent, after all" he replied. Nodding his acquiescence, Kalliope rode back to the camp as the three men and one boy, Clio, Demaratos, Gaia and Jocasta, waited for their visitors to approach.

"Hail the road!" Gaia shouted as the brown-robed troop of men came close enough for words.

"Hail" the man at the front replied. "We are brothers in Christ making a pilgrimage to build a new church" he said, speaking a Germanic dialect that was familiar to the Spartans and although it wasn't their mother tongue they could both understand it and make themselves understood. "May I enquire as to your journey?" the spokesperson continued.

"Nomadic travellers, we work leather and offer our skills as craftsmen and as guards for merchants more wealthy than ourselves" Gaia replied in a measured voice. "May I ask you brothers in Christ the reason for the crucifix you carry?" His hand sat on his sword hilt as he spoke.

"A cross in remembrance of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, blessed by the Pontiff in Rome and carried with the intention of setting it in our new church" the lead brother and spokesperson replied.

"You have no intent to use it for its suggested purpose?" Jocasta asked.

"No!" the brother cried, horrified at the suggestion. He seemed to suddenly notice that the men he addressed were heavily armed and on edge. "The cross is a symbol of our faith and to use it in that way would be to defile everything we believe and worship! We would never take another life, even at the expense of our own."

"And do you intend to ride on or tarry and eat?" Clio enquired.

"We are looking for a spot to rest, we have been on the road since dawn" the monk replied. "May we rest here with you, this glade seems pleasant?"

"Let us consult with our family, we will beckon you if you are welcome. If we vote otherwise we would ask you to continue on and stop some ways distant" Gaia advised

The monks could see that the troop were armed and suspected considerable prowess with the weapons they all openly wore, so they had no difficulty in agreeing to Gaia's terms. The Spartans made their way back to the family, all the while keeping an eye on the monks who had stopped on the roadway and were making no attempt to follow them.

"Well?" came the question from various quarters once Gaia and the others returned to the fireside.

"The crucifix seems to be some sort of religious item" Gaia replied, "as I suspected. I think they are relatively harmless and they are asking to lunch with us."

"Perhaps we can suggest their guards wait with their wagon at the road edge?" Jason suggested, "and we will welcome the brown robes to eat."

It was agreed and Gaia turned and rode some yards towards the party before shouting, "Hail! Those in brown robes are welcome, we ask the guards to keep their distance along with the wagon and the crucifix!"

After some conversation the brown-robed men each collected provisions from the cart and made their way down to the fireside and the pool of water. "Thank you for allowing us to join you" the spokesperson said again, "I am brother Luke" he replied.

"I am Gaia" Gaia said, "and my extended family."

Brother Luke looked around. "I see no women? Do they perhaps reside some place on a permanent basis?"

"It is our custom that when there is a possibility of being seen by men other than those in our family, our women conceal themselves. There are three gentle ladies concealed in the security and comfort of each of our wagons" Gaia replied using a smooth, well-worn lie.

The brothers looked curious. "You are not of local descent then?" one asked. "From where do you hail?"

"South" Gaia replied, accurately but unhelpfully. "As I said, we are travellers and live a nomadic life and we have carried our customs with us."

"And care for children? Are they confined with their mothers or are they reliant on your warriors?" the brother asked, apparently concerned that warrior-men would neglect the needs of small children. Gaia indicated Charon, who was tying a new diaper cover freshly padded with dried grass onto his baby son. He kissed the baby as he worked and Xanthe giggled and grabbed at his father's hair as Charon dressed him. "We care very deeply for our children" he said to the brother softly.

"I meant no disrespect" brother Luke answered hurriedly, with a faint blush of embarrassment on his cheeks. "Let me introduce some of my other brothers," he continued on, obviously wishing to change the subject. "Brother Andrew, brother Richard and brother Thomas" he began, indicating the three sat near to him. "Here" he waved towards a second group, "are brothers Matthew, James and Peter" he said, "and the other side of the fire are brothers Simon, Jude and Anthony and Paul."

"And this new church you intend to build, where will it be placed?" Jocasta asked. Luke looked at the older man. "We will stop in the first town we find that has not yet found Christ. But may I ask, whilst we eat together, are you Christians?"

The Spartans looked at each other and presently Gaia spoke. "We have heard of your faith as being the Way and those who believe in Christ as being followers of the Way. We even know some of your lore" he smiled. "But no, we hold true to our faith in our ancestral gods" he finished softly, taking in brother Luke's looks of pity.

Elsewhere, the four brothers Simon, Jude, Anthony and Paul were sat by the fire, waiting for a kettle of what looked like the remains of a previously cooked barley broth to reheat. Sat with them were Leander and Joseph, together with three-year old Evander. The boy sat on Joseph's knee as Leander broke hot strips of venison into manageable pieces before handing them to the child a bit at a time. Evander carefully ate each portion and held his hands out for more. "It's chewy" the small boy observed.

"But tasty, yes?" Leander asked. Evander nodded as he ate.

"What an adorable child" the monk, brother Jude, smiled. "Which of you is his father?"

"I am" Joseph answered, an agreement being made at the babe's birth as to how the question would be answered if ever posed.

Brother Jude looked at Leander. "Yet you care for him too, as if he were your own?" he said, puzzlement obvious in his voice.

"Children are precious" Leander replied somewhat cryptically. "Do you have children?"

Brother's Simon and Anthony blushed, Paul, stifled his laughter and Jude blushed furiously. "We have all taken vows of chastity, none of us have ever known a woman" he said stiffly.

"My apologies" Leander said with a smile. He indicated the now bubbling pot. "Your lunch appears ready." They took their pot from the hearth and Jason walked over with a slice of rabbit taken from an animal snared the previous night and some freshly gathered edible greens from the edge of the meadow. "My turn" he joked, laying the rabbit directly onto the hot stone, where it sizzled and started to cook.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to delay your meal" brother Simon apologised and Jason turned to him. "Don't wor..." he began, then stopped, dumbfounded, as he stared into the man's eyes. "I'm Jason" he managed to breathe after an age.

"I'm Simon, sorry, brother Simon" the monk stuttered. "I'm sorry, we have met before, surely? Do you ever get to Rome?"

"No, never" Jason breathed. They sat and stared at each other, dumbfounded.

"Hey, Jason, your rabbit's done, it's almost burning" Leander interrupted. Jason turned and scraped it off the stone and onto an earthenware platter, threw the greens onto the stone to wilt for a second and added them to his plate, all the while trying to slow his racing heart.

"Thanks Leander" Jason said, meeting the man's eyes for a long second. He slowly indicated Simon with a sideways glance, then raised his eyebrows. Leander realised Jason was trying to tell him something and stayed close to listen.

"We might have met on the road somewhere" Jason suggested to the monk as he took a bite of his food.

"But where?" Simon replied, "for surely I would have remembered meeting someone as striking as you" he finished in a bare whisper, blushing to his roots. Then the pair sat there, silently staring at each other, neither knowing what to say, neither wanting to move and possibly break the spell that captivated them.

Leander excused himself and managed to get the attention of his fathers, Demeter and Rhea, and explained what he had observed and his prediction to them. In the meantime brother Luke was preaching to Gaia and Jocasta, extolling the virtues of belief in Christ. Most were either eating or had already eaten and the afternoon showed promise of extending into hours of tedious debate so Demeter called for attention and shared his 'suggestion' to the group.

"We have eaten well and you could possibly make a good number of miles before dark" he began. "And I am anxious to hear of the Christ of which you speak but I don't want to delay your travels so may I suggest that perhaps one of your number remain with us? I'm sure brother Simon would be willing to make such a sacrifice."

"Would you, Simon?" Brother Luke interrupted his fellow-monk's distracted thoughts. "Hmm?" Simon asked dreamily.

"Would you be willing to give up your place at our new church to devote your time to sharing the gospel with this family?"

"What? Oh, yes, I'd love to" Simon replied, equally dreamily.

"Then it is settled" Luke said with a last, slightly suspicious glance at Simon. "Let us retreat a distance to pray" he said and Jude and Paul virtually had to drag Simon away from where he sat staring at Jason. The monks prayed and Cleopas congratulated his brother. "Looks like you've found your life partner" he said.

"What? You think so? Isn't he wonderful?" Jason gushed.

"Yep, he's your life partner alright" Demeter laughed as they watched the portly, brown-robed, shaved-headed, stunted little man scramble away from his brother monks to rejoin the Spartans. "Hardly a picture of beauty, eh?" Demeter whispered to his lover, Rhea, who laughed and nodded in agreement.

When Simon returned he seemed slightly dazed, yet anxious whenever he was out of eye shot from Jason. "Jason, go hold his hand and kiss him already" Cleopas whispered to his elder brother once the other monks, their guards and the grizzly crucifix that had given them all a fright was well out of sight along the road.

"Huh? You really think I should?" Jason mumbled.

"I think if you don't I'll drag you over there and tie you together" Cleopas threatened, making his brother blush.

Taking a deep breath Jason got to his feet and went to sit with the monk. "How old are you, Simon?" he asked softly, in the manner of making conversation.

"I've seen twenty nine summers" the monk replied in an equally soft voice. He then sighed. "Why do I feel this way? I feel like I've known you my entire life, as if you're closer to me than kin. What's happening to me?"

Jason didn't answer in words but instead scooted closer, took the man's face between both hands and leaned in so that they were forehead to forehead, nose to nose. "We're falling in love, my dear one" he whispered.

"But, but, but" Simon pulled away slightly, blanched and started to stutter. "What about my vows of chastity, and to lie with a man as with a woman is a mortal sin" he mumbled. He seemed to want to run but Nabis, Charon, Tito and Cleopas were blocking his path. Nabis put a hand on the monk's shoulder, preventing him from getting to his feet. "Can you really imagine leaving us and never seeing Jason again?" he asked.

Simon looked at the old man, then back to Jason, then to the road where his brother monks had walked, then back to Jason again, then with a slump of his shoulders and a sigh he began crying, tears trickling down his face.

"Shh, we understand" Tito said. "It's overwhelming at first but we understand. You are part of our family and will be with Jason."

The man in question also had tears in his eyes, but with a subtle nod from Nabis he came over and cradled Simon tightly. "We will stay together, this day, this night and forever" Jason whispered. "Through good times and bad, through pain and through joy, through doubt and fear and through love, this I vow."

"Why do you make me a vow like this?" Simon mumbled softly between his tears. "It means the world to me that you promise this but I don't understand."

"It will become clear" Jason told the panicking man. "Now shh, relax, rest in my arms, I will not allow any harm to come to you" he whispered. He kept whispering gentle nonsense into the monk's ear as he cradled him and presently, worn out by his shock and confusion the monk gradually fell asleep.

The afternoon was warm and sunny and the family relaxed properly once the monks were an hour away. Simon still slept, cradled by Jason, right near the fireside so Elis and Philip felt it safe to untie the covers from the back of the wagon and permit Hyacinth to stretch his legs and Marcus to have some daylight.

"Have they gone?" was the first thing Marcus said.

"Would we be freeing you if they hadn't, son?" Elis smiled. "Actually, though, one's still here. It appears Jason has bonded to him. He's asleep for the moment so he's not going to fall into immediate hysterics."

"Wow! What's his name? Jason's been single for too long" Marcus smiled.

"He's called Simon" Elis replied, "and I think Jason would agree with you!"

Socra had shown Konon, Evander and Demaratos where the brambles were and the four boys had collected heaps of ripe, juicy blackberries to share with their family. Philip, Acantha and a couple of the others were cleaning skins and leathers that had been soiled, Alexander was sleeping, the old human man enjoying the opportunity to relax in the warm sunshine and Tito, Aeson, Clio and Demeter were a deep in conversation.

"He's asking to be trained and he can wield Evander's blade, Evander has leant it to him more than once" Aeson said. "Could we make him one?"

"I think we need to make more than one, Lykurgos has almost outgrown his" Demeter replied.

"Well I'm willing to build a forge, we have some ingots and a couple of broken blades on one of the pack horses, but we need to be sure everyone's happy to stay here for a time so we can temper the blades" Tito replied.

"Will Simon want a blade? All the other humans who've joined us have taken a sword" Clio wondered.

"I don't know anything about him, I wouldn't like to say" Demeter replied, "and I'm not sure about staying so close to the path, not for a full week or more."

"This spot is idyllic though" Aeson countered.

"And too close to the path for comfort" Demeter repeated, "let's see what everyone else thinks but I'm sure they'll agree with me."

The group was evenly split in their opinion and it fell to Gaia, Nabis, Jocasta, Elis and Tito, being the five senior members of the family, to make the final decision. They conferred quietly then Gaia announced their thoughts. "We agree that this place is an ideal campground but it's too close to the road to settle for long enough to temper a blade sufficiently. However we need to stay for a day or two to help Simon acclimatise to our company so we'll sleep here tonight, and possibly tomorrow, then strike a trail away from the path and seek a more secluded location suitable for a fortnight's stay" he suggested and all agreed this was the best course of action.

Simon had not long since woken up and was still laid in Jason's arms, still wracked with confusion but at peace whilst in the arms of the man that he couldn't deny held his heart and his deepest desires and affections. "What are they discussing?" he asked Jason with a sleepy drawl.

"They have decided to stay here for a night or two until you are comfortable around us and know more about us, then we'll move to somewhere more secure so we can forge some new swords, Konon is old enough to have his own" Jason replied.

"How old is he?" Simon asked.

"Two summers" Jason replied.

"How can you consider giving such a small child a sword?" Simon asked, surprise and a disapproval showing with his words and expression. He turned his head so he could look at Jason directly. "He'll hurt himself, it's not right" he said.

"It's to do with our background and our culture. As soon as a child is able it is his right to have his own blade and Konon wishes to exercise that right."

"What do you mean, background and culture? Are you some sort of warrior tribe? And surely you wouldn't arm girls and women likewise?" Simon asked, puzzled. Jason laughed gently and took Simon's hand to show that, though he was amused, he didn't intend any hurt or insult. "We have no girls or women. We are all male" he said.

"But you have children, a baby" Simon stuttered, "and you claimed your women were in your wagons. Do you lie? What are you?" he asked, sitting up and moving away from Jason ever so slightly.

Jason looked at Simon, then over to where the elders were sitting. He beckoned the elders over and they came, followed by the rest of the family. "How do I explain what we are?" he asked simply.

"With our history, grandson," Gaia replied and after getting nods from the family he sat down at the fireside and bid Simon sit close by. The monk did so but didn't let go of Jason's hand. Chatter died as Gaia cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Hundreds of years ago our people had a great city, far to the south from here. It was on a fertile plain and we were wealthy and our homeland, Sparta, was the envy of our neighbours. From that envy grew jealousy and from the jealousy grew covetousness and from the covetousness grew armies bent on our destruction.

"But we had men and had skills and every time forces came upon our borders we repelled them. Time and time again, armies were thrown at us and we grew weary of fighting so our king and his advisors decided to take the fight to our enemies and attack their cities. A contingent of our best fighting men was sent to Athens, where we defeated the Athenians. We went to Thebes and defeated the Thebans. We went on to Troy and defeated the Trojans, and though we had lost more than half our forces, those we attacked were, we believed, far worse off than us.

"Thinking we had guaranteed the security of our nation we returned home to find we had doomed them. A combined force of the best fighters of our enemies had outflanked us and laid waste to our lands. Farms were burned, farmers killed and wells poisoned. We came across small numbers of enemy fighters as we travelled deeper into our ravaged homeland and even as we fought each group that attacked us, we prayed that the rearguard we had left had been able to keep our city safe.

"It was not to be. Our city was in ruins and every last citizen was dead. Women's and children's corpses were piled up in the city streets, half rotten and bloated in the hot sun. Old men's and boy's bodies were riddled with arrows and were strewn around the walls and battlements where they had fallen as they fought to defend the city. We had thought we were securing our future, instead we had condemned it.

"Heartbroken and in agony of grief and longing and bitterness we prayed to our god, Apollo, god of war and of the sun, to hear our pleas for vengeance. We wanted the strength to avenge all the innocents who had died. We wanted the world to share the terrible grief we felt. But most of all, we wanted the future that had been cruelly taken from us.

"At the head of our army were seven warrior priests and we numbered perhaps three hundred men in total. And the seven priests led us in prayer to our God as we knelt among the corpses of our mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. And He heard us. By some miracle He heard our plea and intervened in our fate.

"We became new, we became more than what we were. Our God told us that He was answering our prayers. He said that we were not strong enough in number to defeat those who had attacked us and advised that with patience and not a little suffering on our part we could both grow our numbers and ensure our future.

"Confusion reigned and our priests prayed, "how, Lord Apollo, we are but men, there are no women left who would take the despised men of Sparta to their beds in order that our numbers would ever increase?" and in reply the God showed us a vision of our future. We were men who were more than men, men who could give a child to another of our kind, men who alone and without the aid of women could increase our numbers and our secure the future of our race.

"A dispute among the gods made us into what we are today. We are still able to reproduce and bear young without the help of women but we suffer in agony whilst doing so. We are unable, now, to impregnate a woman but certain, chosen human men are able to impregnate us. A bond of unbreakable, unshakeable love grows between a couple who are able to create a child.

"Thus we exist and thus the bond between Jason and yourself has formed" Gaia finished.

The group sat in silence which stretched and grew heavy as they watched Simon, observing his reaction and the thoughts crossing his face. He opened his mouth a few times but closed it again, apparently unable to say what he was thinking.

Jason stood up and pulled the monk to his feet. "Before you say anything, before you doubt, I'd like you to come and meet my cousin" he said. Simon had a silent question in his eyes but Jason shook his head. "Come, meet Marcus, then ask what you will" he replied.

Philip, ever mindful of his lover's safety, flanked Simon on one side as Jason held his hand on the other. Elis and Tito ran ahead to warn their son that he was to get a visitor and the small children, Demaratos and Socra and Evander trailed over to watch with childlike curiosity.

Marcus was laid on soft deerskins to one side of the wagon. His head was propped up slightly and he had a skin covering his thighs and genitals but other than that he was naked. Elis was already in the wagon knelt next to his son and as Jason and Philip led the human to the opening, Elis said, "I'd like you to meet my son and my future grandson." A small smile played on his lips and Simon looked at the younger man, at the huge grey-white growth on his stomach, and then back to the older man with stunned disbelief.

"Our receptive reproductive organ, or you might say, our female reproductive organ or womb, comes out of our navel and creates a temporary structure for the child to grow in" Tito explained to the shaking man.

"Marcus is about three or four weeks shy of giving birth" Jason then said to his partner.

"This is unnatural, it is wrong" Simon finally blurted, the first words he had spoken in some time.

"No, it's natural for us, just not for humans. We are the only future our race has, we are the only ones who keep alive the memory of glorious Sparta" Elis said from inside the wagon. He took his son's hand. "Marcus is in agony but it is pain borne for the love of his lover, Philip, who stands beside you" he began. Simon looked at Philip who smiled and nodded as Elis continued, "it is pain borne for the love of a child and the desire to pass on one's heritage to future generations and it is pain borne to keep alive the precious memory of our past and of the last moment when men of Sparta had mothers. Would you deny us this right?"

"No, but, but, but what has this to do with me?" Simon stuttered.

"Our god, the Lord Apollo, has confirmed that only one living man exists who can assist each of us to reproduce, one man that each Spartan has to find. Desire, trust and love form an instant bond between us and our mate and it is this you feel for Jason. You are his bonded mate, Simon" Gaia then said, walking up to the group lingering around the wagon.

Simon looked at Jason suspiciously. "You want to give me sons?" he asked. Jason started to giggle. "If it's okay I'd like to get to know you first" he chuckled.

At the mirthful reaction of the man who Simon could already admit his love for, Simon relaxed and started to laugh. "Forgive me" he chortled, "it's just, I never thought..." his voice trailed off, he took a deep breath and looked around the crowd before returning his gaze to Jason. "From my youth I always had thoughts about boys and not girls. My peers all talked about getting betrothed and married but the thought of being intimate with a female sickened me. I took it as a sign that God was calling me to the celibate life and entered holy orders. But perhaps that wasn't the reason I felt as I did?" he finished with a questioning inflection.

"Welcome to the family, Simon" Cleopas said, echoed by Clio, Acantha, Charon and others. Jason pulled the monk close and hugged him in a tight cuddle. "Welcome" he whispered.

The first order of business that evening was to get Simon decently attired, find him a mount and of course, a saddle had to be built for him. The burlap of his brown robe wasn't comfortable and the man admitted that since he'd be breaking his vows anyway he felt it would be dishonourable to continue to wear the garment that marked him as being a man of the cloth.

The Spartans were horrified at the hair shirt he wore underneath the robe, a gruesome, itchy garment full of lice and insects. With a long arm and a careful hand Jason cut the horrible item from his lover's body with his sword and flung it onto the fire before urging Simon to strip naked as some of the others already had and bathe in the cold water of the pool.

Once Simon was submerged Jason took a scrap of leather rag and began to clean his lover's torso, noting as he did so all the bites and sores caused by the infested garment he'd worn next to his skin. "Why, lover? Is there any way you can explain why you wore that horrible thing?"

"Penance for my sins" Simon replied. "I never stopped having thoughts about men and I took the hair shirt as a way of doing penance and atoning for my sinful thoughts" he replied.

"Does your God really want you to injure yourself in this way?" Jason asked softly. The others had all observed Simon's body but said nothing, leaving it to Jason to ask the questions so that the rest could understand. "Our god demands physical fitness and asks that we honour the bodies He gave us" Jason explained. "To live soiled or dirty or infested would be the ultimate in spitefulness towards the god who gave us all. Why do you do it?"

"My God required his only son to be crucified, having bites and sores is nothing as compared to the pain of a crucifixion" Simon replied shortly. As well as the pain his body gave him he also seemed to be wracked with doubt about his faith. Jason and the others had expected him to challenge their assertions about Apollo but the monk said nothing about the deity to whom the Spartans owed their very existence. Jason, noting the man's introspection, said nothing either but cleaned him gently and carefully, before helping him get out and get dry.

"I suggest a loincloth and leggings and a cloak to keep you warm if you need it but otherwise keeping your chest and back uncovered would be the quickest way for your sores to dry up and start to heal" Rhea said. He and Nabis were the two most learned in medicine and herb lore and had inspected Simon's body and consulted together before pronouncing their treatment. "We have some poultices that we can use on any sores that chafe or seem not to be healing but for the moment clean, fresh air is the best treatment" Nabis advised.

"I don't want to stay in public dressed like this, I'm half-naked" Simon said softly as Jason tied the deerskin garments on to his lower half.

"We are heading deeper into the forest soon so we can build a forge and make some weapons" Jason replied, "that will give you time to heal before we head back into inhabited places."

Aeson, Demeter and Kalliope came over. "We're going to reconstruct one of the pack saddles for you tomorrow so you can ride with us" Demeter said. "It shouldn't be much work" he told Simon.

"I've never ridden, I don't know if I can" Simon said fearfully. Aeson smiled. "We'll teach you" he promised, "And I'll make sure we leave plenty of room for a piece of sheepskin."

"What do I need sheepskin for?" Simon asked. Kalliope smiled. "Sitting all day on a hard leather saddle, cantering through the forest, having never done either before? Trust us, you'll need the sheepskin" he chuckled.

As night fell the children were tucked into the wagon, little Xanthe lying between Socra and Demaratos for safety, and the adults, some alone, most in couples, found a relatively quiet spot, untied and removed their overgarments and laid together, the cloak of one being put on the grass as a base, the cloak of the other and some spare skins being spread over the top of each pair for warmth.

Jason and Simon were near the fire, not too far away from Charon and Acantha and Jason smiled as he listened to his cousin's non-too discrete love making.

"What are they doing? They sound like they are in pain" Simon whispered. He lay beside Jason but due to the sores and also his struggles in reconciling the teachings of his faith with the desires of his heart, they weren't touching beyond what was necessary for keeping warm.

"They aren't in pain, they are making love" Jason said, smiling into the semi-darkness.

"I don't understand" Simon replied, raising onto one elbow. In the dim firelight Charon and Acantha could be seen, Acantha's legs raised high onto Charon's shoulders, Charon kneeling and thrusting his organ deep into his lover. "Look" Jason said softly, pointing at the couple.

"What on earth?" Simon breathed, obviously stunned by what he was observing.

"The physical act involves placing your organ inside your lover's anus" Jason explained, "but my fathers and mated relatives all assure me that when joining with your bond-mate it is so much more than just a physical joining. You join together at the deepest level of your soul. Charon pierces Acantha with his soul and his love and his desire just as deeply as he thrusts his penis."

"Oh my God" Simon half muttered, half prayed, "you want to do that to me?"

"No, no" Jason assured him, "only if you want to, and if you don't mind I'd like you to first do it to me" he said to the smaller, trembling human man who lay beside him. "I've always wanted to feel my mate inside me but I can wait, for as long as you need."

"I don't think I could ever..." Simon whispered. Jason could feel that he still trembled, though whether it was through fear or arousal he couldn't tell.

"You don't have to" Jason repeated his assurance. "I want you to be happy and comfortable. If physically joining your body to mine scares you so much then I don't want it, I don't want you to be scared. I love you Simon, I just want you to be happy" he explained.

Simon turned and cuddled up to his lover, who realised that the small human man was simply scared. Jason held him tight and they fell asleep in an embrace as they were serenaded by the joyous noises made by the loving couples who surrounded them.

The next morning Simon awoke to find himself alone between the two cloaks. He opened his eyes and sat up to see that the fire had been rebuilt, however no one was making any attempt to break their fast. Instead the whole family, with the two exceptions of two year old Konon and baby Xanthe, were sat, silent, naked and cross-legged, their swords on their laps, eyes closed, and were breathing deep, gentle breaths of the sweet morning air.

Every so often one of the fathers of the two smallest children would look up, reach over and encourage his offspring to stay still or quiet, or in Xanthe's case, continue eating the crust of bread and honey that he'd been given. But other than that, all were still. It was as if, Simon thought, they were in silent prayer. Perhaps they were? He recalled that they'd spoken the previous afternoon and evening about the pagan god, Apollo. Perhaps they were praying to him?

He looked at Jason, who was also completely naked, sitting cross-legged on the dewy grass, his sword lying over his knees. He contemplated the peaceful expression on his face and was surprised when Jason whispered, "we'll be done in a few moments" - Simon hadn't realised he'd been noticed.

It was less than five minutes later when Simon heard a small bell being rung and noticed that Gaia had the object next to his hand. One by one the Spartans lifted their sheathed swords, touched the pommels to their foreheads, opened their eyes and got to their feet.

"What is that ritual?" Simon asked Jason after he'd stood and stretched.

"We meditate daily in order to control our impulses" Jason explained. "We're born warriors and if we're not careful then our anger and impulsiveness can get the better of us. We meditate in order to control those urges and to help us to keep in mind the reason we have the gifts and temperaments that we do. None of us want to cause harm without good reason or provocation."

"It seems like a good way to start the morning" Simon said as he too stood and stretched the night's wrinkles away. "I always used to like matins for that reason." At Jason's puzzled frown he continued, "matins, morning prayer" and the Spartan nodded.

"Alexander, Philip, Mark and Joseph do it for that reason" Jason replied. At Simon's frown he said, "they are human, as you are, but they all recognise the benefits of morning meditation. I think Mark most often uses the time to pray to his god but either way it is a good discipline and we all value it as a way of staying healthy in our bodies and our minds."

"You should have woken me and I would have joined in also" Simon said, sounding slightly hurt that he had been excluded.

"You were sleeping so peacefully that I couldn't bear to disturb you" Jason replied with a gentle smile that disarmed Simon's protests, "and besides which, Nabis said that sleep was the best cure you could have right now, your body needs all the energy it can get to help you get healthy again."

"When did you start? How long do you meditate for?" Simon asked, curious, as he got to his feet and followed Jason over to the latrine.

"We normally wake an hour or two before dawn and continue to sunrise" he replied, pointing to the glow that lit the sky from the eastern horizon. "The darkness focuses our mind and our concentration and we sit and wait for Apollo's sun to fully illuminate us before starting our day."

They passed water and made their way back to the fireside. "I notice you're more comfortable with your body this morning" Jason smiled and Simon suddenly realised he was naked . . . as was everyone else. "Clothes are a way of hiding who you are, even from yourself" Jason said upon seeing Simon's panicky expression. "Public nudity does not bother us, why should it? If we are not cold and not offending anyone or breaking any local modesty laws, then all covering ourselves does is draw attention to the fact that there's something about our bodies we don't want people to see."

"But it is shameful, sinful" Simon gasped, scrambling to find the loincloth with which to cover himself up.

"No, it's not" Jason said, stopping the man's frantic searching by the simple act of taking hold of both of his arms. "Do Christians have a creation story?" he asked.

"Yes" Simon answered.

"And in that story is the form of man an ugly, evil thing or a beautiful thing?"

"It says we are created in God's image" Simon admitted quietly.

"So if you are the image of God why do you want to hide?"

Simon sighed. "This is all so new to me, so strange. I don't understand your ways yet. I haven't even known you a full day" he snorted a burst of baffled laughter, "this time yesterday morning I was still a burlap-robed, hair-shirted monk. Today I am naked in the forest, mate of a man who is more than human. Give me time, Jason, please?"

Jason grinned and flung his arms around Simon, hugging him close. "Take as much time as you need" he smiled as they hugged.

After the morning's ablutions and breakfast had taken place and all were dressed, the pack saddle that was to become Simon's seat was taken apart and put back together again by the skilled craftsmen. Little Konon's saddle, too, was adjusted as he wasn't nearly as little now as he was when it had been first made for him. Everyone else either busied themselves gathering fruit or checking the snares they'd laid the previous night, or took out some leatherwork.

Simon looked at the belt that Jason was stitching. It was a double layer of a golden coloured hide, stitched with darker leather thongs so as to be strong and durable. Into the top layer a pattern had been etched, an interlacing, abstract design that drew the eye.

"I wasn't sure if I was going to sell it or keep it for myself" Jason said to Simon as he worked to place the last row of stitches so as to carefully line up with the already punched holes. He looked up from his work. "But perhaps you'd like it?"

"I couldn't, it's much too fine, I don't need such a belt" Simon replied. "Besides, with the right buyer the money you make could feed your whole family for a day."

"We don't need the money, not really" Jason argued, "and I'd like to give you a gift. If not the belt then something else, what would you like?"

"There is nothing" Simon protested but Jason wasn't taking no for an answer. "How about armour? A kirtle? Boots?" he asked in quick succession and noticed at the word 'boots' that Simon's face twitched. "Ah, boots, it's settled then. This belt will take another four hours or so and then I'll start on your boots."

"I don't want boots" Simon protested. "I don't want them and I don't need them."

"Please let me make you something?" Jason pleaded. "I want to give you a gift, please?"

Simon smiled. "The only gift I need is to be able to stay at your side" he said softly.

"And you have that, my love, you have my presence at your side, I promise. But you can't just live in leggings and a cloak. At the very least you need some sandals, please?" he begged with an attempt at puppy-dog eyes.

Simon started to smile. "Okay, my love, make me whatever you wish. If it pleases you to make me a gift then I will accept with grace."

To one side of the fire the younger men and boys all burst into raucous laughter, interspersed with squeals and yelping. "What's going on over there?" Simon asked. Jason smiled, having heard, and seen, the scene many times. "Ajax will be horny and either Lykurgos or Carme will have given in to his pleadings" he answered.

"I don't understand this word, horny?" Simon asked. Jason sniggered. "Ajax is entering that time of his life when a boy becomes a man and he has powerful urges to spill his seed, to make love or be made love to. Lykurgos is still in the same period of his life and Carme is only just growing out of it, though he is a man now."

"They are but children, and the little ones all sit around and watch?" Simon gasped, pointing out Demaratos, Socra and Evander.

"Why not, it is a natural instinct and it helps them to understand the future urgings in their own bodies" Jason replied, putting his leatherwork on the ground. "Come, let us go watch, you might learn some things."

Simon blushed furiously but after a few minutes he permitted Jason to lead him around the clearing to the small knot of boys.

They found, true to Jason's prediction, that it was Ajax who had the desires but it wasn't Lykurgos or Carme who was trying to satisfy him, it was Cleopas, Jason's younger brother, a man of twenty three summers.

"Hey, Cleopas, how did he get you?" Jason called. Cleopas lifted his face from Ajax's groin, where he'd been nursing on the rapidly growing erection. "He pointed out that I was now the oldest unpartnered man and offered to help relieve the ache I had" the man laughed, "and when I saw you and Simon sat together so intimately I caved." He went back to suckle, causing Ajax to gasp and buckle, his face aflame with pleasure.

Simon began to tremble again but Jason, noticing this, realised by the man's flushed face and the obvious rise underneath his loincloth that this time the shaking was out of arousal, not fear. He held his love's hand as they watched the two pubertal boys and two men lie together in a circle, each suckling on the organ of another and each having his organ suckled in turn. Ajax had already bathed Cleopas' face in his seed once but after only a brief respite he had begged the man to restart. Moans, groans and occasional squeals filled the air as each orgasmed repeatedly.

After a while Socra, Demaratos and Evander got bored with the erotic show and ran off to find Konon and start a game of catch, using a small leather ball that Demaratos had made and stuffed himself. Simon looked at the children. "Even seeing this, they act so innocent, so nonchalant" he managed to gasp.

"That's because they are, they won't feel the urgings in their bodies until they reach their tenth summer or thereabouts." A shriek of pleasure distracted him from his words and he saw Ajax, climaxing yet again. The boy then rolled to his side, Carme fed his own organ into Ajax's mouth and Lykurgos moved to his rear and began penetrating his anus even as Cleopas continued to suckle the by now purple penis.

"Hopefully that will satisfy his itch for the day" Jason laughed.

Simon's eyes bugged out. "He wants this? It looks like he is in the worst sort of pain!"

"Trust me, he wants it" Jason replied. "It is so hard to concentrate when all you can think of is spilling your seed and achieving orgasm. I played many times with my cousin Clio when I was growing up, I could do nothing useful on a day until I had satisfied those urges" he chuckled.

Mark and Kalliope, Ajax and Carme's fathers, walked over hand in hand. "Your brother done yet?" Kalliope asked Carme as he continued to thrust into the smaller boy's throat.

"Not yet, father but he soon will be" the fourteen year old gasped as he quickly rose to his own climax.

"Brother? Father?" Simon whispered to Jason.

"Carme is Ajax's older brother. Mark and Kalliope are their fathers" Jason said simply.

"Incest?!" Simon gasped.

Jason shook his head. "Necessity" he replied. "Neither Ajax nor Lykurgos nor Carme, if the truth be told, will be any use to anyone today unless they get this out of their system. And anyway, as I understand it, incest means creating a child with one of your kin. These four are not partners so they will not create a child, it is impossible."

Simon looked like he wanted to ask more questions but he kept getting distracted by the very hot orgy that was taking place in full daylight right in front of his eyes. "Erm, um" he mumbled, trying to adjust the growth in his loins.

Jason pulled him into an embrace. "Lay your cloak on the grass and sit down and I will help you with your discomfort" he whispered.

In a trance Simon did as he was bidden and with gentle fingers Jason untied the leggings and pushed them down slightly to reveal a nicely proportioned penis of about five inches in length, clean, unblemished and unaffected by the sores higher up on his torso. Without giving Simon pause in which to think and possibly panic, Jason fell to his knees, leaned down and took the organ into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the head and swallowed the whole length down his throat, then moved off slightly so he could breathe, then plunged onto it again, all the while licking and sucking.

"Argh! Oooh! God!" Simon wailed at the top of his lungs at the sensations, feelings that in his wildest dreams he'd never imagined. An orgasm burst from his body with another incoherent cry, then, due to the previously unknown pleasure coursing through his system, he passed out.

"Hey, you want to wake up?" Simon heard the gentle voice and felt a hand on his forehead.

"Simon," came Jason's voice again.

"What happened?" Simon mumbled as he raised his arms to rub his eyes.

Jason chuckled. "The pleasure you experienced from your orgasm overwhelmed you and you passed out from it" he told his love. "Have you never felt that before?"

"Never" Simon smiled, "but now I know what I'm missing I think I need to make up for lost time" he drawled sleepily. He looked around the camp and saw that only about half of them were present. "Where is everyone?" he asked.

"They've gone to find a secluded place to pray to Apollo" Jason replied. Our priests are leading worship."

"I didn't know you had priests with you, who are they?" Simon wondered.

"My father Hyacinth and cousin Clio, did you notice they wore twins swords?" Jason replied. Simon shook his head. "It never came to my attention" he replied.

"For the most part they still only use one in battle and the like, it's hard to fight on horseback with two as you can't steer the animal properly, but they wear two to show their status among us and so that they can lead our worship for us."

"Is that something I could ever see?" Simon asked. Jason shook his head. "It would be an insult to Apollo. We worship Him as His created children. You do not owe your creation or existence to Him so you cannot worship Him as we do. No human can, it's nothing personal, my love" Jason continued upon seeing the hurt on Simon's face. "Besides, what about your own faith, your belief in the god who was crucified?"

"Why did you not worship today?" Simon asked, ignoring the question.

"We never all worship together, we have to leave sufficient people behind to defend our children and our human partners and our possessions. I will worship some other time" Jason replied, "and you never answered me, what about your God?"

Simon sighed. "I do not know. I still believe, yet I doubt also. I am finding it difficult to pray to Him" he admitted. He sat up from where he had been sleeping and turned to look into the distance. Jason looped his arms around his shoulders. "Just trust and all will be well" he whispered.

An hour passed, in which Demeter continued to work on Simon's saddle, Charon bathed Xanthe in some warm water and Cleopas gave his elderly human father, Alexander, a massage to ease his tired muscles. Philip was in the wagon with Marcus, Joseph entertained his son, Evander and the younger Konon, and a handful of others were sat, apparently at ease but Simon could tell they all were watching the surroundings with wary eyes.

As he sat and watched the family at rest, he thought he could hear faint chattering. Jason stood up, his hand going to his sword and Charon and Demeter followed suit. Their eyes scanned the forest but soon they relaxed as the rest of their family came into view. Simon couldn't believe what he saw, for apart from their sword belts the Spartans who'd been to worship were naked, and draped over Carme and Leander's shoulders was the carcass of a stag, a beautiful animal that must have been at least 12 points.

"Have they been hunting?" Simon asked Jason. "I thought you said they'd been to pray?"

Jason seemed momentarily panicked, for a split second anyway, then he said, "they must have come across the animal as they walked back from prayer." Simon nodded, accepting Jason's suggestion and watched as the group bathed in the pool then dressed. He absently noted that apart from Carme and Leander who between them had carried the animal, the two Jason had identified as priests, Clio and Hyacinth, were covered in the most blood. He observed their twin swords that Jason had told him they carried and watched as they carefully used first wet sand, then some tallow and a rag, to clean the blood from the harness and belt they wore to hold the heavy weapons still at their sides.

"Why so much blood?" he asked Jason, curious, as he watched. Jason shrugged. "The stag must have put up something of a fight" he replied.

They all cleaned up, dressed, ate a small lunch and then Gaia, looking at the sun, said, "it is only a few hours past noon. Simon's saddle is finished and Konon's adjusted and we have done all we need to in this glade. If we strike this camp and ride now we will make a good few miles before dark, what say you?"

"You ready to ride, my love?" Jason asked Simon, who nodded. "Just stay close by me, I've never ridden" he replied.

They reckoned they had at least four or five hours of daylight, in which they could travel a good distance into the virgin forest that surrounded them. It wasn't a dense, overgrown plantation, otherwise due to their wagons they would have had to stick to the road. Instead it was mostly open, well grazed by deer and had easy routes for their wagons to follow. At one point they came across a gully cut by a stream but the wagons were man-handled over them with apparent ease, eight men lifting each vehicle back onto flat terrain before hitching the horse teams back between the shafts.

As night began to fall they followed the stream upwards through increasingly tall and tangled undergrowth until they found a small pool in a clearing. It was overgrown with brambles and tall grasses, evidence that it hadn't been camped in for at least a year or two, possibly more, but a few minutes with swords wielded in a scything action cut the plants down to something approaching manageable proportions so that they could make the area into a camp.

"Is this a suitable place to stay?" Jocasta asked his family's opinion.

"It's rather shaded and overgrown, we'll have difficulty sleeping on this ground tonight" Acantha said, lifting a long, thorny piece of bramble up.

"We'll cut some fresh boughs to cover the floor and make a mattress" Elis replied. "It'll get dark soon and I don't want to travel any further tonight.

"Grandfather Elis, there's fish in the pond!" came a sudden excited shout from Socra. "Can I catch some, please?" he begged.

The adults laughed. "It looks like it's been decided" Kalliope smiled. "We stay here."

A proper scythe was taken from one of the many horses in the pack train, along with some axes and several men went to cut some boughs from the trees as Acantha, still with little Xanthe on his back, used the scythe to trim the plant life a little lower. The wagons were drawn close and the younger boys were dispatched to bring as many boulders from the stream bed as they could so that a firepit could be built.

The leafy branches were laid in a criss-cross pattern and some long, soft grasses were collected from a steep slope nearby and gradually the ground became useable and comfortable. Cloaks were taken off and skins were lifted from the back of a wagon and laid together to form a comfortable mat. Horses were tethered near the slope where the grass was cut from so that they had something to eat and a latrine was dug downstream. The firepit was built and a fire lit and as darkness fell the now-butchered stag was spitted high above the fire to slowly smoke and start to cook overnight.

Everyone sat close together on the comfortable mattress, enjoying the fire and conversation. This was the first time Simon had had the chance to chat to the others at any great length and he began to relax in their company.

Acantha was sat nearby and as they talked he bathed Xanthe in some warm water, changed his diaper and snuggled him in a soft kid skin before lifting him to his chest. He moved his cloak to free his nipple then lifted the small boy close. Simon was sitting right by him and could hear the baby's noisy gulping. "What's he doing?" he asked.

"Drinking" Acantha said nonchalantly. "I've almost gotten him weaned but he still needs milk at night times."

"You breast feed like a woman?" Simon gasped. "We normally call it chest feeding, not breast feeding" Gaia replied, "since we are built to have chests like men and not breasts like women. But yes, of course we do, how did you think our offspring would get milk?"

Simon opened and closed his mouth a few times like a landed fish before sighing. "I guess I didn't think" he admitted.

Because of the way they'd had to organise the clearing there wasn't nearly as much space to spread out this night as there had been the night before but because it was somewhat colder, it was preferable to sleep huddled together. It started to drizzle on towards dawn and as soon as Jason moved the skins to get up in order to start his meditation the wet air made Simon shiver and wake up.

"Shh, Rhea and Leander are going to make the fire up and Mark and Joseph are going to wake the children" Jason whispered. "You can either stay under the covers or sit and meditate with us."

"I'll meditate" Simon said, aware that the action may help him in his efforts to pray - he'd been having great difficulties with his prayers in the last day or so.

It only took a few minutes for the family, accustomed to this method of starting their mornings, to strip, find swords and begin their meditation, sitting silently as the new fire caught from the embers of the old one and the forest around them dripped musical-sounding raindrops as water gathered on leaves. Simon began deep breathing, holding his hands in his lap in a prayer pose rather than cradling a sword as his companions all did. He found himself, not exactly relaxed as he was cold and damp, but rather more alert to his body and his surroundings even though he sat still and motionless.

He could hear Jason's breathing as his love sat close by. He could almost imagine that he felt someone else's breath on his back for they were all sat close together on the mattress upon which they had slept. The forest continued to drip and the drizzle fell and the fire crackled and hissed as water dripped onto the leaping flames.

Simon began to focus on his own breathing. He became aware of his heartbeat and the feel of the water on his skin but it wasn't uncomfortable, rather it seemed to focus his mind. And with each exhaled breath he finally felt able to begin to pray.

He asked his god first for forgiveness but it occurred to him that he didn't actually feel like he'd done anything wrong - all he'd done was to fall in love. He then asked for guidance but again it occurred to him that he didn't need guidance, for he knew what he was going to do with the rest of his life, or at least as much of his life as he had any control over, and that was to stay by Jason's side as his partner and mate. With a sigh borne of grief he then asked, simply, if it was okay to still believe in Christ even though he had been virtually conscripted into the pagan lifestyle of the man he loved. And as he sat there, as the dark of the night turned slowly into morning he felt peace.

Somewhere, a bell rang and a gentle tinkling noise brought Simon back to the present. He opened his eyes to see the Spartans beginning to move, touching their foreheads with their swords. He bowed his head low and whispered "Amen" before standing and stretching with the others. "You seem at peace this morning my love" Jason smiled, pulling him into a hug.

"I am" Simon smiled back.

Jason leaned closer. "My love, I've wanted to do this for a while" he whispered and he brought his lips to Simon's and gently kissed him. "I love you so much" he whispered as he pulled a fraction of an inch out of the kiss. "I love you too" Simon replied as he leaned in and they kissed once more, just a brief brush of lips that felt electric to Simon. He smiled as they separated, arms still around each other's waists, and said good morning to the others.

They all bathed first of all in the cold forest pool. It ran quite quickly and the water was clean and clear and pleasant to wash with. Scrambling back up the overgrown bank, they dried with scraps of chamois and began to fasten clothing, sword belts and kirtles, together with their cloaks to keep the weather off. Simon wore leggings and a deerskin cloak and Jason put on the same, only he also added a pair of boots and his weapon.

Simon regarded his love's protected feet and calves and then looked at the clearing beyond the mattress they'd made, still strewn with brambles, then finally at his own bare feet that were sore from walking over the thorny ground the previous day. "Jason" he said softly.

"Yes my love?" Jason smiled.

"If the offer is open, I think I would like some sandals at the very least, if they wouldn't be too much work" he said in a small voice.

Jason grinned. "Sandals are easy!" he said. "It'll take me an hour at most, and that's what I'll do first this morning" he smiled. Simon smiled back and replied, "thank you."

The spit was lowered and the deer turned by Socra and Demaratos as it continued to cook over the fire. Aeson and Tito took a bag of mixed grain from the dry-goods wagon and some quern stones from a pack and began grinding a few pounds of it into coarse flour. Some dried fruits, a bit of honey and some water were added and patties were placed on hot stones near the fire and soon, flat, chewy, flavoursome cakes were available for breakfast.

Simon ate a couple of the offered cakes and drank a cup of cold water from the stream and reflected that he was truly happy. His life had changed so much, so quickly but he knew true contentment. He looked at the family and saw that little Socra seemed to be watching the pool with undisguised longing.

"Socra, should I turn the spit and you can go see if you can catch some fish?" he offered, wanting to do what he could to help his new relatives.

"Yeah!" the small boy shouted and relinquished hold of his end of the rod. Gaia, who was still keeping a watch over the boy, smiled at Simon. "What did he promise you to get you to take over turning the deer for him?"

Simon grinned. "Nothing, it's just he seemed so wistful and I knew from last night he was desperate to fish so I offered. It's not like I can fish, I can't work leather or build things or fight. I'm not even a good cook but I think I can cope with this."

"What skills do you have? Surely as a brother of Christ you had to do something besides walk through the forest?" Gaia asked. Simon sighed. "Actually I'm a scribe. I can read and write" he admitted, sure that such a skill would be useless to the nomadic peoples. To his surprise Gaia grinned. "Perhaps we'll get you working with Elis and Kalliope on our chronicles?" he said. "Though I guess it depends on what language you speak. So far I've only heard you use Germanic, do you know any Greek?"

Simon laughed. "You all speak as much Greek as you do anything else and I've been following your conversations just fine!" he replied. "Did you not realise?"

"I didn't notice to be honest" Gaia admitted, "I know our natural inclination is to mix our words but we speak many tongues depending on where we travel and who we encounter. How is it that you know Greek?"

"Many monks do, the Christian scriptures were originally written in Greek and it is deemed important for scribes to be able to understand them in their original format. But my writing of it is better than my speaking, and you seem to understand me well enough even when I reply in Germanic" Simon responded, "so anyway, what are these chronicles you speak of?"

"Written records of our histories, so we don't forget, as well as records of how each of us meet our partners and who are sons are. It's a family history and a tribal one and we record each branch of our family that has gone separate ways and if we've arranged to meet up, when and where, that kind of thing. And we copy the oldest documents so we can preserve the information before the old pages crumble away and take the text with them."

"Well, if you trust me to make such records for you then I'd be honoured" Simon assured the old man, glad that there was some way his skills could benefit his new family.

The day dried and warmed and by mid-morning it was pleasant and comfortable and most of the group, Simon included, had shucked their cloaks tunics and were permitting the sunshine to warm and tan their bare skin. "Your sores are healing well" Rhea observed from nearby where he was sat hammering holes through a shaped piece of leather.

"There's a couple under my arms that seem to be chafing a little, though" Simon replied.

Rhea looked. "I'll find some herbs for those this afternoon" he promised, "and you can sleep tonight with a poultice on, that should help."

"Thanks" Simon replied and continued, "can I ask, what are you making?"

"It's going to be a satchel" he replied. He held it up so Simon could see the eventual shape it would take. "It's quite simple to make, it only takes a few hours and it'll bring a pretty penny when we go into town at the end of the summer to make some sales."

"How often do you find a market?" Simon asked.

"Two or three times a year" Rhea replied, "usually at harvest time or mid winter but sometimes at mid-summer too" he explained, "as those are the times when people normally have some surplus money or goods or are looking for gifts and the like."

"What sort of things do you sell?"

"Belts, bags, purses, satchels, armour, flasks, anything you can make with leather or deerskin really. We sometimes even make some more common sizes of gloves or boots and they go for a premium, and occasionally the boys will take scraps and make balls or other toys to sell to children for pennies" he smiled.

"You do your own smithing, do you ever sell metalwork?" Simon asked. Rhea shrugged. "Bags and belts and the like all have forged buckles but we don't sell things that are solely made of metal, leather work is more satisfying and provides more money for less effort" he smiled, "and you can do leatherwork on the road, you can't build a forge unless you have time in one place."

"Why don't you ever settle? Why live the life of a nomad?" Simon asked.

Rhea sighed. "If we stay in one place for too long people start to figure out we're not human and even a family twice our size would have difficulty in a battle if a whole town turns against us. It's safer to remain anonymous" he said softly.

"I'm sorry" Simon apologised, "I didn't realise."

"Don't apologise, this is our life" Rhea said. "And whilst it is nice, sometimes, to live in a house especially during the winter, none of us would ever change anything. We owe our Lord Apollo far too much to complain about our lot, we only exist through His blessing, who are we to dare to question His wisdom?"

"You truly believe your pagan god is real?" Simon asked, confused at the strength of devotion that Rhea and the rest had to a being who surely was only an idol, could only be a human construct.

"I don't just believe He is real, I know He is real" Rhea replied. "I have heard His voice and felt His touch. Nothing can shake my trust in Him, He is my God" he said in a gentle but fervent voice. Simon was going to reply but Jason's shouts interrupted his train of thought.

"Hey, my love, how big are your feet?" he asked.

"What?" Simon laughed at the odd question.

"How big are your feet? I need you to come over here and stand on this leather whilst I draw an outline for your sandals" he called. Shrugging his apologies to Rhea, Simon made his way to Jason's side.

"Stand on this square of leather" Jason instructed. He had a charred stick in one hand and once Simon was positioned on the thick hide, the blackened end of the wood was dragged around his feet. "Perfect" Jason announced once he had done, "I'll cut these and thread them and we can get them fitted and tied on this afternoon" he suggested.

"Thanks, my love," Simon smiled, kissing Jason again.

"You like kissing don't you?" Jason grinned.

"Mm-hm" Simon nodded, stealing another kiss.

A few yards downstream from the main camp was a pocket of clay and Tito, Aeson and Demeter, along with little Konon and the youth Lykurgos were shovelling heaps of it out of a pit and building the sides of the construction into a regular shape. "What are they making?" Simon asked Jason as he continued to turn the spit and Jason cut the leather sandal shapes.

"They're beginning to construct a forge" Jason explained. "And it needs to dry in the sun for a few days so that gets done first, then they'll make some charcoal so that they can get the fire hot enough. It'll take three or four days to prepare everything, then a week to ten days to make the blades and temper them well."

"Tempering, what does that mean?"

"To get a sword to be hard and strong enough it has to be repeatedly heated, sharpened and then cooled. And to get the steel hard enough it needs to have just a little charcoal dust mixed in with it at a really high temperature, then you have to get the rest of the carbon burned out until the metal goes a silvery colour. It's hard, hot work and you need a lot of fuel to get the fire hot enough."

"Sounds like you know a lot about it" Simon observed.

"We all do, it's part of our rite of passage, first to be given our own sword and then to help make the blade that sees us into adulthood. Blades do break frequently but as children our parents make them for us - as adults, though we often get others to help, we all do a little bit to assist with the manufacture of our blades, and we make our own scabbards too."

Simon sat and watched, enjoying the sunshine, allowing himself to relax as he was aware that someone had to continue to turn the spit now that the roasting animal was far closer to the flames than the night before, and it was just as easily him as anyone else. By an hour past noon the meat was thoroughly cooked and everyone stopped their activities to come and share in the feast.

"This is so good" Simon smiled to Jason as he wolfed down a generous portion of the meat.

"It is good, isn't it?" Joseph commented as he also ate the offered meat.

"What about my fish?" Socra pouted from where he crouched, with several silvery trout lying next to him on the bank. "You can have some for supper and share them with your fathers too if you like" Gaia suggested.

Socra grinned and came over to take a share of the venison. "Will you clean my fish for me grandfather Gaia?" he asked between mouthfuls.

"No" Gaia answered, "but I will show you how to do it yourself." Socra groaned but accepted the chore with relative grace since he was the one who wanted to fish in the first place.

They ate until they were stuffed and still had several dozen slices of the meat that would be hung in the smoke to dry out thoroughly so as to become a suitable trail food for when they were riding. Once it was completely picked over so as not to lose any goodness, the smaller bones, gristle and entrails were put on the fire to burn and the fatter bones were smashed with a hammer to release the marrow. "I'll make a broth with the meat scraps and marrow and some barley" Joseph said. "Evander and Konon love broth and Xanthe's developing a taste for it too, now."

After lunch several people began to comb the forest for long, straight lengths of wood and soon several dozen about six feet long and the thickness of a man's forearm were stacked not far from the soft clay construction that would soon become a forge. Turfs and sods of earth were also heaped up and as more and more logs of wood were collected, a charcoal burner was slowly constructed.

First, a channel was cut into the earth, about the thickness and length of one of the poles, "so we can push some already burning coals into the centre" Jason explained as he and Simon helped. Then the logs were stacked layer upon layer, in a manner that they would dry and carbonise but not burn out. As the burner reached several feet in height and diameter, turf and earthen sods were stacked around it to keep the air out. Finally a shovel-full of glowing coals from the fire was brought over and pushed down the channel as far as they could go. Earth packed the hole behind the coals and then all that could be done was to wait.

It was several days later when the charcoal was ready and the fire was lit, first to dry the forge, then to heat it up ready for smelting. During the wait, Simon had fallen into a routine of morning meditation, assisting to prepare either breakfast, lunch or both, then an afternoon with one or more of the extended family as he learned foraging and trapping skills.

The sandals Jason had made for him had been invaluable and Simon found that he genuinely appreciated their comfort, durability and practicality. Braided leather thongs held the thick hides to the soles of his feet and were tied around his ankle and mid-calf to stop them slipping. He'd taken to wearing a comfortable deerskin tunic as well as his leggings as the sores on his chest and back had virtually cleared up.

He and Jason embraced and slept closely entwined every night and had also shared kisses, but apart from his first experience when arousal at watching the young men at play had caught him by surprise, Simon had been wary of any erotic connection between him and his love. It was the morning as Demeter had just begun to melt the first of the iron ingots to start work when Jason broached the subject of intimacy.

"My love, walk with me" he smiled.

"What about chores?" Simon replied.

Jason looked over at his fathers, Hyacinth and Alexander, and his brother Cleopas, who all nodded almost imperceptibly. "They'll be taken care of, this is more important" he replied softly. He already had his long cloak fastened on, in apparent contrast to the heat of the day, and had Simon's draped over his arm. Simon took the warm garment without comment and, hand in hand, the pair left the campsite and strolled slowly away, finding a tiny patch of soft grasses and wild flowers, lit by the sunlight, perhaps a quarter of an hour distant from their relatives.

"This is a nice place, shall we sit?" Jason smiled. Simon did so, realising now the reason Jason had bade them both take cloaks - it was surely so they could sit and rest.

Jason unfastened his cloak and Simon did the same, however he was surprised to notice that underneath the garment, Jason had a small supplies pouch and a flask of water. "Planning on us staying out here long?" he asked.

"As long as it takes" Jason replied, putting the supplies onto the grass and slipping his tunic, leggings, swordbelt and boots off before lying down in just his loincloth. Simon followed suit and once in just his loincloth, sat on the cloak beside Jason, he said, "as long as what takes?"

"I know you're happy with us touching and kissing but apart from that morning when the boys' games caught you unawares you haven't let me bring you to orgasm or help you spill your seed and you haven't offered to help me do so either. It finally occurred to me that performing in front of my relatives would probably be embarrassing and uncomfortable for you, especially the first time, so I spoke to my fathers and brother and arranged for us to spend some time alone together."

"Oh!" Simon gasped. Truth be told he'd had his suspicions that Jason might have planned something like this but was surprised when he just came out and said it - he was actually expecting his love to be more furtive about his intentions. "Oh, well, um" he stumbled, not sure how to reply.

Jason pulled him close and kissed him. "Do you want this?" he asked.

Simon blushed and swallowed a couple of times before managing to get his words out. "More than anything" he whispered softly.

Jason gently pushed Simon backwards so that he lay flat on his back on his cloak, then with deft fingers untied his lover's loincloth and pulled it away, revealing that Simon was already erect and ready. Jason untied his own and threw the pair of cloths to the side, for the first time, except for when bathing and meditating, showing his organ to his lover. Of course, when submerged in cold water and when sitting in a chilly, pre-dawn forest he was normally rather shrivelled, in contrast to today when a nine inch beauty sprang upwards in all its glorious hardness.

Simon couldn't take his eyes of his lover's organ. "Oh my" he gasped, his eyes sparkling with some indefinable emotion. It was seemingly part desire, part anxiety and all lust for the spectacular body suddenly on show before him.

"You want?" Jason drawled with a cheeky expression. "Oh, yes, I want" Simon whispered, his mouth going dry.

Jason moved quite quickly, over the top of where Simon lay prone. He supported himself with his knees and forearms as he let the human man feel most, but not all, of his body weight. He leaned down for a kiss as he began to slowly grind his hips against Simon's aroused body. "Oh, Jason" Simon breathed between kisses.

Jason looped his arms under Simon's and caught the back of his knees with a foot before making a sudden roll and putting the smaller man on top. "Your turn" he said.

"What do I do?" Simon asked nervously. Jason relaxed and stretched out. "My body is yours, my love. Explore it. What do you want to touch?" Simon said nothing but lay quite still, supported by Jason's weight. It seemed that he was trembling a little. "My love, I mean it, you can touch me. Get to know my body, explore it. Try rolling to one side a little and use your fingers, just touch me" he encouraged.

Simon slowly rolled off Jason's body and sat to the side. His upper leg was still draped over Jason's and he lounged on one elbow, thus half-lying on his lover's skin and half exposing it for playing with.

"Your stomach ripples" Simon smiled, running his finger over the gentle bumps. "You have any idea how many times I've wanted to touch them? I needed to know if they were soft or firm but they're quite hard, aren't they?" he asked as he stroked them up and down.

"And your nipples" he continued, circling them slowly with a gentle fingertip. "Do they really produce milk?"

"When our son is born they will, yes" Jason whispered.

"How does that happen? I mean, when will you become ready to carry a child?" Simon asked as he continued to permit his fingers to trail up and down the luscious body before him.

"It'll be about a year, perhaps more" Jason replied, smiling as he enjoyed Simon's caressing touches. "And in order for it to happen I need to touch you and be touched, and feel your seed spilling onto or into me over and over. And one day I'll wake up with white feathers in my navel and they'll grow into a plate. When they are all grown you spill your seed onto them and they take it and a new boy starts to grow, first in a tiny bubble, which gets bigger and bigger as time progresses. You've seen Marcus' womb, that's what it becomes. That's why we have the two wagons, you know - we have to hide our nature from others and when we reach a certain size we cannot stand up for risk of the womb ripping prematurely so we endure three months or sometimes more laid out flat."

"They'll grow from here, our son starts here?" Simon confirmed as his fingers found Jason's navel, a circular indent in the warm smooth flesh.

"Mm-hm" Jason replied.

"What does it feel like?" Simon wondered. Jason smiled. "Like all the pain you can ever imagine, doubled" he replied.

Simon's hand stilled and he seemed to instinctively pull away slightly. "Surely you jest?" he asked.

"I wish. They really are incredibly painful. It has to do with how we were made and a dispute between the gods when Apollo created us. I could explain but I know our beliefs make you nervous" he continued.

"No, no, I don't need to know why, only that they are" Simon replied. "Maybe someday you can explain this dispute to me but today I don't need to know" he said, his hands exploring again.

"Jason?" he said after a few minutes.

"Yes my love?"

"Would you lie upon me again? I liked feeling your weight upon me" he asked gently.

Jason pushed Simon flat and straddled him once more. "You like feeling my strong, powerful body pinning you flat, urging you to pleasure?" Jason said with a lilt of amusement in his voice. He rolled his hips and ground them into the smaller man's, making him gasp.

"You like being dominated don't you?" he asked.

"It seems so" Simon said breathily.

Jason held his weight more firmly on his left arm and freed his right hand. Snaking his fingers between their chests he took hold of Simon's nipple and tweaked it. "Oh!" Simon gasped.

"Nice?" Jason checked. Simon nodded, biting his lip, his eyes begging for more.

Jason slid lower so that his mouth was level with Simon's apparently very sensitive nipples. He laid gentle kisses first on one, then on the other, kisses which left Simon gasping. He then lifted his face slightly. "Simon, I'm going to do something now but if you don't like it just tell me to stop" he whispered. He went back to the nipples, choosing the right hand one to start with and began laying kisses on it again then slowly, gently, he took it between his teeth and nibbled gently. Simon gasped and started to pant. Jason quickly moved to the other and got the same reaction so he bit a little harder and began to pull at it. The panting got more pronounced and Simon's face showed pure ecstasy.

Jason let go before he pushed Simon over the edge, and lay upon him, quite still, until his breathing calmed again. "You liked that didn't you?" he asked. Apparently unable to trust his voice, Simon nodded.

They kissed again. "My love, would you make love to me?" Jason whispered after a few moments.

"How, I don't know how to?" Simon stuttered.

"Relax and lie flat and I will do the work" Jason smiled. He sat up and lowered his knees so that he was completely astride the smaller man's torso. He leaned down to steal one more kiss, then reached over to the supplies bag and took from it a small scrap of leather tied tightly with a thong. "What's in there?" Simon asked.

"Tallow fat, it'll make things just a little more comfortable" Jason replied. He untied the scrap and wiped the fingers of one hand through the grease before reaching backwards, behind himself. Simon couldn't see what he was doing but whatever it was it seemed to require a lot of grease for Jason went back for more three times before he was satisfied.

"I'm going to grease you and help you slip in now" he said and got a fourth helping of fat onto his fingers. He reached behind himself as before but this time Simon gasped as his lover took hold of his penis and coated it in grease. He then took hold of it, raised himself high onto his knees and aimed the sensitive end upwards.

"What, oh!" Simon began to ask, then gasped as he felt a velvety hot tightness begin to grip his organ. He began to instinctively buck his hips, knowing, without understanding how he knew, the correct motions. Jason slid downwards, gently but firmly embedding his lover's organ into his anus, his own eyes rolling into his skull at the pleasure he felt.

"Slowly" he gasped to Simon, "let me enjoy the sensations" he begged. Simon stopped his bucking and willed his body to stay still, willed himself to calm so that he didn't reach his climax too quickly.

Jason's own organ was dripping onto Simon's chest as he held himself seated on his lover and slowly, as Jason began to raise and lower himself, just a little, he took hold and began to stroke, equally slowly.

"Mmmm" he groaned.

"You okay?" Simon made himself ask, gasping in a high-pitched voice as he tried to control the feelings.

"I've never been more okay in my life" Jason smiled. "But I'm not going to last long" he said. He began stroking faster, moving faster and Simon's instinct to buck and thrust took over once more and in a sudden animal surge of lust both came, Simon spraying deep into Jason's bowels, Jason bathing Simon in a veritable fountain of liquid. He collapsed down, sandwiching the sticky fluid between them. "I love you, I love you" he whispered into Simon's ear.

Simon was still floating on clouds of ecstasy but gasped back, "I love you too" before the pair, still in their intimate embrace, both fell asleep.

"Jason, Simon?" came a voice. It was Tito, calling from what seemed to be a distance. Jason opened his eyes to find that the sun was low in the sky. He tried sitting up but immediately woke Simon by his attempt as the semen had dried into a sticky mat that held them together.

"Ow!" Simon exclaimed. "We're stuck" he half-chuckled, half-moaned.

"Simon, Jason?" another voice called. Mark was out there too.

"Over here!" Jason called loudly.

"You guys okay?" a shout returned. "You've been hours!" This time it was Carme.

"How many of you came looking for us?" Jason replied.

"Just us three" Carme said, coming into the clearing. "Oh, sorry" he said, blushing, turning his back when he realised what he'd stumbled upon. Tito and Mark were close behind.

"Give us some privacy, guys" Jason asked, "we'll dress and follow you shortly."

"Don't take too long!" Tito chuckled and the three took a few steps away so that the lovers could carefully separate themselves from each other.

"Well that was embarrassing" Simon blushed as he stood and began to fasten his loincloth back on. "Not really" Jason grinned, "it's not like everyone couldn't guess why we'd looked for a private spot."

"You mean they'll all know we made love?" Simon asked, blushing even more furiously.

"Yep" Jason grinned. "Not embarrassed are you?"

"Well I am a bit" Simon said, "I mean" he stumbled to a halt.

"Honey, we're lovers and we love each other. They will expect us to be intimate. And how will I ever become able to conceive a child, how will I conceive a child, unless we are intimate with each other?"

"I guess" Simon chuckled. "Now that you put it that way, I really don't have any reason to be embarrassed, do I?"

"No" Jason said firmly. He smiled and kissed Simon, a long, searching kiss and embrace, before he too began to dress. Finally, with cloaks affixed over their clothing, bags on shoulders and sandals tied the pair went to join the three searchers.

"We wouldn't have interrupted you except its getting dark and we didn't think it was safe for you to be separated from us overnight" Tito apologised as soon as they met up.

"I never intended to sleep for so long" Jason replied. "Truth be told" he continued, "I didn't intend for us to sleep at all but it all got a little intense." He smiled and put his arm around Simon's waist, pulling him close.

"I bet you both need supper though, your stomachs would have woken you up soon enough" Mark laughed.

"For sure" Simon agreed, suddenly realising quite how hungry he was.

"I've got some trail bread and dried fruit, shall we eat as we walk?" Jason asked.

"That would be good, thank you" Simon smiled and they snacked on the foods as they made their way back to the main campsite.

As they walked into the clearing they were met by cheers and wolf-whistles. "Finally made an honest man of him, Simon?" Hyacinth called. "Enjoyed yourself?" Cleopas asked with a sarcastic edge to his smile.

Alexander came over and hugged the pair. "So, am I going to get a grandson before I pass away?" he asked softly.

"We'll do our best" Jason started to laugh and after a few moments of embarrassment, Simon also joined in the laughter.

That evening after supper Simon and Jason bathed in the pool along with several others, mainly those who'd been working the forge and who were hot, sweaty and blackened with charcoal dust. Once clean they sat around the fire and laughed and joked together, some making crass comments to the newly-intimate couple but most giving no more acknowledgement than a quiet nod and smile. As darkness fell and the stars began to shine through the leafy canopy above them, conversation quietened down, children were kissed goodnight and couples cuddled together in tight embraces.

Although they were all laid fairly close together it was still possible to maintain an illusion of privacy, by the tacit agreement not to acknowledge each other's movement or sounds once one lay down with one's partner. So even though Mark and Kalliope lay to one side of Jason and Simon, and Aeson and Clio the other, both couples close enough to touch should they wish, an illusory barrier kept things intimate and private between lovers.

"Did you enjoy today?" Jason whispered softly to Simon.

"Oh, yes" Simon whispered back and in the glint of the dying fire Jason could see the man's smile.

"You want to do it again?" Jason drawled in an even softer whisper.

"Here, now?" Simon asked. Nerves played in his voice but he was aroused at the prospect so rather than refusing he nodded sheepishly.

Jason quietly moved so that he was lying with virtually his full weight resting on his lover. "I'm not too heavy for you am I?" he asked.

"No" Simon assured him, "it feels wonderful, being under you" he whispered. His voice faltered then he said softly, "being pinned by you and feeling helpless."

"You do like being dominated don't you?" Jason asked with amusement. Simon's answer was a very breathy "yes" and Jason could feel the smaller man's organ swelling and pressing on his own groin even though he'd done nothing but pin him to the floor.

"You want me to press you down, hold you still, make you helpless?" he whispered softly into Simon's ear as he began to grind his hips. "What about being tied up? Should I bind your wrists and have my wicked way with you?" he asked, then nibbled lightly on his earlobe.

"Oh god" Simon groaned and a sudden wetness spread from his groin as the man shivered and shook. Jason kissed him as he came down from his climax. "You were on a hair trigger" he chuckled softly.

"You have no idea what you do to me" Simon replied.

"Perhaps I should do something else to you then, something I do have an idea about" Jason whispered.

"Oh?" Simon queried.

"Perhaps I should make love to you" Jason whispered. Simon trembled and gasped ever so slightly as his lover continued, "should I roll you over, part your sweet cheeks, pierce you, force you? How hard would you climax, knowing that I could do whatever I wished and you were helpless beneath me?"

Simon mumbled something incoherent. "What was that?" Jason asked, falling out of the dominancy act, concerned that perhaps he'd gone too far too quickly. "I said you wouldn't have to force me" Simon repeated with a shaky smile.

"You sure you want me to do this?" Jason said softly. "It will hurt, you know. I'm not small and you are a virgin."

"You can do whatever you want. You are, after all, perfectly able to pin me and make me helpless" Simon chuckled softly, urging his love to start the game once more.

"Lie still then, I need to go get something" Jason whispered. He got to his knees and found to his surprise Kalliope handing him a small skin of grease. "Be gentle with him, Mark's asleep already and if Simon yelps too hard he'll wake him up again" he whispered to Jason. Simon heard the exchange of words and even though he knew logically that at least half a dozen people were within earshot, having it confirmed that his and Jason's exchange had been heard was embarrassing and he blushed furiously.

Jason lay down on top of him once more. "You know I'm going to take you tonight and you can't stop me?" he whispered, getting back into the roll play. Then he cleared his throat slightly and said, "though if you do need me to stop, if it gets too much, just say mercy and I will, I promise." Simon nodded and Jason fell back into the game.

"Roll over my little man. Onto your stomach, let me feel you." He lifted his weight and Simon, still trembling slightly, did as he was bid, turning onto his stomach and lying still, his head on his hands. He willed himself to relax as he felt Jason's weight straddle and pin him once more.

"I love you so much" Jason whispered, laying over Simon's back. He leaned down and nibbled his ears and licked the back of his neck. Then with teasing licks, nibbles and kisses he worked over Simon's shoulders and slowly, slowly slid down his body, teasing his spine, tickling his sides, kneading his buttocks.

Jason span around once he reached a certain point so that he wouldn't slide too low and either fall off the mattress or kick someone. He lay top-to-tail over Simon so that his face and hands had easy access to the plump bottom cheeks. He first began to kneed them as if they were loaves of bread. Then he pulled them, kissed them and slowly worked his tongue and lips down into the crevice.

Simon was sweating and moaning but hadn't asked for mercy so Jason knew he was okay to continue. Very gently he parted the cheeks and planted a soft kiss right over the opening to his lover's anus. Simon squealed then clearly stuffed something, maybe his hand or a piece of the deerskin on which they were laid, Jason wasn't sure, into his mouth to enable him to stay quieter.

Jason toyed with the hole with his lips and tongue for some minutes before reaching for the grease and switching to fingers. He knelt up so he had better access and began easing a finger inside. Simon trembled but said nothing as his nether regions were invaded for the very first time.

Jason could feel his lover's tension and tightness so he leaned down to Simon's right ear. "Push out like you're over the latrine" he whispered. He felt the muscles twitch. "That's it, open up, relax for me" he whispered as he worked a second greasy finger in beside the first.

Simon drew a sharp breath between his teeth when Jason tried to get a third finger in. "My love, I need to get three fingers into you fully or else I simply won't fit" Jason whispered.

"It hurts" Simon groaned.

"You want me to continue or should I stop?" Jason asked. His hand had frozen with three fingertips at the edge of Simon's anus.

"I'm sorry, for tonight, mercy, please" Simon whispered. Jason got off and knelt down and pulled Simon up, around, and cuddled him, aware that the smaller man had started to cry.

"Shh, don't cry, we'll try again to stretch you tomorrow and the next night, until you are comfortable. It can take many nights to be able to do this" Jason assured his lover. "Come, dry your tears, let's sleep." They lay back down and spooned tightly together, then, covered by a cloak and his lover's warm, strong arms Simon stopped crying, relaxed and finally fell asleep. Jason lay awake a little longer, listening to Simon's regular breathing, glad he hadn't hurt him or made him afraid in any way - and once he realised that Simon had relaxed and fallen to sleep he finally felt able to close his eyes as well.

The next morning everyone rose, stripped and meditated as normal, Simon was sure that someone, probably Kalliope at the very least, would mention his and Jason's nocturnal activities but to his surprise no one did. Mid-morning found him helping to collect wood with which to make more charcoal, working alongside Jason as they chopped and gathered suitable logs. "No one's said anything" Simon whispered, "are they waiting for something?"

"Said anything about what?" Jason asked, unsure of his lover's train of thought and therefore completely confused as to what it was that Simon referred to.

"Last night, your attempt to make love to me and my tears, the game we played. I thought someone would have tried to tease us at least, it's making me stressed, waiting for something to be said" Simon explained softly, blushes flowering on his face.

"No one will say anything, that's not what we do" Jason replied softly. "The time in the darkness when we lie together is private. Yes, people will have heard but unless someone thought it their duty, perhaps because we were about to fight or hurt each other or if, like last night, we needed something, no one would interrupt. Kalliope only handed me the grease because he'd used it not long earlier when he and Mark made love. He didn't want me to go hunting for something he had immediately to hand."

"He and Mark made love, lying right there, next to us?" Simon asked, surprised. "I didn't hear anything."

Jason smiled. "You were a little distracted, lover, but they are a very quiet couple. I'm not surprised you didn't notice. Come on" he continued, "we've got enough wood here, let's take it back."

Those at the forge had been working hard and had cast several large blades and a tiny dagger, pouring liquid steel into flat clay moulds the width of a shovel blade. "Why didn't they just hammer the swords, why do they cast them into this odd shape?" Simon asked as they helped to shovel charcoal.

"They don't come out right if they are just hammered, they have to liquefy the metal so that when it cools it's strong enough" Jason explained, "but they do fold it as well, they don't end up the size of a shovel, the edges are turned inwards until it becomes sharp and pointed" he continued, drawing his sword to demonstrate what he meant.

"Once they are fully cooled, these blades will be heated again but not so hot this time, then the edges will be turned in and hammered flat, then they get turned again and again. The blade becomes longer and stronger with every turn and finally it gets filed to a fine edge" Demeter offered. "It's the smelting and casting that's the hardest part, getting the fire hot enough is evil hard work" he explained, "but the folding can take longer, simply because you have to get the edge strong enough."

"That reminds me, I'll be working at the forge along with Lykurgos and some others over the next few days" Jason then told Simon. "Will you be okay joining the foraging teams again?"

"Of course, I need to pull my weight" Simon replied with a smile.

They had a pair of cast iron anvils and after the charcoal had been set, Jason and Lykurgos, the boy under Demeter's close supervision and direction, began to heat one of the virgin blades each and began to fold the metal in on itself, slowly building the strength into the sword. It was hot, hard work and both stripped to their loincloths as they hammered. Simon often found himself dazed as he watched his lover work, his strong muscles rippling with every hammer blow to the newly forged blade. Young Lykurgos seemed to struggle, though, but was insistent on continuing himself even when Rhea went to offer to take over.

"Why is he so stubborn?" Rhea exclaimed, coming back to the fireside where Simon and Mark were preparing a thick broth for supper. "He's a boy, they're supposed to be stubborn" Mark grinned.

"Why is he forging the sword?" Simon asked, "surely there are people more skilled at it than a boy of eleven summers?"

"It's his first adult blade" Rhea said, "and though he doesn't have to do all of it, it's a mark of approaching adulthood for a Spartan boy to take some part in the manufacture of his blade. And it's just as important that parents take some part in manufacturing their sons' first blades, that's why Clio and Aeson will take it in turns to work on Konon's sword."

"The little dagger they were working on?" Simon checked and Rhea nodded. "They've got his sword belt made already and have started on the scabbard, they just need the sword to be finished so they can stitch the scabbard closed at the right length."

"How come Jason's working on a sword?" Simon asked. "Will it just be a spare one or something?" Rhea's lips twitched into a small smile. "Or something, yes" he replied.

A noise from the other side of the clearing made everyone turn around. They saw Leander and Kalliope dropping a huge load of bark onto the ground. "Oh, man, you're not going to do some tanning are you?" Ajax whined, recognising the particular bark that had been collected and recalling its primary use. "You stink for a week afterwards."

"No" Kalliope smiled evilly, "you and Carme are going to do some tanning, it's time you both learned."

"Father!" Carme exclaimed, "it stinks, it's gross, it's..."

"Necessary" his uncle, Leander interrupted. "You like the clothes you wear and your scabbard and belt don't you?"

"Yes" the fourteen year old replied reluctantly.

"In that case you either learn to tan hides yourself or go naked" Leander replied.

Simon knew that tanneries were often smelly, dirty places that used all sorts of stinking substances in order to make usable leather out of skins that would otherwise rot away. "I lived near a tannery for a while, I know it can be disgusting work but I'll help you if you want" he offered.

"Jason will make you sleep downwind for a fortnight" Ajax said brusquely, still smarting from being told he also had to learn the skill.

"Jason has to wear tanned leather like the rest of us" Simon responded, "and as much as I'll smell he knows someone has to do it."

"Okay, Carme, you, Ajax and Simon go dig another latrine away from the first, and make a second pit near the current latrine for us to work in" Kalliope instructed.

"Why near the latrine?" Simon asked.

Carme laughed. "Didn't you ever realise why tanneries stink of shit?" he drawled. "There is a reason you know. Guess, apart from the bark and water, what else you need to use to tan hides properly?"

"Oh, shit" Simon swore. Carme grinned. "Yep" he replied.

You got used to it after a while, Simon reflected. It helped if he kept telling himself that. Jason kept working at the forge, heating and hammering, heating and hammering. And Simon helped Kalliope, Leander, Carme and Ajax with the heap of deer, rabbit and goat skins they'd taken from recent kills, recent meals. Some of the skins had the hair scraped off them, others were left with it still in place, about half and half. A couple of the skins were stretched and flattened to make them into very thin leather, others were left thick and strong, depending on their original strength and intended purpose. The flies seemed to love it, the smell never wore off and the job never seemed to be finished. But finally, as the last of the swords received their last few heatings and filings and as the hilts were hammered into shape and fitted to the blades, the hides received their last washes and beatings against the stones of the riverbed downstream from their camp and were hung on tree branches to dry out ready for use.

They'd been at the same campsite for three weeks and had used the facilities and the local resources almost to their limits. But the work they'd stopped to complete was done, the hides were drying, the swords were finished and Lykurgos, Clio and Jason were putting the last few stitches into some new scabbards. A dozen or so of the blades that were made were not going to have scabbards sewn straight away, they would be kept in storage as spares, should someone's blade break in a place that didn't offer any decent opportunities to build a forge.

Simon had washed well and shaved and, feeling much more presentable he'd dressed in a new loincloth. Since it was a very warm evening he decided to forego his other clothes and had gone to sit next to Jason who was dressed in the same manner. "We haven't had the chance to just sit and talk much over the last week or so" he said.

"I know but I've had something I had to complete and you, darling" Jason leaned in and stole a kiss to show he wasn't being overly cruel, "still smell a little. But the leather looks good and we've finished our work and there's just a couple of things we have to do here and we can travel someplace new."

"What are we waiting for?" Simon asked.

"Marcus will go into labour any time now" Jason explained. "That's why you've not seen Philip, apart from visiting the latrine or getting food, he will have been at Marcus' side the whole time. It becomes obvious when it's imminent as the terrible pain in the womb eases somewhat and Marcus and Philip this last four days have finally been able to touch it and feel their new son's warmth for the first time, so it could happen any day, any moment actually. We need to wait for their son to be born, now, before we move on."

"You said there was a couple of things, that's only one. A big thing, admittedly but" Simon said.

"Look" Jason said, "and watch."

Lykurgos was on his feet and his birth father, Rhea, was also standing. He had in his hands the sword and scabbard that the boy had worked so hard on to make himself. One by one everyone else sat down and looked at the pair, standing in the middle of the gathering.

As the noise level dropped Lykurgos said to his father, "I claim my sword." It seemed to be some sort of ritual.

"Your sword?" Rhea asked, emphasising the word 'your' as if he were questioning whether it was Lykurgos' or not.

"My sword. I heated it, I shaped it, I sharpened it. I cut the leather and stitched the scabbard. It is my sword and my blade and I have the right to claim it" Lykurgos answered. Simon could see that the boy was smiling.

"Only men can claim a sword" Rhea replied, with a smile playing on his lips too.

"Then I am a MAN!" Lykurgos shouted to the forest in joyful exultation. Rhea hugged him and shared his joy, then took a step back. His other father, Demeter, unbuckled the belt he currently wore and removed the child-sized sword from his waist and with careful ceremony Rhea fastened the new belt that Lykurgos had just made himself. "A man's weapon, son" he said softly.

"Thanks, father" Lykurgos said. He couldn't stop grinning. He stepped back into a clear space and with a flourish borne of practise he drew the sword and held it high and the family cheered and clapped to celebrate with him.

Lykurgos basked in everyone's praises for a few moments before sheathing his new weapon, sitting with his fathers and leaning on Demeter's chest, enjoying a cuddle as he watched the rest of the proceedings. Aeson and Clio had gotten to their feet, Aeson with Konon in his arms. Clio held a tiny belt and a miniature sword, little more than a table knife, in a smart scabbard that had clearly been made with love.

"Konon, our son, our love, are you ready to start growing up?" Clio asked. Konon nodded, wide-eyed.

"And to help you to grow up, do you want a sword to use?" Aeson said.

This time the tot grinned widely and whispered, "yes", quite softly but Aeson and Clio could hear him and they were the people who mattered.

"And do you promise to always be careful with it, to remember its dangers and to be as sensible as you can, now you are a boy and not a baby?" Clio asked.

"I promise" the small boy whispered again.

Aeson knelt down and stood Konon on his feet and Clio also knelt and gently fastened the belt around his son's waist. Once it was fitted, he moved backwards a short distance. Aeson stayed kneeling behind the boy and took the child's hand in his own. He carefully reached around and showed him how to grip the hilt then, very slowly, he helped Konon to draw his sword for the first time. The two year old started to giggle with glee as his sword came free, a tiny but deadly weapon, polished as razor sharp as the adult's blades were.

Aeson whispered something to him and Konon held his sword very still as the adult let go. Then slowly Clio came up and took the hand with the sword into his own and, equally carefully, equally slowly, helped him to put it back in the scabbard. "Wear it with pride" he said softly, then the three hugged and laughed together, joined shortly by Demaratos, Konon's older, seven year old brother. As the family celebrated Jason smiled. "It's a special day when a boy gets given his first sword" he said to Simon who, despite his first misgivings about children being armed, could see how happy Konon was and how much respect was taught for the blade he wore.

They sat down and Simon realised that all eyes were on him and Jason. "What have you planned?" he asked his lover with a smile of realisation that there clearly must have been a reason that Jason had helped to forge a sword.

"You remember, only hours after we met, I asked if I could give you a gift and you said to me, if I remember rightly, 'If it pleases you to make me a gift then I will accept with grace?' I have been working on a gift for you, my love, a gift I hope you like" Jason said, though Simon could detect a faint hint of nerves and anxiety in his voice.

Jason urged Simon to his feet and the couple stood before the assembled family. "My love, though you are not Spartan you are my mate and our kin through the bond of love you and I share. I know you don't have our beliefs but I would like you to accept this as a sign of our kinship." He knelt down and shifted a loose deerskin and wrapped in the folds of the soft skin was the belt he'd been carving when the pair met, the scabbard he'd recently finished sewing, and the sword blade he'd spent so many hours hammering into shape.

Simon's eyes went wide and he made to protest before Jason stopped him. "You said you'd accept any gift I made with grace. Well I made this for you, my love" he smiled.

"Then I accept" Simon whispered, his eyes suddenly filling with tears, his emotions overwhelming him at the value of the gift. He'd actually assumed that the sandals he'd requested were Jason's way of fulfilling the promise but this, a full swordbelt and magnificent weapon, were more than he could possibly dream of. The value of the leather alone... he was more than stunned, he was shocked.

Jason's strong hands reached around his waist and the belt was buckled. The sword felt heavy against his left hip but Simon would never dream of complaining about such a princely gift. "Do you want me to help you draw it?"

"You'd better or I'll cut myself, I've never drawn a sword before" Simon admitted. Jason stood to his right hand side and took Simon's right hand in his own. He reached across his lover's body and held his hand onto the hilt. "Grip it firmly" he whispered, then adjusted Simon's hold before grasping it with his own hand over the top and carefully pulling the sword free. Simon held it and the family clapped and cheered.

"I feel foolish, I have no idea what to do with the sword now I've drawn it" Simon whispered to Jason.

"We'll just put it back, exactly the same way as we've just drawn it, and I'll start proper sword lessons another time. This is a moment for celebration, not teaching" he whispered back. He held Simon's hand again and helped him to sheathe the weapon. "There" he said. "All done."

Chattering and congratulations filled the air as everyone started to talk and laugh. A boar had been roasting all day and hot roast pork and crispy crackling was available for everyone to share. Heaps of sweet berries and warm bread cakes were given out and there was even some honeycomb, Elis having appropriated some from a wild hive a day or so earlier. Lykurgos was walking around posturing, showing off his creation with pride. Konon, too, was obviously proud of his weapon and wanted everyone to look at what his fathers had given him. Simon, for his part, was quite humble, though he took every opportunity to sing Jason's praises.

After the food they broached a couple of barrels of wheat beer and mugs of the foaming brew were shared by all except the smallest, who, after tasting a sip from their father's mugs, to a boy went to get cups of water to take the "horrid" taste away. But the adults enjoyed it, and the combination of a hard few day's work, good food and now beer made Simon ever so slightly tipsy, and his feeling of deep gratitude and indebtedness to his lover made him ever so slightly silly.

"Anything! Anything I can do for you, ever, my love, my wonderful man, just tell me" he said earnestly. Jason chuckled. "You've said that several times already" he whispered, kissing Simon on his reddened nose.

"But I mean it, anything!" Simon repeated. He took another mouthful of beer and sat there, swaying. He leaned towards Jason and his head fell heavily on his lover's shoulder. "Oops" he giggled.

"And I think we've had enough" Jason said gently, taking the tankard away from his love. Simon burped. "I may have had a sip or two too much" he giggled as Jason helped him to his feet and led him to a quiet corner where they would sleep.

"Make love to me" Simon said once Jason had laid him down. "You've almost stretched me enough, you said so when you last tried the other evening" he said.

"It's the beer talking my love, go to sleep" Jason replied. Simon shook his head. "I know I've had a drink, that's why I want it, am I ever going to be more relaxed than I am now?" he said with surprising logic for a tipsy man. "Make love to me, lover" he drawled, then put his arms around Jason's neck and pulled him down. They kissed briefly, before Jason felt Simon's lips stop moving, his arms slid heavily down to his sides and he started to snore as the beer got the better of the normally tee-total man.

"Sleep, my darling" Jason whispered, giving him a kiss on his forehead, "sleep."

"Oh," came a quiet groan from the heap on the corner of the mattress. A piece of deerskin was flung to one side but other than that the heap didn't move. "Oh my" the same voice said again.

Jason crouched down and gently kissed Simon's forehead. "You back in the land of the living then?" he asked with amusement. Evander, Demaratos and Socra giggled in the background.

"I'm not sure" Simon replied, surprisingly lucidly. His arm covered his eyes and he lay quite still. "Does the sun have to be quite so bright, what time is it?" he asked.

"Two hours before noon. We thought we should let you sleep" Jason said and Simon could hear the amusement dripping from every syllable. "You were quite entertaining last night, until you passed out and started snoring" he continued, kissing Simon's forehead again.

"Leave me alone I'm trying to die here" Simon grumbled. Jason laughed. "You need to sit up and drink some water" he advised, "and eat something if you can stomach it, you'll feel better for it."

"I couldn't possibly" Simon complained.

"You need to have something, my love, otherwise you'll feel worse" Jason replied.

"It is impossible for me to feel any worse" Simon argued, still unmoving.

Jason silently nodded to the three boys who came over with soaked leather cloths in their hands. They squeezed them so that the cold liquid flowed over Simon's warm skin. "Argh!" he yelled, sitting bolt upright and opening his eyes. "You little monsters" he griped, seeing the boys helplessly laughing. He looked at Jason and he, too, was trying and failing to stifle his own laughter.

"I'm sorry my love" Jason chuckled, "but you are very amusing this morning. What's more pressing, the need for the latrine or thirst?"

"Sleep. I need to sleep" Simon groaned but Jason grabbed his arm before he could lie down again. "Trust me, darling, get some food and water inside you and pay a visit to the latrine before you lie down again. You'll feel better for it, I promise." He took a mug of water from the floor where he'd obviously laid it next to a platter containing some food. "Here" he smiled.

Simon took it and began to sip, grudgingly admitting that he felt a lot better for having the cool, cleaning water inside him. Jason handed him a chunk of bread and Simon found to his astonishment that it had a smear of honey on it.

"Honey? But surely it's too expensive to waste like this?" he asked. Jason shook his head. "We have lots, if you know where to look it isn't that difficult to find, or we can buy it. And it's the best thing to make you feel better this morning. And honestly, nothing is too expensive for you, my love" he smiled. "Now, eat, please?" he begged.

Simon couldn't waste something as precious as honey. He actually couldn't remember the last time he'd tasted the wonderfully sweet confection and even in his hungover state he savoured the bread and spread as he consumed them along with the rest of the water.

"Now latrine and some more water" Jason said. "Yes, sir!" Simon quipped.

"Feeling better?" he asked with a smile. Simon nodded. "A little, I think I'm better for moving around at any rate and I really needed the water."

Jason walked with him to the latrine and held him steady as he crouched, then walked back with him to the fireside like a concerned nursemaid. "I reckon a bathe would feel good" Simon admitted, looking at the pool.

"Sounds nice, the day is shaping up to be a hot one and today's a quiet day, we're even going to cook for ourselves rather than have a communal meal prepared, we've got nothing to do except relax" Jason replied.

Simon smiled back. "I'm glad to hear it" he said. He looked at the others and noted that some were sleeping, others had already gone swimming, others were talking softly or polishing swords or doing some exercises with the weapons. He then saw Rhea, tending to Lykurgos who seemed equally as worse for wear as he was.

"What's with Lykurgos?" he asked Jason. "Well, he declared himself a man yesterday evening so his fathers let him have a man's responsibility and decide if he should drink a whole mug of beer by himself or not. He's feeling quite delicate this morning" he grinned.

"I swear you're enjoying our suffering" Simon accused him with a small smile.

The smile slipped off Jason's face. "I could never enjoy you hurting, my darling" he whispered, looping his arms around his suffering lover's shoulders, "but I have to admit since this is all self-inflicted and since I know you'll be back to normal in a few hours I am allowing myself a little amusement at your expense. You aren't too hurt are you?"

"No, no Jason, I actually expected far less sympathy than this, I never imagined you'd wait upon me and support me through my foolishness" Simon replied earnestly.

Jason shrugged. "We've all been drunk and all been hungover at one point in our lives and all of us have been cared for by a parent or brother or partner. We're actually quite incapable of leaving someone to suffer, even when it seems they've earned it. I know I woke you up quite cruelly with the water cloths but I only did it for the best, to help you recover quicker."

"Well if anyone ever needs my help in future, then they can have it" Simon said earnestly, "whether their condition is self-inflicted or not" he smiled.

Jason and Simon both stripped naked, Jason thinking nothing of it and Simon having gotten thoroughly used to it and completely accustomed to the practise in his weeks with the family. They jumped in the pool and Simon also drank some clean water from the upstream end as he swam. "This is good" he smiled as he grabbed one of the leather scraps that they used for washing from the heap on the bank and began to scrub his skin with it.

"Here, let me" Jason said, and with his own handful of leather he began to wash Simon gently, thoroughly, lovingly. Once done, Simon happily reciprocated and the lovers climbed out, dried and went back to the spot they'd claimed and, still naked, lay back in the warm sun.

"What now?" Simon asked as they lay there. Jason kissed him. "Now, my love, you've eaten, drank, passed water, emptied your bowels and washed. All that remains is for you to sleep and let your body clear the rest of the alcohol out for you."

"And you, what are you to do whilst I sleep the afternoon away?" Simon smiled to his lover. Jason looked a little sheepish. "A group of us are going with Clio and Hyacinth to pray" he replied. "I haven't prayed for a month or more, I really need to" he explained. "You don't mind, do you?"

"It is your faith, my love" Simon assured him "and it's important to you, to all your family. Now go, enjoy, or whatever it is you feel. I will be here when you return."

Simon fell asleep, comfortable and happy, as Jason stood, donned his swordbelt over his nude body and walked over to where the group who he knew wanted to pray were gathered. As well as Clio and Hyacinth, the family's priests as evidenced by their twin swords, Gaia was there, with little Socra, as the boy wished to pray for his birth father and unborn brother's safety. Aeson and was there with seven year old Demaratos, both coming this day to support Konon now the boy had his first sword and who was attending worship for the first time outside of his confirmation. Clio was especially proud of the little boy and harboured secret hopes that when the time was right the toddler would follow his birth father into Apollo's priesthood. Leander joined them too but everyone else stayed in camp.

"What animal do we sacrifice?" Jason asked his father Hyacinth as they finally got out of their camp and had sufficient privacy to discuss their secretive religious practises away from the earshot of their human loves. "Elis managed to snare a billy goat, he's tethered a few hundred yards down the slope" Hyacinth replied to his son. Jason nodded and walked at Hyacinth's side silently, mentally preparing to meet his God.

The billy was a young one and had been snared by a rope so he was uninjured. He was eating his way through a small shrub as the Spartans took hold of the makeshift halter that had been fitted to the wild animal and led it along the path with them. They were heading for a clearing higher up in the forest where a natural boulder several yards across created a flat plateau that Hyacinth and Clio had scouted two weeks before as being a suitable sacrifice site.

As they arrived they stood in a half-circle, Konon having to be coached in quiet whispers by Aeson as to what to do, and Clio and Hyacinth beckoned Leander to hold the animal still. Hyacinth looked up to the blazing sun in the sky, one of Apollo's many totems, and drew his twin swords high into the sword cross, then began presenting his arms, spinning and twirling in a dazzling display that Jason could never imagine being able to do even if he'd dared to try and emulate an ordained priest.

After several minutes Hyacinth stopped and held his swords in a cross, which prompted Clio to draw his blades and perform the same presentations. Little Konon watched, wide eyed, as his father worked the dangerous weapons into a sparkling dance. Then he, too, stopped and held his arms in a cross high above his head.

"Apollo, hear Your children!" Hyacinth then called in a loud voice. Clio echoed him and then the remaining Spartans drew their swords, Aeson helping Konon before drawing his own. They held them high and called together, "Apollo, hear Your children!" and Jason's blood sang as he felt the heat of the sun and behind it the massive power of Apollo.

"Mighty Apollo, we worship You this day with sacrifice and ask You to hear our prayers" Clio then said. "You are the glorious God of the Sun, You are the powerful God of Warriors, You are the compassionate God of Death. You have power over our life and we give You this life in return!"

Clio held the animal's head still and permitted Leander to finally drop the halter rope, draw his sword and stand with the others. He twisted the animal and knelt so that it lay on its side, then with a flash of swords Hyacinth cut the beast's throat and stabbed its heart with pinpoint accuracy.

He and Clio were bathed in the blood as the animal's life energy left the corpse and then, with a flash of light that none could bare to look at, an unfueled fire sprang up in the centre of the half circle, the flames dancing over the bare rock with the priests and the sacrifice on one side and the worshippers on the other.

Everyone knelt quickly, though Konon, who hadn't known what to expect, had yelped and wet himself in fear. Aeson bowed his head low to the flickering flame then laid his sword on the ground before helping Konon to sheathe his tiny blade. He picked his tearful young son up and held his shaking, damp body in his arms as he collected his own sword and held it in the prayer position like the others, point downwards, his head on the pommel.

Konon, do not cry, I won't hurt you came a resonant voice that seemed to be as quiet as a whisper yet still boomed in its hearer's ears. "Apollo!" Aeson gasped, trembling.

I met you when you were a tiny baby, Konon. You are a beloved child of Sparta, you have no need to fear me the God continued. Now can I ask you to stop clinging to your father and pray?

Aeson helped the little boy to stand up, though Konon was still clearly very afraid. "Lord Apollo wants you to kneel and hold your sword like the rest of us" he whispered to his little boy. "Daddy Clio and I are right here with you, you'll be fine, I promise" he coached and gradually the little child stopped his shaking and crying, drew his sword with Aeson's help and knelt with his head bowed to the blade. Aeson felt his Lord's thanks as Konon, finally, began to pray.

As they all knelt, each person prayed to their God with their own personal fears, desires, wishes. And Apollo answered each as was necessary. Hyacinth was praying for his human partner, who was very elderly by human standards. He feared that he would soon die and wanted the man to see a grandson before he did. He heard Apollo's answer as he prayed. Hyacinth, it is true that Alexander's time on this earth will end before yours. But he will see a grandson, this I promise

Five year old Socra had been coming to worship for over two years and wasn't as scared as Konon but still felt unnerved sometimes. "Apollo, I want to pray for my father Marcus and my new baby brother. I hope he is born soon and that he and father Marcus will be well" he whispered under his breath. And the God answered him, Socra, do not worry about your father and brother, they will come to no harm

Clio was shaking, praying that Apollo wouldn't take offence at Konon wetting himself on holy ground. He heard disembodied laughter in his head. If I was offended at little boys peeing themselves in fright I would very quickly lose a lot of worshippers the god said mirthfully. Do not fear for your son, my priest, he is very young and naturally afraid of me and losing control of his water is perfectly normal in this circumstance. Calm yourself.

Jason gave thanks for meeting Simon, for the life of his lover and he prayed for their happiness together. Jason the God began, you and Simon will be happy and should have many long years together He said. But something will happen in his life that will determine this for certain. Do not doubt and do not discourage him but permit him to do as he will. Remember, I am with you both, you are bonded partners. I promise, you will have many years of happiness together as long as you trust Me, as long as you both trust in Me.

"Lord, I'm not sure I understand" Jason whispered, trembling slightly, nervous of asking the Deity for clarification. Simon will face peril and in that moment of peril will have a choice. One choice will lead away from the intended path, the other will ensure your future and the future of the Spartan race. He must make the right choice and you must support him in that choice Apollo replied. I will be with you, Jason, child of Sparta, do not fear. You will know what to do when the time is right.

Jason felt Apollo's touch on his head as the God left him and moved away. He was left feeling slightly confused and unnerved at the God's words. I will be with you, do not fear Apollo's voice ghosted to him as if from a distance as the family's prayer time gradually came to an end.

They lifted their faces from their sword pommels but stayed kneeling and watched until the supernatural flame died away. Then they clambered to their feet, sheathed their swords, Leander picked up the carcass of the young billy goat and the worshippers headed back to their campsite. Socra was happy, Konon was overwhelmed, Hyacinth was appreciative and Jason felt many things, the overwhelming portion of which was nervous anticipation.

They got back to camp and Jason found Simon was awake. He looked at his love and Simon regarded the worshippers and the carcass they carried with raised eyebrows. "Hunting again? During prayer?"

"Yes" Jason replied, his voice soft, and though he tried to hide his nerves his lover could hear them in his voice. "Something happened to scare you, didn't it?" Simon asked.

"I'm not really scared, it's just" Jason began. "I'm sorry, I can't explain it."

Simon looked thoughtful. "I've observed various people going off to pray to Apollo since I joined you, and they always come back with a carcass of some animal and your priests, Hyacinth and Clio are always covered in blood. If you cannot answer my question I'll understand but I want to ask anyway, is your worship sacrificial in nature?"

Answer him truly Apollo's voice spoke into Jason's head. Jason was momentarily stunned but he recovered quickly, met Simon's eyes and nodded. He continued to look, watching for any hint of discomfort or disapproval but Simon showed nothing like that, instead, to Jason's surprise, he smiled softly.

"I thought you would not tell me" he said. "But thank you for your trust, my love." He leaned forwards and they shared a hug and kiss. "It means a lot that you trust me, even though I know I am not Apollo's son I want you to know that I would never betray your trust by sharing this secret."

"Alexander, Philip, Mark and Joseph don't know, cannot know" Jason whispered back. "You cannot tell them, not unless" he stalled.

"Unless what?" Simon asked.

Jason took a deep breath. "Unless Lord Apollo gives you permission, as He gave to me just now when you asked" he said.

"Your God speaks to you directly?" Simon asked, looking astonished.

Jason nodded. "Yours doesn't?" he replied, genuinely surprised. "I thought it was natural that when someone prayed to a God or Goddess then as long as the correct gifts had been given to the Deity then They would speak in the same language and reply?"

Simon smiled. "No, dear one, for Christians at least God speaks in signs and silence and it's easy to misinterpret Him. I take it Apollo is more direct in His speech?"

"You could say that" Jason smiled. No more, now, he knows enough for today Apollo whispered in Jason's mind, letting the Spartan know that he had heard and approved the conversation he had with his lover.

"I'm getting hungry, what about you?" Jason asked changing the subject. Simon knew his love had done this deliberately but chose to respect the change, dropping what was clearly a difficult subject to discuss, especially with a non-Spartan.

"I am too, now my hangover is subsiding. Let's go raid the packs, I've got a hankering after a spot of cheese for some reason" Simon smiled.

The day and evening passed quietly and Simon and Jason lay together that night. "You want to make love?" Simon whispered.

"Do you?" Jason smiled. "Now you're not drunk and falling asleep on me?"

Simon chuckled. "I was rather worse for wear last night wasn't I?" he smiled. "But you've been stretching me well and for most of the last week have been able to get three fingers most of the way in without causing pain. If you can, tonight, let's go all the way, I want to feel you within me" he replied softly.

They lay together, Jason on top of Simon as they both liked, and kissed passionately for some minutes. When they rolled so as to lie the other way, Jason found the grease he'd already put close at hand and he worked first one finger, then two, then finally three, into Simon's anus, stretching the sphincter. Simon moaned slightly but gave no other indication of discomfort even when Jason pushed his knuckles in and began to twist and push.

"Oh!" Simon gasped, "what's that you're touching?" he whispered and Jason could feel him trembling with pleasure.

"This?" he asked, pressing his lover's sensitive prostate. "Oooo!" Simon squealed.

"Shh" Jason giggled softly, "you'll wake everyone up!"

"Oh, mmm, sorry" Simon whispered between clenched teeth. Jason flicked his prostate once more.

"Oh!" Simon gasped again and came, wetness pooling between them as he trembled through his orgasm.

"I guess you enjoyed that?" Jason whispered as Simon was coming down from his climax.

"Oh, my, yes" Simon replied in a gently lilting voice. Jason could hear his lover's smile and even through the dark shadows he could tell Simon was grinning from ear to ear.

"If you've got the energy to shift I think you'll be able to take me tonight" Jason whispered after a few more minutes. In reply Simon slid to the side, lay down on his stomach and spread his knees. Jason straddled him, and with a few well placed kisses and the attention of greasy fingers he ensured that Simon was completely relaxed and stretched, then slowly, slowly, began to mount him.

He heard Simon draw a hiss of breath through his teeth as the sphincter began to stretch around the head. "You okay?" Jason leaned down and whispered.

"Yes, keep going, it just surprised me a little" Simon replied.

Jason gently eased himself right inside, just a little at a time, then once he was firmly seated he leaned down and whispered in Simon's ear once more. "I'm all in, how does it feel?"

"Amazing" Simon breathed. "I just wish I could kiss you at this angle" he continued.

"We can work on that again" Jason said, "but for now, should I stay still or can I move?"

"Make love to me, my love" Simon replied and to that Jason began slowly thrusting. He made it last as long as he could, but soon he reached his climax and came deeply inside Simon. He slid out and off and Simon rolled and embraced him tightly. "I love you, I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too" Jason replied as they fell asleep.

It was the middle of the night. All was quiet, all were sleeping. And Marcus' voice pierced the air. "PHILLIP! Someone! Quickly!"

"Huh?" Simon mumbled at the shout, waking up groggily. Jason sat up. "He must be going into labour" he told Simon. He got up and stirred the fire and got the flames jumping high so that people could see to help the labouring man.

For the first time in three months Marcus was forced to move from lying down. His fathers Elis and Tito lifted him out of the wagon and positioned him on a pre-prepared bed of soft rushes and grass covered in a leather cloth near the vehicle's entrance. Philip was there, already kneeling and Marcus, on his knees, leaned over, reliant on his partner's support.

Gaia had a small tallow lamp which he put in the entrance of the wagon so that the night breezes wouldn't knock the flame out but so that its light would be of some use. Acantha found Xanthe's first kid skin papoose and some soft, dry, mossy wadding to go into a diaper for the child and Marcus sweated and groaned in agony as his labour progressed.

"What's happening?" Simon asked Jason. Because of the dim light he couldn't really make out much detail.

"Marcus is being held in a way that his womb will split as quickly and painlessly as possible. Once it's sufficiently open for Philip to work his hands into the split then he will do so, grab hold of his son and tear him free."

"The babe is ripped out?" Simon gasped.

Jason chuckled. "How did you think he got out?"

"I honestly didn't know, but surely, ripping the womb will hurt?"

"Not as much as leaving it until the baby falls freely, if that happens then the pain can cause the father to go into shock and pass out. If Marcus loses consciousness than it becomes a race against time before the baby tries to inhale the fluid he is created in and dies before we can get him into the air."

"It sounds dangerous for parent and child" Simon observed.

"It can be if you don't have enough support but Marcus is well cared for" Jason replied.

Long minutes passed and Marcus passed the time by shouting expletives, cursing various people and things. "He's not serious, it's a way of venting his pain" Kalliope explained to Simon, who was clearly distressed at the man's language. "It's important not to let the pain overwhelm you. Shouting helps relieve it to a certain extent" he said.

Simon watched as, finally, Philip moved his hands to the front of the womb. It was difficult to see in the flickering light what he was doing, but Marcus yelled out in agony at the same moment as it appeared that Philip's hands disappeared. Then suddenly Philip pulled downwards and as Marcus moaned and cried out once more a high pitched, newborn wail began to fill the air.

Jason let out and explosive breath of air. "He's out!" he said.

Elis took a sharp knife and the firelight glinted from the blade. "What's he doing, Jason?" Simon asked urgently.

"Tito has tied the cord off and Elis is going to cut it to separate father and son" Jason said. Both had moved slightly closer so that they could see what was happening and welcome their new relative into the world.

As Elis brought the knife onto the cord the baby wailed even louder and Marcus, with a strangled gurgle, passed out. "He's unconscious!" Simon gasped.

"That always happens, when the cord is cut we pass out, for some reason that hurts more than the rest of the experience put together" Kalliope explained. Jason was glad of his older cousin's presence nearby, he had been through two gestations and could explain things to Simon far more easily than Jason was able to.

Philip tied a diaper onto the tiny baby and wrapped him in the super soft papoose that Acantha had prepared. Meanwhile Elis and Tito were caring for their son, clearing the remainder of the womb from Marcus' skin, wiping the fluid away and generally getting him more comfortable. They lifted him onto a dry bed, one covered by soft pelts and with a rug available to cover him. Philip then sat near Marcus' head with the baby in his arms, waiting for him to regain consciousness so that he could feed and name their son.

Socra, their oldest son and brother to the newborn, had watched the whole thing from his great-grandfather Gaia's arms. He was scared at the amount of pain his father felt but knew because of Apollo's promise that both his father and his new brother would be well.

After a few minutes Marcus opened his eyes and looked up at Philip. "Well?" he asked with a groggy smile.

"Our son is here and is very well" Philip smiled, showing the small bundle to his lover.

Marcus sat up carefully, helped by Elis to position himself, comfortably leaning on the heap of rolled up skins that were available to prop himself up with. Once he was still and secure in the half-seated position Philip handed the tiny boy to him and Marcus lifted the baby to his chest, squeezed his nipple a couple of times to make sure that the milk was flowing, then guided the tiny mouth to the even more tiny male-sized teat and the boy started to drink.

"Have you thought of a name?" Philip then asked.

"I like Maia. Maia Marcusson" Marcus smiled. Philip kissed his lover and then his baby son. "Hello Maia" he whispered. He looked up at Socra who was still in Gaia's arms. "Come on, come meet your brother" he called. "Maia, this is Socra" Marcus smiled to the tiny newborn infant.

By the time the family were settled and Maia feeding, dawn had started to slowly lighten the sky on the eastern horizon. "What say we have a short meditation and then breakfast?" Jocasta suggested. "We're not going to get any more sleep tonight."

The others agreed and went to find swords, Simon, for the first time with his own sword. He took the scabbard and placed it reverently over his naked lap as he began to meditate on all he had learned over the last twenty four hours. He had learned, through Jason's priceless gift and his reaction to his hangover just how much the man loved him, though in truth he already knew it. He had learned that the worship of Apollo was a sacrificial one and that by eating the meat that the 'hunters' returned with after prayer he had already consumed the sacrificial offerings.

He rubbed the leather of his scabbard absently as he continued to go through his memory - he had learned that he'd truly desired a sword, so that he could be one with the family he now considered kin. He'd learned how Spartans gave birth. And the biggest revelation, he'd learned that despite his faith in Christ and previous life as a monk he was ready to accept that Apollo was real and not just a figment of his kin's imagination.

"I don't know whether you listen to those who aren't your children and I don't really know how to pray to you properly but Apollo, if you're listening, I just want you to know that I think I might be ready to believe in you" Simon found himself saying in his head. "I don't know why or how but for some reason I am a believer" he said and though it could have been his imagination, he could have sworn he heard a disembodied voice whisper, thank you.

They had another lazy day, since their sleep that night had been so badly disturbed however there began to be subtle signs of packing up. Odd, discarded items were picked up and put into packs. The packs themselves were filled, fastened and tied more securely onto the pack saddles. The horses were groomed and there was a general air of moving on.

The following morning the packing began in earnest, and to Simon's surprise the wagon that had been Marcus' home for many months was filled with the newly tanned leather and sacks of dried fruits, nuts and smoked meats that they'd collected and cured. "Doesn't Marcus need to ride in the wagon with the baby?" he asked.

Nabis, who Simon had been helping to collect and stack the leather, shook his head. "He wants to get back into the saddle as soon as possible, he said he'd go insane if he was stuck in the wagon any longer. Besides which" the older man pointed out, "we've got a lot of leather and extra foodstuffs, it can't all be carried on the pack train, and we're taking a couple of sacks of good charcoal in case we find ourselves somewhere where we can't obtain decent firewood."

Horses were saddled and Xanthe was put into his sling and fastened onto Acantha's back. Tiny Maia was being supported in a different shaped sling on Marcus' front so that he was hidden from anyone's passing glances and still had discrete access to milk during the ride. The clearing they'd camped in and the forge and the tanning yard were checked for last minute items and one by one they mounted up, Nabis and Jocasta took to steering a wagon each, the pack train was gotten into place and they began to move.

It took until mid-afternoon to get back to the roadside clearing that they'd broken their trail from, the same roadside clearing where Simon had met Jason no more than a month before. But since the day was warm and dry and promised daylight late into the evening they headed onto the road and continued northwards, the same direction they'd been travelling before Simon joined them.

Jason felt at peace as they began to ride; he was a true nomad at heart and had been anxious for a week or more to leave the camp they'd set up in the forest. Simon saw his love's smile and grinned back. "You happy to be on the road?" he asked.

"Absolutely" Jason smiled. "Freedom to go where you wish, see whatever you wish, freedom to take what you need and ride with the sun. Who wouldn't be happy?"

"I grew up in a small village, I never went beyond its fields for the first twelve years of my life" Simon replied, "I guess if I'd stayed there I never would have felt the pleasure in travelling but it was my thirteenth summer when I spoke to my father and then the local priest about entering holy orders. I left that year and travelled several days walk to a monastery, and from there moved every couple of years to a new church or mission. I have to admit, that even as a brother I actually enjoyed the travel most."

Gaia and Lykurgos rode ahead as outriders, Charon and Elis hung behind as a rearguard. Everyone else rode either beside the pack train or near to or between the wagons. After several hours they reached a small village and stopped on the road just outside. "I'd like to stop, get some news, see if there's any danger spots we should avoid" Gaia said as the family rode up.

"We need some more beer too and some cheese if they can spare it, the cheese has all been eaten and we've got a couple of guzzlers who really like to drink" Rhea laughed.

"Father!" Lykurgos groaned and at the same time Simon blushed. "No shame, we've all been drunk many a time, even Rhea" Jason whispered to him.

Gaia, Demeter, Nabis and Philip took a pair of pack horses and headed to the village tavern for information and to purchase a few barrels of beer. Leander and Joseph took a third pack horse and went to a farmhouse that seemed likely to have a dairy to see about obtaining some cheeses and perhaps even butter, and everyone else pulled into a small grassy meadow to the side of the road to wait for the six.

They all returned within the hour, with the supplies they'd purchased and news that the road ahead was likely to be safe and clear for the next week or so at least. With minimum fuss everyone remounted and rode on through the village and away. Simon noticed as they rode through the centre of the village itself that they were regarded with suspicion and people pulled their children off the road as they passed.

"That's sad, are they that mistrustful of us?" he asked Jason.

Jason shrugged. "If we chose to, with the weapons we carry we could easily take every last possession and scrap of food these villagers have. We'd never do such a terrible thing but they do not know that, they see us as nothing more than potential bandits and are worried in case we do choose to cause trouble."

Simon sighed. "We are not that different from them, except that we have no village" he said.

"Yes but they don't know that" Nabis said from the wagon - Jason and Simon were riding beside him.

That evening they found a tiny stream running beside a grassy bank that had obviously been used as a campsite many times before. They stopped, but didn't do a full unpack but instead just lifted saddles from horses and tethered them to nearby trees. A few armloads of wood were gathered to create a fire and they all sat down to talk as the evening lengthened into night.

Marcus heated some water over the fire until it was just warm, poured into a wooden bowl and proceeded to bathe Maia. The tiny boy cried a little when he was being dried as he plainly didn't like the cold air on his wet skin but after being wrapped in some warm, soft kid skin and offered milk he calmed down and fell asleep in Marcus' arms. Since he was so little and likely to wake for food in the night he was tucked on a thick, warm deer hide in between his fathers so that they could watch over him and Marcus could feed him on demand throughout the night. In only a few months he would be put in the wagon with the other children to sleep and Socra was already excited at the prospect of caring for his baby brother.

That night was also the first that Lykurgos, newly declared an adult, chose to sleep outside rather than in the wagon with the children. Truth be told, there was plenty of room for him inside the vehicle but he felt too mature to climb up with the small boys and made his bed under his cloak like the adults. It was the early hours when, shivering with cold, he went to find his fathers Demeter and Rhea and snuggled between them for warmth - he wasn't used to sleeping outside and this had been the first time he'd tried it alone.

Simon and Jason slept wrapped around each other, enjoying the privacy of being able to spread out along the hundred yards or so of grassy bank. They both made love to the other, first Simon into Jason then vice versa, this time Jason demonstrating a face-to-face position that enabled them to kiss as they coupled. When both were sated, sweaty and covered in various offerings they curled around each other, lying on Jason's cloak, covered by Simon's, and slept comfortably.

The next day was much the same as the first, warm, sunny and dry, though there were no villages on this stretch of road. They stopped at noon at a likely campsite and decided to stay there for the rest of the day and that night, to enable various members of the troop to have sword practise and to let Marcus, still recovering and fairly weak from his gestation, have a little extra rest.

Although Aeson and Clio had taught Konon some things with his sword he hadn't had any proper lessons yet, and of course Evander, Socra, Demaratos and even to an extent ten year old Ajax still had things to learn. Simon had no fencing or fighting skills at all, Joseph had only been learning swordcraft for a year longer than his son Evander and Philip only eighteen months longer than his eldest boy, Socra. So it was that when they had the opportunity they all took lessons, though it embarrassed Simon to think that his skills were comparable to those of a two year old.

Because of his embarrassment at his incompetence Jason offered to teach him one-on-one and took him a few yards away from the rest, within sight and safety's range but not so close as to embarrass Simon totally by making it obvious that the family were watching him.

"Okay, let's begin with drawing, gripping, holding and a basic forwards thrust" Jason said. He was actually a very good, very patient teacher and Simon learned a lot in the few hours they spent on the field but his muscles were on fire by the time they walked back to the main camp.

"You're looking quite proficient considering you really haven't had any lessons at all before" Tito said to Simon as he offered him a cup of water. Simon pointedly reached for the cup with his left hand. "My sword arm is about to fall off" he joked as he sipped the drink gratefully.

The next several days passed in a similar pattern. Each morning they would start with meditation, during which Simon got increasingly comfortable holding his sword, praying less to Christ in the pattern of his old faith and using the time to genuinely meditate and mentally prepare himself for the day ahead. They would break their fast then ride twenty miles or so, stopping an hour or two after midday to lunch, practise swordcraft, hunt, set snares to catch game, forage for foods and generally catch up with domestic chores. They rode through three villages, sold some leather goods and with the money they earned purchased various foodstuffs, including, extravagantly to Simon's mind, a full crock of honey.

"You spent everything you earned on honey!" he exclaimed as Charon, Gaia and Leander came back from a village with the crock, having taken several satchels to sell.

"Yes but it's so delicious, can you think of anything better to buy?" Leander grinned.

"Honey, honey!" Evander shouted to his birth father. And to Simon's shock Leander permitted the boy to spread a scrap of bread thick with the sweet confection and eat what must have been several copper coins worth of food in one mouthful. The other boys, hearing Evander's glee, all came over and they too, were given the sugary treat. Excited and with thoroughly sticky fingers they all begged for more until Gaia came and stopped the clamouring. "Enough!" he shouted. "You want honey? I set you a challenge then, go, find a wild hive and if you do you can share the honey in it between you, comb and all and eat until either it's all gone or you can't eat any more."

"Yeah!" the boys cheered. They seemed to be intending to scatter to the four winds then and there but Jocasta stopped them. "Stop, stop, stop! We need to travel another several miles at least, I don't intend to camp here in this village tonight. When we stop for lunch, then you can go on your honey hunt, not before!"

That afternoon, much to the boys' consternation, the adults seemed to want to ride all day, even when it turned noon they showed no signs of stopping. Jason and Simon were outriding that day along with Kalliope, since Simon wasn't a proficient enough swordsman to protect the family from any serious trouble that they might encounter.

"Shall we put them out of their misery?" Jason asked when they came across a likely looking campsite.

"We'll never hear the end of it if we ride past another camp ground" Kalliope smiled back. They pulled onto the grass and dismounted and were presently joined by the rest of the family.

As the boys rushed through their chores, hastily tethering their horses and pulling off their travelling clothes, Jocasta shouted, "okay, rules. You must be in pairs, don't leave anyone behind and if you find honey, whatever you do, DON'T try and reach into the hive until you've made a smoky fire and blown some of the smoke into the hive. Don't take any from hives that look like they belong to someone or have been made by people. If you're not sure if they are honey bees or something else come back here and get an adult before you try anything. And finally you must be back before dark!" he finished.

Before the last words were out of his mouth, Socra, Demaratos, Konon, Evander, Ajax and even Lykurgos and Carme, scattered. Simon was glad that Carme had accompanied Konon and Lykurgos was with Evander - the two young men could keep the small boys safe and the other three were happy together. Several of them had water skins and some had satchels or gathering bags in anticipation of a good haul.

The adults set their camp up and lit a fire, then sat around talking. It was strange that the only children present were the two babies, Xanthe and Maia. The rest didn't return until almost dark, all together, carrying several satchels stuffed full of honeycomb. "We found loads!" Socra yelled as soon as they were within earshot. "We ended up together 'cos we were following some bees and we found loads of hives stuffed full of honey!"

Simon could see that every boy was covered in sweet, sticky goo and dead insects. Only Lykurgos and Carme seemed to have been stung at all and they weren't badly affected, a couple of reddened lumps on their forearms were the only evidence. There were four satchels full of sticky, dripping honeycomb.

"How much have you all eaten already?" Demeter started to laugh, seeing how sticky they all were. The older boys all seemed bashful and blushed but Konon burst out, "we had loads there and another bag full too but we emptied it on the way back!" He started to giggle uncontrollably, it seemed that the small boy was very much loved by his brother and cousins and had been given so much of the sugary treat that he was almost drunk on it.

"You lot need a good bathe and your leathers and loincloths need cleaning" Cleopas grinned - the boys had all only worn their loincloths, boots and swordbelts as it had been a very warm day and they were more comfortable bare-skinned than covered up in a furry tunic, especially in the humid, overgrown forest where the chances of being observed wandering around in a near-naked state were very slim.

"And we need to get all that honey stored properly and those satchels cleaned out" Mark pointed out. Joseph and Jocasta had gotten a large, empty pot and a smooth piece of leather from the wagon. The pot was placed on the leather and they prompted the boys to dump the four full bags and the bag that they'd emptied onto it also. Then they wiped the excess honey from arms, legs and tummies, making the boys giggle, before sending them off to have a good bath in the stream. Clio and Leander went with Konon and Evander and Philip went with Socra, to make sure that the smaller boys were safe, and the rest of the adults set about separating honey from bee, bag and boy and getting as much of it as they could into the pot. A good two pounds of honey was scraped from the boys themselves, making everyone wonder just how much of it they'd eaten and how much they'd brought back.

"Perhaps we should get the boys to take us back to the hives tomorrow" Simon suggested. "If they carried this much back and ate as much as they seem to have done then there might be even more out there just waiting for us to pick it up."

"You mean stay here two nights?" Tito asked from nearby. Elis looked up. "Actually that's a really good idea, for this much honey I think an extra day or two would be worth it."

It wasn't long before the boys finished bathing. "That stream will run sweet for weeks" Philip grinned as he brought a damp Socra back to the fireside. He helped the boy get dried and tied a clean loincloth onto him. "I can't believe how much honey he had all over him, it was even in his ears!"

"Erm, we kind of had a fight with some honeycomb and we were hitting each other with it before we packed the bags up to come back" Socra told his human dad.

Jason's eyes widened. "What did you do with the bits that you hit each other with?" he asked softly.

"We stuck them all back into the hives 'cos we couldn't carry them all and they had hairs and dirt on them anyway" Socra said. "We only put the clean stuff into the bags."

"Where were these hives?" Simon asked worried that they might have been on someone's farmland.

"They were in a bunch of old tree trunks" Socra said, "and we had to balance and climb up them to get the honey out but Carme built a big bonfire and dumped a load of wet leaves on it first before we did any climbing" he said, "and two that continued to buzz and sound angry were the two that he and Lykurgos put their hands in and they got stung 'cos they weren't close enough to the fire" he explained earnestly.

"And did you put the fire out when you were done?" Jason asked, worried that the 'bunch of old tree trunks' Socra had described would have caught alight on the fire they made to smoke the bees away.

"Oh, yes, we didn't want the bees to burn, we emptied our water bags over it and then peed on it" Socra giggled.

"I reckon we go honey hunting tomorrow" Elis smiled. "Can you show us where these hives were?"

"Oh, yes!" Socra yelled.

"Before you go anywhere you need to clean the honey from your boots and scabbard" Marcus called to his oldest son from where he was sat nursing Maia.

"Father Marcus!" Socra whined.

"I mean it, Socra! You can't leave it, it'll stain and make a mess. That goes for all of you, actually" he continued, looking around, "Konon, Evander, if you're struggling to clean your gear up I'm sure Lykurgos and Carme will help you" he said, smiling at the two young men.

Carme grinned sheepishly to Marcus as he took his leathers from the heap where they'd been discarded when he'd gone to bathe, along with a small slip of tallow and some leaves and grasses. After wetting the items to dissolve the thickest patches of honey, he carefully began to polish and oil them to remove both the traces of honey and the water. Moaning and complaining, quietly of course for risk of facing a dressing down from their fathers, the other boys all followed suit and within an hour everything was washed, cleaned and oiled. Joseph and Jocasta, both having some sympathy for the boys, took on the job of washing and re-polishing the satchels that the honey had been brought home in.

All seven boys insisted on going back to the hives the following day. Jason, Simon, Elis and Tito came with them and carried several large pots and leather cloths so that they could package the honey properly before carrying it back. They also had an axe since they knew that the hives were in old tree trunks and wanted to be able to split them open should they have to, as well as several small knives and other implements that they thought may come in useful.

They were a good hundred yards away when they started to hear the low droning buzz. "There, you can hear them" Carme said. "Come on, it's just up here."

The forest where they clambered was clearly ungrazed and virgin. Huge tree trunks lay where they fell and the undergrowth was thick and matted. The boys led the adults up a slope, ducking under a fallen tree that was resting on its stump, before entering a clearing. It was obvious that there'd been a fire there and as Jason looked around he saw, at eye level or higher, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven beehives. Five of them had been raided but the sixth and seventh were completely intact. As he looked he noticed chunks of honeycomb and pools of sweet honey were scattered all around, on leaves, on the dead wood, everywhere - the clearing was covered in it.

"Erm, we kind of made a bit of a mess" Carme said, blushing. He was the oldest and an adult and should have controlled the others but he'd allowed himself to go just as mad as the younger boys.

Jason's lips twitched into a smile. "We won't tell if you won't" he grinned. "Come on, let's light a fire, Socra, Demaratos, Evander, Ajax, you can collect up all the comb that's scattered on the floor and any leaves that have big globs of honey on them and I want you to carefully scrape any muck off with a knife and dump the honey or clean combs onto this sheet of leather" he said, indicating the piece he'd carried.

"We'll look at the hives you raided yesterday and see what more we can take from them, perhaps we'll pull out the broken comb that you stuffed back inside" he continued, "but I'm glad you left those intact, boys" he smiled, pointing at the last two hives.

"We didn't want to take everything otherwise there would be none for the bees to eat and then they wouldn't be here for anyone else" Demaratos explained.

"Good thinking" Simon praised him.

"Besides which they are a bit too high it would have been dangerous to climb that far up without a rope" Carme pointed out.

"Lykurgos" Jason then said, "which hives did you take the most from yesterday?"

"Those three, since they were in the most smoke" he said, pointing. "Carme and I went for the other two but we didn't take as much and that's when we got stung" he said, pointing to the others.

"Well the first three we'll probably empty completely since it's unlikely they'll recover, then we'll see how much we've got before we decide if we'll empty a fourth or not" Jason said.

"One of them goes really deep into the tree we think, but we didn't reach too far in, we were nervous in case the smoke hadn't scared them all off" Socra said.

"But that one is quite small and once we were sure it was safe we let Konon sit up there and drop bits down to us" Ajax laughed, pointing to the remains of another hive.

"So that's why he was so hyped up when he got back yesterday?" Elis asked.

"He kind of ate as much as he dropped" Ajax giggled.

They built a fire up and using damp leaves and leaf mould made it very smoky. As the bees all took flight they first went up to the hive that Konon had gleefully emptied and found a good amount of honey and bits of comb still in the back of it. They could see where the toddler had broken bits off in order to drop them down, or eat them, but there was plenty still there for the taking.

They went to the second hive, this one was the one Socra said might extend down the tree trunk, and realised that it did indeed extend through the tree and out of the opening that the boys had designated the third hive. They used the axe to break through the wood, making sure that they were surrounded by smoke first. It was Elis who opened the trunk up and a swarm of bees flew into the smoke and then drifted away as the tree was smashed completely and they took pounds and pounds of the sweet confection out and carefully lowered it into waiting pots. They discarded any combs that had more larvae than honey, squeezing and scraping the honey out of them carefully, but other combs that seemed to be almost pure honey were put into the pots whole.

"We must have fifty or sixty pounds of honey" Simon said as he puffed his way back to the camp carrying his pot of honey, one of the smaller containers. Elis, Tito and Jason each carried a large pot that was full to the brim and Carme had a smaller vessel similar to Simon's. The small boys had, predictably, eaten even more honey but since they'd been restrained from having a honey-fight again they weren't so badly covered as the previous day.

"We might even have more" Jason replied, "those hives were huge and full of the stuff."

"Well, we're not going to be short of sweet treats for the next few months, that's for sure" Elis laughed.

They got back to the fireside and showed off their haul and everyone enjoyed bread and honey for supper. They now had several full crocks of the treat and they were so full that it seemed unwise to strap them onto a pack horse so they were carefully covered and put into the back of one of the wagons. Everyone had to bathe that night to wash away honey from hands and faces, of course Jason, Simon, Elis, Tito and the boys all needed full baths because of how much honey covered them.

The following morning everyone rose early to meditate. Maia had been crying but as Marcus began to feed him, the milk made the boy quieten down and then he fell back to sleep, meaning that they could all remain quiet and still as they awaited the dawn.

Simon knew, by the conversations of the others, that they were likely to reach a fairly large town, if not this day then the next, and he found himself not praying precisely but rather mentally preparing to be seen not as a fellow-citizen, or even a travelling pilgrim, but an outcast such as the men of Sparta were regularly regarded. He idly wondered if the town had a church and if so, if anyone was there who knew him from his previous life. He fervently hoped that he could avoid any confrontations with Christian brethren for as long as possible for he harboured no illusions that the brothers from his former monastery would have any sympathies whatsoever for the monk who had apparently become a pagan barbarian.

He knew by his changed appearance - his hair, which he had let grow rather than shave back into a tonsure, and his clothes especially, that it would take a very observant monk to realise that the barbarian with the sword was the former brother Simon. But it was with some anxiety that Simon greeted the dawn, touched his forehead with the pommel of his sword and dressed and he found himself hoping that his fears would not come to pass.

They broke their fast, saddled up and began to ride and just after noon, when they were looking for a likely campsite, they saw the town in the distance. Jocasta and Demeter were outriders and when they spotted the town they waited for everyone to catch up before discussing what to do. "It's a few of hours away, do we head into town or stay here?" Demeter asked.

"Surely it's closer than that?" Joseph asked, squinting at the sprawl of buildings.

"We're on a ridgeline here" Demeter pointed out, "and we can see further than you might expect. Trust me, it's a few hours away, we'll reach there before dark but not much before."

"Will they have an inn or accommodation for all of us?" Philip asked. "We've been to towns before and ended up sleeping under the city walls and watching our every move because nowhere in the town can take us."

"We can't stay here" Nabis said. "No one in their right mind would camp when they are so close to facilities and if we do find somewhere suitable the likelihood is that it'll belong to someone and we'll attract a conflict. We're either going to have to turn back and head back down the road to the campsite we passed an hour ago or get over ourselves and go for it. Either way we're going to face the citizens sooner or later, we can't get onto the next road without going through there at some point."

They decided to make for the town that day. Jocasta and Demeter were despatched to ride as fast as possible to try and find suitable lodgings in advance of their arrival. Hyacinth, Cleopas, Kalliope and Charon all rode as outriders as they knew they would certainly encounter people on this stretch of highway. Elis and Tito rode at the rear and Alexander and Mark, the two oldest humans and therefore the two frailest in the party, not counting the children of course, steered the wagons. Everyone else rode warily, sticking close to the pack train, the wagons and each other as they travelled through the increasingly populated countryside.

They got to the town gate an hour shy of sunset to find Demeter and two of the outriders waiting for them. Hyacinth and Charon had gone with Jocasta to the inn that had, for a significant sum, offered to house them for the night. The gate guards regarded the caravan with suspicion but since they had no reason to detain them or refuse them entry, especially on seeing the wealth of the party, they had to let them pass without comment.

The inn owner wrung his hands nervously when they pulled their thirty-strong troop of mounted men and boys, twenty pack animals and their pair of wagons into his small yard. "Gold, as promised" Jocasta said, taking a small money pouch from one of the packs and handing it to the man. He pulled the drawstring and his eyes widened at the sight of the coins.

"Now, for that, you assured us you and your staff would leave us free to lock the doors and have this place solely to ourselves, so you and yours have ten minutes to make yourselves scarce" Jocasta said.

"Yes sir, of course sir" the innkeeper said, snivelling as he bowed.

"Be gone, man!" Jocasta commanded in a voice and manner that were not his usual. Simon turned to Jason and they exchanged an amused smile at the innkeeper's obvious fear and Jocasta's very convincing play-acting.

The man, his wife and daughter, a pot boy and three stable hands made their way out of the building, the stable hands and boy being each given a copper coin by the inn keeper before scampering away down the street. He looked into the yard and frowned, then shook his head in frustration. "Problems?" Jocasta asked smoothly.

"Oh, no sir" the man bowed. "We'll be going now" he said and walked away. With a sigh of relief Jocasta chained the yard doors closed and nodded to Hyacinth to do the same with the door that led from the street to the main tap room. There were no other exits to the town and with everything locked up they had relative privacy.

They pulled the wagons under the cover of the barn and unhitched the horses. There wasn't enough room inside the stables for their fifty-odd animals so some were stabled, some were tethered in the barn with the wagons and the rest were tethered outside. All were fed a good helping of oats from the innkeepers' stores and the saddles and packs were lifted either into dry, clean spots in the barn away from the horses or were taken into the tap room.

A fire burned merrily in the grate and there were several bedrooms in the large, two storey longhouse. The family scattered, some finding beds, others preparing food, some broaching one of the innkeeper's barrels and several heading to the bath house to get clean.

Jason and Simon had decided to go and search out the inn's pantry, wondering if there was anything new in the stores that they could try. They opened the door and saw bags of carrots and turnips, some apples and a side of bacon. They rummaged through the musty sacks and then Simon spotted something that plainly shouldn't have been there - a set of mucky little toes sticking out from underneath the hessian.

He silently got Jason's attention and pointed it out. Jason mouthed, "three, two, one" and the pair pounced on the sacks.

"AAAH!" came a high-pitched little wail.

"Who are you?" Jason demanded brusquely, taking the toes' owner by the arm. "We told the innkeeper we wanted privacy, what are you doing here? Spying on us?"

"No, no, no, no sir" the little boy stuttered, for little boy he was, a tiny, scrawny slip of a child barely larger than Socra, though Simon suspected he was a somewhat older than five simply by his eyes, which looked old and drawn and pained, heart-breakingly so to be in the face of such a small child.

"I hid, sir, 'cos the inn keeper beats me and if I hide in here, sir, I can sometimes pinch an apple and eat it for my supper, sir, before he finds me" the boy whimpered and looked as if he wanted to either cry or vomit. Considering how scared he obviously was, Simon thought, it wouldn't actually surprise him if he did both.

"Come on" Jason said. The boy didn't move so Jason picked him up bodily and carried him into the tap room.

"Hallo! What's this?" Kalliope asked from the fireplace where he and Mark were preparing a savoury stew when Jason put his bundle down onto the flagstones.

"A little stowaway hiding amongst the turnips and apples" Simon explained, "he claims he's not here to spy on us but" he left the thought hanging, not wanting to be too soft on the child but finding that he was quite unable to be cruel to him or simply throw him out onto the street.

"What's your name, boy?" Mark asked.

The child whimpered incoherently.

"Come on, a name, we can't be calling you boy all night, can we?" Jason asked, in a softer voice than he'd used before. The boy whispered something.

"You'll have to speak up" Simon mock-whispered.

"I'm told my mother called me Ethelred but most people just call me Red, on account of my red hair" the boy said in a soft, trembling voice.

"Okay, Red, why are you still here, we wanted privacy?" Kalliope asked.

"I told him, sir" Red pointed to Jason, "I hid since the innkeeper beats me and I crawled under the apple sacks, sir, so as I could have some supper before he found me" he whimpered.

"How old are you, Red?" Mark asked.

"This is my twelfth summer" he replied.

Simon and the others were shocked. The boy was tiny, scrawny, clearly malnourished and underdeveloped.

"You should be almost a man by now, child" Jason gasped. "You don't look any more than six summers old" he said softly, suddenly having great sympathy for the boy - for even though he was a summer older than Lykurgos he was clearly still only a boy and not yet a young man.

I'm going to go get Gaia and Nabis," Kalliope said, moving away from the fire. "We need to decide if young Red here stays with us or gets put out along with the inn keep and his crew."

Red stayed silent as Kalliope left the room. Voices could be heard in the back room of the inn, and footsteps on the staircase, then several people entered. Gaia and Nabis were at the front, Hyacinth came in, so did Jocasta. Trailing behind were Cleopas and Carme, both curious as to what was going on.

"We've got a little hideaway" Jason said to the assembly. "His name's Red, short for Ethelred, he claims to be twelve summers and he said that he was hiding from the innkeeper so as to escape a beating. We need to decide what we do with him."

"Well he can't be allowed to be near Xanthe or Maia" Jocasta started.

"Perhaps we should just put him onto the street" Hyacinth said.

Cleopas had been staring at the child silently for a few dumbfounded moments, some strange feeling beating within his chest at the sight of the little, frail figure. "No" he said softly to his father. He came around the others and knelt down beside the crumpled little boy crouched on the stones. He lifted the boy's chin gently and gasped as their eyes met. His heart leapt with love and compassion and a host of emotions he had no name for.

Red gasped too, his eyes going wide with amazement. "I know you, don't I? Did you know my mother and father? Are they dead, sir, do you know, or did they just leave me here out of spite? How do I know you, sir? Your face, I remember it" the boy babbled, reaching over and touching Cleopas' cheek.

Cleopas had tears in his eyes. "No, Red, my beautiful boy, we've never met before today" he whispered.

"But I know you, I know I do" Red protested. "Don't leave me here, I've wanted someone to be my family for so long" he said and burst into tears. Instinctively Cleopas scooped the boy up into his arms and rocked him. He looked up at his elders. "I don't care how but we are not leaving this child here, he is too precious" Cleopas whispered determinedly. He wiped his tears away and glared about the room.

"No, I don't imagine that we are" Hyacinth replied with a gentle but surprised smile. Cleopas frowned at his father's words.

"Son, don't you realise? With that reaction he might be your bond mate" he whispered, so low that Red couldn't hear the words, though he was aware that the older man was speaking. Cleopas looked at his father, wide eyed. "But he is just a little boy, that is impossible" he whispered back.

"Do you love him, son?" Hyacinth asked.

Cleopas opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again. "I was going to say no, but that isn't quite true" he admitted after a few moments. "I feel something for him, I am certain of that. I want to care for him, watch out for him. Maybe that's love, I don't know. But he is a child!" he finished in an exclamation that would have been fierce and furious had not the child in question been snuggled gently in Cleopas' arms, encouraging the man not to shout too loud for fear of disturbing him.

Red, for his part, was aware of a conversation but he felt so safe, so content, curled in Cleopas' arms, that even though he knew he surely wouldn't remember anyone from his past, his infancy, he was certain beyond any doubt that there was something that existed between them. For the first time in his life, young Red felt that someone existed who might love him. A combination of his prior stress and current contentment sent the boy to sleep and eventually Cleopas gently picked him up as a man might his small son, and went to sit on a comfortable chair in the corner of the tap room. Jason put a plate of stew and a mug of small beer on a nearby table. "The water doesn't look very clean but this is small beer, it shouldn't be too strong" he said in a soft voice, not wanting to disturb Red.

Cleopas nodded his thanks but didn't touch either plate or mug. Jason looked at him. "Brother, are you okay?" he asked.

Cleopas indicated that Jason should sit down. "He is a little boy" he said and he sounded like his heart was breaking. "He's so tiny, so frail. What am I to do, brother, if he is my bond mate? How will I know?"

"Care for him and feed him, help him grow, love him like a parent and be his surrogate father. Teach him our ways, help him grow strong and wise and skilful with a blade. Help him to become a man, then, when he is ready, ask Apollo if he is your man" Jason said softly.

"You think we might be?" Cleopas asked in a tiny voice. "My mind seems to swim with such a depth of feeling but..."

"If he is your bond mate, then by the will of Apollo you are meant to be together. And if he is not, then it seems willed that you are to be his surrogate father anyway" Jason smiled. "Don't worry about it, don't analyse and whatever you do, don't scare the poor child. Just be yourself."

"I could never scare him!" Cleopas hissed. "He is too gentle, he has suffered too much to ever be scared again."

Jason left his brother cuddling the small boy and joined his fathers and grandfather by the fire. "Cleopas doesn't seem certain that he is bonded to Red" he reported.

Hyacinth smiled. "He's just afraid. There's such an age difference that he can't get his mind past the small boy on his lap and think of the man he will grow into."

"Do you think it is his bond?" Jason asked. Hyacinth smiled. "I am a priest, son. Lord Apollo talks to me fairly constantly. He tells me it is Cleopas' bond, and I am not going to disagree with my God on this one."

"He has bonded then! He'll be pleased when I tell him!" Jason said excitedly and made to stand up.

"No, son" Hyacinth said, grasping his arm. "He will discover it for himself. To confirm it tonight will make him even more confused. For the moment your brother needs to be permitted to feel like a surrogate parent. His true bond and its romance will blossom in time." Jason made to argue but Hyacinth shook his head. "It is Apollo's will that Cleopas accepts this bond by himself. Don't say anything, son, promise me?"

"I promise, father Hyacinth" Jason whispered contritely.

"We are left with something of a problem, though" Gaia said, "how do we get him out of the city? Should we just smuggle him out, should we pay the innkeeper something, or what?"

"By the way he seems to regularly hide from the innkeeper I doubt he'd be missed for a few days" Jason said. "I think we should just hide him in a wagon and take him."

"But where would that leave us if we are found out? Or if the wagons are searched at the town gates? I for one don't want to leave here with an army on our tail" Demeter said.

"Perhaps we should approach the innkeeper" Jocasta suggested. "Ask him, what we should do, hypothetically, if we wanted to take one of the town's boys with us. See what his reaction is, I've no doubt that he knew young Red was still here in the inn so he might guess who it is we want to take and advise us accordingly" he said.

"Are we leaving first thing tomorrow?" Simon wondered. Gaia shook his head. "A town this size is a perfect market for our leatherwork, so a few of us are going to find a market. We can't pass up this opportunity, it's too good. We'll take as much as we can to market tomorrow and get some coins in our packs."

"What about supplies?" Mark asked. "I know we've got a lot in but I for one fancy some bacon."

"I think what we buy will be determined by what road we take" Gaia replied. Simon and Carme frowned and looked at the older man questioningly.

"If I remember rightly the last time we travelled this way, the eastern road was uninhabited for most of a month" he explained. "It's sometimes taken by people who want a shorter route over the mountains but it isn't an easy road. If we do that then we definitely need more supplies."

"What about travelling west?" Carme asked the question before anyone else could.

"Very inhabited, we will need very little, except money, of course" Gaia said. "There are towns and villages along the whole route, we would be able to stop in an inn or something similar every night, presuming we can find an accommodating inn keeper."

"And north?" Simon finished stating their options.

"It is too late in the summer to go any further north" Gaia replied. "The winters are too harsh and it would be hard on Maia. Perhaps the winter after the one coming we shall venture into snow-bound lands, as long as we don't have anyone else gestating or with a newborn" he pronounced.

By this point others had drifted into the tap room, curious about the disturbance, and one by one they were briefed about the dirty little scrap of a boy sleeping in Cleopas' arms. They were also made party to the discussion about finding a market on the morrow and deciding which road to take.

"I for one think two nights in a town is just enough. I'd like to take the uninhabited road" Elis said. Nods and murmurs of ascent rippled around the family.

"The water smells funny here too, like people have got their latrines too close to the wells" Socra said, screwing his nose up. Everyone laughed.

"Out of the mouth of babes" Marcus smiled - he and Philip were downstairs in the tap room too and little Maia was awake and cradled in his human father's arms and looking around with infant curiosity.

"Any objections?" Gaia asked. No one answered. "In that case I think we have decided. We will make money, purchase as many dried goods and supplies as we can carry and make our way east, the morning after tomorrow."

"The inn keeper will be back soon after dawn I suspect" Jocasta said. "I shall pay for another night's stay and I shall carefully sound him out about the theoretical implications of taking a city boy with us and see what his reaction is."

The family stayed in the tap room to relax and chat and gradually the noise level woke young Red up. He felt warm, safe and comfortable, lying in the arms of this stranger-who-wasn't-a-stranger. He opened his eyes to see Cleopas smiling down at him. "Had a good sleep?" he asked.

"Oh, yes, thank you sir" Red replied. Cleopas chuckled. "Don't call me sir, my name's Cleopas."

"Okay. Cleopas. That's a nice name" Red replied with a soft smile. It was then that he began to notice the rest of the family in the tap room. "Who are they?" he asked, looking nervously around.

"Shh, it's the rest of my family. We've hired this whole inn so we can have privacy."

"You're all so tall and strong" Red breathed. He moved slightly so that he could see around the whole room. "Do you all have swords?" he asked. Cleopas nodded. "Yes, we all have swords." He pointed to Socra. "Including my nephew" he said, beckoning the small boy close.

"This is Socra and he's five summers old and as you can see, he has his own sword."

"Wow" Red said. He was amazed but didn't know whether to be impressed or scared. Somehow Cleopas picked up on this, how he couldn't have said, but he embraced the boy tightly. "You don't have to be scared, we won't hurt you" he whispered.

"You promise?" he asked.

Cleopas laughed. "I promise" he smiled.

"Do you want to come and show me and Demaratos around?" Socra asked Red. Red was torn between wanting to play and not wanting to be apart from Cleopas. "Go on, go play, I'll be right here when you come back, I promise" he smiled.

Red climbed off Cleopas' lap, Socra beckoned to Demaratos and the three took off. Cleopas walked over to where his fathers Hyacinth and Alexander were sat. Marcus was nearby with Philip and baby Maia and Jason and Simon were eating an apple each.

"You've lost your limpet then?" Marcus smiled.

"He's no bother, I didn't mind him holding me" Cleopas said defensively.

"I was joking, cousin" Marcus sighed. "He sees you as his saviour, I'm not surprised he's been a little clingy with you."

It wasn't five minutes later when Demaratos, Socra and Red returned to the tap room. "Father Marcus, Red wants to see my sword, may I draw it for him?" Socra asked politely. He was still at an age that, unless he felt afraid for his life or the life of his family, or was worshipping Apollo, he'd been taught that he had to ask before drawing his sword.

"Of course, but carefully, please" Marcus replied.

Socra stepped into a clear part of the room and with a hiss he drew his blade from the scabbard with a flourish.

"Wow" Red breathed, "it's a real sword! Is it really sharp and everything?" he asked, reaching for the blade.

"STOP!" Nabis' voice sounded out like a whip. "You'll cut yourself if you touch the blade, never, ever, touch sharpened steel unless you're prepared for the consequences."

Red looked shocked, like he wanted to cry. "Red, don't be scared, we just didn't want you to get hurt" Cleopas said, walking over and kneeling down near the boy. "Socra's sword is incredibly sharp and very dangerous. Why do you think he had to ask permission before drawing it?"

"I didn't realise" Red said shakily.

"Socra, put it away now" Marcus instructed and the boy carefully sheathed his blade.

"You want some supper?" Cleopas asked. Red shrugged. "I'll be okay, I had nearly half an apple before you found me" he replied. Cleopas' eyes filled with tears again. "Oh, Red, you need more than that" he whispered, trying to get a hold of his emotions. "Come, we've got some rabbit stew and bread and honey for later, how does that sound?"

"Honey, really?" Red gasped. "I've never had it except a bit I licked from someone's plate in the kitchen once. I can really have a whole slice of bread and honey, to myself, and not have to share it or anything?"

"Yes, you really can" Cleopas smiled.

Kalliope served a big helping of the stew, making sure to put plenty of large chunks of meat in the dish. Whilst he ate Simon slipped out to the wagon and got one of the smaller honey crocks to bring back inside. He entered the tap room, took a plate with a chunk of bread on it and set the crock and bread on a table near to where Red sat and ate. As the boy watched he cut a thin crust of bread, opened the honey and ladled a very generous portion so that it poured all over the bread and spread in a sticky puddle to fill the plate. Covering the crock up again he slid the sweet plate so that it sat at Red's elbow. "Enjoy" he whispered.

Red looked at Simon for signs of deception, his eyes showing shock and hunger. Seeing nothing but genuineness he dropped the piece of rabbit he'd been chewing and grabbed the sticky bread, shovelling the bread and finger-full's of honey into his mouth.

"Slowly, slowly, else you'll choke" Jason said softly. "We're not going to take it away, it's all yours" he said.

Red swallowed his mouthful with a gulp. "You're not just saying that?" he asked suspiciously.

"Red, you have no need to fear. What is ours is yours. We share what we own between ourselves and you are going to be part of our family so that means it is yours too" Cleopas said gently. He reached over and ruffled the boy's hair. "Now, slowly, take your time and eat your fill. If you want more stew, or bread and honey, just say so and you can have as much as you need. I promise."

Red had two platefuls of stew and three of bread and honey before quenching his thirst with half a mug of weak beer. He climbed sleepily onto Cleopas' lap without saying anything and between one breath and the next fell fast asleep, feeling full of food and perfectly contented. The rest of the family ate too and since it was getting late, one by one they took to their beds or else found other comfortable places to sleep and bedded down for the night.

Then next morning saw them all, except for Red, wake well before dawn for their meditative exercises. They stripped, sat and meditated where they had slept, scattered around the building. Jason, Simon, Cleopas, Elis and Tito slept in the tap room, with Red of course still clinging to Cleopas' side even as he snored.

As dawn broke and one by one they each felt the sunlight peaking in through cracks in the shutters or gaps under doorways they opened their eyes, touched their swords to their foreheads and rose to break their fast and greet the day.

Virtually half the family were planning on taking their goods to market that morning, either to sell things or to stand on guard and watch for any trouble. Nabis, Demeter, Rhea, Kalliope, Leander, Lykurgos, Mark , Carme, Jason and Simon all intended to go and help out and were saddling pack horses with all the goods that the family had made over the previous months. They were almost ready to leave when the inn keeper came and knocked on the yard doors.

Jocasta, who'd intimidated the inn keeper so successfully the day before, was waiting as Ajax, pretending to act as a page or squire, admitted the man into his own house.

"Yes?" Jocasta drawled.

"We negotiated for one night, sir, and I was wondering" the inn keeper mumbled, wringing his hands. Jocasta negligently tossed another pouch of coins onto the ground at the man's feet. "We're staying another night" he said loftily. "Hopefully that will reimburse you for your troubles."

"Thank you, oh, yes sir" the inn keeper smiled.

"But whilst you're here, we have some questions we'd like to ask about the laws of this town" Jocasta said. "If, hypothetically, of course, we wanted to take one of the local town boys with us when we leave, what would we have to do?"

"About all's you need to do is get permission from his father, or his guardian if he has none, and perhaps pay him a bit for the child and you'd be fine" the inn keeper said, his eyes lighting up.

Gaia came over. "You know who we mean?" he asked.

"I'm guessing you mean the urchin, Red" the inn keeper said. "You can take him with you to do as you please but it'll cost you another ten gold coins" he blurted.

"You have yourself a deal, little man" Jocasta said. "Now run along, we want your inn for the day" he said.

"But what about the money for the boy?" the inn keeper demanded. Jocasta was on him like a shot, his sword three inches out of its scabbard in his right hand. He pushed the man with his left so that he fell to the ground. "You'll get the money when we leave on the morrow, not before" he hissed softly. He drew the blade another three inches to make his point.

"Oh, yes, of course, sorry sir" the innkeeper babbled. "Tomorrow morning, of course sir" he said, scrambling away.

As the inn keeper left, the group heading to the market also departed, staying on foot and leading the half-dozen heavy laden pack horses into the centre of the town. They set a cloth down in the square in the midst of several other traders selling foodstuffs, fancy goods and the like and put their wares on show.

They immediately attracted a crowd but once they made their prices known many of the poorer residents of the town drifted away, looking longingly at the fine leatherwork. But some of the richer merchants and several finely dressed nobles came and purchased items and before noon their stall was all but clear and their purses full of jangling coins. They sold off their last few items to their fellow traders at prices only slightly lower than they'd accepted from their true customers and were packing up as a group of overdressed bureaucrats and a phalanx of guards marched up.

"It costs ten silvers to trade here for the day" a moon-faced bureaucrat announced nervously to the heavily-armed Spartans. Kalliope opened his purse and nonchalantly counted out the silvers into the man's hand. "It's been a good morning for trading, thank you" he smiled politely. The poor bureaucrat clearly couldn't cope with a polite barbarian and stuttered a little before turning on his heels and marching away, taking his guards with him.

Simon shook his head and sighed at the clear mistrust of these people, who, just because they looked and acted differently treated them with such clear contempt. But he wasn't intending to judge their morality, just do what he could to help his family and so he said nothing and kept his opinions to himself.

The other traders, of course, didn't seem to mind, as long as their coins were genuine and they spent freely. They bought a dozen bright yellow cheeses, several sides of bacon, some sacks of meal and dried beans and two large barrels of flour. A vintner sold them a dozen skins of new wine and they bought a couple of soft, thick lamb skins, as Jason thought that the thick, warm wool would make superb winter papooses for the babies.

The pack horses were laden down and they still had to pay several boys to walk with them to carry their purchases back to the inn. Leander, Lykurgos and Carme each led two pack horses and accompanied by their porters they headed straight back to the others.

The remaining six, still with money in their purses, walked around the rest of the stalls and shops, looking to see if there was anything else they needed to purchase and were planning on following closely behind. Seeing nothing else of interest they decided to leave and hadn't gone far from the market when they passed a new construction that they hadn't noticed on their way in, a wooden hall with a steeply pointed roof and a bell tower at one end. As they walked by several men in brown burlap robes exited from the main door and upon seeing them, Simon jumped and started to tremble.

"What is it?" Jason asked.

"That's a church, those men are brothers from my old order, if they recognise me..." Simon left his thought unfinished.

"Let's get back to the inn" Jason suggested, hoping that the monks hadn't seen his lover's nervousness. They passed within a few feet of the monks as they walked quietly back and as nothing was said, Simon began to relax, thinking that he'd managed to escape notice. But his hopes were short lived for they hadn't gone more than a dozen paces past the Christian brothers when a surprised voice sounded out behind them. "Brother Simon? Is that you?"

Simon froze, not sure whether to ignore the man or keep walking, whether to deny his name or admit it. Unfortunately his panic made it obvious to the questioner. "Brother Simon, it is you, what in the name of the Almighty are you wearing?" he said.

"Brother Jude, what is it?" an unknown voice asked. A richly dressed churchman pushed his way through the monks. He saw several barbarians, heavily armed and carrying heavy coin purses, stood together at one side of the street, and a handful of monks staring at one of the barbarians with shocked eyes.

"The barbarian there, with the two-tone sword belt and short hair, it is brother Simon" Jude answered.

The churchman's eyes went wide. "The brother who deserted your pilgrimage?"

"It appears he has done more than that, father" another monk said. "Look at him, he is out of his robe and has deserted the whole order and maybe his faith too. He even carries a sword!"

The churchman stared and suddenly got a calculating glare. "Guards!" he shouted. Six mail-shirted, well armed men came up. "Seize this man for crimes against the church! He will be brought before the bishop!"

The mail shirted men and Spartans alike froze, unable to believe what they were hearing. The priest shouted again, "SEIZE HIM!"


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