The Lifeguards


Published on Dec 5, 2018


The Lifeguards - Part 2

Note: This is a story about sexual encounters among a group of teenagers. It is strictly fiction and fantasy. It involves sexual practices that are considered unsafe and is not an endorsement of these practices. Please comply with the laws where you live concerning such literature, and read it only if you can do so legally. If you are offended by this sort of material, please read other things that will not offend you. If you like this kind of material, please donate to Nifty to ensure that this free resource can continue.

"There's two kinds of people at the beach. Most of them see the lifeguard as a public servant who's gonna save their ass if they get into trouble. That's really the right way to look at it, because that's what lifeguards are paid to do. On the other hand, there's a few who would rather have us screw them than save them, and those are the ones who keep the job from becoming boring. But you always gotta remember why you're here, and always be looking for swimmers in trouble."

My buddy Alex was teaching me to be a lifeguard. I couldn't start the real training for several months yet, but he had permission to train me unofficially. I was allowed to wear the lifeguard swim shorts and bucket hat, modified to say "Lifeguard Trainee". I must have looked pretty hot because I was getting a lot of attention from the swimmers.

Travis was pissed off because Zach wouldn't train him. Zach had told him to wait another year and put on about fifteen pounds of muscle. That pissed him off even more, but it motivated him to lift weights with me. He was now becoming the hot little stud he had claimed to be in his story. Yeah, he had let me read it, and "... lean and hard and beginning to show a little muscle ..." wasn't quite accurate. Neither was "... nearly as tall as Cody ...". I thought he was a little hard on me about my brain power too, but he was still my best friend.

I pointed toward a little kid about three years old who had wandered into the water on his own. His mom was texting on her smartphone and wasn't paying attention.

"That's the way to watch, Cody."

My buddy Alex blew his whistle, got the kid's mother's attention, and pointed. She quickly ran over to watch her boy more closely.

"It's better to prevent a problem that way than have to perform a rescue. You've got good eyes, Cody, and you pay attention to the swimmers even when I'm talking. You'll make a good lifeguard."

Praise from my buddy Alex was more important than being paid. Whatever I did, I wanted him to be proud of me, whether it was working as a lifeguard, wrestling, or fucking.

"Have you tried any of the new techniques I taught you?"

"Oh, yeah! I practiced rimming Travis last night. I thought he was gonna go out of his mind."

"You two make a good pair. You've got four years of history as best friends, and that makes you a lot more comfortable with sex together. How do you two feel about having new experiences with other guys?"

"We wanna be best friends and have sex with each other, but Travis says we should be open to other opportunities, and I agree with him."

"That's good, because I've got an opportunity for you." He nodded his head toward a kid about thirty feet away straddling a black BMX bike. "He's been here about this time for several days now. He watches me and Zach, but when I look his way, he always pretends he's looking at the swimmers, just like Travis used to. Then he disappears into the woods. Zach says he sunbathes naked in the clearing you're familiar with. I think the kid wants to do it with a lifeguard."

"He must be new to town. I don't recognize him. Why didn't Zach fuck him?"

"Zach said to let you have a turn. You're closer to his age. Give him a ten-minute head start and then follow him. You're due for a break anyway. Take as long as you want. Give him an experience with a lifeguard that'll make his day."

At about five feet tall and one hundred pounds, the kid was a wiry athletic little guy with a naturally toned body that came from playing outdoor games rather than video games. Smooth, tan, hard, and shirtless, he was wearing red shorts from a Baywatch costume. His unruly black hair was held in place by a red baseball cap with "Junior Guard" embroidered in white on the front.

"Do you think he'll settle for a lifeguard trainee?"

"There's no doubt about it. Nobody would turn down a hot stud like you. Put this lube in your pocket and have a good time."

I grabbed my lunch and headed for the woods. It had been hard to wait ten minutes because I didn't want to miss the opportunity, but my buddy Alex always knew best.

The kid's bicycle rested against a tree with his shorts draped over the seat and his hat hanging from a handlebar. The kid himself lay on a beach towel stroking a good-sized boner and taking pictures of it with his smartphone.

"Hey, dude, how's it going? Mind if I join you?"

The kid jumped as if he had been poked with a cattle prod. He sat up, put down his phone, and tried to hide his pole.

Not waiting for a response, I dropped down beside him and opened my lunch bag.

"Here, have a cookie."

Hesitantly, he reached out and took the cookie from my hand. Watching me nervously with dark brown eyes, he ate it slowly while I ate my sandwich. When his cookie was finished, I handed him another one.

"What's your name, kid?"

"T-t-t-tyler," he managed to get out. In addition to his name, I learned he had braces on his teeth.

"Glad to meet you, Tyler. I'm Cody. You're a good-looking young fucker. How old are you?"


"Well, twelve-year-old Tyler, I guess I caught you having a little fun."

He was too embarrassed to respond.

"It's okay, dude. That's a nice boner you got. I bet you give it a lot of exercise. I know I would. How big is it?"

He managed to find his voice. "Six and a half inches."

I grinned. "I bet your friends are jealous."

More relaxed now, he grinned shyly. "Yeah, they are. I took a lot of shit about my big dick and my pubic hair during PE last year. I'm more mature than most twelve-year-olds"

Tyler wasn't self-conscious about his braces, and when he grinned, they gave him an appealing innocent look that I liked. I rubbed his lean muscular back gently. He flinched at my first touch, but then relaxed again.

"I like your all-over tan. You must spend a lot of time here in the sun."

"Yeah, I do. I spend time by myself in the woods too, enjoying nature."

"And exercising your boner?"

He smiled shyly. "Yeah, that too."

I handed him my last cookie. As he ate it, I slowly massaged his sun-bronzed shoulders in my most friendly manner.

Tyler finished the cookie and looked me over carefully as if evaluating my qualifications as a lifeguard. He hesitantly put a hand on my knee. I gave him a friendly grin and squeezed his shoulder encouragingly. Looking into my eyes for reassurance, he moved his hand to the snake that was trying to escape from my swim shorts.

"Want me to take my shorts off?"

He nodded his head up and down. I removed them and set them to one side along with my hat.

"Can I wear your lifeguard hat?"

He grinned happily as I put it on his head.

Wearing my hat gave us a bond that made him more confident. He ran his fingers along my bare boner.

"It's bigger than mine." He stroked it gently with a practiced hand.

"Not by more than a half-inch or so. And yours is thicker than mine."

Tyler lay back and leaned up on his elbows, not sure what to do next. He had reached the end of his experience, and it was time for me to add to it.

I gently ran my fingertips over his hard chest and stomach. Resting my hand on his tight abs, I leaned over and ran my tongue around his nipple, then down his smooth chest. He gasped as I put the tip of his pole in my mouth, swirled my tongue around it, and slid all six and a half inches inside.

I pulled off and grinned at the surprised and nervous expression on his face.

"I don't know if I oughta let you do that."

"Yeah, your mom probably wouldn't like it, so I guess ..."

"What my mom wouldn't like doesn't matter. I like it, so I'm gonna let you do it."

I smiled to myself. Travis thought I wasn't very smart, but I gave myself an "A" in manipulation for that little trick.

I leaned over again and resumed where I had left off. Tyler ran his fingers through my hair and then put an encouraging hand on my head. His breathing became ragged as his sexual excitement grew.

"I'm gonna cum if you don't stop, Cody."

I ignored him.

"I mean it. I can't hold back much longer."

I stopped. "Okay, I don't want you to cum just yet, anyway. There's more to do before that happens."

Tyler looked even more apprehensive. "Like what?"

I grinned mischievously. "You're gonna find out soon enough. You were buffing your banana when I got here, so you must wanna cum, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so, but ..."

I moved over and knelt between his legs.

"... I don't know about this ..." He started to get up, but I gently pushed him back onto the ground.

"Relax, twelve-year-old Tyler."

"... but ..."

"I've got a few more fun things to show you."

I slid my hand between his thighs. He squirmed and moaned softly as my finger found its target.

"You've got a sensitive asshole. You're gonna like what I'm gonna do next."

Pushing his legs up out of the way, I lay down on my stomach and put my head between them. My tongue found the gateway it was looking for and began to tease it open. Tyler gasped with pleasure as his sphincter relaxed and my tongue worked around the edges. His hands clawed at his towel as he pushed against me, his aroused adolescent body wanting more.

"... oh, yeah ... oh, shit ... that feels so good ..."

When I was sure Tyler was hooked, I got back on my knees and spread some lube on the middle finger of my left hand. While my right hand gently stroked his boner, my greased finger slid inside and played with his prostate. Precum dripped onto his stomach. He was about to shoot his load when I stopped.

I grinned playfully. "Not yet, twelve-year-old Tyler. There's more to come."

He watched anxiously as I stroked my pole and reached for the lube.

"You gonna put your boner inside me?"

"Do you want it inside you?"

"I dunno ... I ain't never done nothing like that before ..."

"Yeah, your mom probably wouldn't like me putting it inside you either, so ..."

"What my mom wouldn't like doesn't matter. I want it inside me."


He hesitated for a long time. He was already outside his comfort zone, and I was trying to push him further. I waited patiently.


I greased my cum gun and leaned over him, guiding it to his waiting hole. He tried to appear calm and collected, but his eyes revealed his anxiety. I smiled at him reassuringly.

"It's gonna be okay, twelve-year-old Tyler. You ready?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

Tyler's hands gripped my forearms and his eyes grew wide with surprise as I slowly and steadily pushed my pole all the way inside. His spasming ass muscles tightened around it as if to hold it firmly in place.

I grinned at him. "I think your body likes my boner."

He grinned right back. "I like the way it fits perfectly inside me."

"Like it was meant to be there."


"Do you like being connected with me this way?"

"Oh, yeah!"

"What would your mom say if she saw you now?"

His grin grew wider. "She'd have a cow."

"Do you care?"


Then I had an idea about how to enhance his lifeguard experience.

"Want a picture of this?"


Tyler leaned up on his elbows. I picked up his phone. Balancing myself on one hand, I took a selfie featuring his happy face looking upwards with his tongue sticking out. In the background, my upper body and his were clearly joined by my cum gun.

I handed him the phone.

"Awesome! Now pull out part way and I'll take one that shows you're fucking me bareback. Yeah, like that. Perfect."

Tyler put down the phone. He was now completely at ease.

My boner was buried deep inside an eager young kid who was ready to have some fun, and I was ready to give it to him. Slowly at first, then with increasing speed, I slid my pole in and out. For a short time, Tyler watched the action. Then he lay back and looked up at me.

"I like it. Are you gonna make me cum by doing this?"

"That's my plan. We're both gonna cum if it works right."

"Are you gonna cum inside me?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Do I really have a choice?"


He grinned smugly. "That's what I thought."

"You're pretty smart for your age, twelve-year-old Tyler."

"Can I take a video?"

"Sure! That's a great idea."

He took about thirty seconds of video while I continued to fuck him, and then he set the phone aside.

The sun beat down on my back as I settled down to a steady pace. My sexual excitement grew quickly. Tyler was tighter than Travis. This was going to be a good fuck. I would have to be careful not to cum too soon.

The changing expressions on Tyler's face told me his pleasure was growing too. I slid in and out with a steady rhythm for several minutes, stopping occasionally to keep from cumming. His sexual excitement was nearing its peak. He clenched and unclenched his fists as he struggled with new feelings and the lack of control he had over what was happening.

He looked up, his brown eyes pleading. "Can you make it last longer, Cody?"

I grinned at him devilishly. "I don't know. Aren't you ready to cum yet?"

"No! I like what you're doing to me. I wanna feel like this forever."

I slowed down, doing my best to hold him right at the edge. His hands caressed my back, urging me to deliver more pleasure. For endless moments he hung in the balance, struggling not to cum. I pushed him a little further. He tried to recover, but it was too late.

With a soft cry of surrender, Tyler came hard, blasting his boy juice onto his chest and stomach. The muscle spasms from his orgasm pushed me over the edge. With an animal grunt of satisfaction, I flooded him with load after load of lifeguard cum.

I slowly pulled out and leaned back, looking down at him with a satisfied grin. "Did you like that?"

"Yeah! It was awesome! I could feel your cum shooting inside me!"

I reached for his phone. "Let me take one more picture. Lean up on your elbows. Put your knees up and spread your feet about two feet apart. Good. Now show me that tin grin and give me a V sign. Oh, yeah, that's perfect."

I showed him the picture. Pools of boy juice were visible on his chest and abs, and a small pool of cum could be seen between his legs on the towel.

"Oh, shit! That's awesome! Let's look at the video I took."

We sat on the towel side by side. Tyler held the phone and played the video. I put my hand on his shoulder, and he rested his free hand on my leg, stroking it casually, completely captivated by the porn he had produced.

Tyler looked at me, grinning from ear to ear. "That was so fucking awesome!"

"Maybe you should put it on the internet."

He grinned slyly. "Maybe, but for sure I'm gonna show it to a couple of my friends. They're gonna shit a brick! They didn't believe me when I told them I was gonna let a lifeguard fuck me."

"Text the pictures and the video to me. I wanna show them to the other lifeguard."

"Okay, give me your number."

We stood up and put on our shorts. I retrieved my hat, and Tyler folded up his beach towel.

"You gonna go swimming now?"

"Yeah. Can we do this again sometime?"

"Sure. And next time you can fuck me if you wanna."

His face lit up with excitement. "You mean that?"

"You bet I do. I want that big boner of yours inside me. Now go have a good swim."

My buddy Alex looked at the smirk on my face when I got back. "You've been gone an hour. I bet you scored big time. Tell me about it."

I sat beside him and gave him a full report.

"Good job, Cody! That's the way to get your lifeguard bonus for the day."

I beamed with pleasure at his approval.

"Now I'm gonna show you some pictures and a video we took with Tyler's phone."

I turned on my smartphone and opened the message. His eyes grew wide with surprise.

"That's pretty awesome, but you better be careful who you show them to."

"You gave me the opportunity, so you get to see them first. I'll probably show them to Zach and Travis, but not anyone else. I don't care who Tyler shows them to. He's the only one who can be identified."

My buddy Alex looked at the last picture again, then at the brim of my hat.

"There's cum on your hat." He was trying not to laugh.

"Shit! I didn't know he shot it that far."

"Keep it there as a souvenir of your first lifeguard sexual encounter."

I looked out at the river, watching for any problems. Tyler was climbing onto the diving platform. He waved at me, grinning happily. I was his hero and personal lifeguard now. He would be back for more.

My story had given my buddy Alex a boner. I knew what he would do with it when Zach came on duty. The clearing in the woods was going to get more use before the day was over.

(Thanks for reading my story. Any comments are welcomed at

Next: Chapter 3

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