The Lifeguards


Published on Dec 15, 2018


The Lifeguards - Part 4

Note: This is a story about sexual encounters among a group of teenagers. It is strictly fiction and fantasy. It involves sexual practices that are considered unsafe and is not an endorsement of these practices. Please comply with the laws where you live concerning such literature, and read it only if you can do so legally. If you are offended by this sort of material, please read other things that will not offend you. If you like this kind of material, please donate to Nifty to ensure that this free resource can continue.

I woke up to the smell of frying bacon. It took me a few seconds to remember that I was in Tyler's bed. I lay half on top of Tyler with my head resting on his chest. Travis was on his back on the far side of the king-size bed. Our positions reflected what we'd been doing when we fell asleep. Tyler had finished with Travis, and I'd been resting up before topping Tyler again.

I sat up and looked around. The basement was divided into two general areas. To the front of the house were two storage rooms, a complete bathroom, and a laundry area. The remainder of the basement, about thirty by twenty feet in size, was Tyler's domain. The dated plywood paneling, worn vinyl-tile flooring, and musty odor reflected the age of the house.

The bed was centered on the back wall. Nearby, a basement-level entry led to the backyard. A stairway near the center of the house gave inside access to the main floor. Tyler's BMX bicycle rested against the wall near the outside door. On the opposite side of the room were a dresser, study desk, and a six-foot wide portable closet. Against the inside staircase, an old sagging sofa had provided a place to toss our clothing.

Tyler's long history with his grandmother was revealed by the contents of the room. A box of infant playthings sat next to toy cars and construction vehicles. Model airplanes occupied another box. On the wall were samples of Tyler's grade school art work. A computer and PlayStation occupied the desk, and a basketball lay beside it on the floor. And on top of the dresser was the most recent addition - a box of condoms.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Travis got up and headed toward the bathroom.

Gently, I shook Tyler awake. "Hey, twelve-year-old Tyler. You wanna take up where we left off last night?"

Tyler rubbed his eyes. "Don't you ever think of anything besides sex?"

"Right now I'm thinking about food, but I wanna fuck you first."


Not waiting for an invitation, I'd penetrated him. I pressed all the way in. His muscles gripped my boner tightly like they always did.

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Squeeze my pole like you're never gonna let it go."

"I don't know. It's just a natural reaction."

There was silence as I began moving inside him, broken only by his occasional gasps and my heavy breathing.

"Oh fuck, you're good at this, Cody. Do you use your wrestling techniques when you're screwing?"

I paused for a minute to think about it. "Yeah, the two activities do have some similarity. Why don't you put up a struggle and we'll see what happens."

He squirmed like he was trying to escape from a wrestling hold. His muscles tightened inside again.

"Oh, yeah, I like that! I like how you tighten up when you do that. Oh, yeah! Oh, shit!"

I'd been close already, and he put me right over the edge, laughing at me as I came.

I pulled out and leaned back on my knees. "Smart-ass! But that was really hot."

Travis was drying himself and laughing at our experiment. "Okay guys, the fun's over for now. Who's next in the shower?"

I bounced off the bed. "I am. That means you two gotta start the clean-up."

As I showered, I thought about the night. We were a good mix for perpetual screwing. I was mostly a top. Travis was mostly a bottom. Tyler was turning out to be versatile. So we'd managed to keep two of us busy most of the evening until we crashed around midnight.

Drying myself with a towel, I walked back into Tyler's living area. Tyler and Travis had stripped the bed and started a load of laundry. While Tyler showered, Travis and I put the clean sheets on the bed.

My thoughts turned to being proper for breakfast. "Tyler, do you have shirts we can borrow?"

"Sure. Grab two out of the second drawer of the dresser. I'm not gonna wear one, but you can if you wanna."

Travis was thinking like me. "We were half naked for dinner last night. The least we can do is put on shirts for breakfast. We should show your grandmother a little bit of courtesy."

Tyler conceded the point. "Okay, I'll wear one too. It would be a good idea. Even as flexible as Grams is, we don't wanna push her good nature too far."

Travis observed the condoms. "Why are these here? You don't use them."

Tyler grinned. "Grams got them for me. They're optional, but they came with suggestions on when to use them. The suggestions don't include slumber parties, and if they did, I wouldn't use them anyway."

A couple minutes later we were dressed and ready to go.

Tyler led the way up the stairs. Travis and I were suddenly subdued. It's one thing to quietly screw your buddy in your own bed and then pretend nothing happened the next morning. I'd done that to Travis a couple times. It's another thing to go upstairs and say "good morning" to a respected adult who knows exactly what's been going on in the basement.

Tyler, the only one who was not apprehensive, took the lead. "Good morning, Grams. Thanks a lot for cooking us breakfast."

"Good morning, Tyler. Good morning Cody and Travis. I hope you slept well."

I responded for all of us. "Good morning, Mrs. Thompson. We slept quite well. I hope we didn't disturb you when we came ... in."

I had heard they called that a Freudian slip. I wasn't sure what that meant, but my face was red as a beet. Tyler snickered, but his grandmother pretended not to notice.

"You can't see it because of the tiles, but the basement ceiling is well-insulated. You could make enough noise to raise the dead down there, and no one upstairs would know. And I have a suggestion. Mrs. Thompson was your fourth-grade teacher. I suggest you two call me Grams like Tyler does. It will make me a lot more comfortable if you do."

The awkwardness over, Travis decided to join in. "Thanks, Grams. I think both Cody and I will be happy to have a grandmother nearby, since all our grandparents live on the other side of the country."

Grams served us a huge breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast. I think she'd used Tyler's appetite as an index and multiplied by five, but there wasn't much left when we were done.

"What are you boys doing today?" Grams wanted to know.

I was happy to respond. "I'm working today. It's my first official day of work. The company that does the lifeguard services for the city hired me as a maintenance assistant four mornings a week. I'll help set up the lifeguard stand and equipment for the day, and then I can get training for the rest of my time. I'm working two mornings with Alex and two with Zach, so I'll get a wider variety of instruction."

Grams smiled at me. "That's great Cody! I'm really pleased for you. I hope you have an excellent first day at work."

"Thanks, Grams." It was nice to have an unofficial grandmother to provide encouragement like that.

"So what are you and Tyler going to do?" Grams asked Travis.

Travis grinned at Cody. "First, we'll go the beach for a while and check on the quality of Cody's work. Then we're gonna pretend to drown so Zach can rescue us. Maybe this afternoon we can explore the island near the nude beach. Tyler is interested in the island and its history, and I think Cody would like to join us. Cody, why don't you ask Zach if he wants to go too."

I had to leave. "Thanks so much for breakfast, Grams. I gotta get my lifeguard uniform and go to work."

"You're welcome, Cody. Have a great day at work. And you boys come back and stay with Tyler whenever you want to. I enjoy having young people around. It helps me remember the good times when I was teaching."

As I left, Tyler and Travis were helping Grams clear the table and do the dishes. I would have helped if I didn't have to go. It was important that we make ourselves as useful as possible to Grams.

When I arrived at the beach, I helped Zach set up for the day. It wasn't anything new. The only difference was that I was being paid for it. The pay wasn't much, but it would cover the first aid and CPR training that I planned to take very soon, and it would also cover most of the lifeguard training that I would start in a few months.

"How did the swim at the nude beach go?" Zach wanted to know.

"We swam across the lagoon to the island. Then Travis and I swam back and Tyler explored the island for a while."

He could tell by the grin on my face that there was more. "And?"

"I spent a little time inside Travis."

"On the public beach itself?" He was surprised.

"Yeah, we wanted to see what would happen if we fucked in public. The answer is 'nothing'. That is, until Tyler showed up."

"Tell me more."

"Tyler fucked Travis. I provided a little guidance since it was his first time on top. That drew an audience."

"I'll bet it did. It's not often you get to see a twelve-year-old do that for the first time. I'm surprised you did that."

"It just sort of evolved naturally, and it all worked out okay." I was a little defensive.

"It's not a problem, Cody, in fact it took balls to do it. But keep in mind that sometimes there's an undesirable element at that beach. Just keep your eyes open."

The conversation was dropped while we finished the setup and got ourselves in place on the stand.

"Tyler is a hot little number. I'm almost sorry I let you break him in."

"Well, he's not my exclusive playground. You should get into his pants at least once. He has this completely natural way of tightening around your boner when you're inside him. He's not only tight to start with, his muscles spasm and he squeezes your pole. It's hotter than hell."

"You've had several experiences, I guess. It's only been two days."

"Yeah, Travis and I stayed over with Tyler last night and we fucked our brains out. His grandmother knows he's having sex, and she's okay with it. She was my fourth-grade teacher, and she's a very understanding person."

"Sounds like an ideal setup."

"If you wanna join us, Travis, Tyler and I are gonna explore the island by the nude beach this afternoon."

"Count me in. I've been curious about that place too. I've been out there for the purpose of getting a blow job once or twice, and it looks like it has some history."

"You're only fifteen, so there must be some guys out there who aren't concerned about jail bait."

"Yeah, most of the guys I've interacted with are about eighteen to twenty. They like young guys. Tyler might enjoy an experience there too, with a little guidance."

"Yeah, I might too."

Zach and Tyler knew each other only by sight, but as we started up the path to the clothing-optional beach, they fell into step together and began to talk. Soon they were laughing and having a good time. Before long they were playfully poking each other. If Tyler had been a couple years younger, Zach would have been carrying him on his shoulders. By the time we got to the clothing optional beach, Zach had his arm around Tyler's shoulders and was calling him "Little Bro". It wasn't a matter of sexual advances either - they had just bonded quickly. I was pleased. With Tyler, Travis, and me, three was not a crowd, but four compatible guys would make it even better.

The beach was deserted. We walked along the sandbar to the island. A tattered "No Trespassing" sign lay on the ground, apparently put up by a former owner before the island became part of the state park.

Tyler was the one with the knowledge. "Let me show you where the old house was."

The primitive foundation dated back to over one hundred years. Made of native stone and mortar, it was located high enough above the river high-water line that it hadn't ever flooded, but its original sturdiness had been slowly eroded by the weather. It appeared to have been a two-room structure, about twenty by thirty feet.

There were a few artifacts visible on the surface - a leg from an old wood stove, a piece from an old spring mattress, a broken whiskey bottle. Anything made of wood had rotted, and anything of value or interest had long ago been carried away. I wondered who had built this place and what their life had been like.

We walked to the end of the island, each of us looking around for possible treasures. The rusting remnants of an old car was the only item of size that we found.

Travis was intrigued. "I wonder if that sand bar was once a natural causeway to the island. How else would the car be here?"

Tyler agreed. "I bet you're right. I'll ask Grams if she knows anything about it. She's lived here all of her life."

We continued our exploration by walking along the rocky beach on the river side, poking around in the gravel. I noticed an oddly shaped rock and picked it up.

"Check this out guys."

It was an arrowhead in nearly perfect condition.

"That's cool!" Tyler exclaimed. "I wonder if there are more."

I put it in my pocket. We looked around the area, but we but didn't find any more artifacts.

As we walked back across the causeway, Tyler stopped and looked back at the island. For some reason, he had bonded with the place.

"Is anyone besides me interested in camping out here some time?"

Zach spoke for the rest. "I think that's a great idea. Let's plan to do that soon."

None of us had brought a towel or blanket, so we walked to the end of the sand and stretch out on the grass. Relaxing in the sun, we all went to sleep.

The first clap of thunder woke us up abruptly. A sudden afternoon storm was moving in.

Tyler jumped up first. "Shit! We better head back quickly."

Zach became the leader. "I know a shorter path that goes through the woods and ends up in town. Follow me."

As we ran along the path through the woods it started to rain, lightly at first, but soon it was pouring. Lightning hit close enough you could smell the ozone and hear the hiss of overheated air just before the thunder roared. We came out of the woods only a block from Grams' house.

"This way!" Tyler led us to the basement entrance and we bolted inside the house. He grabbed the towels from the bathroom and passed them around. We were laughing and joking, mostly with relief that we hadn't been fried by a lightning strike.

The ceiling may have been insulated, but our abrupt and noisy arrival hadn't been missed.

Grams looked down the inside stairway. "What's going on down there?"

"We got caught in the storm and came home by a path through the woods." Tyler reported. "Some of the lightning strikes were too close for comfort."

"Bring your towels and come upstairs. I'll make some tea."

Seated around the kitchen table wrapped in towels and sipping hot tea, we told Grams about the full afternoon adventure, both the island exploration and the thunderstorm. Zach was silent, and then Tyler realized why.

"Grams, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce my big brother Zach, at least that's what he seems like to me. He's another lifeguard, and he went with us to the island. Zach, this is my grandmother, and I know she'll want you to call her 'Grams' like Cody and Travis do."

"I'm pleased to meet you Zach. Tyler is right, I want his friends to all be comfortable here. Please call me 'Grams'"

"Thanks, Grams, and thanks for the hot tea. And Tyler is right. We seem to have hit it off really well. I feel like he's an instant little brother."

"You're very welcome for the tea. And Tyler can use a big brother. I hope he'll bring you over here regularly. Thunderstorms won't be required for you to drop by."

I looked out the window. The storm had passed quickly, as was typical. The sun was out and steam rose from the sidewalks and pavement.

Zach had to go back to the beach to join Alex for the last three hours of life-guarding. Travis and I stayed a little longer to finish our tea.

Tyler was thinking about the island. "Grams, do you know anything about the house on the island."

She was silent a minute, reflecting on the past. "Yes I do. It was built by your great-great-grandfather. At the time, the island was a peninsula. There was a road from town that followed the path you took home today, and then went out where the sandbar is to the island. My father grew up there. Some time before I was born, a high spring flood turned the peninsula into an island. They had to abandon the house."

"There was a rusted out car on the island. Did they have to abandon it too?"

"That car was no longer running. They brought the newer car over to the mainland on a barge along with all of the furnishings. That's when this house was built. If you're interested in hearing more about the family history, we can talk about that more during the summer."

As Travis and I walked home together, I shared some thoughts with him about the day.

"I was happy that Zach and Tyler hit it off so well. I think it will be nice if there are four of us doing things together."

Travis smiled. "I agree. Two weeks ago, I would have been jealous if Zach showed that much attention to someone else, even though my attraction to him was secret and one-sided. Now I have that same relationship with my best friend, which is better. I don't see any of us being in a closed relationship for a while, and I know you and I are both happy with our friendship with Tyler and what it means. All the same, three could become an awkward number in time. The more the merrier."

(Thanks for reading my story. Any comments are welcomed at

Next: Chapter 5

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