The Lifeguards


Published on Dec 22, 2018


The Lifeguards - Part 5

Note: This is a story about sexual encounters among a group of teenagers. It is strictly fiction and fantasy. It involves sexual practices that are considered unsafe and is not an endorsement of these practices. Please comply with the laws where you live concerning such literature, and read it only if you can do so legally. If you are offended by this sort of material, please read other things that will not offend you. If you like this kind of material, please donate to Nifty to ensure that this free resource can continue.

"Do you have anything planned this morning, Tyler?"


Grams and I were finishing breakfast, just the two of us. I had enjoyed the excitement earlier in the week, but I was sure she was happy to have a few days with less domestic chaos. I was also sure she had something planned for me, and I was right.

"We have an appointment with my lawyer this morning. He's preparing documents that both of us will need to sign."

I was curious. "What kind of documents?"

Grams smiled. "You'll find out soon enough. Let's get the dishes cleaned up. The appointment is at nine o'clock. And please wear a shirt, shoes, and your newer pair of shorts that still has all of the buttons."

We walked the short distance downtown. The lawyer's receptionist ushered us into his private office.

"Good morning, Mary. It's good to see you again. And this must be your grandson. Please be seated."

As we took our seats, Grams introduced me to the lawyer. "Tom, this is my grandson, Tyler. He's staying with me this summer, and some things he said the other day encouraged me to ask you to prepare the documents I mentioned. Tyler, Tom McAllister has been my lawyer for some time, and a friend longer than that."

"What you asked me to do is easy enough under the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act. Tyler will become the owner, and you'll be custodian until he turns eighteen."

"Excellent! That's just what I was hoping for. It would have come to Tyler under my will, but his interest encouraged me to make the transfer now. Will you take care of the filing at the courthouse too?"

"Of course. That's part of my job."

I was becoming extremely curious. It was difficult, but I waited patiently like Grams would expect me to.

Mr. McAllister turned to me with a wry smile. "Congratulations, Tyler. You are now the proud owner of approximately sixteen acres of completely unusable real estate. The taxes are minimal, and your grandmother will attend to that and other legal obligations until you become of age. In the meantime, it's yours to enjoy within the limitations provided by law."

I looked at Grams. "What is this about?"

"It has to do with Franklin Island. That's the official name of the island you and your friends explored the other day. It's now your property. It would have come to you eventually under my will, but it makes much more sense for you to enjoy it more freely now. As Tom said, there are limitations. For example, under today's standards, building a house would not be possible. There isn't much you can do except camp on it and explore it. But from what you've said, you like it very much the way it is anyway."

"But I thought it was part of the park."

Grams smiled pleasantly. "So does everyone else. As a result, the no trespassing signs have regularly been torn down. I've arranged for it to be legally posted as private property again, with more durable signs this time. That won't stop people from going there, but it will protect our interests."

Tears came to my eyes. "Thanks so much, Grams. I love that island already, and now I can love it more."

"You're entirely welcome, Tyler. I want you to enjoy it fully."

Mr. McAllister had both of us sign some papers, gave Grams copies, and we went our way.

Grams had more to say on the way home. "The property includes a thirty-foot-wide strip that runs along the east end of the state park. That was the access road I told you about, and the path you boys came home on during the storm. The island is part of your heritage going back to pioneer days. It has quite a bit of history. There are a couple of older citizens who can tell you more than I can, and there's more information available at the library and the county museum."

"I'll be interested to learn more about the history. I wanna explore the whole island to see if there is anything else of interest. And I'm gonna plan a camping trip there with my friends soon."

"That's exactly what it's for. I want you to enjoy it as much as possible."

Back at home and out of my lawyer-visiting clothes, I headed for my newly-acquired sixteen-acre island. Having learned about the path through the woods, I took that route.

There were a few naked sunbathers on the clothing-optional beach. A couple of them had been there when Travis, Cody and I had our public screwing event. They waved and greeted me by name, and I smiled and greeted them too. I felt like I should be friendly to my fans. Everyone seemed to know me by name these days. I wondered how widely-known our beach adventure had become.

Across on the island, some workers were putting up metal posts and durable yellow plastic signs at about two hundred foot intervals. I walked across on the sandbar to see what was going on.

The older man who seemed to be in charge spoke to me politely. "This is a private island, young man. It's being posted now, and you won't be able to go out there any more."

I grinned at him. "I know. It seems that I've had an early inheritance."

"Are you Mary Thompson's grandson, Tyler?"

"Yes, sir, I am."

"So that's why she's having us put up signs. Now it all comes together. I'm Jason, a friend of your grandmother's. I own a construction company. She hired me to put up the signs. Do you want to help us?"

"Thanks! I would like that."

"We brought the signs and posts this far on that four-wheeler. You can carry them to the installation locations. I've put a yellow stake where each one should go. We're putting them all around the island. We've finished the other side, and we'll finish the rest this afternoon. Down the beach, you'll find my assistants, Ben and Eric. They'll help you find the location markers."

I picked up a couple posts and signs and started down the beach. Ben and Eric had taken off their shirts, and they were hard-bodied athletic guys. As I got closer, I could see their muscles rippling in the sun as they pounded the metal posts into the ground and wired the signs in place. Being their helper would have fringe benefits. Getting a little closer, I recognized them as the two guys with boners from the nude beach adventure. I put down the signs and adjusted my own boner before it could escape from the top of my shorts.

"Hey, Tyler, I'm Ben and this is Eric. It looks like you're gonna give us a hand here."

"Yeah, Jason invited me to help by carrying signs and posts."

"Well, drop a sign and a post by each of those yellow stakes down the high water line there. We'll take it from there."

"Okay, thanks."

Eric grinned at me. "So, have you been getting any more experience lately?"

I blushed slightly. "Well ... ummm ... yes."

"I'm glad to hear that. A young fucker like you should be getting as much as you can."

Ben had some input too. "If you find us on the beach again, stop by and say hello. You might happen to find an extra beer in our cooler, but of course you'd have to steal it because we can't give you one."

Eric looked at Ben. "If he's old enough to fuck, he's old enough to drink."

"Yeah, that's one way to look at it, but the law might be interested in who he's fucking and who gave him the beer. What do you think, Tyler?"

I grinned at them. "I think I better spread some signs and posts around where you need them."

They both laughed. Ben replied. "Now there's a future politician, except for one thing. If they found out you'd been fucking in public, it would be all over."

I frowned with fake disappointment. "Well, since my reputation's already shot, I guess I gotta give up my political goals. I thought maybe I could become president someday."

Eric grinned. "It's probably better this way. You're gonna enjoy fucking in public more than you'd enjoy being president."

I spent a couple hours packing signs and posts to their destinations. Ben and Eric installed them nearly as fast as I could carry them. They usually had suggestive comments to tease me with when I brought them more materials. I did my best to play along and be one of the guys. Eric would always start it.

"Hey, Tyler, how'd you lose that button on your shorts?"

I lied. "I don't know. It must have come off in the laundry."

Ben pitched in. "We know better. You cut it off to look sexy."

Eric continued. "You're gonna lose your shorts if you're not careful."

"I think that's his goal."

"We could help him out by cutting off another button."

"It'd be quicker just to pull his shorts down for him."

I had a response. "You just wanna see my boner again, but I gotta go get some more posts and signs, so you'll have to wait a while."

They kept it up to the end.

"This is the last sign, but we're short a pole."

Ben had a suggestion. "We can use Tyler's."

"Nah, we gotta let Tyler's pole grow a little more. We've seen it. It's too small to use."

I was getting braver. "You know it's big enough to fuck with because you saw me doing it, and that's all that matters. I don't wanna have a no trespassing sign on it anyway. The more trespassers, the better."

Eric couldn't let me have the last word. "Oooohhhh! Should we give him a test drive?"

Ben didn't think so. "Maybe the next time we see him on the beach. He'll fuck better with a beer or two inside him."

They were done, and it had been a fun afternoon for me.

Eric had a question. "Hey, Tyler, Jason told us you own this island. Is that right?"

"Yeah, my grandmother owned it and gave it to me."

"Are you gonna turn it into your own private nude beach? We'll miss the show on the other side."

"Bring a pair of binoculars. You can watch the show from a distance now."

"Naw, that's no fun. Won't you let us come over and play with you?"

"Well, you gotta do two things. First, you gotta bring me that beer you promised."

"Okay, that's easy enough to do. What else?"

"You gotta promise to be good and play nice."

Ben pitched in. "We're very good. Do you need references?"

I grinned smugly. "No, I'll do an evaluation and give you some training if necessary."

Ben and Eric left laughing. I felt like I had established a bond with them even though they were about ten years older.

After Jason and his crew were gone, I walked around on the island some more. On the lagoon side, the bank rose up several feet above the water line in one place, with the same great view that I had enjoyed on the beach my first time there. I found a couple of short round log sections that had been left by someone stealing firewood. Adding a plank that had washed up on the beach gave me my own instant bench. I could improve on it later. Once I had done a few small things like clearing the brush around the old foundation, improving some paths, and cleaning up trash, I would bring Grams out to show her my own private park. My friends could enjoy it with me too. But right now there was one person in particular I wanted to share it with.

Late in the afternoon, I walked back up the path to town and went home for dinner. After a shower, I went upstairs. Grams was in the kitchen making a salad and grilling hamburgers.

"I went to the island this afternoon. A guy named Jason and two helpers were putting up signs. I helped carry the signs and posts."

"I'm glad you met Jason. He's a great guy to know. He can fix almost anything. He didn't charge me what he should have for that project, and it was good of him to take it on. His construction company is busy right now."

"Thanks again for giving me the island, Grams. I wanna do a little cleanup, and then I would like you to come out and see what I've done."

"I'll be happy to do that any time you want to. It will give me pleasure to see how you're enjoying your early inheritance."

"I'll take my friends out there soon, but this evening there's one person in particular that I wanna show it to, so I may be a little late getting home from the beach."

Grams smiled. "I think I know who that is, but I'll wait until later to find out for sure."

I gave her a big grin. "You're always two steps ahead of me. Will there be some leftovers in the refrigerator this evening?"

"I'll see that there are."

Just before seven o'clock, I walked to the beach. That's when the lifeguards went off duty. I had something I wanted to do with my big brother.

Zach was putting away the equipment and locking up the lifeguard stand when I arrived.

"Hey, Little Bro, what's up? Are we going swimming with Cody and Travis tonight?"

"Nope. I've got something I wanna show you. Would you come with me after you're finished here?"

"Sure. Give me just a few more minutes. Where are we going?"

"To the clothing-optional beach."

"Now you've got me curious."

We walked up the path side by side, chatting casually about his day. He told me about a rescue he had performed. Some kid had tried to swim to the diving platform and had realized about half way that he couldn't swim that well. The way Zach told it, humorously, it didn't sound like a big deal. I suspected the frightened kid felt differently.

We walked along the mainland side of the lagoon and across the sandbar.

Zach stopped with a sad look on his face. "It looks like we can't go out to the island any more. I wonder why. I thought it was part of the park."

"So did I, until this morning."

"So, who owns it?"

"I do."

He looked at me like I had gone crazy.

"You gotta be shitting me!"

I grinned at his reaction. "No, it's true. Grams' family has owned it forever. She transferred title to me this morning. We can come here as often as we want to."

I took his hand and led him along the beach, little brother showing big brother his new prize. I told him about Jason, Ben and Eric, and about helping them set up the signs. We climbed the slope to the high point, and I stopped in amazement. Instead of my makeshift bench, a heavy six-foot cedar bench, with wooden arms and legs and a solid wood backrest, sat in its place. A sheet of paper inside a plastic sleeve was taped to the back.

"Tyler, When we're not working for Jason, we build yard furniture. We saw you making a bench and decided you should have something more solid. This is a gift for you and your island. We liked working with you and hope to see you again soon. Ben and Eric"

Zach grinned. "Ben and Eric are domestic partners as well as business partners, and they're good guys to know. So is Jason. I'm glad you got to meet them."

We sat down on the bench. Zach put his arm around my shoulders.

"You're one lucky dude, bro. This is a fantastic view, and it's all yours. And you can camp out here with no concerns about being chased off. It's unbelievable."

I put my arm around his waist. "I don't wanna enjoy it alone. I wanna share it with my friends too, especially my big bro. That's why I brought you here first. I wanna clean up the trash and make a few other improvements too. Would you help me with that?"

He leaned over and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"I would love to do that, bro. Are you gonna ask Cody and Travis to help too?"

"Yeah, I'll do that too, but I wanted to show it to you first."

"I bet Ben and Eric would like to help too."

"Okay, I hadn't thought about that. Maybe we could do the cleanup next Saturday."

"That works for me. I'll see Ben and Eric, so I'll ask them if they wanna join us."

"I bet you haven't had dinner yet."

"You're right, you must have heard my stomach growl."

"Grams saved some leftovers for us, if that would work for you. And I would like to have you stay overnight too, if you're willing to do that."

"Just a minute, let me text Mom."

While we waited for a response, we watched the sun light up the mountains as it dropped to the west. A pair of ravens flew overhead calling to each other. A breeze ruffled our hair and the cottonwood leaves behind us, making a soft whispering sound. It was a beautiful place, and I was looking forward to many good times there.

Grams was in the living room reading when we came up the stairs. "Is that you, Tyler?"

"Yes, Grams, and Zach is with me. We're gonna raid the refrigerator, and then he's staying for the night."

"I'm glad to hear that. I'm going to bed soon. You two have a good night."

"Thanks, Grams." We replied in unison.

After an hour or so of video games, Zach and I took showers and crawled into bed. Zach curled up behind me with one muscular arm over me holding me tightly against his strong, warm chest. I felt safer and more content than I ever had in my life.

"Is this what it feels like to have a brother, Zach?"

He kissed me gently on the neck. "I don't know, I never had one before, so I guess we're both gonna find out what it feels like. Good night, bro."

"Good night, bro."

I was out like a light.

Next: Chapter 6

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