The Little Brother

By Nick K

Published on Mar 5, 2017


Hello again! Thanks for all of the feedback I got for the first chapter! It's really helpful to know the direction some of you are interested in. I have an idea as to where it's going to go but getting that input will always help to gear the story more towards where you all would like it. This chapter is going to explore the relationship between Benji and some of his school friends a bit, but will definitely feature some more fun than the last chapter.

Clearly this exists in a world where those nasty sex bugs don't exist. Please always be safe in real life and it can potentially save a life!

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Now sit back, relax and enjoy!

The rest of the morning before leaving for school was uneventful. I got on the bus, thankful to be away from my brother. He's gotten to be so aggressive lately and I need to find a way to stop him. Maybe my father's right. Maybe I need to man up and just kick his ass. Like that would ever happen. By the time I even got close, he'd probably crush me. When did he get so strong? When did he get so tall? When did his feet grow to be so gigantic? When am I so hard right now?

Of course at that moment the bus decides to make it to the school. I adjust myself in my seat before trying to stand up. Luckily I have a messenger bag that perfectly conceals my hard-on from people. I walk towards my homeroom and get stopped by one of my few friends. It's not that I'm unpopular or unliked, it's just that I usually tend to keep to myself. I've known Wyatt since the 3rd grade when our moms got to be decent friends through PTA. Fortunately that friendship worked for us and has lasted since. He's also the only person that knows I'm gay. He, unfortunately, is not. He is about 6'2", thing but toned with a flat stomach. We had gym together when we were 13 and even then he was definitely packing something special. He loves to walk around in just gray sweatpants when he's at home and, as we all know, those leave very little to the imagination. He loves to tease me by grabbing at his crotch and showing off his very fat cock.

"Hey Benji, how's it going?" He says, showing off his perfect, winning smile to me. My still hard cock throbs in my pants. We start walking towards our homeroom.

"Not great. Just found out that my parents are going away for the weekend. Jake's already being a piece of shit about it." I say, dejectedly.

"What are you talking about? This is gonna be great. I'll sneak some beer and some bud and we can have a great time!" Wyatt says a little too loudly for my comfort. He had a tendency to not care what anyone heard from him. His confidence is basically the opposite of mine, though. I'm the type to be afraid of just about anything. I'm getting better though. I think.

"So last night was a bust" Wyatt tells me, seeming upset.

"Oh? Why's that? Struck out again with Jess?" He lets out a deep sigh.

"Yeah, I got a finger in her and she said it didn't 'feel right' whatever the fuck that means. I went home and jerked it like 3 times after that last night. She gets me so hot and I just want to make a bitch scream."

Please Wyatt, make me scream. Make me your bitch. Yeah, if only. I'd love if he would just make me his, but he's still unfortunately straight. Maybe this weekend I'll be able to get him to do something to me while he's drunk. I mean, a blow job's a blow job, right?

"You'll get it in eventually, I say rolling my eyes at him. You know, I can't get any for a certain reason." I give him a slight glare."

"just give it time, buddy. Someone will put that little dick of yours to use someday."

I give him a quick shot in the ribs and he feigns pain before patting me on the head. He knows that I hate when he does that so I just skulk as we walk into homeroom. I guess I shouldn't feel too bad. At least I have him for decent eye candy throughout a lot of the day. We planned our schedules that was so we have plenty of time to see each other. The bell rings and we make our way through the day.

The day is uneventful until every scrawny, unathletic guy's favorite class of the day: gym. This was one of the few classes I had without Wyatt and the last of the day, so I just dealt with things on my own. It's definitely nice though because you get a nice array of guys in various stages of undress. I was lucky enough to have one of the starts of the swim team in gym with me and his locker was assigned to be right next to mine. Being on the swim team, there is just about no shame for him. Every class he strips naked and changes into a jock, and for good reason. He has a cock that would put most horses to shame. It looked like it hangs half way down his long, slender leg and it has to be as thick as a soda can. Unfortunately for me, today would be the day I stare too long.

"What are you looking at, queer?" He says, half seriously. All I can do is stammer a bit having been caught. "You want this? He grabs his cock at the base and flops it in my direction. I just turn bright red and feel my own cock betray me and start snaking down the leg of my boxers. I quickly throw on my gym shorts and run into the locker room bathroom, hearing the jock's laughter as I go. I sit in the bathroom stall, waiting for my hardon to go down. I text Wyatt to settle the plans for the weekend. He had texted his mom and he will be spending the weekend at my house. Good. At least now I don't need to deal with my brother alone at all.

Gym class goes on without too much of an issue. Mike, the swimmer, kept singling me out. We were playing basketball and he kept fouling me. Not that the teacher and swim coach would do anything to stop it. I don't even think I could count the number of times I was knocked to the floor that class. However, being around that hot, sweaty athlete was enough to keep my cock half-hard the entire class. Every time he'd get close to me all I would be able to smell is the strong, ripe smell of teen athlete.

After class, as it's the last class of the day, most of the guys opt not to shower, especially if there aren't any sports going on, which there currently aren't. So I do my standard "get changed as quickly as possible" routine but, halfway through, Mike stops me.

"You should take a shower, you worked up a sweat." He said, giving me a strange look.

"Nah, I'm just going to shower when I get home. No point in showering here if I can be comfortable at home. Besides, I don't have any soap here." I say, hoping he'll drop it.

"You can use some of mine. Take a shower. Now." There was a lot of emphasis on the now.

"Okay, fine." I say, hoping not to anger him further. He's known for having a short temper. I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist then take off my boxers before going into the shower. Mike was already there, waiting for me.

"Finally, queer. Took you long enough." He sneered. "Come here and get on your knees."

"What? I'm not - " He cuts me off.

"I saw the way you were staring at my fat cock. You want it, come and get it. If you don't I'm going to tell everyone you're a cocksucker anyway. Most people think it's true already anyway."

Fear strikes inside me. Yes a lot of people think I'm gay, but I don't need someone going around talking about it like that. I strip my towel, my pathetic cock doing its best to look presentable, but there's only so much 3 inches can do. I get on my knees in front of him.

He sees my cock and starts laughing "Fuckin' hell are you tiny. I don't think my cocks ever been that small. Let's see if you have any value at all. Open up."

His cock was quickly lengthening and soon hit its max at 8 fat inches of jock cock. He slapped me across the face before ramming his cock down my throat. I was gasping for air and gagging, yet me cock kept throbbing. As much as I hated being humiliated was as much as I loved taking his cock. Eventually, I got into a steady rhythm and learned how to open my throat up for him and I stopped gagging.

"Oh fuck yeah. You're a good little cocksucker. You love my fat jock cock in your tight little throat. Keep this up and I'm gonna fill you up with my cum in no time."

I kept working his cock in my no-longer-virgin throat and I quickly became addicted to it. I kept wanting more and more inside my throat and it was my birthing of being a true cocksucker. As I'm sucking him, he rips his cock out of my mouth and pushes me to the ground with his foot before releasing a huge load all over me. 6 ropes of thick cum cover my chest and face. To add insult to injury, he spit in my face. It was only after he stopped cumming that I realized what else had happened.

"Holy shit you really are a fag. Just from me fucking your throat, you came. God you're pathetic. Get yourself cleaned up. I'll see you here next Friday."

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