The Lock and the Key story

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 17, 2018




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


[This story is one of twenty from my illustrated book "Going Straight to Gay" which can be found at my website at . It is also available for sale (without illustrations) at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.]

Fillain stood looking stupidly at the door to the inner chamber. "Belleron?" he asked.

The naked man chained to the door by manacles that fastened both wrists directly against the door itself to either side of his head, regarded him warily. "Yeah, Fillain, it's me. Don't worry, the magician's not here right now. It's safe, for now."

"How did... How did you...."

"How did I end up chained here?" Belleron was standing on a small platform at the bottom of the door which let the entire thing swing open and closed without moving him. The manacles at his hands were his only bonds and only clothing. For being in such a predicament, the sturdy young thief looked in good health, his body was washed and clean, his hair neatly arranged, his cheeks fresh-shaven. He seemed more a sexual plaything here than a captured thief.

The handsome young man was well-muscled, his body formed more by dint of careful exercises meant to make his body appealing to the women (and some men) he could entice into entry into inner rooms where he could scope out his burglaries, and in this position, his arms and chest were enhanced by the ways the muscles had to bend to fit into the posture he had been forced into.

His pale brown skin almost shone in the eldritch lights that functioned as torches in the hallway up to the door, orbs of light that had no holders, no containers, and no defined edges, that lit up the black-marbled floor, the walls of white-marble decorated with items of gold, silver and precious gems, tapestries that showed scenes of extraordinary erotic delights in an intelligent animation, their inhabitants actually reached out for Fillain and coaxed him inwards with arms that were almost real, he didn't doubt that had he dared, he could have joined those delightfully winsome nymphs in their glade and enjoyed magnificently ecstatic sex unending...perhaps later, he had promised the growing bulge in his pants, he could risk a few hours in those delicately ultra-feminine arms.

Now he faced Belleron, as another decoration on these walls, upon the door, the embodiment of male beauty it seemed. Facing him, Fillain felt...dirty.

His blade had been stained again and again with the green ichor that was ogre's blood. So, too, was his clothing, where it was not covered by the light armor he wore, blotted with ogre gore and blood. He had killed only when necessary, but nobody can pass through ogre camps without bloodshed, he was only relieved that none of them had lived long enough to raise an alarum. Under the helmet that warded only his scalp, he showed the face of a grizzled fighter with an unkempt beard and a smear of blood on one shoulder that was where an ogre's blade had creased him lightly. He was grimy, tired and frustrated in more ways than one. He'd fought all this way to find this thief ahead of him! A defeated thief, he reminded himself and rose more erect.

"Yes, how did you end up here?"

Belleron smiled slightly and said, "Much the same as you, I fought my way inside and faced the wizard Menzkin and...he won." Much as he could, Belleron shrugged.

"And he let you live?"

"If you call this living." Belleron "shrugged" again. "I'm alive because he decided to do something else with me."

"So what are you doing here?"

"I'm the lock on this door."

"The lock?"

"Yes, the lock." Belleron told the dumbfounded Fillain. "Until you have unlocked me, you can't open the door."

"And how do I do that?"

"I'd like to tell you."

"So tell me?"

"I can't."

"You can't or you won't?"

"I mean I can't!" Belleron snapped. "It'd be a poor kind of lock that would tell everyone who came by how to open it. The best I can do is tell you that I'm a combination lock of sorts, you have to do the right things in the right order and the right amount. The only other thing I can tell you is...."

"Is what?"

"You won't like it."

"I won't like what?"

"What the things you have to do to open me are."

"So tell me and I'll decide if I like it or not."

"You have to do sexual things to me."

"Sexual things?"

"Yes." Belleron had gained courage once he'd gotten the word out. "Touch me, kiss me, play with my cock, suck it, fuck yourself on it, fuck my ass...."

"I'm supposed to suck your cock!" Fillain's outburst was loud and reverberated from the marble walls and floor. "I'm no cocksucker!"

"You think I like it?" Belleron returned. "I'm not into men either, you may remember!"

"Damn it to hell!"

"I kept hoping a female warrior could come in here." Belleron went on. "I could have pointed her to a safe hiding place in the castle, we could have kept at it until we found the right combination."

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

"But now that you're here...I don't know what to say."

"What if I were to kill you?" Fillain raised his green-slimed sword.

Belleron blanched but said, "It wouldn't do any good. Kill me and the door is sealed shut."

"So all I can do is turn around and leave."

Belleron managed a smile of sympathy. "Won't work either. The reason he used me as a lock is that I can raise an alarm."

"You'd do that?"

"I wouldn't want to! I'd have no choice!" Belleron exclaimed. "The alarm triggers a spell that will capture you before you take a dozen steps."

"So I'm stuck here." Fillain was appalled.

"That's why I mentioned that I could point a lady to a hiding place until he figured out the combination. I can do that. Barely."

"Curses and condemnations! So show the hiding place."

"I can do it if you try to unlock me." Belleron explained. "The act of unlocking gives me a bit of freedom to say things I couldn't say otherwise."

"The act of...unlocking. You mean sucking your cock!"

"Am I applauding here?" Belleron retorted, an obvious physical impossibility in any event.

"If you try to unlock me, I can keep quiet. Otherwise, I have to raise the alarm." He gave again a half-smile of apology.

"Curses and condemnations of angels and demons!" Fillain swore. "I'm trapped here, you mean?"

"Trapped as much as me." Belleron agreed. "The wizard explained all of this to me when I awoke from his spell. The magician has an odd sense of humor, it turns out."

Fillain subsided into mumbling curses. When he had tempered down, Belleron went on. "If it helps you any, I can tell you what I think will work as we go."

"Tell me?" Fillain raised his head hopefully.

"I mean, I know some things are more...available than others. I can tell you that and what to try as we go. It ought to let you unlock me after a while."

"After a while."

"A few hours will do it, I think."

"Hours!" Fillain exploded. "Serpents and scorpions! I can't play with your cock for hours!"

"You have to!" Belleron interrupted his renewed streams of cursing. "The wizard will be back by sundown."

That stopped the stalwart warrior. "He will?"

"Yes. So we have that long to either unlock me or me tell you the hiding place. Either way, I'm afraid you're going to have to go through with it."

"Dogs and dolmens!" Fillain murmured, a mild curse for him indeed. He sheathed his sword and knelt on one knee. "What must I do to you first, then, and be damned to you and all your ancestors and descendants!"

"I said it was a combination, you must remember." Belleron took a breath and said, "First, you need to make me erect. I think your hand will suffice for that."

With a convulsive motion, Fillain reached up and gripped the clean dong in one grimy paw. He worked the shaft with an angry motion that was rough as his face grimaced fiercely with disgust. The shriveled prick quickly grew to its full length, revealing itself as a respectably large and long male organ with a globular head that wept a clear rope of slime down that touched Fillain's hand.

"Agh!" Fillain said as the warm fluid touched his skin but he persevered. "How about it, Belleron. Is this doing it?"

"For now, yes, you should continue it a while, I think." Belleron sighed. "Mmmh, I must admit your battle-roughened hand is much more pleasurable than I though it would be. Uhhhh!"

"Let me know when to stop." Fillain reminded him and, a grimace adorning his face, continued to pump the man's prick. The glans wept copiously, pouring more and more precome over the warrior's roughened hand. Belleron was moaning so much that Fillain wondered if this alone would do it, unseal the door and release him from this predicament.

Then Belleron groaned, "Now, stop, stop now! Now!"

Fillain did, gladly, wiping his hand on the side of his thigh (Gods, the fluid leaked all the way through to his leg's flesh!), and stood. "Will the door open now?"

"Now, uh, uhhh, uhhhh!" No, not yet, now you must do more."

"More? What do you mean?" Fillain did not wait for an answer. "No, you cannot ask that of me!"

"It is the only way to free yourself."

"I cannot!" Fillain made a face of raw disgust. "I am a man, not a cheap backstreet harlot that will take any man's tool into herself at any time!"

"You've used your hand already, is your mouth so much more than that?"

"The hand is one thing, boys often play with each other thus, sometimes well into their years of early manhood. But the mouth, that degrades a man utterly!"

"I said that Menzkin had a wicked sense of humor." Belleron said. "He wishes your degradation, and in it to bar you from his sanctum completely. If you refuse, he has won, despite your brave entrance through the ogres without the castle."

When Fillain did nothing still, Belleron continued, "If you delay overmuch, you and I must begin again from the beginning."

"Gahhh!" Fillain hastily stuffed the cock into his mouth and nearly down his throat before he gagged on it. Choked, released most of it and looked up with a gaze of raw hatred at Belleron.

"Yes, this is the next step in the combination, I feel certain, now if you will but move your mouth upon my manhood in a method that is pleasant, well-lubricated and reasonably rapid, I think we can proceed satisfactorily.

Fillain's look didn't change, but he began to move his mouth back and forth as required. He choked again a little later and nearly vomited, but held himself still a moment, recovered his composure and resumed his work.

"You are performing admirably for a man who has never done this before." Belleron assured him. "Perhaps there is an element of delight in your actions."

Fillain growled menacingly and Belleron hastily revised his position. "Or perhaps any man can do this upon the need, for he only needs to imagine what would most pleasure himself if another did it for him. If I may ask you to generate some more moisture in your mouth to further ease the movements, your mouth is a bit dry."

Fillain worked his hairy jowls and raised the requested saliva.

"Thank you." Belleron said as the warrior began to again work on his pud. "The pleasure is building up nicely in my organ, I do think that my orgasm will work the lock for you. Perhaps that will spur you to speed up a bit more for me...ahhhh, yes, like that!"

Belleron didn't speak any further, except for moans and groans of pleasure as Fillain continued to suckle his prong. The heavy breathing made it clear that Belleron was close to climax, and Fillain listened in hopes that he would be asked to lift off as the man reached his orgasm. If only he could be spared this final ignominy, a single mercy from the Sixty-Seven Gods of Silleria, don't ask him to swallow another man's sperm, please, oh, please!

"Ah-ah-ah, AHH-AHH-GAHH-UH-HAH-AGGGHH-AHHHHH!" Belleron's spunk flooded Fillain's mouth of a sudden and the warrior felt tears dim his sight, something that had not happened to him since the death of his sainted mother some six years before. He did not dare to release this damnable, damnable dong, even as it spewed his vile salty seed into his mouth, he could only hold on, brace himself, and swallow! The taste of Belleron's spunk was pungently strong, heavy with male musk and saltier than preserved meats from a poorly provisioned caravan's casks. As he did with those, he forced his body to accept it, even as more flowed in to replace the amount he had drunk, and so he had to swallow again and yet again, before the vile liquid ceased to invade his mouth, and he was able to work the last dregs of it from his tongue and swallow it as well. Done, he had done it and now he would be free!

He raised up to stand once again, his arm went across his mouth to erase the last taste of human sperm from his lips and regarded Belleron, who hung still upon the door, to his left was the latch, Fillain reached for it with a sense of rising glory and triumph and pulled.

And nothing happened. "Serpents and scorpions!" he bellowed in frustration. "It is still locked! I have been betrayed!"

Panting heavily, Belleron raised a sweat-dappled brow and looked at the warrior furious before him. "Nay, it is not I who have betrayed you. The spell is working, I am certain. You have worked a part of the combination, surely if we persevere the lock will open...."

Fillain felt a firm resolve grasp him. "Persevere? I will persevere but now we will do it my way! You say you are now a lock, do you? Well, any thief can tell you that how to open a lock!" He tugged the small tie below his weapons belt that bore his sword and scabbard, and this released his trousers. Beneath this was a wrap of loose cloth that he wore as an undergarment, he had carefully arranged it to be able to free his penis when he needed to void his bladder, well, now that freedom would serve another purpose.

Belleron watched as Fillain pulled out his cock and pumped it in a red fury. "What are you planning to do next? I am not certain now what the next step should be, but...."

Fillain caught hold of Belleron's legs and pulled the man upwards by the ankles, the warrior's greater height permitted him to stand on the floor and still wrap the legs around his waist and that would let him guide his own prod up into Belleron's bowels.

"What are you doing?"

"To open a lock is simple. You take the key and!"

"Ahh-ahh, AHH-GAHH-HAHHH!" Belleron yelled again, this time in pain not in passion. "Oh, oh, please, take it out, take it out!"

"You shove in the key and you turn the lock!" Fillain growled and he began to ram his cock into Belleron's ass, pulling out only to thrust it back inside. "You turn it until it opens, that's how you open a lock! And...I'!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Belleron moaned as Fillain thrust-fucked him. "Oh, Goddess, Fillain, you're, so, big, I, can't, keep, taking, it!"

"We'll find out!" Fillain snarled. "Now while I'm fucking you, you tell me where that hiding place is, because if this doesn't work, I'm going to have to keep coming back night after night and do this until it does work!"

"Oh, oh, oh!" Belleron gasped. "The....uh, uh,! Back, uh-huh-uh, of the pantry, uh-huh-uh! There is, a secret, room! Oh, oh, Goddess, what are you doing to me!" This last sentence was a long wailing wrung from the man's very heart!

"How is it hidden, damn it!"

"Back wall, uh! Left corner! Uh! Boxes partly block it! Uh-uh!" Belleron's voice had grown ragged and husky. "Climb over them, uh, and the wall behind, UUHHH! DOESN'T...REALLY...EXIST! AH-AH-HAH-GAHHHHH!"

A second orgasm wrested itself from Belleron's hapless throat in syllables of agonizing ecstasy. As he did, his bowels pulsed around Fillain's thrusting cock and he growled, a feral snarl of frustrated warrior and he rammed his dong in to the very base, threw back his head and howled out his orgasm as if he were a werewolf in change. "OW-OW-OW-OWW-OHHHHH!"

He blasted a heavy load into Belleron's bowels, courtesy of the last few days when he'd scarcely dared breathe for fear of revealing his presence as he'd wended his way through the ogre's lines. He could look at very stain and smear on his body and account it to a separate deadly encounter, and now here he was, trying to break a wizard's perverse, powerful spell. Well, let this wizard Menzkin find out how powerful a warrior's seed was when he rammed it into the magician's tool of a man acting as a lock! "AH-UH, AH-UH, AH-UH, AH-UH! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!" he panted as his climax finally released him. "Now how that's for a key to this lock?" he gasped out as his now-flaccid dong fell out of Belleron's violated buttocks.

"I don't know." Belleron moaned in his own sexual exhaustion. "Try the latch again and see."

Panting, his wet cock still flapping about outside his clothing, Fillain caught hold of the latch and pulled. "Curses and condemnations! Still closed!"

"Yes, I fear so." Belleron panted. "And the hour of the wizard's return draws nigh. You will need time to find the kitchen and secrete yourself in place. Take with you enough drink and food to last you until the night falls again, you'll not want to fumble about in darkness. Return and you and I shall try again."

"Maybe I turned the key the wrong way." Fillain smirked.

"I know not." Belleron admitted. "We must try other ways, but I will not deny you your return for your services as we experiment. I rather enjoyed it, I must admit."

"You would." Fillain smirked. "I've always thought that a man who prefers to take by stealth has something of the female in them. Only a real man faces danger head on and prevails by his own power or not at all."

"Perhaps you have the key after all." Belleron said. "And a key is what is needed. We must find out. Until tonight, then. I'll still be here."

And I'll come back and use my lockpick on you again." Fillain said and started off.

"Be careful!" Belleron warned. "The wizard has a perverse humor and he is very intelligent. Do not fall into one of his many traps."

"Not I." Fillain bragged. "For I carry the key." And he chuckled as he moved on down the hall and out the door at the other end.

When the door was closed, Belleron smiled and closed his eyes, chanted a small set of sounds.

The manacles on his wrists dissolved entirely and Belleron stepped off the dais he'd been standing on. As he did, his body changed, clothing reappeared, as did a beard, with hair and eyes of different colors, and his very complexion changed to something not dark in tone, but dark in a sinister way just the same. Menzkin laughed as he opened the now-unlocked door and went into his sanctum once more, to sleep and to plan what fun he would have next with this latest prisoner.

Yes, a perverse sense of humor indeed! This latest gambit promised to last for many weeks before that muscle-brained warrior discovered just how thoroughly he had been defeated after all!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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