The Locket

By William Steps

Published on Jun 9, 2011



Author's note; This is just a short story that is mostly pornographic. It was a simple idea I had that may be expanded into a new universe or series, though it is already similar to many other gender-changing device universes out there...


The young woman's lips trembled as she appealed to the ancient crone who sat in the shadows of the dingy parlour. "I beg of you, please, is there no way to see my beloved again?" She pleaded. The aged mystic shook her head slowly. "The dead must remain so, my child." She replied. "Is there nothing I can do to see his face just once more?" The young woman begged. The mystic sat silent for a few moments, weighing the consequences of her involvement. "There is only one thing I could give you, but it would not bring your husband back to this earth." She said at last. "What is it? The widow pleaded. "I could give you this," the old woman replied, holding out her hand and presenting a brass locket. "If you place a photograph of your husband inside the locket, and put the chain 'round your neck, you will see the image of your beloved again. Yet that is all it will be -- an image. There will be no soul within, and the image cannot age or change. Merely a picture of his body and nothing more." She handed the locket to the bereaved bride. "I must caution you against it, my dear," the ancient one continued, "for this will only prolong your grief. It is better to move on with your life and let the past fade away."

But her client payed no attention to her warning, and grasped the locket in both hands. She was willing to do anything just to see her husband's face again, just to hear his voice. The Jezzail bullet that had taken his life had left her without the means to even say goodbye...

I did my best to put the heavy trunk down on the floor slowly, grunting at the exertion. "What's in here?" I asked my friend, Harry. "That's a load of stuff from my grandmother's house. I didn't get a chance to go through it before we moved." the two of us had just rented a large apartment together and were just finishing the unpacking process. "She was a bit of a strange, old woman," Harry muttered as he broke down a cardboard box. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, after her husband died she hardly ever left her house. Some of her neighbours said they even heard her talking to herself in her husband's voice, pretending he was still alive." I raised an eyebrow. "That a little creepy." I commented. "Yeah, not only that, but she lived forever too. She was well over a hundred and twenty when she finally passed away back in 2005."

After we had ordered some pizza for dinner we decided to look through the steamer trunk containing his ascendent's possessions. "How come you have this stuff, not your mother?" I asked. "Mom couldn't be bothered, and she knew I kinda liked antiques so she just fobbed it off on me." I nodded as we cracked open the trunk and began sorting through its contents. It seemed that the majority of the items it contained had been her husband's; a medal from his military service, a few photos, a watch, and a locket. I was eagerly looking at the fob watch when Harry picked up the locket. Opening it he found a picture of a stern looking man with a severe moustache. "This must be him then..." Harry murmured as he absentmindedly slipped the locket over his head to carry on with his scrounging.

I suddenly started back and gasped. "Harry!" I snapped, "Your face!" I had not seen the change occur, but where Harry had been kneeling now sat the man who's photo had been in the locket. "What about it?" Harry asked, his voice coming out in a deeper register. He looked concerned and stood up, quickly darting to the bathroom mirror. "What the hell?" He exclaimed. He was even dressed in the century-old uniform that the man had been wearing in the picture. "The locket, I gibbered, "I think it was the locket." Harry whisked the locked off over his head and, just like that, he was himself again. "The locket turned me into her dead husband?" Harry stammered, looking at the object in question. "Maybe she wasn't as mad as people thought."

"Hang on," Harry said, darting back into the living room. He grabbed a magazine and clipped out a picture of a model's face. He then opened the locket and, without any difficulty, replaced the old photo with the magazine clipping. "Harry, I don't think we should play with..." I began, but Harry had already put the locket around his neck again. In less than a second he changed, becoming an exact clone of the celebrity who's photo he had cut out. A big grin spread over his new, chiseled face. Once again he peered at the mirror to confirm what had happened.

"Whomever's picture you put in the locket, you become that person when you wear it." Harry concluded. He slipped the necklace off again, and in a few seconds he reverted back to his proper form. He pried out the picture he had snipped out and replaced the original. Slipping the locket back on he became the mustachioed man again, and then back to himself as he removed it. "We could be anybody." He exclaimed. My initial reaction was caution, but after several displays from Harry I was persuaded to try it myself. It was true, slipping the locket around your neck turned you into a clone of whoever was depicted on the photo.

"What are we going to do with it?" I asked. "Well, there are several criminal possibilities," Harry said, "Impersonating wealthy people and stealing their money, getting access to places we aren't supposed to go. I mean, we could turn ourselves into any world leader we wanted. But do either of us want to risk that kind of trouble?" I shook my head. "Personally I have no desire to turn this thing into a daring life of crime. Sorry to disappoint." I replied. "No problem, I don't think I would want to try any of that stuff either." Harry replied. "Let's just keep quiet about it and have some fun, deal?" He added, to which I agreed.

The next day Harry had to work while I found myself with little to do. I was sitting in my room idly wasting time on the internet in the late hours of the afternoon and my attention turned to the pornographic. As my eyes absorbed the images on the screen the inevitable thought popped into my head. The locket turned you into anybody, so if I wanted to I could change into a woman. I had occasionally wondered what it was like to be a woman, but I had never imagined I would actually be given he chance to find out.

I tried to put the thought out of my mind, but the more I stared at the sexy, busty women on my monitor the more I wondered about it. After all, wouldn't it be way more fun to play with myself as a woman than to just sit and jack off to video clips? I thought about how much I would enjoy getting my hands on the kind of breasts I was looking at on my computer, thinking about how heavy and soft they would feel. I got up and peeked into Harry's room. Sure enough, the locket was sitting on his desk. I stared at it for a good long while, feeling both guilty and exited. I tentatively walked in and picked it up, weighing the idea in my mind.

The fascination overcame me, and I began searching for a suitable picture to use. Finding one I liked, I printed a small copy and reached for the scissors. I trimmed out the girl in the photo and opened the locket, placing the image inside. I hesitated for a few seconds, and then put the chain around my neck. Just like that, I became aware that my body had changed. Oddly enough, it was my teeth that I noticed first -- my whole mouth was a different shape. Then, of course, it was the breasts. Being an average male, I was fascinated by bosoms. That was why I chose a very curvy, buxom girl for my first attempt. I was now only about 5' 2" tall and about 130 pounds, and most of that weight seemed to be on my chest and in my ass. The picture I had chosen had had listed my measurements as 36G -- it was a ridiculous size considering my height and weight, I didn't deny that, but I wanted to have the full experience of being in a totally different body. The second picture I had prepared was of a toned, athletic young woman with small, pert breasts. I planned to try out that body afterwords.

For a woman with such ample breasts and ass, I still had a narrow waist. There was a just few inches of body fat on my belly, but it worked perfectly with my curves. Anything thinner would have looked weird with such huge tits. My skin was now milky white to match my ginger hair and bright green eyes. Also, since the girl in the picture was naked, so was I. I hadn't thought of that when I put the locket on, though I realized that if I had still been in my normal clothes I would have probably busted the shirt open. I walked over to the bedroom mirror, adjusting to my new form. Even just moving slowly I could feel the weight of my tits shift and jiggle as I stepped, and my hips shifted from side to side of their own accord. The locket had even given me the same ear rings and make-up as the woman in the photo, which was another new experience for me.

I turned around, examining my new body, pleased with what I saw. I was the very epitome of buxom; just the kind of girl I associated with sex. I found myself getting turned on by my own reflection, watching my new body move and wiggle in all the right places. I smiled, bouncing on the balls of my feet and watching my breasts jump. I felt them tug at my chest as they wobbled. If I had wanted to see what it felt like to be a curvy girl, I had definitely succeeded. I began to think about what I should do next, whether I should play with myself for a while or remove the locket and wait until later.

Just then there was a rapid knock on my door, and Harry entered my room before I could get the locket off. I hadn't even heard him come home, but in less than a second he was standing in my room. "Hey, I was just thinking and..." He stopped mid-sentence as he saw the busty, naked girl standing in front of him. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize Jack had company -- wait. That's the locket." He had begun to turn away and avert his eyes, but when he realized I was wearing the locket he turn back, unabashed. "Jack, is that you?" I thought about trying to deny it, but there didn't seem much point. I cursed my new body for being so pale as I felt a deep blush flare up in my cheeks. "Yeeeeaaahhh..." I admitted, hearing my female voice for the first time. "I was curious." I added feebly, noticing that I seemed to have a bit of an unexpected Scottish accent

"I can see that," Harry said, smiling. "But don't be TOO embarrassed, I kinda did the same thing myself last night." I reached up and removed the necklace, quickly finding myself back in my normal form. Harry had the same idea then; he had made himself female and played around while I was sleeping. He must have removed the picture he used afterwards. "It's OK, I'm not greedy." Harry said, "if you want to try out the locket you can go ahead, just be careful with it." I hesitated. "Really, your OK with me using it like this?" I asked. Harry shrugged. "Like I said, I was a little curious about seeing what I could change myself into as well." I looked down at the locket in the palm of my hand. "Thanks." I said, still embarrassed nonetheless. "I'll, uh, leave you to it." Harry said as he withdrew from the room.

I think now that part of Harry's reason for encouraging me to experiment with the locket was so that he could have eye-candy around the apartment. I didn't begrudge it to him though, since I had similar motivations myself. Gradually, over the next week or so, we became very open about our use of the locket. We basically traded off using it. One of us would put it on one day and the other the next. It became very casual, though we both couldn't hep but ogle the bodies the other chose to play with. Neither of us had any problem with hanging out in the apartment all day in another form, usually female. We would often compliment each other on the bodies we tried out, and it quickly became a game to us.

Harry and I ended up picking a favourite body type to play with. In the beginning we both tried out a new form nearly every day, but in the end we grew attached to the ones that suited our own desires. I had a lot of fun in the supermodel body, but the curvy ones I first experimented with was the most enjoyable for me. I loved having those huge breasts jiggle all around me, though I was grateful I didn't have to live that way all the time. Nonetheless, being a busty girl was a great game for short periods of time. Harry, on the other hand, seemed to be most aroused by playing the schoolgirl. His favourite body was a lithe, half Hispanic nineteen-year-old. I tried not to let it show, but I found myself staring at the toned, youthful body whenever he wore it.

It was a guilty pleasure of mine that once, after I had caught a glimpse of Harry walking out of his room in the teenage body wearing only some boxer shorts, that I became so turned on by the image that I ended up thinking about it that night when I was masturbating. It was a gradual process, but we both became to think of our alter-egos as people totally separate from our normal selves. I began to think as though I had two room-mates -- one was Harry, and the other was the hot nineteen-year-old. I think Harry began to feel the same way about me, and we both started to treat each other a little differently when one of us was female.

The final barrier broke down on a quiet Saturday night.

I had been lounging around in one of the curvy bodies, who I had internally named Rebecca. I had almost forgotten I was in a female body when Harry came home, and didn't bother to remove the locket. Harry and I began drinking at around five in the evening, and we were both quite tipsy by the time seven rolled around. I had found another set of pictures of the same model I preferred, some of them where she was actually wearing clothes. By using these photos I could walk around wearing something that actually fit my second body's curves. On this occasion I was clad in a simple black dress. At first it had been weird to wear a woman's clothes, but since they fit the body it soon became comfortable for me.

As we grew more and more drunk, I noticed how much Harry was staring at my cleavage. I considered taking the locket off, but a mischievous frame of mind overcame me and I left it on. We began talking about our experiences in female bodies. "Do you find that playing with yourself as a girl is way better than when you are a guy?" He asked. I nodded, "Oh yes," I replied, "It's way more fun, and you can keep going all day if you want." There was a moment of silence while Harry seemed to be grappling with something in his mind. "Have you ever wondered..." He began, "What it would be like to have someone else touch you?" He asked. I felt a knot tighten up in my stomach. "Sometimes." I admitted, starting to feel very nervous.

I could tell Harry was feeling as awkward as I was, and he smiled shyly as he tried to speak again. "Would it be too weird if I... if I could touch your breasts?" I felt like a virgin again, being confronted with a girl for the first time. Only this time I was on the other side. "Um, OK," I told him. He slid over, hesitating at first. Then he reached out and cupped one of my huge tits in his hand. He felt it's weight, then squeezed it gently. His other had moved up and he started to fondle both of my breasts. I felt shivers of pleasure run through me, and I realized that I was getting turned on. "These are amazing..." Harry muttered as he felt me up. I started to feel restless, and the tingles were spreading to my crotch. "Thanks," I said feebly, "I love playing with them myself." Harry said he would do the same in my position.

"Can I see them?" He asked. I nodded silently, letting him peel down the top of my dress. I had not bothered with a bra, and my massive bust bounced free. "Wow." Harry whispered. I felt terrified, but excited at the same time. Then, without asking, Harry bent his head down and took one of my nipples into his mouth. I gasped, startled by the sudden pleasure. I moaned softly as he nibbled my tits. There was no denying the fact that I was getting really horny, and I started not to care that I was letting a man touch me. My hand absent-mindedly slid down to touch the soft slit between my legs. "If you wanted," Harry said, "I could, well we could, do more than this." I didn't know what to say, but I offered no resistance. Harry slowly slid his hand up my dress, giving me plenty of time to stop him.

Harry peeled down my panties, revealing my hairless pussy. He locked eyes with me, waiting to see if I wanted him to stop. I sat frozen, lost in my own lust. He lowered his lips and opened his mouth, pressing his face to my groin. When Harry's mouth closed around my new sex I knew that I would not regret my decision too much. I felt the sensation of having my pussy eaten for the first time, and it was better than I would have thought. It was like the best blow job I had ever had, only sort of...inside out. His nose nestled into the small fringe of ginger pubic hair above my slit as I began to gasp and sigh.

Harry continued to pleasure me as I whimpered and moaned, playing with my large chest. It was fantastic, and I surrendered completely. Harry struggled to remove his clothes as he licked me, and after a few minutes he stood up and tugged off his shorts. I saw his cock spring free, already fully erect. Some of my apprehension came back at that sight, but it was not enough for me to want to stop. I followed his example and pulled my dress off over my head, revealing all of my soft, white skin. Harry came towards be and held me tight, kissing me fiercely. Much to my own surprise, I kissed him back. "Let's go to my bed." Harry said, and led me out of the room.

Once we were in the bedroom I flopped down on the mattress, leaning on one side. Harry was evidently not done with my pussy, and he slid down next to me, facing to opposite way. I wrapped my ample thighs around his head as he resumed eating me out. Now, in out sideways 69 position, I looked up to see his hard dick pointing at my face. I was tentative at first, but the incredible pleasure Harry was giving me spurred me on. I took hold of his tool and started stroking it firmly. He moaned into my pussy as I jacked him off. After a little while I took some control, and rolled up so that I was on top. I pushed my snatch into his face as I worked his member. I moaned loudly, loving the sensations he was giving me.

I soon grew more bold and bent down to take his cock in my mouth. I was awkward in the beginning, but soon I remembered everything I liked when I was a man and I started to give him the best blow-job of his life. I found it easy to take most of his length down my throat, and I started to really enjoy slurping up and down on his shaft. We were both soaking wet and desperate for release when I broke away and rolled off of him. Harry jumped up after me, kissing me even harder than before. I could taste my own juices on his mouth as our tongues danced together. We both knew what was coming next.

My giant tits rolled up under my chin as I laid back on the bed. My legs spread as Harry positioned himself between them and held on to my wide hips. I felt the tip of his cock poke at my soft folds, slick with my saliva and his pre-cum. That was it, the last moment before I found out what it was like to really be woman. Rather than feeling scared or confused, I just felt ready. He pushed forward, and his dick opened my body and began to slip inside me. I felt myself open up and take in his manhood with hardly any resistance. Harry's pelvis ground into mine as I felt the last inch of his tool penetrate deep inside me. I gasped, looking up at him with wide eyes as I tried to take in all the pleasure I had just experienced.

Then Harry began to pump in and out of me, causing my body to ripple. I moaned as I felt myself start to get fucked for the first time. It was fantastic. When the idea of actually having sex with a man had initially not appealed to me, it was exactly what my 'Rebecca' body wanted. I reached up to grip Harry's back as he glided in and out of my silky pussy. He leaned down to suck on one of my large, dark nipples, making me whimper with delight. I was panting as he showed me just how good a woman could feel. And we had only just begun.

Harry increased his pace, driving harder into my squirming body. I bucked my hips up to meet him as I clawed at his ass. I moaned louder, and it seemed as though I was melting into him. "How's that?" Harry asked, smiling. "Fantastic!" I gasped, "Don't stop." Harry looked smug, and pushed even harder into me. I could not believe how good it felt, and any hesitation I had disappeared as I surrendered to the sensation that coursed through me. I could not wait to see what it felt like to have my first female orgasm, and I was determined to make sure Harry gave me one.

"My turn." I rasped, sitting up and pushing Harry back on the bed. I climbed on top of him and positioned myself over his cock. I must have been grinning from ear to ear as I lowered myself back onto his dick. I felt him slide back up into my cunt as I ground down onto him. I started to ride him, rocking my wide hips back and forth. My huge tits bounced and I felt him moving around deep in my belly. I sighed in pleasure as I bounced on Harry's tool. I felt my body tingle even more, and the ecstasy seemed to double. I felt a deep sense of anticipation, and I correctly assumed I was getting closer to cumming.

I stared down at Harry, concentrating on my own pleasure and we fucked harder and harder. I felt more desperate than ever before, and I knew I was getting closer. "Keep going!" I whispered, leaning back a little and causing his tool to hit me in just the right way. When my climax hit me it was unlike anything I had known before. In a way it was similar to a really good orgasm as a man, but it wasn't just focused on my groin. My whole body seemed to come alive as I trembled and moaned, riding Harry hard. The pleasure didn't end either, it kept pulsing through me for what seemed like ages. When I finally stopped cumming my brain had melted into a puddle and I was tingling all over my body. "Oh my god..." I stammered, "That was incredible!"

Harry looked very pleased with himself as he sat up and flipped me over. Before I knew what was going on I found myself on all fours with Harry positioning himself to take me from behind. I grinned, eagerly waiting for him to slide into me again. He slammed his cock back into my pussy and pushed himself as deep as he could. I gasped, loving the sensation of being filled up. Gripping my hips, he started to fuck me firmly. My huge tits swayed below me, rolling up under my face as I rocked into his thrusts. Leaning forward I felt my nipples brush the couch as my bosom jiggled against them. I may have found the previous position more orgasmic, but I found myself loving how it felt to be taken this way. I had always loved watching a curvy girl get fucked doggy style, and it seemed I enjoyed it even more from the receiving end.

After he had brought me to a second climax that was almost as good as the first, I felt Harry draw near his own finale. His tempo became more frantic, and he pounded into me as hard as he could. His whole body clenched up and I felt him erupt inside of me as he stifled a deep grunt. Hot jizm filled my innards as he emptied his seed into me. Gradually his dick went limp and he pulled out of me, collapsing on the bed next to me as we both tried to catch our breath. I didn't feel ashamed or regretful, though I did feel dirty. It was a good feeling though, a sort of guilty pleasure sensation. Basking as I was in the afterglow of two orgasms, I could only feel immensely satisfied. Harry and I smiled at each other as we lay sweating on the bed.

"How did it feel?" He asked. "Amazing, you'll love it." I told him. I felt a tingle or arousal at the notion of ravaging his youthful alter ego. After we had both basked for a few minutes I rose from the bed. I told Harry I needed to clean myself up and made my way to the bathroom. Once there I performed an action I had never done before; sitting down and wiping the cum from my slit. After all that had happened I decided to keep myself female, since it seemed like it would be awkward to turn back into a man while Harry was still laying naked and sexually satisfied. I pattered back to Harry's room and flopped down next to him. We were both giddy with sexual release, and neither of us could believe what we had done. I didn't regret it though -- Rebecca was a woman, and she had just had some unbelievable sex. It wasn't long before we both fell asleep, sprawled on mussed up sheets.

I awoke a few hours later and decided to go back to my own room to get some more rest. As I stood I looked down at Harry, noticing that he seemed to be sporting another erection. Naughty thoughts ran though my head as I looked at his hard cock. I figured it was only fair for me to repay him for the extra orgasm he had given me. I slid back down on the bed and started to suck on his rod. He rolled onto his back, still not quite awake. I moved up above him and let my tits slide over his junk. I nestled his cock between my cleavage and pressed my breasts together. I started to tit-fuck him, slurping the tip of his dick into my mouth when it poked out of my tits. My pace increased, and that finally woke Harry up. He looked down at me, smiling. I doubled my efforts and tried to make him cum as quickly as possible.

I abandoned the use of my tits and sucked him as hard as I could, using my hands on his balls and the base of his cock. He didn't last long, and I felt his thrust up into my mouth as he clenched up. I tasted the first blast of his jizm as he came, gripping my head. I let most of his seed leak out of my mouth as I milked his cock dry. After he was spent I pulled away, grinning behind the goo that ran down my chin and spattered on my breasts. "That was a thank you for the great sex." I said softly. "Well you're welcome." Harry replied. I told him I was going to go to my own room to get some sleep, and we said goodnight.

I cleaned myself up again and then went back to my own bed. Remaining in female form, I laid down and quickly fell asleep. My alarm woke me up late the next morning, and I fumbled to remove the locket as I climbed out of bed and started to get ready for work. I dropped the locket on the kitchen table on my way to bathroom. The whole time I was showering and getting dressed I was thinking about the night before. I wondered what it was going to be like the next time I saw Harry. Was it going to be really awkward, or was he now going to assume that Rebecca was basically his sex toy now? More importantly, did I actually mind being a sex object when I was a woman?

All these questions haunted me all day, and I found it very difficult to pay attention to my job. I floated through the day, perceptually distracted and never hearing what anyone said to me. Eventually my shift ended, and I quickly made my way back to my car. As I drove to the apartment I braced myself, preparing to find the answer to all my anxious questions. I turned out to be a much better answer than I had hoped for.

I came home from to find Harry sitting in the living room in one of the the barely legal Spanish bodies he seemed to favour. He, or rather she, was wearing one of Harry's white wife-beaters and a pair of loose boxers. The dark outline of her perky nipples could be seen easily through the shirt. "Hi Jack," she said, "Harry just wanted to thank you for last night." I smiled, enjoying that Harry was having fun playing the new role. "I don't think Harry ever mentioned your name." I said in reply. "Cindy." She said to me. "Well Cindy, how was it you were going to thank me for him?" The newly created Cindy shrugged, looking shy. I walked over to where she was sitting. "How about if I suck your cock?" She suddenly asked, looking up at me. I didn't refuse.

It was only a few moments before she had removed my pants and was stroking me to full erection, not that it took much work when she was doing such a good job of playing the dirty college girl. Cindy opened her mouth and slowly slid my dick inside, sucking me down as she swallowed me. She began bobbing her head back and forth as she gave me one of the best blow-jobs I had ever had in my life. She released my cock long enough to remove her shirt, and then dove back down on it. Cindy kept her eyes locked on mine, and I was impressed that Harry had gotten into character so quickly. When I was so erect it was almost painful she let my tool slurp out of her mouth.

"I've been playing with myself all afternoon, just waiting for this." She whispered. That answered my question as to her eagerness to have sex with me. "Why don't you sit down here." She said softly, gesturing me to sit on the floor. She ripped off her shorts, revealing her smooth slit. She then quickly climbed up on top of me and straddled my hips. She lowered herself so that her hairless pussy was just touching the tip of my cock. Cindy slid back and forth, rubbing my dick across her wet snatch. As she teased me she giggled and grinned. "Its kind of my first time, you know?" She said, "But I'm so ready..."

With that she began descending very gradually. I felt the resistance against her pussy for a moment, and then I popped inside of her. Tauntingly slow, she eased herself down until all of me was inside of her, filling up her lithe, young body. "Oh, you feel so big...." She cooed. It seemed like such a cliche, pornographic thing so say, but it turned me on nevertheless. She started rocking back and forth on top of me, riding me gently. But her pace increased soon enough, and it was not long before we were fucking at half-speed. I pushed myself up into her as she ground her cunt on me. The tempo increased again, and I knew this first session was not going to last very long.

She started getting a desperate look in her eyes, and I guessed she was close to an orgasm. I grabbed onto her tight ass and rammed up into her, trying to hit just the right angle to send her over the edge. I was successful, and her panting turned to whimpers. The whimpers quickly turned to moans as she started to cum. "Oh god, oh yes!" She cried out as her body shook with pleasure. She trembled and bucked as she had her first taste of how good sex as a woman could be. She seemed to keep climaxing for ages, and just before her pleasure started to fade I felt myself approach my own finish. "Oh god yes, cum in me!" She begged as I filled her with my hot cream.

When we were both finished we collapsed together, gasping. "That was just as amazing as you promised." Cindy said, enthusiastic. "Happy to be of service." I replied. We both sat entwined together, basking in the bliss of fantastic sex. I felt myself grow limp and slide out of her, my cum oozing out as well. Cindy made no move to stop it, and just let it run down her backside. Apparently she really was a dirty little girl. Eventually she disentangled herself from me and reclined on the floor. She looked very pleased with herself. "Oops," She chimed, "Looks like we made a mess. Here, let me get that..." She lunged in and took my limp, juice covered dick back in her mouth, sucking it clean. Normally I was not that prolific when it came to sex, but I found myself getting hard for a second time as she blew me.

She didn't stop after she had coaxed another erection out of me, but kept on working my cock with her mouth and hands. She pleasured me with expert skill until I neared my second orgasm. Then she doubled her efforts and I felt myself erupt in her mouth. She swallowed some, but half of it leaked out of her mouth and dribbled down her chin. When she had milked me dry she let my member slip past her lips as she began playing with the jism that adorned her face and chest. "That was exactly the kind of sex I always fantasized about." Cindy said. "never mind which side of it I was on."

Looking at the clock I saw that it was only ten in the evening. The night was still young, and I felt that I owed Cindy at least one more orgasm. I had no idea how our lives were going to be after that day, but I knew it was going to be interesting...

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