The Long Summer of Youth

By W84IT

Published on Jan 27, 2000



It was the end to a picture-prefect day and Caleb felt elated. A smile spread across his handsome face as he replayed the events of the day in his mind; occasionally chuckling at the funny moments and reflecting upon the tender ones.

Turning the corner onto Elm Street, Caleb darted into a sprint, his arms and legs pumping faster and faster as he raced toward the little yellow house at the end of the block. Home. He bounded up the stairs of the covered porch, taking three steps at a time, then dashed toward the front door and flung open the screen door, hearing it's rusty hinges squeal in protest.

Caleb didn't bother to say hello to anyone in the house, but instead headed straight to his room upstairs. With a dull thud he shoved the door closed behind him, turning the deadbolt he had only recently installed. Privacy. At least for the moment. He needed some time alone to collect his thoughts after such a stimulating day. He knew it wouldn't last for long so he endeavored to make the most of it.

In the Singleton household a closed door was an open invitation to knock and Caleb realized that it wouldn't be long before his younger brother or sister would soon be pounding on his door -- insisting that he come to dinner or play catch in the yard or some other insignificant activity. He wanted none of that right now. Silence was what he craved. Silence and the opportunity to think.

As his breathing slowed, Caleb sat down on the edge of his unmade bed, and began to untie his sneakers. The first soon sailed across the room to land with a dull thump in his closet. Its mate soon joined it. The rest of his clothes soon ended up in a pile in the middle of his room, where they will remain until he kicked them into a corner of the room during his weekly half-hearted attempt at cleaning his room.

He picked up a well-worn pair of faded gym shorts from the floor and put them on. He planned to take a shower later and couldn't walk out of his room naked. Even it didn't bother him if people looked at his nude body, his mother pitched a major fit the last time he walked out of his room unclothed, so for her sake he promised never to do that again. Besides, there wasn't anyone in the house who could appreciate the splendor of a young naked man, full of life and energy.

The waning light of the day shone in the window, painting the room in a pale golden light. Caleb returned to his bed and laid down, his hands behind his head. He stared up at the blank ceiling as he slowly relaxed his mind and body. His breathing soon became shallow and his eyelids gradually closed. Sleep overwhelmed him. Blissful sleep.

The bright afternoon sun shone brightly upon his back, warming him and adding fuel to his passion. Caleb held tight to the boy in his arms, their lips pressed firmly together. His breathing was rapid and his heart pounded in his chest. He could hear his blood rushing through his veins, the whooshing sound echoing loudly in his ears.

They rolled across the grassy meadow, entangled in a mass of arms and legs. A gentle, warm breeze blew through the trees, filling the air with the sweet aroma of wildflowers.

Caleb broke the kiss and sat back, looking into the chocolate brown eyes of the beautiful boy lying beneath him. He smiled broadly.

"My God, you're a fantastic kisser!" he exclaimed. "I don't ever want to stop!"

"You're not bad yourself," said the young man, "for a beginner!"

The boy on the bottom reached up quickly and caught Caleb in the ribs, tickling him mercilessly. Caleb fell back onto the soft grass, grabbing frantically at his assailants strong hands. His boyish laughter filled the tiny meadow with the music of youthful play.

"Stop! Please, I can't breathe!" gasped the boy. "Please Brad, stop!"

Brad sat back on his heels and looked at the boy curled up on the ground. He was a beautiful boy, so happy and full of life. They had met for the first time only a week ago, but Brad felt as though they had grown up together. Caleb made him feel at ease with himself, losing his usual shy demeanor.

The sun glistened off of Caleb's light brown hair, making golden streaks across his scalp. His brown eyes sparkled with the light of boyish charm. He was a small boy, only 5'8", with a slender build. But he packed a lot of strength in that little frame, often bursting with boundless, hidden energy.

"What are you doing?" a voice inquired, breaking Brad from his momentary reverie.

"Nothing. Just thinking"

"No you weren't. You were staring at me. Why?"

"Because your very beautiful. Any other stupid questions!"

"No. That's enough for now. But I'll have more later, I promise!"

A broad grin breaks across Caleb's face as he pounces on the prone Brad, wrapping his arms around the boy.

They wrestle, half-heartedly, for a few minutes before they break their bond and sit, cross-legged, across from each other. Staring into the other's eyes. The silence is punctuated by their heavy breathing as each boy recovers from the exertion of a moment ago.

Caleb slowly crawls on all fours and sits down beside Brad, their legs touching. Reaching over to the larger boy he grasps his shoulder and gently pulls Brad closer, ready to kiss again. Their lips meet briefly before Brad is hurled across Caleb's knees and a loud `Smack' breaks the pristine silence of the morning.

"Ouch!" exclaims Brad, his hand rubbing his butt. "Why'd you spank me?"

"Because a butt like yours needs to be spanked. It's a perfect bubble-butt!"

Before he could protest further Caleb rushed toward Brad, tackling him into the soft, green grass. He pushed the lad onto his back and undid the button of his shorts and lowered the zipper. With a clean jerk, he removed the shorts, leaving the boy clad only in his briefs.

With a glint in his eye, Caleb grabbed Brad, pulled him to his feet and led him to a tree stump near the edge of the clearing. Brad did not resist because he knew what was about to happen and smiled with unabashed delight. Caleb sat down on the stump and laid the grinning boy across his knees, eagerly anticipating the pleasures he was about to inflict on the older boy.

Giddy with excitement, Brad allowed himself to be moved into position on Caleb's knees, his hardening cock stretching the limits of his cotton underwear. His heart thumped in his chest as the thrill of the moment enveloped him. He had longed for just this thing many times before but no one before Caleb had ever been willing to do it. They were too afraid. But not this boy. No. He was strong, both physically and emotionally. Strong enough to manhandle the larger Brad and make him succumb to his prurient desires. He was going to enjoy this!

Anticipating the first slap, Brad giggled with delight as he felt Caleb's hand make contact with his butt. Slap! Slap! Slap! Each time it struck a bolt of electricity shot up his spine, showering his brain with cascades of pleasure and pain. His cock throbbed with each blow, stretching to reach it's full 7" length.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

The spanking continued as each boy grew more and more excited by the scenario playing out. Caleb dominated the older and larger boy now spread out upon his lap. His hand caressed the adorable butt before him at the end of each slap, feeling the warmth rising from the cloth-covered skin. He wanted to see the redness spreading as each new blow added to the rest.

Reaching for the wasitband of the briefs, Caleb pulled them off the boy, exposing the perfectly sculpted globes of Brad's ass to his lustful eyes. He revelled in the splendor of the moment before he resumed the spanking, now hitting bare skin. The slapping sound increased in intensity, moving both boys closer to ecstasy.

"How does this feel?" Caleb asked.

"Perfect!" replied Brad, his husky voice punctuated with lust. "Please don't ever stop!"

"I won't. I love to spank your perfect ass!"

"Oh God, this is fantastic! My cock is so hard I feel like I'm going to burst!"

Slap! Slap! Slap!

"Oh Caleb, I love you so much!"

"I love you too Brad! I love every thing about you. You smile. Your eyes. Your laugh. And your perfect, fucking ass!"

Brad squirmed with pleasure as Caleb continued to spank him. His cock now bobbed freely between Caleb's knees. Each slap sending it bouncing erracticaly.

"Oh Caleb, I only want one more thing to make this perfect."

"What is that, my lover?"

"Fuck me, please! I need to feel your cock in my ass! Please!"

Caleb smiled at the thought of fucking this stud. His cock jerked inside his shorts at the idea and a wicked grin appeared on his handsome face. He stopped his assault on the boys ass. Lifting him to his feet, Caleb stodd up and stared directly at Brad.

"I want to fuck your sweet, tiny ass! God, I really do!"

With wild abandon, Caleb tore off his clothes, scattering them about the field. He walked up to the taller boy and grabbed him by the neck and pulled his mouth to his own. The kiss filled both boys with exquisite delight. Their turgid cocks fought for space between their tightly pressed bodies.

"Lay down, my love. I'm going to take you now!"

Brad fell to his knees immediately then rolled onto his back, bringing his knees up to his ears in anticipation of Caleb's cock.

to be continued...

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