The Love I Always Wanted

By Joshua Montoya

Published on Jan 8, 2002


Disclaimer: This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any Backstreet Boy. I personally do not know any of the Backstreet Boys and therefore make no assumptions on their personalities. If you are too young to read this or if homesexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further.

Hey what's up y'all? Well, this is my first story ever. I'm not a very good writer, so you'll have to forgive me. I actually got inspiration for this story from a dream of mine, I hope you like it. Email me at to comment or give suggestions or whatever. Well, on with the story. Hope you enjoy!

The Love I Always Wanted - Ch. 2

Ring. Ring. Ring. "What the fuck" I said as I rolled out of bed. Ring. I stood and noticed the ringing stopped. I took a look at that damn annoying alarm clock, which read 1:05pm, and noticed that the alarm wasn't even set. 'Hmm,' I thought 'must be my phone.' I picked up my shoe and repeatedly said hello into it, until I realized that it was in fact my shoe. "Damn it!"

Brian walked into the room and gave me an amused look. "Morning sleepy head. It's about time you woke up!"

"Why the fuck is my head hurting?"

Brian just stood there and said "Do you remember anything?"

"Yes, I remember talking to you at the coffee shop, coming here, holding you this morning, then going back to bed. So what the hell?"

"Do you remember where I met you?"

"Umm, no"

"We met at a bar, and you were already drunk by the time we started talking."

"Oh yeah, now I remember. I'm never touching alcohol again!" I groaned as I sat down on the bed, still in my boxers.

Brian, still in his boxer-briefs, laughed a little and joined me on the bed.

I turned to him when he sat down, and for a while we sat in silence. Then, Brian took my hands into his, and said "You know, I'm very thankful to God that I happened to meet you last night. You've done so much for me, so much more than you can even imagine."

"You're welcome. I'm glad I could help. Brian, I want you to know that even though we don't know each other, I consider you a very good friend, and I want you to be happy. Someday, you'll find the right man for you, and you'll be happy. Just know that I will always be there for you."

By that time, Brian had tears running down his cheeks. He wiped them off and smiled at me. "So, you still tired?" he asked as I tried to stiffle a yawn.

"Yeah, I'm totally wiped out."

"Ok then, I guess I'll let you get some sleep."

"Umm, Brian?"


"Wanna join me?"

He gave me a small grin and said "I thought you'd never ask!"

I laughed as he jumped onto the bed, and rolled over and said goodnight, even though it wasn't night time. Comfortable, I drifted off to sleep.

God, this pillow was so comfortable. Nice, warm, and smooth. As I opened my eyes, I realized that it wasn't a pillow I was on, but Brian's nice, firm chest. I moaned and looked up and saw that Brian was awake.

"Hey. I thought you'd never wake up."

"What time is it?"

"Close to six."

"What time did you wake up? Was I sleeping on you the whole time? How come you just didn't roll me over or something?"

"Well," he replied rather sheepishly, "I never really was tired. I just sort of laid here and watched you. Eventually, you rolled over onto me. You looked comfortable, and I was comfortable, so I just laid there and looked at how cute you are when you sleep." He blushed after the last comment.

I smiled at him and said "Thanks. So, I think I'm gonna try to get a hold of my friend. I'm gonna be living with him and his grandmother for my freshmen year, then after we get on our feet, we're gonna get an apartment together."

"Umm, so you and you're friend, well, are you boyfriends?" He looked scared when he asked it.


"Oh, ok."

I smiled a little bit. "Jealous are we?"

He gave me a small grin, then said, "Kinda. Then again, we aren't going out, so I don't really have to be jealous." After he said that, he lost his grin and looked away.

Since I was still laying on his chest, I moved up and used my hand to move his face to look at me. I looked deep into his eyes and said, "Brian, I like you. I like you a lot. You're a really sweet guy. You're funny, handsome, intelligent. Everything I could ask for."

At that point, he had a smile on his face.


He lost that smile pretty quickly.

"We don't really know each other. You don't know who I really am, I don't know who you really are. There are things that we should know about each other."

"Josh. I like you. You make me laugh, make me happy, make me enjoy life. You just said you liked me. What more do we need?"

"Brian. You just met me yesterday. How can you say that? How can you say that I can do all those when you don't even know my last name?"

"I can say that because I know what I feel. Let me tell you something that someone once told me - 'It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.' So, what I'm saying is just because we haven't known each other for years, weeks, or even days, all it takes is just a little bit to want to be with that person. And Josh, I wanna be with you."

I moved my body down towards the end of the bed and laid my head back on Brian's chest, silently digesting what he just told me. I sat there thinking for a few minutes before I made my decision - it was too early. "Brian, how about this. Why don't we just be friends for now, get to know each other, and then if you still want to be with me, I'll think about it. Deal?"

"Well since that's the best I could do, yeah it's a deal. You think we can learn about each other in a day?"

I laughed and jumped up and did something that was unexpected - I gave Brian a kiss. Just a quick one though. I don't know what I was thinking, I was just caught up in the moment I guess.

He smiled at me and said "That's all I get?"

"Yeah, for now!"

He giggled, then replied "So let's get to know each other. You were saying earlier about you're freshmen year or something. Tell me."

So, I told him about college, how me and Antonio met, and just my life in general - parents, family, things like that. He took his turn and told me about his life, who he was, things like that. By the time we finished talking, it was close to ten, and both of us were so starved we thought we were going to have to eat each other.

"So, you wanna get ready and go out to dinner? My treat." Brian said to me.

"Well, since you're paying, where's the fanciest restaurant around?" I laughed a little, but he thought I was serious.

"Well, I know of this really nice restaurant, kinda fancy, not too far out of town. It's semi-formal. Is that ok?"

"Brian, I was just kidding. McDonalds is fine with me. Well, not really. I don't really like McDonalds. You know I don't know why people think their food is so grr..."

I was silenced by Brian's lips, which were firmly placed on mine. After a few seconds, he removed his lips and stepped back. He had a small smile on his face, but he seemed a little shaky. "I had to shut you up somehow. Listen, we're gonna go out to eat at the restaurant I was telling you about, and that's the end of it."

"I don't have anything to wear."

"I can lend you something."

"Brian, you're like way taller than me."

"That's ok. We'll figure something out."

"Ughh, alright," I said groaning. "Let me jump in the shower."

"Mind if I join you?" Brian said with this huge grin on his face.

"Actually, I'm hungry, so the faster we get ready the better. Besides only people who are going out with each other get to see the other person naked. Remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, I remember. Go, scoot!!"

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door, neglecting to lock it though. I turned on the water and got into the shower. As I was washing my hair, Brian walked into the room in a towel, obviously just out of the shower. "Hey, I brought you some clothes and boxers. They'll be on the counter."

"K, thanks"



"How do you feel about our first date?"

"You mean our first time going out as FRIENDS? I'm actually kind of excited about it. How about you? And how did you take a shower so quickly?"

"Well, I'm pretty excited too, it being our first time going out as friends. Oh, and I had taken a shower early, so I just needed to rinse off a bit."

"Oh ok, I'm almost done, so go finish getting ready and I'll be there in a few minutes."

In fifteen minutes, we were both ready to go, and headed out to Brian's car in the garage. In a few minutes we were on our way to the restaurant.

We arrived at this really nice looking restaurant. Brian pulled up and valet parked his car. Once inside, Brian requested a secluded table, and soon we were seated. The server came and took our orders, and for a few minutes, we sat in a comfortable silence.

We were both looking into each other's eyes. I took his hand in mine. "Thank you."

He looked deeper into my eyes and said "For what?"

"For letting me stay at your house. For taking care of me this past day. For wanting to be with me."

"I'd do anything if it meant we could be together. I hope you know that."

I was a little hesitant to say it at first, but then replied "Yeah, I do."

Brian was about to say something when our food came, so I let go of his hand and we started eating, again settling into a comfortable silence, with both of us throwing little smiles and winks to one another.

We soon finished eating and Brian paid the bill. We headed to valet after that. Brian's car soon appeared we hopped in and drove off. After a few minutes, I noticed that we weren't on our way to Brian's house. "Where are we going?"

"Some place peaceful. You'll like it. It's so beautiful. It reminds me of you."

I blushed, then said "I hope you're not taking me to a trash can or something, cause that's the only thing that reminds me of myself."

He turned to me and had a hurt look on his face. "How can you say that about yourself. You are THE most beautiful person I met, not just on the outside, but on the inside. You shouldn't say such things about yourself."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it was going to hurt you."

"Well, it did. Don't do it again Ok? It just hurts me to think that you think of yourself as something or someone bad, when you're an angel."

"Brian, I've done some pretty bad things in my life."

"I'm sure you have, but that's not the point. I meant your personality, how you care for others, care about their feelings and how you affect them. You have a very positive influence on others, so you shouldn't put down yourself."

"I'm sorry. I won't say anything bad about myself again."


We drove for a while longer, then pulled up to this nice little house looking over the beach. It was completely surrounded by trees. Very secluded.

"Where are we?" I said to Brian.

"This is my beach house. You like?"

"Yeah, it's beautiful. I love the beach. It's so romantic, don't you think?" I absent-mindedly said.

"Yeah, I do."

We walked through the gate into the backyard, where another gate led to a private beach. It was so beautiful. The sound of the waves crashing against the water was soothing.

"Let's go for a walk," Brian said to me.

I didn't answer him, just started walking.

We walked for a few minutes, then Brian stopped. He turned to me, and his face glittered from the moonlight shining from overhead. His hair looked like a halo, and at that point, I knew that he was the most beautiful person on the earth.

We just stood there looking at each other for a minute, and then he wrapped his arms around my waist. A few seconds later, his lips were locked to mine, trying to get me to open my heart to him. I remembered what he looked like when he first stopped, and then I let go. I wrapped my arms around his neck, opening my mouth to allow his tongue to enter. I moved my tongue into his mouth. The kiss was full of passion, full of need, the need to love and be loved. We continued kissing for several minutes, exploring each other's mouth, getting to know every part of each other. Brian pulled away to breathe, and at that time I looked into his eyes, and saw nothing but love. I pulled him closer, and we hugged.

We were soon interrupted by someone shouting. "Brian!!!!!!!!!!!! What the FUCK are you doing?"

Well, that's it people. Cliffhanger? Hehe. Well, email me at to give comments, suggestions, or whatever. Hope you liked it! Peace!!

Next: Chapter 3

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