The Love I Always Wanted

By Joshua Montoya

Published on Feb 13, 2002


Disclaimer: This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any Backstreet Boy or member of Nsync. I personally do not know any of the Backstreet Boys or any Nsyncers and therefore make no assumptions on their personalities. If you are too young to read this or if homosexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further.

Hey what's up y'all? Well, this is my first story ever. I'm not a very good writer, so you'll have to forgive me. I actually got inspiration for this story from a dream of mine, I hope you like it. Email me at ok? I better get some emails from you people!!!! You hear me? Hehe. Well, on with the story. Hope you enjoy!

The Love I Always Wanted - Ch. 4

It had been three months since the night I confessed about Brian to Antonio. And since then, I had felt much better. I had started to exercise again, eat healthy, and enjoy life. My grades had greatly improved, and in a few months, my freshman year would be over, and Antonio and I would get an apartment together. In that time, we had gotten closer than we ever have been. I hadn't seen Brian or even spoken to him ever since that day at McDonalds. And since that day, I hadn't eaten at McDonalds either.

"My Anaconda Don't Want None Unless You Got Buns Hun!"

Shake my ass. Shake my ass. Shake my ass. Watch it there! Shake my ass.

Damn, this club was bumping. It was the first time I had gone to a club in a long while. I was having fun, and that was important because I hadn't really had fun since that night with Brian.

The song ended, and I sat down at our table. By 'our,' I mean that Antonio, myself, and a couple of friends had gone out. It had been a while since I had seen them, and I felt better overall when I saw them.

Another song came on, and everyone was still jamin' on the dance floor. I sat there resting, taking it all in, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone staring at me. I turned to this person's direction, and the person looked away. I turned my attention back to the dance floor, watching my friends make fools of themselves, laughing, when someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around and noticed it was the person who was staring at me. And, might I say, this person was very hot. Short, buzzed cut hair, beautiful smile, good body. Damn! He was a total hunk!

"Hey." The hunk said to me.

"Uh, hi."

"Mind if I take a seat?"

"No, not at all," I said, patting the chair next to me.

The stranger sat down, and extended his hand, "I'm Justin."

The moment he said 'Justin,' my mind flashed two words: 'Justin Timberlake.'

"Uh, I'm Josh. Nice to meet you Justin Timberlake."

He flashed me a smile, and said, "I see you've recognized me. I just want you to know that I'm a normal person too."

"Yeah I know, kinda. Anyways, why did you decide to grace me with your presence? I didn't mean that in a rude way either."

He grinned at me. "I just thought it would be nice to get to know you."

"Oh, ok. So, do you want to go some place quieter? A coffee shop maybe?" I thought of a coffee shop and my face immediately went blank.

He looked at me with concern, and said "Is everything ok?"

"Hmm, yeah. Sorry I've just had bad experiences in coffee shops, particularly when I go there to talk. Why don't we go somewhere else? The beach maybe? It's still pretty warm out."

He gave his sign of approval, and we headed out of the club. We jumped in a taxi and headed for the beach, sitting in a comfortable silence.

We arrived at the beach. It was beautiful. It brought back so many memories of Brian, but I had to move on, get on with my life. I took of my shoes and socks, put them on the floor, and rolled up my pants.

Justin did the same and we started walking in silence. The moon was bright overhead, making the waves almost glow.

Justin was the first to break the silence. "So...have you ever been to the beach?"

"Yeah, actually it was the day I moved here. Coming here changed my life."

"Why did you move here?"

"I'm in college."

"Oh, so you must be, what, 18?"

"Yeah, I'll be 19 in two weeks."

"That's cool. I just turned 20 about a week ago."

"I know. Happy birthday, by the way."


We walked in silence for a few more seconds. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was so calming, the thought of me moving on with my life came into my head, the same place where my life came to a schreeching halt.

I continued walking, when I noticed that Justin was no longer standing besides me. I stopped and turned around, noticing that Justin had stopped to look at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"You look so beautiful in the moonlight."

My heart skipped a beat, as it seemed like I was going through the same thing all over again, except with a different person. I couldn't take anymore heartache.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Especially around someone I don't know. Please don't tell anyone. I'll give you money, a house, anything. Just don't tell anyone."


"Excuse me?"

"You said I looked beautiful in the moonlight. Thank you. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

"It's my turn to say thank you. I should have said something before. From the moment I saw you in the club, I knew that you were special."

I blushed and turned to him. "Thanks. You're not too bad yourself."

I turned away from him and we started walking back. On the way back, he called a taxi to take us home.

In a small while, we were in the taxi, and I was on my way home. We soon drove up to my house, and Justin turned to me. "I had a really good time, maybe we could do it again?"

"Sure," I said, "Anytime."

I gave him my phone number, got out of the car, and waved as the taxi drove off. I headed inside to get a good night's rest.

"I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I woke up with a startle. "What are you talking about?" I moaned out, when I realized Antonio had walked into my room.

"This is the second time I lose you at a bar, and remember what happened last time? Please don't do this to me again! Please tell me that you didn't fall in love with another guy!"

I smiled at him from under my canopy bed and said "Well, I did meet another guy. And, he is a celebrity. And, we did go to the beach. And he did say I was 'beautiful under the moonlight.' "

"Oh god! What am I going to do with you?" Antonio said with a laugh.

"Umm, how about you make me some breakfast?"

"Come on, I already made some. And you know, it's not even really breakfast time. It's 11am."

"Ohwell, I'm still hungry. Let's go."

So we went in the kitchen. It had blue walls and oak cabinets. There were two large patio doors that led to the backyard, which was covered in green grass and had a swimming pool, though not in use now. Antonio gave me my plate, and sat down. I told him about what had happened with Justin. He was happy that I had met someone else, but he warned me to be careful. After that, I decided to go back to bed.

"Josh, wake up! Josh, wake the hell up! Telephone!"

"Who is it?" I asked, barely awake.

"It's Justin."

I immediately woke up. "Hello?"

"Hey! It's Justin. I was calling to see if you were going to do anything tonight."

"Umm, not that I know of. What time is it anyways?"

"Uh, it's 5pm now."

"Damn, I slept a long time. Anyways, I don't think I'm doing anything. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me, like go out with me on a date?" He sounded really unsure.

"Are you sure? You sound hesitant or something."

"Yeah, it's just that I've never asked a guy out before. It's kind of weird. But I do want to go out with you."

"Ok, so where are we gonna go?"

"It's a surprise, just be ready by 8pm."

"Ok. Are you going to pick me up, or do you want me to meet you there?"

"This is a date! Of course I'm going to pick you up!"

"Do you remember where I live?"

"Yeah, so be ready!"

"I'll see you in a while." I said to him.

"I know I can't wait! See you!" He hung up, and I decided to start getting ready.

It was 7:49pm, and damn was I looking hot! Sorry, I didn't mean to sound conceided, but I did! I was wearing this baby blue turtleneck sweater, black pants, and some black dress boots. My hair was all gelled up, I just looked absolutely perfect. I hope I wasn't too overdressed, or underdressed for that matter. Anyways, I looked good, I thought.

Knock, knock.

"Get the door Antonio!!" I said from my bedroom.

"Why can't you?" He said.

"Because I have to make him wait! I just can't answer the door. Please!!"

"No, you answer the door."

"Antonio, pleeezze!! I will love you forever. I have to make my grand entrance!"

"Fine, I'll get the fucking door." He got up from his place on the couch.

Antonio opened the door, and there stood Justin. "Come in. He'll be out in a few minutes. He has to make his grand entrance."

"Damn you!" I said to him from my room.

Justin just giggled and extended his hand to Antonio. "I'm Justin."

"Antonio," he said, taking in Justin's hand and firmly shaking it. "Don't hurt him either."

"Don't worry, I won't."

"Have a seat."

Justin sat down on the couch. It was time to make my grand entrance. I opened my bedroom door, and calmly walked down the hallway to the living room. I made my grand entrance into the living room. "Hey Justin, it's so good to see yo...." At that very moment, I tripped. And I tripped hard. I landed hard on my face, sending a loud thump echoing through the house. Damn it, I had forgotten to tie my shoe strings!

Antonio laughed from his place on the couch. "So much for a grand entrance."

Justin was giggling as he helped me up. "I thought it was grand. It got my attention, didn't it? Are you hurt?"

"Naw, I'm fine, I guess."

"Do you wanna go?"

"Yeah, after I made an ass of myself."

He laughed some more and said "I thought it all was very cute."

"Whatever, let's just go." I said with a smile on my face.

We walked out to his car, which I must say was nice, but looked fairly normal. It was a white Ford Expedition. Once inside, however, I saw that it was fully loaded - tv screens, great stereo, leather. It was just right.

"So, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. You'll know when we get there."

So we drove off into the night, both of us anxious and scared, but determined to make the night fun. We soon arrived at a very nice Italian restaurant.

We walked in and were seated immediately. To my surprise, our table was secluded, and the window next to us was overlooking the beach. It was beautiful.

"Wow," I said to Justin, "This is absolutely perfect."

"I'm not done yet."

In a few minutes, a man came and lit the candles on our table, brought us some champagne, and gave me a bouquet of white roses. I realized there was a card on them, so I got it and opened it. It read:

"Josh. I have never met anyone as special as you. Even though I've only known you for a few days, will you be my boyfriend?


"Oh, Justin. I'm, well I'm...flattered. Justin..." I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized who the person in front of me was. I narrowed my eyes. "Brian."


Well, that's it guys. How was it? You better email me!!!!!!

Next: Chapter 6

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