The Love Match

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Sep 8, 2022



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy


The Love Match - Summary

After relocating to a wealthy suburb in the south of England, Northerner and self-taught tennis player, Ian, joins his local tennis club only to find himself looked down upon and ridiculed by the offspring of its affluent patrons.

Determined to show how effective his style of play can be, he signs up for the club's annual tournament and in the first round finds himself pitted against the reigning champion, Matthew Braithwaite.

Although Ian and Matt are drawn toward one another by their shared sexuality and mutual physical attraction, their different backgrounds and attitudes make them enemies.

The story depicts the battle for supremacy that takes place between the rivals both on and off the court after Matt suggests they make their match "more interesting" by way of a wager intended to sexually humiliate his opponent.

The tale reaches its climax on finals day, when talented Indian newcomer, VJ, who both Matt and Ian have sexual designs on, makes his own bid to win the club tournament.


  1. At the Clubhouse

On Monday, Ian left work early and set off for the tennis club with a spring in his step, knowing Matt would be there waiting for him.

It was the least popular day amongst the membership, which meant he had a good chance of getting a game without having to sit out due to the demand on the courts. With everyone fully occupied, it also meant that what he had planned for Matt was less likely to be interrupted.

On entering the clubhouse, the first thing he did was check out the tournament noticeboard.

He cast his eyes down the first column of the chart until he found his name to check that the lad had entered the result they had agreed.

In the column to the right of the one containing their two names Matt had written his own, to indicate that he was the one who would progress to the next round, and beside it the score line they had agreed.

"Hard luck!" a guy standing beside him commiserated after he'd entered his own winning score onto the chart, "Matt told me all about it. Sounds as though it was a close-run thing!"

"Yep, it certainly was!" Ian confirmed with a wry smile.

Unsure what tale Matt had spun the guy, he decided not to elaborate further.

"Shame you didn't manage to finish him off after he hurt his foot," the guy went on, giving Ian a clue about what the youngster had told him, adding less complimentarily, "I could have done with him being knocked out before I have to play him!"

"Sorry about that!" Ian responded caustically, ending their conversation and strolling down to the end of the corridor to put his head around the glass double doors that led to the club's lounge.

He found Matt there waiting for him alone, gazing up at a large TV screen which was showing highlights from the Wimbledon tournament which had ended two weeks before. Due to the state of his feet, the lad would not be fit enough to resume playing for a few days yet and so was dressed in a designer T-shirt and shorts rather than his usual tennis gear.

Ian coughed to gain his attention.

On detecting his conqueror's presence, the youngster turned around and was about to join him when he caught sight of the other guy still standing at the noticeboard behind him. He held back until the man disappeared into the locker room before levering himself up with the help of the furniture and limping across to the waiting Ian with his head bowed low.

The lad was looking nervous, Ian noted with satisfaction.

"I see you've marked up the score, brat!" Ian commented as soon as he was within earshot, adding in a more threatening tone, "Hope you've not forgotten the rest of what we agreed you'd do by today."

"Don't worry, I haven't," Matt assured him in a terse whisper, clearly put out by Ian's using his demeaning new name where it might be overheard.

"What happened to you addressing me with respect, in that case?" Ian fired back.

Matt swallowed hard, checking around to see if anyone could overhear him, before mumbling like a naughty school boy addressing his teacher, "Sorry, Sir! I forgot."

"That's better!" Ian grinned. Cutting Matt down to size was going to be fun!

"You found your bag after I left, I take it?" he enquired, reminding the lad of the last indignity he had imposed on him, whilst trying hard not to laugh.

"Yes, Sir, I did," Matt seethed in reply through clenched teeth, but said no more by way of explanation.

Before he had left the school on Saturday, Ian had deposited Matt's sports bag with the porter at the gate, telling him the former pupil would be along to pick it up shortly.

Deducing that the Range Rover must be the car he'd arrived in, since the Merc had by then departed, he had left a note tucked under the windscreen-wiper telling Matt where his belongings were to be found.

Prior to that, Ian had taken the precaution of checking out Matt's phone and had deleted every one of the pics he had taken of him before returning it to his bag.

In contrast, the ones he'd taken on his own phone, he had eagerly downloaded and backed up the moment he'd got home. He'd wanked off over them half a dozen times over the weekend as he'd reflected on the coup he'd pulled off that Saturday morning and had contemplated a myriad of ways in which he could humiliate the lad further in the weeks ahead.

Through his own arrogance, hot-temper and stupidity Matt had put himself completely at his mercy. Ian not only had a record of the defeated champ stripped naked and wanking off on the tennis courts of his old school but also a video of him sucking his dick! If the lad ever forgot himself and refused to do as he was told, he would show them to him and threaten to email them to his gang of sniggering pals.

"No embarrassing encounters on your way back, I hope?" Ian teased, curious to find out how Matt had made himself sufficiently respectable to return to the carpark after he'd left him marooned at the courts without a stitch to wear.

"I got home okay, Sir," Matt replied curtly, clearly eager to end their conversation as quickly as possible and relocate somewhere less public where they would not be overheard.

"Glad to hear it!" Ian grinned, opting to leave extracting the details from him to a future occasion and instead impose a new humiliation on him in there here and now.

"Let's see your crotch then!" he demanded coolly.

"What out here?" Matt hissed back incredulously; glancing over his shoulder to check the room was still empty apart from themselves.

Although the guy talking to Ian had now left and the corridor where the notice board was located was deserted, anyone could enter it at any moment from the courts at one end, the entrance to the club at the other or from the two locker rooms in between.

"I don't want to hear any excuses, brat! We made a bargain - if you're not prepared to honour it, we can scrub that result out right now and I'll take my rightful place in the second round, after which I'll send those embarrassing pics I took of you to all your pals, just for the hell of it!"

"Please keep your voice down, Sir! There's no need to do that!" Matt responded contritely in a squeaky voice that betrayed his panic.

"In that case, from now on brat, you'll do whatever I tell you!" Ian replied.

"So, drop your pants, so I can see you've done what I asked you to!" With a resigned sigh, Matt reluctantly undid the front of his shorts and pulled down his briefs to allow his conqueror a catch a glimpse of his denuded crotch.

"Hold up your shirt, so I can get a proper look!" Ian demanded, only to take a step forward the moment he'd complied and wrench Matt shorts down as far as his knees.

"That's better!" he declared, once he had the lad's manhood fully exposed so he could inspect it.

Delighted to discover that Matt had complied with his instructions, Ian reached out and ran his fingers over the bare skin, where the lad's pubes used to be, while the youngster swallowed hard and looked nervously over his shoulder to check no one was watching. Relishing the kid's embarrassment, Ian tarried to sample the silky softness of the lad's shaved ball sack and immediately witnessed his dick pulse upwards.

Encouraged, he took Matt's shaft between his fingers and gave it a few playful tugs. To Ian's amusement the lad's breathing instantly quickened and after awarding his dick a few more tugs he had it fully hard!

"You seem to like getting your kit off in public places, bratt!" Ian commented, gleefully reaching below the youngster's unruly cock and gathering up his scrotum in the palm of his hand.

"I've got you by the balls, champ, and you know it!" he gloated in the youngster's face, watching his cheeks redden and his handsome features crease with pain as he slowly tightened his grip around his manhood - out there in the corridor where anyone might see.

"From now on you will do whatever I say, whenever and wherever I please! Got it?"

Despite the pain, he noted Matt's shaft only grew harder still.

"Yes, Sir," the lad gasped, in the hope that his swift agreement would bring his public dressing down to a speedy conclusion.

But he was not to be let off so easily. Ian was enjoying himself!

"At last! You seem to have got the message!" replied Ian, releasing his grip on the youngster's balls and giving his strutting dick a couple of contemptuous slaps.

Eager to put the commitment the lad had just made to the test, and also curious to discover whether the welts he had given his backside on Saturday would still be visible, he quickly added a further demand.

"But just to show me you mean it, now you can turn around and show me your arse!"

Realising he could hardly go back on his word 5 seconds after pledging his absolute obedience to his master, he took yet another anxious glance over Ian's shoulder, before turning around and presenting him with his arse.

"Bend over!" Ian demanded, hiking the lad's T-shirt up his back so he could get a better view of his buttocks and increase the extent of his public exposure.

Matt bent forward to allow Ian to inspect his backside, hoping against hope that it was not his conqueror's intention to make him strip completely in the middle of the clubhouse and then abandon him as he had done at the school tennis courts!

The marks were still there, Ian discovered with a chuckle as he ran his hand over the two cross- hatched red circles he'd inflicted on the lad's otherwise ashen cheeks.

"Today is the day you begin repaying me for the favour I've done you," he whispered in Matt's ear whilst pinching the lad's blushing peach of an ass.

"Go to the end toilet stall in the men's' locker room and wait for me there. I'll knock on the door when I'm ready!"

"Yes, Sir," Matt mumbled back, swallowing hard as he felt Ian's fingers prise their way into the cleft between his buttocks until they reached his hole.

"And make sure you're stripped, ready for fucking by the time I arrive!" Ian added, underscoring his words by casually rubbing an exploratory fingertip around the perimeter of the lad's anal ring.

"Yes, Sir," the youngster croaked back, as he squirmed both physically and psychologically at the public nature of the humiliation being imposed on him by his more sexually experienced conqueror, anxious to hitch up his shorts and exit the club foyer as speedily as possible but at the same time unable to suppress his excitement at what he was doing to him.

"But before that, I'm afraid I'm going to have to punish you yet again!" his tormentor pronounced, removing his hand from his arse and levering Matt's head downwards by the neck until he was bent over displaying his bare arse.

"What was he supposed to have done wrong now?" Matt wondered as he watched Ian extract his racquet from his sports bag, "Surely, he wasn't going to spank him in the middle of the clubhouse!"

"So, I still lost despite you hurting your foot, did I?" Ian scolded him, quoting the commiserating words the man had shared with him in front of the noticeboard.

Without more ado, he yanked Matt's shorts all the way down to his ankles, took aim with his racquet and brought it down on the lad's upturned buttocks in the very centre of the strings.

It landed with a very satisfying thwack, encouraging him to do it again. The taut strings made little noise, when compared with a hand or a paddle, but inflicted an equal amount of pain - especially as Matt's buttocks were still sore from his previous spanking.

Although the thump of the racquet hitting his backside would be hard to distinguish from those coming from the courts outside, the lad realised any cries of pain he made would not! So, despite his tormentor rapidly increasing the weight and frequency of his blows, Matt bit his tongue.

But when Ian caught him by surprise by landing a couple of particularly vicious whacks in quick succession, the club champion could contain himself no longer and let out an involuntary "Ouch!"

"Please stop!" Matt gasped in a tearful whisper, aware that his cry may have been overheard. The last thing he wanted was to be caught with his pants down in the heart of the clubhouse while his reputedly vanquished adversary publicly tanned his bare backside!

But Ian was enjoying himself too much to stop now and delighted in landing several more blows on the whimpering lad's backside until his arse cheeks were glowing as red as they had at the end of that fateful Saturday morning.

"Stay where you are, brat!" he cautioned, when he eventually decided Matt had been punished enough.

With the lad slumped over, still displaying his reddened behind, Ian coolly slotted his racquet back into his sports bag, extracted his mobile phone from his jacket and added half a dozen more pictures of the club's current champion to his collection - this time ones of him displaying his scarlet arse to all-comers in the centre of the clubhouse.

"See you in the end toilet stall in two minutes, ready to be fucked!" he whispered in Matt's ear, before picking up his bag and heading off to the locker room, leaving his defeated opponent in a state of disarray.

The second Ian was gone, Matt hurriedly reached down to pull up his shorts only to get them caught around his ankles and fall forward, knocking over a basket of practice balls as he attempted to regain his balance, sending them bouncing in all directions.

He was in the process of righting himself when unbeknown to him the door to the ladies' changing room was pulled open and a middle-aged woman emerged dressed in her tennis whites.

"What's all the noise about?" she asked, first catching sight of the balls followed by a brief glimpse of Matt's reddened backside as he attempted to pull up his shorts and right the basket at the same time.

Realising someone was behind him, Matt turned to find out who it was, only to reveal his shaved crotch to the woman as well!

"Aunty!" Matt spluttered, finally managing to hoist his shorts back into position.

"Matt! It's you causing all the commotion out here!" his aunt exclaimed, after raising her gaze and noting his tear-streaked face.

"Whatever's the matter? You not playing tennis today?" she asked as she paused to help him gather up some of the balls from the floor at her feet and place them back in the basket.

Stumped for a plausible explanation for getting caught with his pants down, displaying his beaten arse and shaved crotch out in the corridor of the tennis club, the lad decided to make a quick exit.

"I injured myself in the match last Saturday, aunty," he explained tossing more balls back into the basket, "and I'm not feeling very well either!"

"Sorry, I just have to go to the loo!" he then added and made a dash for the door marked "Gentlemen" before she got the opportunity to question him further.

As his aunt wearily gathered up the rest of the spilt balls unaided, she shook her head from side to side and a smile flickered across her face.

Having witnessed many of Matt's on-court antics first hand, she couldn't resist relishing his embarrassment and was only too pleased to see that someone had finally given her spoilt nephew the spanking she had long thought he deserved.

"Better late than never!" she said to herself with a grin, as she walked out to the courts.

  1. In the Locker Room

Ian was busy changing into his tennis gear when a flustered Matt entered the men's locker room, but looked up just in time to clock the lad's shapely rear-end disappearing through the toilet door.

"I'll be fucking that arse in five minutes time!" he said to himself in self-congratulation, still hardly able to believe his good fortune at having the handsome club champion so completely in his power. With the bulk of the players attending the evening session already out on the courts, Ian had found himself alone. With any luck, the toilets would be deserted too and remain so for some time to come, giving him ample opportunity to take Matt's cherry and introduce him to his new role as his slave.

So, instead of going straight out to the courts to "mix-in" and be bossed around by his toffee-nosed "betters", Ian left his racquet in his locker and headed off in Matt's wake to play a very different game - one with him as the undisputed top dog!

He smiled as he tucked the sachets of lube and the condom into his short's pocket alongside his mobile phone as he entered the toilets, looking forward to fucking the club's golden boy under the very noses of its snobby clientele.

But first, Ian needed to take a piss.

As he stood at the urinal relieving himself, he overheard Matt cursing him from just a few feet away, after having hit his elbow on the wall of the toilet cubicle as he hurriedly undressed, and his grin widened.

But all the lad's simmering resentment succeeded in doing was harden his resolve to show him no sign of weakness or pity. He reminded himself that if he had not defeated him, at that very moment Matt and his mates would likely as not be splitting their sides laughing at the demeaning pics he had taken of him!

As he shook off the last dregs of urine from his dick, Ian peered down at his manhood and caught a whiff of its ripe odour, the result of him not having washed it since his shower that morning. It had been hard ever since Matt had dropped his pants for him in the hallway and so was now also coated with a layer of pre-cum.

He was about to wash his cock in the sink, as he would normally do before having sex, but in response to his defeated adversary's muttered abuse, decided not to bother. From now on it would be one of Matt's duties to launder his dick on a daily basis!

This added piece of mischief set Ian's cock swelling once again; prompting him to prime it still further with a few more tugs to ensure it was fully hard before he thrust it down the lad's throat. Without bothering to squeeze his bloated manhood back into his shorts, Ian stepped around the patch of dried piss surrounding the urinal and set off to familiarise the club champ with his new place in the world.

"Time for you to suck my dick, brat!" he called out, rapping his fist on the wall of the end stall. A startled Matt hurriedly withdrew the catch and, assuming his nemesis was about to enter, retreated apprehensively to the cubicle's rear.

But instead of joining him inside, Ian stood in the entrance and pushed the stall door ajar, slowly revealing the lad quivering beside the toilet bowl completely naked with his head bowed.

"Down on your knees!" he demanded, adding the second Matt complied, "And get your arse out of there!"

No sooner had the youngster reached the cubicle's threshold than Ian backed away from him and took up a new position beside the urinals.

"Out yer come!" he added when the lad hesitated, realising he was being drawn into a location where he would be seen instantly by anyone walking in the door.

But to Ian's delight, after heaving a resigned sigh, Matt reluctantly did as he was told. He emerged from his hide-hole on all fours and, after eying the piss-soaked floor with distaste, drew to a halt at his master's feet.

"Kiss my trainers!" Ian demanded.

Appalled at the prospect of doing something so demeaning, when one of his mates might walk in on them at any moment, Matt froze.

"This can't be happening!" the lad muttered, shaking his head as he deliberated on whether or not to comply.

"Do as you are fucking told!" Ian responded between clenched teeth, taking the decision away from him by grabbing hold of the youngster by the scruff of the neck and prising his head down to his feet.

"Kiss 'em!" he commanded.

Fearing Ian's raised voice would be overheard; the distraught youngster reluctantly brushed the tops of Ian's sweat-redolent trainers with his lips.

"Now do it again!" said Ian unsurprisingly dissatisfied, "But this time, do it like you mean it!"

"The sooner you learn to do as you're told, the sooner you get to go back in the cubicle!" he added coolly when Matt was once again slow to respond.

Though confused as to how this scenario could possibly have come about, Matt was so anxious to find sanctuary in the toilet stall before he was discovered in this most humiliating of poses, that he gave in to his conqueror's wishes and awarded the toes of each of Ian's battered tennis shoes another reluctant kiss.

"Carry on!" Ian added, when Matt paused to check out the door nervously.

"I know you'd prefer to be sucking my dick," he teased, pushing the lad's head back down to his feet.

"Don't worry, that'll be happening soon enough!"

As Matt grudgingly resumed demeaning himself, his senior reached forward to fondle the lad's up- turned backside and couldn't resist awarding his glowing buttocks a couple of slaps.

As the sound bounced off the walls of the tiled room, Matt's fears of discovery sent him into a blind panic. In his desperation to demonstrate his submission to his tormentor, he covered the tops of his shoes with a whole welter of kisses.

Equally aware the noise might be overheard, Ian opted against hitting the lad again. There was no need. He now had Matt just where he wanted him, damned if he complied with his wishes and damned if he didn't! He had never experienced such power over a guy he fancied before and felt intoxicated by it!

So instead of hitting him again, he opted to torment the boy at his feet in a different way - one that was just as humiliating, but noiseless. He spat into his fingers and used the saliva to lubricate his hole by slowly rubbing their tips around its circumference.

"Carry on kissing my feet!" Ian demanded as Matt began to squirm.

"After you've sucked my dick, I'm going to fuck this tight little arse of yours!" Ian promised as he gradually stretched the lad's hole wider until he was able to insert two of his fingertips at the same time.

"Now lick 'em clean!" he demanded, finally hoisting Matt's head up from his trainers only to impose a greater humiliation on him by pressing his potentially soiled digits up against his lips.

"Open up!" he added, when Matt resisted, awarding the lad a sharp slap across the face.

Taken by surprise, the lad wordlessly complied.

"That's better!" Ian declared adding, whether the warning was needed or not, "Best make sure your arse is clean before you get fucked in future!" he advised, thrusting his fingers in and out of his defeated adversary's mouth until gob drooled down from its corners like he was a salivating dog.

"Get down on the floor!" Ian demanded next, fired up even more by the lad's reluctant compliance.

"Lie down flat!" he demanded, placing a foot in the small of Matt's back as he straightened out to prise his body downwards.

"The nobs at the club really needed to hire a more thorough cleaner!" Ian thought to himself, as he increased the pressure on the lad's spine until he collapsed beneath his weight into the patch of stale urine he had noted earlier. He then walked around Matt's prone body and presented the youngster with his feet to kiss once more.

"Lick 'em!" he demanded.

Aroused by the sight of his adversary grovelling around naked on the piss-stained floor, whilst ignominiously lapping the tops of his shoes, Ian gave his cock several more tugs, as he savoured the extent of his degradation.

Although part of him longed for one of Matt's mates to walk in on them at this moment so they could witness the extent of his tennis idol's fall first-hand - he realised that that would instantly bring his fun to an end.

So instead, Ian took out his mobile and switched on its camera! It was Matt who had come up with the idea of using pics as a way of humiliating him - now the bugger would have to live with the consequences of his own depraved little fantasies. This was a far better option than exposing him to his pals as it would allow him to share the lad's degradation with a much larger audience in the future, should Matt ever be foolhardy enough to step out of line!

Yep, Matt was well on the way to experiencing sex slavery for real! Soon he would have so much dirt on the youngster that he wouldn't dare breathe without his permission!

Now with a permanent grin on his face, Ian resumed pulling on his dick as he looked down at the naked twenty-year-old alternately licking his feet and glancing nervously at the closed toilet door.

It had fallen to him to teach the lad some much needed humility. He would instil some discipline into him and train him to accept a lower, more appropriate, position in the social hierarchy.

"On your back!" Ian demanded, stepping away and giving the youngster a kick in the ribs until he rolled over and reluctantly laid the clean side of his body down on the besmirched tiles.

"Get yourself hard!" he then added, standing back to capture the whole of Matt's body on cam as he clasped hold of his shrivelled weeny and commenced pulling on it.

Catching sight of the camera, Matt became aware that Ian was garnering yet more demeaning images of him and couldn't stop himself from showing his resentment by awarding him an accusatory stare.

Realising that the lad was still far from subdued, Ian's attitude toward him instantly hardened.

"You're going to pay dearly for giving me that dirty look, brat!" he threatened stepping forward,

"Forget you were the one who was so keen to take pictures?"

Ian positioned the sole of his trainer over the lad's face and gradually lowered it until his head was pinned to the floor like a trapped football.

"The good news is I'm going to let you cum!" he added playfully.

"The less good news, from your point of view, is that you're going to lick my arse while you do it!"

Stepping away from the lad, Ian balanced his phone on the floor at the opposite side of the room so they would both be included in the shot and began to unfasten the clasp of his shorts. While Matt continued to wank and watch, he slid them off over his feet to release his rock-hard cock and display his gym-toned arse to the youngster for the first time.

After awarding himself half a dozen more tugs, he squatted down above Matt's face and pulled his buttocks wide apart.

Although for weeks Matt had stolen clandestine glimpses of Ian in the locker room and secretly lusted after his tight buns and hirsute body, when presented with his arse at such close quarters and instructed to lick it, he was caught in two minds. Especially when he knew this most degrading act of submission was not only being videoed but might also be observed by one of his mates should they happen to visit the toilet at that moment!

Not to mention the possibility that Ian's arse might not be clean!

But as Ian inexorably pressed his hole ever closer to his face and Matt's nostrils were greeted by nothing more offensive than the scent of shower gel mingled with sweat, he decided he'd best get this latest humiliation over with as quickly as possible.

Tentatively, the youngster edged his nose deeper into Ian's crack and stuck out his tongue, whilst at the same time tugging on his cock for all he was worth.

To Ian's great satisfaction he felt the lad submerge his snout between his buttocks and the tip off his tongue lap against his hole.

"That a boy! Get it all the way in there!" he encouraged, as he watched the pace of Matt's wanking accelerate and within moments a fountain of his spunk shoot high into the air.

"Good lad!" he commended with a snigger, rising to his feet and picking up his mobile so he could record every detail of the youngster's humiliation in close-up as he lay spent and sullied on the filthy toilet floor.

Now it was his turn to cum!

  1. Locked in the Lavatory

Matt's post-orgasmic bliss was short-lived, as just seconds after he'd cum, his tormentor was upping the ante once again by scooping up the globules of semen adorning his belly and prising them into his mouth.

"Eat it!" he demanded, training the cam on the lad's face to capture the look of distaste that clouded his handsome features at the prospect of swallowing his own cum.

When he balked, Ian chuckled and plastered the sticky residue across his entire face, before returning back to its source and daubing what remained over his chest to soil him still further.

"Unless you want your mates to see this video, you better not cross me again!" Ian warned.

"Now roll around on the floor, like the dog you are!" he demanded, immediately putting the lad's obedience to the test once more.

Rising to his feet, he continued to train the cam on Matt's prone body and watch with a grin as the lad reluctantly complied and basted himself in the filth adorning the tiles.

"On all fours!" Ian commanded, switching off the cam after hearing a door slam at the other side of the wall. Deciding not to push his luck any further and risk their encounter coming to a premature end, he herded Matt back into the cubicle where he had awaited him with a series of kicks up the arse.

After locking the door behind them, he added his shorts to the pile of Matt's clothes and sat down on the closed toilet lid with his legs spread wide apart with his cock at the vertical. Wasting no more time he caught hold of the kneeling Matt by the ear.

"Time for you to suck my dick again... champ!" he chuckled, grabbing the former public school boy by his jet black curls and directing his head down to his crotch. Matt may well have put up more of struggle had he not heard the toilet door creak open at that very moment!

Fearful of being discovered, he hastily opened his mouth and did his tormentor's bidding, despite almost retching when he caught a whiff of its pungent aroma.

Quick to take advantage of the situation, Ian put his finger to his lips and slowly increased the pressure on the youngster's head until his shaft was prised to the very back of his throat.

Aware he'd been seen hanging around in the clubhouse earlier, Matt realised that if he made the least sound there was a high risk he'd be recognised - especially if the visitor turned out to be one of his pals!

Having learned from their first encounter that it was far less painful to provide Ian with the pleasure he was seeking willingly, rather than attempt to resist, the youngster held his breath and voluntarily took his conqueror's shaft deep down his throat in total silence, determined that whoever had entered get no inkling of what was going on behind the stall's thin partition walls.

Delighted by the progress his sullen slave had made in the art of cock sucking, Ian was more than happy to sit back and silently savour the physical pleasure the youngster was giving him, while their unknown visitor whistled the familiar BBC coverage Wimbledon theme tune as he emptied his bladder at the urinal outside as a result of walking through the lounge.

"Good boy!" Ian commended, as soon as the guy had left, rewarding the youngster with a pat on the head for managing to hold his breath for virtually the whole duration of his visit with his cock jammed down his throat.

Encouraged by the lad's compliance, Ian decided now was the time to heighten his pleasure still further by introducing Matt to other ways of turning him on.

He tugged his tennis shirt off over his head to expose his chest and placed Matt's hands on his nipples.

"Work my tits, while you suck!" he demanded.

"Gently!" he remonstrated, cuffing the youngster around the ear when he began to pinch them too hard.

"That's better!" Ian sighed contentedly, once the lad had caught on to what was expected of him. He had rarely experienced an encounter where all his sexual turn-ons were so solicitously catered for by a partner before and as a consequence was soon close to cumming!

It was as though all his fantasies had come true! Having complete power over such a handsome young guy gave him the opportunity to put his own pleasure first for a change and allowed him to impose the little sadistic touches that really got his juices flowing, but so often freaked-out his casual sex partners.

Despite Matt trying so hard to please him, Ian placed a foot between the crouching lad's legs and commenced kicking his balls and flaccid cock from side to side, then moved on to compressing them between the tops of his toes and his scrotum, until he made him wince. Then he resumed kicking them again, only harder.

"That's a good lad!" Ian sighed, awarding the youngster a series of pats on the head when he made no attempt to resist this latest torment and continued sucking his dick regardless.

This was just the beginning he told himself! Over the course of the summer he planned to coach Matt to meet his every sexual need and desire - from kissing his feet, to sucking his dick, from licking his arse to tweaking his tits! He would give him regular spankings just for the hell of it, to keep his arse permanently reddened. He would undermine his manhood by making him keep his crotch shaved and by repeatedly whipping his weenie of a dick and giving his balls a good kicking!

He would get him to strip and wank off in public places while he recorded his humiliation on video and film both himself and his mates fucking him. The power such videos would give him over the lad also added to his exhilaration.

He would so accustom Matt to his role as his sex slave that it would soon become second nature to him and the only one he wanted to play with another guy. By the time he'd done with him, he'd be hanging around public toilets and gay cruising grounds stripped naked, begging to suck cock and get fucked up the ass by anyone and everyone!

With these stirring thoughts filling his head, Ian's excitement rapidly reached a crescendo. The lad's deflowering would have to wait 'til later, he was so excited, he just had to cum!

When his dick erupted in Matt's mouth the inexperienced cocksucker failed to realise at first but when Ian let out a moan of pleasure and held his head still so he could ejaculate at his own pace, it finally dawned on him what was happening.

As the trickle of semen rapidly turned into a flood inside his mouth, the lad belatedly pulled his head away from Ian's cock and attempted to eject his conqueror's cum from his mouth rather than swallow it.

Leaving Matt still coughing and spluttering at his feet, a contented Ian quickly dressed himself and opened up the stall door. But before leaving, he quickly gathered up the lad's clothes.

"Lock the door behind me!" he demanded as he exited the stall.

"You're going to stay here while I join in outside for an hour or so!" he called out to Matt, as he walked across to the sink to sluice his face with cold water.

"No playing with yourself!" he added with a chuckle as he wiped himself down on the lad's T-shirt and made his way to the exit.

"See yer later!" he added jovially as he pushed open the toilet door and collided with one of Matt's mates attempting to enter.

"Sorry!" he apologised to the guy automatically, before hurrying past the youngster to open up his locker and bundle Matt's clothes inside it.

"Perfect timing!" he congratulated himself, extracting his racquet and padlocking it shut before heading off to the courts with a big grin on his face.

Marooned in the toilet without a stitch to wear, a freshly reddened arse and zero pubic hair, Matt was going nowhere fast.

Even though the locker room was tantalisingly close, he had neither clothes nor a towel to hide his humiliation and, in any case, he could already hear someone moving around outside.

He perched naked on the toilet bowl, frustrated at being unable to do anything to remove the coating of semen, urine and grime which sullied his body and listened enviously to the sounds emanating from the courts outside. The shouted line calls, the cries of congratulation whenever anyone did an especially good shot and the supressed expletives following missed winners.

When the toilet door slammed shut, he briefly toyed with making a dash for the showers to clean himself up and requisition some of the mislaid sports gear that had been gathering dust on top of the lockers to hide his shame. But on reflection he deemed it too risky.

No, he would just have to sit tight and hope Ian returned sooner rather than later. Whenever he heard the outer door creak open, as someone entered to make use of the facilities for their intended purpose, he froze and kept very quiet in the hope that they wouldn't peer beneath the cubicle walls of the locked stall and spot his bare, blistered, feet. But thankfully nobody did.

In between such interruptions, he couldn't help thinking about Ian's perfect arse and muscular torso and reflect on the multitude of humiliations he had imposed on him - plus the fucking he had promised to give him on his return.

So excited did he become by these thoughts, that despite Ian's edict that he not touch himself, while he waited for his return, he came a second time by his own hand.

  1. In the Shower

It was over an hour and a half later when Ian finally returned to his locker after a mediocre game of mixed doubles with three of the club's older regulars, Matt's aunt amongst them! She and two others had been knocking up prior to his arrival due to the uneven numbers, so for once, he was greeted with open arms.

Unsurprisingly, Ian's mind was elsewhere for much of the play. Despite just having cum, he was soon sprouting a fresh erection as he thought of Matt awaiting his return, locked in the toilet cubicle stripped completely bare, fearful of being discovered by his mates.

Thankfully his jock strap had succeeded in keeping his excitement hidden from his older playing companions when in the duller moments he had brought to mind the indignities he had got away with imposing on the youngster and contemplated what he would do on his return.

After waiting to start a game for so long, the trio kept Ian playing until the light was almost gone before they finally called it a day. The upside of this was that when he entered the locker room with his male playing companion it was again deserted. From previous visits he knew the caretaker didn't come to lock the place up until ten, so if he held on there would still be ample time for him to deflower Matt before he left.

Instead of changing immediately, Ian opened up his locker and took out the drink he had brought with him to celebrate taking the lad's cherry. Then, while the older guy took a shower, he sat down on the bench and checked out the video footage of Matt he had recorded earlier on his mobile phone.

The clip set his cock swelling yet again and after taking half a dozen sips from the plastic bottle, the intoxicating effect of the gin he had mixed in with the orange juice began to take effect as it hit his empty stomach.

"Bye!" the older guy called out as he took his leave, leaving a hornier than ever Ian free to head for the toilet stall still dressed in his tennis whites.

He stopped off in the showers along the way and confirmed that they too were now deserted. "Out yer come, brat!" he called out, rapping at the door of the end cubicle. "You should know the routine by now!" he added as the catch was withdrawn. "Get down on yer knees and kiss my feet!"

As the door opened and Matt peered around its edge to confirm the coast was clear, before reluctantly doing as he was told.

"Get over here!" Ian demanded watching with a big grin on his face as the naked and besmirched lad tentatively slowly crept toward him on all fours. "Good boy!" he commended with a chuckle, patting him on the head like a dog, "Now yer learning!"

As he watched Matt humiliate himself, he zipped open the front of his shorts and extracted his cock from his jock.

"Open your mouth and close your eyes... and you will get a big surprise!" he quipped.

But when Matt meekly complied with his request, he didn't get the surprise he was expecting. Instead, a jet of warm liquid hit him full in the face and then after which it was quickly diverted into the crouching lad's open mouth.

Startled, the lad opened his eyes to confirm Ian was now pissing on him and spat the urine from his mouth in a panic as though swallowing it might poison him.

Rather than force him to drink it, Ian redirected his torrent at the lad's head, causing him to close his eyes again to prevent them from stinging, but permitting his tormentor to continue soaking his head until his curls were plastered to his scalp and his whole body was drenched in his piss.

"God you stink!" Ian exclaimed after he'd done, stepping away from the puddle of urine that now surrounded Matt.

"It's high time you had a shower!" he added, opening the toilet door and kicking the lad on his reddened arse to send him scuttling through it and out into the locker room, still on all fours.

He brought him to heel beside his locker and had him wait there, like a dog waiting to be taken for a walk, while he removed his clothes, relishing the lad's furtive glances around him as he worried that he might be observed at any moment.

After retrieving his towel and toilet bag, he caught hold of the bedraggled lad by the ear and led him into the communal shower which was located in the adjoining room.

There he positioned Matt under one of the shower heads and turned on the water.

"Best start by hosing you down!" he chuckled, rotating the thermostat from warm to cold and then giggling as Matt recoiled from the shock of the icy water hitting his body.

That done, Ian kicked the lad aside, turned up the heat and, to the lad's surprise, handed Matt his shower gel.

"Soap me up!" he demanded.

Anxious to relieve the pressure on his by now aching knees, Matt eagerly rose to his feet, pleased that for once Ian was asking him to do something that he had longed to do for some time.

Tentatively the youngster filled his palms with gel and smeared it over the more mature man's muscular shoulders and back.

"Rub harder!" Ian demanded.

"Now do under my arms!" he directed, turning around to hold each hairy armpit up in turn for Matt to wash.

"Now my chest..." he added, directing Matt to run his hands over his pecs.

Growing in confidence, the lad took the liberty of tweaking Ian's tits as he coated them with soap and was rewarded for taking the initiative by witnessing his master's cock rapidly rise up in response.

"Get back down on yer knees and soap-up my crotch!" he demanded moments later, thrusting his fast-hardening cock in Matt's face the moment he complied.

So engrossed was he in the task in hand, Matt's concerns about being observed had long since abated and, as the water streamed down over him, he took his master's shaft into his mouth willingly without need of any further prompting.

Within a few seconds, Ian was fully erect and happily thrusting his shaft repeatedly in and out of the youngster's mouth, grinning at the sight of his former adversary pulling on his own dick in his excitement as he squatted down to service him.

But as he contemplated the inevitable next step in the lad's humiliation, he realised he'd left the condom and lube in his shorts.

"Stay here and bend over facing the wall!" Ian directed, after cutting off the water and reaching for his towel to dry himself.

"Now hold your buttocks apart - ready to be fucked!" he added, once he'd rubbed himself down, quickly returning to his locker to retrieve the two sachets. Unable to resist capturing the sight of Matt ignominiously displaying his reddened arse up in the air, he picked up his mobile too and switched on the cam. He then had the lad finger his virginally tight hole seductively as though he couldn't wait to be fucked.

After recording a few close-ups, he propped his phone up on the bench opposite them, in the hope it would capture at least some of Matt's deflowering, before belatedly claiming his prize for the defeat he had inflicted on him!

"Stay down!" barked Ian, as the lad craned his neck around, wondering what was going on behind his back as he stretched the latex coat over his dick and anointed it with the lube - he was going to love this!

"Now I'm going to fuck you!" he announced, kicking the lad's legs wider apart so his hole was aligned exactly with his cockhead and then coating it with what was left of the lube.

"You ever been fucked before, brat?" he asked, knowing he could tease Matt just as easily for being a virgin as a whore.

"No, Sir!" Matt replied hoarsely.

"I guessed not!" Ian chuckled, "That's good to hear; I like the idea of being the one to take your cherry!"

Ian cast his eyes over the young man displayed before him in this most submissive of poses and gave his dick a final tug. Whilst he had wanked over the pictures chronicling Matt's humiliation at the school tennis courts, he had dreamt of this moment. Now he was able not only to admire the lad's looks - his slender torso and tanned limbs with their coating of silky, black hair, but also reach out to sample the softness of the youngster's satin skin as he took possession of him and sank his cock deep inside him for the first time.

No need for brutality - the lad was now submitting to him willingly and plainly as excited as he was!

Knowing it was his first time, Ian opted to start off gently, withdrawing and re-entering him slowly and pausing whenever he felt the lad's arse muscles contract in pain, in the knowledge that once he had accustomed Matt to having his shaft inside him, he would be able to give his passion full rein.

This proved a wise move, as within a couple minutes he was able to sink its entire length into the lad's arse without him uttering more than a whimper. As he did so, he brought to mind the many slights and indignities the pampered youngster had inflicted on him since he had first arrived at the club, revelling in obtaining the sweetest revenge imaginable.

Determined to penetrate him deeper still, he slowed down the pace of his fucking and reached out to grasp hold of Matt's shoulders and pull them toward him as he thrust his hips forward, until he must have connected with his prostate and the lad started to moan.

"Your arse belongs to me now, brat!" Ian chortled in his ear, adding in between thrusts, "And I'm going to fuck you...whenever... and wherever... I like... from now on!"

"Yes, Sir!" Matt gasped back, adding, "Thank you Sir!" to make Ian wonder where he had picked up the lingo of subservience - maybe the lad was less innocent than he had surmised? Or maybe he'd been doing some "research" on the internet over the weekend so he would know how a sex slave was expected to behave?

After that, he felt less inhibited still, encircling Matt's neck with his hands and slowly tightened his grip around it to make the lad even more aware of his total vulnerability.

Turned on by the extent of his own defencelessness and the sheer intensity of the older man's lust for him, Matt offered no resistance as Ian's excitement rapidly reached its zenith.

Not surprisingly, Ian came quickly.

More surprisingly, Matt shot his load for the third time that night!

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 3

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