The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Jul 16, 2001


Summary: Justin is 16 when he moves to Orlando with his mom because she is going to marry for the second time. What will happen when he falls in love with his 20 year-old step-brother Josh?

Disclaimer: You know it - don't know, don't want to imply... this is fiction!

Author's notes: This is an AU story. NSYNC doesn't exist in it. Justin's mom's name is Lynn, as in real; Josh's father's name is Jim.

The Love We Have - Prologue

Justin stood in the middle of the room where he had spent the first 16 years of his life and looked around. Well, there was not much left to look at. The only thing that was still in it was his old bed, now without pillow and comforter. All the posters and pictures where gone from the walls, his books were packed away as were his clothes and personal stuff. His only stuffed animal, a baby blue cat his father had given him before his parents were divorced, clutched tightly to his chest, he sighed on last time and left the room, never looking back. It only would make everything worse. He walked down the stairs and went to the kitchen where he joined his mother who was looking out of the windows to their backyard. "It's not longer YOUR backyard", a voice in his head said, and Justin sighed again. Right. It wasn't their backyard anymore. His mother smiled at him sympathetically and placed an arm around his waist.

"You ready to go?", she asked, and he nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."

Together they walked down the front porch after his mother had locked the front door and put the key in the letter box, and made their way to the small transporter they had rented for the removal. Yes, they were moving - leaving Tennessee and driving up to Orlando, Florida. There lived the man his mother loved, the man she was going to marry in six weeks. Justin had only met him twice, and he liked him; Jim was a cool guy. He was not his father, but he was okay. He also had a son who was 4 years older than Justin, his name was Joshua. Justin hadn't met him before, he was studying music and business in Orlando - at the same college Justin was going to attend after summer break. Music and arts were his majors. He had always been very good at school, from grade one on, the best of all. A fact that didn't make him have many friends, he always had been an outsider, one of those people the other kids laughed at, one who always sat alone at lunch break. On top of that, there were his "odd looks", like he called it. A head full of unruly dirty-blond curls that seemed to have a mind of their own, an odd shaped nose, too big of course, and then his mouth! His lower lip was full, his upper lip was thin. His eyes were okay, bright blue, he liked his eyes. He was about 5'8'' and too thin for his height, but he was going to change at least that as soon as possible. He had been wearing glasses until last year, then he had changed to contacts.

"Justin?", his mother brought him out of his thoughts. "Are you coming in, or what?"

"Sure, mom", he answered, opened the door and climbed onto the passenger seat. "I think we have everything, let's drive." She eyed him a bit concerned.

"You okay, honey? Do you regret that we are leaving Mississippi?" He gave her a slight, but honest smile.

"No mom, not at all. I'm glad. I'll miss our house, and grandma and grandpa, but otherwise I can't wait to move to Orlando. I think it will be great." His mother smiled too, relieved.

"It will be fun, you'll see. Joshua is really nice, I think you two will go along well. And you will make a lot of friends there." Justin wasn't too sure of that, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he looked out of the window as his mother began to pull out on the driveway. One last glance on their old house, then they were on the road, on their way out of Tennessee and into their new life.

****************************************************************+ What do you think? Tell me!

Next: Chapter 2

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