The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Aug 30, 2001


Disclaimer: You know it, I know it... I wish I knew them, but I don't. This is complete fiction.

Notes: < ... > marks Justin's or JC's thoughts. You'll figure it out:)!!

Chapter 9 by Megan

Justin decided to wear the same tee shirt, so he just changed into jeans and pulled a bandanna over his unruly curls. Then he walked downstairs to meet JC at his car.

JC continued to sit on his bed for a few minutes after Justin left. He was in awe of Justin's artistic talent. Justin was REALLY good. JC shook his head to clear his thoughts when he realized that he still needed to call his friends to tell them about the change of plans.

He went into his father and Lynn's bedroom, which was in the front of the house, and saw that Justin was already waiting for him by the car. He opened the window and yelled out, "Hey, Justin!"

Justin looked up and smiled when he saw JC's head sticking out of the window. <He's so cute,> Justin thought. "Yeah?" he responded.

"I have to call my friends and let them know about the change of plans for tonight, so I'll be down in a minute!" JC yelled down, and then disappeared again.

"Ok," Justin muttered, climbing into JC's car and waiting patiently.

A few minutes later, he saw his mother walk outside. He got out of the car to say hello to her.

"Hello sweetie, what are you doing today?" Lynn asked.

"JC's going to bring me into town and show me around. Then later we're going to play ball," Justin told her, smiling.

"You two seem close already," Lynn observed.

"Yeah," Justin agreed, "JC's really nice. He asked to look at my art yesterday, so I showed it to him today. He really liked it." Justin smiled proudly.

"Of course he did, it's very good, honey," Lynn replied.

"Yeah, but it's good to hear someone else say it. Now I know you weren't just saying it to make me feel good," Justin said.

"You know I wouldn't do that, Justin," Lynn scolded.

"I know, mom. I'm just so happy that he liked my stuff," Justin replied. He couldn't get the silly grin off of his face.

"I'm happy for you," Lynn told him, giving him a hug before saying goodbye and going back into the house. She met JC on the way in and said goodbye to him as well.

"Ready?" JC asked, swinging his keys from his finger.

"Yeah. Were your friends ok with playing ball instead of clubbing?" Justin asked shyly.

"Of course," JC said, "they don't really care what we do as long as we hang out."

"Ok," Justin replied, relieved, "I wouldn't want them to be mad at me for ruining their fun."

"Don't worry about it," JC told him with a smile on his face. They climbed into the car before JC spoke again. "Ok, I was thinking we could grab some lunch at McDonalds or somewhere quick like that and then eat in the park where we'll play basketball later. And then we can go into town and I'll show you around. Does that sound good?" JC asked as he started the car and backed out of the driveway.

"Sure," Justin agreed, realizing how nice JC's car was. It was much nicer than any car he'd ever seen in Tennessee. He wasn't really sure what make it was because he wasn't really into cars like most guys were. It was a standard, and Justin assumed that JC was one of the many people who loved standard. Justin didn't get it. Driving a standard car, in his opinion, was much harder. His eyes scanned the interior of the car. Everything was leather. "You have a nice car," he commented as they drove down the road, heading to McDonalds.

"Thanks, my dad got it for me for my birthday when I turned sixteen," JC told him, smiling.

"Wow, that's cool," Justin replied, "what kind of car is it anyway?"

JC looked shocked that Justin didn't know, but he answered anyway, "It's a BMW Roadster. I take it you aren't into cars?"

Justin blushed at his obvious lack of knowledge. "I really don't know much about cars, they never really interested me."

"Well, that's all right. I," JC said smiling, "love cars. It's something to talk about with the guys."

When JC saw the look on Justin's face he continued, "hey, don't worry. That's not all we talk about. You'll fit in fine, I promise." It wasn't JC's words that comforted Justin, but the genuine smile on his face. "So what do you want for lunch?" JC asked, pulling into the McDonalds parking lot.

"Um, a number seven with no tomatoes and a vanilla shake," Justin told him.

"No way!" JC exclaimed.

"What?" Justin asked, confused.

"That exactly what I get, except with a strawberry shake," JC replied.

Justin said nothing, he just smiled.

After they got their lunches, JC drove a few miles to Lake Eola Park. It was huge. There were basketball and tennis courts, a baseball diamond, and a huge open field that Justin assumed was for football. There was also a playground and an area with picnic tables.

JC and Justin got out of the car, Justin carrying their bag of food, and walked over to the picnic tables. They sorted out their food and began to eat. It was pretty silent since they were eating a late lunch, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable. When they were finished, they threw away their trash. JC grinned before saying, "race you back to the car." He took off as soon as the words were out of his mouth, running as fast as he could.

"Hey! Cheater!" Justin exclaimed, trying to catch up with JC. Because he had longer strides, he caught up with JC easily and beat him to the car. "Haha, you cheated and I won away!"

"Shut up," JC said, pouting.

"Oh, don't you dare pout," Justin demanded.

"Why not?" JC smiled through his pout, his bottom lip slipping out even further.

"Because," Justin whined, "it makes me feel guilty."

"Well, you are guilty," JC told him.

"Of what?" Justin asked as they both got into the car.

"Of being so damn cute sometimes," JC said, his eyes widening when he realized that he'd said it aloud.

Justin didn't say a word, he just turned to JC with a curious look in his eyes.

"Uh, I... um, sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud," JC stuttered, blushing profusely.

Justin smiled when he saw JC blush. <He looks so adorable when he blushes,> Justin thought to himself. "It's ok, I just don't know what to say," Justin replied.

"God, I really need to watch what I say," JC mumbled to himself, refusing to look at Justin.

"You want to know what I'm thinking right now?" Justin asked boldly. He refused to think of the consequences of what he was about to say.

"What?" JC asked, still blushing.

"You look really cute when you blush," Justin told him, not believing that he'd had the courage to say that.

If possible, JC blushed even more.

Justin smiled as JC ducked his head to hide his blushing. But what JC really wanted to hide was the smile on his face. <Does this mean Justin likes me as more than a friend?> he asked himself, still blushing. He found himself hoping that the answer was 'yes.'

TBC... ****************************************************************** Feedback is very appreciated: Megan:


Next: Chapter 11

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