The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Sep 12, 2001


First of all, to everybody out there who was involved in the horrible attack on the U.S. yesterday, to everybody who has lost a beloved one or who still hasn't heard from somebody who might be involved... my prayers go out to you all. I can't really imagine what you're going through, I still can't believe that it really happened (I'm from Germany, everything I know about it is from the news). But when I saw what happened on TV I couldn't do anything but cry. I pray for you all and hope that everybody out there at Nifty is alright...

But nevertheless, you know the deal... <...> for thoughts; e-mail-addresses below for feedback (lol)... please tell us what you think!!! (well, not in general, but of the story!). And of course, I don't know the guys and their sexual preferences... this is just fiction. Thanx a bunch to AJ for suggesting this story... (yes, I was finally able to read the last chapter in the archives). And I suggest that, after you read this story, of course, you all go and read his story "Josh and Just", cause it rocks. It's like, the best long Josh/Justin story I've ever read. and I hope it'll go on forever... and I'd also like to suggest you go and read "Jamie's Romance" by Jim Higgins, if you haven't already. It's great!! Okay, and one last note: James (you know who you are), are you still alive? Okay, enough for today. enjoy the next chapter!!

Chapter 13 by Megan

After talking to JC, Justin felt much better. He wasn't sure how they were both going to get ready with only one shower, but JC offered to let him use it first. He felt bad for taking over JC's bathroom, but JC didn't seem to mind. When he was finished with his shower, he looked in the mirror and noticed that the red in his eyes was almost gone. He smiled at his reflection and after putting a little gel in his hair to control the curls, he went downstairs. He was still nervous, but happy that he could go to the introduction and a few classes with JC.

As he entered the kitchen, he saw Lynn cooking some eggs and bacon for breakfast. JC was sitting at the table with his father, both of them reading the newspaper. Justin smiled at the sight. JC was still in his pajama pants and a tee shirt.

"The shower's free, Jace," Justin told him, smiling when JC looked at him.

"Thanks," JC said, standing and heading upstairs to take his shower.

"Good morning, Mom... Jim," Justin said cheerfully.

"You are certainly in a good mood this morning, Justin," Jim observed, smiling up at his soon-to-be stepson.

"Yeah," Lynn agreed, turning from the stove to look at Justin, "excited about school?" She winked before turning back to tend to the food.

"Not really, I'm just in a good mood," Justin replied. He too, was wondering why he was so happy.

"Who are you and what have you done with my son?" Lynn joked, laughing.

Justin and Jim joined her in laughing.

They were still laughing a few minutes later when JC came back into the kitchen. "What's so funny?" he asked, confused.

"Nothing," Justin answered, sitting down at the table next to Jim. JC sat down beside Justin with a smile.

"Here you are," Lynn said, setting down a plate full of eggs, bacon, and sausage in from of both JC and Justin.

"Hey, where's mine?" Jim whined.

"Make your own," Lynn replied, brushing him off.

She turned to see Jim's jaw dropping and Justin and JC grinning.

"I'm just joking honey, your breakfast is almost done," Lynn told him, walking over to give him a peck on the cheek.

The rest of breakfast was spent talking about school and work. Justin loved spending meals with his `family.' It was so great to be part of a family again. It had been just him and his mom for so long, he'd almost forgotten what it was like.

Twenty minutes later, JC and Justin were heading out to the car to go to the college. It was about a half an hour from the house, and they left at quarter after nine so they would be there a little early.

In the car, they talked mostly about their classes, both very happy to have some together. Halfway there, Justin turned on the radio. They both began singing and realized that they sounded really good together. JC hadn't known that Justin could sing too. <Man, he's talented at everything he does,> JC thought to himself. He decided that he'd have to ask Justin to sing for him later, when they got home from their classes.

Finally they pulled into the parking lot at the college. They climbed out of the car, and JC led them to the auditorium where the introduction was being held. JC's eyes scanned the room and then he saw Tyler waving at him. He brought Justin over to Tyler to say hello.

As they walked through the crowded room, Justin felt people staring at him. He felt tears prick at his eyes and his hands started to shake. But as he looked over to see who was staring, he saw a couple groups of girls across the room who blushed and smiled as he caught them staring. He smiled back, so relieved that they weren't laughing at him or something. When they reached Tyler, they both said, "Hello," and talked about plans for the next weekend.

Then a man stepped up on the stage and spoke into the microphone, asking for everyone's attention. Everyone became silent, wanting to do something besides waiting.

"I'd like to welcome everyone to Rollins College. Most of you are probably freshman, and some sophomores, so I'll go over some basics..." the man said in a booming voice.

Justin kind of tuned the man out while he looked around a little. JC had told him earlier all he needed to know about the speech the man was giving now. They were going to meet their teachers today, get their schedules, and if they needed help finding their way around, there were people to help them. That was basically the whole speech. So Justin didn't really think he needed to pay attention.

His eyes wandered the room and stopped on a blonde haired boy who was staring at him. He looked to be about the same age as Justin. Justin smiled at the boy and the boy blushed at being caught staring. Justin couldn't help but think that he was kind of cute. He turned back around as the man on the stage was wrapping up his speech.

Justin turned to JC and asked, "so what do we do now?"

"We wait in line to get our schedules and then go to each class for a little while to meet the teachers and get information on any supplies we might need for the class," JC explained, leading Justin to the line where they waited for their schedules.

Half and hour later, they'd gotten their schedules and JC was walking Justin to his first class. He pointed out the other classrooms Justin would be going to later. They entered the classroom for Justin's anatomy class. Professor Kirkpatrick was at the front of the room, talking to some students.

JC brought Justin over to Professor Kirkpatrick and introduced him.

"Nice to meet you, Justin," Chris said with a grin.

"You too," Justin replied.

"Justin is such an amazing artist, you're going to love his work," JC told Chris proudly.

"JC!" Justin exclaimed, embarrassed.

"Hey, I was just letting him know that you are pretty advanced," JC said to Justin before turning to Chris and saying, "he's awesome, but he won't ever admit it."

"Well, I'd be interested to see your portfolio, Justin," Chris started, "could you bring it in next class?"

"I don't really have many drawings or paintings of people..." Justin trailed off, assuming that Chris would only want Justin to show him artwork that had to do with anatomy.

"That's ok, I'd like to see everything you've got," Chris replied, smiling.

"Well, I'm going to go to my classes now," JC said, looking over to Justin, "meet me in the cafeteria for lunch, ok?"

"Sure," Justin answered, although he wasn't sure where the cafeteria was.

"I can show you where it is," Chris told him, seeing the confused look on his face.

"Oh, ok, thanks," Justin said, blushing a little, but not knowing why.

"No problem," Chris replied, waving at JC as he left.

Justin spent a little while talking to Chris about his art, and then listened as Chris talked to the class about supplies and about what they would do. Justin was excited to find out that they'd have real models come in for them to paint.

It was one o'clock by the time Justin went to the cafeteria. He was supposed to meet JC at twelve thirty, but he'd stayed a little late in his photography classroom, talking to the teacher about what kind of camera he'd need. Photography would be a fun class for him. He wasn't really thinking about doing anything serious with photography later on in life, but he figured it could be fun.

It took him a while, but finally he spotted JC and Tyler sitting alone at a table. He walked over and sat down beside JC.

"Hey," JC said with his mouth full.

"Hi," Justin replied, smiling. "How do you like your classes and teachers so far?"

"Well, I really like my teacher for my music business class and my teacher for music production and engineering is ok," JC answered, taking another bite of his sandwich.

"That's cool," Justin said, "I'll be right back, I'm just going to go buy something to eat."

"Ok," JC responded, smiling at Tyler. When Justin came back with a sandwich and chips, JC asked him, "So how'd you like your classes and teachers?"

"I think anatomy is going to be a great class. You were right, I really like Professor Kirkpatrick. And we're going to have real models to draw. I also like my landscape painting teacher. She's really nice. I promised to bring in my painting of the sunset for her to look at. And I met my photography teacher too. He's ok. But he showed me what kind of camera I'm going to need, that's why I was late," Justin explained.

"Oh, sounds good," JC replied.

"Yeah," Justin said, popping some chips into his mouth and crunching them.

"So what classes do you have left to visit?" JC asked.

"Um, right after lunch I'm going to my drawing class, and then we're going to go to composition together, right?" Justin asked.

"Right," JC said, smiling.

"What about you, Tyler?" Justin asked.

"I like all my teachers so far," Tyler responded.

"Cool," Justin replied, "well, I better get going, see you later, Tyler. JC, I'll meet you in the composition classroom in a little while." He picked up his tray and walked in the direction of his next class. This college stuff was a breeze.


Next: Chapter 15: The Love We Have 14 16

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