The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Sep 23, 2001


I don't have much to say today... exept for the disclaimer, of course.. sigh We don't know them. This is all made up. Completely fiction. We don't want to imply that one of the guys is gay. Got it?

Have fun reading!!! Feedback... please??

Chapter 18 by Dannii

When he reached Justin's room, he could hear him talking to somebody through the door. Curiously he opened the door and found Justin sitting on the bed, with the telephone receiver cradled between his ear and shoulder, talking to somebody while he tried to untie his shoelaces and pull the shoes off.

"I know, grandma, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot to call, so much happened since we moved. - Yes, college started yesterday. - No, everything's fine. - Yes, mom is all right. - Jim is nice, yes... what? - Oh, his name is Joshua. And he's really nice." Justin smiled at JC, still struggling with the shoelaces. JC smiled back, relieved to see that Justin was fine and that he didn't say anything to scare him off. Seeing Justin struggling with both his shoes and the phone, he knelt down in front of him and began to untie one of his shoes. Justin smiled at him thankfully.

"I know, grandma... you have your weekly Bingo Meeting now, right? - Yes, I promise I'll call you again soon. If something happens, you have our number now. - And give grandpa a kiss from me. - I'll do that. - Bye, grandma." He hung up just as JC finished untying the first shoelace. He pulled at the shoes Justin was wearing, but they wouldn't come off. He pulled harder, and Justin tried to help him by pulling in the opposite direction.

The next thing he knew was that suddenly, JC was stumbling, one shoe in his hands, falling onto his back and hitting his head on the leg of Justin's desk with a loud `thump'. Immediately Justin was kneeling besides JC, who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, his face twisted into a grimace.

"Josh? Oh God, Josh, are you all right? Say something, please," he pleaded.

JC opened his eyes slowly and blinked.

"Ju- Justin? What happened?"

Justin looked at him concerned. "You hit your head, Josh. Just a second ago."

JC grimaced. "That explains the pain in the back of my head."

Justin didn't know if JC was kidding or if he really didn't remember his fall, so he carefully moved his hands under JC's head to feel for any bumps or anything else. He gasped when he pulled his hand back and saw blood on it.

"My god, Josh, you're bleeding!! - Don't move, I'll call the ambulance." But JC stopped him by putting a hand on his arm.

"Don't be silly, Justin. This is nothing, just a tiny cut, I'm all right, ouch!!" he cried out when he tried to sit up. Justin had a determined look on his face.

"That's it. Nothing, huh? I'll call the ambulance, and you can't do anything to stop me." He grabbed the phone receiver that was still lying on his bed and began to dial, but JC interrupted him again.

"Justin, please. You can drive me to a doctor if you want, but no ambulance, please. It's no emergency, it's just a small cut. Come on." He looked at the curly headed boy with pleading eyes, and Justin instantly put the receiver back down.

"Okay, Josh. Wait, I'll help you up." He leaned down and carefully grabbed JC by the waist, amazed by how slim he was. He slowly pulled him up to his feet; all the while JC moaned quietly in pain. <God, what would I give to hear him moan because of me... stop that, Justin!> Justin thought and very slowly led JC out of the room and down the stairs, where he told him to wait a second. He sprinted into the kitchen and wrote down a short note for his mom and Jim so that they wouldn't worry, then he was back with JC and brought him outside. In the driveway they stopped, and Justin sighed.

"Okay, now we have a problem", Justin said and looked at JC's BMW, the only car standing there. "We don't have a car." JC looked at him like he was crazy.

"No car? And I thought I was the one who hit his head. Justin, what do you think is standing there in front of you?" In spite of his condition, JC looked slightly amused.

"That is your car. But - I can't drive that! I'm sure it was very expensive, and you love the car, and well, it's a standard! I've never driven a car like that!" Justin exclaimed. JC sighed.

"It's not so difficult, Just. I'll explain you how to drive it. Really, it's no big deal. I trust you. And it's not too far to the doctor." Justin looked at JC with doubt, but helped him in the car nevertheless. He grabbed the key JC was handing him and put it into the ignition.

"Really, Josh, this is a stupid idea. What if something happens, I don't want you to get more hurt than you already are. Let's just call the ambulance, or grab a cab, or something like that. I want you to arrive at the doctor's save." JC closed his eyes for a moment and nodded finally, but not without twisting his face again.

"Maybe you're right. But then let us grab a cab. But let's hurry, it's starts to hurt like hell."

Justin looked at JC concerned and noticed that he was a bit paler than before.

"You wait here, I'll call us a cab. I'm so sorry, Josh." He squeezed JC's hand apologetically and jumped out of the car before JC could say anything. JC grabbed the back of his head to prevent that blood came onto his car seats and leaned his head back into the seat.

, he thought. <Damn, damn, damn. Ouch!>

45 minutes later they were back home. The cut had not been as small as JC had thought, and the doctor had to stitch it. Fortunately he just had to shave a tiny bit of JC's hair of, at a place where it couldn't be seen, and both Justin and JC were relieved. The doctor had also diagnosed a slight concussion.

Justin unlocked the front door of the house and grabbed JC around the waist to help him into the house.

"Justin", JC sighed. "I can walk alone, really. It's not so bad." But nevertheless he enjoyed the feel of Justin's warm arm around his body. Justin shook his head.

"No, JC, let me help you. It's my fault that you are hurt, and I'll help you, if you want it or not."

"Justin, it's not your fault", JC objected. "It was my stupidity." He let Justin lead him up the stairs into his own bedroom, where Justin pulled back the covers of JC's bed and gently pushed JC down on the bed.

"You'll lay down now, Josh. No arguing! Are you hungry? I'll bring you something if you want." Justin said.

"No thanks, Curly, I'm not hungry. Remember, we just had the chicken before... the accident." JC began to pull off his jeans and Justin helped him with the shoes, then JC lay back on the bed and let Justin pull the covers over him.

Justin sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at JC.

"Does it hurt much?" he wanted to know. JC shook his head and grimaced.

"Ouch! No, only when I move me head to fast", he joked, and Justin grinned lightly.

"Then don't do it! - Are you sure that you want to go to class tomorrow? Cause I think that you should stay here, you need rest." Justin softly stroked JC's hair and smiled when JC closed his eyes and sighed.

"I don't want to miss anything, Justin. It's not so bad. You heard the doctor, he said that I could decide it for myself. And I don't want to leave you alone, it's only the third day!" he mumbled. He couldn't see the big grin on Justin's face, because his eyes were still closed.

"Aw, Josh. I don't want you to go to college just because of me when you don't feel good. Okay? Why don't you sleep for a while, and we'll see if you'll feel better then. And tomorrow you can decide if you want to go to class or not." He continued stroking JC's hair and cheek while he spoke, and JC put his hand on Justin's and squeezed it tightly.

"Thank you, Just. I'm so glad that you are here." Justin swallowed and leaned down to kiss JC on the cheek.

"And I'm glad that I am here. And now you'll try to sleep, I'll be in my room in case that you need something. Okay?" he asked.

"Okay", JC mumbled, to tired to stay awake much longer. Justin smiled at him, thinking how cute he looked, laying there in the bed, covers up to his chin. As silently as possible he tiptoed out of the room and closed the door behind him.

JC opened his eyes briefly when he heard the door close, then he closed them again, smiling.

<At least there's one good thing that came out of it all>, he thought before he fell asleep.

TBC... ********** feedback is very appreciated: Dannii:


Next: Chapter 18

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