The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Sep 27, 2001


Notes: Not much to say today. For the disclaimer read the previous chapters. Sorry, but I'm in a hurry:). Enjoy the chapter!!!

Chapter 19 by Megan

JC woke up the next morning, stretched and sat up. And moaned loudly. He fell right back down onto the bed when the pounding in his head started.

Then he remembered what had happened. Justin had made him take a nap before dinner and he hadn't woken up until morning. <I must have been tired,> he thought to himself, wishing he could get up without his head hurting. He really wanted to brush his teeth and take a shower, he felt dirty for some reason. He was about to try to sit up again when Justin entered his room through the bathroom.

"Good morning, sunshine," Justin said in a cheery voice, smiling widely.

"You slept for a long time, how do you feel?"

"I'm ok if I don't move," JC told him.

"It really hurts that much still?" Justin asked.

"Well, I tried to sit up, but that didn't work," JC explained.

"Ok. There's no way you're going to school today then," Justin said, shushing JC when he was about to protest. "No buts. My mom can bring me to school and I'm sure someone there can bring me home. If not, I'll just call mom. Her and Jim were really worried about you when I told them what happened. Mom wanted to wake you up so you could take some pain medicine, but I wouldn't let her. I figured you were asleep for a reason."

Justin paused to smile at JC. He went into the bathroom for a minute and JC heard the water in the sink running. Justin returned with a glass of water and some pain pills. "Mom is going to stay around the house today to look after you and make sure you take your medicine every four hours. Um, I think that's it," Justin finished, taking the glass back from JC and standing next to the bed awkwardly.

"Thanks, Justin, but you didn't need to do all of this for me. I'm sure that if your mom has errands to run, I'll be fine. I could go to school today though, I feel fine," JC said, trying to convince Justin that he was ok.

"Really?" Justin asked and continued when JC nodded. "Then sit up."

"Ok," JC said before sitting up and hanging his legs off the side of the bed. He winced as his head began to throb again. "I'm ok."

"Right," Justin replied sarcastically, "stand up then."

"Fine," JC mumbled, wanting to prove to Justin that he really was ok. One second he was standing and then next he was falling to the ground. Justin stepped forward to catch him and set him back on the bed, loving the feel of JC in his arms.

"See, I rest my case. In bed you stay. I'll bring you up some breakfast before I leave," Justin said, smiling as he walked out of the room.

JC closed his eyes when Justin left and remembered the kiss Justin had given him on the cheek just last night. He hoped that it was a sign that Justin was figuring out his feelings. Or he would soon.

JC really wanted to kiss Justin again. Really badly. So badly that it scared him. He had loved the feeling of Justin's lips on his. Every time he was with Justin, he wanted to kiss him. Justin was just so adorable. JC couldn't figure out why he suddenly wanted to kiss Justin all the time.

He opened his eyes as he heard someone enter the room and saw Justin carrying a tray with breakfast. "We've got some fresh fruit, toast, and eggs for you this morning," Justin said, pretending to be a waiter. JC giggled and Justin joined him, almost dropping the tray. He set it down next to JC.

"Did you make this for me?" JC asked, impressed.

"Nah, my mom did," Justin said, laughing.

"That's what I thought," JC replied, taking a bite of his toast. "Hey, don't you have to leave for school now, you don't want to be late for your drawing class!"

"Oh, shit!" Justin exclaimed as he dashed out of the room. He came back a second later to kiss JC's forehead and saw goodbye before running downstairs. JC chuckled as he saw Justin's retreating form for the second time. And his heart pounded in his chest. His forehead was still tingling from Justin's lips.

Justin arrived to drawing class with only a few minutes to spare. He had grabbed his art portfolio, his breakfast, and his mom and dashed out the door. He really didn't want to get Chris mad at him on the first real day of class. Plus, he didn't want to miss anything. Most of the students were already there when he arrived and the only available desks were one in the very back of the room and one right next to Britney. Justin sighed as he slid into the seat next to Britney. He'd forgotten to grab his glasses, so there was no way he could sit in the back of the room.

Britney giggled and said, "Hi" as Justin sat down. Justin almost rolled his eyes, but changed his mind. He didn't want to get any one mad at him, even if it was Britney.

He already couldn't stand her. She was really annoying and wouldn't leave her alone. She had called him the night before, using some excuse about drawing class and wondering if he could give her some pointers because she'd heard that he was really good. He'd said, "Britney, that's what the drawing class is for," before he made up an excuse to hang up.

He was brought out of his thoughts when Chris asked for the classes attention and started to talk about the different drawing materials. Justin was drawn into the conversation Chris was having with the class. He was already learning new things, and he couldn't wait to show his portfolio to Chris.

After drawing class, Justin made his way to the cafeteria, wishing JC was there so he didn't have to eat alone. He got there and there weren't any tables that were empty. But he did notice a table with only one person at it. And he knew that person from photography class. He made his way over to the table.

"Hi," he said to the blonde boy at the table.

Lance jumped at Justin's voice and then smiled a little and replied, "Oh, hi there."

"I'm Justin, I'm not sure if you remember me, but we have photography together," Justin explained.

"Of course I remember," Lance told Justin and then blushed.

"Hey, no need to be embarrassed, Lance," Justin said, smiling.

Lance couldn't believe that Justin knew his name. Justin was so popular and he - well he wasn't. At all. He found Justin so - beautiful. From what he'd heard, Justin was a very nice person. Lance had been hoping for this moment ever since he'd heard about Justin.

"Hey, can I sit down and have lunch with you?" Justin asked, realizing that he was still standing.

"Of course you can," Lance responded shyly, moving some of his books over so Justin could sit next to him.

<Justin is sitting next to me,> he thought to himself, blushing.

JC was bored out of his mind. He really wished he had something to do. Lynn had finally let him go downstairs and sit on the couch. But he didn't want to watch stupid soap operas. His head didn't even hurt very much anymore. Just when he stood up a little too fast. He wanted to be with Justin. But that couldn't happen.

When Lynn went outside to do some gardening, he left the couch and walked into the room with his piano. He loved his piano. He sat down on the bench and began to play a song, singing the melody softly. It was a love song.

And he pretended that Justin was sitting down beside him on the bench and that they were singing it to each other.

Justin had talked to Lance all through lunch, learning many things about him. Lance was from Mississippi and his major was photography. Photography was Lance's passion. Lance was very shy, but he answered Justin when he asked questions. At first Lance had looked a little uncomfortable around him, but then he had seemed to relax after a while.

Lance had mentioned something about getting a new car, so Justin had asked him if he could bring him home. Justin had told him about JC, and not having a ride, so Lance agreed, not believing that he would get to spend even more time with Justin.

So after Justin's music therapy, he met Lance at the photography room, since they both knew where it was. Justin complimented Lance on his car, even though he had no idea what kind it was. All he knew was that it was blue.

The drive home was mostly in silence, with an occasional question from Justin and an answer from Lance. But that was all. When they pulled into the drive, Justin hopped out and walked over to Lance's side.

"Hey, would you like to come in for a little while?" Justin asked, hoping for some reason that Lance would say yes.

"Uh, um, are you sure you want me too?" Lance replied, not sure what to do.

"Of course, silly, come on," Justin said, dragging Lance out of the car and to the front door. He let Lance in and yelled that he was home. He heard music coming from the piano and smiled. He led Lance into the next room where JC was perched at the piano, playing and singing his heart out.

When he stopped, Justin clapped and hooted.

JC turned around and blushed. He hadn't realized that anyone had been listening to him. Then his gaze shifted to Lance and he frowned.

<What's he doing here?> JC thought.

TBC... ********** feedback to Megan:


Next: Chapter 19

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