The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Oct 4, 2001


Disclaimer: Don't know, don't want to imply, this is fiction.

Author's notes: Okay. Maybe you all think by now that I'm saying the same thing again and again. And I'll do it again today. I want to thank everybody who's sent feedback to this story so far, and I really mean it. It means so much to me and Megan to hear from people that love the story. And I'm sorry when I don't reply to all of your emails. Life is just so hectic at the moment, college will start soon, I have to move to another city, I have a new job, a newborn niece, and lots of stress.... but enough of that. I just wanted to say I'm sorry if one of you is pissed because I didn't reply to an email. I just can't be online that much at the moment. Okay, here's the next chapter. Enjoy!!!

Chapter 21 by Megan

JC woke up the next morning and stretched his tired muscles. He tried to roll over to get up, but someone was blocking him from doing so. He smiled as he remembered the night before and decided that he really liked waking up tangled in Justin's long limbs.

He tried to get up without waking Justin. But he failed miserably as his foot kicked Justin in a very sensitive spot. Justin's eyes shot open and he winced. His hands went to his crotch, he curled into a ball on the bed, and groaned in pain.

"Oh my God, Justin, I am so sorry," JC apologized. He knew how bad it hurt to get hit in the balls and he winced.

Justin said nothing and rolled over, his eyes closed. When he had his back to JC, he let the tears come to his eyes and bit his lip to keep from moaning in pain again.

"Are you ok?" JC asked, feeling really bad. When Justin didn't move, he continued, "I really didn't mean to do that Justin. It was an accident. All I wanted to do was get up with out waking you."

A few minutes later, after a long silence, Justin rolled back over and looked at JC. "Owww," he whined, pouting.

"I-I don't know what else to say, Justin," JC started, suddenly feeling kind of uncomfortable. And it wasn't just because Justin looked really kissable at that moment. No, it was the slight bulge in Justin's pajama pants that made him uncomfortable. Or maybe it was the fact that he really watched to touch it, and not just with his foot.

Justin noticed that JC was somewhere else and put his hand on JC's thigh.

JC jolted back to reality as he felt Justin's hand. He felt himself grow hard at Justin's simple and friendly touch. JC knew that he'd promised to give Justin time, but he wasn't sure how much longer he could go without kissing or touching Justin again.

"I-um, I," JC stuttered, noticing that Justin's hand was still on his leg.

"What, Josh?" Justin asked, his eyes showing his curiosity.

JC didn't speak, but leaned down, intending to kiss Justin. But he stopped just before their lips touched. <No,> he thought to himself, <he has to kiss me first. Then I'll know that he's truly ready.> So he sat up, moving away from Justin.

Justin sighed as JC moved away. "Why didn't you kiss me?" he asked.

"I'm sorry. You should be the one to make the first move. Then I'll know that you've figured out your feelings," JC replied, getting up from the bed and heading to the bathroom.

Justin frowned as JC disappeared into the bathroom. He was so frustrated. Plus he had a major hard on. He hoped that JC hadn't noticed. Justin didn't know how much longer he could wait before telling JC how he felt.

But he had to wait and make certain that JC felt the same way. He had a feeling that the wait was going to kill him. He tried to think about something else. But nothing else came to mind. Suddenly, he realized that he had school that day, and he looked over at the clock.

"Shit!" he yelled, getting JC's attention from the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" JC asked, obviously concerned.

"I'm late! Where the hell is my mom. She was supposed to wake me up this morning!" Justin exclaimed, jumping up from the bed. Then there was a knock at the door and Lynn's head popped in.

"JC, have you seen-" Lynn started to ask, but she cut herself off then she saw Justin standing there. "Justin, you are really late for school."

"I know!" Justin replied, trying to figure out what to do. "You were supposed to wake me up."

"Sorry, I slept later than I should have," Lynn apologized, "I have a lot of errands to run, so I could bring you on the way. Or you could just stay home and take care of Josh today since I won't be here."

"Ok," Justin agreed, smiling at JC.

<Maybe I can find out if he really means it today so we can get together soon,> Justin thought to himself, smiling,

An hour later, they were both watching cartoons on TV and eating cereal.

"Hey, Justin, can I ask you something?" JC said, breaking the silence.

"Of course you can, Josh, anything," Justin answered, looking away from the TV to give JC his full attention.

"Will you... sing for me?" JC asked, not sure how Justin would react.

"You want me to... but why... and what..." Justin stuttered, already nervous. He'd never sang in front of anyone before. Not even his mother.

"Please," JC begged, giving Justin his best puppy dog eyes and pouting a little.

"Fine, but what will I sing?" Justin asked, hoping that JC wouldn't hate his voice.

"Um, how about a song from the radio?" JC suggested, not able to think of a song off the top of his head.

"Which one?" Justin asked, giggling.

"I have no idea," JC answered, joining in.

"Well, I did write this one song a long time ago..." Justin told JC.

"Really?" JC asked, continuing when Justin nodded, "Ok, sing that."

"It actually had a piano part too," Justin said shyly, "can you play it?"

"I'll try," JC agreed, smiling, <God, he's so hot when he's being shy,> JC thought to himself.

"Ok, it's called 'This I Promise You'. I'll go get it from my room. Can you get to the piano by yourself?" Justin asked, concerned.

JC rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, Justin, really, I am. My head doesn't even hurt any more."

"All right, but be careful," Justin demanded.

"Yes, mom," JC joked.

Justin stuck out his tongue before running up the stairs.

JC was seated at the piano when Justin made his way back down the stairs.

He stopped at the doorway, watching JC's fingers slide gracefully over the keys and listening to the beautiful sounds he was creating. He slowly walked closer until he was right beside JC. JC saw him and scooted over, letting Justin sit down beside him. He gave Justin a small smile before looking back to the piano.

Justin's hands were shaking when JC finished the song and reached for the papers that Justin held. JC noticed how nervous Justin was and covered Justin's shaking hands with his steady ones.

"Justin, don't be nervous, it's just me," JC soothed, smiling a little.

<That doesn't make me feel any better,> Justin thought to himself before saying, "But that's the problem, Josh, your opinion is the most important one."

JC smiled softly and turned to the music, playing the introduction to the song, hoping that Justin would just join in when his part came along.

But Justin's cue came and went, and JC frowned. "What's the matter?" he asked, wondering why Justin was still so uncomfortable.

<I don't want you, the one I love more than anything, to hate my voice,> Justin thought, but replied with, "I just... I don't really know, Josh. I'm sorry, I don't think I can do this."

Justin stood from his place beside JC, but didn't go to far. JC's hand caught his wrist and he stared at Justin a minute before speaking.

"Please do this Justin. I'm sure you have a beautiful voice," JC begged.

"But I don't want to disappoint you," Justin replied, hanging his head.

JC pulled him back down to the bench and lifted Justin's head so Justin would look at him. He smiled a little and said, "You will never disappoint me, Justin, you have nothing to worry about. Can you please sing for me?"

"Yes," Justin whispered, getting lost in JC's eyes.

JC turned away from Justin's gaze, a little uncomfortable. Justin wasn't even doing anything and it was turning him on. <I need some serious help,> he thought to himself. He started playing the music and waited for Justin to join him. Justin's voice cracked as he started to sing, and he was a little late. But he was singing. JC almost started crying. Justin had the voice of an angel. And he was the first one to hear it.

He felt so privileged. He felt like he didn't deserve it. But he was also proud. Justin trusted him enough to share his voice with him. JC couldn't stop smiling. Halfway through the song, JC was crying. The song was just so beautiful and Justin sang it so well.

Justin had closed his eyes after he began singing and opened them as the song ended. He looked over at JC and he was confused when he saw tears running down JC's face.

"Josh?" he asked, his voice merely a whisper.

JC looked at Justin and said in the same hushed tone, "yes?"

"Why are you crying, Josh?" Justin asked.

"That was the most beautiful song ever. You wrote it?" JC asked with a small smile.

"Yeah," Justin answered, disappointed. <JC must hate my voice. He hasn't mentioned it yet,> Justin thought to himself, wanting to cry.

JC noticed the look of disappointment in Justin's eyes and felt bad.

"What's wrong Justin?"

"You hate my voice, don't you?" Justin asked, tears filling his eyes.

"Oh, God no, Justin, your voice is beautiful," JC answered, grabbing Justin's hands. "I've never heard better."

"Really?" Justin replied, his eyes lighting up.

"Really. I promise," JC responded, grinning. "Can we do it again and this time I'll sing with you?"

"Yeah," Justin agreed, returning JC's grin. His heart swelled. JC liked his voice. He thought it was beautiful. Justin thought that maybe JC really did like him and want him. But there was still one more test. Then he would tell JC how he felt. But only if JC passed.

TBC... ********** as always, feedback to Megan:


Next: Chapter 21

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