The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Oct 22, 2001


Notes: Not much to say today. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and thanx to all the people out there who sent their feedback!!! Luke, this chapter is for you - just because. It is not JC in leather pants, but well, I think Justin looks mighty fine in them, too. Love ya;)!

Disclaimer: Don't know, don't want to imply, this is fiction.

Chapter 25 by Megan

JC's eyes stayed focused on Justin's ass as Justin and Lance walked out the front door and to JC's car. JC wasn't sure if he'd be able to drive while sitting next to Justin when he looked like that, so he asked Lance if they could go in his car. Lance agreed and they all climbed in his car, Justin in the passenger seat and JC in the back, behind Lance.

The ride to the park was fairly silent except for a few words exchanged between Justin and Lance. JC didn't say much. He hadn't really been able to speak since he saw Justin. He stared at the side of Justin's head as they neared the park and thought about what it would be like to kiss Justin's pouty lips again. He felt himself get hard at the thought, and almost groaned. They were so close to the park and he couldn't be aroused right now. <That would be so embarrassing,> JC thought to himself as he tried to think of un-sexy thoughts. But all he could think about was Justin.

They were a little late getting to the park so everyone was waiting for them when they did. Tyler, Jamie, Steve, and Joey were all there. JC was surprised to see a girl on Joey's arm. Well, not really surprised, but usually when they went to the park, it was just the guys.

He got out of the car, still lost in his thoughts. Justin came up beside him and poked him in the side, jerking him from his dream world. He looked over and smiled at Justin, saying, "I'll race ya," before taking off towards the group of guys - and the girl. Justin grinned before chasing after JC. He'd seen the look in JC's eyes when he's spun around in front of him, and he'd felt JC's eyes on him the entire car ride. He loved knowing that JC couldn't get enough of looking at him. But it made him wonder if JC would pass the test or not. He hoped with all his heart that JC would pass.

JC grinned as he reached the group, realizing that he had beat Justin. Justin was really fast, so JC was quite proud. But then he turned around to see Justin and Lance talking quietly about something and giggling again. And again he was jealous. He wasn't sure how much more he could take.

They all said "hey" to the group and went to sit at the picnic tables near a group of trees to talk. They all smushed into one picnic table, even though there were several in the tree covered area, and had random conversations with each other.

After a while, they got bored of just talking and Joey suggested playing basketball. Everyone agreed, including Kelly who turned out to be the girl with Joey. Justin was excited that Kelly was there, he really liked her. And he was excited to learn that she loved basketball too.

Tyler ran to his car to get his basketball, and then the game started. JC was trying to figure out how Justin could play basketball in his tight leather pants. Justin was wondering the same thing, but decided to just try it.

He started to play, realizing that it wasn't that hard. He still felt JC's eyes on him and he turned to wink at JC. When he noticed that Justin had caught him, JC blushed deeply, deciding to take a break. He walked over to the bleachers next to the court and sat down, trying to calm his beating heart. He wanted Justin so badly.

After a short while of watching Justin on the court, JC decided that he couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't watch Justin any longer without being able to touch, to feel, to taste. He stood up, walking to the courts and hoping that no one would notice the hard-on he couldn't really hide, and told them that he didn't feel well.

Justin became over protective once those words were out of his mouth, and decided that JC should go home. Of course Justin insisted on coming with him. Lance didn't really want to stay with a bunch of people that he didn't know, so he told Justin and JC that he'd drive them back and then head home.

The ride home was filled with talk, mostly Justin's, about how the game had gone. After a moment of silence, Lance said, "thanks so much for letting me come with you tonight and meet your friends. I had a lot of fun." He turned his head to smile at Justin and then looked in the rear- view mirror to give JC a small smile.

"No problem, Lance, it was fun to hang out with you," JC replied, smiling back. <Well, that was almost truthful. If I hadn't been so jealous, I might have enjoyed spending time with you.> Justin looked back at JC and grinned, winking. JC smiled back, wondering if he'd be able to control himself once they were alone. They pulled into the driveway a few minutes later and Lance thanked them again before backing out and waving good-bye.

"Isn't he really nice, Josh?" Justin asked him.

"Yeah, he's great," JC answered, knowing that it was what Justin wanted to hear. "Hey, wasn't it hard to play ball in those pants?"

"Nah, it wasn't hard at all," Justin replied in what he considered a sexy voice. He winked at JC again, before climbing the stairs and going into his room.

JC stood in the hallway for a few minutes, trying to recover from what Justin had said. <Stay in control, stay in control,> he said to himself in his head over and over again. He walked slowly up the stairs and into his room. No matter how hard it was, he was going to wait for Justin to come to him.

And luckily for him, he didn't have to wait long. He laid on his bed for about five minutes before there was a knock on the door. He grunted his reply and smiled when Justin poked his head in.

"Hey," Justin said softly, climbing up on the bed next to JC.

"Hey," JC replied, his voice almost a whisper.

Justin smiled his reply and snuggled up to JC, laying his head on JC's chest. JC sighed and wondered how Justin could be so hot one minute and so innocent another. They laid there, their bodies pressed together for a long time. Finally Justin sat up a little so he was looking into JC's eyes and then spoke, "I've been trying to figure out how to say this for a while now. The reason that it took me so long to figure out my feelings was because I wanted to make sure that what I felt for you was real. I wanted to make sure that I don't just like you because you were my first friend here, because you accepted me with open arms. And I also wanted to make sure that what you feel for me, whatever it is, is real too. And I think that you've proved to me that it is." Justin paused then, scared to continue.

JC wasn't sure what to say, so he just waited. He could tell that there was something more that Justin wanted to tell him. He knew that Justin would either tell him that he did or didn't have deep feelings for him. he knew that in a moment, his heart would either swell with joy, or break with sadness. And he was scared.

Justin shifted slightly, moving a little closer to JC, so now they were lying side by side. He cupped JC's chin in his hand and smiled. He moved closer, claiming JC's lips with his. He was so happy that JC had passed the test. He wanted so badly to tell JC how he felt. But right now, he just wanted to melt into JC's arms.

JC felt similar. His heart was beating wildly in his chest and he tried to remember to breathe. But it was kind of hard to do that when Justin's lips were covering his. And then he remembered to respond. He ran his tongue across Justin's bottom lip, asking for access. Justin granted his wish, opening his mouth wider and moaning when JC's silky tongue met his.

Justin pulled away first, breathing heavily. JC wanted more so he leaned towards Justin this time, but Justin pulled away.

"What?" JC asked, confused and hurt.

Justin saw the hurt look in JC's eyes and almost cried. He hadn't wanted to hurt JC.

"No, it's not what you think, I just need to tell you something," Justin told him, smiling a little as he saw the hurt look leave JC's eyes.

"Ok," JC replied quietly, waiting for Justin to speak and praying that he would say the words that JC wanted to hear.

"Josh," Justin started, grabbing both of JC's hands and intertwining their fingers before continuing, "I-I don't really know how to say this, so I'm just going to say it. I love you, Josh, I really do. I'm sure now, you are what I want."

JC smiled widely, squeezing Justin's hands before saying, "I love you too, Justin, with all my heart."

Justin didn't say anything, but pulled JC closer to him and kissed his lips softly. They laid there in each other's arms until they both feel asleep, each one dreaming of the man in his arms.


Next: Chapter 25

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