The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Oct 29, 2001


Disclaimer: Don't know, don't want to imply, so don't sue. This is pure fiction.

Chapter 26 by Dannii

When Justin woke up the next morning, he was confused for a moment, because he wasn't in his own room, but in JC's, and not only in his room, but in his bed as well. And then he remembered what had happened the night before, and a happy smile appeared on his face. He noticed that he was laying on his stomach, half on JC, snuggled into him, with his head buried in the crook of JC's neck. He also noticed that he was dressed in his pyjama pants and a t- shirt, while JC still wore the same shirt like the day before, and sweat pants. And the third thing he noticed was that there was a hand softly stroking his back, spreading a warm feeling through him. He raised his head lazily and saw that JC was wide awake, looking at him with a tender smile on his lips.

"Good morning", he said hoarsely, returning the smile, before he cleared his throat.

"Good morning", JC answered and placed a kiss on Justin's forehead. "How did you sleep?"

Justin's smile turned into a grin. "What do you think? I don't believe I've ever slept better. You?" JC just looked at him, letting the hand that was stroking Justin's back wander up his spine and over the back of his neck until it was resting on Justin's cheek. Justin leaned into the touch and sighed.

"I've slept wonderful", JC finally said and caressed Justin's cheek softly. "In the arms of the man I love more than anything else in the world..." Justin blushed slightly.

"I'm not a man, Josh, I'm just a boy. Well, at least I feel like a schoolboy at the moment." He giggled, and JC joined in.

"Yes, I know what you mean. But, honestly - do you think that a little schoolboy would let me do this?" Justin looked at him expectantly, and the next moment he felt JC's lips on his.

Justin sighed and shifted so that he was laying face to face with JC, or better, lips to lips. He rolled on top of him and let his arms rest on either side of JC's head, so that he wasn't leaning on him with his full weight, but on his elbows. When he felt JC's tongue softly caress his lips and ask for entrance, he opened his mouth and welcomed it with his own. Their tips touched, and a jolt of energy ran through both bodies. Justin moaned quietly, and JC took this as an encouragement to let his hands wander back to Justin's back and wrap them tightly around his waist. Their lips duelled with each other, tasting and caressing and exploring the other's mouth, until they had to come up for air. Justin took a deep breath and buried his face back in the crook of JC's neck.

"I love you", he mumbled, and JC responded by relaxing his embrace and running his hands up and down Justin's spine instead.

"I love you, too", he answered, and Justin shivered. His shirt had slipped up a bit during the night, and when he felt JC touch his bare skin, he tensed for a moment, but then he relaxed completely and snuggled even closer to him, as if he was trying to crawl into the other boy's body. He put his legs on either side of JC's, let his arms slide around JC's back and hugged him like he never wanted to let him go, and pressed his lips to JC's neck. Now it was JC's turn to shiver.

As softly and gently as he could, he began to let his hands wander over the soft skin of Justins back. It was incredible soft, like the skin of a baby. His hands roamed over Justin's hips, up to his shoulders, sliding up the shirt further, and down again to the small of Justin's back. Then he let just his fingertips do the work and explore every part of Justin's rear. He could hardly surpress a hiss when he felt Justin press his groin into JC's, his erection very noticeable. And JC immediately became aroused as well. He barely noticed that Justin had stopped kissing his neck and had lifted his head, so that he could look at JC. His eyes were several shades darker than before, and JC swallowed deeply.

"I'm sorry, Just, I don't want to scare you away, but I..." Justin silenced him with a passionate kiss. A deep, meaningful kiss, where none of the both could tell which lips belonged to who.

"Josh", Justin finally said, after one last lick at JC's lips, "I don't want us to rush things, and I know that I'm not ready for sex now, but.... god, this feels so incredible..." He pressed his groin further into JC's and began to move his pelvis up and down, so that their erections were rubbing against each other. They kissed again, moaning into each other's mouths, and the pressure became so much that JC bent his knees slightly and raised his hips against Justin's while pressing him down into him at the same time, causing both boys to gasp and throw their heads back simultaneously. JC looked at Justin and saw that his face was flushed, his eyes closed, and his lips parted. He grabbed Justin's head with one hand and pressed their lips together, sliding his tongue into Justin's mouth again. They were moving faster now, and JC slid his other hand down to Justin's ass and squeezed it. A few seconds later Justin gasped sharply and thrusted his groin into JC's hard one final time, before he began to tremble and shiver and came in his pants, with JC following a moment later, coming hard in his pants.

Both boys lay on JC's bed, tangled together, panting, not able to speak for long minutes. It was JC who finally turned his face so that he was looking at Justin, who's head was resting on his shoulder. They smiled at each other, and JC gave Justin a small kiss.

"I love you", he whispered, and kissed him again.

"I love you too", Justin responded.

"But?" JC wanted to know.

"How did you know that there is a but?" Justin looked at JC. JC shrugged.

"I think I know you quite good, despite the fact that we only know each other for a few weeks."

Justin sighed and rolled down from JC, on his side, so that he could look at him better. "Well, that exactly is the but. Don't understand me wrong, Josh, what we did a few minutes ago was... well, incredible. Fantastic. I mean, we had our first orgasm together." Both boys blushed when Justin spoke it out loud. Justin continued. "I really don't regret it. And I think we both kind of needed it, after all what happened in the last days, especially yesterday." He grinned at JC. "But I really want to take it slow in our relationship. I mean, we have a relationship, right?"

"I hope so", JC said. "I really want you to be my boyfriend. Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Justin nodded, smiling.

"Of course. There's nothing I want more." They kissed softly for a moment, then Justin spoke again.

"Like I said, I want us to take things slow. I'm not ready for more. I want to cuddle you, and kiss you, and lay in your arms, and just enjoy the feeling of having my first boyfriend." JC silenced him by laying a finger on Justin's lips.

"That's what I want, too, Just. I think we're both not ready for more. And we have all time in the world, there's no need to rush things. What is important is that we've figured out our feelings for each other." Justin looked him deep in the eyes, happy that JC agreed with what he said.

"And now", JC went on, "I think we should clean up the mess we made. Because I feel kinda uncomfortable, you know..." He looked at the ground embarrassed, until Justin tilted his chin up with one hand and pressed a long kiss on his lips.

"Yes, I know. And we still have about thirty minutes until the alarm sets off, so we can go back to bed after we've changed and cuddle a bit more." Without another word they parted, and Justin went to his room. He stripped out of his pyjama pants and boxers and changed into a pair of clean grey boxer briefs and jogging pants. On his way back to JC's room he put the clothes into the clothes-basket that stood in the bathroom. When he entered JC's room again, JC already lay on the bed, dressed in clean sweatpants, and motioned for Justin to lay down with him. He held up the covers for Justin to climb under them, and they settled into each other comfortably, this time the other way round: Justin lay down on his back, and JC lay on him, his head tucked under Justin's chin, his arms below Justin's upper body. He kissed Justin's chest through his shirt and sighed contently when Justin began to run his hands through his hair, softly stroking over his stitched wound. They lay this way until the alarm went on.

JC pushed himself up on his elbows and kissed Justin's nose.

"We have to get up, baby. College's calling." Justin's nose twitched, and JC laughed. "You look adorable, do you know that? Irresistible. I could lay here the whole day and just look at you." Justin blushed and sighed when he heard JC's next words. "But nevertheless we have to get up now."

"One last kiss?" Justin pouted and JC rolled his eyes.

"You know I can't resist you when you look like that, right?" He pulled himself up a bit more and leaned down until his lips brushed against Justin's. The kiss soon became more sensual, and none of the both heard the knock on the door. Suddenly they heard Lynn's voice call out

"What the hell is going on?"

TBC... ******************** feedback is more that appreciated: Dannii:, Megan:

Next: Chapter 26

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