The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Nov 17, 2001


Disclaimer: Don't know, don't want to imply, this is fiction.

Notes: Sorry it took me so long to reply. But I didn't have a modem for the last few days, so I couldn't go online. Enjoy this one!!

Chapter 28 by Dannii

"If you need to make out here in the bathroom, then at least keep it quiet", a voice both boys knew very well said. Justin closed his eyes and cursed silently. <Shit shit shit shit shit! This can't be happening. First mom and now...>

"Maybe you two would prefer to come out of the stall. I mean, I already saw you, Justin, so there's no need to hide." JC shook his head frantically, but Justin slowly unlocked the door and opened it. He peeked his head outside and looked at the person standing outside, looking back at him.

"And JC can come out, too. I don't bite, I promise." Sighing, Justin opened the stall door wide enough so that him and JC could step out.

"How did you know that it was JC?", he asked, and Chris smiled.

"Well, it wasn't difficult to figure out. First of all, you two are together like the whole time. I noticed that even though JC was ill from Wednesday on. And, well, JC's voice did give it away." JC blushed heavily, while Justin looked at his professor horrified.

"Are we that obvious?" Her wanted to know. He was a bit relieved when Chris shook his head.

"Don't worry, Justin, you aren't. Let's just say that my gaydar is quite good..." Chris smirked, and Justin and JC looked at him in awe.

"You... you are..." JC stuttered and shut his mouth when Justin elbowed him in the ribs.

"Josh!" He hissed.

"No, Justin, it's alright. Yes, I am gay. I think it can't hurt that you know. Not many people know. It's not that I'm ashamed of it, but it just isn't everyone's business. Plus I don't think that all the other professors would be to fond of it if they knew."

"That's exactly our problem", Justin said. "Nobody knows that we're together. Okay, we've just been together for one day. But my mom even doesn't know that I'm gay. I'm not ready to tell her yet, I don't know how she would react. And..." He stopped and looked at JC who smiled softly at him.

"And then there is the problem that JC will be your brother soon", Chris finished for him, and Justin nodded.

"I don't know how people will react when they find this out", JC said. "For some of them it will be bad enough that we're gay, but when they find out that we're brothers soon... I know it is against the law." He frowned when Chris once again shook his head.

"No, JC, it isn't. It'd be against the law if you two were blood related. But you aren't, as far as I know, right? So, it's not illegal. It will still disgust people, yes, but it is not against the law." Chris explained. JC and Justin both felt as if a small weight was lifted from their shoulders when they heard Chris say the words. It was a fact both unconsciously had worried about.

"So, you're okay with it?" JC wanted to know.

"Of course I am okay with it, JC. But it isn't important if I am okay with it or not. Sure, it will be hard for you, and it's especially hard every time somebody calls you `fag' or everytime people turn away when they see you - but what is important is what you feel for each other. If you really love each other, then you'll be strong enough to go through it together."

"I love JC", Justin said and squeezed JC's hand tightly. JC squeezed back.

"And I love Justin. I know that it is weird, because we've only known each other for a few weeks now, but I definitely know that he is the one for me. And I know that he feels the same. I've never been with a boy before, so it's even more weird, but... I just know it." Justin leaned in and they shared a small kiss before smiling at each other. Chris smiled as well.

"You're really cute together. I think I'm jealous." He saw the look both boys gave him and sighed. "No, I don't have a boyfriend. Single since two years. I haven't found mister right yet. But I don't give up hoping!" Before Justin and JC could say anything, Chris looked at his watch and said "I have to go, I have to prepare some things for my next class. I guess I'll see you after lunch break, Justin, right?" He was referring to Justin's anatomy class.

"Sure, Chris. See you then." Justin let go of JC's hand and went to the door.

"See you around, JC." Chris said to the older boy.

"See you, Chris." With that, the three walked out of the bathroom and headed into different directions; Chris to his office, and Justin and JC back to the cafeteria.

JC sat in his car in front of the main building, waiting for Justin, who had one more class than him on Mondays. He'd spent the time with Tyler until five minutes ago, then Tyler had decided to drive back home, and JC had gone to his car. Now he was staring out of the window on the crowd that came out of the building, and he smiled when he saw Justin's mop of curls. He was walking beside Lance, and both boys were laughing about something.

Just one day earlier, JC wold have been jealous and angry, but now everything had changed. Now Justin was his. Justin had told him that it had been Lance's idea to wear that dress when they had went to the park, and that Lance really wasn't interested in him and vice versa.

JC rolled down the window on his side and grinned as the two blonde guys came closer.

"Hey Lance!" He shouted. "Shall I give you a ride?" Justin and Lance arrived at his side, and Lance shook his head.

"No thanx, I'm here with my car. I just wanted to say...", he looked from JC to Justin and back to JC, "congratulations!" JC knew immediately what he meant and winked at Justin.

"Thank you, Lance. - Just, are you ready to go?" Justin nodded and climbed into the car after they both said goodbye to Lance.

The ride home was silent. Justin and JC listened to the radio and smiled at each other occasionally; they even dared to hold hands a few times. But the closer they came to their home, the more nervous both felt.

JC shut off the engine and looked at Justin

"Here we go", he said, and Justin just stared at him.

"You know that mom will want to talk to you the minute you walk through that door, right?" Justin asked, and JC sighed.

"Yes, I know. And I say, the earlier the better." With that he climbed out of the car and waited for Justin to do the same before he locked the doors of the car and went to the front door.

Justin was right. Just a few seconds after JC and Justin walked through the front door of their house, Lynn was by their side, a serious expression on her face.

"Hey boys. - Joshua, can I talk to you for a minute now? We didn't have a chance to talk this morning, and I'd really like to do it before Jim comes home." At the mentioning of his father, JC paled slightly and nodded.

"Sure, Lynn." He followed her into the living room, leaving Justin standing alone in the hall, both expecting him to go upstairs to his room. But instead, Justin went closer to the living room door, eager to hear what his mother had to say to JC.

JC sat down on the couch beside Lynn and looked at her nervously.

"So...", he said, and she smiled a bit at his nervousness, but tried to hide it.

"So. Well, maybe you want to explain what happened this morning? I know, you already told me, but I don't really believe you." JC swallowed and tried to look like he didn't know what she meant, but Lynn didn't fall for it.

"Honestly, Joshua. Why should Justin fall asleep in your bed?" Lynn looked at him expectantly. JC desperately tried to thing of a good answer.

"He was... he was waiting for me to come out of the bathroom. Yes, that's it. And he fell asleep while he waited. And then he lay there, and I... I kissed him. While he slept. And he only kissed me back because he was dreaming." Lynn didn't believe him one word, and JC knew it.

"Well, I'm not so sure about the sleeping part. Justin responded to your kiss quite passionate, as far as I could see. I mean, he had his arms around your neck And I can't remember that my son sleeps with his eyes open. And he had them open." Lynn's voice was gentle, but nevertheless JC blushed furiously and became more and more nervous.

"Are you gay, Joshua?" Lynn asked softly, and JC took a deep breath. Now he had to say it.

"Yes, Lynn, I am. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way. I didn't know it myself until I met Justin. Okay, maybe I am bisexual, but that doesn't change anything. But I can assure you that Justin didn't know that I was kissing him; he must have dreamed about a girl."

"No, I didn't dream about a girl", a voice could be heard from the direction of the door, and Lynn and JC looked at Justin who now came into the room and took a seat on the small table in front of the couch. JC looked at him in shock, but Justin just smiled.

"It's okay, Josh. I want her to know." He looked at his mother and closed his eyes for a moment, then he opened them and said quickly, before he could change his mind

"Mom, I'm gay."

Lynn sighed and looked to the ground for a second. A second that seemed like a year to Justin and JC. But then she smiled softly and took Justin's hand.

"Well, I had the whole morning to think about everything. And one of the possibilities I thought of was that you are gay. - I can't say I'm lucky about it. No, Justin, I'm not disgusted or mad. I love you, nothing will ever change that. I'm not lucky because I know that it will be hard for you. And I only want you to be happy."

"I am happy, mom", Justin told her and looked at JC.

"Well, that's another thing", Lynn continued. "You being gay is alright. Joshua being gay is alright, too. But - you two realize that you will be brothers soon, right? And that it's illegal what you're doing?" Now it was JC's turn to speak.

"It isn't illegal, Lynn", he said softly. "It is illegal between blood related persons, but we aren't blood related. - But we know that people will still be disgusted by what we're doing, because they won't care if we're real brothers or step brothers. But that's a risk we're willing to take." He looked at Justin tenderly and gently touched his knee.

Lynn sighed again, very loud. "You know that we have to tell Jim, right? He has a right to know, and I don't know how he will react." JC nodded shakily.

"Yes, I know. It's alright. It's... alright." Justin took his hand and stroked it with his thumb.

"He'll be okay with it, Josh, I'm sure. - Can we go upstairs, mom?" He asked his mother and pulled JC to his feet when she nodded.

"I'll call you when Jim is home, boys." She watched as they walked out of the living room, and when they were out of sight, she leaned back into the couch and closed her eyes.

TBC... **********feedback to: Dannii: Megan:

Next: Chapter 28

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