The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Dec 22, 2001


Disclaimer: You know it... don't know, don't want to imply - this is fiction!

Author's notes: Yes, it is over. I can't believe it. 35 chapters... I never thought this story would last so long. The sequel will come, but next year lol. For this year it's enough. I want to wish everybody who's reading this a merry christmas, nice holidays and a happy new year!!! See you next year!!

Thank you's:

Megan would like to thank Brandi and Ripley for all their support and feedback, and anyone who's sent feedback to this story. And she would like to thank me for writing this story with her (blushes I'm just telling you what she told me, really!).

Dannii: I would like to thank Megan for writing this with me. I really enjoyed it, girl, and I'm looking forward to write the sequel with you. I want to thank Luke, just because he's the best. Love you!!! And of course everybody who's sent feedback, which are the following persons: Luke, saxgirl, cykeboy, maandy, JTJC4ME, shazamingurl, Amanda, Amber, Mike, Jule, Sheila, Jessie, JBounce, Carz, Crystalstargem, Jen, Stacy, Ash, Ashley, AlphaQuard, Colleen, Philip J.A., Jeremy, Linzi, Jim David, Harry, Matthew, JC, Dee, Neil, Braxton, Brian, Jasmin, Josh, Teresa, Iluvbabyblueeyes, SweetAbercrombie, littlemissnaughty, notyouraveragejoe, fallenangel, salempotter, hehe!, JcChAsEzS6, Vega 737, Kate,. amanda, prgdsmk, FanFictionDiva, CallistaSky, LolMoi, Tim, A Lost Angel, Jostin, missrouge, Stormy, Karen, LC, Silver Moon Angel, Penn, Stargem, Mia, jan, DreamDiva, Lori, Dolphin, Kelsey, Mercedez, Tessa, Tasha, Red, Joan, Felicia, Metra, Matt, Addie, Cynthia, SarahJJ, Aya, MykaHolly, Kyle, Susan, justcha8888, Tammi, Wen, mangafreak, Jon Lee, Cindy, LD Griffin, Cat, Jaxx, Sai, tiffany, Metra, Aime, Xaos, Brandi, Pen, Makalani, Mar, Katherine, Lynn, lpgr1964, Raven, Sammy, angie, RainBowBrite. Damn!!!! So many people... thank you all sooo much. I love you all. I hope I didn't forget somebody; the order of appearance is quite by chance. Thank you!!!

Chapter 35 by Dannii

It was dark outside when Justin woke up. Moonlight was shining softly through the bedroom window, delicately illuminating the features of the boy laying beside him with his arms wrapped around him. JC was laying on his side, face to face with Justin, and Justin could feel his warm, soft breath on his cheeks. His mouth was open slightly, curved into a small smile, and he looked really peaceful, his hair framing his beautiful face like a halo. This was one of the moments where Justin couldn't believe how happy he was, that this beautiful boy was his and his alone. As he let the last weeks pass in review, he realized that he never before in his life had been as happy as he was now. When his mother had told him that they were going to move to Orlando, he had been thrilled, because he had wanted nothing more than to move away from his hometown, because there was nothing keeping him there. Of course he missed his grandparents, but still he was glad that they were going to move to another city.

On his last days in Tennessee, he had often been up really late, laying in his bed and thinking about how life might be here in Florida. He had dreamed of making friends, having fun and living as a real family with his mom, JC and Jim. But never in his life he had imagined that it would come like this. To him, life was perfect now. He had a real family, with a step dad he really liked, he had made really good friends with lots of people, he loved college, and, most important, he had met the one person he was meant to be with for the rest of his life, the one that was at the moment cuddling a bit closer to him, nuzzling into his neck.

Justin knew that some people would say that he was crazy thinking about forever with the first person he ever was with. But Justin knew that JC was that special person to him. He knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this boy, and he knew that JC felt the same about him. , he thought happily. <Making love to JC, falling asleep in his arms, and waking up beside him everyday. Seeing him smile just for me, hearing him laugh, talking to him about everything and nothing.>

Justin slowly raised his right arm from between their bodies under the covers, and pushed the covers down to their hips. It was warm in the room, he noticed, so he pulled them off completely and tossed them to the ground. Then he let his gaze wander over JC's slightly tanned body. They were both still naked from their earlier lovemaking, and Justin could feel his cock beginning to harden from just looking at his boyfriend. Carefully, as not to wake JC up, he lifted his right hand and began to lightly caress the other boy's soft skin. He was amazed by it's softness, it felt like he was touching silk. He let his fingers trail up JC's arms to his shoulders and his shoulderblades, and he could feel JC shiver slightly and snuggle closer to him. So he continued his "inspection" of his boyfriend's body, tracing patterns on the small of his back and doodling hearts and x's on his hips. When he reached JC's ass and let his hands run over the soft curve of it, he could hear giggling and knew that the older boy was now awake.

JC lifted his head from it's spot on the pillow, just below Justin's chin, opened his eyes - and looked into his boyfriend's soul. He started deep into the dark blue orbs that were Justin's eyes and lost himself in them, not able to look away. Slowly they leaned towards each other, and their lips met for a long, loving kiss. All the while Justin didn't stop caressing the older boy's asscheeks, one second tenderly rubbing them, the next second squeezing them in his hands and running his index fingers through the cleft between them, making JC squirm and moan against him. Finally they broke up, panting, and Justin continued his exploration of JC's body, caressing every inch of skin he was able to reach with his hands.

"What are you doing?", JC asked, closing his eyes and enjoying the tingling feeling his boyfriend's touches were doing to him.

"Learning", Justin answered simply and smiled when JC opened his eyes. "I'm learning you." They gazed at each other for a moment, and again their lips met for a deep kiss. JC shifted until Justin was on top of him and wrapped his arms around him, pressing their bodies tightly together. Justin's cock was fully erect by now, as was JC's, and they were pressed together between their bodies. JC moaned into his boyfriend's mouth, and Justin could hear him mumbling "I love you" over and over. JC licked Justin's lips with his tongue and then let it skip inside of Justin's mouth, sliding it over his teeth and then deep inside, unwrapping one hand from Justin's waist and running it up to the back of his head, pressing them together even tighter, as tight as possible without hurting the boy on top of him. Justin began to grind against him, finding a merciless rhythm that left them both breathless, and JC pushed and pulled his tongue in and out of his mouth in time with each thrust. Soon they were both moaning loudly, their bodies sweaty and slick against each other, and Justin was fearing his chest might explode because his heart was beating so hard and fast. He ground hard against JC one final time and then pulled back from their kiss, gasping for air and trying to control his breathing.

"Justin", JC whispered and ran his hands through Justin's disheveled curls. "Will you...", his voice broke and he had to clear his throat. "Will you... make love to me, Justin, please." Justin froze and looked down at the boy beneath him.

"You want me.... really? You want me to make love to you?" When JC nodded his head yes, Justin smiled his sunny smile at him and gave him a tender kiss on the lips.

"Of course I will, Josh", he answered softly. "You were my first, and I will be honored to be your first." He couldn't believe that this was really going to happen, he was going to make love to Josh. He had always feared this moment a bit, although he had always assumed that he would be with a girl, he had feared that he might not be good enough and that the girl would think he was a loser. But now, suddenly, he was very confident. Because it was Josh he was with, and he trusted him with his life, and he loved him, and Josh was as inexperienced as he was when it came to boys. And he knew that it would be great. So he tenderly began to kiss JC, just like the older boy had done it with him only a few hours earlier. He began at his throat, licking his adams apple, first with the tip of his tongue, then with his whole tongue, before he sunk lower and started to suck at the brunet's collarbone, sucking the skin between his teeth until JC laughed and told him to stop.

"You'll give me a hickey", he complained, and Justin's eyes sparkled.

"Would that be so bad?", he asked with a mischevious grin. "Everybody would know that you are mine, and I want everybody to know that. I don't want somebody else to look at you the way I look at you. You only belong to me." Before JC was able to answer him, he had lowered his head again.

Justin's face was only one or two inches away from JC's left nipple, and he looked at it closely. It was brown, just a tiny bit darker that the rest of his skin, and Justin softly touched it with the tip of his tongue. JC hissed, and Justin watched fascinated as both of his nipples immediately began to harden. So he stuck out his tongue again, and this time he licked around the nipple, circling it with his tongue, before taking it in his mouth and sucking on it. JC squirmed beneath him, and Justin made sure to pay the same amount of attention to his other nipple before he kissed his way down over his stomach to his navel. He let his tongue dance around it and then pushed it inside, while he felt JC's erection pulsate against his chest. Suddenly he couldn't wait anymore, so he sat up and looked down at his panting lover.

"You okay?", he wanted to know, and JC nodded.

"Yes, Justin, god yes...", he answered out of breath, "please, baby, make love to me. Now, please..." Justin didn't have to be begged twice.

He let his hands wander down to JC's legs and gently pushed them apart, as wide as he dared. Then he crawled between them and stroked JC's thighs calmingly, feeling JC shiver beneath his touch. Carefully he touched JC's penis first with one hand, then with both, before he bent down and placed a kiss on it's tip. JC groaned loudly, encouraging Justin to go on, and Justin began to lick his cock, teasing it with his tongue, swirling it around the head and then taking as much of the cock into his mouth as possible. JC bucked helplessly underneath him, and Justin had to hold him down with his hands. He pulled away from what he was doing and ran his hands along JC's thighs and under his knees, bending them and pushing them up. He took a moment to take in the sight of the boy laying before him, sweaty skin, tousled hair, flushed face, legs bent and spread shamelessly, all the while looking at him with trusting blue eyes. Then he leaned down again and placed a tender kiss on each of JC's balls.

JC sucked in a breath and fisted his hands into the sheets that covered the mattress. Never before in his life he had felt what he was feeling right now. His breath was coming in short pants, his heart was beating much too fast, and the feeling that was running through his body was indescribable. And then...

With a scream JC arched his pelvis off the bed, only to be pushed back down by his younger lover. It couldn't certainly be that Justin was...

Justin pushed his tongue into JC's hole again, deeper this time, penetrating him for a few seconds before pulling back, leaving him wet and slick and aching for more.

"Oh god...", JC moaned, and Justin grinned, delving in again, pushing his tongue as deep inside as possible, until JC was a shaking mess beneath him.

"You like that?", he asked when he pulled back to grab the bottle of lube that was still laying on the nightstand where JC had placed it earlier. JC let out a shaky breath and nodded, not able to form a coherent phrase. With big eyes he watched as Justin squeezed lube out of the bottle and began to coat his fingers with it. He brought the hand down to JC's hole and looked at his lover.

"You ready?", he wanted to know, although he already knew the answer. So when JC nodded again, Justin began to slowly push on of his fingers inside of him, deeper and deeper, until it was in knuckles deep. He began to carefully move it around, trying to find that sweet spot that he knew would make JC moan even louder, and when he finally found it, he slowly pressed his finger into JC's prostate, and JC screamed.

"Oh my.. fucking... oh Jesus... Justin... please... need you now. I... god, please, now..."

Knowing that JC wouldn't last much longer, Justin pulled his finger out again and came back with two, and then three, taking his time until he could comfortably move them in and out of his boyfriend. He sat back on his heels and grabbed the lube again, squeezing out an enormous amount, because he didn't want to hurt JC, and coated his cock with it, enjoying the sensation of touching himself finally. He leaned down, over JC, letting the tip of his penis rest against JC's entrance, and he gave his lover a deep kiss on the lips, looking into his eyes. JC nodded slowly, and Justin began to push inside.

From that moment on everything was like a blur. Skin sliding against skin, the slapping of flesh against flesh, sweat running down their bodies, thrusting, moaning, whispering words of love, thrusting, moaning, thrusting, moaning... They exploded together, Justin collapsing down onto his lover, his head spinning, dizziness washing over him, and for a moment he wasn't even able to remember his own name.

Then it was over.

Long limbs tangled together, they lay on the bed, once again facing each other, foreheads pressed together. Their heartbeats had calmed down, and they were finally able to breath normal again.

"I love you." Both had said it, but it sounded like one voice.

"You know", Justin said and kissed the tip of JC's nose, "the night before we left Tennessee, I made a wish to God. I asked him not for much, only for some friends and a real family. And both wishes have come true. But I also have found something much more important, something I never thought I'd find in my life."

"And what is that?" JC wanted to know, although he already had an idea what Justin was going to say. Justin smiled at him lovingly and gave him another sweet kiss.

"It's the love we have."

THE END!!!!!!! ********** feedback to: Dannii:, Megan:

Next: Chapter 35

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