The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Aug 19, 2001


Disclaimer: You know it, I know it… I wish I knew them, but I don't. This is complete fiction.

Notes: finally!!! yes, I know... this chapter took a long time... but I had some serious writer's block, and so I just new one solution... I found me a co-writer!!! Yay!!! And lovely Megan wrote this chapter... it's her work... so, from now on send the feedback to both of us, please!!! I'll write the next chapter... But now, chapter three... Megan - a big THANK YOU!!! You're the best!!!

Thanx to all those who've send me feedback!!!!!!

Feedback is very appreciated: Megan: Danniio:

Notes: < ... > marks Justin's thoughts

Chapter 3

Justin spent the morning lounging around the pool with his mother and Jim. He figured that getting a tan before college started wouldn't hurt. Plus, sitting around gave him a chance to think about and try to sort out all the confusing new feelings he was having.

He was confused as to why he found JC so attractive. JC was a guy, his soon-to-be stepbrother. But he couldn't deny that JC was gorgeous, really gorgeous. He'd never thought a guy was hot before. <Does that make me gay?> Justin asked himself. He didn't think he was gay. <Maybe I'm bi then?> But he wasn't sure how to tell. Just because he thought JC was attractive didn't necessarily make him gay or even bi, right? Justin wasn't sure what to think.

"Justin?" Lynn asked, sitting down in the chair beside him.

"Yeah, mom?" Justin replied, her voice shattering his thoughts about JC.

"You ready to go shopping now?" she asked, smiling.

"Sure, let's go," Justin agreed.

So Jim, Lynn, and Justin piled into Jim's car and headed out to lunch at Taco Bell, before going to the nearest furniture store, which was only about fifteen minutes away.

They shopped around for a little while and had to go to another place before Justin found a dresser, desk, bookshelf, and bedside table that he liked. Once they were done, they headed back home.

Justin couldn't believe that he'd already started thinking of it as home. He'd only been there one night. But he was just so comfortable in the house. He loved Orlando already.

When they got back to the house, Jim asked Justin if he wanted to play basketball before dinner.

"Sure, I'll play ball with you," Justin said, jogging to his room to change into different clothes and then meeting Jim on the basketball court in the driveway.

"First one to fifteen wins," Jim announced. They began to play and Justin realized that Jim was really good. He found himself wondering if JC was that good too. He decided that he'd have to find out later.

Justin lost, badly, but only because his mind was elsewhere the whole time. In other words, it was on JC again. Jim sighed when he saw Justin spacing out again.

"Are you ok, Justin?" he asked, truly concerned.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," Justin answered, shaking his head and trying to focus on talking to Jim. It wasn't easy when Jim looked a lot like his son.

"Are you sure? Because I hope that you'd be comfortable enough to talk to me when something is bothering you," Jim said, curious as to what was on Justin's mind. But he didn't want to push too much. It wasn't his place.

"Yes, I'm sure. And yeah, I know I can talk to you. But I really should handle this on my own," Justin explained.

"All right, just know that I'm here if you need to talk to someone," Jim reminded him again.

"Thanks," Justin said, smiling. He and Jim both went into the house to shower before dinner.

Justin's mind was full of so many unanswered questions. And Justin thought that he might go crazy if he didn't get some answers, and soon.

<Why am I even thinking about JC this way? He has a girlfriend. And I have no chance unless he's bi.>

Justin stepped out of the shower, dried off, and got dressed as he thought more about the situation. <Should I tell him that I think I'm bi?> Justin asked himself. <Maybe he would accept me because he said that in Orlando, being different is cool.> Justin sure hoped that he wouldn't be a loser in Orlando too. He wasn't sure if he could live with all the teasing again.

<Maybe I should ask JC his opinion on being gay or bi, before I tell him about me. That way, if he says he thinks it's disgusting, I can just keep my mouth shut. But if he doesn't care, maybe I'll have the balls to tell him that I'm bi. Or that I think I am, anyway.>

Justin sighed. He still wasn't sure what he was going to say when JC got home later that night. Maybe JC would be too tired to talk. But secretly, Justin hoped that he wouldn't be.

During dinner the conversation was mostly focused around the college that JC and Justin were going to. Just was happy about that because it mostly kept his mind off of JC.

Until Jim asked, "so, what do you think of Josh?"

"Oh, he's nice," Justin started, not sure what to say. He just hoped he didn't blurt out something stupid. "He offered to show me around the college and introduce me to some of his friends, too."

"That's great, Justin," Lynn said, smiling at her son, "you're going to love it here. I'm sure of it. And JC is the perfect guide since he'd lived here his whole life."

"Yeah," Justin replied, while thinking in his head that JC was perfect, and not just as a guide.

After dinner, Justin went to his room to unpack some of his things, now that he had a place to put his things. He started with his clothes, hanging most of them up in the closet and putting his pajama pants, boxers, and socks in his new dresser.

He also unpacked all the books he'd brought with him and placed them on the bookshelf. He almost filled the entire thing. He then began to unpack all his desk supplies and organize them in his desk.

He wondered what JC was doing right then. Justin winced at the thought, but he wasn't sure why. He hadn't even met her yet and he already didn't like her. <Great, I'm jealous of someone I haven't met.> he thought, <I'm pathetic.>

He looked at the clock that he'd plugged in earlier. It was on the new bedside table. He sighed when he saw that it was only nine o'clock. He realized that JC probably wouldn't be home for at least another hour or two.

It didn't really matter how late it was though because Justin wasn't tired at all.

"What am I supposed to do while I wait for him?" Justin wondered aloud. He decided to head downstairs to see if there were any good movies on TV.

But when he got to the living room area, his mom and Jim were sitting on the couch together, holding hands and watching some show on TV.

"Hey, honey," Lynn said when she saw him standing there.

"Hey. Um, is there another TV that I could watch a movie on?" Justin asked, directing the question at Jim.

"The only other TV with a VCR is in JC's room, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you used it," Jim answered.

"Are you sure?" Justin asked. "I wouldn't want him to get mad at me or anything."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Go ahead up there. Oh yeah, there's some popcorn in the kitchen cupboard if you'd like to make some," Jim told him.

"Ok, thanks. Where do you keep your movies?" Justin asked, wondering if he should really go into JC's room.

"Josh has some in his room. You'd probably like them better than the one's I have," Jim answered, chuckling, "unless you like Westerns."

"Westerns? Yuck. I think I'll just see what JC has," Justin replied, turning to leave the room.

"Ok, goodnight," Jim said.

"Goodnight, Jim," he responded. Then, looking over at Lynn, he said, "night, mom."

"Night, sweetie, try not to stay up too late or you'll sleep all day tomorrow," Lynn replied, slipping into `mom' mode.

"Ok," Justin agreed before going into the kitchen to make popcorn. He was starving. He wondered what JC would say when he came home and saw Justin in his room, watching a movie. Justin just hoped that JC wouldn't be mad.

He wandered up the stairs and went into his room to change into boxers and a tee shirt before going through the bathroom into JC's room. He gasped as he entered.


Next: Chapter 5

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