The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Aug 20, 2001


Disclaimer: You know it, I know it... I wish I knew them, but I don't. This is complete fiction.

Notes: so, this chapter is written by me, Dannii. Hope u like it.

Feedback is very appreciated: Megan:


Notes: < ... > marks Justin's thoughts

Chapter 4

The first thing catching his eye was a picture of JC on the opposite wall. But not a simple picture - it was a black and white photograph of him... naked. Justin swallowed. JC naked. He closed his eyes and opened them again. The picture was still there. Justin swallowed again, closed the door and slowly stepped closer to the picture. Well, it was not like JC's 'crown jewels' could be seen, but... it was obvious that he was naked on the picture and it was obvious that it had been taken by a professional. JC was standing in the water - Justin couldn't figure out if it was a lake or something else - and the water was pitch black. The water ended on the very lower part of his hips, so that the shape of his hipbones and the beginning of the trail of hairs below his navel could be seen. Waterdroplets were glistening all over his body, his arms were just hanging down, fingertips in the water, and strands of his wet hair were partly hanging in his face. The picture had been taken slightly from above, and JC looked into the camera with a serious expression.

It seemed as if everything Justin could do at the moment was swallowing. Those eyes... this body... he could feel his heart thump in his chest and had to tear his eyes away from the picture when he felt a stirring in his groin. He forced his gaze to wander through the room he was now standing in. It wasn't special, but nice decorated, in bright, warm colours. It was slightly messy, with clothes laying on the bed and on the desk chair, but still cosy. Justin noticed the huge CD collection on the right side of the room. JC also had lots of technical stuff in the room, like the stereo, two VCR's, a TV, computer, printer, a CD burner and other stuff. He also had a lot of books in his room, most of them about music, and business, his majors at college. Justin thought about the easel that was still in one of the boxes he hadn't unpacked so far. He'd do it tomorrow, he swore to himself. He's already seen some things in the town when they were out shopping that he wanted to paint. Maybe he could even ask JC if he could paint him... , he thought, <now you're thinking of him again.> But what else could he do when he was standing in his room? As if by command, his gaze fell back on the picture. He caught himself staring at the fine hairs below JC's navel, and he wondered what they would feel like under his fingertips...

The door burst open, and Justin jumped and turned around fast, his heart beating wildly in his chest. There was JC, standing in front of him, out of breath, his face red with anger. Justin closed his eyes tightly for a moment and held his breath. When he opened them again, he saw JC stare at him.

"I'm sorry, JC, I... I wasn't spying or so, I just... Jim said I could use your VCR, and I just came in... I..."

"Justin?" JC blinked and looked at him confused. "What are you doing here?"

"Really, I was just going to watch a video, but I'll just go and leave you alone, please don't be mad..." He tried to walk past JC and out of the room, but JC grabbed his arm on the way.

"Don't go, please. It's okay. I just didn't see you when I came in. It's okay, of course you can use my VCR." Justin stared back at him.

"You're not mad? But I thought..." JC shook his head.

"Of course I'm not mad. Why should I be? " Justin shrugged his shoulders hesitantly.

"I don't know. You just looked so mad when you came in."

"I had a fight with Bobbee", JC explained, sighing. When he saw the confused look on Justin's face, he added "My girlfriend."

"Oh." Justin didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry." , he thought. JC smiled a bit.

"You don't have to be. We're fighting quite often at the moment, I don't know why. But I think that'll pass by." Justin nodded and stared past JC, at the picture. Again. JC's eyes followed his gaze and he turned around. When he saw what Justin was looking at, his face became red. When Justin discovered that he had been caught, the colour of his face began to match JC's.

"Um, it's... it's nice. It looks professional." JC's face turned even redder.

"Well, that's... it's stupid, but it's my 'ego-picture'. I tried modelling for a few weeks, about half a year ago. A guy on the street approached me and asked me if I'd like to do it, and it turned out that he was from a model agency. I thought I'd give it a try, but it wasn't that easy. They said I was to insecure, and well, I really don't know why they picked me out, and... I'm rambling. Anyway, this was supposed to be my setcard if I had gotten the job, and I thought it looks okay, so I hung it up... but I guess I'll put it down again."

"Don't do that", Justin interrupted him. "I think it looks really good."

"Really?", JC asked. Justin smiled.


"Thanks." They were silent for a moment, then Justin cleared his throat.

"Do you want to talk about Bobbee? Maybe it helps. I'm a good listener." JC shook his head no.

"Not really. I don't want to think of her for the moment. - What did you say, you wanted to watch a video? What did you have in mind?" Justin shrugged.

"I don't know. Doesn't really matter. It's just that I'm not a tiny bit tired, and mom and Jim are downstairs, and my easel's still in one of the boxes, and I didn't know what to do..."

"Easel? Oh yes, you're going to study music and art, right? Are you a good painter? Can I see some of your stuff?" Justin swallowed.

"Oh, I'm not that good, really..."

"Oh, come on. Please?" Justin couldn't believe it. JC was actually pouting. <Don't do that, please>, he thought. <That's cruel.>

"Okay", he heard himself give in. "But not today. Maybe tomorrow."

"Yay!" Josh grinned. "I bet you are good. If you are just nearly as good as you are playing piano, then you have to be fantastic." Justin blushed again and mumbled something JC couldn't understand.

"Come again?"

"Nothing. I'm really not that good. But I'll show you tomorrow, okay?" JC nodded.

"Okay. So, what about the movie?" He pointed to the pile of videos in the corner of his room. "What do you say, you choose one and get comfy, I'll grab a quick shower and then I'll join you, does that sound okay?" Now Justin grinned too.

"Sure. Sounds like a plan." He watched as JC grabbed some pyjama pants, boxers and a shirt and went to the bathroom. Just then it dawned on him that he had been standing there just in boxers and and a t-shirt all the time. <Maybe I should grab my pyjama's too...> But then he decided against it and began to look for a video. <So, what are we going to watch? A romance? No, better not. Don't want him to see me bawling like a child like I always do when I watch sappy romances. So, action maybe?> He searched through the pile and finally found a movie that found his approval. <'Top Gun', haven't seen that in a while. Nice.> He put the video in the VCR and sat down on JC's bed. While waiting for JC, he began to think about his whole new situation. He just couldn't seem to stop thinking about JC, especially now after he'd seen that picture. He couldn't deny the way JC made him feel, and he had to admit that he had a really nice body. <God, what's up with me? What did I do? Back in Tennessee I was the outsider, now I have these feelings for my stepbrother... why can't I be a normal guy with a girlfriend and lots of other good friends and have fun?> He was still deep in his thoughts when JC came back into the room about 10 minutes later, and after JC had joined Justin on the bed so that they were sitting besides each other, Justin pressed the play button of the remote control and they began to watch the video.


Next: Chapter 6

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