The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Aug 25, 2001


Disclaimer: You know it, I know it... I wish I knew them, but I don't. This is complete fiction.

Notes: < ... > marks Justin's or JC's thoughts. You'll figure it out:)!!

Chapter 7 by Megan

When JC woke up the next morning, he couldn't, for the life of him, remember how he'd gotten into the bed. The last thing he remembered was watching the movie with Justin. He hoped that he hadn't fallen asleep on Justin or done something embarrassing. He'd have to find out later.

He got up and stretched out his tired muscles. It was still pretty early and he figured that everyone else would still be asleep. He decided not to take a shower yet so that he would wake Justin up. He headed downstairs to get some breakfast, trying to decide whether or not to ask Justin about how the night had ended.

Justin had been awake for hours. He'd woken up at four and hadn't been able to fall back asleep. He wasn't able to get JC out of his mind. He kept picturing JC lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully, his chest rising and falling rhythmically. And while he was picturing that, he'd had the desire to paint. So he'd searched through the boxes that he hadn't unpacked yet to try and find his easel and other supplies. It had taken him a few minutes to find everything he needed. He then pulled on some jeans and a white wifebeater and brought all his supplies downstairs. He wasn't sure where he was going to set up his easel at first, but he knew he wanted to be outside.

As he stepped out on the back deck, he was hit with the cool morning air. He shivered a little and wished that he'd brought a sweatshirt outside. But after a few minutes outside, he was comfortable. It was refreshing. The backyard was good-sized. The in-ground pool was close to the house and surrounded by a fence. There were a few trees planted here and there, and beyond the yard was an open field. A little stream separated the field from the yard. Justin decided that he'd have to come out sometime and paint the sunset. He set up his easel close to a little vegetable garden and got all his supplies out.

He was going to try to sketch JC. He figured that if he tried, maybe the image of JC would leave his mind. He closed his eyes and pictured JC again.

He pictured the way JC's eyelashes curled and the way his lips formed a tiny pout when he was sleeping. Justin had never drawn a person from memory before, so this would be a challenge. He wanted the drawing to be perfect. He leaned back in the chair he'd brought out, his eyes still closed, and tried to remember the way JC was positioned on the bed.

He began to draw, closing his eyes whenever he needed to remember a certain detail that was missing. He sketched JC's eyes closed peacefully, his nose, and those very soft, beautiful lips. He was almost done drawing JC's face when he heard a noise. Startled, he dropped his pencil and looked up.

On his way downstairs, JC couldn't help but peek into Justin's room. He wanted to see if he was still asleep. But when he looked at Justin's bed, he found it empty. <He must be downstairs already. I hope he doesn't feel uncomfortable by himself down there. He's only been here a few days, I'd feel weird by myself in a new house if I were him,> JC thought as he descended the stairs, taking them two at a time. He went into the kitchen and was surprised that Justin wasn't sitting at the table eating breakfast. He walked into the living room, thinking that Justin might be on the couch watching TV. But no Justin. He searched the rest of the downstairs, and when he didn't find Justin he was confused.

<Where the heck is he?> JC thought. <Maybe he went out somewhere... but where? He just barely got his license, I don't think he would just take his mom's car and leave.> JC gave up and went back to the kitchen to make himself breakfast. As he was getting some bread to make toast, he saw someone outside, through the kitchen window. Someone sitting at an easel, drawing something. <That's where he went,> JC thought, relieved that he'd found Justin. <I wonder what he's drawing. I wonder if he'd be mad if I went down there and watched him.>

JC decided to have breakfast first and then sneak down to watch Justin draw.

He quickly ate the toast with peanut butter he'd cooked and washed it down with a glass of milk. Then he pulled on a sweatshirt and walked out the back door.

Justin was facing the house so JC couldn't see what he was drawing. The easel was blocking his view on Justin too. He could only see the younger boy's legs. He walked along the side of the yard, wanting to see Justin. When he was about halfway down the lawn, he stopped and sat down, cursing when he found that the grass was damp. He didn't move though.

His eyes were locked on Justin. He looked so... angelic sitting there drawing. He looked so peaceful. JC felt like he was intruding on something special. <That's because Justin is special,> he thought to himself, <and not just because he's smart. He's a nice guy and I hope we become good friends... or maybe more. Wait, where did that come from? What is going on with me lately? I have a girlfriend who loves me... right? Since when did I start doubting her love? Well, she doesn't act like she loves me most of the time...>

JC was lost in his thoughts. He shook his head to get rid of them and continued to watch Justin. He could see the lines of concentration on Justin's forehead. He was really curious as to what Justin was drawing. He stood up slowly, trying not to let Justin notice him, and moved closer. He stopped when Justin paused, and thought that he was caught. But Justin continued a minute later, the look of concentration returning to his face.

JC really wanted to see what or whom the drawing was of. At first, he thought Justin was drawing the house because he was facing it. But then he noticed that Justin never looked up at the house. The only time he ever looked away from the drawing was when he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. JC realized that he must have been drawing the picture from memory.

He walked closer, suddenly feeling guilty for sneaking up on Justin like he was. But he figured that Justin wouldn't mind. He was about five feet from Justin when he stepped on a stick and it cracked. JC watched as Justin's head snap up and a panicked look entered his eyes. He looked like a child who'd been caught stealing candy. JC wondered why.

<Shit,> was the thought that entered Justin's mind when he looked up to see JC standing in front of him. <Why can't he be mom, or anyone else? Now he's going to see the drawing of him, which isn't even good, and think I'm a loser.>

JC wasn't sure what to say, so he said, "um, hey, sorry to interrupt you. I saw you out here from the kitchen window, and I was curious so I came out."

"It's ok. I-I just don't usually show people my work... especially when it's not done," Justin told him, trying to keep JC from seeing what he'd drawn.

"But, can't you make an exception this time? I'm really curious now," JC begged, his bottom lip sticking out a little bit.

"Believe me, you don't want to see it," Justin said, trying to change JC's mind. He knew he wouldn't be able to say 'no' when JC was pouting like that. He prayed that JC wouldn't ask again.

"Why wouldn't I want to?" JC asked, confused.

"Because, you just wouldn't," Justin replied, begging JC with his eyes to leave it alone.

"But I do," JC argued, pouting even as he talked.

"I, but, you won't... uhhh, fine. But you are going to think I'm weird," Justin told him, not able to resist the pout any longer.

"No I'm not, I promise," JC responded, happy that he'd finally get to see Justin's artwork.

When Justin turned the easel around so that JC could see the drawing, JC gasped. It was beautiful. It was of him.

TBC... ****************************************************************** Feedback is very appreciated: Megan:


Next: Chapter 9

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