The Mage's Tale

By Thomas Hayes

Published on May 10, 2024


The Mage's Tale - Chapter 13

The situation being what it was, it didn't take much for me to coax Juan's cock to erection once more. There was a plop and a splattering sound behind me, as Apex's white human cock withdrew from the mare's pussy, cum dripping out onto the floor of the barn. There didn't seem to be as much as I had cum last night, but still way more than any normal human sized load. I wondered idly if it was possible for him to impregnate the mare with my cock. Probably not, I thought, as the cum I had tasted last night had definitely not been human, and we had swapped balls as well as cocks. Still, the sexy sight of the magically increased size of what had been my cock turned me on even more. I dove back onto Juan's cock with gusto that made him gasp. He was clearly still sensitive, but I was too horny to really give that any consideration. And he really did have a delicious cock, with notes of sweat and pre-cum and of course the residual cum from his first load lubricating it. I bobbed my head and swirled my tongue around his head, and lightly teased his balls with one hand while reaching the other into my shirt to jerk my horse cock a bit. I was so turned on at this point, that I figured the light teasing would likely be enough to make me blow another load. Hell, even without the teasing, just the combination of the pheromones, the situation, and the taste of Juan's wonderful cock may have been enough. As it was, I had the presence of mind (barely) to take off my shirt, exposing the top two thirds of my cock and the pre that had smeared all over my teen chest. Juan moaned loudly, and I was a bit impressed that he hadn't cum yet, given the sheer assault I was launching on his manhood. I imagine that him having just cum was likely the reason. Still, I wanted him to cum again before I lost my own control and came everywhere. I took a dollop of the pre dripping from my horse cock and prodded his backdoor with my finger. He stiffened his whole body (cock included, though he was already quite hard), but then relaxed under the pleasure of my mouth, and I snuck the finger in.

The effect was immediate. Juan inhaled sharply, then a large spurt of pre cum shot out of his cock. Knowing that was just the appetizer, I worked his prostate in all the ways I had learned since my sexual awakening while not stopping my blowjob. Mere seconds later, Juan groaned and his ass clenched around my finger. Here it comes, I thought, as I sucked as hard as I could on his cock. He came forcefully, launching the first jet straight down my waiting throat. I was prepared, and swallowed immediately, ready for the rest. There wasn't as much as his first load, but there was still quite a lot. After swallowing the first shot, I came pretty hard myself, spraying my face, my chest, and even Juan's balls with potent horse cum from my amazing borrowed cock.

After sucking Juan dry, leaving no trace of human cum in this barn, I knew I needed to clean up the horse cum too. I started with Juan's balls, licking the cum dripping from his drained balls sensually. Despite himself, I could tell he was a bit turned on by that. I could feel his cock starting to harden again, but it was clear he was spent. I grabbed a rag and cleaned myself and the floor a bit, but Juan told me not to bother as he was pulling his pants up. "This is the breeding barn. There's bound to be cum on the floor to some extent. No one will question it." Which was a fair point, now that I thought about it.

Looking at Apex, you could tell that he was pleased with himself and this situation, and while I couldn't read the mare like I could the stallion, she seemed satisfied as well. Apex's swinging human cock had softened a bit, though not all the way. He had seemingly been watching me suck off Juan, something that he had apparently done multiple times. I didn't know if horses could feel jealousy, but there was a possibility. And unlike last night, there was no cum left in Juan's balls for Apex this time. Besides, we had been at this for some time, and it was likely going to be noticed that we were gone if we stayed here much longer. So with heavy heart (and empty balls) we left to go back to reality.

Later that evening, when Mom had gone to bed, Dad bluntly asked what I had been doing. "What do you mean?" I asked, a bit confused. "I could feel your magic spike sharply last night, and ever since, it's been elevated. No spell should work that way. There should be blips when you use it, but not this constant use. What's going on Johnny?" "Okay," I told him, "I pushed the limits of what I thought possible, and tried something that I was sure wouldn't really work." "That's dangerous, son. What if you had broken the filter masking your magic from non-mages? Then you'd lose all of your powers." "I know, but in this case it not only worked, I discovered something new." "And what's that?" he asked. "Well," I said, then decided not to waste time with words and dropped my sweat pants. His eyes widened almost comedically at the sight of the huge horse cock, and his surprise caused his defenses to drop, just for a second. He thought that this cock looked amazing, and wanted to taste it. "What the hell did you do?!" he said likely louder than he wanted. "Isn't it obvious?" my achievement had made me bolder than normal, "I tried to swap dicks with a horse, and it almost failed, but then it worked. Ever since then my magic has had to work hard to maintain the illusion. It's like cario for my magic, it seems." "This shouldn't be possible Johnny. I've never heard of this kind of thing before. You really shouldn't keep this. Who knows what the long term effects are?" "Yeah, I wasn't planning on keeping it. Even in its reduced size, this thing is more touble than its worth. I was just trying it out for a while." "I'll bet, that thing's huge! I don't know how you managed to hide it from me earlier. . . wait, reduced size?" "It was a lot bigger on the horse. Hell, it was so big that he couldn't even mount the mares. But the swap seems to have reduced it to fit human body size I guess." "So did your cock get bigger when swapped to the stallion?" "Oh yeah, it's fucking huge now. Biggest human dick I've ever seen, but still a lot smaller than what he was packing before." "Johnny, this is over our heads here. We need to tell the council about this." "The council? Who are they? You've never mentioned them before." "That's because I thought I wouldn't need to until you were a lot older. They're mages who try to enforce a kind of ethics or law to other mages, with the intent of protecting magic as a whole. If a mage is fully discovered, it could cause all magic to unravel for all. None of us want that, and this is the kind of thing they would want to know about." "So what do we do?" I asked, suddenly less sure of myself. "I'll send them a message. But I need to run some experiments of my own in the meantime. Sit down, Johnny." He took off his shirt and knelt on the floor.

I was floored by this turn of events. Not only could there be real consequences for my borrowing Apex's wonderful cock, but Dad was now kneeling and inspecting that cock, which had started to harden, despite my trepidation. After all, I'd been lusting after Dad ever since he had awakened my powers fully, and it had always seemed pretty one-sided. Dad took it into his hands, lifted the heft of it upwards to get a good look at it, then let it drop and did the same to the stallion balls. I had hoped that he was going to do something more pleasurable than this, but he was very scientific about it. Just as my semi started to droop a bit, he gave it a long sniff, then a lick from taint to tip. Even though he wasn't going slow and sensual, it still took several seconds due to the size of my now fully hard horse cock. "Interesting," he said, pulling back. "It is still a recognizable human male's scent and taste, but there are new parts to it mixed in. I'm guessing that's the horse parts. Any change in semen quality or quantity?" he asked. I was disappointed that he wasn't willing to see for himself, but Dad was clearly more interested in the answer than the sex. "Yeah, there's a lot more of it. That's not surprising I guess, with these danglers," I said, swinging my hips to make the balls sway ponderously. "And it tastes noticeably different, too. And not just in the way that cum can vary from man to man. I've never tasted anything like it." "Okay Johnny, pull your pants up. We're gonna go see this stallion whose cock you took."

I did as I was told, disappointed that this wasn't going further with Dad, though despite his defenses, I could tell that he was more aroused by this than he was letting on. We took a late night stroll down to the barn with the stallions, though my walk was more of a waddle as I dealt with the slightly blue balls and waning erection tenting my sweatshirt. It was easy to spot Apex among the other stallions, and not just because of his mismatched cock. He actually came to greet us at the door, happy to see me. It was still a bit hard to read the horses, but it seemed to me that he may be hoping for another tasting. Dad walked around to his side as I petted Apex's head. "Damn son, I see what you mean. Outside of fake porn, this is the biggest human cock I have ever seen. I wonder. . . keep him calm, Johnny." I kept Apex's attention on me, which was likely easier due to our experience together. Dad knelt down to get a closer look at what had been my cock, now grown to it's current sexy girth, hanging casually from the horse's crotch. He angled his head to try and get a view of all the goods. Then he repeated what he had done to me in the house, touching the shaft and feeling its weight, then doing the same with the hairy human balls. Apex had definitely noticed what was going on between his hind legs, and turned his head from me to watch. He was still calm, but more curious than confused. Dad then did the same taste test on Apex, getting a long lick from taint to hooded tip. Apex was just as turned on by that as I had been, and stiffened immediately. "Hmm, similar to your taste Johnny. Though in his case, those foreign tastes are stronger, while the normal human taste is weaker. How long have you had this cock exactly?" "Um, just a day or so. I was planning to trade it back soon, actually. Having a cock this big is actually a bit cumbersome." "I don't doubt it. Past a certain point, bigger is not better. Don't let porn fool you. If your partner can't actually take most of it, then what's the point? Anyway, I think you should keep it for a while longer, at least until I can contact the council. But if you feel a big strain on your magic, don't hesitate to trade it back, okay? I don't want my son to suffer the loss of his powers simply to sate scientific curiosity." "Okay Dad. But aren't we going back home soon?" "I can likely contrive a reason for us to stay for a while longer, don't worry about that part. Just try to keep that big horse cock hidden until then. And definitely do not go fucking any local boys with it. That will definitely strain your magic, and I can already tell you are using a lot of it just to maintain the masquerade." I thought about Juan, and realized that he may have to be my sole sex buddy here before I swapped back. That kinda sucked. "Alright son, it's late. I'm going to bed. Keep the shenanigans to a minimum, okay?" With that he walked back to the house. Apex was clearly frustrated by the turn of events, snorting and neighing loudly about being denied like this. Maybe I wouldn't need to restrict myself to Juan after all. . .

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