The Magic Switch

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 5, 2009




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Gregg was sitting on his couch watching television when the front door of his apartment slammed open. He was surprised by this, he kept the door locked and the only other person who had the key wasn't the one who entered!

"Joe!" he said, getting up from his couch. "What the fuck are you doing here?" The look on Joe's face was one of sheer panic. "What's wrong, has something happened to Sheila?"

"Yes! No! I mean...oh, God, Gregg, just hold me, please!" Joe came at Gregg with his arms open.

Gregg backed away from his girlfriend's brother. "Hey, hey, Joe, what is this?"

"I'm not Joe!" Joe said. "I'm Sheila."

"Hah?" Gregg said, a "huh?" with an open mouth.

"I know, I know. I can hardly believe it myself. Oh, Gregg, please, just hold me a minute and I'll explain everything."

Joe advanced on Gregg again and Gregg stood stock still while Joe's arms went around him and Joe laid his head on Gregg's broad, strong chest and blubbered. Joe was crying, crying like a girl! Gregg let Joe do it a while, then he said.

"What is it? Joe, come on, this is getting weird."

"I know it's weird. I don't know what to tell you. I'm Sheila."

"All right, you're Sheila." Gregg said, backing away. Joe thought he was his sister, he had flipped! Downright loony-toon!

"I'm not crazy, Gregg. I'm Sheila. Please, let me prove it to you. Ask me a question, something only Sheila would know."


"Ask me about our last date." Joe pressed. "We went to the Olive Garden Wednesday night, remember? Two days ago?"

"Yeah, I remember."

"So do I. And I can prove it. Ask me about that date, something only Sheila would know."

"Uh.... How did the waiter screw up Sheila's dinner."

"My dinner." Joe said. "He brought me fettuccine and I had ordered the angel-hair pasta with garlic sauce."

Yes, that was what happened. "What was our waiter's name?"

"Giorgio." Joe said, smiled as if at a fond memory. "I made a joke about Giorgio Armani and you said you didn't think Giorgio Armani would be slinging spaghetti at the Olive Garden in his spare time, remember?"

"Yeah." Gregg was dazed at this. "Yeah, I do remember." He looked at Joe with new eyes. "You're Sheila."

"Yes, yes, oh, God, yes!" and Joe lunged and hugged Gregg again and this time Gregg patted Joe's back awkwardly. "Oh, God, someone who believes me! It's been a nightmare since this afternoon when it happened!"

"When what happened?"

"The switch. I was on the phone with Rhonda and Joe came in and said, Got a little present for you, Sis.' and I looked up and he splashed me with this water or something, it smelled horrible, like lemon rinds and then he splashed some on himself and said some peculiar words and then things went black for a second and then I was looking at myself instead of at Joe. And I...the other me...smiled and said, Just a little black magic, Sis.' and I knew then that somehow, Joe had switched our minds. I was in Joe's body. Why are you doing this to me?' I said and Joe smiled, Now I can get into the bank vault after the bank closes.'" Sheila worked in a bank as an assistant manager.

"He...I mean you...plan to rob the bank?"

"Joe does." Joe/Sheila blubbered. "He's going to work at my bank all day and then when they close, he's going to stay behind, pretend to work on the books, and after everyone is gone, he's going to take my keys and open up the bank vault, I have a special set of keys to open it that overrides the time lock, and he's going to steal the money and hide it somewhere. Then I guess he's going to come find me and switch us back and I'll be the one who goes to jail and I won't know where he rid any of the money and they won't believe me and you got to help me, Gregg, you're the only one who will believe me!"

"Yeah, yeah, I believe you, baby." Gregg said. Sheila had called and canceled her date for the night, saying she'd had to work late. "Christ!" He'd seen those dumb movies about this kind of thing, but never expected to actually see it for real! "So it's you in Joe's body! Fuck!" That last word in a sort of wonder.

"Yes, yes, it's me, oh, darling!" and Joe/Sheila reached for Gregg's lips and gave him a big, ardent, lover's kiss! Gregg flinched at this at first, but hell, it was his girlfriend kissing him, even in her brother's body, and after a time, he relaxed into it and kissed her back like he meant it.

"So what are we going to do, baby?" Gregg said when Joe/Sheila finally let go, held him/her at arm's length.

"I've thought about it while coming over here." Joe/Sheila said with a confidence that Gregg knew and loved. Sheila was damned smart. "We let him get away with it. Only, when he comes looking for me, he can't find me."

"You want to stay in Joe's body?"

"Only until he gets caught by the police." Joe/Sheila said. "With him locked up, we can force him to tell us where he got the potion, where the witch is, make sure that everyone knows it's him and not me who stole that money."

"Okay." Gregg said. "I can see how that would work."

"But I got to stay away from him until he gets caught." Joe/Sheila said. "Can...can I stay here with you. And you don't tell anyone I'm here? After all, the police won't be looking for Joe, they'll be looking for me, for Sheila, I mean. Joe won't be able to hide from them for long. They'll catch him and that's when we'll let him know where I am. Can I stay here, with you? Please?" And Joe/Sheila smiled and made an undeniably coquettish smile.

Gregg managed a smile back. "Sure you can, baby. You know I've been wanting you to move in with me for months now."

"I know." Joe/Sheila said. "And now I'm here."

"All right." Gregg said.

"Oh, Gregg, I love you so much!" Joe/Sheila flung himself/herself at Gregg again. "I love you, darling, I love you."

"I love you, too, baby." Gregg said as Joe/Sheila began kissing him again. This kiss and the hands that accompanied them got warmer and warmer on him. But when one of them reached down for his groin, he flinched back. "Hey, hey!"

"Oh, Gregg, I'm sorry!" Joe/Sheila looked horribly hurt. "I forgot for a moment. You don't exactly like the way I'm packaged right now, do you?"

"It's not...what I'm into." Gregg agreed.

Joe/Sheila frowned. "This part I hadn't thought through. I figured you and I could make my stay here something of a long romantic interlude. It's only Friday night, they won't suspect anything until Monday, after all." Joe/Sheila looked down at himself/herself and then a mischievous smile lit his/her face. "You know, that would serve him right."

"Serve who right?"

"Joe." Joe/Sheila said. "He's using my body to commit a felony. How about I use his body in a way he wouldn't like."

"What did you have in mind."

"You and me have that long romantic interlude anyway."

"With you?" Gregg goggled.

"With me." Joe/Sheila smirked. "And when Joe/Sheila gets this body back, he'll be the one with the butthole stretched out as big as it will go."

"You want fuck you?" Gregg said. "With you like this?"

"Yeah, why not!" Joe/Sheila said firmly. "Don't you think it's the perfect revenge?"

"Yeah, but you're...."

"Oh, come on. I'm still the same person inside I always was. You said time and again it was me you fell in love with. Well, this is your chance to prove it." Joe/Sheila ended in triumph.

"Yeah, but me getting in bed with a guy."

"You're not getting in bed with a guy. You're getting in bed with a girl stuck in a guy's body. In her rotten, mean, stinking, rotten brother's body. I want you to take this body down and I want you to fuck it hard. Make me feel every long, hard, throbbing inch of it."

"Uh..." Gregg found himself throwing a huge boner, guy in a girl's body or not. If Sheila had talked to him like that before. Oh, she had, now and then, when she wanted to taunt him. But she had been saving herself for marriage, she said when he'd tried to make good on it, leaving him with a pounding erection and a cold tile bathroom to christen with the seed of his frustration.

"You've always wanted me, haven't you, Gregg?"

"Yeah. I mean, I've always wanted Sheila...."

"I'm Sheila." Joe/Sheila pressed him. "Take me to bed and let me prove it to you beyond any doubt whatsoever. Only a real woman can love you the way you need to be loved. So let me give you that loving." That was pure Sheila, part of last week's date, they've been sparking on her couch and she'd been teasing him. It convinced him in a way the rest of it hadn't.

"Okay, you're Sheila." Gregg said. "And you want me to fuck your brains out."

"Over and over again, all night long." Joe/Sheila agreed. "Hard as you want to."

Gregg was downright panting now. "You got it, babe. We'll give your brother something he'll never forget." He took Joe/Sheila in his arms and scooped him/her up in them and Joe/Sheila giggled as Gregg carried him/her to the bedroom.

The bed was covered in dirty clothes both on his bed and on his floor, but Gregg ignored them, dropped his male/female lover on his bed and lunged in after her/him! He growled as he kissed that soft, supple neck. All he had to do was close his eyes, and this WAS Sheila!

Taking his/her clothes off was a trial of sorts. Gregg had had some experience with dresses and pantyhose, but a t-shirt and blue jeans was something else again. Those, he only knew from the inside! And seeing that strapping boner inside the pants when he undid the fly only made it worse.

"Geez, baby, how am I supposed to ignore that?" he complained.

"Just think of it as my clitoris." Joe/Sheila suggested. "A big, long, hard, pulsing clitoris. I can feel it like it is, I promise. Anything you do to it, you'll do to me, not to Joe. Do it for me, baby. Play with my clitoris."

Gregg snuffled with his lust as he got those damned jeans off his/her body. The briefs were totally male as well, but less identifiable as such. He got them down and then looked on his nude female lover's totally male body.

Joe had a nice body, all right. Young (Joe was in college, a good half-dozen years Sheila's junior), vibrantly muscled, a dusting of hair on his chest and in a thin line on his stomach. The pubic hair thickened around the tumescent prick which stood a sturdy seven inches upwards, barely arcing towards Joe's stomach with its pear-shaped head. The legs were thick and well-formed (Joe was a jogger on a daily basis) and more hair on the lower legs glimmered in the light that seeped in from the living room, their only source of light. Gregg studied this body as he undressed himself, and ended with a hard-on downstairs and second thoughts upstairs.

"Can you love me like this, Gregg?" Joe/Sheila said to him, holding his arms up to him. "Can you love me however I look?"

"Yeah, baby!" Gregg growled and he plunged on top of his male/female love! Joe/Sheila purred as he kissed his/her neck again, as his hand played over his/her breast, palping and squeezing the small, hard, firm lumps (Sheila's were much softer and larger, but these were okay, too, he found), and down to the oversized clitoris that his male/female partner had for him.

He gripped it and his hand knew just what to do with this, all right. Joe/Sheila groaned and purred some more as he pumped it up and down firmly, and Joe/Sheila's hand came down and gripped Gregg's dong and pleasured him in his turn.

"Oh, yeah, Gregg, darling, yeah, oh, God!" Joe/Sheila gasped. "I need you, baby, I need you so much!"

"Lube me up, baby." Gregg murmured huskily and showed what he meant by his movements, he got his basket up where his/her face was and waggled his meat there. Joe/Sheila moaned in his/her own turn and that warm mouth engulfed Gregg and took him fast and deep!

"Yeah, oh, God, yeah, baby, yeah, eat that cock, suck me good, baby, suck me good!" groaned Gregg. He got hold of Joe/Sheila's cock again and pumped on it some more. "Get me all wet so I can fuck you like you want me to, baby!"

"Oh, oh!" Joe/Sheila pulled off his cock. "Will you do it for me, too, some?" he/she begged. "It feels so good, it'll be me you're pleasing, not Joe, please, honey, do it for me, too!" And that warm oasis swarmed over his prong yet again, sending him into the desert of desire.

Gregg moaned and looked at the firm, undoubtedly male rod he held. Could he do this, for the woman he loved? Could he suck a cock when it was attached to a girl?

Hell, yeah! Gregg dove down and crammed that hard tool into his mouth and Joe/Sheila crooned with his/her eagerness and sucked Gregg harder than ever!

Everything Gregg did to Joe/Sheila, Joe/Sheila did to him and even better! He loved Joe/Sheila's prick, sucked on it with everything he could possibly think of, wish for, dreamed of for himself. And everything he did, Joe/Sheila did for him.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Joe/Sheila began to moan and Gregg realized that his mate was about to come. Jesus, now what did he do? He had this cock in his mouth and it was about to blow!

And Joe/Sheila shoved Gregg's prong down deep and held him there while his/her moans reached their crescendo. That settled it for Gregg, he held on tight and he prepared for the blast! No way was he going to diminish Sheila's joy in this moment, their first lovemaking, just so he didn't have to drink down a half-cupful of jizz! So when Joe/Sheila squirted, it was right into Gregg's waiting mouth. As it pumped out, he clamped tighter and began to drink. It was hot, salty, slimy and vaguely sweet as well, and it was ambrosial. He'd brought some women to climax with his mouth and tongue and they'd gush their juices into his mouth and onto his face. This was like that and different, all of this was going into him, not over him. Concentrated essence of their love! With this, they'd be united forever!

"Oh, oh, oh, Gregg, darling, baby, oh, thank you, oh, oh, thank you!" Joe/Sheila babbled as his/her orgasm bubbled hot spunk into Gregg's mouth and down his throat. "So good, baby, so good!"

Done at last, Gregg realized that Joe/Sheila was getting lethargic. Hell, a good jack-off always left him drained, he was well-juiced, thickly coated in saliva and Joe/Sheila's asshole beckoned. "Time for me to give you that fucking you were wanting." he growled and squirmed around to get on top of his love.

Joe/Sheila's legs reached up to encircle his waist, one firmly male hand caught Gregg's pud and guided him in for the contact. "Right here, baby, right here, oh, oh, OOOOOHHH!" Joe/Sheila moaned as Gregg's dong plunged into him. Hard and rough, just like he/she'd asked for.

Joe/Sheila's arms and legs held him/her in place while Gregg's ass bobbed, plunge-fucking his male/female dearest. Gregg looked at Joe/Sheila's lust-softened face and knew then that this was the one he loved, beyond all doubt. No man could look at you like that, like you were the most wonderful thing in the universe because you had your cock inside of him. Gregg had never fucked a man before, but he knew that they couldn't react to it like that. It must hurt like hell, and Joe/Sheila was loving it, loving it all!

Gregg fucked his love and fucked him/her on and on. His cock was on the verge of climax, and it was like it couldn't get beyond that antepenultimate point.

Joe/Sheila seemed to realize that. "You're getting tired, dear." he/she said. "Let me do this."

And Gregg rolled over onto his back and watched Joe/Sheila as he/she sat upright and began to lunge up and down on his rod. Gregg watched this lithe male body bouncing on him and saw the cock he had drained beginning to pump upwards again. Playfully, he grabbed it and pumped it in tune to Joe/Sheila's motions, and Joe/Sheila moaned and pumped himself/herself up and down faster.

Gregg felt his climax building up at last. This was going to be worth the wait, it felt like he had a quart of jizz in there. And Joe/Sheila was going to get it all! "I'm about to blow it, baby!" he grunted. "Are you ready for it?"

"Oh, yeah, please, give it to me, pump that jizz into me, all of it, all of it! Come on, give it to me, give me that hot man juice, give it to me, give it to me!"

"Here it comes, Joe, here it comes!" Gregg moaned and he blew it! Oh, God, it was so fucking hot! "God, Joe, right up your ass, all of it, God, you're so fucking hot! Yeah, yeah, yeah!" He creamed and creamed and it blasted up into Joe/Sheila's ass and dribbled back onto Gregg's balls and smeared all over them, in a hot foaming bath of spunk!

"Oh, yeah, hot, hot!" Joe/Sheila moaned and he jetted another load onto Gregg's stomach and chest!

"Yeah, squirt that jizz on me, baby, all that hot jizz, I need it, Joe, I need it!" Gregg panted. "Give it all to me, all of it!"

"Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah!" Joe/Sheila moaned and when he was done, he reached down and began rubbing his jizz all over Gregg's stomach and chest. Done with that, he put his palm up to Gregg's face and Gregg licked at it, lazily, loving this moment of intimacy.

"Man, Joe, you are so fucking hot!" he said dreamily. Then he started. "I mean Sheila! Sheila!" And he slumped back. "Man, this is doing things to my mind! You got to find that witch and get your body back, before I lose my mind!"

"I know, dear, I know." Joe/Sheila said. "Give it time. We have the entire weekend."

"Yeah, baby." Gregg said. "All weekend. Let's make this weekend last."

And they did it, over and over again, every position. On Saturday, Gregg let Joe/Sheila shove his/her cock up his ass, loving that dong attached to the girl he loved. So good, so very good.

When the calls came from Sheila/Joe, they let the phone ring. Sheila/Joe was worried, where was Joe? He wasn't home and she was so worried. They laughed at these calls. Let the bitch take the rap, they agreed. And when Sheila knocked...they didn't answer.

Monday came, and with it, Gregg awoke to see Joe/Sheila getting dressed. "What are you doing?" he asked, languishing in the warm bath of the afterglow of another night of non-stop loving.

"I have to go back home now." Joe/Sheila said.

"But what about Joe?" Gregg asked. "What about the spell that witch helped him cast on you?"

Joe/Sheila smiled kindly from the doorway. "How old are you, Gregg, twenty-seven?"


"Aren't you a little old to be believing in witches?"


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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