The Make Believe Boyfriend

By Hank

Published on Sep 26, 2023



Make Believe Boyfriend


Introducing Colin and Trey

I realize that it is highly unlikely, but I know of two young men who have been BFFs since first grade. What makes their relationship so rare is that one is straight and one is gay. It proves that a straight man and a gay man can be friends.

Colin Lowe is gay, very much so. He came out to his straight friend Trey Smithson in high school, and it made no difference to Trey. Even when people assumed that Trey might be gay, he laughed at them, and didn't give a damn.

They never played boyhood sex games together, but when they grew old enough to date, they often double dated. None of their dates ever objected, except occasionally. When that happened, the boys were offended, and never saw their date again

They went to different universities, but their friendship remained solid. In fact, a miracle happened to bring them even closer together. Just prior to graduation, they were recruited on different campuses, by the same firm, and they both accepted the positions offered them. When they found out about the almost impossible coincidence, they went to church together, and silently thanked their guardian angels.

Because they both had active sex lives, it was necessary that they have separate apartments. At an earlier time, they had discussed rooming together after college, but somewhere along the way, they concluded that it was a bad idea.

The young men went from one companion to another, never seeming to get serious about anyone. At last, Colin fell in love. He began to date Marcus Lopez, and he remained monogamous. The fly in the ointment was that Marcus was not willing to socialize with a straight couple. This time, Colin did not send Marcus packing. In fact, the two men were planning on moving in together, and Trey had still not met Marcus. Apparently, Marcus was heterophobic, and Colin kept them apart.

Before they could move in together, it was Marcus, who chickened out, and broke up with Colin. Colin was devastated for a few hours, but within a day, he reverted to his old bachelor ways of fuck em and leave em. He and Trey resumed double dating, when it was convenient.


The Request

About six months after the break-up, Colin came into the office one morning. He was obviously extremely agitated.

It was no secret to Trey that something was wrong, and he asked his friend what the problem was.

"Let's have a drink together after work," Colin said. "I really need to talk to you."

"No problem," Trey answered. "There's a very quiet bar right around the corner. We can go there. It's a straight bar, just so you know."

"Who gives a shit. I'm not going there to cruise."

"Sure, okay, don't get your nose out of joint. We'll talk later, but we better get back to work now."

They ordered a drink at the bar, and since it was an off hour, they easily found a small table for two, and they grabbed it.

"Talk," Trey said.

"Do you remember about six months ago I broke up with a guy named Marcus? Or rather, he dumped me."

"I remember it very well. He was the only one of your boyfriends you never introduced me to. To this day, I wonder why."

"He wasn't comfortable with straight people."

"Well, that's a switch. What about him?"

"A mutual friend introduced him to me. We hit it off. To this day, I don't know why he dumped me. We almost agreed to live together."

"That's not important. Keep talking."

"Our mutual friend is getting married, and he's asked both of us to be groomsmen. To make matters worse, we're both invited to the bachelor party for him and his fiancé."

"Still, it's not so terrible."

"Wait, there's more. We've been invited to both events with a plus one. I heard through the gay grapevine that Marcus is bringing someone, and they tell me that he's a real hunk. I want to bring someone who is drop dead gorgeous, and make him jealous. Everyone I know who could fit the bill is an ex. I can't ask an ex."

"Maybe you could hire an actor through a theatrical agency," Trey asked, seriously.

"I've thought of that, but I have a better idea. My friend who's getting married and Marcus have never met you. You're the hunkiest hunk I know. Will you pretend to be my boyfriend, and be my plus one?"

Trey started to laugh. "Let me understand," he said. "You want me to go to a bachelor party, where the stripper is apt to be a guy instead of a woman. What if he wants to lap dance me?"

"You don't have to participate. Just put your arm around my shoulder, and kiss me on my cheek occasionally."

"Ugh!" Trey said.

"What's with the `ugh'?" Colin asked. "We've both kissed on the cheek more than once. I'm just asking you to pretend this time and then at the wedding."

"The reception is going to have mostly gay men at it. What if I get cruised?" Trey worried.

"Then hook your arm in mine, and look at me with love in your eyes. You do love me, don't you?"

"Yeah, but not like that," Trey said. He was looking uncomfortable again.

"Please, pretty please, do it for me."

"The only reason I'll do it for you is that you said that I was the hunkiest hunk you knew, and the truth is, I do love you, like a brother. Better yet, I'll think of it as getting two free meals."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Colin said, and he hugged Trey. Trey hugged back, even though he was feeling awkward.

"When are these two big events?" Trey finally asked. He was hoping he would be busy.

"The bachelor party is the first Saturday night of next month, and the wedding is the following Saturday afternoon."

"That's fine," Trey said, "but you better teach me some buzz words."

"I will, but you can say as little as possible. Let me do all the talking."



The Bachelor Party

On the evening of the bachelor party, Trey drove to Colin's apartment, and parked in a guest spot. Colin drove to the party. They entered the gay restaurant, and Colin hooked his arm through Trey's. Trey grinned like a love sick school boy, as Colin had instructed him to do. Colin thought that Trey should be an actor; he was pretty enough. They were led to a private room at the back of the restaurant.

The two grooms greeted them effusively, and much to Trey's chagrin, they told him how nice it was to meet him, and they kissed him on his lips. Colin looked around the room. There were only about twenty guests, and he spotted Marcus right away.

"Come with me," Colin said, tugging Trey's arm. "I'm going to introduce you to Marcus, and hopefully he'll introduce his plus one to both of us. I know everybody he's talking to. I wonder where his new love can be."

Colin introduced Trey to Marcus, who shook his hand. There were no kisses this time.

"I was told you were bringing your boyfriend," Colin said very innocently. "Where is he?"

"Grayson and I split up a few days ago, so I'm alone. As far as I know, as of now, I'll be alone at the wedding next week also." Marcus looked at Trey and said, "Maybe your handsome boyfriend will honor me with a dance."

All Trey could think of, was not on your life, but he said nothing. He put his arm around Colin's shoulder, and looked at him with love. All Colin could think about was that this was turning out to be better and better.

Colin was about to walk away with Trey, when Marcus really became insensitive. Would you guys be interested in a three way, after the party? Colin and Trey were both appalled.

Unexpectedly, it was Trey who answered. "Not on your life big boy. Nobody touches my baby but me, and he better not touch anyone else."

Colin was smiling inside his chest. Trey's acting was improving as the evening went on.

Trey pulled Colin away this time, and they went to sample a wonderful spread of hors d'oeurves. Trey was giggling. "Did I do the job you intended, Honey?'

"In spades," Colin answered, but something bothered him. Trey called him Honey, and there was nobody around who could hear him. Was he play acting, or was it a Freudian slip?

That was the first surprise Colin experienced that evening. The second surprise occurred when the stripper began to lap dance any willing guest. Trey got turned on by the stripper's lap dancing. This being a gay bachelor party, when the stripper volunteered to lap dance anyone who wanted to, the guest dropped his pants, and so did the stripper. The dance was skin to skin. Everything was so sanitary, the stripper even had wash cloths handy to wipe the cum off his ass and the guest's cock.

Colin wanted desperately to enjoy the festivities, but after Trey had announced their vow to be monogamous, he held back. The surprise came when Trey said, "I'd like to have a go at that."

Trey had just given Colin shock number two. Trey joined the queue, which caused Colin to stand right behind him. In due time they both came under the dancer's ass. It was the first time that the two friends had ever seen each other's cocks. They were duly impressed.

"That was fun," Trey said to Colin when it was over, and they had gotten themselves together. "I wouldn't mind if you invited me to more gay parties, Babe."

Trey called Colin, Babe. Once again Colin was shocked at what was going on. His straight friend of more than twenty years was acting gayer than the other guests. Colin began to regret bringing Trey to the bachelor party, and wondered if he should disinvite him from the wedding.

As if Trey could read Colin's mind (which he probably could) he said, "I hope all these guys are at the wedding. They sure know how to make a blowout party, and have a great time. Thanks for asking me, Colin. I'm having a blast, and I don't feel out of place at all."

Colin didn't feel that way. He felt like shit. Even though he knew that you can't turn anybody gay, his straight friend was acting like he had been gay all his life. Colin was full of regret. He should never have brought Trey here. He couldn't wait for the festivities to end. Unfortunately, there was a lot more to go. Opening the gifts, most of which were gags, took almost two hours.

Like most bachelor parties, there was an open bar. Since Colin was the designated driver, Trey did not limit himself in consuming too much booze. It never occurred to him that when he and Colin reached Colin's apartment, he would have to drive home.

Finally, the party began to break up. The two fiancés not only hugged their guests, but kissed each one on the lips. Trey not only kissed them back, but both grooms were pretty sure they felt a little tongue. They attributed it to the fact that Trey was inebriated.

Trey was so drunk, he slept all the way home. Colin knew that his buddy was incapable of driving between their two apartments. He decided that the best thing to do was to take Trey upstairs with him, and allow him to sleep it off. It struck Colin that even as kids they had never had a sleepover. He made up his mind that it had to be done.

He only had one queen-sized bed, but he had a sofa where Trey could sleep. He made another decision. He would undress Trey, but not beyond his underwear, and if he wasn't wearing any, he would put a pair on him. He didn't want Trey to wake up in the morning and get the wrong idea.

Somehow, Colin got Trey upstairs, and sat him on a living room chair. His buddy was sleeping away, and snoring very lightly. Colin undressed him, and was glad to see that he wore boxers. The snap on the fly was open, and Colin snapped it shut. He was taking every precaution to maintain propriety. The truth is, he was fighting hard not to go down on Trey.

Colin put a sheet and a pillow on the sofa. He had no coverlet or comforter, other than his own, but he reasoned that Trey was going to sleep through an earthquake anyway. When Trey was ready, he pulled him off the chair, and walked him (tugged him) to the bathroom. He pulled down his boxers, and sat Trey on the commode. Colin made him pee. Poor Trey was so full of booze, that he kept peeing and peeing until Colin was sure that he was dehydrated.

At long last, he laid Trey on the sofa, and covered him with half the sheet. Without even realizing what he was doing, he gave Trey a closed mouth kiss on his lips. That done, he finally got himself to bed.


Later that Night and Beyond

Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, Colin felt a warm body pushing against him. His first thought was that it was Trey, but he quickly chalked that up to wishful thinking, and fell fast asleep again.

The fact of the matter was that the body was Trey's. Trey had an awakening at the bachelor party. He was enjoying himself immensely, and he originally thought he'd be uncomfortable. He had never had so much fun, nor enjoyed the company of the other guests so much, until this time. But suddenly, he was filled with dread. He reckoned that even though he and Colin worked together, if one or both got involved, their socializing would stop or become deeply impaired. He shuddered at the thought. When he was overcome with the fear of being socially isolated from Colin, Trey made a life-changing decision. He wanted to live with Colin. He wanted to spend his life with him. He now realized why he was afraid to get involved with a woman. Straight or gay, he loved Colin, and apparently, he was a one-person lover.

He got off the couch, removed his boxers and joined Colin in bed. Colin went right on sleeping. He was naked also. Trey wrapped his arms around Colin, and joined his buddy in a very deep sleep. His cock was pushed up against Colin's crack.

Trey woke first, and became aware of their situation. He let his hand wander down to Colin's pubic area, but he was afraid to go farther down. He just let it rest there. Then he kissed Colin on his ear.

By then, Colin was fully awake, and had assessed the situation. He was honestly at a loss as to what appropriate action to take.

Finally, he whispered, "What's up, Babe?"

Like Trey before him, he called Trey, Babe, without realizing what an intimate term of address he was using.

"My cock's up, doofus. I had an epiphany tonight. I love you, you know, not like a brother, but like a lover. I want us to live together, and make love tonight, and for every night for the rest of our lives."

Colin started to sob softly. "I've always loved you," he said, but I never wanted to do anything to drive you away."

"That was then, and this is now," Trey said.

Colin got bold. "You can start by moving your hand farther down, and caressing the mother lode."

"Could we just lie together like this for the rest of the night," Trey asked. Then in the morning, I'll be sober. We can shower and wash the sweaty booze off our bodies, have breakfast, and make love all day. Thank God it's Sunday. You have much to teach me, and I have much to learn."

"Yes, that's a plan," Colin said. He began to sob loud and happy tears, but Trey began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Colin asked.

"At the wedding next Saturday, I won't be a make-believe boyfriend, I'll be real, and you better not have a roving eye. I'm changing my life style for you."

"I'll never cheat on you," Colin said.

Trey was now fondling Colin's prick with relish, and Colin had to stop him.

"Later," Colin said.

"Aw, shit," Trey said in jest. "I was having so much fun."

That afternoon, Colin didn't have to teach Trey all that much. He just projected how he used to make love with a woman, and adapted it to love-making with a man. They had man to man sex in as many ways, as Colin could think of. They brought each other to ecstasy so many times, they spiked all the charts, and must have set a record.

Now, it was Trey doing all the crying. "I'm so happy," he kept bawling.

They kept on making love through most of the night. Somehow, they were able to get up Monday morning, do their morning things, and get ready to go to work----together. Fortunately, they were about the same size, and Colin lent Trey an outfit suitable for the office.

They agreed that Colin's place was closer to their office. Trey gave his landlord notice that he was moving, and he began to bring his stuff over to Colin. He decided to donate his furniture to charity unless it was something, they could use. He was almost three-quarters moved in when they found themselves getting ready for the wedding. Colin had paid for the gag gift at the bachelor party. They both paid for the substantial wedding gift, and signed the card, Colin and Trey.


The Wedding

Trey entered the gay church where the ceremony was to be held. After the ceremony, the reception was being held at the same restaurant as the bachelor party, but in a much larger venue. As luck would have it, Marcus and Colin marched down the aisle together as groomsmen.

During the ceremony, Colin and Trey started to cry. Even though, he was aware that they were crying tears of joy, Trey could not wait for the ceremony to end, and the reception to begin, so that he could put his arms around Colin and comfort him.

During the dinner, two major events occurred. Marcus once again asked if they would like to do a three-way after the party. "I can't believe that your still together with anyone, Colin," he said, trying to jangle Colin's nerves.

Trey completely over reacted. "Listen Skank," he said to Marcus. "This is the last time I tell you that nobody touches my honey, but me. One mare invitation from you for sex, and I'll flatten you."

Marcus was five feet, nine inches. Trey was about six feet even. When Marcus realized the consequences of constantly teasing his ex-lover, he beat a hasty retreat, rather than get beaten up himself.

"Thank God," Trey whispered under his breath.

Colin danced every dance with Trey, and toward the end of the reception, a good-looking guy came up to them. He handed them his business card.

"I've never seen two guys more in love than you too. I don't see any wedding rings either. I planned this wedding, and when you two are ready to tie the knot, call me."

Trey placed the card carefully in his wallet. He gripped Colin's hand.

"It might be sooner than you think," Trey said, and he planted a very wet, open-mouth kiss on Colin's lips. It took Trey a long time to discover how much he loved Colin, but as the saying goes, "Better late than never."

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