The Man Down the Hall

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jan 1, 2001



(scat fisting w/s)


When I got home from school, Mom was sitting on my bed with a sad look on her face, and some freshly laundered clothes beside her. I said my usual bright hello--instantly realizing something was wrong by the way she glared at me.

"What's the matter, Momma?" I asked, taking off my jacket.

"Oh, Ramon. I didn't say anything when I found all those dirty magazines under your mattress."

"Uh oh. You found them?" I gasped.

"Long ago. I just put them back. Personally, Ramon, I think they're filth. But I understand how boys are about sex an...and masturbation. That's not it. When we found that little bit of marijuana last year, you said you'd never used it before, and wouldn't touch it again...

"I HAVEN'T!" I defended myself.

"You're not selling drugs or anything illegal?" She questioned, "Oh, God, you haven't joined a gang, have you?"

"No, Momma, of course not! What makes you even ask me?"

"This!" She reached into a sock and pulled out the roll of bills I had hidden in my drawer. I bit my lip.

"There's over $70 here. Now where did you get all this money?"

I cringed. "Uh, stock market?" I kidded.

She didn't even smile. "I want an explanation, Ramon."

"I...I can't tell you, Mom. But...please believe's nothing illegal--I promise! I...just can't tell you."

"I see. Then perhaps you'll tell your father!" She was furious.

Dad sat me down later. Calmly, he asked me what it all meant, and repeated Mom's questions about drugs and gangs. Sitting knee to knee, he rested his hand on mine and asked sincerely for an explanation. When I declined to give him an answer, he slowly rose and sighed.

"Then, Ramon, there's nothing else I can do. Until you tell me, you're grounded. You'll stay in your room, except for meals. No radio or television. No snacks. No phone calls. No friends."

"But...I-I can't tell you!'s too...dirty!"

"MI DIOS! You're not...selling your body to putos, are you?"

"Um, n-no...n-not exactly," I stammered, hanging my head. He sat back down and gently lifted my chin.

"Ramon. You can tell me. I...I will try to understand. I know we are poor, and I realize you are a good-looking boy that, perhaps, some men find desirable. But to allow them to... to touch your body and do things to you--or..." he took a deep breath, "to get you to touch them..."

I shook my head. "No, Papa, it's nothing like that. No, uh, man has ever messed with me...w-with their hands or anything."

"Something on that line. I can see it in your eyes, Ramon. You're either doing something...or selling something. Now, please tell me."

"Well, okay. But you're not going to like it! I mean REALLY DIRTY!" I couldn't even hold myself back from giggling at the thought. That really gave him a surprised look.

"Dad," I leaned forward and whispered conspiratorily, "Mr. um, this man I know...well, he's kinda weird. I mean, he's harmless, but he's got strange habits--real dirty habits!"

"Yes," he lifted an eyebrow, "go ahead, continue."

"Well, he pays do something. Something he likes to watch."

"Oh! I think I see," he nodded, knowingly, and lowered his voice. "He likes to watch you...masturbate?"

"No, Dad...that's not dirty!"

"Oh, of course. Well, then you mean he...what, he watches you piss?" I shooked my head. "Dirtier?!" His eyes expanded and his mouth fell open. "NO!" he cried in total astonishment. "He watches you...and...pays you?"

I nodded. "By the inch! Weird, hunh?" He got a confused look. "After I do it, he measures it and pays me $2 an inch! And an extra $5 if it's good and hard."

"Incredible! I've never heard of such a thing! Never touches you?"

"Nope. He just has me take off my pants and climb onto his kitchen table. I...I squat down it. I take a shit on the table while he sits behind me and watches!"

"Good lord! What's he do then? Does he...t-touch it, or lick it?! Don't tell me he..."

"I don't know. He's always close enough to smell it, but he just measures it and figures what it's worth while I wipe up. Then I leave the toilet paper and the turd on the table and leave. He always smiles and thanks me, telling me to come back soon!" I laughed.

Even Dad had to chuckle, while he scratched his head. "By the fucking inch!" he laughed, using the word 'fuck' for the first time around me. "Does he...does he ever say anything about it?"

"Oh, yeah. And sometimes it's kinda embarrassing. He..."

"You mean taking a poop on his table doesn't embarrass you enough?"

"The first time, yeah. But since then I get more embar- rassed by the way he talks turd! He describes it to me while it's coming out, and tells me how exciting it is to see. He says it's beautiful! Or he'll say things like 'steamy' or 'chunky' or 'fat & sturdy' or even 'hot & creamy'! I can hear him sniffing, but he never says anything about the smell. And no matter how bad it is...he never complains."

"That man's eating your turd after you leave. I'll betcha!"

"Gosh! You really think so?"

He looked at me strangely. "Don't you?"

"Well...I have thought about it, I guess."

"'Hot & creamy'? And having you do it on his kitchen table instead of over the toilet? He's munchin' down your shit, boy! No doubt."

I nodded, figuring he was probably right.

"By the inch...heh! No wonder you've been going around here always complaining about stomach cramps. You've been saving it up to get more cash, right?" He laughed.

"Yeah. He likes 'em big, so I try to keep it in. After all, the more I have, the more he pays me."

"'d the first time happen, Ramon? Did he just come up to you and say, 'Hey, kid, how about shittin' on my table?'"

"Uh, no. Um, the first time was really embarrassing. I was in the bathroom down the hall, and I forgot to lock the door."

"Y-you mean he's right here in the building?!"

"Uh, yeah. Anyway, I was, uh, doing something really silly. I was just in a strange mood, I guess. I was sitting there... uh, jacking off," I blushed, "when I decided to take off my pants. Then I stood up on the toilet seat so I could crouch down and lift up my balls so I could watch my...turd come out and fall down."

Dad laughed as he obviously imagined the sight.

"I know...I's dumb!" He patted my knee and smiled. "Anyway, when it fell out and I started to jack off, I heard clapping coming from behind me. I almost fell off!"

"'That was incredible, Ramon! Such a large, beautiful turd! Do you always shit so much?' I was mortified, and scrambled into my clothes without wiping myself. That was when he told me that he'd pay me $50 if I'd do it in his room next time. He said he wouldn't touch me or anything, that he only wanted to watch me take a shit. $50! So I said OK."

"Amazing. How many times have you done this?"

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe 30 or 40."

"And all you have is $70?!!" he cried.

"Oh, no. That's just what I haven't put in the bank yet. I have a savings account for college. I've got over $ far."

"So far?!! You mean're gonna keep doing it?"

I shrugged. "Why not?"

"That's a lot of money,'s so dirty!"

"Dad, I know that. But I figure I gotta shit anyway, and I don't care what he does with them...even if he eats it."

Dad got a little crinkly smile. "Hmmm, if he'd raise the price, I might consider it myself! Just kidding."

I laughed and squirmed a bit, and Dad caught my movement.

"You gotta go now, don't you?" he suggested.

"Yeah. I'm supposed to be over there now, and I haven't gone in three days!"

"You're not shitting me, are you Ramon?" he accused, then he grinned from his double meaning.

"No, honest! could see for yourself...if you want. I mean, I know you don't want to see me shit, but you could see through his window if you got out on the fire escape."

"It wouldn't even embarrass you knowing I was watching?"

"Naw. I've done it so many times it doesn't bother me any more."

Dad sat there, thinking it over. "Who is he?"

"Y-you won't say anything to him, will you? You want to know so you can see for yourself, right? I mean, you're not mad, are you?"

"No, no. I'm not gonna make a stink about it. Damn, I wish I'd stop saying double meanings. I guess it's your deal, son, and there doesn't seem to be any harm he's done to you. Like you say, you have to shit anyway. I'm gonna check this out, and see what he does with it after you leave. It's just too fasci- nating not to know the answer to that."

"OK. It's Mr. Baxter."

"Baxter? That lanky bachelor down the hall? Jeez!"

"Yeah, I know. He's kind of an old fart, hunh?"

"Old? Hell, youngster, he's only about 35. He's younger than me."

"Hi, Mr. Baxter," I said, greeting him as he eagerly let me in. "I should have a really big one tonight."

"Wonderful, Ramon, wonderful! I'm in the mood to see one of your magnificently long turds! Hurry, get naked!"

I walked over to the window. "Boy, it's hot tonight. Do you mind if I open the window?"

"No, no, but hurry, please!"

I pulled the window up and saw Dad crouching down outside. When I turned, I caught Baxter slightly rubbing his crotch. Obviously, the three-day wait had him in an unusual uproar. I quickly took off all my clothes because he liked me naked...and had to warn my dick to stay soft. For some reason, knowing my father was out there and was going to see me do this, my dick was strangely tingling. I guess it didn't matter, but I hadn't mentioned to Dad that I sometimes got boners when I shit for the man. Boners he always saw but ignored, leaving me to go home and have a hot jackoff session. I didn't mention that I enjoyed doing it, and would have--even if the man didn't pay me!

"Aw, hop right up there, Ramon. Damn, you have such a lovely little asshole!" He drew up his chair as I rested on my knees and spread my legs apart, leaving my butthole lewdly exposed. Suddenly, I felt his breath on my asscrack for the first time!

"Mr. Baxter, what are you doing?"

"Uh, sorry Ramon. I won't touch. I just wanted to get a whiff of your hole. Don't worry."

"That's okay, Mr. Baxter," I said. "I don't mind if you smell it."

"You don't?"

"No. Go ahead."

"Thank you." He put his nose against my anus and began to sniff! I reached back and held it open for him.

"Aaah, lovely! Now let's see that little pucker open up and do a monster turd!"

Just being in that position, the thing was already beginning to push my anus apart. I lifted to my feet and squatted down. I gave out a loud groan of pleasant relief and began to shit. I needed to go so bad that I didn't care who was watching! I loved that feeling of having the thick column exciting my anal lips as it smoothly made its way out. I was squatting too low, because I had to lift up when I felt the turd hit the table top. And still I shit!

"Oooh, Ramon, that's magnificent! You're going to put me in the poorhouse with this one! SHIT, FELLA, SHIT YOUR BRAINS OUT! AW, FUCK, THAT'S A PRETTY ONE!"

With a flinch of my asshole, I plopped the thing onto the table. The sweltering aroma was stirring around. As I got down, I noticed something I'd never realized before. As Baxter held the ruler down and carefully, and slowly, measured it as if he were nearsighted, I knew that he'd always taken that opportu- nity to get close to it while it was fresh so he could smell my hot, reeking fumes! You just couldn't tell that he was doing it, and that's why I'd never noticed before.

Peeling off toilet paper from the roll he always had available, I wiped my asshole while he fished out $20. He was certainly satisfied with my performance, but rushed me to the door once I was dressed. "Oh, thank you, Ramon. Absolutely splendid!"

"Thanks. I'm glad you like it. See you Friday. Have fun!"

He looked at me with a surprised look, as if I knew the experience wasn't over for him. Nevertheless, he smiled and ushered me out.

Once outside his door, I quickly went to the end of the hall and made my way out to the fire escape. Scampering around, I soon met up with Dad. I caught him holding his crotch before he noticed me. "What's he doing?" I whispered.

"Pull the other side away," he hissed, impatiently.

I drew a bit of curtain aside and peeked in. Baxter was sitting back at the table. He had his pants down around his ankles. He had his cock in one hand, and was sitting on the other, obviously working a finger or two up his ass! His prick was extremely long and very hard, and he was slowly and sensuously stroking it.

It was apparent that when Baxter had measured it, he hadn't gotten his fill of the pungent odor. Because he had his head dipped down to the massive pile of dung and was breathing in deeply. The way he was doing it, and the way he was moving his hands and bottom, made it clear how much he was enjoying the stink of my shit. I was sure that any second he was going to blast a load from his stiff prick, and I even hoped that he would do it soon. I wanted to get home to jack off!

But after a while, we could see that the man had a whole program he was going to go through. He shifted in his chair, then drew a finger from his anus and smelled it. Then he smelled my turd...and again the if he were compar- ing them. Then he lifted his ass and straddled the chair before sitting back down on his upthrust finger, driving it in deeply enough to gasp. His long tongue shot from his mouth, and he began to lick my turd from one end to the other! Over and over, before beginning to plunge his pointed tongue into the side of it to break it open.

I gasped, as did Dad. Turning to look at him, Dad quickly put his hand up to cover my eyes. I'd noticed he had his cock out and was beating off! "Don't look!" he hissed at me. "Do it yourself if you want."

Twisting my ass back a bit, I opened my pants and drew them down. Hell, if Dad was gonna jack off, so was I. Otherwise, I'd sure shoot in my pants before Baxter was done.

Baxter. Baxter. My prick firmly in hand, I looked in again. Handless, he'd managed to mash my turd apart with his tongue, and now was working his mouth over one of the broken halves and was SUCKING THE PULP OUT OF THE CENTER! HIS MOUTH WAS WORKING FRANTICALLY--SUCKING UP MY SHIT! And he was rapidly plunging his fingers in and out of his ass!

A quiet, animalistic moan caused me to turn toward Dad. Despite his warning, I turned automatically. He had his eyes closed and was leaning a hand up against the wall for balance. Pints of jism were spewing from his cockhead! I was going to come...and I was going to come immediately. I looked back inside to see Baxter leaning back in the chair with his head back. His cock was erupting, and he had a large piece of turd in his mouth that he was very lewdly devouring!

I creamed all over the fire escape grating, and tried to quietly catch my breath. Dad tapped me on the shoulder, and I pulled up my pants and stuffed my cock away. As we stole away, we heard Baxter excitedly cry to himself, "OH, THANK YOU, RAMON!"

Momma was wondering what we were up to, but Dad just waved her away as he and I made our way to my room. Slumping into a chair while I sat on the bed, we stared at each other-- exhausted and glassy-eyed.

"If...if ANYONE had ever told me a story like this, I would have called him a filthy-minded liar with a vivid imagination! But..."

"Gee, do you think he does that every time? Maybe he was just over-sexed tonight," I suggested.

"Son, take my word for it. Every time you shit for him, the man gobbles it up! Face it. Either the man is a filthy, turd- eating pervert, or you just happen to have the tastiest shit imaginable!" He stifled a giggle. "Now which do you think it is?"

"Heck, maybe I do!" I tried to look serious, but burst out laughing!

"Whew! Dirty as that was, that was the most exciting thing I've ever seen. Maybe because he didn't act sneakily, or something, I don't know. He just got ready and did what he knew he'd do...pump his dick, ram his asshole, and make love to your turd. Next time, why don't you suggest that he eat it from your asshole? I'll bet he'll do it!"


"Si, Ramon. I wish to see that. Now stand, please. I must check on this one thing. Please do not be offended."

I rose. Dad turned me to the side and slipped his hand down the back of my pants. Then he carefully stuck his fingertip up my rectum! I gasped in astonishment. Slowly easing his hand back out, he put the finger to his nose and unashamedly smelled it!

"I must! Please, Ramon, I must understand this!" He licked his fingertip and tasted my shit!

"PAPA!!" I was flabbergasted!

"Eck! That's no explanation, Ramon. It tastes like shit!" He shook his head in confusion, as if his little experiment was perfectly understandable. I didn't have the nerve to ask how he knew what shit was supposed to taste like, but he saw the startled look in my eyes.

"Your Momma's bum," he answered my unasked question. "You're old enough to know about oral sex, I suppose. Well, you can't lick a woman down there without sometimes brushing against her butthole. You taste like your Momma!" This caused us both to laugh uproariously.

After Dad left my room, I got ready for bed. I reached under my mattress and pulled out my girlie mags. Then I got naked and started to jack off. I flipped through a couple of them, then tossed them aside. They just weren't doing it for me. All the other times I'd shit for Mr. Baxter, I hadn't thought much about it. It was just for the money. But the sight Dad and I had witnessed, and seeing him so turned on, and the thing he'd done--sticking his hand down my pants and licking his finger--it all had me strangely turned on. My cock was bigger than it had ever been. I closed my eyes and relived taking my shit on the table, but this time I imagined seeing it from Baxter's angle, and picturing the expression on his face. I imagined being right there next to him watching closely while he fingered his butt and jacked off as he licked all over the pile of shit I'd dumped on the table. I imagined being able to see just how he'd worked his tongue into it and split it apart to scoop out the insides. My dick got really hard when I pictured how he'd hungrily sucked up the insides of my turd!

Then I admitted to myself how turned on I'd been--just as much as Dad had been. I'd always thought it was a strange deal with Mr. Baxter, but figured he was just a weirdo. But after seeing what he really did after I left...and seeing that somebody else got excited watching it, I let myself consider the dirty sexiness of it all. Then I started pounding my meat aggressively. Oh. Oh, yeah. It was hot! It was fuckin' hot! I pictured Dad licking Mom's butthole for a second. Imagined him licking her shit. Then I saw myself shitting into Baxter's gaping mouth! It was absolutely DIRTYFUCKINSHITEATINFILTHY! I splattered my belly and chest with my load--even hitting my chin once.

Yeah. I was gonna do it. Just like Dad suggested. Next time I was going to see if Mr. Baxter wanted to catch it in his mouth. I wasn't sure he'd do it...but I sure knew that he wanted to. I could still hear him calling my name as he licked it up!

At the breakfast table, Dad leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Eat, boy, eat. Store it up so you got a BIG one for him!"

I wanted to say something, but Mom was too close. As soon as she'd finished serving us, she left to get dressed for work. When I heard her in the bedroom, whistling, I leaned across the table and whispered to him. "H-how come you're so excited about this?" He blushed furiously.

"Uh, well, um, I uh, guess because it's so perverted. Listen, you don't have to do this, you know. It was just a thought."

"I don't mind," I shrugged, trying to act more casual about it than I now felt. "Just, just trying to figure out why you even want to watch."

"Ramon. I know you're young. And the young seem to take things as a matter of course sometimes. When a boy turns sexual, and hears things and looks at dirty books, he finds that people do all kinds of things that he never considered. Perhaps you've taken it in course that an older man like Mr. Baxter might pay a young boy to do things. But in all my life, I have never heard of anyone doing what he enjoys doing! As ugly as it is, it is certainly a unique experience to witness."

"Gee, guys are always telling other guys to 'eat shit.' I thought that meant that some guys do."

"Well, now we know that some guys do!" he chuckled. "And this might be the only time in my life to see such a thing."

"OK. I'm sure he'll do it."

"Hey, maybe you could freak him out," he giggled. "Maybe squirt some honey or chocolate up your bum first. Damn, I'll bet he'll really gobble it up then! Or maybe some peppermint. Or..."

"Don't you think he'd get suspicious?" I asked, finding it funny.

"Ramon, he likes your...your much, that he'd probably think it was natural!"

"I got a feeling that's just the way he likes it--natural. Heck, he didn't even put salt on it," I joked.

"Well, it certainly doesn't need any pepper!"

That evening, I climbed out on the fire escape just to see what Mr. Baxter was up to. He was sitting in only his shorts watching television and drinking a beer. I glanced at the TV and saw he was watching a porno tape. It was hard to make out, but I could have sworn that one of the guys in the film was a much younger version of Baxter himself. He was laying back sucking on a huge cock, and when the camera came in for a closeup, I was sure it was him--years ago.

Baxter sat back and played with himself, getting a big boner in his Jockeys. I couldn't tell if he was getting off on seeing himself blowing a guy, or remembering that big prick and how it tasted. He started agitating himself more excitedly as the camera pulled back to a different position this time. I gasped when I saw that a third guy was down between young Baxter's upthrust bottom and had his fist up his ass! I'd heard rumors about such a thing...but I never believed it!

Baxter flipped his big cock out and stroked it lovingly while he got off on watching himself get fist-fucked. The cock he was sucking on screen was now blasting a huge load all over his lips and face. Then we saw his own cock blast off as the other guy started to punch his arm in and out of the gigantically-spread asshole! Letting his dick loose, as if another stroke would get him off, Baxter got up. With his long cock waving wildly before him, he slipped in another tape. This one didn't look as slick as the other maybe it was a private tape or something. It was a rape scene with five other guys and the young Baxter again. They stripped him and forced him to suck them all, and lick their asses. It was a hot scene, and looked totally real. The expression on young Baxter's face made you believe he was actually being forced to do this. His face was shoved into a butt and the camera was so close you could see his tongue going into the guy's hole! He tongued all their butts. He was even made to stick his finger up one of their assholes, pull it out, and suck on it! Then he was held down and one guy threw his legs up and shoved a monster prick up his asshole and started to fuck the hell out of him! Another guy, in a hooded mask, straddled him and sat down on his face-- almost. His head was lifted to lick the hole out, then a guy forced his mouth open while the boy on top proceeded to take a big shit right into his mouth! He seemed to be struggling, but it wasn't doing him any good. That fat turd was securely lodged between his lips, and must have gone to the back of his throat! Suddenly, he was no longer being held. They released him as the camera zoomed in to show him laying there, wild-eyed, with that big turd sticking out of his mouth!

The screen went blank, and Baxter stood up and dropped his shorts. He lowered his bottom back and instantly shit on the couch! It was small and dark, and looked very juicy. He turned and knelt before it, bending down to smell and lick it. I could tell he was jacking off.

He sucked it into his mouth and ate it down without even chewing it. He carefully licked any remnants from the couch, then rose and did the same thing again. This time a longer turd came out of his ass, and he spent more time licking, smelling and devouring it. He stood, jerking off frantically into his hand, and sucked the jizz from his palm.

I scurried away, anxious to get home and jack off. Fascinated at the images of him being forced to eat some guy's shit, then freely gobbling down his own with nearly as much excitement as he'd eaten mine, the absolute perverseness of eating one's own shit caused me to begin fingering my own ass. I brought my finger out and smelled it, finding it a bit exciting, but knowing that if I wasn't so turned on I'd probably be disgusted. But I was ready to pop off, and the next time I drew it out I wiped it on my tongue! It was disgusting, so I sucked my finger while I drowned my belly with blasts of creamy cum!

I won't do that again, I decided afterward. Or at least, I'd squirt some honey up my ass next time.

Dad was outside the window. Baxter had his mouth on my asshole. Just like I'd allowed him to put his nose there before, this time I calmly said that if he wanted to lick me there, it was alright.

"Well, I've never done that before," he lied, "but maybe I'll try it since you don't mind."

"No, I don't mind, Mr. Baxter. You're paying for it. I guess even if you wanted to lick it while I shit, that'd be okay. Go ahead, Mr. Baxter, do whatever you want."

"Oh, Ramon, you really mean that?"

"Sure, Mr. Baxter. Gosh, I hope you don't take this as an insult, but I always kinda thought you wanted to do that. I even thought maybe you'd like me to do it in your mouth. I'm sorry, if I'm wrong. But if I'm not wrong, it'd be a real kick to do it!"

"'d let me do that?! You'd let me take it in my mouth?"

"Yeah, I want you to. I'm gonna shit out a big turd, Mr. Baxter. Let me do it in your mouth, okay?"

"Well, if you really want to, Ramon, I'll give it a try."

"Oooh, okay, Mr. Baxter," I scooted my ass back to his face, "but on one condition, alright?"

"I won't tell anybody, Ramon. I promise!"

"No, not that. I-I wanna, uh, see it in your mouth!"

"Oh. That's kinda dirty. You sure you can handle it? You won't get scared away? I don't want you to stop shitting for me, Ramon."

"Don't worry about'll be exciting. Can I jack off while I watch you lick it?"

"Alright, maybe that would be exciting. I...I'll try to keep it in my mouth long enough for you to come. If I can stand it, that is."

I almost laughed at that. "Please try, Mr. Baxter."

"Oh, do it, Ramon! Here's my mouth!" He thrust his open mouth onto my hole. I could feel his tongue wildly licking me. I began to shit, knowing it was going to be a big one. Was it ever! I didn't know how much I'd shit until I'd finished and turned around. Baxter sat there, both his hands cradling at least a foot-long turd I'd just expelled, with the end in his mouth! He was looking up at me, expectantly. I could tell he was moving his tongue over it, even though it seemed he was trying to hide the fact.

I flung my legs on either side of him, and began to stroke my hard prick. "Damn, I did that!" I gasped. He slowly nodded. "Y-you like it?" He slowly nodded again. "That's hot, Mr. Baxter! Damn, that's hot! Lemme see you lick it! Pull it out so I can see you lick it all over!"

He did. Tentatively at first, then with more enthusiasm as he saw I was pounding my dick faster and faster.

"Mmmm. Mmmm. Oh, fuck, Ramon. It tastes so good!"

"LICK IT, MR. BAXTER! LICK ALL OVER IT! I KNOW YOU LOVE MY TURDS! YOU EAT MY TURDS ALL THE TIME, DON'T YOU, MR. BAXTER? LET'S SEE YOU EAT THIS ONE!" I was jerking like mad, and my enthusiasm was sparking him into more heated action.

"OK, OK, Ramon...I'll eat it! Oh, fuck yes I'll eat it!"

I watched him do it for a while, humping my ass excitedly on the table top, and squirted jizz in his face by the time he'd eaten about a third of it. Catching my breath, I swung my leg over his head and got down from the table. He was still eating away. I looked toward the window and shrugged, then I leaned over to Mr. Baxter.

"You're going to eat the rest of it, aren't you?"

"Yes, it's so incredibly delicious, Ramon!" He looked up with shitty teeth.

"Would you like me to jack you off, Mr. Baxter?"


"Sure, why not?" I kinda wanted to do it. I wanted to see what his tremendously long cock felt like. I didn't think Dad would mind.

"J-just do it easy, okay. I'll let you know when I'm nearly done. I like to come when I swallow the last of it! I mean..."

"That's alright, Mr. Baxter." I climbed under the table. "I know you like eating turds. Just tell me when." I knelt under the table--between his legs--and grabbed hold of his huge, leaking prick. I stroked it up and down, enjoying the feel of that rigid penis in my fist. I was tempted to put my tongue on it, but I wasn't sure if Dad could see me down there. But it was such a splendid cock that I blocked his vision from the window and lapped my tongue over his knob! It was so exciting that I started to get another boner. I pictured the scene in the movie where Baxter was sucking cock, and suddenly I knew why he looked like he was enjoying it so much. I just couldn't take my lips away, and even let the fat knob slip into my mouth. I gave it a little suck, glad that Dad couldn't see me doing it.

But I hadn't counted on how it would affect Baxter. He leaned back in the chair and spread his legs apart, reaching down he grabbed his shaft and pointed the hard prick at my face. "Oh, yeah, kid. That feels so good...DO IT! SUCK ME, RAMON, SUCK ME! I'M GONNA CUM, KEEP SUCKIN' MY JUICY KNOB!"

I was suddenly visible, and Baxter was going to come. I didn't want to pull away, and I'd already been exposed, so I took his whole knob in my mouth and sucked it!

"NO! RAMON! OH, RAMON!" Dad stuck his head in the window. "GET THAT PRICK OUT OF YOUR MOUTH! DON'T DO THAT!!"

Startled, Baxter turned and saw Dad. The sudden excitement at being caught caused his body to tremble. "M-Mr. M-Mendez! Aw, shiiiit!" Unable to control himself, he shot off in my mouth! "Aaah aaah aaaah!"

The massive dose I'd received filled my mouth. Unable to take any more, I pulled my mouth off as the rest shot all over me. Quickly peeking up, I saw Dad coming in the window with fire in his eyes! I banged my head trying to get out from under so I could stop him from doing Mr. Baxter any harm. Poor Baxter was in no condition to protect himself...he was coming so hard! I jumped up just in time.

"No, Dad! Stop! Don't do anything. It was all my idea! Please!"

He was visibly shaking in anger, but seeing the look in my eyes he stood rigid and tried to calm down. Baxter had finally gotten up and had backed away in fear and guilt. Then he noticed that Dad had his prick out of his pants, and a stream of jizz was hanging from it! "Y-you were watching!" he exclaimed in surprise and confusion.

"Ramon, how could you do that?" Dad asked me.

"I-I just wanted to try it. It's no big deal, really."

"No big deal sucking a cock? Oh, Ramon..."

"Aw, come on. You didn't mind me shitting for him." I reminded him.

Baxter gulped. "H-he knew?"

"Yeah. They found my money and I had to explain. They thought I was doing all sorts of things with drugs and gangs."

"You're a perverter of children!" Dad accused, stuffing his prick away, finding it hard to maintain his anger and keep from blushing.

Baxter pointed at him. "You were out there watching and jacking off!" Then to me, "Did you know he was there?"

"Sure. We arranged it. Dad watched last time, too. We both did. We saw my turd! And--I haven't told Dad this yet--but last night I saw you watching those dirty movies you made."

"Oh, gawd!" Baxter's shoulder slumped in defeat. But I was all excited again by what I'd seen.

"You shoulda seen 'em, Dad. Mr. Baxter used to make porno movies, I think. He was, younger...and a guy had his whole hand up his asshole! Then these guys jumped him and shit in his mouth! Mr. Baxter got so turned on watching that he shit on the couch--twice! And both times he ate his own turds. It was great!"

"Jeez!" Baxter cried, putting a hand to his head.

"You see what you've done to the boy!" Dad accused.

"I know it's dirty, Mr. Mendez, but I never touched the boy...until he said it was OK. I wasn't trying to pervert him. It was simply a business deal, kind of, buying his turds and...and watching him shit. I never made him do anything! I-I only told him to suck me...because he already had his mouth on me., fuck it. I guess there's nothing I can say. You have every right to turn me in."

"Heck, Dad ain't gonna turn you in, are you Dad? He likes jacking off watching you eat shit." I had to snitch on Dad to keep him from making any trouble. It just wouldn't be fair... and Dad knew it! It was no time to play the outraged father. So I gave away the last secret. "You know what Dad did after that first time? He stuck his finger up my butt and licked it! He wanted to know why you liked tasting my shit."

"Well, I..." Dad shrugged, embarrassed. "You didn't have to tell him THAT, Ramon!"

"Sure I did, Dad. You can't blame Mr. Baxter cause you knew all about it. You said you wanted to watch because you might never get a chance to ever see that again."

"Heh!" Baxter chuckled, visibly relaxing a bit.

"OK, OK. I admit it," Dad shrugged. "I don't know why you do such things, but it sure fires up the senses seeing it done!"

"I, uh, understand your feelings seeing your kid suckin' a joint an' getting cum blasted down his throat. Fact is, I popped off something fierce when I saw you. But let's face it, most kids suck a prick some time in their life. Don't mean he's necessarily gonna be queer. Believe me, I know. I was in the business for a long time, and there's a lot of guy's--straight guys--that suck cock just for the money. Just like Ramon shit for me--just for the money. I think he just got a little over- excited and it was his time to find out what a cock tasted like. Just boyish enthusiasm."

"Yeah, that's it, Dad!" I grabbed at the explanation. "I just had to try it out...YECK!"

Dad looked at me in astonishment. "Yeck? Did you say yeck? Okay, a kid's gotta suck a prick once--I-I did. But don't give me that 'yeck' bullshit, nino. I might have been moving fast, but I didn't see you spitting it out. In fact, I coulda swore I saw you licking your lips!"

"I did!" I admitted, defiantly.

He laughed. "OK, so did I. Did it a few times, as a matter of fact. But don't go gettin' the idea that your Pa is a cocksucker. I just liked getting blowjobs from my friend in school, and he'd only do it if I reciprocated."

"I understand, Dad," I said sincerely, "it was kinda neat!"

"How about showing me your keester, Mr. Mendez," Baxter suddenly blurted out!


"Looks rather trim for your age. You said it fired up your senses. I have a feeling you'd like to do more than watch. After all, you peeked in my window twice while your boy shit for me--and did nothing. Both times, as I gather, you watched me eat his sweet turds--and did nothing. I think you'd really like to take a shit in my mouth yourself. Isn't that true?"

"Why, I..." Dad was flustered.

"And I don't think I'd mind at all!" Baxter teased, licking his lips. "Come on, how about dropping those pants and at least let me give you a good ass-tonguing? Wanna see me suck your daddy's asshole, Ramon? You think he'd like that?"

"I think he'd LOVE it!" I cried in enthusiasm. "Come on, Dad, yank 'em down! Mr. Baxter sure sucks ass good, believe me!"

"Y-you''d eat MY turd?" Dad gasped.

"Don't know," Baxter shrugged, "but it might he a nice change from the sweet things I get from your boy's butt. I haven't had a hot, grimy man's turd in a long time. I can guarantee I'll at least lick it!"

"Uh, m-maybe I could come back l-later?" Dad seemed interested. "Or maybe you oughtta leave now, Ramon."

"Hey, no fair! You saw me do it twice, Pa. Now I get to watch."

"But, Ramon. I know it would be fair,'s just too embarrassing. I'm your father!"

"So what? Don't fathers shit like everybody else? I know it's gonna smell...I've gone in the bathroom after you before! Who cares? Mr. Baxter's gonna lick it...not me."

"Real smelly ones, hunh?" Baxter raised an eyebrow. "I like 'em nice and raunchy once in a while...and you two are such a pair! I'm really in the mood for it now. Love those refried beans!"

Dad looked offended for a moment, then laughed.

"Besides," I offered, "once he starts lickin' you--all you'll be able to think about is takin' a big poop!"

"Alright, alright!" Dad agreed, loosening his trousers.

"Say, you like dirty movies, hunh?" Baxter said to me. "How'd you like to tape this? You know how to run a video camera?"

"What?!" Dad exclaimed.

"Sure, why not? You're a watcher, aren't you, Mr. Mendez? You want to see more than you'll be able to now, don't you? The three of us can watch it tomorrow night, maybe. Then we could destroy it if you want."

"Well, uh, that's an interesting thought. Sure, OK. Since I'm never gonna do this again...but we will destroy it, right?"

"Right, of course!" Mr. Baxter assured him.

"Guess you'd might as well call me Luis. If we're gonna do this stuff, it sounds kinda silly me calling you Mr. Baxter, and you calling me Mr. Mendez."

"OK, Luis. I'm Frank. Take those pants off, Luis, while I show Ramon how to work the camera. This is gonna be a great show!"

Frank showed me how to work it, and keep it in focus. Meanwhile, Dad sat on the couch, naked from the waist down, looking embarrassed until he started to manipulate his fat, floppy dick when I aimed the camera at him and told him to jerk off. That excited him enough to get him to loosen up. When we were ready, Frank got Dad to stand up again and bend over the couch. He wanted to lick his ass in that position first. I got a long shot, then gradually zoomed in on Dad's spread ass.

"Oooh," Frank cooed, kneeling behind him and running his hand over Dad's smooth cheeks. "Very nice, Luis. I love a smooth brown bottom. Quite nice for an old fart! Wish mine was still in such good condition. We're about the same age."

I took a quick spin of the camera to show Frank's ass. "Yours still looks nice, Frank," I said, unexpectedly.

"Aw, not too bad, I guess. Asshole's gettin' too sloppy, though. Too many fists rammed up there. Sure was worth it, though!"

"Gee," I said. "that's weird!"

He chuckled. "Maybe I'll let you try it some time."

I gulped at the thought. Frank started to lick the dark hairs around Dad's anus. I got a good shot of it. As I stared into the viewfinder, I had to imagine it was somebody else's asshole, because it was disturbing that I found it exciting looking. The ring of hair was just around the rim, and when Frank spread it apart, Dad's butthole showed all naked and brownish-pink. And Frank licked his tongue all over it. I got in real close when he pulled the butt to his face and started to stick his tongue in. He was fucking Dad up the ass with his tongue!

"OK," Frank patted him on the butt, "sit on the couch and hold your legs up, Luis. Let's get that hole opened up with some hot suckin'. I'll drag the turd out of you! I'm an expert at it!"

When Dad turned over, I noticed that his cock had inflated considerably. Obediently, he flopped onto the couch and lifted his legs. He pulled them back, lewdly exposing his wet asshole. I got a good shot of it before Frank got into the picture with his outthrust tongue. Then I moved up and focused on Dad's face. He was totally oblivious that I was taking his picture. He was staring down at what Frank was doing!

Frank started to fiddle with Dad's balls, and went up to lick them. He was only supposed to lick Dad's turd, but the way Dad was acting, he knew he could do more. He reached up and took hold of Dad's prick, bending it down. Then he began to work his tongue all around Dad's foreskin and licked on his knob.

"Ah, nice and cheesy!" Frank gasped. "I love a cheesy cock!" He pulled the foreskin down and sucked half of the cock into his mouth. Dad was moaning in ecstasy from the sudden blowjob. Little bursts of pleasure escaped from his lips. I knew instantly that Frank was giving him something that Momma either didn't...or wasn't as good at!

Then Frank pushed his thighs back, and said, "Mmmm, pooch that hole out, Luis. You got a nice suckable hole. Push it out...give me something to really suck on!"

Dad groaned and pushed on his muscles. I saw his asshole get really large and fat and push right out. Frank quickly clamped his mouth onto it and started sucking like mad, making Dad moan.

"OH, DAMN! SUCK MY BUTTHOLE, YOU BASTARD! LICK IT OUT! SHOVE YOUR TONGUE IN THERE--ALL THE WAY! Oooh, gonna put a turd in that mouth of yours! Gonna shit you a big fuckin' turd! Mmmm, keep that camera going, Ramon! I WANNA SEE MYSELF SHIT IN HIS FILTHY MOUTH!"

Dad's words only excited Frank all the more. He really tongued out his butthole, pulling it open and stabbing his tongue inside to work the asslips loose. I could tell that Frank wasn't only interested in getting that turd out of there. He was lapping at the hole just for the pleasure of it. He was like a hungry animal sucking and licking away at my Daddy's rectum! And I could tell something else by the way he was moving his head. He was getting off even more because the camera was on him. That made me realize that the rape scene I'd watched was all show. HE LOVED MAKING A MOVIE WHERE HE GOT SHIT IN THE MOUTH!

"Oh, Ramon," Dad declared, "get that camera down there. I'm gonna shit! I'm gonna shit straight in his mouth!"

I zoomed in just as Dad's anus fully expanded and his big rubbery asslips spread open to make way for a fat, dark glistening turd. Frank pulled away so the camera could catch it, then he moved to the side and very lewdly began to lick it! My prick was sticking out harder than ever, leaking juice down my shaft. But I ignored it. Frank had his mouth over the turd. It was sticking out so far now, that Dad could see it sticking in Frank's mouth.

I moved up quickly to catch the expression on Dad's face. It was one of total lust and amazement. Before I went back to the action, I caught Dad saying, "SUCK MY TURD, FRANKIE! SUCK IT LIKE YOU SUCK MY BOY'S TURDS!" He shitted, jacking off wildly.

I went back down. Frank had the turd in his mouth, of course, but he pulled off momentarily. "I don't know, Luis. This thing really stinks!"

"You love it, Frankie! You love a big stinky turd in your mouth! Show us what a freak you are, Frank. EAT MY SMELLY SHIT!"

"Oh, yes, Luis! I can taste the beans!" Frank started to gobble up Dad's turd like lightning! I got it all on film. He ate the turd right out of his asshole, then dug his tongue in to get some more.

Writhing, and jacking his dick, Dad forced his boner down to Frank's face. The man gladly took it into his mouth and went all the way down on it. He hungrily deep-throated it as Dad cried out that his balls were exploding! When he let loose of it, Frank turned to me.

"Aim that camera down here, Ramon." He took my prick in his mouth and blew me while I aimed the camera at the action, hoping I was getting it, because I could no longer look into it. I was flooding his mouth with pints of teenage jism.

Frank stood up and spread his legs. He started working his long prick in a rough, lewd manner--showing it off. Dad lowered his legs and sat back, exhausted. I stared at Frank's wild masturbation.

"Go...go ahead, Ramon," Dad said breathlessly, waving his hand. "Suck him again if you want!"

I was still catching my own breath, but I knelt before Frank and began to suck him off. I wanted to suck his prick, but I knew I wouldn't be able to do it justice. Frank sensed this too, and was enjoying his jackoff too much to stop. Instead, he pulled out of my mouth and began to force his balls between my lips. I sucked his big nuts as he squirted streams high into the air, and could feel it splatting onto my back. He moaned his pleasure, then as I fell onto all fours, he dropped to my side and licked his cum off my back...even dipping down to lick my asshole, which still had some shit on it!

Dad got up, staggering, and pulled on his pants. Waving his hand to suggest no conversation, he pointed at the video machine and nodded. Then he put his arm around me and led me out the door. Back in our apartment, he did much the same. He pointed me to my room, and went to his--where Momma was already asleep. There was nothing to say.

The next evening, Dad subtly talked Momma into visiting her sister. Then he smiled, and we made our way down the hall.

Mr. Baxter...Frank...was prepared. He was totally naked, wearing only a big grin. None of us said a word. He ushered us in and seated us on the couch...soon getting us both a cold beer. Dad started to say something, but let me have the beer. Frank put a tape into the video recorder, then stood before us. He playfully flopped his dick around, then sat on the couch between us. Without a word, Dad and I started to remove our clothes. Then the three of us sat back as Frank started the tape. Except that it wasn't the one we'd made. It was one of his.

"If I show that hot, filthy movie we made last night," he finally spoke, "the suddeness of it all will either have us shootin' loads real quick, or get everybody embarrassed. As you figured out, Ramon, I used to do porn flicks. This tape is a bunch of segments from some of my movies. I was really quite a star, but not in the general sense. Most of my movies were so raunchy, they were completely underground."

He started the tape, beginning with what he called his vanilla stage. "This is stuff that you find at the adult video store. Not stuff you'd rent, of course, but run-of-the-mill queer stuff. Cocksucking and assfucking...buttlicking, of course. I was popular because I had a big dick and a nice body--back then," he shrugged. "But I got so turned on during the filming, and started doing things they couldn't show in the regular tapes. I couldn't help myself, I got so excited. They'd lose an orgasm shot, and couldn't use the scene where a guy sucks a dick right out of an asshole. They considered it too dirty! They had to edit out so much that I became a problem to their continuity. I remember one especially. This stud was sitting on a big prick, geting screwed hot and deep. I pulled the prick out of the guy's asshole and stuck it in my mouth! And there were times where I'd be tonguing a guy's butt while he was fucking somebody else. I'd get right down there and start licking his dick while he was fucking...and sometimes just pull it out and start licking all over it! They went crazy. I was fucking everything up.

"But this one producer asked me if I'd like to make some 'specialty' tapes for selective audiences. I jumped at the chance. The stuff he had in mind were things I'd always wanted to do...but even in private, nobody would do it. He asked me what I'd be willing to do, and I told him as long as it involved hot men or pretty boys--I'd do absolutely anything he could dream up. He said how about a guy pissing in your mouth? I said how about three guys pissing in my mouth! He asked if I'd lick a cock from an asshole that had a little bit of shit on it. I said, how about you get a sweet boy to take a big shit in my mouth! I told him how I'd once licked a turd from my cousin's asshole, and how I wanted so badly to do it again. We made a lot of great tapes. The first one, I catch some guy taking a shit in a restroom. I get down on my knees and watch him do it, then I drag him onto the floor and eat his shitty ass out. I drank gallons of piss and licked lots of dirty pricks out of assholes. Several times I got fucked by two cocks at once...always sucking them clean afterwards. I got fucked by the biggest cocks around...especially big black ones. They liked filming me getting royally screwed by huge black cocks, then sucking on them and eating out their assholes til they shit in my mouth. I ate tons of turds...had big dildos and fists shoved up my ass...but the distribution dried up because the government was coming down hard. By then, I was known as a grunge-lover and couldn't get a job in a regular flick. Besides, I no longer had the youthful looks."

"Did you meet any other guys that, uh, have your particular appetites?" Dad asked, intrigued.

"Hunh? Oh, you mean eating a guy's shit. Yeah, a couple. But they preferred doing it in private. They only made a few films when they needed the dough. I swapped turds with one of 'em in a real hot 69 butteating film early on."

"There, Dad!" I pointed at the screen. "See, that guy's got four fingers up Frank's ass!"

"Oh, yeah," Frank reminisced, "that kid had magic fingers! Keep watching. Pretty soon he'll have his whole fist up my butt."

Sure enough, before long Frank's anus snapped open and we could see it wrapped around the guy's wrist!

"Damn!" Dad gasped. "That's something! I never thought it possible."

"Yeah, crazy sight. But what you can't see is the best part. Drove me nuts the way he played around in there, tickling my innards."

"Gosh, that must really feel funny...and gooshy," I giggled.

"It's incredible, Ramon," Frank warmed to the subject, "having your whole hand up inside a guy's body and feeling around. Believe me, if you come across shit you don't mind it at all--you just play with it! But it's best to be emptied out. I had a guy once in me all the way up to his fuckin' elbow! Man, he was slowly fucking me with his arm!"

"Looks like that guy's about to do it!" Dad stared at the screen.

"No, but he gets about half way. You oughta try it, Ramon."

"HOH! Not me! I have trouble sticking two fingers in there!" They both laughed, causing me to blush.

"No," Frank smiled. "I mean you putting your hand up my ass. You've got a nice small hand with a skinny wrist. It'd be perfect since I'm a bit out of practice."

"I-I don't know," I stammered, glancing at Dad.

"Go ahead, son. Look at that screen. He can certainly take it. That guy's got a much larger hand than you do."

Feeling adventurous, I nodded.

"Great!" Frank cried. He stood, showing us what we were already aware of--his dick had steadily been filling out... along with ours. It was half-hard and hung down like a huge snake. "I'll go get some stuff...some lubricant. But first," he looked down at Dad, "may I?"

I played with my dick as Dad allowed Frank to lift his legs as he knelt to lick his asshole. Then he winked at me and hurried away.

Dad shrugged. "I don't know why he licks me with your young ass so handy," he whispered in embarrassment--obviously flattered.

"I think he likes your big bum hole, Daddy," I whispered back. "It's fat and really sticks out!"

"Yes, and I thoroughly enjoy sucking on it!" Frank grinned, coming back into the room with several things. "I hope I get many more opportunities to suck on both your luscious assholes!" He set down a small canister of lube. "Would you be offended, Luis, if I asked you to grease your fingers and give me a finger-fuck? I need to be loosened up a bit."

"No, not at all!" Dad quickly went to the floor and did as he asked, as Frank knelt between my legs explaining that he must check my fingernails. He had clippers and a nailfile, and proceeded to take my prick into his mouth and gently suck it as he prepared my hand.

I watched Dad as he greased several fingers, then tenta- tively put his hand on Frank's buttock and pulled it aside so he could find his asshole. I was getting a kick out of seeing Dad excited and nervous at the same time. Frank's mouth jerked on my dick as Dad slipped a finger up his ass. Then a second ...and a third. I couldn't see it, but I could tell by his movements just how he was squirming around up Frank's butt!

"Gee, you don't have any hair on your ass at all, Dad remarked.

Frank let my cock flop out, still filing one of my nails. "I keep it shaved. I grow a lot of hair there, but I play with my ass so much...watching a mirror...I don't like anything getting in the way."

"Kinda like a little boy's pink butthole," Dad laughed, digging.

"Yeah, but it'll open up wide enough for a little boy to stick his whole head in there!" he teased. "Oooh, now that's a nasty thought!"

"Oooh, this is wild, Ramon," Dad gasped. "I've got three fingers all the way in. It's so smooth and silky in there. I think you're really going to enjoy having your whole fist inside!"

"Perhaps we should start, Ramon," Frank smiled at me. "If your father goes any further, I'm afraid you won't be able to get him to take his hand out. But that's alright. After yours, perhaps I'll be able to take your father's hand...have you both fist-fuck me!"

Frank knelt on the couch with his ass up, while Dad used his own greasy hand to work the lube over my fist and up my arm. Frank told me how to squeeze my hand into a point and work my fingers in first. He said he'd tell me when to push further.

Dad knelt beside me and watched as I played with Frank's hairless asslips. I'd never touched anyone's asshole before ...except my own...and I found it incredibly exciting. Anxious, I began to slip into the man's rectum. Dad had worked it quite loose. In no time, I was in all the way to my knuckles. Dad was was smooth and silky in there. Fantastic-ally exciting!

Frank reached around and played with Dad's prick and balls. Dad didn't mind. He twisted his middle so the man could get a good grip.

"Mmm, that's feeling so good, Ramon. Twist your hand back and forth until I get really gaping. Aw, Luis, you got a fine prick on you. Come up and stick it in my mouth for a while. Don't you go pushing in, Ramon, until I tell you, now. You don't want me bitin' off your Dad's prick, do you?"

"Si, Ramon...por favor! Do what the man says," he laughed, getting up. With one hand he still held his legs back. The other he rested onto the back of the couch and shoved his hard prick into Frank's cocksucking mouth. I saw Frank's hand slip between Dad's legs and fondle his balls and reach back to tease his asshole. Dad was moaning quite contentedly, letting him do whatever he wanted to.

Soon, Frank started to grunt noisily. Dad pulled his cock out.

"Ah, I'm almost ready for the plunge," Frank gasped, moving onto his back, momentarily dislodging my hand. "Step over me, Luis. Let me suck on your hole while you watch Ramon push his hand inside me! Whenever you guys are ready."

Dad swung his leg over the back of the couch and rested his hands on the back of Frank's thighs as he held them up and back. Then he lowered his bottom onto the man's mouth and leaned down to watch the insertion.

I looked up into Dad's eyes. We both had amazed looks of lust on our faces. He was squealing sexily, and squirming his ass on Frank's mouth. Then he practically layed right down on the man and grabbed his buttocks. He wrenched them apart--right at the asshole--and nodded. He didn't seem to mind that Frank's huge, hard boner was hitting his face.


I pushed hard...just enough to slide my knuckles in. But as soon as I did, my whole wrist was sucked right in! I HAD MY HAND TOTALLY UP A MAN'S ASS! OH, MAN, IT FELT SO GOOD! It was like the best thing I ever played with! I opened my hand and tickled him inside. I felt his warm asswalls. It was so lusciously gooey in there, I couldn't tell whether I was feeling any shit or not. But Frank was right. It didn't matter. I even slipped in further, hoping to reach some shit to play with! I WANTED to play with the man's shit! I felt Frank slip his hand down his side and grab my arm. I tensed, fearful that I was hurting him and he couldn't say anything because Dad was smothering him with his asshole. But Frank gripped me tightly and pulled me further into him!

"YES! Oh, that's fuckin' great! Oh, shit! Punch it into me, kid. Uh! I was born to have a fist up my ass and a turd in my mouth! What fuckin' heaven it would be to do it at the same time! Mmm, I wish you could shit me a little one, Luis!"

"Uh, that's wild!" Dad gasped. "I'll try, Frank. Keep sucking my hole. I'll try to shit something!"

Dad pushed with all his might and eventually worked some out. It was just a small turdball, but Frank was deliriously grateful for it. I had a hand free, so I stroked Frank's cock and licked his knob of all the runover juices. After he ate the shit down, Frank suggested we trade places. He wanted to feel Dad's big hand rummaging around in his hot rectum, he said. He licked my asshole while Dad gave him a real good deep fist- punching! Frank's anus was stretched the size of a thermos bottle! I didn't have any shit, so I pissed down his throat while he came. Dad had pulled Frank's cock back between his legs and was jacking him off. He watched the first spurt shoot along his arm, then started twisting his hand and ducked under and sucked it while the rest shot into his mouth!

We did eventually see the movie we'd made a couple of nights later. Nothing ever happened between Dad and I, of course, but we both paid several more visits, together and alone, to the man down the hall!

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