The Masters Swim Team

By Dave B

Published on Apr 3, 2019


This is a fictional story about a young adult who joins a Master's Swim team full of older men.

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Dennis raced up the hill on his bike. He risked a glance down at his watch. 6:10. Shit, he thought. His parents were going to kill him. They had given him one thing to do for the day: be home in time for dinner. He hadn't even managed that.

He sprinted the last leg of the ride into the neighborhood and casually stepped over the bike once he hit the driveway. Coasting the last few yards on one peddle, he stepped off and dropped the bike in the yard. His phone buzzed. He looked at it real quick. It was from Geoff: "Hey Dennis, this is Geoff. The guys are all heading out Saturday for some fun on my boat. Why don't you and that sweet hole of yours tag along. I'm dying for another taste." Dennis laughed and pushed his way into the house.

His family was already seated at the dinner table when he entered. There was an obvious void where Dennis sat, as if a black hole had formed right there in the kitchen. At least, that's what his mother made it feel like when he was late. She refused to let anyone eat until they were all seated. That's how it always had been. "You're late," was all she said.

"Sorry," Dennis replied. "I . . ." he trailed off. He couldn't exactly tell her he was late because a man old enough to be his father was sucking him in the sauna, while his former swim coach rammed his hard dick in his ass. So he said the first thing that came to mind. "Work ran late."

Mary looked at her son suspiciously. "I know the pool closes at five. There's no reason you couldn't be here by six." She gave him a concerned look. "Your sister is only in town for a few days. The least you can do is make an effort to spend some quality time with her."

"Mary," Bill said, stopping his wife. "He's here now. Can we just eat?"

What's this? Dennis thought. He thought for sure both his parents would be on him about being late. It seemed, however, his dad was coming to his aid for once. Maybe what he said the other night about covering for him was actually true. Maybe his dad would prove to keep his secret and then some. Then Dennis had another thought. What was running through his dad's brain right now? Was he imagining John fucking his only son while looking his wife right in the eyes? Dennis gave his father an enlightened look and a slight smile. Bill gave him a subtle wink before starting to cut his steak.

"How was your first day at work?" Bill asked.

"It was great," Dennis said, a smile on his face. He immediately thought back to the practice, where he got to see all his hot teammates in their speedos; then the dads who he had watched on his shift, playing with their children; and finally, to the hot, sweaty sex he had had in the sauna with John and Hal. "Real great," he said again.

"Good. And how was your day at the pool, sweetheart?" he asked Maddie.

It was Maddie's turn to smile as she thought about Hal shoving his seven inch dick inside her moist pussy. She hadn't been fucked like that all year. The boys at her school just didn't have the same touch, and her professors had been all women this past semester, so Maddie had been aching for some shaft for some time. "Great," she said. "Yeah . . ."

Both kids sat there, lost in their own daydreams. Each still had Hal's load swimming around inside them. Of course, Bill suspected what Dennis had been up to, and he too wished he could have some, but he had no idea Maddie had gotten some, as well. Still, he noticed the matching expressions on his children's faces and gave a slight chuckle. Must've been a good day for all.

"Do you work this weekend?" Mary asked her son.

"No," Dennis replied. "Actually, I was asked by one of the guys on the team if I wanted to go out on his boat on Saturday. The whole team is going. Is that okay?"

"Sure," Bill said, almost too quickly. "I actually was invited, as well."

Mary gave her husband a confused look. She couldn't believe he was invited to do something social . . . especially without her. Her eyes begged for Bill to elaborate.

Bill finished chewing his potato and started. "Mary, you remember John from the theater? The one who sat next to us?"

"Of course," she said, drinking her tea. "You two used to be so friendly."

With this comment, Dennis's eyes darted toward his dad.

"How is his wife?" his mom continued.

"She passed a few years back."

"Oh, that's too bad," Mary said. "See? If we still went to the theater, I would know these things."

"Yeah," Bill added, brushing her off. "Anyway, John is one of Dennis's teammates."

"You don't say?" Mary said, turning to Dennis. Dennis confirmed with a nod.

"Well, I bumped into him the other day and he invited me along."

Yeah, Dennis thought. Bumped, grinded, sucked, and everything else. Then, realizing what his dad joining would mean, he deflated a little. The whole excursion wouldn't be as fun if his dad was there. That would mean no sex.

"That's nice," Mary continued. "But it's too bad. That's Maddie's last day in town. I think it would be best if we had some family time."

Maddie gave Dennis a look of smug satisfaction. The thought of keeping him away from hanging out with a piece of meat like John--someone she obviously wanted to fuck and was jealous of her brother getting to spend time with--was a matter of pure delight. It was almost better than fucking John herself; then again . . . no it wasn't.

"What if I dropped her off at the airport Sunday morning? We'll go out for a nice breakfast before she leaves," he said, looking to Maddie for assurance. "That'll be nice, won't it?"

Mary conceded. "There's an idea. How about that, Maddie?"

Maddie grimaced at Dennis. "Fine," she muttered, and Dennis could do nothing but smile back. Of course, Maddie had no clue what was in store for him on that boat. If she did, she never would've agreed to her father's offer.

After dinner, once all the dishes were cleaned and the food was put away, Dennis retired to his bedroom for the evening. As he was changing for bed, he heard a knock on the door. It was his dad. Bill saw his son in his briefs and turned away.

"Relax, dad," Dennis said.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to unsee what I saw," Bill told him.

"So don't try. It's a dick. I got it from you anyway."

"You're a little longer, but I think I'm thick--" He stopped what he was saying. "No, this is wrong on so many levels. I'm not talking about this with you."

Dennis laughed. "So what did you want?"

Bill took a second to recover from where that conversation was just heading. "I was just wondering if you're cool if I crash the party on Saturday?"

Not really, Dennis thought.

"I'm sure it would be more fun without me," Bill continued.

That's for sure, he thought.

"I can tell John no, if it'd make you feel better."

Dennis stopped his sarcastic thinking and got serious. It would be more fun without his dad. What would happen if he were there? Would that mean no sex? How would the others feel about that? Then again, he had already seen John fucking him, so what would the difference be if he saw a few more guys take a turn? And maybe his dad would want to see the other guys, as weird as that sounded.

"Was John the only one?" he asked.

"Ever?" Bill responded. "Yeah."

Dennis decided his dad needed this party more than he did. He knew his dad missed his time with John immensely, and as much as he wanted that time for himself, he could see his dad could use it more. He could get fucked any day of the week, but his dad was always under the hawk-like watch of his mother. This was the best opportunity he'd have for a while.

"I guess you can go," Dennis said.

Bill's face lit up. "Really?"

"Why not? Just wait till you meet Geoff. You're going to love him."

"So I'm told."

The rest of the week dragged on, but Saturday rolled along eventually. Dennis woke early and packed his best suit--a teal Sauvage brief with white racing stripes on the hips--something he hoped he wouldn't have to wear for too long. He made his way down to breakfast and found his dad and sister already sitting there.

"All packed?" Bill asked his son.

"Yes. You?" Dennis replied.

Bill reached into the chair next to him and lifted his pair of trunks from the seat. "Good to go. John should be here in about ten minutes. Why don't you go to the garage and get the drinks I bought."

Dennis left his bag with his dad and did as he was told. He found a bottle of Jefferson's Ocean bourbon and a twenty-four variety pack of Mike's Hard Lemonades. Bill knew his son wasn't too fond of the hard liquor, so he had picked up some sugary stuff for Dennis. Dennis took the drinks out of the fridge and packed them into the cooler along with some ice from the freezer. He opened the garage door and carried the cooler out to the driveway just as John pulled up.

Getting out of the car, John hollered, "Good morning, kid." He gave a quick look up at the house and, seeing no peering eyes, he leaned in and gave Dennis a peck on the lips.

"You invited my dad?" Dennis asked, giving John a raised eyebrow.

"I thought it would be fun," John replied.

"Maybe for you. You just want to get fucked again."

"And what's wrong with that?" John asked. "It'll all be fine," he assured Dennis. "Where is the old man anyway?"

"He's inside finishing breakfast."

"Well, you can put the cooler in the backseat. You don't mind if your dad sits up front, do you? The back gets a little cramped for guys like us," he said, patting his belly.

"Not at all, but you had better save some fun for me today. Don't just give it all to him."

John laughed. "You'll get plenty today, I assure you of that."

As they finished stuffing the cooler into the backseat, Bill opened the front door and stepped out onto the porch carrying the bag. Maddie followed behind him, hoping for a good look at John before they left. Unfortunately for her, John wasn't in his speedo this time, so her view was considerably less than last time.

John and Bill shook hands, putting on a nice show for Maddie, and then they all climbed into the car. As the car pulled out of the driveway, Dennis watched as Maddie stared longingly after them. He couldn't resist the urge to put his hands to his ears and stick his tongue out at her as they drove away.

It was about a thirty minute drive out to the harbor. The other guys were already there when they pulled up. Dennis stepped out of the car and looked at the medium-sized houseboat. It was about fifty feet in length and a smoothly polished white. There was a railing that ran along the lower deck, with some seating on the second level, and a covered section at the very top. Across the back, Dennis saw the name Geoff had given to it. It read: Happy Hookers. He looked up and saw Geoff standing on the second deck, fiddling with some ropes. He wore a light blue t-shirt and a dark blue speedo. The shirt had the emblem of his boat on it that repeated the name and gave a slogan: "Guaranteed to catch something!" Geoff saw them by the car and gave them a wave. "Just a second," he called down to them, before turning and sliding down the railing. He made his way off the boat and up the ramp. He stopped dead when he saw Bill.

"What is he doing here?" Geoff asked, giving Bill a dirty look. "After what he did--"

John cut him off. "Geoff, I'd like you to meet Dennis' dad."

Geoff's face went blank. "Oh," he said. "Well, that's an interesting turn of events."

"Yeah," John replied. "Bit of a shock for all of us, wasn't it?" he asked Bill and Dennis. They both nodded in agreement.

"Well, I suppose there's always room for one more. Dennis, could you help me with these ties?" he asked, and turned to show Dennis the ropes.

Dennis followed after, leaving John and Bill to get the cooler. They made their way back up to the second level, where Geoff got down on his hands and knees and started fiddling with the ropes again. Dennis looked up and saw Bob, Chuck, and Jim up on the top deck. He waved at them.

Geoff looked up to Dennis. "So, your dad. How did that happen?"

"He kind of walked in on John and I in the locker room the other day."

"How much did he see?"

"Pretty much everything there was to see," Dennis said as he stared at the nice bulge dangling between Geoff's legs; the spandex pulled tight across his ass and cupped his balls perfectly. Dennis was tempted to reach for it, but there would be time for that later.

"Nice," Geoff said with a grin. "So will he be joining in today?"

"Not sure," Dennis replied.

"Wouldn't that be a little weird for you?"

"He's already seen it. What more could it hurt? Plus, I think he'll like you quite a bit."

"You know I wouldn't say no to that," Geoff said, taking a peek in Bill's direction. He finished with the rope and stood back up. "I think we're good to go. I'm gonna head down and get us started. Could you unwrap the ties from the dock and push us off?"

"Sure thing," Dennis said, and the two made their way back to the lower deck. Dennis undid the rope at the back and then made his way to the front. He looked in the window of the cabin as he passed and saw John and his dad inside. John was standing there naked, changing into his suit. Bill sat on the bed and watched intently, his shirt unbuttoned as he had begun to change, as well. Dennis quickly untied the next rope and gave a push. The boat began to drift away and, as it did, Dennis heard the engines roar to life as Geoff began to steer the boat out to sea.

Dennis decided that now was as good a time as any to get changed into his own suit, so he pushed through the door and into the cabin. Inside, John was standing there in his neon green speedo--one of Dennis' favorites--and adjusting the goods to make sure everything fit right. In the corner stood Bill. He was wearing a pair of red trunks that went down to his knees and were not very flattering at all. His shirt was fully off now and Dennis took in the full image of his dad for the first time in years. Bill had put on more weight--there was no doubt about that--and his once dark, hairy chest had grown even hairier, but the forest had turned silver. Dennis' eyes locked in on that wonderful, perfectly round belly and for a moment he forgot he was looking at his own dad. There was no doubt where his taste in men came from and just the thought of getting to look at that all day aroused him. He had spent so much time thinking about this trip and how it would be good for his dad, he hadn't even once thought about what it would mean for himself. He might actually get to see his bear of a dad having sex with his hot, older boyfriend. Man friend? What John was to him was yet to be decided, but the thought of watching all of the older men on the boat going to town was a good one nonetheless.

John finished tying the strings on the speedo and looked up, taking notice of Bill's attire for the first time. "What is that?" he asked.

Bill looked over at him. "What is what?"

"What are you wearing?"

"My bathing suit," Bill said matter-of-factly. "I've had these trunks since our honeymoon."

"When was that?" John asked. "A century ago?"

Bill looked over at Dennis, who kind of nodded in agreement with John.

Bill shook his head. "Well, it's the only thing I've got, so it'll have to do."

John bent over and reached in his bag. He pulled out a red triangle-patterned brief that Dennis had not seen before and tossed it in Bill's direction.

Bill took one look and said, "I'm not wearing this."

"Fine," John replied. "Go naked."

Bill looked flustered. "I can't wear something like this. I just can't."

"Why? We'll all be wearing them. It's not like there's anyone out here to judge you."

Dennis agreed with John as he made his way over to the bag and pulled out his blue Sauvage speedo. He dropped his pants right there, which Bill watched just long enough to catch himself watching, at which point he promptly turned away. With his speedo on, he went back over and stood near John. "You're gonna look weirder if you don't wear it," Dennis said.

A pained expression split Bill's face. This was not what he expected. How could he go prancing about in such little clothing? What would Mary think if she saw him in it? And that was what did it. He realized he didn't care what Mary thought about it. For once, he was in control of his own fun. It terrified him to find himself in a situation with a bunch of half-naked, older men that would most likely lead to a day full of cheating on his wife having hot, gay sex; but, at the same time, it was one of the most tantalizing situations he had ever found himself in. If that meant he'd have to put on the tiny swimsuit, so be it.

With a sigh, he looked at the two across the room and said, "Fine." But then he paused.

"What's the matter now?" John asked.

Bill looked at Dennis. "Could you give me a little privacy?"

Dennis laughed. "Absolutely not. You've seen me. Now it's my turn."

Bill groaned and dropped his trunks. Dennis stared at his dad as he stood there in all his glory. His 3.5 inch dick, ashamed from the presence of his son, had someone managed to shrivel down to almost 2 inches; but, as Dennis could see, those were 2 inches of one of the most fascinating cocks he had ever seen. It was gorgeous, hiding in his dad's thick, silvery bush beneath that spectacular hanging belly. The head looked smooth and soft, as if it had never received a proper beating. He could only imagine what it looked like erect. And as he did so, he began growing himself, filling out his tight briefs to the max. Bill noticed his son's problem and was immediately embarrassed further. He yanked on the speedo and pulled it up as tight as he could, not realizing that pulling it up higher didn't cover him more but instead just made his bits more noticeable.

John stepped in between the two of them, clearly enjoying the awkwardness of the situation. "My, my, today is going to be fun, isn't it boys?"

Feeling exposed, all Bill said in reply was, "Let's just get this over with." He moved past Dennis and John and pushed his way out onto the deck.

They stepped out onto the deck just as Geoff came out from the controls. His eyes went wide as he took in the two stocky men and the skimpy boy. "It looks like I'm overdressed," he said, removing his visor so he could pull his shirt over his head. He tossed it in the cabin. "That's better," he added, eying up Bill. There was nothing he wanted more for the day than to conquer Bill's hole with his tongue, finger, cock, and whatever else he could squeeze in there. Bill caught Geoff's gaze and quickly turned away. The stares were too much for his insecurity.

The four guys climbed back up to the upper deck, where Chuck, Bob, and Jim were still sitting at the table. Bob reached into a cooler as they approached and offered them each a drink. Dennis and Geoff graciously accepted, but Bill declined. This was too uncomfortable for him. John took two and extended one out to Bill, adding a hushed comment under his breath. "Drink it. This will go a lot smoother if you do."

"I'm going to need something a lot stronger than that," Bill replied.

"That can be arranged."

John reached down and grabbed the bottle of whiskey, but before he had the chance to take a swig, Geoff reappeared at Bill's side with a bottle of sunscreen. "Do you mind?" Geoff asked, squirting some in his hand. "Wouldn't want you to get burned. It doesn't look like that belly of yours has seen the sun much this decade."

Bill started once more to decline but, as he watched the white cream ooze out of the bottle, he felt that stirring feeling in his crotch of his hormones pumping into gear. It was the same feeling he had the other night at John's--a feeling he wasn't accustomed to feeling much anymore. "I, I--" he stuttered. But then, John unscrewed the bottle of whiskey and forced it into Bill's hands. Bill looked around and John gave him a nod. He took a big swig, and said, "Fuck it."

Geoff gave him a devilish grin and moved in, his hands outstretched as if he were sinking his claws into his prey.

Over at the table, Bob leaned toward Dennis. "This is weird for you, right?"

Dennis downed a mouthful of his drink and set the can on the table. He shook his head and stared on in amazement. "Not at all. It's kind of fascinating, isn't it?"

"It's your dad," Chuck said, as Geoff began wiping white cream all over Bill's chest. His hair clumped together as the thick, wet goo spread through it, whitening Bill's already white torso further.

"I know," Dennis said. "It's like my wildest fantasy coming to life."

Both Chuck and Bob looked at each other and then back at Dennis. "You just may be the weirdest one of all of us," Chuck added.

"Oh, leave the kid alone," Jim said. "It's clear where he gets his thing for old guys. If the kid wants to fuck the old man, I say let him go for it! No harm, no foul. We're all friends here. So long as he saves room for another one of my loads," Jim said with a wink. He placed his hand on Dennis' inner thigh and rubbed up into his crotch.

Dennis sprang to life immediately. Even Jim's hands were warm to the touch. It's like that Scottish semen that flowed from his nut sack coursed through the rest of him, as well. He looked over at his dad and watched as Geoff ran his hands repeatedly over those hairy man boobs. Geoff was staring Bill in the eyes intensely and, much to Dennis' surprise, his dad was staring back. Geoff's left hand dropped below the waist and found its way to Bill's package, which had regained its normal size and then some. With scrotum in hand, Geoff leaned in and pushed his mouth against Bill's. Again, Bill did not back away as Dennis would've expected. Instead, he raised his arms and wrapped them around Geoff's back, pulling the man closer to him until their bellies were smushed against one another, their lips locked tightly and their tongues wrestling away.

Not wanting his dad to have all of the fun, Dennis turned back to Jim and slid out of his chair. "Why don't we take care of that now?"

Jim's eyes lit up. He stood up and slid out of his orange speedo, revealing an erect five inch firecracker that pulsed purple and red. His cock stood at attention and Dennis made sure they were positioned in just the way that his father could see him as he brought his mouth down on Jim's cock.

Bill gasped at the sight, but did not stop kissing Geoff. He had seen John fucking his son that day in the locker room, but watching Dennis go down on this man while staring his father so intently in the eyes, it was as if everything he knew about his son, everything their relationship was, was changing in that moment. Dennis was challenging him; there was no doubt about it. He was saying, I can score a guy just as well as you can. And with that, any doubts or fears Bill had about what the day would entail dissipated. If Dennis wanted a challenge, by golly, Bill was going to show him his maker. He reached down and grabbed Geoff's sack in his right hand, giving it a squeeze for Dennis' satisfaction.

Off to the side, John looked on as father and son were locked in a heated battle. "This just took an interesting turn," he said to Bob.

"Was this your plan all along?" Bob asked, giving John a suspicious look out of the corner of his eye.

"Not by a long shot, but I'm curious to see it play out. But for now, I could use a little sausage myself," he said, stripping out of his suit. His deflated sack took a second to expand into freedom, but it didn't take long for it to be standing tall and ready for its first playmate.

"I guess that's what we're here for," Bob said, releasing his seven-inch monster, which was already fully erect. "I would've liked to get a little sun in before this, but I guess you can go ahead."

"You'll have plenty of time for that later," John replied, as he dropped down and took Bob inside his mouth.

Dennis impaled his throat on Jim's cock. Every inch of that Scottish dick shoved deep between his tonsils, bouncing against them as Jim slid in and out of Dennis' throat. Dennis gagged, but took it in strides. It felt as if he was sucking on a red hot, as the pre-cum oozed generously from Jim's member and lined the inside of Dennis' mouth. He reached up and began to massage the sperm factory, forcing the juices to flow faster into his mouth. But he wasn't done yet. He spread the hot pre-cum around with his tongue and flicked at the cock, getting it right on the underside of the head.

This pushed Jim's buttons in all the right ways. He groaned as he took Dennis' head in his hands. He pulled Dennis closer to him as he fucked the boy's face, not letting up for even a second. The old man wanted the kid to taste him and, more than anything, he wanted to show him he still had it. It was his silly Scottish pride, but that pride was all he had. Jim glanced down Dennis' back and saw the beginning of his crack peeking out from the blue speedo. His tongue wet his lips as he imagined tasting the boy's hole. And so, as he tried with all his might to ram his raging erection through the back of Dennis' head, thinking of that sweet hole, he shot a thick load of flaming hot sperm straight down Dennis' throat.

It felt like a double shot of Fireball with no chaser. Dennis coughed at the burn and choked on Jim's immediately limp dick. He slid the floppy sausage out of his mouth and gasped for air. Chuck was standing nearby with a beer in his hand. "Here," he said, handing Dennis the beer. "You'll need this."

Dennis looked past his hatred of beer and took a large swig. "Thanks." He turned to Jim. "Seriously, what is up with that?"

"You like it?" Jim asked.

"Like it? It's amazing," Dennis gasped. "And also painful."

"Runs in me family," Jim said, giving his best Scottish accent. "It's probably why me mum can drink us all under the table." He gave a hearty laugh.

Having been caught up in the moment, Dennis had totally forgotten about his father. He looked over and saw that Bill and Geoff had progressed to fondling each other inside their swim briefs. Their lips still locked, each had grown their full lengths to matching 5.5 inches, and it looked as if they were locked in a duel, their swords striking one another as they made love.

Geoff removed his hand from Bill's cock and began tugging at his speedo. Bill took his hand back, too, and helped him. Soon enough, both men were standing there fully nude and erect. Dennis admired their perfectly round bellies, which were beginning to glisten with sweat. His father's was matted in silver fur, while Geoff's was smooth as could be. Together, they made quite the pair. Geoff spun Bill around and pressed his belly into the small of his back. His hard-on found the hole between Bill's legs and plunged inside.

"Tell me," Geoff said, as he reached around and squeezed Bill's boobs. "Have you ever had that hole of yours played with?"

Bill stopped. "No, and what's more, I'm not gonna," he said firmly.

"Oh, come on," Geoff pleaded, worming his cock around between Bill's legs. "I swear it'll feel good."

"I don't think so. That's too far. That's too--"

"Gay?" Geoff asked. "John said you tongued his ass."

Bill couldn't believe John had told anyone that. He thought all their indiscretions were just between them . . . well, and Dennis now. "That was different. I don't want my own ass played with."

"Look," Geoff said. "I'll stop if you want me to, but I promise you'll have a lot more fun if you just try some things."

Bill thought for a second. He knew Geoff was telling the truth. How could he expect to ever enjoy himself if he said no to every suggestion. Still, this was his first time having gay sex outside of John. He looked over at John, who was busy working on Bob's pole. His former lover was having a good time. And Dennis, his uninhibited son who was growing up way too fast, was having a good time, as well. John's eyes glanced up and caught Bill's. He let Bob's cock slide from his mouth. Spit and pre-cum covered his chin. He made a drinking motion and gave a smile, before turning back to Bob's dick. Bill then remembered the bottle of whiskey he had let fall on the seat next to them. John was right again. He grabbed the bottle, took another large swig, and then bent over, raising his virgin hole in the air for Geoff's amusement.

From the moment Geoff's tongue landed on his sphincter, Bill was in ecstasy. It was an entirely new sensation for the old man, and one he never knew he would enjoy until that moment. Mary had tried at some point to touch him back there, but his fear of being found enjoying anything that might hint at his gay side scared him so much he freaked out at her. She had never tried again. Now, as Geoff moistened his hole and began wiggling his tongue in and out, Bill could not help but wonder what on earth he had waited for. He began inching his hips back and forth in sync with Geoff's tongue, until he was getting penetrated for the first time in his life. It was a wonderful feeling and Bill found himself getting more relaxed with each plunge. His cock waved back and forth beneath him, with bits of pre-cum leaking and flicking to and fro.

Dennis and John had not been wrong. He was enjoying Geoff quite a bit, and as Geoff pulled his chubby cheeks apart and worked his asshole, he began craving something he had never thought much about before. He wanted to be fucked, and he wanted to be fucked bad. The hormones were rushing through him. With each flick of the tongue, he imagined it going deeper inside him, and soon he became all-too-aware of how empty he was inside. Not emotionally, he told himself, but physically. He wanted Geoff inside him more than anything in that moment.

As Dennis stood there, still choking down the beer in an effort to wash away the burn, John snuck up behind him. He wrapped his arms around him and positioned his dick firmly against Dennis' hole. The old man looked over Dennis' shoulder and the two watched as Bill squirmed at the mercy of Geoff's tongue. "Now that dad is fully initiated," he whispered in Dennis' ear. "Why don't we pick up where we left the other day in the locker room? I've been dying to get in your ass again, kid."

Dennis subtly moved his hips back, pressing his hole into John's penis until it ever-so-slightly breached the ring. John spun him around and kissed him, picking his skinny young lover up and carrying him over to the table, where he sat him down. Dennis leaned backward until he was lying on the table, his dick and legs pointing straight up into the air. John lowered himself down and got to work on Dennis' hole with his own tongue. He licked, spit, prodded, and fucked Dennis with his tongue, until the boy's hole was nice and wet. Then, he spit two big wads into his palm and wiped them all over his own cock.

Dennis' ass tightened in anticipation. He breathed deeply and then relaxed. He had been waiting for this for days. John stepped up and slid inside with relative ease and, before long, he was pumping away aggressively.

The thrusting had a calming effect on Dennis. Rather than taking it as a violent attack on his ass, he found himself falling into the soft, cathartic back and forth rhythm that was becoming all-too-familiar to him. His head rolled back and he looked out over the ocean. It stretched endlessly in all directions--a never ending blue expanse. And all at once, the blue of the water, the motion of the sex, and the sense of belonging he had around John coalesced into that feeling he got when he was swimming--the one where he disappeared into another world entirely and everything felt as if it would be all right. It was a feeling he hadn't really felt since joining the swim team, as his time there was too full of distractions--very welcome ones at that--that he had not been able to focus. Yet here, in the midst of all these hot older men, which somehow now included his dad, he found that focus, found that peace, and found his center.

Once Dennis reached this place, the sex only became better. Like his swimming, his senses heightened to the max and he no longer just felt John's cock inside him. Instead, he felt every inch of John and the bodily mechanics that went into each and every thrust. His hole rippled with each entry, and his heart raced with passion, which was only further fueled by the image of his dad getting eaten out by his teammate.

Bill stood up, forcing Geoff's face from his crack. Geoff looked at him, concerned. "Was it too much? You seemed to be enjoy--"

Bill cut him off by placing a sloppy kiss on him, which he held for some time. "It was wonderful," he said. "Now, please, fuck my virgin ass."

Geoff's face lit with glee. "Gladly."

They made their way over to the table and Bill hopped up on the edge. As he laid down facing the opposite end as his son, he raised his legs in the air and assumed the position. Geoff looked at John fucking Dennis, then at the glorious ass, cock, and belly of the man waiting for him to enter him, and wondered how he had gotten so lucky. He pulled a bottle of lube from the storage container and began to apply it. He slid a finger into Bill's ass and was surprised how easily it went in. "Now, this may hurt a bit," he started, but Bill stopped him.

"Just do it," he demanded. He had waited far too long to delay this moment any further.

"Okay," Geoff said with a devilish grin.

He grabbed his plump dick and began inching it toward Bill's hole. As it made contact, he checked Bill's face for any reaction. There was none. And when he breached the threshold of Bill's ass with his head, he checked again. Still, there was no reaction. He waited for the pain to come, but Bill took his dick like a pro. He never once complained. Geoff thought to himself, if I had waited fifty years for this, I'd probably be more than ready, too. So with his dick now fully inside Bill, he began to pull in and out. Bill let out a murmur of pleasure as his prostrate was massaged for the first time in his life. The constant beating hurt, but it was somehow a good hurt. It didn't make any sense to him, but he wanted nothing more than for Geoff to keep going. Though he felt immensely full, he still wanted more.

Geoff reached down and grabbed Bill's boobs again. With their bellies, it was a bit of a reach, so his attack on Bill's prostate lessened some. Bill seemed to like the added sensation in his chest, though, and it wasn't long until that was joined by another sensation. For in that moment, Chuck walked up and slapped his dick on Bill's face. Bill winced, as he hadn't seen it coming, but upon realizing there was a dick in his face, he opened wide and welcomed the stranger into his mouth.

It was the perfect heave and ho. As Geoff pushed forward, Bill found himself taking more and more of Chuck's cock. As Geoff pulled out, so too did Chuck. The stimulation came from all sides, and with each thrust Bill forgot more and more about his inhibitions and gave himself up to the swim team.

On the other side of the table, Bob walked up and slipped his dick into Dennis' open mouth. For seven inches, it slid right in, as Dennis was getting better and better at opening up all of his holes for these men.

So there they were, father and son, both with their legs in the air, getting fucked on the same table. All their holes were sufficiently plugged, and the constant back and forth of the sex synchronized with the rocking of the boat. In their own little worlds, Dennis and Bill shared in a moment of ecstasy that they'd one day look back upon fondly. But for now, they were each rapidly approaching orgasms greater than they'd ever felt before. Without even touching their dicks, they simultaneously shot their loads, spraying thick bursts of cum in every direction. Some landed on themselves, some landed on the others, some even landed on each other. This was soon followed by four more loads as their friends pulled out and showered them in more of the hot semen. Covered in cum, Bill leaned up and looked back across the table at his son. They were a mess, but as he met Dennis' eyes, they came to an understanding about each other that Bill knew would shape their relationship for years to come. No longer was Dennis just his son; they had gone on a journey together and Bill knew they would never be the same. But, when something is lost, something is gained, and Bill felt he had gained a friend and confidant in his son, someone that knew his deep, dark secret and still loved him for it. Like the orgasm he had just had, this was a relief, and as Bill smiled at Dennis and Dennis smiled back, Bill drew a sigh of relief and laid his head back on the table.

There were more random bouts of sex that day, but none quite reached the heights for Bill or Dennis as that first round. And as the boat pulled back into the dock that evening, they were both eager to see where things went from there. They said their goodbyes to the fellows and loaded back in John's Studebaker. When they reached their house, John gave Bill a kiss and then turned to Dennis. "Say, kid, you want to come over?"

Dennis looked at his dad and Bill smiled. "I know when I'm not wanted. You two go have fun. This old goat has had enough for one day anyway."

And with that, Bill got out. He waved to them as they drove off and then turned and opened the garage door. He sighed. How was he going to face his wife after that? This had been the single best day of his life and the thought of returning to his monotonous life was the last thing he wanted. He punched the code and, when the door opened, he entered into his own uncertainty.

To be continued . . .

©2019 **************************************************************************

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Next: Chapter 11

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