The Masters Swim Team

By Dave B

Published on Aug 19, 2018


This is a fictional story about a young adult who joins a Master's Swim team full of older men.

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Dennis was petrified, frozen in place with nowhere to go and nothing to say. The only thing that moved was his dick, which shriveled up smaller than it ever had before. His eyes were locked on his father, but Bill's eyes were fixed on John. Dennis turned to the best of his ability and looked at the man whose dick was still throbbing inside him. "Hi Bill?" Dennis questioned. "How do you know my dad?"

"Your dad?" John replied, connecting the dots in his head. "Huh." He looked at Bill with a smirk on his face. "We're old friends."

"Enough," Bill interrupted, not returning John's smirk. He was not an intimidating man, but he wanted answers. "I demand to know what is going on here!"

"You've got eyes, Bill," John answered. "You can see what's going on here."

"Yes, but why is your dick in my son's ass?" Bill asked, still standing in the doorway where he had first witnessed the scene.

John pulled out and stepped to the side, his erection now pointing directly at Bill, pre-cum dripping off the end. Bill's eyes widened and he gulped. "Is that better?" John asked. "We were just having a little fun."

"A little fun? He's 20 years old for Christ's sake. You're fucking a child in a public place!"

"I'm not a child," Dennis finally said, standing up from his hunched over position. He grabbed his skimpy suit, using the little patch of fabric to cover as much of his exposed body from his dad as he could. "And what are you doing here anyway?"

John raised his eyebrows and waited for Bill to answer. "I'm . . . I . . ." Bill never saw himself as being great at the parenting thing. Confrontation was not something he looked forward to. And admitting his own mistakes or weaknesses was something he dreaded like the plague. He shut his eyes and sighed. "I came here to continue our chat from this morning. I didn't handle that well, and I wanted to see if you wanted to get lunch and talk some more." His moment of understanding over, he realized he was losing control of this situation. His anger at what he saw swelled back up in him. "But now I see you're just fucking around up here. Grab your things, Dennis. We're leaving."

"But I don't want to leave," Dennis replied.

"As long as you live under my roof, you'll do as I say. Let's go."

"Go, kid," John told him, giving up. "I'll see you around."

Dennis looked back and John. He could see the emptiness in his eyes. He had lost Jane, he had lost the only man he'd ever loved, and now he was losing the first thing he'd found in a long time that meant anything to him. It was all written on his face, and Dennis felt terrible about it. He grabbed his things from his locker, slipped on some shorts, and walked over to where his dad was standing. Dennis turned one last time to that bear of a man he was so enamored with. John's dick had fallen, the smirk was gone, and that twinkle in his eyes had faded. He stood there awkwardly--naked and alone.

Bill stared at John, too. He saw the broken man and knew how hurt he must be. For a second, he felt for him. But then he thought, he had only done this to himself. He turned away. "Come on, Dennis."

And just like that, it was was over. As quickly as it had started, just days before, it had now come unravelled. There would be no more pool, no more swim team, and no more John. Not if his dad had anything to say about it.

Dennis followed his father out of the locker room, along the side of the building, and down to a large, grey pickup truck. They got in and drove off. The ride was silent. Dennis could tell his dad was still fuming, but he didn't want to hear it. He found himself zoning out; staring out the window as everything turned to a blur around him. For all the joy the first week of summer had brought him, he could feel none of it now. He just felt empty inside, and not just because only moments before he had been so wonderfully full of John's cock. Instead, he was now missing something he had never known he needed. John had awoken something in him, and just like that, his father had taken it away.

They reached their house and Bill told him to get out. There would be no lunch. Dennis had ruined that. Instead, Bill told him to go inside. He had to get back to his job like a responsible adult; he had added extra emphasis on the `responsible.' Before he drove off, he rolled the window down and told Dennis that he didn't need to tell him he had better not go to that pool again. Dennis, of course, knew that. He didn't want to. Even if he did, there was no way that John would want to see him again. Not after that embarrassing scene. Instead, he walked inside and, without even cleaning the lube out of his ass, he fell on his bed. Curled up in a little ball, Dennis laid there feeling nothing. He laid there for what must have been hours before he finally drifted off to sleep.

Bill spent the entire afternoon replaying the scene in his head. He knew he had handled it poorly, just like he had breakfast, but there was part of him that didn't know how he could have done it any differently. He was shocked to find Dennis--his only son, his baby boy--in such a compromising situation. He supposed Dennis wasn't his baby boy anymore, but Bill had never really had that moment when he realized that. That is, until today. Once you've seen your son bent over with a man three times his age balls deep in his ass, it's hard to ever see him as that little, innocent child that once depended on you just to live. Those days were long gone.

And then there was the act itself. Bill had never suspected Dennis might have been interested in men. Had there been signs and he had missed them? No, there couldn't have been. Dennis had always been into girls. He'd even semi-dated their neighbor Patti for most of high school. And how, even if he liked guys, had he ended up with John? A man that, with his fat, hairy belly, was about as far from the dainty school girl type as could be. How did he even know John? It had been years since Bill had even seen the guy. How was it that their paths were crossing again now?

Bill wracked his brain. None of it made sense. And he had no clue what he was supposed to do next. Should he tell his wife Mary? He didn't think so. That would only raise more questions. It was probably better to keep this to himself. Should he talk to Dennis about it? That would be awkward, and after the scene he had put Dennis through at the pool, Dennis probably didn't even want to talk to him. Should he go see John? That was likely his best option if he wanted answers. Again, that was likely to be awkward, and he didn't want to stir up any bad blood that already existed between the two. He had likely made things worse already. But still, through it all, even though he had been seeing red the entire time, seeing John again had been nice. He always wondered what had happened to him. Where had life taken him? How was Jane? Was she even still alive? There was no end to the questions he had for him, but going there could only end badly.

Bill shook his head and returned his attention to his work.

It was 5 o'clock when Bill got off work. He still hadn't decided what he should do but, without realizing it, he found himself driving down the once familiar streets on the opposite side of town from his own house. The sun was setting, and it had been years, but the houses in the neighborhood stuck out as if it had only been yesterday. It wasn't long before he found himself pulling up to the quaint, little home at the end of the cul-de-sac. He parked on the street and looked up at the house. Nothing had changed. He got out and stood in the front yard, not sure if he should go any further. A light was on in the house. Through the window, he could see John sitting at the table, slowly picking through a TV dinner. The poor man looked depressed.

I can't do this, Bill thought. I should never have come in the first place. He turned to leave. As he reached the truck door, a voice called out to him.


Bill looked up and saw John standing in the doorway. "Hi, John."

"What are you doing here, Bill?"

"I . . . I just . . . I think we should talk," Bill said. He paused. "About today. About then."

"Oh boy," John muttered. "Why don't you come in. I'll grab some beers."

Bill sat patiently in the sitting room, the same one Dennis had been in only nights before. Bill didn't know that, of course. John returned to the room with the beers and handed one to Bill. "That wasn't cool what you did to that kid today," John said, taking his seat in his chair.

"I know," Bill admitted. "It's been eating at me all day. But I didn't know what to do."

"Well what you did certainly wasn't it," John reiterated. "What were you doing there anyway?"

"It was like I said. I just wanted to straighten things out with him. We had a fight over breakfast and I wanted to make it right."

"Ah," John sighed. "So that must be the inspiration for the job."

"I just want what's best for him, you know? He could be building a resume, not just sitting around at the pool."

"He's a kid, Bill. That's what they're supposed to do," John said, taking a sip from his beer.

"But that's just it, isn't it? He's not a kid. I think today, more than any day, showed me that. Your cock was buried in my son's ass. Why did it have to be my son? And you, of all people, on the giving end." Bill's eyes were getting wet.

"To be fair, I didn't know he was your son," John said. "But it does explain why I'm so hot for him."

"Did you tell him about me?" Bill asked, secretly hoping John still thought about him the way he still thought about John.

"Not by name, just about the one that got away." John stood up and walked across the room to the liquor table. "Something a little harder?"

Yes, Bill thought. Much harder. "More like the one that got let go."

John returned with two glasses of bourbon. "I've regretted that ever since I did it; but, if I'm being honest, it was the right thing to do. Jane deserved better than that. She deserved to live out her days with someone who loved her to the fullest. It killed me to do it, but it was the right thing to do."

"So she's gone then?" Bill said, feeling bad about any pain he may have caused her.

"Three years now," John confessed.

"Sorry to hear that," Bill said, reaching over and putting his hand on John's.

John felt a tingle spread through his body. There was that touch again. That feeling he had longed for all these years. He returned the favor, placing his hand on top of Bill's. They looked in each other's eyes deeply, each one with a sense of longing that had been there, hidden away for years. John set his glass down and leaned over, his face meeting Bill's as they began to kiss.

It was slow at first. Just a peck. Then Bill, never drawing his face away from John's, set his glass down as well. Soon John was on top of him, pushing Bill into a lying position on the couch. The large man lay atop Bill and gently worked his tongue into his mouth. It was just as they both remembered it. Intense, yet passionate. Bill worked his tongue deep into John's mouth, and John's receded to let him. They played feverishly with each other, dancing around one another in the confines of John's mouth. Bill reached up and placed his hands on John's ass, giving it a squeeze and caressing it as if it was made to fit perfectly in his palms. John messed with Bill's hair, ruffling up the mop and using it to hold on and keep Bill pressed firmly against him.

John sat up, removing his shirt along the way. He tossed it aside. Bill watched as John's belly spilled out from the confines of the shirt. He worked his hands into John's hairy chest, stopping as he got to his delicious man boobs. He cupped them in his hands, squeezing and pinching as John fumbled with his belt buckle.

Bill sat up now, as well. He brought himself towards John's nipples and put the right one in his mouth. He sucked on it, biting it gently with his teeth and pulling just hard enough to squeeze a sound out of John. His left hand pinched at the other. As John stood up, dropping his pants along the way, Bill stood with him. His mouth moved back to John's, but his hands dropped to John's cock. He rubbed John's thick, 6 inch dick through his briefs until a wet spot smeared the front. From there, he began gliding his finger over the spot until it spread enough to see most of John's dick head.

John reached over and began tugging at Bill's shirt. He pulled the polo over Bill's head, revealing a chest covered in silvery hair. His belly stuck out, round as could be. John ran his hands all over it while Bill worked his own pants open. He let them fall, as well, and then reached back over for John's cock. The slick layer of pre-cum had grown even more. Bill dropped down to his knees and began licking at it, tasting John's cock through his briefs. He could smell John's man stench as he breathed in the musk of John's sweaty balls. He ran his tongue up and down John's shaft until the front of the underwear was near transparent.

"Turn around," Bill said.

John obeyed. He knew what was coming. He had been waiting for it for years.

Bill pulled down the briefs and was face to face with that plump, juicy ass that his son had been lusting over for the past week. It was just as he remembered it. He gave it a slap and watched it bounce back into position. John bent over, leaning his ass into the air. Bill wasted no time. He pulled the cheeks apart and brought his face into the crack. He lapped at the hole. John flinched at first, pulling away slightly, but quickly brought it back to Bill's face. Bill made another lick, running his tongue from the base of John's taint and up through his anus. It tasted as sweet as ever. He took the plunge and worked his tongue hard and fast into the depths of John's hole. John let out a gasp, but quickly started whimpering with delight. He didn't know why, but Bill's tongue made him weak in the knees. He nearly fell over.

They moved back onto the couch. Bill laid down and John sat on his face. Now Bill could really fuck his man cunt with that tongue. As he did so, between squeals of pleasure, John leaned forward and came in contact with Bill's 5.5 inch beauty. He peeled back the Tommy Hilfiger briefs and buried his face in Bill's bush. Bill's dick flopped around as John rubbed his face back and forth, pushing the junk around with his forehead. As the tongue thrust in and out of his hole, he took the cock in his mouth and sucked it down into his throat until his nose was penetrating Bill's nut sack. They stayed like this for some time, both working in and out of each other in harmony.

Once John's hole was nice and loose, Bill slid out from under John and stood up. John laid down on the couch, his butt propped over the arm rest, raising his asshole and legs into the air.

"Please fuck me," John begged. "It's been so long."

"You're gonna get it, alright. I've been waiting to feel that tight hole for years," Bill replied in a rugged voice.

Bill slapped his dick against his hand, feeling the blood rush to the tip and stiffening him to a level that hadn't been achieved since the last time they'd been together. He grabbed lube from under the couch--where they had always hid it before--and worked it all over his cock. Then, he ran a thick glob over John's hole, sliding in two fingers and stretching it out nice and good. "Take it like a good boy now," he said. "I don't want any crying."

"Yes, sir," John replied.

Bill lowered himself until his dick lined up with John's hole. John was tense. After so much time, he wanted this so bad, but he didn't know what to expect. "Loosen up, boy," Bill demanded.

"Yes, sir," John said again.

He tried to relax, and managed to do so enough that Bill could pop the head inside him. John's face tightened in pain, and he tried all he could to keep it to himself. Bill didn't like it when he complained. So he sucked it up and took it. Soon, Bill had squeezed it all in, right down to his balls. Grabbing John's legs, he wiggled his pecker around inside so John could get used to the fullness, then began to pull out. He worked it back in again, pressing harder than before as he attacked John's prostate with a full on assault. John let out a long, drawn out moan. Soon enough, Bill had worked up enough speed that his balls were slapping intensely against John's ass. He reached down and grabbed John's cock, stroking it feverishly with the lube that remained on his hand.

John was powerless to resist. He was completely under Bill's control. If Bill wanted to fuck his hole all night long, he would lie there and take it. He hoped it wouldn't take that long, though, as he wanted to feel Bill's warm load fill him up and spill out of him.

"Harder," he begged. And Bill obliged. "Feed me that cock," he added. And Bill obliged.

The two men locked eyes as Bill thrust harder and deeper. There was a strong bond between them that, even after all these years, was still there. In this moment, their bodies became one, and they reached bliss. John's cock erupted, shooting a hot, sticky load flying into the air and landing all across his chest and face. At the same time, Bill spewed his wad into John's ass. He kept his rock hard dick buried in John's hole and leaned forward through John's legs. The angle and their bellies forced his cock out of John. There was a pop, and with it, his load spilled out of John's ass, running down onto the couch cushions. He made his way until their faces met and they kissed each other passionately. Then, he lowered his head until his forehead rested on John's and their noses touched. It was a gesture of deep love for one another.

"I still love you," John whispered. "I always did."

"I know," Bill replied. "And I you." He stood up and, grabbing a tissue from the box on the table, wiped the smear of cum from John's ass and the cushions. "But you know it's never going to be, right?"

John sat up on the couch. "I know," he resigned. "And what if I had never ended it before?"

"We'll never know, will we?" Bill said, reaching for his pants. "Besides, my son is pretty into you. You should have seen him in the truck on the way home. He may never talk to me again."

"I'm pretty into him, too," John said. "Let's just say he inherited more than just his looks from his dad."

"Oh really? What's it like?"

"He's tight, but man he's a great fuck."

"Have you let him fuck you yet?" Bill inquired.

"Nope. You're still the only one who has that pleasure," John said with a smile.

"I'm flattered," Bill said, as he pulled his polo back on. "But do me a favor, let the kid in."

"Anything for your son."

John stood up and saw Bill to the door. "Thanks for stopping by. You don't know how hard it was thinking I had hurt you again this morning."

"I understand. I knew I'd hurt you, too, and that was never what I wanted. Seeing you again in that way, knowing Dennis was getting what I had been denied. The whole thing was hard and I overreacted."

"Will I see you again?" John asked, hopeful.

"I'll be around. We'll see. It would be a shame to let Dennis have all the fun."

John smiled. "Thanks again. You have no idea how much I needed that."

"I think I've got an idea," Bill replied. He leaned in for a kiss. "Goodbye, John."

"Bye," John replied, as the man he used to love--no, still loved--disappeared into the night.

It was late by the time Bill got home. He found his way into the house and set his briefcase on the table. He peered up the hall and saw that Dennis' light was still on. This isn't going to be easy, he thought.

He knocked softly on the door and opened it a crack. "Dennis?" he whispered. "Can I come in?"

"Do I have a choice?" Dennis retorted, not looking up from the book he was reading.

"Of course, you have a choice," Bill said, entering the room. He shut the door behind him. "Listen, I'm sorry about earlier. I was wrong. I overreacted and I caused you pain. John, too. I shouldn't have done that."

"No, you shouldn't have," Dennis snapped.

Bill took a deep breath. "Right . . . I guess, it was just really hard to see you like that. That's not exactly something a parent is used to seeing from their kid."

"I'm grown up now, dad," Dennis said, turning for the first time to face his father. "I'm not a kid anymore."

"First off," Bill replied, "you'll always be my kid. Whether you like it or not." He sat down next to Dennis on the bed. "But I know what you mean. Today helped me see that."

"So I can go back to the pool?"

"Of course, you can. But tell me, how did you meet John in the first place?"

"We met on the pool deck. He introduced himself and we got to talking. Then . . ." Dennis paused. Oh, what the hell? he thought. He already caught us fucking. "Then he walked up behind me in the shower and pressed his cock into my ass and talked dirty to me."

"Oh," Bill said. "That's one way to do it."

"Yeah. How do you know him?" Dennis asked.

"Actually, it was pretty similar. I caught him glancing at my cock at a urinal at the theatre. We went into the stall and he gave me the best blow job of my life during the second act. That stays between us, you hear?"

Dennis couldn't believe what he just heard. His dad had just told him he was having gay sex in the bathroom while his own mother sat alone at a show. Before he could register the full meaning of all of that, something hit him that was so preposterous it just might be true.

"You're him," Dennis said, astonished, as if everything was becoming clearer.


"The man. The one that got away."

"There's that line again. I didn't `get away,' I was let go," Bill corrected.

"But that means you--"

"Cheated on your mother, yes. Many times. And I feel terrible about it. Did it again tonight, I'm afraid."

"Wait, you--"

"Yes, Dennis. I stopped by John's to apologize, not knowing it would turn to that. But old feelings surfaced and--"

"You couldn't help yourself. I know the feeling. He's great, isn't he?"

Bill smiled, as if he was remembering the night he'd had. "That he is. He's a good guy, Dennis. Have all the fun you want, but be safe. I don't mean cover it. Yes, you should be safe in that regard; I mean, protect yourself. Don't get in too far if you can't handle having it all ripped away. Nothing lasts forever."

"Dad . . ." Dennis moaned.

"I'm just saying," Bill continued. "And don't worry. I'll cover for your mom. And forget about the job. You just have fun."

"Too late," Dennis said. "I got one at the pool. I start tomorrow. Guess I had to go whether you liked it or not. After all, you're the one that forced me to get a job in the first place."

Bill patted Dennis on the shoulder and stood up. "I'm proud of you, Dennis. And I love you. Always know that."

"I do," Dennis responded.

His dad stopped at the door and turned back to Dennis. "Say, Dennis, what's it like to fuck John?" he asked, knowing Dennis had been denied that privilege.

Dennis shook his head. "I wouldn't know. He hasn't let me."

"He let me," Bill bragged, beaming in the face. "Good night," he added. Before Dennis had a chance to respond, Bill flipped the lights and was gone.

Dennis plopped back on the bed, picturing that ass and those chubby cheeks. If his dad had conquered John's ass, so could he. He shut his eyes, licked his lips, and began a nice, long wet dream in which he was fucking John's soapy hole right where it all began.

To be continued . . .

©2018 ******************************************************************************************

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Next: Chapter 8

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