The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Dec 27, 2006


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


"Poletto, today I did nothing but think of you - last night you outdid yourself. Do you know that you are becoming really skilled?"

"With a teacher like you, my master, it's easy to become a good pupil."

"All the day long I just thought about yesterday night and waited for this moment to come..."

"I too waited for this moment, dear master. I missed you. And now that at last I'm near you, I feel a strong desire to start again from where we stopped yesterday night..."

"Listen, just for tonight, why don't we start by making love? Look here, how much I'm already aroused... and you too are..."

Poletto didn't answer but bent on Lorenzo and took between his lips one of his tits squeezing and sucking it, while with a hand was caressing his beautiful, quivering pole and with the other was brushing his body on the most sensitive spots.

The man let him continue for a while, enjoying the attentions and gently caressing the boy's hair and back. Then he moved so that his head could approach Poletto's lap and with the tip of his tongue he started to titillate his member, to lick it, to squeeze its tip between his lips.

The boy emitted a long, tremulous sigh of pleasure and pushed all of his shuddering tool into Lorenzo's welcoming mouth, who started at once to suck it with passion. He was glad that Polo was taking the initiative.

"What do you want me to do for you, my beautiful little male?" he asked after a while.

Poletto didn't answer but laid on his back and put his ankles on the man's shoulders, so offering himself to him. Then Lorenzo went down to lick and rim the greedy boy's palpitating little hole, wetting it with saliva and preparing it. When he felt he was shuddering with passion, he put his hands under the small and firm buttocks, raised and spread them, aimed at the hole with his strong and hard tool and started to push with calibrated vigor, with controlled force. He felt the hole gradually broaden, palpitate, and felt the tip of his pole starting to slip inside him, extremely slowly but relentlessly, millimeter by millimeter.

He held himself back, not to surrender to the temptation to plunge inside in only one stroke, and protracted prolonged that slow invasion, that desired penetration, espying on the boy's face the emotions he was feeling. Poletto's face was radiant, luminous. The boy's eyes were fixed on those of the man and were communicating to him all the pleasure and the joy he was experiencing while being taken.

That ravished, entranced, happy expression and that look were just increasing and exalting the pleasure and the joy that Lorenzo was feeling.

"Tell me, my boy, are you enjoying it?"

"Oh yes... to die for..." Polo murmured caressing the man's wide chest, his slender hips, his hard and sinewy buns. "I like it, yes..." he murmured again, brushing with his fingers the thighs tense in the effort and the muscled arms, caressing the hands that were holding his hips, then going back to titillate the man's tits, hard from the excitement.

Lorenzo continued to sink in that warm and soft flesh, little by little, almost panting for the effort to control himself, until his stake was totally and firmly confined inside the boy.

Then Poletto started to make his hole palpitate vigorously and lightly tilted his small ass, while pulling the man's torso to himself until he could reach his tits with his lips, and started to lick, suck and bite artfully.

Lorenzo moved his hands putting one on the boy's chest and the other on his hot and beautiful member, and moved them in a slow erotic massage, at times slow, at times almost rough. He started to move his pelvis back and forth in slow but vigorous strokes, each time sinking into Poletto with determination and withdrawing slowly. Then he stopped and gently slipped away, parting from the boy, raising him with his strong hands and making him kneel. Lorenzo made him spread his legs well and knelt behind him, slipping his knees between the boy's legs. He leant against him embracing him and again aimed between the small buns with his hard pole.

Poletto guided him with his hands, pushing out his small ass to meet him, until Lorenzo started again to penetrate him, to fill him. Again united, while with one hand Lorenzo was artfully massaging the boy's genitals, he started to move again inside him with fast and virile strokes, kissing his neck and shoulder, biting his earlobe, while Polo, stretching his hands back, caressed his sides. The penetration rythm increased and became faster and faster, almost laborious. Both were moaning with the pleasure that they were reciprocally giving to each other.

Then Lorenzo came in a frenzy of vigorous jets, flooding the boy's entrails. He stopped masturbating Poletto, because he didn't want the boy to come. After he fired his last spurt of seed, he parted from him and still on his knees, made the boy stand in front of him, putting his hands on his hips and opened his mouth. Poletto grasped immediately what the man wanted, so he moved his lean hips forward and slipped his beautiful firm pole of quivering flesh into that hot mouth. He put his hands on the man's head and started to move his pelvis back and forth in a fast rythm. As soon as Lorenzo felt the first jet of the boy's sweet liqueur, he pushed his head forward so that the boy's pole reached into his throat, and held his breath until he felt that Poletto had poured all of his elixir of life.

He then withdrew his head, swallowed the boy's warm seed which he still held in his mouth, and exhaled a deep satisfaction sigh. Both abandoned themselves on the bed, sated, embracing, kissing and softly caressing each other. When they were both totally relaxed, they sat up, leaning against the bedhead.

"Do you feel like hearing another part of my story now, Poletto?"

"Sure, I like knowing everything about my dearest master and about his adventures. You had left the town with your slave Ibrahim, joining that caravan going to... to where?"

"To Isfàn, in Persia. When our caravan was in sight of the town, we stopped at an inn to spend the coming night there, before dealing with the last stretch of road. In fact it was not good for a caravan to reach a town at night, besides, it would find the city gates closed.

After having had supper with some of the caravan members, while my slave Ibrahim was choosing a quiet corner to spread our blankets for the night and watch over my goods, I departed a little to relieve myself. After wandering around for a while to find a secluded place, I saw a thick of bushes against a rock, so I slipped between them. I had just finished and was doing up my breeches, when I heard a slight noise, like the moan of somebody feeling ill.

I was about going towards the source of that moan, thinking that possibly somebody could need my help, when that moan became clearer and more distinct - for sure it wasn't somebody feeling ill, on the contrary, I now clearly understood it was the moaning of somebody making love. Feeling curious, being careful not to raise any noise, I started to slowly move, approaching the source of that sound.

Suddenly I heard a man's voice whispering, "Why did you stop? Go on!"

And the voice of another man, answered in a low voice, "I thought I heard some noise, Muhammad!"

"No... No, go on; suck me and don't worry, Nàdir. Go on, so later I'll put it all into your ass. Here we are safe, there is nobody."

Two men were making love! This made me even more curious and excited at the same time. With extreme caution I approached more until, by the soft light of the moon, a scene really worth being seen appeared before my eyes. A man was leaning with his shoulders against a sloping rock, so half-lying on it, his feet planted well on the ground, his legs spread. His tunic was raised to his chest and revealed his bare lower body, just slightly obese and not really beautiful. Before him, kneeling on the ground, a young man more or less of my age, was heatedly sucking the man's pole, of a remarkable size, making it appear and disappear in his mouth stretched wide to contain it. In fact that member, that had less than a span in length, had such a diameter that a hand could barely close around it!

The man was keeping his tunic raised with one hand, while the other was caressing the hair of the youth, who was giving him pleasure with alacrity. The kneeling young man, who with one hand was keeping that amazing member still while with the other, under his own tunic, was rapidly masturbating himself.

Suddenly the man, with an hoarse voice, said, "That's enough, Nàdir, stop it. Stand up, I want to fuck you."

The man stood up from the rock and had the youth lean against it in his place, his belly against the rock. He raised his tunic revealing his bare ass, spat on his hand and spread some saliva on the youth's anus, pointed his formidable flesh weapon and started to push.

"Go gently, Muhammad, you're hurting me... It's too big... Ouch, go gently..."

"Shut up. It's because it's big that you like it, don't you? Keep still, let me do it!"

"No, it's too big, you're hurting me! Stop it. I would rather make you come with my mouth, Muhammad!"

"Stay still and silent and let me do it, or I will tell your father and brothers that you enjoy sex only with males!"

"No, for the Prophet's sake! Heaven help if my family came to know... Please, Muhammad... put at least more saliva on it..."

"My women never raise such a fuss!" the man answered giving another big stroke with his loins.

The boy was shaking and I could see his beutiful face seized by pain. I was excited. The man tried to penetrate him, but seemed not to succeed.

Panting, the man said, "Don't squeeze, idiot, relax! Come on, Nàdir, you'll see that you'll enjoy it when you have all of it inside you!"

I was feeling a strong temptation to go out in the open to unite with them... The youth had shut his eyes and with both hands he was trying to spread his buns more to make it easier for that flesh-tree to enter him, for that greedy battering ram to force his door open. But it seemed not possible. He must have entered him just a few millimeters when the man started to jolt, seized by the orgasm, and discharged on the boy's butt.

At this point I thought to withdraw and go away and moved, but my foot struck against something. I looked - on the ground there were their mantles and on them also their breeches and turbans. One of the turbans had a red enamel clip. Rapidly I bent down, slipped the clip off and vanished, in haste and unseen, hidden by the rocks.

I was only just back at the inn again, when the man called Muhammad entered. His turban was in order, so I understood that the clip I had stolen had to belong to the young Nàdir. The man was talking with some other people with a familiar tone and I noticed that everybody were treating him with some deference. I asked one of my merchant mates if he knew who that man was. So I came to know that he was the former chief of the Shah's pages, and that he was living in Isfàn, in a rich and beautiful house, surrounded by young and beautiful wives. That man, even though he no longer had an official charge, still had a remarkable political weight and therefore his protection was coveted and sought out.

I was listening to these explanations, when the young Nàdir entered too, with his turban in his hands. He joined a group of people in another corner of the wide room. I then asked my mate, with an indifferent expression, who was the last comer.

"I don't know him, but I think he is part of Ismail Egbal's family, as he went to sit with them."

After hearing this information and chatting some more, when the inn-keeper started to douse the lanterns, I went to lie down in the place prepared by my slave. In the total darkness, I pulled Ibrahim to me and, recalling the scene I saw outside, I took my pleasure with him for a long while and with passion. As usual, Ibrahim was a real artist in giving me all the pleasure I desired so that soon I forgot the scene I had caught and totally devoted myself to enjoy him.

When we reached Isfàn, I liked the town so much that I decided to stop there for a while. To live in, I bought a small shop near the great mosque, almost bordering the bazaar but not inside it, with storage at the back and a few rooms upstairs.

With Ibrahim's help, I set everything up and in a few days I could start my activity in gold commerce, which was my speciality. My goods and the fact that I was a foreigner at once attracted a good clientele and my business started in a good way.

I soon tied good relationships with the other merchants of the neighbourhood so that we often met in the evening to chat together. Each of us told the others his stories or adventures, and also legends from his land, so that my presence was always welcome.

On one of those evenings, a merchant named Jussip was boasting about his art as a lover and about the fact that there was no woman able to resist his advances. Others competed with him to boast their successes in the amorous field. So that soon everyone was trying to decide, through the stories, which one was the most skilled lover.

But at one point an old merchant, by name Ali Sadr, said, "Women want to be conquered. There is no merit in conquering one of them."

I then hinted, "Yes, it's really a lot more difficult to persuade a man to have sex with another man, but..." and I told them how I got to have sex with an Egyptian man by making him believe I was his wife.

Everybody laughed merrily, and one said, "Once, it could also be luck. But it's true, for a man it's way more difficult to conquer another man. With women and boys there is no merit."

"If a man is really skilled... be it with a woman, or a boy or a even another man... Eveybody has his own weak side, it's enough to discover that and one can be able to have that man in one's bed." I said.

"No way, not with a man; it's almost impossible, unless he is already a man-lover."

"Any man, if you handle him in the right way and if he is sure nobody comes to know of it, can surrender to another man." I insisted.

Thus, from word to word, from refutation to counter-refutation, a kind of challenge was set up.

So, I said, "For sure, all of you who are here now, after all these speeches, would refuse to make love with me. But I'm certain about what I'm saying. Point me out somebody unaware of our discussion, give me enough time and I will have him on my bed and have sex with him."

The old Ali then said, "You seem to be really confident, Lorenzo. Very good, I issue a challenge. If you succeed having sex with all of the seven sons of merchant Egbal, I'll pay you fourteen gold pieces."

At once, the others joined in that challenge. I was amused and said I was tempted to accept.

So, at the end, old Ali proposed, "Listen, you all - we are now exactly eight to challenge Lorenzo. Thus I suggest - each of us puts fourteen gold pieces and Lorenzo puts fifteen pieces. All together it is 127 pieces, a large sum. Now, if Lorenzo comes to have one of Egbal's sons in his bed, he will get one gold piece, he earns two pieces for the second son, four pieces for the third and so on, doubling each time..."

We discussed some more and set out the rules - I had in all three months time. On each occasion I had to summon two of them to withness I had sex with one of the seven brothers. If one of them revealed or tried to hinder my plan, he would lose his fourteen gold pieces to my benefit. I could use any means, excluding physical violence or drugs to have them on my bed. The seven brothers had to accept, for whatever reason, to have sex with me. All eight of them committed themselves, with a solemn oath, to never reveal to anybody if and how I managed to have sex with the seven sons of Egbal, nor what we would do in bed.

We wrote down the challenge contract and the rules and we all subscribed it. I had done my calculations - if I succeeded to have in my bed four of them, I would just have back my gold, but with the fifth I would double the sum I was risking. Possibly somewhat foolhardily, I felt sure of my success, besides the fact that I aleady knew, differently from my challengers, that Nàdir loved sex with men. But he was just one of seven and anyway I could not be sure he would like having sex with me.

When I went to bed that night, Ibrahim told me, "Master, so you are risking your fifteen gold pieces..."

"No, my boy. And you will help me not to lose them. And if I get to win all that sum, I promise you I will grant you your freedom."

"But I feel fine with you, master. What use do I have for freedom?"

"You will help me anyway, won't you?"

"Of course. Just tell me what I have to do."

"I don't still know... First of all I have to discover the weak points of each of the seven brothers. Any human being has his own weak point and if I discover it, half of the problem is already solved."

I thought that, if I played my cards shrewdly, in Nàdir I could have a useful ally. Therefore I decided to start with him. On a Friday, while he was leaving the great mosque after noon prayers, I sent Ibrahim to call him.

As soon as the young man came to my shop, I asked him to follow me to my store-room to talk in peace. It was the first time I could see him by near. Under the moonlight, possibly also for the arousing scene, he had seemed me more beautiful than he really was, anyway he was not bad at all.

"Nàdir Egbal, I have watched you for a long while and your prettines charms me, as you really are a handsome young man. I would like offering you my alcove to enjoy your graces." I told him directly.

"I don't understand..." he said, becoming alarmed.

"I know that you too like sex with men, but don't worry, your secret is in good hands. I like you, as I told you. My tool is not big like that of Muhammad, therefore I will not hurt you, but it is anyway of good dimension and I can give you pleasure."

"What are you talking about? What kind of bawdy proposals you dare..."

I then showed him the clip of his turban. He understood and went pale. As I was telling him how I saw the whole scene, he started to tremble.

"Nàdir, you have nothing to fear from me, I don't want to do you any harm. I just would like having sex with you."

"Will you promise me that you will say nothing to my family?"

"Sure, and I promise you something more. I promise you also that, if one day your brothers come to know that you like sex with men, with adult men, not only will they not say or do anything bad to you, but on the contrary, they will keep everything secret. If you accept to have sex with me, afterwards I will explain you my project."

"I am in your hands, anyway..."

"Trust me and you will not regret it."

"I cannot do anything else."

"Good. Then, come upstairs to my room... Come... I want you now..."

He meekly followed me. We undressed, went on my bed and he let me take him. I sank in him without any difficulty, as he was already more than accustomed to being penetrated. At first he accepted passively the intercourse, but soon he showed an increasing pleasure and started to participate, until he begged me to penetrate him deeper and harder .

When we were both satisfied, Nàdir shyly asked me, "Can we meet again, Lorenzo?"

"With real pleasure, Nàdir. But on a condition. I want to have sex also with all six your brothers. If you'll help me to succeed, you can come into bed with me any time you desire, I promise."

I told him nothing about my bet, of course. Nàdir told me that it was almost impossible, as for what he knew all his brothers were fiercely against the sex between two adult men. Only Sadiq, his twenty-four-year old brother, at times loved to take in his bed a boy, an adolescent, he said, but never an adult man. I talked with him for a long while, trying to discover the weak point of each of his brothers. Then we parted, making a date for the following day.

I then sent Ibrahim to call three of my witnesses.

On the following day, four of them wee hidden into my home, waiting for Nàdir to come, while Ibrahim was on watch at the door.

Nàdir came, as he promised. At the door, Ibrahim told him, on my instruction, not to talk at all, not so speak even one word unless in answer to my questions. Nàdir was somewhat puzzled, but when Ibrahim told him that on the following day I would explain him the reason for that request, he nodded in assent and went upstairs to my room.

I'm not able to explain you why, my dear Poletto, but the fact to have sex with him in front of the four hidden witnesses, instead of embarrassing me, was exciting me a lot.

As soon as he entered, I asked him, "Nàdir, do you really want to have sex with me?"

"Yes, sure..." he answered, a little puzzled by my question.

"So, then, undress and first of all suck my beautiful pole for a while, to prepare it nicely."

Nàdir readily complied. Totally naked, he crouched in front of me and, while I was also undressing, he seized my half erect stake, took it between his lips and started to suck it while with his tongue he stimulated its tip.

When it was totally hard, I said, "Now, tell me, where do you want it?"

"Push it all inside my ass, please!"

"Then kneel on my bed and prepare yourself. There is a cream jug there, if you want to use it."

I moved behind him, seized his waist and started to penetrate him with pleasure. I could imagine my four withnesses' eyes spying on us from behind the courtain and this increased my pleasure for what I was doing. While I was hammering inside him, Nàdir started to masturbate himself rapidly. As he was approaching his orgasm, the throbbing of his anus around my fleshy pestle, which was beating into his hot, firm mortar, increased my pleasure and arousal so much that I soon flooded him with my boiling seed. He too immediately reached his orgasm, moaning with a low voice for the intensity of his pleasure.

When all was over we dressed again and I saw him downstairs, and at the door, I fixed a new date in a whisper. Then, going again upstairs, I called the four men.

"How could you presuade him? It seemed that he was even more eager than you to have sex!"

"This is my secret! Now you will sign our contract, stating that I had sex with Nàdir, according to the rules."

All four signed the declaration that I put away in a small casket. Then they gave me my first piece of gold.

When they had all left, I still was aroused; Ibrahim noticed it and readily offered himself to me, with a glad smile. So calmly and for a long time, we made love standing in the middle of the room, until I felt finally sated.

Two days later Nàdir came to my place again. We talked about his brothers so I discovered that his brother Sanjar, a plump man of thirty-five, had two weak points - he was terribly superstitious and he practiced magic to become richer, as he was extremely greedy for money. Thus, I started to devise my plan to bring Sanjar in my bed. It would not be really difficult. A superstitous man is easy to manipulate" Lorenzo said.

"Master, don't tell me now about Sanjir. All these speeches have made me aroused once more, so I would now like to make love with you again, calmly, for a long while, until you are satisfied..."

Lorenzo laughed and ruffled his hair. "To tell the truth it seems to me that you are even more aroused than me, little urchin! Come here, I will prepare your nice fleshy bolt, so that you'll push all of it inside me."

"Well.. but really... I hoped you would put yours inside me..." Poletto said, crestfallen.

"The one doesn't exclude the other, surely?"

The boy brightened in a wide smile and at once started to take care of the beautiful body of his master, who reciprocated these cares with great pleasure.

When he felt that the boy was ready, Lorenzo laid on his back and spread his legs. Poletto readily knelt between his master's thighs, put the man's legs on his shoulders and leaned against him, penetrating him with few well directed strokes. When the man felt that Poletto was well embedded inside him, he spread his legs even more so that the boy could lean with his chest against his own, as he knew he liked to do, embraced him and started to kiss him passionately, while Poletto started to swing his pelvis and to move inside him. The boy was learning to move so to increase pleasure both to his master and to himself, and in fact, soon they were both seized by a very strong delight.

When the boy discharged inside him, Lorenzo, without changing their position, always keeping Poletto embraced against his chest, slipped his legs between those of the boy and had the boy's legs folded up at his sides, well spread. Directing his member with his hand, he slipped inside Poletto upwards from below with strong pushes, and without changing their positions he started to vigorously pump inside the boy's anus, widely opened to receive it. The whole bed was vibrating with those powerful strokes, and Poletto's body was jumping at each stroke.

Then Lorenzo began to tremble from head to toe, gave some more disorderly and really strong strokes and finally started to discharge in the hot deepness of the boy with intense jolts of pleasure, amongst their low moans of passion.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 11

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