The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jan 20, 2007


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 18 FOURTHEENTH NIGHT The Merry Prison of Varanasi

When Poletto, totally naked, was in the strong and welcoming arms of Lorenzo, he asked him, "But, master, I was thinking again of what you told me yesterday night. Wasn't Ibrahim jealous that you made love so often with the beautiful Indian prince?"

"No, Poletto."

"I... I possibly... would have been..."

Lorenzo gave him a kiss and made him a tender and intimate caress all along his beautiful naked body. He lost himself for a moment in the beautiful, bright eyes of the boy, in their beautiful blue-green liquid color.

Then said with a smile, "No, he wasn't. And for a good reason. In fact, I discovered in the following days, the wonderful Hammira didn't only lie down with me giving me ineffable pleasures each time, but had started to secretly meet with my Ibrahim too. This didn't bother me at all, so one day I called them both to talk with them.

"Why are you going on to make love secretly, hiding from me, boys? You can do it peacefully, without hiding. Or rather, we could even do it all three together. Wouldn't it be great?"

Then Ibrahim, becoming red like a sky at the sunset, said, "If you want it, we will do so. You know that I always do what you desire, master."

I looked at him intrigued, "But Ibrahim... I have the feeling that you would rather not be doing a threesome, am I right? Explain the reason to me. Usually you never stepped back, rather you always liked having group sex."

"You are right, master, it is as you say. But the fact is that... the problem is that... Hammira and I... are falling in love with each other. We know what we owe you, so we'll come to cheer up your bed each time you want us, and willingly too, because you are a good master. But when we are making love between us two... we would like to be alone, if you allow us..."

I looked at the prince and he, lowering his eyes, said, "Yes, it is exactly as Ibrahim says. We are in love, he with me and I with him. But we know we owe you gratitude. And I know very well that Ibrahim belongs to you, that I can not lay claim on him."

I was then seized by a kind of tenderness and emotion and said, "Once already, some time ago, I offered you your freedom Ibrahim, but you refused it. Well, I am offering it to you again. Moreover, if you accept, I will give you two horses and some merchandise, so you can go and make a living together by trading. You, Ibrahim, are already skilled in commerce and you Hammira know the language and the customs of this land. I am, at this point, almost too rich... also thanks to you. I will find another boy amongst my slaves to cheer my bed up, and will continue on my journey. After all, for me trading is nothing but a pretext to visit new lands and to have exotic adventures. I think I will go further East..."

So I parted from them, and they, before parting, swore me everlasting gratitude and invoked on me the blessing of all the gods they honoured. I thought we would never meet again, and hoped they could have a good life.

I stayed longer in Peshavar, where I sold all my slaves and bought only a young Khushiyan slave. But after a short while I sold him and bought a Tokharian boy instead. In fact the Khushiyan, even though he came to bed with me, and even though he was really handsome, didn't like sex between men so he never did it except out of duty, and even then without participation.

Thus, before buying the Tokharian boy I made sure he was as I desired. The slave merchant, to whom I had confided that I was looking for a slave-lover, recommended me to buy that boy and I didn't regret having bought him. I called him Tillu, because his real name was too long and too difficult to pronounce. He was not really beautiful, but in bed he was really skilled and more than available. Moreover, as a servant, he was clean, honest and neat.

So, with Tillu, I passed through the several Indian kingdoms, until I reached the great market of the city of Varanasi. This is one of the most Hindu sacred towns, somewhat like Rome for us, or Jerusalem or Medina. It was a wide and very beautiful town. So I decided to buy a shop there and to stop there for some time.

In Varanasi I also bought a local slave, a certain Prema. His name, in their language, means 'love' and he was indeed a lovable boy. I found him by chance, in fact I was not thinking of buying another slave, for the moment. One of my clients with whom I often met, was complaining that one of his slaves, just this Prema, was so "perverted" that he spent his nights on the couch of the other male slaves to do 'shameful' things, so that in the morning he was always tired...

The Hindus, you see, my dear Poletto, even though they like having it sucked at times by their slaves, don't appreciate sex with boys very much, contrary to Mohammedans. Thus I proposed buying that slave, if my client asked a good price. I really didn't regret that, as it was really agreable making love with Tillu and Prema at the same time, so that soon we took to the habit of always sleeping all three together.

One day, profiting from the passage of a merchant of Florence who was going back to his land, I entrusted to him almost all my gold, asking him to take it to Italy and send it to Venice, for my account, as I was used doing from time to time so as not to go around with too much gold on me. But that time I was wrong in doing my accounts. In fact, a few days after he had left, something happened that got me into serious trouble.

The Raja of Varanasi decided to raise the taxes and to collect them some months before time. So I found myself without enough money to pay. In great hurry I tried to sell all the merchandise I had in my shop to gather money demanded, but I was not able to put together all I needed. So one day together with my two slaves I was arested by the guards, who requisitioned all my remaining goods and threw us into prison.

They also intended to sell my two slaves in order to get more money, but I swore they were my sons... I'm still asking myself how they could have believed such a lie... but they accepted my word and that of the two boys, so that we were put in prison together. The two boys asked me why I didn't want to sell them.

"Even if I sold you, I would not have solved my problems. And after all, I've grown fond of you two." I answered.

That prison was crowded, mainly with insolvent debtors like me, but also by thieves, a killer, and some enemies of the Varanasi ruler. Among these last there was a noble young man called Rajiva who, thanks to the riches of his family, was living in that prison surrounded by some comfort. Amongst other things, he was one of the few who could enjoy a personal cell so that he did not have to live in the wide communal cells. We soon made friends and I quickly became aware he was looking with covetous eyes at my Tillu.

One day Rajiva asked me, "But... are the two boys really your sons?"

I explained to him how things really were, then added, "I noticed that Tillu often attracts your attention... Would you possibly desire him to come to relieve the loneliness of your nights?"

"Wouldn't you be vexed?"

"You are treating me very kindly and thank to you this detention is less hard that it would have been. You always and willingly share with me your food and other of your comforts... I can share with you my slaves. To me it would be enough having my sweet Prema. I believe that the hot-blooded Tillu would be really happy to cheer up the nights of a rich, generous and handsome man as you are..."

Thus I gave him Tillu. At once they both fitted very well together. Profiting of the fact that the noble Rajiva could use a cell all for himself, at night all four we went there and while Rajiva made love with Tillu, I made love with Prema. Also Rajiva had a passionate nature and it was interesting how, while those two united in a hullaballo of incredible evolutions, Prema and I were instead uniting in a long, sweet and gentle intercourse.

But after some days we also started to swap our boys or else, while the boys were doing it between them I had sex with Rajiva. The curious thing is that for a long time we never made love in a foursome.

I think that Rajiva and Prema were the only two Hindus I met who really loved, passionately and exclusively, to have sex with their own gender. Well... no... I met a few more later, it is true...

In the prison there were also a couple of young Muhammedan Indians who made love. We went to know it because, as they had been discovered by other inmates, they soon were forced, with violence and threats, to satisfy all the other men, crazy for sex. Thus the two boys, whose names were Ali and Murad, became everybody's whore, as one of the prisoners, a brigand boss feared and respected by everybody, took them with him and let the others have them in exchange for something.

Rajiva and I tried to intervene, to rescue the two hapless, to free them from their destiny, but only when Rajiva managed to receive several gold coins from his family he could buy them from the brigands boss, freed the two poor boys and brought them into his now crowded cell.

The two boys, grateful, gave themselves to us without hesitation. That prison, in spite of its lack of comforts, was becoming for me even more interesting than a real harem...

After I was in there four and half months, a very beautiful young man was also thrown into prison, a Kyshiya soldier of the Raja, punished because he had been caught in the prince heir rooms, while making love with him. As I came to know his story from one of the guardians, a former friend of that soldier, who told me that the Raja had ordered him to be put there thinking that surely such a beautiful youth would be raped by all the other inmates, so we at once adopted him in our group too and had him put in our cell.

The young soldier was in love with the prince and the prince with him, but unhappily the prince could not protect him. Therefore, each time we made love, he never took part but remained aside, and at most he masturbated while looking at us, to get some relief. But he never participated.

"I cannot, I belong to my prince, I swore him everlasting love and eternal fidelity. Even though I will never again see him, because for sure I will die in this prison." He said sorrowful, when we invited him to join us.

A real pity, as he had one of the most wonderful bodies I ever saw, and whose beauty was equal only to that of Ahddin. He was so charming, especially when he was half naked and aroused, that we all felt the desire to fly in his arms. But all of us, even though with difficulty, respected him.

At times he narrated us about his love for the prince, how it had started, how it flourished. Even though he was exclusively a top and the prince exclusively a bottom, it was evident that the beautiful soldier was deeply fascinated by the prince and that he was totally devoted to him.

But once it happened that Tillu, when he became aware that the soldier was about reaching his orgasm, flung himself on his beautiful palpitating pole, took all of it in his mouth and greedily drank all the seed. The young soldier let him do but then, caressing his head, he told him, not harshly but seriously, "Tillu, don't ever dare to do such thing again! I belong to the prince, never forget it!"

Rajiva scolded the boy with extreme hardness, but Madan, the soldier, intervened, "No, my lord, don't be too harsh with him, please. After all it is also a little my fault. I really like Tillu and always look at him with pleasure. He has evidently misinterpreted my glances, that's why he did what he did. If I did't belong to my prince, I would willingly made love with each of you, but especially with Tillu."

"But if you are convinced you will be soon put to death, what meaning could have your fidelity to the prince? Why don't you at least enjoy the days of life that are left to you?" I asked him.

"Because I gave my body and my heart to my prince. I cannot give it to any other, now. It doesn't any more belong to me, it is no longer for to me to part with it."

Even though we were really crowded in that small cell, all we seven were becoming a really harmonious group and we fit very well together. As we had nothing to do all the day long, we often spent our time in fantastic love practices, mainly when we had the two Muhammedan boys with us, who had an exuberant and untiring sexuality. Thus, it was enough that two of us started to exchange some effusions of love that little by little all the others willingly followed suit. And we rather came to make love more frequently in day time than during the night, because then we could look at each other.

Any reserve, any modesty was soon lost amongst us. Even though theoretically we were three well set couples, really we often swapped our partners without a problem, nor even jealousy. I especially liked a lot how Ali sucked me, and also the welcoming little ass of my Prema. I was anyway also terribly attracted by Madan, who had a sensuous and desirable body. But as I said, the soldier was respected by all of us. It was clear that at times he too burned with the desire to join us, but he never did.

I was in prison since seven months when we understood that something new, special, was happening. We came to know that the Raja was dead. We just received this news and were asking to ourselves if this would bring some changes for us, when a squad of the body guards of the late Raja came to take Madan.

Were they coming to carry out a last order of the dead Raja or to accomplish an order of his heir? In the first case the poor Madan would, without any doubt, be put to death. In the second case, instead, he would be freed. We all said good bye to him with emotion, and assured him we would pray for him to all the gods we knew and honoured.

The day after, the squad of the Raja body guards came again and this time they took us six. They escorted us along the roads of Varanasi to the royal palace and introduced us in it, guiding us through doors and corridors, rooms and yards, gardens and gates, until we were introduced on the throne hall.

Here, sitting on soft cushions, there was the young Raja and, sitting near hin and dressed with splendid clothes, we recognized our friend Madan. So then he had been freed and he didn't forget us. The Raja told us that we all were free, that Rajiva could go back to his family and that I would receive back all my goods. He offered Ali and Murad to enter at his service and lastly asked Rajiva if he was willing to sell him his slave Tillu. In fact he knew that Madan desired the boy and wanted to give him to his lover. The Tokharian boy seemed radiant with happiness.

I was just back to my shop with Prema, and was opening the bales of merchadise that the Raja's soldiers had brought there, realizing that I had back lot more of what had been confiscated from me, when we heard a knocking at the closed door. I went to open and saw it was Ali.

"My lord Madan sent me here to give you this present." He said and gave me a small wooden box inlaid in ivory, gold and mother-of-pearl.

I opened it and saw that it contained a wrapping of white silk. I opened also it and inside I saw shining a splendid drop-ruby of rare beauty. I looked in the bottom of the box and, as I hoped, there was a sheet of paper with writing.

"I know that it was you who asked Rajiva to take me with you. And I also know that if I were not with you in your cell, I for sure would have been raped, because this was the order of the late Raja. Moreover, you all always respected me. Therefore I owe you very much. This ruby is just a little sign of both my gratitude and that of my Raja. Accept it, please."

I carefully put away the small casket, very moved. Then I asked the young Ali, "How do you feel in the Raja and Madan's service"?

"Delightfully. Just think that Murad and I were assigned a very beautiful room, all for us, and even a slave at our exclusive service."

"Is the slave handsome and easy?"

"It seems so, even though we have not yet tested him... But I, before going back to the palace, as I know you enjoy how I use my lips, would like to withdraw with you once again to thank you for all you did for us, giving you some pleasure... and also getting some. I had always been fascinated by your strong and straight pole, so fair-skinned and uncut, differently from ours. Can you allow me to taste it once more?"

"Ali, my boy, more than willingly! Come upstairs, on my bed."

As soon as we were there, Ali knelt in front me, raised my tunic, unlaced my loincloth, took my member with one hand and gently raised it, starting to lick it, to pass his soft lips over it, to gently squeeze it with his perfect, white teeth, making it rapidly swell, become hard, palpitate, glossy with saliva, like a scimitar. I pulled off his turban then I slowly undressed.

Ali, without stopping a single moment taking care of my turgid member, followed suit and soon his lean and youthful body was revealed to my eyes. Untiring, his tongue darted, licked, tapped, wrapped my rod and I felt a strong pleasure seizing all my body. If in prison Ali's skill seemed to me remarkable, now he was surpassing himself.

Possibly because we were alone, possibly because we were free, or possibly because we knew that nobody could come to stop us, but Ali was giving me feelings I never experienced before. All of a sudden I felt my legs yield for the intensity of the pleasure. Then Ali stopped and suggested we to lie on the bed. Here he resumed his erotic activity bending over me and accompanying and exalting each movement of his wonderful mouth with light touches here and there on my body, so that I was suddenly tossed by vigorous pleasure spasms and I ejaculated, yelling all my enjoyment aloud.

Then Ali, caressing my body to calm it down, asked me in a whisper filled with lust, "Are you able to come a second time? I would really like feeling once again your beautiful stake slipping inside me, taking me as you can do so well, giving me the bliss that you are so skilled to give..."

"I really think I can, Ali. I'll willingly take you once more."

I had him support himself on his knees on my bed, and knelt behind him. Then, while he was spreading his small buttocks with both hands, I seized my tool with one hand and started to brush its tip on his little hole, to rotate it, to push a little then withdraw, while with my other hand I groped his smooth and firm chest. His hole soon started to palpitate with increasing desire and longing and this increased my own desire. We both were all a shudder and his throbs increased mine and viceversa.

I then took a little jar of unguent I always had near my bed, with a finger I carefully lubed his palpitating hole, then put onto it the tip of my rod again, hot for the pleasure and the desire, and started to push with calm determination. I could feel his back-door gradually opening, greedily welcoming me... Then I withdrew a little to start all over again. I gently pushed, entering him a little, then again withdrew.

After a spell of this dance, during which I entered further inside him each time, Ali started to beseech me to penetrate him to the bottom of his hole, to take him vigorously. But I prolonged that kind of sweet torture, forcing myself also, because I too was feeling the instinct to sink totally inside him. When we both were at the limit of resistance, I finally impaled him with vigour, with strong passion, and he was writhing in front of me, seized by the rapture of his senses, until I felt him discharge his seed with strong contractions, so that for the second time I too, deeply embedded in him, discharged into him, with a long, silent pleasure yell.

At that point we heard a gasp coming from our back. Still united, we turned our heads and saw Prema, his dothi opened, who was writhing, leaning against the door jamb, his member closed in his fist, his eyes shut in the extasis of enjoyement, while long jets of white liqueur twirled in the air and landed on the floor, in the center of the room. In silence Ali and I watched that solo orgasm. When at last Prema opened his eyes and saw us, his espression became oddily ashamed. We bust in laughter.

"Prema, we did't hear you coming here! Did you enjoy what you saw?" I asked.

"Yes, you were wonderful! But you, master, never took me in that way. Why?"

"Did you also see how Ali licked my rod?"


"You never licked me so..." I retorted, amused.

"Oh, but I will do it, master. But you promise me you will take me in that way, from now on..."

"Sure, my Prema, don't doubt about it." I answered him, with a smile.

So, then..."

"Oh, enough, stop it, dear master! This story aroused me even more than usual. I will now lick you as Ali did and then you will put all of it inside me as you were doing with him..." Poletto said and, uncovering his master body, went straight to lick his member with all his skill.

Lorenzo smiled and let him do, but soon he too was prey of a very strong excitement and started to moan with pleasure. He then seized Poletto, made him kneel in front of him, and started to tease and to make him die of desire exactly as he had done with Ali. They both were seized by a frenzy of pleasure but were skillfully controlling it.

Lorenzo penetrated him a little bit and Poletto opened accepting it with real pleasure.

"Ah, how good it is taking you, my Poletto!"

"Do you like it, master?"

"Yes, my gentle flower."

Lorenzo slipped out then started again to push and entered him a little more than before. The boy made his hot hole palpitate.

"Oh, dear master, how hard it has become!"

"Yes, my sweet, it's you who made it so."

"I am all yours..."

"I know, I know..." panted Lorenzo while he again slipped out, then once more pushed to enter again that warm love receptacle. Poletto relaxed to better accept it and felt it slip inside a little deeper, but not yet totally. The man stopped pushing, but moved it inside in all directions. The boy moaned his pleasure aloud.

"Oh, dear master, you are moving it so nicely! You are making me crazy with pleasure. Fill me all, now..."

"Yes, but in a while... Try to resist."

"I would like having your rod also into my throat, it would be great if you could take me from both ends at once..."

"Glutton, start enjoying this way..." the man said pulling it out again, then immediately resuming his sweet attack. "Do you like it, Poletto, tell me, do you like it?"

"Yes, yes, yes... you are strong as a bull in heat!"

"And you hot like a wild colt."

"Ride me, master, ride me!"

"Very soon, my soul."

He slipped out once more and again penetrated him, but this time he pushed it all inside with energy, until he felt his testicles pressed between the thighs and the little firm buttocks of his boy. Poletto emitted a long moan of joy.

"Here I am, I'm all inside you, can you feel it?"

"Yes, and I like it to die for. Now you will fuck me, right, dear master? You will ram it in and out, up and down, won't you?"

"Sure, my beautiful boy. I will now ride you, my wild colt. Ah, how much I do like your little ass, how much I do like you!"

"Come on, master, come on! Ride me... let me feel all your wonderful handle! Fill me, break me, let me feel I am totally yours!"

So, urging each other, Poletto was tossing under him, while Lorenzo hammered inside him with a good rythm, with determination and a growing lust. The man's hands were sweetly torturing the chest, the belly and the member of the boy, while he was pumping his blazing piston in that burning and welcoming channel. Poletto shut his eyes, almost to better savour that wild pleasure and jolted happily at each stroke of that unending hammering.

Then Lorenzo held him tight against himself, pushing all inside with wild sweetness and discharged in him, yelling with hoarse voice, "Here... here I am... I'm co... coming... take it..."

"Oh how good... how good... how good... I can feel how you are filling me... I'm near... coming... I am... near..."

"No, wait! You have to come into my mouth! Turn... so... stand up... fuck my mouth, now..."

Poletto complied, seized his master's hair and pulled his head on his groin and sent long jets like sweet rosolio liqueur into his throat.

They both fell on the sheets, exhausted but happy, sated, gently embracing, their limbs intertwined almost to lengthen that sensation of union, of mutual belonging thay had just experienced and they had sealed, flooding each other with their precious virile essence.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 19

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