The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Dec 5, 2006


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Poletto knocked at the door to his master's bedchamber and entered: "I've finished tidying up downstairs... do you require anything else, my lord?"

"No, nothing. Are you sleepy, Poletto?"

"No, sir... Do you want me to stay here with you a while?"

"Of course, my boy. Get undressed and come to bed, I really want to be with you tonight. Better yet, I'll tell you what, after we've made love, stay and sleep with me, here in my great big bed."

"As you wish, my lord. But first won't you tell me another one of your bedtime stories about men?"

"Certainly, but first let's take our pleasure and then we'll gossip. You know you have a really beautiful ass, my boy? One of these nights you must let me have it."

"I don't know, my lord... I've never done it that way before, and I'm afraid that it would hurt... and then you're so big down there."

"Oh, come on! Yes, the first few times it can hurt a bit, but then it's wonderful, I give you my word!"

"Did it hurt you the first time, my lord?"

"Yes, a bit, but it was worth the pain."

"Will you tell me how it was for you the first time it happened?"

"The first time I took it in the ass? I remember it well, even though I was only fourteen years old at the time. It was a young man from one of the most important families in Venice who took my virginity."

"Will you tell me about it?"

"Finish undressing and get under the covers. A pact is a pact. First love then the story."

"But if you tell me the story first, afterwards we'll be more excited and it's much better then, isn't it?"

"You're a sly one! Alright then, first the story but then you'll give me your beautiful ass, promise?"

"Alright, sir. I'm a bit afraid, but if you've done it, then I'll be able to as well. And then... there's always a first time, isn't there?"

"Wise words, Poletto, but before the story I must explain to you something about my origins and how it is that I began to have sex with men. Well then...

My mother's name was Marietta. She lived on a street behind the Arsenale, which is no longer there since the last time they expanded it. She earned a living doing embroidery, but also, and I would say especially, by receiving men into her welcoming bed. The person who procured work for her, in both senses, was the one who I called uncle, but who I believe was actually my mother's lover and who lived off of what she earned. Actually I don't know who my father was, even my mother didn't know with any certainty, and when I'd ask her she would rattle off five or six names of those who were her clients at the time I was concieved. Among these were important names, so who's to say that some noble blood doesn't run in my veins.

I grew up on that street, watched over by my mother, a bit by the neighbors or by kind strangers. When she received her clients she sent me out of the house, the better to easily render her services to those gentlemen.

As a child I played the usual games with the neighborhood children. I was a very lively and noisy child. Perhaps I needed to attract the attention of the others since I felt neglected by my mother. It's not that she didn't love me, but in order for her to earn enough to feed herself, me and my uncle, she had to work a great deal.

Sometimes, when the weather was very bad, if my mother had to receive a guest, I was sent to my uncle's room. He didn't seem very happy to have me underfoot, at least at that time when I was just a little boy.

At the time, my uncle must have been about twenty-eight, more or less. I remember him as a rather rough man, when he wasn't drinking too much. He was very tall and thin, and he always dressed in brown and white. He was neither kind nor strict. He had a rather prominent hooked nose, thick lips and a large mouth. His eyes were dark and deep and he had very large ears. I often thought that he somewhat resembled and owl... if only he had been a little bit fatter.

Sometimes I would hear him and my mother have very animated discussions, but I never heard them really argue. I think they loved each other in their own way. Sometimes I heard them talking about who should look after me when the weather was bad. It was then that I understood that my uncle wasn't too happy about having to take care of me. Fearing that one of these days when I was with him he might send me outside into the cold and rain, I always tried to be be good, keep still and obey him in every way.

I wasn't really afraid of him, but I did feel a certain uneasiness when I was with him. My uncle never beat me, but sometimes when he yelled at me, I felt intimidated. His name was Zane Scanforlin, but his nickname was 'El Taroco' because he really enjoyed playing cards.

I was nearly thirteen years old when one very cold winter day my mother was visited by a very distinguished gentleman, and as it happened, she told me to go and keep company with my uncle. I went right upstairs and knocked on his door. He shouted for me to come in and to close the door.

Uncle was seated next to the fireplace in which burned a meager fire. The room was gloomy and had the strong odor of smoke. Uncle was wearing long shabby coat under which I caught a glimpse of his brown britches and long stockings, which like his abundantly pleated shirt, had once been white.

He gestured for me to sit down next to the fire and I crouched down on what was left of an old carpet, which had known better days. Next to him he had an earthen pitcher from which he ocassionally drank some wine, gulping it directly from the spout.

After a while he broke the silence:

"So you're mother's humping again, eh? At least tomorrow we'll have something good to eat."

By now, I knew what my uncle was talking about, and realizing that he was making a comment and not asking a question I didn't respond. Once again the room fell silent. After a while he scratched himself between the legs.

"Bah, I wish I was there in place of that lout. I'm feeling kind of horny myself" he muttered as he continued to rub himself.

Then, to my amazement, he unlaced the fly of his trousers and put in his hand. He continued gumbling about who know's what, then he said,

"It's hell being here alone with this urge and all the while knowing that downstairs they're having a good time."

I watched his unabashed movements, and wondered again what he was doing and why. He stirred again and then brought out from his trousers his straight and hard cock and began to stroke it slowly up and down with his fist. Whether it was because this was the first time I'd ever seen him do anything of the sort, or whether it was the truly impressive dimensions of his tool, I was astonished and watched him with incredulous eyes.

Despite my thirteen years, apart from sizing up my friends whenever we took a piss against a wall or into a canal, I had never seen the cock of a fully grown man, and I couldn't understand what he was doing and why. My eyes were literally drawn to that incomprehensible and strange scene.

After a while uncle seemed to become aware of my presence and my incredulous stare. He stopped what he was doing and said,

"What the hell are you looking at, you little pussy! Haven't you ever seen one before? Haven't you ever done it? When you don't have a woman around, what's a man supposed to do? Look at how big and thick it is. Come here, touch it, feel it and tell me if it doesn't seem like the clapper of a church bell!"

I kept on looking and watching him without moving, but he said dryly, "C'mon, pussy. Touch it, you'll see I'm not lying!"

I obeyed him then, and slid across the old carpet and sat between his straddled legs. I extended my hand timidly and touched it.

He then took my hand and made me grasp him. "Do you feel it? Am I lying? C'mon, move your hand now, just as I was doing."

Once again, I obeyed.

Uncle relaxed and slumped against the back of the chair and said, "There. Yes, good boy, keep on just like that. You have a delicate hand, like that of a woman. Go on, good. Yes, like that. You like touching it, don't you? This is the most beautiful cock on the canal; you can believe me. Well, have you lost your tongue?"

I stopped and looked quizzically into his eyes and tried to imagine what he might expect me to say.

"Don't stop, you cunt! Don't you have a tongue?"

"Yes, uncle sir..." I murmured and I resumed moving my hand up and down. "Well then, if you have one, use it. Lick it a little, just there on the tip while you stroke it. C'mon, cunt!"

I looked at him him dumbstruck, it seemed a strange request, surely he was joking, I thought.

Then he said, "Well, what are you waiting for? Your mother does it all the time. She loves licking it. She's a greedy one. Go on, do it, quickly."

Then, timidly I got nearer to that firm, meaty rod and I tried it. I grazed it with the tip of my tongue. It didn't taste like anything, it was smooth and hot. I tried again.

"C'mon, stick your little tongue all the way out. Lick it up good, I'm getting really hot. Go on, suck it!"

I did as he asked and he seemed happy. Then he grabbed my head with both of his hands and guided his cock into my mouth, then he moved my head back and forth in a steady rhythm.

"Take out your hand. Ah, lovely. Don't let me feel your teeth, you cunt! There, like that, good boy. That's it, go on just like that. You're almost as good as your mother, you know? C'mon Renzo, damn, I like this. Move your tongue around. Suck it like a tit, suck it good, and soon I'll give you some milk to drink. Suck it for me...suck harder. That's it...that's it...I'm going to come...drink it, boy, drink it!"

A spurt of warm liquid filled my mouth, then another, and then another, and it was an effort for me to swallow it. It didn't taste like milk at all. It was somewhat bitter; no, it was a bit salty. He held his hands on the nape of my neck, forceing my head down, and with each spurt I felt him mutter and tremble all over until nothing more came out and he was calm again.

Then he let me go and I pulled away. He put his cock back into his trousers and laced up, then he slapped me on the shoulder. "Good boy, Renzino. You've been very good. You really are your mother's son. You've earned a nice piece of fresh bread."

He got up, rummaged around in the cupboard and gave me a piece of bread, which I grabbed and began to much on contentedly. Then he sat down again in front of the fire.

"If you do this for me again, and if you don't tell anyone, each time I'll give you a little something good to eat, okay, Renzino?"

I nodded and continued to chew vigorously on that good, fresh bread.

He gave me a playful slap and said, "You're a clever boy, you are. You know what's good for you, right? This will be our secret. You make me happy and I'll make you happy, in spite of the others."

For a full year, whenever I went to visit him, not each time but often enough, he had me suck his dick, especially whenever mother had several clients to entertain and he couldn't be with her. By then, I had come to know him well enough so that he didn't even have to tell me anything. When I saw that his eyes were glimmering in a certain way and he rubbed his hand over the fly of his trousers, I knew to slide over between his legs. I'd take out his cock and made him happy.

Soon, I too began to feel the pleasure of my hand on my own cock. It was still rather small, that is in respect to the my uncle's impressive pole, but I was already able to sample the joy that could be so easily obtained, especially when I began to get some drops of cum out of it.

I was fourteen years old now and I was growing. I was a bit slender, but well developed. I was rapidly growing out of my clothes which fit me ever more tightly. Mother would sew me new ones only when I was bursting out of the old ones.

One afternoon in late November, I was leaning against the Lion's Column in the Piazza in my tight fitting, grey cotton trousers and watching two gondoliers who were playing nearby, when I noticed a richly dressed young man. As he passed in front of me, he looked at me with a fixed stare. His eyes were devouring every detail about me and lingering on the area between my legs. I immediately recognized in the corner of his eye that same glimmer that I knew all too well, thanks to uncle.

That tall and slender young man, so well dressed in his short coat of blue and gold brocade, with his red stockings and damask covered boots, was hot for me, I was certain of it.

He passed by me then he stopped suddenly, he turned toward me and examined me again, with a direct and profound gaze that made me quiver.

Something in me responded to his gaze. I imagined myself crouching between his legs, and I felt for the first time my own member begin to stir, and when his eyes once again lowered to look between my legs - it was apparent that he was aware of my condition. His eyes opened wider and he came toward me at a slow pace, his gaze always fixed on my erection which even though covered was clearly evident through my too-tight fitting trousers.

When he was once again in front of me he looked at me, and once again I saw that special light glowing inside.

"Hey boy, if you come with me I'll give you some coins." He said with a warm, deep voice.

Even though intuitively knowing what it was he wanted, I asked him, just to be sure, in a low uncertain voice,

"To do what, sir?"

"To do everything I ask you to do to satisfy me."

"Would you give me a half zecchino?"

"Yes, if you do everything I want."

"All right. Everything the gentleman commands, for a half zecchino, I will gladly do."

"Follow me." he said with a decisive tone and he went on quickly. He walked hastily, crossed three canals, then he entered a house which I recognized right away. It was the house of a famous nobleman, a member of the Grand Council. This young man was his second son."

"Was it someone I know, my lord?" The boy said; his curiosity roused. Lorenzo smiled and responded:

"Yes, Poletto, but don't ask me his name, he's still alive, honored and respected, and I don't want to spread any gossip about him.

"Anyway, as I was telling you, when we entered he told the servant that I was with him, and we went up the service stair. I imagined that he wanted the same thing from me that did my uncle. The lasciviousness that I had read in his eyes had made me understand. It didn't displease me at all, and moreover I could earn some money. Following him up the stairs I felt a little nervous, but not at all frightened, indeed, I was intrigued and wondered what his cock could be like.

Arriving in a corridor, he took me by the arm and guided me to a door. He searched for a key in his pocket and as he unlocked the door, he placed his other hand on my butt and squeezed me gently. Still with his hand there, he opened the door and nudged me inside. It was a richly adorned room with a great bed covered by a canopy. I had never in my life seen anything so beautiful and luxurious.

I was lost in my admiration for a short moment. As soon as we entered, he carefully closed the door. He came around and faced me with his hand now firmly placed between my legs, feeling for my genitals. Once my cock was hard he touched it, caressed it and rubbed it through the cloth. No one had ever touched me like that before, not even uncle, and I really liked it.

Then he let go of me, and his hands moved impatiently to my sides. He lowered my trousers to my knees, then in a frenzy, he lifted up my shirt, told me to raise my arms and pulled it off over my head.

I stood naked in front of him and I felt embarrassed. I had thought that he would just take out his cock, I didn't think that he would undress me. His hands glided over my skin, over my shoulders, down my back, along my arms and to my flanks. It seemed as if he was exploring every part of my body. His breathing grew short and more rapid. His touch made me quake with pleasure, and by now my cock was visibly throbbing.

I stood still there before him, allowing him to do whatever he wanted, as we'd agreed earlier. My cock was by now straight and hard, the touch of his expert fingers made it tremble in response to each of his knowing caresses.

He took two steps backwards without taking his eyes off of me, and quickly undressed completely, throwing his clothes to the floor and bit by bit exposed his nakedness to me. It was the first time that I'd seen an adult male completely naked and when I saw that his cock was as straight and hard as mine, I felt a great heat inside that excited me even more.

Then the young man took me in his arms, and lifted me. I could feel his cock rubbing and pulsing against me. He carried me to the bed where he set me down. He finished removing my trousers then he climbed up on the bed. He got on top of me and enveloped me tightly in his strong arms. He put his mouth to mine and he sucked on my lip, then with his tongue he grazed my chin and throat. Then with his lips and tongue he explored my chest and gripped my nipples between his teeth. I felt I was among the stars with delight and excitement.

He proceeded to go lower and prodded my navel with his tongue, then went lower still and before I could realize it, he took all of my cock into his mouth. I felt so much pleasure that it startled me. It was wonderful. Now I understood why uncle liked me to do it to him. He went down and licked my balls, then spreading my legs apart, he lifted them into the air and he licked down, down to my buttocks, with his tongue darting about, he spread my cheeks with his hands until the tip of his tongue found my little hole.

Then he licked that. He worked it a long time and this too was incredibly wonderful. He didn't move away from there and I thought that at any moment I might explode from the pleasure. He bathed my hole generously with his warm saliva and when I felt it pulsating, he pushed in the tip of his tongue and I felt I was on fire. By now, I was groaning with pleasure, and I was unable to hold back. My head gyrated forcefully back and forth.

Then he got up on his knees, his eyes were luminous and passionate, he gazed up and down the length of my body and I was hypnotized by the desire that I read on his face. He raised my legs to his shoulders, and with one hand he grabbed my cock and rubbed it against my belly. With his free hand he took some saliva from his mouth and moistened the tip of his straight, hard dick then guided it until it was pressing against my asshole.

At first the pressure was delicate and he moved his cock slowly and the sensation was very pleasant. I relaxed, and was thoroughly enjoying this new experience, when I felt him pressing with more force than before and then I felt a great pain and knew then what he intended to do, and for the first time I was afraid.

I grew tense and told him, "No. Please, sir, please stop! It hurts me. I don't want to. No!"

But he continued to push with force. He had me with my legs pressed against my chest, grasping me with his strong arms and the more I stuggled to get away from him, the more it seemed to facilitate his penetration of me. I realized that I would not be able to free myself, he was too strong for me, then, all at once I gave up.

He again gave a terrible push.

I once again shouted, "No, I don't want to. It hurts too much, I don't like it. Enough, for pity's sake."

"Too late, boy. You said that you'd do anything I wanted, didn't you? Well, I want to fuck you. Now you'll take it all inside your beautiful little ass. I love it... so tight"

"No, have mercy, I've never done this... you're really hurting me."

"It'll pass. You're a virgin; that's why you're so tight. Soon you'll have your money, but now I want to stuff it all inside you. A pact is a pact."

He began again to push forcefully, then I surrendered to the inevitable and he slid into me. I looked at him towering over me and he seemed so beautiful, so tremendous, and I felt powerless under him. He had won completely.

You see, Poletto, I realized that the more I relaxed, the less it hurt me, and I let it go. Then he began to pump up and down, with determination, but also with a kind of delicacy, and I saw a change of expression come over his face, it grew more intense, more determined as his excitement grew. Then my cock, which because of the pain had retreated, began again to harden and I too began to feel a certain pleasure.

Now he was moving rhythmically with ever faster and longer strokes, and the pleasure made the pain subside; as the one grew in intensity the other diminished, and when suddenly he unloaded deep inside me, I, without having even touched myself, came immediately.

When it was all over, I got dressed and went out of the palazzo with the zecchino in my hand, aching slightly but happy at having discovered that previously unknown fountain of pleasure.

After that time, besides returning to that young gentleman's bed, I had some other adventures. Slowly I had learned to recognize those men who desired to have sex with me, and whenever one looked at me with that expression in his eyes, with that special light that I liked so much, I often found a way to end up in his bed."

Lorenzo fell silent, then Poletto, his curiosity quickened, asked him, "But did you go to bed with those men for money, my lord."

"No, that was the only time... oh no, I'm mistaken, it happened one other time, to tell the truth."

"Will you tell me about it, my lord?"

"Not now, it's late. Now let's make love and then we must sleep. Tomorrow night, if you want, after we've made love I'll tell you something more."

Poletto nodded and he got out from from under the covers. Lorenzo then removed his shirt: they were both excited.

"Get on your back, like that, like that gentleman had me do... that's it. Good boy. Spread your legs."

Lorenzo prepared the boy, kissing him, licking him, getting him thoroughly excited, then when he felt him ready, he rubbed an unguent on his trembling little hole.

"Now I'm going to slip it into you, Poletto. At first it may hurt you a little, but try to resist the urge to tense up, and just relax."

"Yes sir."

"Are you afraid?"

"A little bit. But if my lord says that at first it hurt him and then he liked it... I want to learn too."

"You're a treasure of a boy. Relax now. That's it, like that. Now I'm putting it in." said Lorenzo, and he took him vigorously.

Poletto let out a muffled scream but didn't move. Slowly he noticed that the pain really did diminish and the pleasure increased. As he mounted him, Lorenzo stroked Poletto's dick intensifying the pleasure of his young servant.

"Does it hurt, Poletto?"

"Yes, sire, but it feels good too..."

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No my lord, I can take it."

Lorenzo kissed him on the mouth and caressed him, and continued to penetrate the boy with well-measured strokes.

When both had reached their climax and they felt fully satisfied, they got back under the covers and Lorenzo hugged the boy.

"Well then, was that so bad?"

"No my lord, but honestly, it wasn't wonderful either. I still hurt a bit."

"It'll pass and you'll get used to it, you'll see, and you'll like it as much as I do. Soon you'll be pleading with me to do it." said Lorenzo. He extinguished the candle and wished him a good night. After a while Poletto said,

"Who knows how many boys you've fucked in the ass, my lord, with that beautiful cock of yours."

"Yes, but I've also fucked some beautiful young men and adults as well. But there have also been more than a few that have fucked me."

"What do you like more, my lord, to put it in someone or to have it put inside you?"

"Both ways are wonderful, Poletto, I have no preference. Go to sleep now, because if we go on talking about these things, soon you'll risk rekindling my desire to take you again."

"Do you like my little ass, sire?"

"Yes, I like all of you, boy, even if you still have a lot to learn."

"If you'd like, you can put it in me again right now..."

"No you're still aching now. Tomorrow."

"You'll teach me everything, won't you sire?"

"Of course, I'll teach you all there is to know about the art of pleasure between men."

"That way, I'll be able to give you much pleasure however and wherever you want, and you'll be happy with me."

"But I'm already happy with you, my boy. It was a good thing that I surprised you when you were doing it with Florindo. You didn't do anything more with him, did you?"

"No, my lord. He only made me suck it, as your uncle did with you. It's much more beautiful with you. Even being as we are now. You'll call me often to your bed, won't you, Sire?"

"I think I will, Poletto, I really think I will." replied Lorenzo caressing him delicately.

They remained silent, one against the other and slowly they both began to drift off into sleep; gratified and tranquil, and in a loose embrace. Lorenzo was truly happy to have discovered in his beautiful young servant, such an obliging partner in bed, and Poletto was happy to have found so beautiful, helpful and generous a master who would treat him with such tenderness and passion. He curled up against the man, breathed in that good masculine odor and felt a great sense of security come over him being next to that powerful and virile member, so skillful at giving pleasure.

The morning after, Lorenzo awoke to Poletto's touch. They boy had removed the coverlet and was delicately caressing the hard and erect member.

"How wonderful to wake up like this."

"I had a great desire to take it in my mouth, but I was afraid you would get angry."

"Oh no, on the contrary, I would really like it."

"Well then, the next time it happens, I'll wake you like that. You're so beautiful, my lord."

"You too are very beautiful, Poletto."

"But no, don't joke with me."

"No, no, I'm not joking. Since I was a boy I've had so many, but you're one of the most beautiful. How lucky I am to have discovered that you like men too. Now, unfortunately, we really must get up. So, tonight you will return here to my room, won't you?"

"Of course, my lord, and I'll think of you throughout the day."

"But you won't do well at your work, that way." Lorenzo said jokingly and winked.

"Oh no, my lord, on the contrary, I'll work better than ever. I want you to be completely satisfied with me, and not only in bed..."

"But I already am. C'mon, give me a kiss and let's get dressed."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 3

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