The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Feb 5, 2007


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


While they were preparing to leave the warehouse, Poletto asked Lorenzo, "Amongst all the personnel working here for you, and those working at your mansion, master... Goodness knows how many you made love with!"

"No, Poletto, besides you, never, with anybody."

"Really? The cook assistant, Toni, for instance, is a handsome boy... and also your gondoleer is a fine youth. And here, signor Santolo is a well built and an agreeable man, and Bortolo has a nice body and, at least jusdging from how he looks at me, I bet he likes doing it with men..."

"I see that you and I have the same tastes. But first of all, I don't try to go to bed with any man I see and like. And then, signor Santolo always talks exclusively about women, and I don't trust Bortolo - if I did someting with him I am sure he would go around boasting it. The gondoleer is handsome, I agree, but not such a clever boy... and the cook assistant seems to be too coarse a type. Therefore, you see, I never felt like trying to have an adventure with any of them."

Back at the mansion, after supper they went to the bedroom.

While caressing Poletto's body, Lorenzo asked him, "Would you like making love with one of the four we were talking about, this afternoon, at the warehouse?"

"No, master, I have you and am not interested in anybody, as I already told you several times."

"Yes, yes, I know, but... if you weren't with me?"

"Well... in that case... I would possibly make love with Bortolo and with the gondoleer. Bortolo, you know... I spied on him while he was pissing... He has a shaft worth seeing believe me. And it really makes you desire taking it in your hands..."

"Ah, rascal boy! So you go around spying on people when they have to spend a penny?"

"No, no, master. I was just checking the seals on the bales to be sent, as you told me, when Bortolo came whistling, looked around to check nobody was there and I don't know how he didn't see me, possibly because he was in the sun and I in the shadow, or perhaps because I was bending down to check the seals, who knows... and he opened his breeches, pulled it out and started to piss in the canal. So I profited by looking at it."

"But if he discovered you?"

"I don't think he would have been upset, master. Rather... now that I think to it... he was possibly pretending not to have seen me, just to show it to me."

"Was he beating himself?"

"No, not that... but anyway, it was nicely hard."

"You made mine become nicely hard, with these speeches. Look at it! Don't you feel tempted to touch it, to take care of it a little?"

"And how, my dear master! But while I will do so, why don't you continue telling me your stories?"

"Well, then. I embarked on a Pisan ship that would bring me from Alexandria to Florence, where I could change my letter of credit. We had in front of us a voyage of several days. On board, besides me, there were many passengers. Amongst them, at Syracuse port, an odd youth named Domenico Adeodato had boarded, who could have been twenty-one or twenty-two."

"How old were you, master, at that point?"

"Did you lose count? I was twenty-nine. I was saying that the youth was odd because, even though he was dressed like a middle-class person and had fine features, I saw him wink at a couple of the sailors.

At first I thought he tried to hook them to have a sexual adventure with them, but then I noticed that he withdrew with the maidservant of another traveler and they were clearly flirting. In fact he was caressing her buxom boobs with real lust, and with clear pleasure for the girl.

In Syracuse, also a noble family of Pisa had boarded, whose name I cannot tell you because they are well known also here in Venice. Besides the father and mother, there were the older son, who I will call Carlo, twenty-yers-old, then the daughter, eighteen, and the cadet Feliciano, seventeen.

Carlo attracted at once my attention because of his sensual aspect, stressed by his clothes and enhanced by his beautiful smile. He was not really beautiful, but he had an attracive face. And if I was not wrong, he looked at the handsome sailors, trying not to be too obvious and somewhat too often to be interested in girls.

Also Feliciano was not bad at all, he was more handsome than his brother, even though his body was still developing and he was possibly too thin and slender, at least for my taste.

Feeling at once attracted by Carlo, I acted so that I could become acquainted with him, and buttonhole him. It wasn't difficult, there on board. And I gradually grew convinced that I saw rightly - that boy, like me, wasn't at all interested in women. So, already on the second day of the voyage after leaving Syracuse, I decided to approach him frankly.

In the evening I saw him on the deck, leaning out over the railing to look at the waves illuminated by the dying sun. Profiting of the fact that in that moment there was nobody on the deck near us, I went to his side.

In a joking tone, I asked, "What are you doing here, waiting to see if a nice mermaid surfaces?"

He looked at me, recognized me and, smiling, answered, "No, I was deep in thought. I am not interested in mermaids, even if they really exist."

"Then you are like me, you like sailors better. At least they exist, and often are also willing."

I noticed he blushed and after throwing me a surprised glance, lowered his eyes and asked, "Why are you saying such things to me?"

"I noticed how you look at them. Someone like me who appreciates manly beauty notices another connoisseur at once. And then, the fact that you blushed at my words, made me understand that I hit the nail on the head. But you have nothing to blush about... at least not with me."

"Do you mean that you like... to do it with males?"

"Sure! That's why I feel so interested in you and I managed to become acquainted with you. This journey will not be short, but neither long enough. It could be agreable having a friend here on board, with whom to withdraw every now and then."

"Yes, I agree. But if you think I can be such a friend, I'm afraid you'll be disapponinted."

"But why? Wouldn't you like to occasionally come to my cabin? I would be able to make you experience very good emotions, trust me."

"I trust you. The fact is that I cannot."

After much insisting and some reticence, he eventually disclosed the reason to me. Even though he really liked men, and felt attracted to me, he was forced to refuse my offer because he was his brother's lover. And as Feliciano was also on board and was terribly possessive, he could not go with other men.

I asked him who of them involved the other in that relationship and he answered that it had been his younger brother. About one year before Feliciano had caught him while he was making love with a servant and then had admitted to him his hidden passion for men. After that, besides a few secret casual affairs, they had always made love only with each other.

The thought of two brother-lovers excited me. So, as it was useless to insist with him, I thought it could be worth trying with his younger brother to be able to entice the older one into my berth as well...and then enjoy both together.

Thus, on the following day, I managed to be alone with the younger and approached him too, but using a small trick. I made him believe I was able to read the cards and, as it often happens in such occasions, the boy asked me to read them for him. I took out from my haversack the arcana of the Marseillaise tarots and after staging some rituals, I started.

I told him that he had a carnal realtionship, then I added that he had it since one year. While I was speaking I closely observed his reactions - he seemed struck. I added also that his parents were in the dark about that, or else they would oppose the relationship with all their means. Now the boy was somewhat upset. I then continued my sham, telling him that I would try to single out who was the person in question. He reacted telling me that after all he didn't believe in tarots, and that anyway he had to go back to his parents cabin. He stood up and hurriedly went away.

The day after, passing near him, I whispered, "I know who your lover is, I will tell nobody, don't worry." And went away.

After a short while he came to look for me, "Can we go to your cabin to talk safely?" he asked me.

Of course I accepted at once and we went. As soon as we were alone, he asked me, in a nervous tone, "You really know who my lover is?"

"Sure, cards speak clearly to those who know how to read them. Look, you are the first card I will take out of the pack, and your lover will be the second card, that you will take out of it. Well, the first card is the knave of cups. Now choose your card."

With a trick I had learned from the Persians, I did so that he chose and pulled out the card I wanted - the knight of cups.

I then said, "You see, exactly the same result I got yesterday evening. If you are the knave of cups, who is the one slightly superior to you but inferior to the king and queen of cups that represent your father and mother? The knight is your brother Carlo; he must be your secret lover."

Feliciano was dumbfounded. I continued to ask him to pull out other cards and continued in my interpretation.

"You forced him to become your lover because you discovered something compromising about him..."

"No, I didn't force him, he accepted it at once."

"I don't know, it could be. But here I read constraint. I can possibly have misinterpreted, the constraint could have come later. It possibly means that you are jealous of him and don't want him to go with other men."

"That's right, I don't want him to do it with the servants."

"Ah, was he doing it with servants? I didn't see that on the cards..." I said, pretending to be astounded.

"Yes, I caught him while he was doing it with one of our manservants... Before that I didn't know that he also liked doing it with men... and since for some time I was feeling specially attracted towards my brother..."

"So you at once profited from that to tie him to you. But you, before that, had already gone to bed with a man?"

"A few times... only with one of my cousins..."

I took a wild guess, pretending to consult the cards, "A little older than you... and it was he the one who started the thing."

"That's so. He is two years my elder."

"But you never told your cousin that Carlo is also..."

"Surely not."

"But you went again with your cousin, didn't you?"

"Well... just a couple of times..."

I tried my last stroke to make an impression on him, hoping to be once again lucky, "Yes, the cards also tell me when it happened. When you cousin came to your place in Pisa and again before leaving him in Palermo."

I got this last idea because I knew they were coming back from Palermo where they had visited some relatives. The mother in fact came from a noble Sicilian family. I hit the mark - Feliciano was staring at me. Taking profit of his temporary confusion, I stretched out a hand and put it on his thigh in an amicable gesture.

"I can understand you, my boy. Even though, sincerely, I think you are somewhat of a selfish guy. When you can amuse yourself, you do it, but you don't want your brother doing it. Apart from the servants, there are other worthy people. And if you keep him too tightly, sooner or later you will lose him; be careful!"

Now my hand had slipped along his thigh and almost brushed against the obvious swelling between his legs..."

"Now I understand!" Poletto suddenly exclaimed.

Lorenzo, surprised by that unespected interruption, asked him, "You understand... what?"

"The tarots trick! Zane had organized everything!"

"What are you talking about, Poletto?" Lorenzo, who already knew everything Zane had done, asked him.

"Oh, nothing, dear master, just a trick that Zane played on me, but I luckily didn't fall into the trap. Go on with your story, please..."

"All right. Continuing to talk with Feliciano I carried on my manoeuvre and when at last I reached my goal between his legs, the boy made only a little jump, but didn't withdraw from my hand or react. I then caressed, fingered it until I felt his answer grow under my hand in his leotards.

Finally I said, "Relax, Feliciano. It is from the first moment I saw you that I desired making love with you. Untie your doublet, so that I can freely caress your beautiful body..."

He did as I asked him, almost in hurry, and in a while we were embracing, lying on my berth, busily pulling off each other's clothes, in a kind of frenzy for enjoyment.

The boy was rather inexperienced, but was cooperating with some enthusiasm. When I had stripped him, I saw he already had an adult member that at once caught my attention. I had to give him such pleasure as to make him desire to make love with me again.

I devoted myself to him with all my art and skills and I felt that I was gradually achieving my aim. I was only half-aroused, but I didn't care. However, Feliciano had lost all his self-control and was avidly pursuing the pleasure that I was giving him. I was totally devoting myself to him and when I felt he was ready, I gave him the finishing stroke making him reach a such an intense orgasm that he was crazily writhing between my hands. Then I caressed him to make his body relax.

When we finally dressed again, he took my hand and in a begging tone asked me, "We will meet again like now in your cabin to make love, won't we?"

"Yes, sure. But I never saw two brothers having sex together; I would like having you both here. And participate with you, of course. I think it could be really good."

"As you want, provided that you make me feel such strong pleasure again. Tell me when, and I will also bring my brother here and we'll make love all three."

"But would your brother agree?"

"I know how to handle him and make him do what I want. Just tell me when we can meet again."

"Tomorrow morning, at the bell of the second shift."

"We will be here, don't doubt it."

I succeeded in my plan. The following day I would finally enjoy the sensual and exciting body of the handsome Carlo. I was already foretasting that encounter. On the following morning, in fact, the two brothers came on time. As soon as they entered, Feliciano carefully locked the door and started at once to undress. Carlo seemed ill at ease, I then drew near him and started to undress him while Feliciano, already naked, was undressing me.

"You two start, boys - I want to admire how two brothers make love." I said.

They didn't need to be told twice. As I had guessed, after a while they were exciting each other, it was the younger who penetrated the older, with clear pleasure for both. I then moved between them so that Feliciano took me while I was penetrating the handsome Carlo. I put into effect all my tricks so that the two brothers felt a strong pleasure. It was so very agreable that at the end both brothers, but the younger first, asked me if we could have sex in that way again.

"For all the time of our journey, without a problem - just come to my cabin any time you feel like it."

And so it happened.

When we were in sight of Naples port, we were all on the deck to look at the town approaching, both those who would disembark there and those, like us, who would continue the journey. At one point Carlo came near me and proposed, while everybody was intent on looking at the panorama, to go to my cabin. I at once accepted and all three of us slipped downstairs under the deck.

I had just opened my cabin door when I saw a girl bending on my open trunk and rummaging in it. On instinct, I immediately jumped on her trying to block her. She managed to get free but then fell straight into the arms of the two boys who were entering behind me and who at once were aware the she was a thief. A short brawl followed but we soon had the upper hand, as we were three against one. We managed to block her, and her coloured head square fell off.

Looking better at her, I exclaimed, "But... you are Domenico Adeodato!"

It really was the boy. On the floor I saw a bundle, opened it and found it contained several stolen goods, the booty he had taken from other cabins. I understood his plan - to rob the passengers while they all were on deck and, thanks to his disguise, to go off indisturbed as soon as we reached Naples.

The two brothers said we had to hand him over to the port gards, to be put in prison. But I was getting a better idea - that boy had a really pleasurable body and now he was in our hands...

So I said, "No, listen to me. Now we will leave him here in my cabin, well tied and muzzled. We will go on the deck taking the bundle with the stolen goods with us. We will say we caught him while hew was stealing but he managed to escape, throwing himself into the sea on the other side of the ship. So, nobody will find his absence strange. Later we will amuse ourselves fucking his ass all the time of our journey to Pisa. Don't you think it is a good plan?"

The two brothers agreed immediately, amused and excited.

Our prisoner went pale and, almost stammering, said, "No, please, I never took it there, I... I don't like it... I never did it with men... Don't do that to me!"

"On the contrary then, this will really be your punishment!" Feliciano retorted, pleased with my plan.

Domenico begged, he almost had tears on his eyes, but all three we were inflexible. We left him on my berth, tied and muzzled, carefully closed the door and went back to the deck to report the thief's flight and give back his stolen goods. The news aroused a great emotion but everybody was glad that we had at least retrieved their goods.

Then, while the ship was docking at Naples port, we went back to my cabin. First of all we totally stripped the boy - he really had a very nice body. Then, while the other two were holding him still, I carefully spread some lube on his virgin hole, and impaled him. Not with roughness, but careless of his groans. Then Carlo took away his gag and presented him his tool, ordering him to suck it. Domenico shut tight his lips and shook his head.

Then Feliciano tied a piece of rope around his neck and said, "If you don't obey, I will tighten it. And if you try to bite, I will also tighten it. Did you understand, worthless pilferer? Suck!"

Domenico then, understanding that Feliciano was not joking, opened his mouth and received Carlo's rod, starting at once to suck it, while I was continuing to hammer into his ass. After I came in him, it was Feliciano's turn to impale him with real plesure, and Carlo fucked his ass last, filling him with his seed too.

When we were all satisfied, the two brothers went away. I then sat on the edge of the berth, near to the still-well-tied, Domenico and started to caress all his body. I had decided to give him some pleasure too. The boy was looking at me with an expression mid-way between the furious and the humiliated. I impassively continued until his body started to react. I also used my erotic massages and then, when his tool was well erect, I bent onto his groin to suck it, and went on until Domenico reached his orgasm.

Then I told him, "You said this is your first time with men... You will see that you will get used to it and will like it. A lot better than being shut in a prison, don't you think? When we reach Pisa, we will let you go, disguised as a girl, so that nobody will recognize you. You have everything to gain, don't you? But meanwhile I want to enjoy your body every night, as we will share my berth. We will do it often, you and I, but at times also with my two frinds. A very nice program, don't you think, my handsome thief?"

Domenico had his eyes fixed on the cabin wall and didn't answer. The days passed. I took him things to eat and drink and often made love with him, doing so to excite him to the most, and to make him enjoy it. Also my two accomplices, after the first times when they were just assaulting him to take their fill with him, soon had started to involve him in their erotic games. Thus, little by little Domenico was no more able to hide his growing pleasure from those continuing sexual attentions. Mainly at night, when we were alone, he and I, more and more often he was letting himself express his pleasure, at first only with low moaning, then also spurring me to take him and make him come too.

I then decided to take a risk and one night I proposed him, "If you swear you will not try to escape, I will untie you..."

"Yes, I swear. By the way, we are on open sea, where could I escape to? And then, you promised me that in Pisa you will let me go free. Will you keep yur promise?"

"Sure. And will you continue making love with me?"

"Yes, I promise. I didn't think that also between men it could be so agreable. At the beginning I hated you, I should say the truth. But now I am almost happy having sex, especially when we are alone, you and I. Well, also the foursomes are not bad... but you are the best one. You are able to give me such a strong pleasure as no woman had ever been able to give me. I like how you fuck me..."

I freed him and he at once started making love with me. Now that he was free to move, to take the inititive, it was even more agreable than before. Domenico didn't try to escape and remained shut in my cabin. I have also to say that, of the three boys with whom I amused myself during that journey, Domenico was the one I liked best. He also learned to to suck it rather well, but what he preferred was being taken by me. When I penetrated him he became really aroused and it was evident that he enjoyed each of my lunges inside his firm and still very tight ass.

I had also proposed him to penetrate me, and once he tried it, but then told me he preferred to be first penetrated then to come into my mouth. During the last days we spent on board, it was not rare for him to beg me to make love. Of course I never refused.

When we reached Pisa and disembarked, I parted from Carlo and Feliciano who went back their home with their parents. Then I wished Domenico farewell.

The boy then asked me, "Take me with you, as your servant. I'll never steal again, I swear. But I want to continue having sex with you."

"No, we have to part, here. You will find another man with whom to live, if you like doing it so much."

"Yes, I have to admit that I like it. But I like above all your beautiful stake, and how skilled you are using it inside me. I like how you enjoy me and make me enjoy. I didn't like Carlo and Feliciano as much as you, I would never have asked to stay together with them... I will be a faithful servant, take me with you."

I again refused and we parted.

The last thing he said me was, "I'm sorry you don't want me. For me this is the true punishment for having tried to rob you, that day. You made me discover how good having sex with you is, and now you send me away. Yes, sure, I will find other men, but you are the one who took my rear virginity... I will never forget you, Lorenzo."

So, we parted, and..."

"You took also my rear virginity, master, therefore I can understand him..."

"Do you regret I took it?"

"No, on the contrary, I am happy. But why didn't you take with you that Domenico?"

"Because I didn't trust him enough. Sooner or later he would possibly became bored with me and would try to rob me again. I didn't know him enough."

"I think it would be impossible to become bored with you, dear master. Each time you take me, I feel as if it was the first time."

Lorenzo smiled, moved on top of him and started making love with him. Poletto received him with a sigh of pleasure.

They didn't hear the night watch passing, so much they were engrossed in giving each other pleasure. It was the dead of night when, having finally reached their orgasm, Lorenzo blew out the lantern and closed the canopy curtains. Sated, they laid on the wide bed, the inanimate witnesses of their long and passionate love nights, embraced intertwining their limbs and slipped into a sweet refreshing sleep, cradled by the beat of their hearts that seemed to pulsate to the same rythm.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 24

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