The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Feb 18, 2007


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Poletto looked for a long time at the clothes, caressing them with his eyes and lightly brushing them with his fingertips. Then, radiantly, looked towards Lorenzo.

"But, these beautiful new clothes are all for me?"

"Certainly. I had them tailored expressly for you. As you are now working with me, and you will travel with me, I want you to be always elegant. Don't you want to try them?"

"Immediately, master."

The boy rapidly undressed and put on the new clothes.

"They fit me perfectly... How did you do that , master, without having the tailor take my measurement?"

"I wanted to give you a surprise, so I gave him one of your liveries as a model. Do you like them?"

"I feel I am even too elegant, now. Wearing them I don't seem a page any more but a real and perfect young gentleman."

"Yes, it is true. And they are really nice on you. But now... let me undress you. You know that I like you a lot more when you are naked, don't you?"

"You too, master, you are a lot more beautiful when naked!"

They undressed each other, then climbed on the bed. Poletto at once curled against the man's body, which at that contact vibrated with pleasure. Lorenzo caressed him, at once reciprocated.

Then, after having given him a kiss, he said, "But now I have very little to tell you. Anyway, do you want me to continue with some stories?"

"I certainly would like knowing everything about you, up to the day when you took me into your service..."

"Well, when I finally reached Venice, I went immediately to change my letter of credit. The sum I had to collect, added to all that during my years of travel I had sent to various Venice merchants in my name, made of me quite a wealthy man. After I gathered all my money without problems, I decided to buy a wharehouse at the port and a house in the city, that is this mansion, and comfortably settle down. Within a month all Venice knew about my coming back and about my fortune, But I didn't know anybody therefore I felt, and was, rather lonely.

Aristocracy and middle class, here in Venice, are rather exclusive. Without any doubt, with time I could manage to be accepted and received anyway, but I knew it would require a very long time.

I was still arranging this mansion, when a messenger came from the Ducal Palace - the Doge's particular secretary, who at that time was Marco Querini of San Polo, was summoning me. I went, somewhat worried. My worry increased when, as soon as I was introduced at his presence, he received me telling that he had inquiries carried out on me. I didn't understand where he was aiming to.

He told me that the minutes of the various inquiries were now there, in front of him, and that it was up only to him to decide to make them public, in all or in part, or to consign them to an archive, or finally to destroy them. I then asked him what the papers could contain about such an important and delicate matter worthy of being published or destroyed.

"All the reports paint you as a wealthy man, full of experience, skilled in the trade notwithstanding your young age. All talents that are very much appreciated in our Very Serene Rpublic, as you probably know. You could become one of the prominent figures of our city and also, possibly, in a day not too far off, be enrolled in the circle of the Republic's patricians.

"But, as you can very well imagine, we always keep an eye on our potentially influential citizens, to safeguard the good name of the Very Serene and to protect our Republic from ill-disposed people. Therefore, as information about your childhood and your real Venitian origins was missing, I ordered a thoroughly search on our archives, mainly about the past years, that is when you were born and were living in our well-beloved city.

"It so came out that a certain Lorenzo Zorzi did really exist. And we have also been lucky enough to find the stepfather of that Lorenzo, still living. He is actually now in prison for manslaughter, but he is still living. I personally went to examine him, you know... and he told me that the boy, his step-son, did... prostitute himself to the city men and to the foreigners... I have here his declaration. We love justice, and we know very well that his could have been lies, lies that he told me for some obscure reaason... But as he told me the names of some noblemen who, according to him, went along with that Lorenzo Zorzi, I asked them if they confirmed the accusations, promising them total anonymity and immunity, of course.

"Well, some of them, you see, confirmed that this Lorenzo Zorzi was indeed effectively prostituting himself... You know that according to our very correct laws, the male having sexual commerce with someone of his own sex is punished with a death sentence... of course only in the case when the crime comes to be public knowledge. And you also know that all his goods, if he has not a family, are confiscated for use of the Very Serene Republic...

"But on the other hand, a good lawyer, and there are many here in the city, could say that it had only been a youthful error, and that so many years have elapsed since then... or also that you are not the same Lorenzo Zorzi, that it is only an unfortunate and regrettable case of coincidence of names...

"Therefore, to be certain not to incur an unforgivable mistake, I had to be certain not only that you are that same Lorenzo Zorzi of these records and minutes, but also that your crime was not just and only a youthful sin, but that you still take pleasure in sexual intercourse with people of your same sex...

"As the scrupulous person I pride myself to be, to be absolutely certain not to blunder, I had my men search for some youth male prostitutes who operate in our city and, assuring them protection, I persuaded them to try to ascertain and to verify if you like to carnally unite with males or not... And here I have their sworn depositions, all consistent... You took in your bed no fewer than eleven of those boys in these few last months! Do you have anything to say?"

I felt lost. But experience has taught me not to give in so easily. I reflected a moment and thought that he evidently had summoned me there to make me a proposition, in fact if it was not so, he would not have sent a messenger to summon me, but he would have directly sent the guards to arrest me.

Therefore I answered, "Most excellent, I cannot deny the evidence of the facts. I am in your hands. I do not even try to justify myself. What I can say is but one thing only - I always did my best not to make public knowledge this side of my life, of my personality. But your farsightedness and your cleverness has been able to unearth what I believed to be a well kept secret. I am consequently totally in your hands."

He nodded and hinted a light smile, "I see that you are not lacking in wisdom. If I had already decided to report you, I would not have summoned you here to the palace. No. But now it depends on you if I will report you or not. It depends only and exclusively on you. But now that I have had the chance to meet you personally... I would be really sorry having to proceed against you..."

In the first moment I thought he wanted gold, goods, riches or money from me. But this last sentence made trigger in me a different thought. I could not be sure, nor I could risk to make a mistake or I would jump out of the frying-pan into the the fire.

Thus I finally said, "Tell me, I beg you, what can I do to be received in the Very Serene like a good son and a deserving citizen. Lead me, I beg you, most excellent."

"Those young... prostitutes, personally interrogated by me... all of them have said that you are peculiarly skilled in the... amatory arts. Almost all of them have extolled your praises, do you know? This fact has made me curious. Are you really so... exceptional?"

I was more and more sure I had seen rightly. I answered, "I have a wide experience, as I personally tested in the secrecy of the alcove the ways of behaviour of different men and peoples. But, you see, it is not easy to judge oneself, others can do it much better than me."

The secretary lightly scratched himself under his wig, then said with a kind of wink, "You are making me curious, Lorenzo Zorzi. Yes, you are really making me curious. You know... I have the power to make you a man sentenced to death or else a citizen of the Very Serene quite above suspicion... What do you think you can say to persuade me to choose this second hypothesis... and thus make these so very compromising papers disappear forever?"

"A noble, wealthy, feared and respected person like you, can certainly not be tempted by money, by riches... Such a thought would be a real offense. But if the most excellent would show me his benignity... I would in my turn show him all my thankfulness with all of myself, even though I very well know that, as much as I could do, it would never be enough to completely repay your kindness."

We were playing bouncing the ball back and forth, each waiting for the other to say what was now clear enough. I meanwhile was asking myself how could I to go in bed with that man of whom I could see nothing more than the hands and the face, as all the rest being covered and hidden by his abundant and sumptuous state-robes and a conspicuous wig. Even if it would have been not so much agreeable, anyway, I was more than willing to pay that price not to lose my life.

The secretary then said, "Of course, I would never let gold or money corrupt me. No. But I feel a liking for you who are in the flower of virility and of life, I don't hide that. Thus... I would be able to help you, you see? But you... would you be discreet in your matters? Would you be able to behave like a true gentleman?"

"If you knew me better, nost excellent, you would not have the least doubt about that. The noble gentlemen you examined about my adolescence can confirm that. Even though I was at that time a very poor boy, did I ever try to take profit of their benevolence and protection?"

"No, never, this is true. Even your step father told me that he discovered your relationships only because he spied on you, but that you always denied every thing. After all, who wanted to do you harm, in a certain sense did testify at your favour... Besides being a handsome man, you give me the impression you are a man of sense. I would like to have the opportunity to better know you, in order to make the right decision towards you."

"I would feel honoured and happy to get to be known by you in the most complete and... intimate possible way. Just show me how can I do..."

"Yes, I really think it could be worth knowing you more intimately. And... I also hope that it would be a pleasurable experience..."

"I would do all is in my power to make it pleasurable, most excellent."

Suddenly the secretary seemed to lose all caution. He looked straight in my eyes and said, "Lorenzo, don't disappoint me in bed and I will not let you miss my protection. I like not boys but men. Show me that you are a real man. The boys told me that you are nicely endowded and that you are able to use it well. Is that true?"

"Would you like to ascertain it now?"

"No, not here. But come nearer, I want at least to feel it under your clothes. So, good... Yes, mother nature has been generous with you, I can feel. You make my mouth water. I also heard that you are able to do it even several times in succession... is it true?"

"Certainly, most excellent."

"Good, good. And what do you like to do?"

"Really everything and anything, most excellent."

"Do you like to push it in a greedy ass?"

"Of course, most excellent, I like pushing it all inside to the true depth and then hammer vigorously."

"And where else do you like to slip it?"

"In a hot and gluttonous mouth, most excellent."

While we were talking so, he was continuing to finger between my legs feeling it grow under his hand and he was almost drooling over it. I understood what he wanted from me, and was giving him rope. He liked coarseness, not romantic speach.

"And what would you do, Lorenzo, to my bird?"

"I would make it spill milk, most excellent."

"But how, Lorenzo, tell me, with your hands or... with what?"

"With my mouth, most excellent. I would be enticed to being allowed to lick and suck your bird, until I make it spill all its milk for the intense pleasure."

He stopped fingering me, made a roll with the papers concerning me, stood up, took me by an arm ad said, looking straight in my eyes, "And when will you give me pleasure with your virility?"

"Any time you want... also now..."

"Then let's us stop continuing to lose time. Come with me, to my mansion, dear Lorenzo. I am longing to put you to test." He pulled a silk bell-rope and soon a lackey entered. "Have my gondola prepared. I have finished here for today. Tell them I am in hurry, I'm going downstairs." Then addressing me, said, "Wait a moment for me here, I'll change these clothes and we can go."

As soon as we were in his mansion, we went to his quarters and he gave orders to the servants not to disturb him for any reason and not to allow anybody in his quarters, not even his wife or daughters. Then, after carefully bolting the door he led me to a sumptuous bedroom and started to undress, inviting me to do the same. While he was undressing I was looking at him - he had a not bad body, for a man of his age, and the silverly hairs of his lean chest even gave him some sensuality. I thought it would be less bad than I feared. Between his legs he had a not exceptional pendent, but worth respect. He too was looking with evident satisfaction at my body as it was revealing to his eyes, and when he saw my already half erect clapper, he expressed his appreciation.

"Beautiful, beautiful! Come here, my nice big male!"

"Yes, most excellent."

"No, no most excellent. When we are naked you can address me unformally. As this is to be a test, tell me how you think to start, rough boy!"

"If you lie on the bed and spread your legs well, I will carefully lick your clapper until you will yell with pleasure, and make it become harder that the Doge's sceptre!"

"Yes, big pig, and then?"

"And then I want to lick the hole of your ass until you will beseech me to mount you."

"Yes, stallion in rut... and then?"

"And then I will knock all of it inside and hammer it like a pestle in a mortar, until you will veer and buck like a mare in heat."

"Oh yes, good, yes, and then?"

"And then you will make my clapper become even harder licking it and taking it all into your sowish mouth, and I will push it all down to your throat and drown you with my horny male milk."

"Good, good. And then? And then?"

"Then I will run you through, pushing my clapper into that scorching oven of your ass, and then I will fuck you with all my means until I fill your guts with my slops. Then I will suck your clapper and lap all of it and wear it out until you will again spurt on my face..."

He went to lie down, his legs well spread, so then I started that program. After a short time he was totally off. When I penetrated him, I noticed with pleasure that he still had an ass firm enough and not too loose, and that it was agreeable taking him. I was faithful to my program and when at the end he came for the second time, he was exhausted but happy. He gave me a cloth to clean me up.

While I was dressing, he said, "Good, good. You are the best male I ever had. You are even better than I could have dreamed. Go on in this way and these documents will remain hidden into my personal strongbox."

"Thank you, most excellent. Consider me your very devoted servant."

Luckily, he called me to his mansion just once in a week, always on Wednesday evening, at vespers time. After I had been going some four or five times to his place to have sex, he showed me he was tearing all my papers and throwing them in the fire.

Then he said me, "Now, if you want, you can also not to come any more here for me, when I send to call you."

"Did the most excellent become tired of me?"

"No, not I. But now your problem is solved. You don't need any more to come here only for my pleasure..."

"Most excellent, I would like to continue, if you don't mind. I didn't come here only because of the compromising paper problem, but also because I am devoted to you."

"Will you then continue coming to see me, even now that I destroyed the papers?"

"Any time the most excellent desires it. To me, it is good to continue every Wednesday evening..."

"Lorenzo, if I didn't have a wife and children, I would take you here, to live with me. You can not even guess how much I feel grateful to you. But I will show it to you. And now, I will really burn all your papers, or rather, I will put them in your hands, so that you personally can burn them all."

In spite of all my experience, I had not thought he had put me to test, and I silently thanked my lucky star. Anyway, once I really burned all the papers, I continued to go to see him. And he really showed me his gratitude. He invited me to all his parties and introduced me to the Venice fashionable society, so that in a short time I started to be accepted in the best salons and invited by the most prominent families.

He knew that besides him I had some adventures also with other males, and not only he did not forbid me, but he also wanted me to tell him in detail what I did with the other men or boys and this excited him very much. All in all he was a likeable man and agreeable company, and I grew somewhat affectionate of him.

We continued to meet for little more than one year. He confided me that he had his godoleer and his personal valet mount him, but he also told me that I was and remained the best one. Thank to his friendship and protection I also got considerable support in my trading, so that I became wealthier than before.

For his sixty-fifth birthday, to show him my gratitude and friendship, I invited him here in my mansion. I had organized in my bedroom a little orgy, paying the most skilled and beautiful prostitute youths of the city. I think he never had so many cocks all together in one time, in all his life...

I had carefully instructed the youths and, like them, I too did my best to make him enjoy to the maximum. As I had guessed, the finale excited him very much - while I was penetrating him and one of the youths was pumping it in his mouth, all the others were surrounding him and wanking themselves so that, managing to come all together, they covered him with their spunk. At that point he was so much excited that he too came, without even touching himself. Then the boys raised him from the bed, took him to a wide tub filled with hot and scented water I had prepared behind a screen and washed and dried him. Then they withdrew in an adjoining room where they dressed and went away, leaving us alone.

Marco, still out of breath, said, "Lorenzo, you wanted to kill me! Too much good, all those clappers, all those hands, all those mouths! It has been the most beautiful birthday of all my life. But I am growing old. Next year, please, give me a more... peaceful present."

But the year after I could not give him any present. Three months later in fact he died for a stroke, while he was working in the Ducal Palace."

"So, master, you had an orgy right here, on this bed?"

"Yes, Poletto, right here."

Poletto looked around, then asked, "When you paid a boy, you always took him here?"

"No, very seldom. Normally the boys who do it as a trade, have a small room or a small apartment where they take their clients."

"But are there many boys doing it for some zecchini?"

"In a town like Venice, full of foreigners and of wealthy peoople, there are many, of course. Besides the sailors, I mean."

"And how can one recognize them?"

"First of all you understand they are ready to have sex with you. Then, when you ask them if they are game, they tell you they do it for money."

"But are they skilled making love?"

"Some are, some not. It depends. First of all it depends whether they do it just for the sake of the money or also because they like doing it. And then, it depends also by the experience they have, as well their character... Some of those with whom I went, were really skilled."

"If you saw me on the street, would you offer me some zecchini to make love with me?"

"No, not even one."

"Not even one?"

"No. I would kidnap you and take you as my prisoner for ever."

"Would you put me in chains?"

"No, I would put you in a cage... in a golden cage."

They joked some more but soon stopped, because the mutual desire pushed one into the arms of the other.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 28

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