The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Feb 24, 2007


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


The following morning Poletto swiftly got off his master's bed and hurried to serve him with renewed dedication. He then accompanied the man to the warehouse. Lorenzo, all the day long, was absorbed in his business, but very often thought of his boy who he was seeing busying himself around.

At a certain point Poletto, smiling, approached him, "Master, are you very busy at this moment? I'm bothering you?"

"No, my boy. Are there some problems?"

"No no, I just wanted you to come and see something..."

"What is it?"


Poletto guided Lorenzo at the back of the store and here, going up a ladder, to a small wooden room jutting over the canal.

"I've noticed that nobody ever comes here. What is the purpose of this curious little room?"

"In olden times it was the access passage to the ship decks, when they docked here instead at the new wharf. So now it is no longer in use. You see, there was the door opening to the outside, but now as it goes nowhere, it has been nailed up. Bah, sooner or later it will be better to have this passage demolished."

"But in here nobody can see us, while on the contrary we could see enough in time if somebody comes. Don't you think this could be the ideal place to... to make love with me when you feel like it and have time? If we just have here an old blanket to be a bit more comfortable... don't you agree?"

Lorenzo laughed and caresses the boy's head. "I bet that you would use this room straight away now, am I wrong?"

Poletto smiled, almost shyly, but caressed the man breeches, nodding.

"I don't want to disappoint you. Hurry up to find a blanket or a rug and come back here, without beeing seen. Go!"

The boy pointed at a bundle in a corner, "Already done, dear master. Let me just spread it..."

"Were you so sure I would say you yes?"

"No... but I hoped you would."

They sat on the blanket.

"It would be better to just open our breeches - if somebody came we could possibly not have enough time to dress back completely. Moreover, we can't come up here too often, because our coming and going could arouse the suspicion of some of the workers. But let's now enjoy this unforeseen digression..."

The boy bent between his master's legs and began to lick and suck the stake he had extracted and that was already standing up. Then sat on his lap, jutting his naked little ass to meet the quivering stake and pushing downward to be impaled, supporting himself with his arms around the man's neck.

"Oh... I'm feeling it enter... oh... how good..."

"Be careful not to come, my dear boy, or you'll stain all my justicoat. Hold back, so then I'll make you come in my mouth, understood?"

"Yes, dear master, don't worry. Sooo... you are now all inside. Wait... I will rest my knees on the floor so I can move up and down and give you pleasure."

Lorenzo let him do so, enjoying the enraptured espression of his young lover.

But after a while, he said, "You will soon get tired. And it is not well inserted to its end. Go on all fours and we'll both be more comfortable."

"But I like so much being able to look at your face, dear master, while you are enjoying me..."

"The same for me. But we will have all the opportunity tonight on the bed. Listen to me, let's do as I told you."

"As you like, dear master. But don't slip out... I will now turn around and so we can both go on our knees and..."

Pivoting on the member firmly embedded in his welcoming hole, Poletto turned until he had the man at his back. Then they both folded their legs under their thighs and together slowly lifted onto thir knees, still tightly united, until Poletto leant his elbows on the floor and Lorenzo embraced his waist.

"So, master! You can now fuck me with all your skill. Push it deep, well inside, how I like it so very much..."

The man didn't need to be told twice. He could feel the youth's desire and this excited him very much. He started to give him slow and strong strokes and at each of them Poletto urged him with low pleasure moans, and his whole body was vibrating.

"You are strong like a bull, dear master!"

"It is you who stir up this vigour in me, that set it off, don't you know?"

"Do you like my little ass? Do you like taking it, master?"

"Yes, I like it very much. As well as I like when it is you to mount me. And I also like how you suck me and also to take yours in my mouth. And I like kissing you, touching you. I like everything about you, my beautiful young male in rut. Do you feel how smoothly I'm slipping inside you?"

"Yes, my dear master. You are making me feel all the joys of heaven. Fuck me hard, let me feel I am totally yours. Let me feel you are glad having me all and only for you. Ah... so, master, so... don't be afraid to hurt me, nowadays I only feel pleasure."

They went on so, until Lorenzo reached his orgasm inside the boy. He then made Poletto turn around and stand up and, as he promised, he made him enjoy in his mouth, making Poletto's member slip well inside, until the boy gave him all his love load.

"Do you know that you have a really nice pole, my boy? And that it produces a very sweet liqueur? And that I am already longing for tonight to start all this again?"

"You like making love with me, master?"

"So very much, you know it. And I like you, who are a golden boy. And I would like you to stop calling me master - call me just Lorenzo."

"But the others would feel it weird, don't you think? Moreover... I am proud being your servant."

"Are you making love with me only because I am the master and you my servant, then?"

"Oh no, I would make love with you even if I were a king and you my slave. I would make love with you even if I were the richest of men and you the poorest of beggars. I am sorry I can not prove it to you, you have to trust my word."

Lorenzo smiled. After they tidied their breeches, he pulled to him the boy and kissed him.

Poletto said, "Now you go downstairs. I will follow a little after. It is better if nobody sees us going down together, one never knows if we could be seen."

When that evening Lorenzo was setting about going to bed, he hoped to find Poletto already in the bed, as on all the other nights, ready and naked under the sheets. He was not disappointed.

"Poletto, this time I have no more stories to tell you..."

"Then dont tell me anything. I am here, for you..."

"Do you feel like making love again?"

"Each time my master wants!"

Lorenzo went with a hand under the sheets, "Mmmhhh, you are already horny, I see. So then you really want to do it again even though we did it at the warehouse."

"As soon as I heard the master's footsteps coming here, it raised his head in waiting."

"Very good. Therefore we have to give it a prize for such a wait, haven't we? Come here, my boy. Do you know that I like you very much?"

Lorenzo embraced him tightly and the boy curled against him. The man raised his chin ad kissed him.

Then said, "Do you know, Poletto, that I really like you? That I desire you? Can you feel it?"

"Yes, master, and I am here, all for you."

They started making love. Lorenzo was delighted by the boy's freshness and by his total availability. Night after night he could feel a growing and more forceful instinct to give joy to the boy, and was aware that the more joy he was able to give him, the more he too could feel. He had had that rare pearl of a boy near him for so long and never had become aware of it before. He had chased after pleasure with men, youths and boys, at times conquering them, at times allowing them to conquer him, a few times even paying them, and instead he had him there, close at hand.

He had had Chinese, Turk, Indian, Arabian, and also French, German, English, Spanish and Poruguese, Sicilian or from the March, Roman or Florentine lovers, and instead here was that little Venitian jewel that only now he had learned to fully appreciate. Who was always giving himself to him without restraint, without self-interest, ready to do everything just to please him.

He liked making love with Poletto very much, revelling in his enjoyment. That night Lorenzo made love with the boy again, feeling he would have liked to never stop. And the boy never held back. Only the day's weariness overcame them at last.

This happened again the following night and also the night after, each time with renewed and greater pleasure. There were no more stories to be told, by now, but only exchanges of tender expressions and hours of passionate love games that Lorenzo, night after night, appreciated more and more. Very often the man was finding himself desiring the boy during the daytime too and was feeling more and more strongly the desire to withdraw with him, to hold him tight against him. More than once Lorenzo asked the boy to go up the little wooden room jutting out over the canal to make love.

A few days later, one afternoon, Poletto asked him to be allowed to go back home before time. When later also Lorenzo went back home, he at once went to his room, sure to find Poletto already waiting for him, but he didn't find the boy. Halfway between being alarmed and annoyed, he went downstairs to ask the other servants where his page, Poletto, was.

The lackey answered him, "On his bed sir, most 'lustrious, master."

"On bed at this time? The big lazy boy! Go immediately to call him!" he exclaimed.

He was not angry, but rather amused at the idea that the boy profited of his absence to take some rest. Probably Poletto did not think he would be back home so soon...

But the lackey answered, "The boy is not sleeping, most 'lustrious. Today, as soon as he came here to the mansion, before the usual time, right here at the foot of the stairway he fell uncoscious onto the floor, he lost his senses."

"Is the boy ill?" Lorenzo asked, now worried.

"Eh, it is days now since he has eaten. I, and the cook, and everybody tried to convince him to eat. Are you ill? we were asking him. And he - no no, I feel really well, I just don't feel like eating. But why? We asked him And he - I have my good reasons, don't worry. We always saw him active, merry, not idle one single moment, so we thought that obviously the little rogue was eating something when nobody saw him, or else he eats too much when he is at the warehouse. Thus we didn't worry any more.

"But this evening he suddenly became so very pale and fell down like a little wet rag. Signor the secretary helped him lifting him in his arms. The boy opened his eyes and seemed frantic and yelled - you, don't touch me, don't touch me! I am well, I just slipped! But then he turned back his eyes and again lost his senses. So we took him upstairs and put him on his bed. The cook tried to made him drink something, but the poor thing threw up everything..."

Lorenzo didn't listen any more. He rushed to the boy's little room. With a gesture he sent away the swarm of servants that had followed him, closed the door and went near the bed. The boy was white like the Easter church candle. Lorenzo sat on the edge of the little bed and caressed the boy for a while, calling him in a low voice. Finally the boy opened his eyes, recognized his master and made him a sweet and weak smile.

"Have you seen, master, that I am really able to let myself starve?"

"But are you totally mad? I didn't chase you, did I? Why did you do such a foolish thing? And I, even though I had you under my eyes all these days, I never was aware of what you were doing!"

"I didn't want you to be aware. But I did it, so that at least you can never again tell me that I don't know what I'm saying, that mine are just words. Because I... I love you, sir, master. I am in love with you."

Lorenzo had his eyes filled with tears.

He tightly embraced the boy and said, "Will you promise me that you will now eat? Will you promise me, my boy? Will you promise me that you will never try such a folly again?"

"I always obey my master. I belong to my master... is it not so?"

"Yes, Poletto, yes. You belong to me, you are mine. You are my boy, you are the one I looked for around the whole world. Poletto, do you want to be my boy?"

"I am your boy."

"Yes, but I mean, do you want to be my beloved?"

"Your beloved? It would be enough for me to be your lover. I love you. I really love you, my dear master."

"No, no more my servant, no more my page, but my beloved. I want you so. Because I too love you, my boy. I love you, yes. I want you at my side all my life long, do you understand? I know now, I've undesrstood now, and I know I really love you."

"You are saying so only to convince me to eat again, but you don't need it. I... as long as you keep me there as your servant, I will stay with you and eat. But don't tell me lies. How can, you, love one like me?"

"All right, as you want. But you have now to eat. I will send here the cook with something light and nutritious. But you have to eat, promise?"

"Don't you stay here with me? Don't we make love, today?"

"When you are stronger, we will make love, to be sure. But now you have to retrieve your strength, to recover."

"As you command sir, master."

Lorenzo went out, moved. He was not lying. He was finally aware he had really fallen in love with that boy. He had not taken just a fancy to him. He wanted him as his companion, forever. But the boy could not believe him. Lorenzo therefore had something in mind.

He called his gondoleer and went in haste to see his notary, in spite of the late hour. He explained him what he wanted and told him to immediately prepare all the documents and all the necessary papers. Then he went back to his mansion. He went to see the boy, who was now sleeping, still pale but with a blissful expression suffused his beautiful face. He gently caressed him, not waking him, kissed his forehead himself then went to sleep.

The following morning, after he went againt to check the boy, went back to the notary and with him went to the Procuratie. He had all the documents registered, then hurriedly went back to his Poletto. He found him awake, sitting on his little bed, leaning against the pillows.

"Poletto, listen. Do you believe me when I tell you I love you?"

"If you say so... I believe you."

"And that you will forever be with me, as my lover?"

"It would be beautiful."

"It will be beautiful. You are able to read, aren't you?" he said, handing him the sheaf of documents.

"Yes, a little..." the boy said, taking them. He looked at them, turned over the pages, then asked, "What are they? I cannot understand all the words... What are these papers? They have an important appearance... they have also the Very Serene seal, am I right?"

"Certainly. On these paper it is written that I, Lorenzo Zorzi, merchant in Venice, adopted you, Poletto, as my son and sole heir. And that, therefore, from now on your name will be Polo Zorzi. And as you are now my son, you will live foever with me. Is this all right with you? Are you now persuaded that I really love you?"

"But... but then... can we no longer make love, now?" Poletto asked, alarmed, frowning his forehead.

"And why that? I am just waiting for you to heal, to start to make love with you again."

"Even though I am now your son?"

"What's the matter? You are my son only in front of the law, of the people, of the others. But to me you are forever my beloved and lover. You see, if you were a girl, or I a woman, we could have married. As we cannot, I have found the way to give you my name anyway and to tie ourselves forever."

Poletto brigthened, "So then, this is what all these beautiful papers mean? From now on my name is Polo Zorzi, and all the others think it is so because you adopted me, because I became your son, but we know that instead my name is now Zorzi because we are now married!"

"It is so, my beloved one. And from now on, you have no more to call me master, but Lorenzo, and would instead be the others to call you master. Are you happy?"

"Yes, but not for this. I would call you always master without problems, and I don't care to be now a master. I am happy because I have your love."

"I am the happy one, happy to have your love."

"Lorenzo, I need to make love with you, now... immdediately."

"But you are still so weak..."

"I will show you that it is not so. Undress and come here on the bed. For the first time we will really make love, now that we both know that we are really in love with each other. It means that, if I am still too weak, for this time it would be you to take me, to make me feel all your strength."

"Yes, my love, as you want. But recover your strength quickly, as I too want to feel it inside me."

"I promise! I'm yours, you know it."

"And I am yours, forever!"


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

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