The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Dec 9, 2006


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 4 THIRD NIGHT The Greek Shepherd

Poletto helped his master remove his boots, then asked, "I man stay here with you again tonight, mayn't I, my lord?"

"Wasn't last night enough for you?"

"Certainly not, my lord. I'm ready to do it all over again. Now that I've renewed my strength, I feel the urge beginning again."

"Then I can continue with last night's story..."

"If you please, my lord. That's fine. Should I undress?"

"Of course! What are you waiting for? Can't you see that I'm already aroused?"

"I see, I see, yes, my lord. Here I am, I'm all yours."

"You too are already hard, you rascal, from what I can see. Should we begin with the story tonight, or would you prefer to make love first?"

"Well, to be honest, I really can't decide. Whatever you decide, Sire, is always fine with me."

"Well then, where had we got to last night?"

"You had left the boat of your hot-blooded captain, because you couldn't keep up with his pace."

"Oh yes, just so. Well then, as I was saying, on one hand I was sorry, but on the other hand I really feared becoming ill with exhustion. Thus, I left the ship that had taken me away from Venice when we docked at the port of Candia, on the island of Crete. Here I was able to find a place on a Turkish fishing boat that was bound for Istanbul. The son of the owner of the ship had convinced his father to take me on.

I'd met him at the port of Candia. The Turkish boy had given me the eye, and when I responded with a smile, he gave me a pat on my bottom, and asked me, without any small talk, if I was in the mood for a fuck. I looked him over from top to bottom and saw that he wasn't bad. He was a young man of about twenty-five to thirty years old, a bit bulky, but not at all ugly, so I accepted.

He guided me to the site of a ruined small house, where he drew down my britches and he took me right there where we stood, making me lean up against a wall, and fucking me with a certain force. While he fucked me, with one hand he squeezed my nipples, and with the other, he stroked my cock, which on the whole, was really rather pleasant for me too. Afterwards, as we chatted, he told me that they were returning to Istanbul, so I asked him if he would take me with him to the mythical city of the Sultans. He agreed right away, eager to have me along for the voyage.

"Poletto! If you continue touching me like that, I'll stop telling you the story and I'll take you just like that Turkish fisherman took me!"

"Forgive me, my lord, but I so love to touch you. You're so beautiful, that I'm not able to keep still when I'm next to you."

"You're a flatterer, you are."

"No, no, my lord, honestly, I like you very much. It all still seems like a dream to me, to be able to be here in bed with such a beautiful a man, and to make love together."

Lorenzo hugged the boy, drew him closer and kissed and caressed him until he felt the boy panting with excitement and trembling with desire. Then suddenly, he drew away from Poletto and said with feigned severity, "That's your punishment, and if you make me angry again, I'll do it again. I'll make you all excited and then I'll stop. Is that what you want?"

"Oh no, I pray you, it would be a true torture." Said Poletto with a mischievous grin.

Lorenzo gave him an affectionate slap, then said, "Well then, do you or don't you want me to continue with the story?"

"Yes, of course. Especially if there's a beautiful boy in it with whom you made love, and if you describe the details."

"Certainly there is. He is a beautiful Greek shepherd. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. As I was telling you, we departed the next day. Soon after we set sail, a strong wind blew up. The fishermen were able seamen and for a while they managed to maneuver their fragile little boat. We were not too far from the island of Polinos when suddenly we knocked up against a reef. I was on deck trying to help as much as I could when I was thrown overboard.

I'd fallen into the sea and was being tossed about by the waves when I saw the boat quickly disappearing into the distance amid the swell. I tried to swim, or at least to keep my head above water and stay afloat. I don't know how long I remained at the mercy of those furious waves, but just when I thought that I wouldn't be able to get away with it, an enormous wave hurled me onto a little beach. I was able to drag myself up so that I wouldn't be snatched back by the sea, and when I knew that I was safe and sound, I lost conciousness.

When I came to, even before I opened my eyes, I heard a sound that at first I wasn't able to identify. It was the sound of distant tremulous and mournful voices, accented by a sort of fluted melody, sounding only five notes in varied repetition.

I opened my eyes to see above me a tangle of branches, more like the foliage of sapling trees but not as dense, that shielded me partly from the sun's scorching rays. I turned my head and saw that I was no longer on the beach, but at the entrance to a simple but not primitive hut made of branches and clods of earth.

I sat up to see that I was lying on a mat made of rough fibers, and only then did I realize that I was completely naked!

I looked around the trees and I saw that in a clearing not far away there was a herd of sheep, and seated on a rock, a young man of perhaps twenty who was playing a syrinx.

I had just noticed him when he turned in my direction. When he saw me, he stopped playing his pipes, stood up and started towards me.

Embarrassed, I instinctively covered my genitals with my hands. The young man began to smile and pointed to something behind me. I turned to see my clothes hanging on a branch evidently set out to dry. I got up to go put them on but the young man got in the way, and still with a smile on his lips, he shook his head and he said something that I did not understand.

"Let me dress myself, please." I told him.

The boy again shook his head saying some other incomprehensible words.

I was still covering myself with my hands and, and said to him, "I don't understand you. What are you speaking, Greek or Turkish?"

He said something and he drew nearer to me.

I took a step back and asked him, "Who are you? What do you want? Please, let me get dressed." Then I thought that it was useless to continue speaking, so I pointed to my clothes and then my body.

He stopped and looked at me without losing his smile.

I looked at him too. He was wearing some kind of long straw-colored coat opened at the chest and tightened at the waist by a sash, a pair of tight britches of the same fabric, a pair of soft leather boots, and a short, sleeveless smock made of goat hide.

The coat formed an ample, pleated skirt that extended to his knees. His hair was dark brown with some flecks of blond in it, tightly waved, but not curly, unruly locks in dense clusters, but not entirely uncombed.

His nose was straight and well proportioned; his face an oval with a slightly protruding chin. His lips were neither fine or fleshy, but well defined, with the slightest hint of a moustache above them. His happy and luminous eyes were faintly crossed, and lined with thick, dark eyelashes. He was really rather attractive, if not altogether beautiful. And he continued to smile to me.

His eyes glided up and down my body, lingering from time to time on my hands which I still stubbornly held tightly covering my nakedness. Then with a subdued voice, pointing to my hands he said again something.

I couldn't say why I was so embarrassed by my nakedness, but I was really eager to get dressed. I didn't stop to think that, if I was naked, it was because he had undressed me and therefore would have had the chance to look me over at his leisure. I again pointed at my clothes. He went to them, I thought perhaps to bring them to me, but instead he grabbed them and squeezed them until some drops came out, then he came up to me to show me his wet hands and said something.

I guessed that he was telling me to wait until they were dry, so I decided to sit down again on the mat and watch him. He sat in front of me with his legs crossed, then while continuing to look me straight in the eyes, he extended a hand, took my wrist and moved my hand away sweetly. He pointed to his own eyes and wagged his finger to indicate no.

I understood then that he was telling me to calm down, that he would not look at me, so I ceased covering myself with my hands.

He then pointed to himself and said, "Stephanos."

It was clear that it was his name, so I pointed to myself and said, "Lorenzo."

We continued like this, he pointed to something and told me the name in Greek, and I repeated it. Then he got up, went into the hut and came out with a bundle of leaves and a big ceramic bowl of milk. He opened the leaves and handed me a piece of fresh cheese, inviting me to eat it and he placed the bowl of milk in front of me, making a gesture to drink and telling me so in his language.

I realized that I was hungry and so I gratefully accepted. He watched me eat and drink and continued to smile. Then we resumed our special kind of colloquy with which he taught me some new words. After a while I forgot all about my nakedness, and I was intent on learning.

Meanwhile I watched Stephanos and I thought that he really was a good looking boy and that it would please me to make love with him. But he had me there naked in front of him and he'd not made any kind of gesture, he hadn't even sneaked a peek at my nudity. Apparently, I thought, he's not interested in men, and I thought that it really was a shame.

Fortunately, these thoughts had not provoked in me a physical reaction, otherwise I think I would have died of embarassment. It might seem strange to you, but as much as I don't get embarassed being naked in front of a man with whom I'm going to make love, I've always been very embarassed to be naked in front of others."

"Do you get embarassed in front of me, my lord?"

"Not anymore, certainly, because we make love to each other. And you, Poletto, do you get embarassed?"

"It's like that for me too. But now I like it if my master looks at me when I'm naked. If I could, I would always be naked in front of my lord."

"That would be dangerous. I'd constantly have the urge to make love to you."

"I wouldn't mind that in the least. But now please continue the story. I'm fascinated."

"All right. His glances, with a certain disappointment on my part, I have to confess, never aimed below my shoulders.

We stayed seated like that for a long time, doing our Greek lession. Then I pointed to his syrinx and made a gesture of playing it. He nodded and smiled, then he put it to his lips and began the that same kind of simple but fascinating tune that my awakening had stopped.

The sun began to descend to the horizon. Then Stephanos took me by the hand, brought me up and guided me toward the trees. Being barefoot, it was an effort for me to walk. When he became aware of that he stopped and turned toward me, took me in his arms, lifting me up without any difficulty at all and carried me along the way.

I felt the strength of his arms supporting my back and under my knees, I felt my side touching his naked chest, through the opening in his coat and immediately I became excited, but the boy appeared not to notice it.

Arriving atop a great rocky cliff overlooking the sea, he placed me on the ground and pointed to the setting sun that was reflected on the expanse of the now smooth and tranquil sea. It was truly a scene of singular beauty.

Then he said, "Agatos"

I understood this means "beautiful", and so I repeated it, honestly enchanted by the scene.

We stayed there, sitting quietly and watched until the sun disappeared and turned the horizon a firey red. Then Stephanos took me in his arms again and carried me back to his hut.

He went again to touch my clothes and felt that they were still damp. Then he went into the hut and came out carrying a blanket made of goat skin, and carefully wrapped it around me, with the fur inside. It had begun to grow cold as it was still early spring.

He brought out some more food, lit a fire and sat down next to me. When it grew dark, he gathered up some leaves and made a mound near the fire, then he laid down to sleep. He had given up his mat and his blanket for me.

The following day, I was finally able to dress. He continued to teach me some Greek. He didn't have a thing to do all day. The island was small, so the goats could not escape. Furthermore, there were no predatory animals on the island, so all he had to do was milk the sheep, make cheese, gather herbs to eat, capture small animals in traps, cook the food and play his pipes.

I realized that for him I had become a valued companion. Little by little, I was able to communicate with him. I learned that in about two weeks his replacement would arrive and he would leave the island. His family lived in Sira on the big island of Ermopoli, not far from the port of Athens.

I had been there for a couple of weeks when, as we were walking on the beach, Stephanos invited me to take a swim with him and right away he undressed. For the first time I saw him completely naked. He had a sweet body, not muscular but smooth and slender, with just a bit o hair under is arms, along his legs and a thick triangle of hair with the apex under his navel but which widened to encircle his genitals, which hung delicately between his firm thighs. They weren't particularly large or small, but they were beautiful.

I looked away immediately, fearing that he'd notice my interest, but it was an effort, because he was truly very pleasant to look at, naked as he was.

I also got undressed and we ran to the water. Stephanos was a good swimmer and soon he was far ahead of me. He called to me with a large gesture. I wasn't much of a swimmer, so I prefered to stay near the shore.

After a while I got out, laid down on the fine warm sand and waited for him. I didn't feel like putting on my pants, but I didn't want him to see me naked either, so I turned over on my belly. Actually I wouldn't be embarassed if he saw my ass.

He arrived a bit later. As he got to the beach he passed his hands over his body wiping away the water. He shook his head spattering water from his hair. Once again, my gaze was roaming free, caressing his nakedness, but then I had to turn away quickly and look elsewhere.

He came next to me, crouched down and said, "Beautiful!"

"Yes, it's really beautiful here." I said, but he meant something else.

Indeed, I felt his hands on my bottom, just barely touching it, then he repeated, "You are beautiful." as he continued to caress my butt.

I remained motionless as a rock. I tried to turn over, but he blocked me with his hand on my shoulder, pushing me down again. Then, in a tone of voice that was half a command and half a plea, he said, "Do not move Lorenzo. I want you. I want to take you. I will not hurt you. I am your friend. The sea brought you here and I picked you up, and I thought, I want him. But then I said, no, maybe he does not want to. But now I will take you. Because you are way too beautiful."

I didn't say anything, I remained still and deeply moved. I felt his finger, moist with saliva, probing the entrance between my cheeks. I trembled and he pushed it inside. I emitted a moan of pleasure which he misinterpreted.

"I do not hurt you. I am your friend." Stephanos repeated again, as he layed down over my body. I could feel his erection searching, pressing, rubbing between my butt cheeks, finding its way. I relaxed sighing happily, expecting to finally welcome him inside of me.

He grabbed my buttocks with both hands and spread them apart. The point of his tool, trembling and bathed in saliva entered my ready and willing hole. He bore down, penetrated me in a single stroke and let out a gasp of pleasure.

Then, placing his elbows at my sides, he reached under my body and took hold of my chest. He planted his knees and then began to pull out of me very slowly, only to go back in furiously, again and again.

It was beautiful, but with each stroke, my own hard dick, which was imprisoned between my belly and the ground, was rubbing on the sand and hurting me. I tried to get to my knees to lessen the pressure, but he tried to keep me from it, and in the short struggle that followed, I fell on my side and he, falling as well, slipped out of me.

I turned toward him, thinking how I might explain to him that I only wanted to change position, but then I saw that he was looking at me with an expression that was both furious and repentant. It seemed that even he didn't know whether to jump on me, and that I should oblige him by submitting, or to beg my pardon and forget the whole thing.

I felt tenderness for him, looked between his legs and I saw that he was still excited. His cock was erect and parallel to his belly, nearly grazing his navel. I extended my hand to caress it, but he misunderstood my gesture and reared back, shielding it with both his hands. Then I approached him slowly extending my hand gently toward his face. I caressed his cheek, brought my face near to his and kissed him on the mouth.

His eyes met mine and they grew luminous, and yielded. He responded to my kiss and embraced me with great tenderness. With me in his arms he spoke in an astonished tone, "Lorenzo, Lorenzo, Lorenzo...."

"Yes, Stephano, I'm yours...."

My hand went down to caress and squeeze him between his legs. He closed his eyes and let out a tremulous sigh. Then I slipped out of his arms and went down to suck him.

He was startled and murmured, "Beautiful..."

I had him get to his feet, then I knelt down in front of him and resumed sucking him, bathing his cock liberally with my saliva, preparing him to take me again. He graped my head he pushed himself down my throat, closing his eyes and sighing with pleasure. When I felt that he was full excited, I broke away, got to my feet, and turning, I offered him my ass. He immediately embraced me, placing one arm around my chest and with the other he grabbed my cock. And in that way, on our feet, he once again penetrated me with great passion. I extended my arms backwards, placing my cupped hands on his firm, sinewy buttocks and drawing him to me.

As he fucked me vigourously, he stroked my cock. It was wonderful doing it there, in broad daylight, in the open air, under the hots rays of the sun, our bodies caressed by a gentle springtime breeze. Finally he unloaded inside me his so long time repressed yen, and nearly simultaneously I sprinkled the sand with my seed.

From then on we made love nearly every day, and sometimes more than once a day, always in the open air. I taught him how to kiss properly, how to caress, to suck and to do other things. As a boy, he'd known only the most basic and simple ways to fuck, without any tenderness, and without the preliminaries. Until then, he'd only taken it, being the youngest. I was the first boy he'd ever fucked, but when I let him know that I would like to fuck him too, he offered me his ass without the least hesitation.

He told me that the first time he'd been penetrated was by his cousin, who was also a shepherd, right there on that very island, when he was twelve years old and that now, contrary to what I'd thought, he was only sixteen. He explained that usually, when they were alone, they relieved themselves with a goat.

When finally they arrived with his replacement, they were astonished to find that he was not alone. He explained to them that I'd been shipwrecked and, taking the boat on which his older brother had arrived, he took me with him all the way to Sira to the home of his parents.

I stayed with them for a few days, during which we continued to make love, but only at night, when everyone had gone to bed. Then Stephanos took me in his boat to Piraeus, the port of Athens. When we said our goodbyes, he gave me his syrinx and a silver bracelet that he'd finely chiselled himself, so that I would not forget him."

"What a beautiful story, my lord. Do you still have the gifts of the handsome Greek shepherd?"

"Only the bracelet. Unfortunately the syrinx was broken. But I still have the bracelet, just as I keep all the souveniers of the men with whom I've made love with pleasure."

"Will you let me see it, my lord?"

"Tomorrow, maybe. Now, you show me something beautiful, c'mon!"

Poletto uncovered himself and showed Lorenzo his erection.

The man smiled, caressed the boy and said, "Get up on your feet right here on the bed. Tonight I want to take you on foot, just like the first time with Stephanos."

"It's a pity, isn't it, Sire, that there is no sun or a gentle breeze to caress our bodies?"

"Aren't my caresses enough for you?"

"Of course, I love them. Oh, and you needn't worry that you'll hurt me, my lord. I'm beginning to get used to it, and each time I grow to like it even more. Wait, I'll hold on to the column of the canopy so that you can put in with more force. That's enough of the ointment, now, shove it in all the way, I really want you tonight, my sweet master, make me yours tonight too, I pray you..."

"Yes, dear Poletto, I'm here, do you feel it? Does it please you the way I'm pushing on your sweet little hole?"

"Yes, yes, you make me die of pleasure, you really do. Oh, my lord, shove with more force, harder, I beg you..."

"I don't want to hurt you, my dear Poletto. You're little hole is still so very tight that it even hurts me a bit."

"But it pleases you; you like my little ass, don't you?"

"Of course I like it, I've told you so. Everything about you pleases me. I adore making love to you."

"Even if I'm not yet so skilled at it?"

"But you're learning very quickly, Poletto. And I'm very pleased with your willingness to learn and to please me."

"You're an exceptional teacher and I hope I'll always know how to pleasure you even more. But now, my lord, shove it all the way into me, I can't resist this desire for you anymore." the boy said, and impatiently pressed his ass against Lorenzo's fiery erection.

The man held him at the waist, and with a few well-measured movements, positioned his hard cock against the boy's eager and well-lubricated asshole, he pressed and began to slide in. Once he had penetrated the boy, he began to caress his chest and genitals and to lick his neck and ears. Then without moving his cock he pulled the boy toward him until he had sheathed his cock completely in the boys rectum. He slowly flexed his legs, and like a piston began to pump inside the boy's sweet ass, slowly at first, savouring it like a true conoisseur, then with growing force, intensity, and pleasure.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 5

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