The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Dec 12, 2006


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 5 FOURTH NIGHT The Lovesick Janissary

When Lorenzo called for Poletto, the boy arrived immediately. He entered his master's chamber and approached the bed with an air of uncertainty.

"Poletto, why is it your weren't here? I've had to send for you."

"It's been three nights that my master hasn't called me. I thought that you didn't want me anymore."

"Well, you know very well that I've had guests in the palace these last few days, don't you? With visitors in the house I couldn't let you spend the night with me, as I would have liked. It would have been rather dangerous and compromising, don't you understand?"

"Ah, I was afraid rather that my master had grown tired of me. I know I'm still not worth much in bed."

"But how silly you are! On the contrary, I've missed you these nights. But you understand that with those just behind that door... Get undressed, come on, come to me, now!"

"You really want me, my lord?" asked the boy beaming and, as the man smiled, he began to undress rapidly.

Lorenzo made room for him in the bed and as he caressed him he said, "My Poletto, my beautiful boy! What have you done these last few nights? Did you pleasure yourself?"

"No, because I always hoped that you'd call me and I didn't want to waste my energy, so that I would be ready for you, my lord."

"So tonight you're full of energy?"

"Full of energy and desire, my lord."

"Should we make love right away, then?"

"No, no, first the story, as usual, if you don't mind. You'd left Stefano and had gone to Athens, right?"

"Yes, I had lived in Athens for about a year and I had met a Romanian merchant there that had taken me on just on his good will and he had initiated me into the art of commerce."

"Was he your new lover?"

"No, Poletto. I didn't have a sexual relationship with the merchant. He liked women, you understand? And for many months I didn't have a lover at all. Only sometimes when Stephanos came to Athens to sell his cheese, we would see each other and make love again."

"And that's all? I wasn't a very good year, then, was it sire?"

"Well, I didn't have a steady lover, it's true, but I had many encounters, especially with sailors on shore leave and with soldiers."

"And there wasn't one in particular that you remember with more pleasure than the others?"

"No, apart from my encounters with Stephanos, no one who's worth remembering or talking about. It was just for that reason that I decided to leave Athens."

So finally, when I was eighteen years old, I put all my possessions into a pack, carried my load on a mule and left. I decided to go to Istanbul and try my luck.

I traveled nearly a thousand miles, in brief stages, stopping here and there. Along the way I was able to do a little business, so I arrived in the city of Sultan with more goods than I'd had when I left Athens.

The Rumanian merchant had given me advice and some good leads, and so when I arrived in Istanbul I went right away to ask for lodging at an inn run by a Genovese, near the tower of the Genovesi at Pera. There, with little expense, I was able to get a bed, a shelter for my mule, and a store room for my goods. I was quite skilled at commerce, so after less than six weeks I was able to rent two rooms with a small stall in the house of a rich Armenian widow. My sales were always getting better, but since leaving Athens I was lacking only one thing: I had no physical relationship to speak of.

When one is accustomed good things, it's hard to adjust to a bad situation. I missed having a male friend, a lover, even if not a steady one, but more than just a simple tryst with a stranger. In all these months, and it may seem strange to you, I'd had only some fleeting encounters with some Turkish soldiers, or some sailors on shore leave, in the hamam, that is to say, the public baths.

From time to time I returned to the inn of the Genovese, to drink and to hear our native tongue spoken. And so one day I saw a young man of about twenty-five, who right away attracted my attention. He was seated in a corner frowning, his eyes fixed on the entrance to the inn.

Judging from his features he appeared to be from Northern Europe. He had a head of dark blond hair, intense blue eyes the color of a midsummer sky, and a fine and delicate face fixed in a strange, stern glare. He gave the impression of being, at the same time, defenseless and aggressive, and even dangerous. I watched him for a long time and I felt myself terribly attracted to him. He was dressed in the Turkish style, and when he ordered a drink, he did so in perfect Turkish, without the slightest accent or inflection. I was so intrigued that when Giorgio, the proprietor of the tavern passed by me, I called to him and discreetly gesturing toward the young man, I asked him in a whisper who he was.

Giorgio smiled sardonically and sat down at my table drying his hands on his dirty apron. "That one? His name is Abdul el Mathani, he's a janissary of the Sultan. He appears to be of Sicilian origin."

"Him a Sicilian, with that blonde hair?"

"Yes, he's evidently of Norman ancestry. As a child he was kidnapped, and later he entered the ranks of the janissaries. He's lived here at least eighteen or twenty years, so by now he's more Turkish than most Turks."

"What's he doing here, and why does he have that disposition? He appears to be waiting for someone."

"Yes, sure. Three years ago he fell madly in love with a French seaman, a certain Alano, whom he met right here in my place. He was crazy about him, truly head over heels in love. Just think that they kissed in front of everybody... then he asked me a room upstairs and they spent the whole night there. You should have heard the uproar they made. It lasted an entire year. But then there was such a big scandal that the captain of the janissaries had the seaman deported. Since then he always comes here to await the return of his lover. He's here for hours and hours, always alone, he doesn't speak with anyone. He just waits for his Alano, his lover!" Giorgio concluded with mocking laughter, but then when on to reccount certain spicy episodes with a tone midway between amusement and disdain. He told me that there were more than a few janissaries who prefered men to women, and it seemed also that they often paired up among themselves...but never as shamelessly as Abdul.

Giorgio's attitude annoyed me somewhat, but the news that he'd given me made me prick up my ears. I had him describe Alano to me, and tell me other details and meanwhile a plan was making its way through my mind. I learned that those two had also often met at the place around the port belonging to a Jew named Aaron.

So I also began to frequent Aaron's tavern as well, and soon I saw Abdul again. The more I saw him, the more I became attracted to him. I absolutely had to make love with him.

But even if he had seen me at Aaron's place on any given evening, Abdul appeared to pay no attention to me at all. He continued to watch the door, with his fixed, hard and dark stare.

When he went out to return to his house, I would follow him discreetly. He was a creature of habit and always took the same way home, at the same time, and on the same days. Then, one night, I waited for him on a street that was usually deserted.

When I saw his figure in the distance, I laid down on the ground in the middle of the street. I tore at my clothes, putting them in disarray, and smudging myself with dirt, I stretched out and began to moan.

Abdul arrived near me and, just as I'd expected and hoped, he stopped and bent down to me and asked: "What is it, are you ill?"

"No, I've been assaulted and robbed... ohi, ohi, ohi... I'm not able to get up... will you help me please." He placed an arm around my waist and picked me up. He was very strong and his half embrace provoked in me a strong erection.

"Are you able to walk?" he asked.

"I don't know... it hurts me here where they kicked me..." I told him, indicating between my legs.

"Where do you live?"

I explained it to him.

Then he said, "That's not far, I'll accompany you to your house. Lean on me."

I put an arm around his neck and, pretending to limp, I made my way with him. How I enjoyed being with him in that manner, in that semi embrace. Through our clothing I could feel his strong, hot body and I experienced an intense pleasure and desire.

He took me all the way the the widow's house and he helped me up the stairs to my room. As soon as we entered I fell on the bed moaning and pressing my hands against my abdomen.

"Does it hurt a lot?" he asked.

"Yes, I can't bear it..."

"You should make a cold compress for yourself." He said.

Then I said to him, "There's some water in that pitcher on the shelf, and a towel over there. Could you help me? I really don't think I can manage on my own... I feel very faint."

He grumbled, but took the towel, moistened it and brought it to me. He helped me to stretch out on the bed and to remove my trousers. Then he placed the wet towel on my tool.

"The balls... on my balls, please... oohh, they hurt so much..." I groaned then panted painfully.

He arranged the cloth better raising my member and gently manipulating my balls to better arrange the wet towel. The contact with his hand made me shudder with emotion, and my tool began to get hard again, but he appeared not to take any notice of it.

"Now I must go, it's late. Try to sleep and if all goes well, tomorrow morning you won't feel any pain." He said coldly and without another word, he went out hastily.

As soon as I was alone, I removed the towel and dried off. I finished undressing and laid down to sleep. The first part of my plan was entirely successful. Now I could implement the second part and if everything were to go as I hoped...

Two evenings later I was again at Aaron's place. This time I arranged to arrive a bit later that usual. When I entered, I saw him right away, seated at his usual place. Then steering myself toward him, I greeted him and sat down at his table.

"Do you remember me? I wanted to thank you for the help that you gave me the other night..."

"It's nothing. Are you better now?"

"Yes, but they're still a little sore..."

"It'll pass. At worst, you'll not be able to sire children, but that's not sure."

"Oh, I don't give a damn about that. As long as I can still use it on other ways..."

He didn't respond.

Then I asked him, "May I offer you something to drink?"

"No." he replied in a tone more decisive than rude.

"I just wanted to thank you in some way. My name is Lorenzo, by the way."

He didn't say anything. He was a hard nut to crack, more so than I had expected. But I didn't have any intention of giving in, on the contrary, the fact that it wouldn't be easy to hook made him even more desireable. But neither did I want him to send me away, therefore I stayed there in silence for the entire evening.

Finally, at the usual hour, he got up without saying a word and he went out.

He arrived at Aaron's place every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday night. I returned there punctually, and each time I sat at his table, I offered him to drink, he declined, then he stayed there in silence and after a while, as usual, he got up and left without even a goodbye.

This same scene continued seven or eight times, or for about three weeks. Nothing changed, so I contrived a new stragegy.

On several afternoons I went to the port, and waited until a French ship arrived. As the sailors disembarked, I studied them, until I saw one who roughly matched the description I had of Alano.

I approached him, "Excuse me, sailor, may I offer you something to drink?"

At first he regarded me somewhat surprised, then shrugging his shoulders and managing a faint grin he said, "Sure, why not?"

I took him to a tavern and I paid for his drink, then asked him, "What's your name?"


"How old are you?"


"How long are you staying here in Istanbul?"

"For ten days, just the time it takes to unload the our cargo and take on a new load."

"Listen, I have a favor to ask you."

"For a piece of silver, I'm yours." he replied with an easy air.

I looked at him with amazement, "But you don't even know what it's about. Don't you first want to know what it is I want from you?"

"I wasn't exactly born yesterday, you know. You want to take me to bed, isn't that so?" said the sailor, looking at me straight in the eye as if to challenge me.

This made me laugh, "Well, why not? Come to my place, where we'll be more comfortable. But the favor I want from you is something else altogether."

"Pay first."

I took out two pieces of silver. "Here, one for the fuck, and one as an advance for the favor I want to ask of you."

Guy pocketed the coins and he followed me out.

Once we arrived at my house, I closed the door and I turned toward him, and I saw that he was already undressing. That boy wasn't at all bad, he had an air of a simpleton and slyness at the same time. His body was robust, clearly he was used to hard work. He had the bronze colored skin of someone who spends alot of time under the sun down to his waist and white below, which made for a pleasing contrast.

He didn't have any hair on his body, except for the area between his legs, and even there it wasn't dense, but from it protruded a spear of considerable dimensions, especially considering that it was only half hard. He sat down on my bed with with his legs apart.

"Well then, what do you say, do you like what you see?"

"Yes Guy, I like it very much..." I replied as I approached him, passing my hand over his magnificent endowment. Then he too rubbed between my legs and felt my erection.

He smiled in a seductive way and said, "You're already hard. Let me see it."

I'd just managed to lower my pants to my knees when he leaned forward, grabbed my cock behind my balls, slipped it completely into his mouth, and began to suck it expertly. In the meantime I finished undressing. It pleased me to watch my pole disappear and reappear between his lips. I pushed him away, making him lie down as I got onto the bed on all fours, taking in turn his cock into my mouth.

He closed his eyes and moaned. When his beautiful tool was fully hard it was so big that it was an effort for me to keep it in my mouth. After a while Guy made me lie down, then turning around he got on his hands and knees and we were joined in a fantastic sixty-nine.

After sucking him for a while, I tested the consistency of his hole with my index finger and when he let out a low groan of pleasure, I drew myself up a bit and began to lick it carefully. Then I slipped out from under him, having him stay on all fours, I knelt behind him and I impaled him heartily. He moaned even stronger than before and he pushed his pelvis against me to make me penetrate him even deeper. It was clear that Guy was not one of those sailors who do it only for money, but who really prefer to be with women. Guy was instead a true lover of men, just like me. I had been fortunate.

After a bit, I had him lie on his back in such a way so that I could both fuck him and kiss him on the mouth. He responded fervently to my kiss and began to stroke his enormous stake vigorously. I plunged into him enthusiastically until I came inside him, then he unloaded right away, sprinkling our chests and bellies with his abundant load.

We cleaned ourselves but we remained naked, lying down next to each other, relaxed, content and satisfied.

After a bit he said, "I enjoyed that a lot, you really know how to do it. You're very good. But now, tell me, what is the favor you wanted to ask of me?"

I explained everything to him. The more I told him about it, the more it seemed to amuse him. He asked me a few questions and I filled in the details. In the end he agreed to help me with my plan. Then, after we had dressed, I took him to see the Jew's place and I explained to him again, exactly what it was I expected from him.

"Afterwards, I'll give you another piece of silver and if I succeed in my plan, before you depart, I'll give you another two. Agreed? Is that alright with you?"

We set the appointment for the following evening. I hoped that he would truly come.

I dropped by Aaron's a bit earlier than usual, so that I would arrive before Abdul. I sat down at the usual table and waited. I could feel my heart beating, hoping that my plan would fly.

After a while, Abdul entered. He looked toward me, approached the table and sat down in silence, but I got the impression that he'd made just the slightest sign of a greeting in response to mine.

They brought him his usual tea, which he sipped slowly. Just as I was beginning to wonder if Guy might have changed his mind, or if something unforseen had detained him, the door opened and the sailor made his way inside.

Guy asked in French, "Do you serve wine here?"

Adbul seemed startled and looked intensely at the boy who, though he cast a glance in our direction, gave no sign of recognition. Receiving an affirmative response from the Jew, Guy came in and sat at the table next to ours. When Aaron brought him the wine, Guy raised up his tankard in salute to everyone present and drank it down. I noticed that Abdul didn't lose sight of him for an instant, even if he tried to appear not to.

Then I asked, "You're a French sailor, aren't you, boy?"

"I certainly am, a sailor of Captain Maratin."

"Your first time in Istanbul?"

"No, my second. The first time was about three years ago, when I was a hand on the ship of Captain Vaucanson."

Just as I expected, Abdul made another start, but still didn't say a word, but the white knuckles of his hands, clenched one in another and on the table, indicated his tension.

"May I offer you some more wine, sailor?" I asked.

"Thanks, I can't refuse such a kindness."

"What's your name, boy?"


"How long will you be staying, Guy?"

"Here in Istanbul? A week, more or less."

"How do you like Istanbul?"

"Yes, it's a beautiful place, with beautiful people too. One could have some interesting encounters here, I think... or at least I hope so."

Guy was reciting his part well. We talked some more and he skillfully included in his words and phrases the hints and allusions which I'd suggested to him. Abdul didn't miss a word of our conversation. Guy, according the the instuction which I'd given him, covertly made it known that he'd like to meet an attractive young man with whom he could enjoy himself. Then he got up thanking me and asking if he could see me again. I told him I would meet him the following evening here at Aaron's place. Only after he left did Abdul seem to relax a bit. The boy had been a true actor, and I was satisfied by his performance.

I then turned to Abdul and in a manner as I would speak to myself I said in a low voice. "I really like that boy. I hope that he shows up here tomorrow, but who knows... Everybody knows that sailors are all alike: here today, gone tomorrow. It wouldn't do to get involved with a sailor."

Abdul looked at me and seemed about to say something, but he kept silent and turned his head to watch the door. He was a tough nut to crack, but I'd begun to scratch his shell.

Then I added, "Just when you've convinced yourself that you've found a friend, you realize that deep down you're always alone. You might as well not ever hook up with anybody. You'd be a lot better off."

Abdul regarded me for a moment then, his eyes fixed on his glass of tea mumbled in a low voice, "It's all bullshit. Nobody can live completely alone."

"Maybe it's just as you say. But what sense is there in binding oneself to another, to deceive yourself only to be disappointed? Isn't it better to live everyday? All the more with a sailor, no? With a sailor, at most, you can have an one night stand..."

Abdul looked at me but continued to be silent.

Then I added, "That sailor, Guy, for example. I like him, I can't deny it, but certainly he's a whore, just like all sailors. He's here now, but within a week who knows where he'll be...So, for what it's worth, if I can manage it, I'll take him home, I'll fuck him, and then I'll forget him. After all he's only a sailor, and sailors are all alike, they don't deserve your trust."

"No, They're not all alike." Abdul said dryly.

Then I asked him, "Not all of them, you say? Well, I don't have much experience, but I'd be truly amazed to know that there's even a single exception. I can't believe it."

"But... but there is one. I used to know a sailor. He was French too. He left his ship, his work, and he stayed here for more than a year, for me, with me."

"And now he's left you in the lurch, hasn't he? You're always alone when I see you..."

"Not for any fault of his. They sent him away... they forced his to leave this place... because of me. But he'll be back, I'm certain of it."

I looked into his dark, determined eyes, and with some incertainty I asked, "Were you... in love with him?"

"I am in love with him."

"And he?"

"He loves me too. He gave up his livelihood for me."

"You miss him?"

"Wouldn't you miss the sun if it failed to rise?" He said with a hint of profound sadness.

"Does it sadden you to talk about it?" I asked.

He shook his head and squeezed his glass with his hands with such force that I feared he would break it, his stare lost inside it. Then with a deep and slow voice he began to tell me about his story. I listened to him attentively. He was truly desperately in love with Alano. Listening to him speak so sorrowfully, I felt a certain pang of regret at wanting to become involved in his love life. But as he began to slowly talk about it, it seemed to be relieved at finally being able to open up and confide in someone.

"It's true that I now feel terribly alone. But I'm waiting for him, I know he will return to me."

"I wish it for you too, from my heart. You deserve it. I feel lonely too. It's strange, isn't it, to feel lonely amid so many people. Sometimes you need someone to open up to, to confide in, someone with whom to feel at ease. Somebody who's more than just a friend."


We sat in silence for a while, then I asked him, "I'm going home now. Will you be here tomorrow?"


"We haven't even been introduced. I'm Lorenzo."

"I'm Abdul."

"But you're not Turkish..."

"By now I am."

"Fine. See you tomorrow, then, Abdul"

"Until tomorrow."

I left and went home. The next day, I went to the port to find Guy. I thanked him, gave him his instruction for that evening and presented him with some more coins. Guy asked me I would like to take him home and make love again. I more than gladly accepted and took him along with me.

You should know, my dear Poletto, that Guy was only the second person I had ever fucked, and I really enjoyed it. I especially liked to feel how he eagerly worked with me, how he pressed himself against me and writhed about. That boy had had so many experiences, with someone in every port and even aboard his ship, so he was very skillful a making love."

"My lord, you won't get angry if I tell you something, will you?"

"I hope not. Let's hear it."

"I'm really enjoying this story that you're telling me, and if you were to continue it tomorrow night, it would make me truly happy. But now..."

"Are you drowsy? Do you want sleep, now?"

"What? Are you joking, my lord? I have a greatest desire to feel you inside of me and to press up against you and writhe about myself. If you only knew what an effort it's been for me not to interrupt you before now. But I can't hold out any longer. I so long to take your cock in my mouth and to lick it and suck it to the point that it ready for you to slip inside me."

"Yes, you insolent little pup, I'm very angry with you! And as a punishment... come here and get busy, and start to put your plan into action at once."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 6

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