The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Dec 21, 2006


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


When Lorenzo entered his bedchamber, the lamps were already lit and his young servant was already lying completely naked on his bed. When Poletto saw his master, a beautiful smile flashed on his face.

"You see, my lord, I'm already here just as you had ordered me to be last night"

"Good boy. And I see that you're already naked."

"Is that not right, sire?"

"Of course it's right. Now, I'll get undressed and I'll join you."

"Did you have a good day?"

"The best. I worked a lot and I also earned a good deal."

"I hope that you're not too tired..."

"No, don't worry. And I think that I won't ever be too tired to make love with you, my boy."

Poletto grinned with a mischievous air, as he watched his master undress. When the man got onto the great bed and slid to the boy's side, Poletto caressed the beautiful virile body and the semi-erect member, bringing it immediately to complete attention. Lorenzo held the boy close to him and kissed him deeply on the mouth, their tongues playing joyously for a good while.

"I've been looking forward to this moment, my Poletto. The more I make love with you the more I like it, you know?"

"I'm very proud of it, my dear lord, but it troubles me that sooner or later you will get tired of me..."

"No, I really don't think so. And you, are you growing tired of me?"

"Oh no, my lord, not at all."

"According to the footman, you work all day around the house, you never sit on your hands. Then every night our lovemaking. You sleep for only a few hours. Where do you find the energy?"

"In you, my lord. Even if I am a little tired, I have only to make love with you and I feel restored."

"Ah, blessed youth."

"Why, does it tire you to make love with me after a long day at work?"

"No, no, it's true. Even if I were tired, it would be the most pleasing fatigue that a man could have. But now you must stop touching me like that or instead of telling you a story this evening, I'll set to making love to you right away."

"Not that it would displease me, but I will obey. Well then, you had arrived in Baghdad and you'd said your farewell to Omar, yes?"

"You have an excellent memory."

"I've not forgotten a single word of anything you've told me, not a single detail, because during the day I always repeat your stories to myself. And this serves only to further enflame my desire to be with you again."

"Fine. Well then, let's continue. When I stopped in Baghdad, I was nearly twenty-one years old. Baghdad, my dear Poletto, is a fabulous city. You really have to see it to understand how beautiful a city it is. I stayed there for several months, because my business afairs were going very well.

There is a Caliph in Baghdad, and theoretically he is subordinate to the Sultan of the Turks, but in fact he's an absolute ruler and he does what he likes. Now, I'd heard say that the Caliph had a favorite, a seventeen year old boy of rare beauty by the name of Ahddin. It was said the the Caliph had lost his head over him.

Intrigued, I told myself that I absolutely had to see this beautiful boy. I gathered some information and I knew that the boy liked to swim and that he often went to bathe at a certain part of the Tigris, which is the river that bathes Baghdad and whose waters run sweet and clear. But he was always protected and kept out of sight by numerous soldiers of the Caliph's bodyguard whose vigilance assured that nothing could befall him and that no one could approach him.

I went to study the place. There was no way anyone could hide to see the boy up close, yet, by now I'd been taken by such a desire to see this rare beauty that I could hardly sleep at night thinking about how I might be able to do so.

Two months passed while I wracked my brains trying to contrive a way to see Ahddin up close, to speak with him, touch him, perhaps even make love with him. During that period, many people sang his praises, increasing my desire all the more. I continued to gather information about the boy, I evaluated everything, desperately looking for the means to approach him. It had become a true obsession.

Finally I had an idea. I'd heard that Ahddin loved to collect rare gems, pearls and precious stones. Then I began to spread the word that I possessed the rarest gem from the orient, the value of which was enormous. For a while, nothing happened, but one afternoon a man came to ask me if the the word that was going around was indeed true. When I told him that it was true, he asked me to show it to him, but I refused, with the excuse that I feared that it would be stolen from me.

The following day the man returned accompanied by five soldiers from the Caliph's guard. He told me that Ahddin wanted to buy my gem, but that he wanted to see it first. Therefore he had sent the escort so that I could bring it with me to the palace without running a risk.

I had already prepared myself, so I took a jewel box, I wrapped it in a piece of cloth. The man told me to follow him to the palace. Arriving there, he again asked me to show him the gem but I told him that I would show it only to Ahddin in person and to no one else, and that further, I wanted no one present when I showed it to him.

After a brief wait, I was thoroughly frisked, then I was finally admitted into the presence of the famous boy. He was the very essence of beauty. He was dressed in a simple shirt and pantaloons of purest white muslin, finely pleated, a smooth golden silk satin sash, a brocade waistcoat and babouches of the same gilded brocade. His face was a perfect and sweet oval, with a smart and sensual mouth, neither firm nor fleshy, a straight, finely chiselled nose, the nostrils flaring with sensuality, two deep, luminous, bronze colored eyes, with clearly separated eyebrows, dense and long but narrow, and long black eyelashes. His hair was dark brown, the color of mahogany, soft and smooth that perfectly framed that face. His flesh was the color of a mature peach. His hands were slender and tapered, but decidedly masculine.

I was left ecstatic a the sight of him, my lips slightly parted, my eyes wide open.

The boy, with a voice both warm and sensual, smiled and said to me, "So, merchant, where is this famous gem? If it as beautiful as everyone says it is, I want to buy it. Show it to me then."

With an effort, and in a voice broken with excitement, I said, "Sir, this gem about which so much is said is more than precious, but I cannot sell it, as it does not belong to me, and there is no treasure that can buy it..."

"Well then, you can begin by letting me see it. As for buying it, if in fact it pleases me, we'll see that the offer is such that it's owner will give it up gladly."

Then I handed the package with the jewel box. He took it, removed the cloth that covered it, opened the jewel box and took out a bundle of fine and magnificent brocade. He opened this second package and found a wooden case of perfumed wood elaborately carved in bas relief. When then opened this case he found a kind of very fine and precious silk called, 'sea byssus, which he opened in haste and finally found... a simple, polished and glossy mirror.

He looked at it. He looked at me. Then he said in a soft voice, "Are you playing games with me? This is nothing more than a common hand mirror."

"Sir, be so kind as to look into the mirror..." The boy look at his reflection and I quickly added, "There it is. You are looking at the rarest and most precious gem in all the Orient and, I believe in all of creation. I have never in my life seen anything more beautiful. But, as I've told you, it doesn't belong to me, and therefore I cannot sell it, but only let you look at it."

The boy looked at me, at first glowering, but then he burst out in laughter, "You deserve to be thrown into prison for the rest of your life! But how could I be angry with you for a joke that is, in reality, a very beautiful compliment? But who are you, and why have you done this?"

I explained to him who I was, and I told him in outline about my life and I told him that, having heard such praise about his sovereign beauty, I had contrived that trick to be able to behold him for at least a moment.

"And now, sir, if you wish, you can throw me in a cell to rot for the rest of my life... I am happy for being able to see you so closely, and for having managed to speak with you."

"You really do deserve it. But I find your sentimentality amusing. And now that you've seen me?"

"I haven't truely seen you yet, sir. I've seen only a reflection of your beauty, only what the clothes that you wear allow me to glimpse... It should be prohibited to conceal your beauty with such common cloth."

"Don't exaggerate, now. It seems that you're being a bit too daring, don't you think? Besides, these are not common threads, this is the most precious muslin that exists."

"Compared to you everything is common and deprived of value. They had told me that you are beautiful, but the reality surpasses every fantasy."

"You aren't so bad yourself, stranger. Perhaps it's because you are an exotic type, but I like you. Perhaps your body doesn't deserve being covered either."

"If this is your command, sir, I'll undress immediately. But I would make quite a meager figure compared to you."

"You can't know, you haven't seen me yet. What is your name? Lorenzo, isn't it?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Well, give me a good reason why I should show you my body."

"I have none, sir, only my desire and your kindness. Would you deny a drop of water to a man who is dying of thirst?"

"What do you know of my kindness?"

"Such a splendid face could not conceal a mean spirit. Certainly Allah would not allow it."

"Do you believe that with your flattery you can obtain what you desire?"

"Oh no, sir. If it were so I couldn't help but praise and flatter you without pause."

"And tell me... would you like to make love to me?"

"Do you doubt it, perhaps?"

"Would you prefer to see my body and not be able to touch me, or make love to me without being able to see me?"

"You're asking a man if he would prefer to be without water or without air; he would die in either case. Therefore, if I must die, I'll leave the choice to you."

"Your pretentions are increasing, stranger..."

"No, sir, I have no pretentions, I can't have any. It is my hopes that are increasing..."

"And what would you give me in exchange?"

"Nothing. I could tell you that I would give you all my possessions, but they are nothing compared to all of your riches. I could tell you that I would give you my body, but what is it worth compared to yours? I could offer you my life, but what is it worth compared to your kindness?"

"You know how the speak well, merchant. But what would I gain from you?"

"Nothing, as I've told you, sir. You could never gain anything, because you already have it all: beauty, fame, riches."

"Yet, I too am, in a certain sense, a mere nothing, a slave. I belong to the Caliph, you're quite aware that."

"Or is perhaps the Caliph not your slave? You have only to express a desire and he is glad to grant it you."

"As long as I'm fresh, and young and beautiful...but then? He'll toss me away."

"You will always be beautiful, sir."

"No, the process of age goes on, even for me."

"Interior beauty never passes. Indeed, if it is cultivated, it grows."

"Perhaps it is as you say, but I... I fear the future."

"You shouldn't. The future does not yet exist, just as past doesn't exist anymore. Live in the present."

"But when it comes, what will it be like?"

"Just as every one of us wants it to be, because then it will be the present."

"It's not true. If I willed it, your present could be horrible."

"If I were seeking riches and leisure, or other things, yes, I could be disappointed with my present life, but I seek nothing... how could you deprive me of nothing? I live for this moment, and it is splendid. As for what's to come, I will live it for what it will be and when it will be."

"But you had planned to see me, therefore you have thought of the future."

"No, sir, I have lived the joy of the present in doing that which I did in trying to see you. If I didn't succeed, my present would have been well spent and pleasant anyway."

"You're a bit too philosophical for me. And now what do you reckon to do?"

"Nothing, sir. Now I am finally at your feet, waiting for you to decide what to do with me."

"Yes... what to do with a merchant that has dared to play a joke on me?"

"No, I have kept my promise."

Ahddin fell silent. He looked at me for a long time, deep in thought, and I felt his stare penetrate me.

Finally he said to me, "You're a strange fellow, Lorenzo. You want everything without giving me anything in return."

"It's up to you to see if my payment suits you or not."

"How old are you, Lorenzo?"

"Almost twenty-one."

"Do you have much experience at making love?"

"Neither a little, nor or alot."

"And if I were disappointed with you?"

"My life belongs to you. But if, instead, you were satisfied with me?"

"I would give you back your life. Are you game?"

"Without any hesitation."

"You're that sure of your prowess in bed?"

"No, sir, but after making love with you, death would be worth it."

"You don't think you're exaggerating?"

"After having seen you? No, my lord."

"You're risking a lot."

"So are you."

"I am?"

"Yes, you risk disappointment, and anyway, my death would not give to you what you coundn't get from me."

"Well, perhaps it is wiser that you withdraw, without hoping to go further."

"But I am not wise, sir. My wisdom has evaporated like dew under the sun, as soon as my eyes knew the joy at the sight of you."

"Well then, let's go further."

"As you wish, sir."

Ahddin clapped his hands and two servants entered. With a commanding tone he said, "Prepare the bath, the perfumes and my bed. My guest will be staying with me. I want the musicians, as well. Quickly!"

The two of them bowed and disappeared.

Then Ahddin got up from his divan and came near me. "Get up. Let's have a look at you. In two years you are the first of anyone here that has expressed his desire for me. Until now I have been the one to choose whom I'll take to my bed when the Caliph does not require my company. No one has ever dared expressed his desire for me. Perhaps it is this that has also attracted me to you... your impudence. And you are the first foreigner with whom I've wanted to entertain myself. You intrigue me, you know. And I like you, too."

As he was saying these words to me, he was looking me up and down, slowly regarding me from head to foot, but without ever touching me. A servant entered to announce that the bath was ready. Ahddin took me by the hand and guided me behind him. We passed through some very beautiful rooms, then entered a large room made completely of marble, with a low, square tub built into the floor in the center of the room, filled to the brim with steaming, perfumed water.

The two slaves, who wore only close fitting loincloths, attended us. They were two beautiful boys, but they didn't interest me. I was totally taken and smitten by Ahddin. The two removed our clothes, and when we were completely naked, we descended into the water, where slaves began to wash our bodies.

I was entranced by the boy's body. He was incredibly beautiful, well made, perfectly proportioned, sweet yet not effeminate, indeed he was strong. He was at that stage of development in which he was still an adolescent but already a man. My eyes were completely captivated by that dreamy vision. I noted with pleasure that Ahddin too caressed my body with is eyes and he appeared to be pleased with what he saw.

That incredible vision, added to the sensations that came from the expert hands of the two slave that were washing our bodies, quickly brought me to an excited state.

When Ahddin noticed my growing erection, he smiled, "And they say that we Arabs have hot blood... Aren't you able to restrain your excitement?"

"Not even a marble statue would be able to, neither could a supernatural being. How could I?"

Washed, rinsed and scented, we emerged from that bath and went to the adjoining bedchamber. An ample boudoir surrounded by veils stood in the middle of the room, and at the four corners there were incense burners. We entered the alcove and a slave carefully closed the draperies. Only one side was left open and it afforded a view of a delightful little courtyard garden full of sweet scented flowers and a small fountain with murmuring waters. Ahddin laid down and he gave me a sign to lay down next to him.

Sweet, soft music began to play from behind the draperies. Ahddin caressed my body gently and I was carried away by the thrill of pleasure. I, in turn began to caress that dreamy body, and finally Ahddin began to grow excited.

Bit by bit our bodies were drawn as if by attraction, one to the other and the contact with his flesh made me experience a strong emotion. We were in a competition at giving pleasure to each other so that shortly both of us were lost in the ecstasy of our senses. I loved the sensation of his velvety skin, his hands caressed me incessantly, his lips were fresh and hot at the same time. It was a crescendo of emotions, of desire, of pleasure that surrounded and permeated us like the intoxicating perfumes and the music, that gradually transported us to paradise. Then Ahddin knelt between my legs and bowed down... I felt his lips close around my nipples and a thrill of such intensity ran through my body that it arched, my legs tensed up parting, and my tool pushed against his tight belly, while I felt the blood pulsating violently in my temples. He moaned in response and his lips descended to my chest, my stomach, here they paused as his tongue rooted around in my belly button, then continued down again and he kissed my pubic hairs. Then my tool grazed his cheek and I felt his eyelash brush against the tip, and finally his lips were on my throbbing meaty column. His tongue encircled it, until his mouth took possesion of my rod.

Then I turned slowly in a such a way to bring my head under his body and I in turn took care of his beautiful pendulous tool now hard and straight. Ahddin trembled but did not remove his lips from me. He legs were now trembling and my hands went up to caress him between the legs and to delicately rummage around between his firm little buttocks. He too then gave me the same treatment: it seemed we were having a competition in trying please the other.

We rolled over on our side, our heads pushed between the legs of the other, continuing to such with vigor, lust and pleasure. Our movements accelerated, our bodies shaking from the waves of pleasure. We felt our ecstasy growing, as we approached the beautiful, tremendous, inexhorable heights of our desire. Finally we were both shattered by the violent contractions of pleasure while each of us offered to the other, gulp after gulp of sweet, warm semen that we both drank greedily, quenching our passion at the fountain of eternal life.

But the excitement and the desire had not yet left us. So, after a long kiss, Ahddin offered himself to me. I prepared him with my tongue and my saliva, until the delicious boy began to moan with desire. Then I finally took him, penetrating him with force and gentleness at the same time. He pressed himself hard against me, inciting me without words. It was like a dance of blazing desire, we were moving in unison, the music underling and exhalting our passion. When finally I unloaded deep inside of him, it was my turn to offer myself to his still lively burning passion.

Then we layed exhausted, gratified, clinging to each other.

"Yes, I will grant you your life, Lorenzo."

"You've given me much more than that, believe me."

And you to me. You are not my master like the Caliph, nor a slave who must please me. For the first time in my life I've made love with one who is my equal, and it has been very beautiful. Thank you, Lorenzo.

"Me, your equal? Who could ever be your equal? You are... a dream... I am only a common mortal. You are a lord, I am a simple merchant..."

"No, you are a man, just as I am. You have made me feel better than ever have. Will you return to me again?"

"Whenever you so desire."

And so it was. But unfortunately Ahddin was falling in love with me. The Caliph became aware of it and, even though he freely allowed him all the flings he wanted, he certainly would not permit his favorite to fall in love with another.

Therefore he ordered me to leave his land. Ahddin gave me many valuable gifts and a precious minature portrait of himself that I have still and that I keep closely.

And so I left Baghdad, with orders from the Caliph never to pass that way again, if I valued my life. I believe that the fact that I had not been killed, was due solely to the intercession of Ahddin. I joined a caravan of merchants bound for Persia.

"Ah, poor Ahddin! It's sad that he couldn't fall in love, isn't it, sire?"

"It is indeed. You see, being rich and powerful doesn't always mean being happy."

"Me, for example, I'm only a servant, but I'm happy. And you, master? Are you happy?"

"Yes, I am, because life has been generous with me. And if you want, you can also increase my happiness."

"I'm all yours..."

"Have you made love with Florindo anymore?"

"My lord! You must understand that I've not been interested in any man since you've granted me your company and attention."

"Sometimes I wonder if you wouldn't prefer to be with someone your own age, rather than here with me."

"No, certainly not. No one could compete with you."

"Poletto, Poletto, you are really sweet."

"And you, you are, you are... the most extraordinary and exceptional man on the face of the earth, and just being close to you makes me feel..."

"...the desire to make love?"

"Yes, that too..." replied the boy leaning against the man and offering himself in a silent gesture of devotion.

They ceased talking, allowing their bodies to express what they felt for each other. Lorenzo liked the boy ever more, and not only for making love, but also for his honest freshness, for his total availability, for the serenity that he gave him with his fresh, ever ready smile. If at the beginning the man had seen in him only a young body desirous to please, now he considered him more a companion than one of the many boys with whom he had amused himself.

Poletto was becoming for him an ever more precious and irreplaceable person.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 9

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