The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Dec 24, 2006


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 9 EIGHT NIGHT The Slave's Merchant

Lorenzo entered his bedroom, rapidly undressed and hid his clothes, then put out the lamp and went to hide behind the great curtain. After a few minutes of waiting he heard Poletto enter with a chandelier in his hands. Lorenzo peered from behind the curtain and saw him light all the lamps, then watched him undress and carefully fold his clothes and put them on the wooden chest. He liked looking at his lean and firm, lithe and well built body. He loved admiring his perfect genitals, already half aroused, his smooth chest, his firm belly, his serene face and his bright eyes.

Poletto, unaware he was being spied on, took from the table the portrait representing Ahddin, then climbed the wide bed and laid on it, on his belly, and started to gaze at the miniature. Now Lorenzo could see the back and the small and firm butt of the boy and felt that the delightful vision was giving him an agreable hard-on.

Poletto was motionless, in admiration of the portrait. After a while Lorenzo, seeing that nothing was happening, came out from behind the curtain.

"Do you like it, Polo?"

The boy gave a start, crying out shortly, and turned, frightened. When he saw his master already totally naked and aroused, he opened in a wide smile.

"You scared me, master. I thought I was still alone."

"Do you like Ahddin?"

"Yes, he really was beautiful."

"Would you rather have him here, instead of me?"

"Oh no, master, I like you better. But you, rather, wouldn't you like more having here Ahddin, instead of me?"

"Ahddin is nothing but a beautiful memory. You, on the contrary, are here in flesh, true, real, desirable... and not forbidden to me."

"I can see it, I can see, my dear master, that you desire me."

"Are you possibly regretting it?"

"On the contrary, it flatters me. And then... it's so good looking at you totally naked. When you wear your clothes you are elegant, nobody can deny it, but I prefer you sky-clad."

"I too like looking at you when you are totally naked and watch how you become aroused just looking at me, as at this moment."

"On days like this it's not cold. We could remain on top of the covers, so that while you are telling me the continuation of your beautiful tales, we can enjoy looking at each other. Come here on the bed, my dear master, come near me..."

"Here I am, dear Poletto. I like so much caressing you, feeling how all your body shudders at my touch."

"Oh yes, I too love touching you so much, and being touched by you, but..."

"But my story first, I know. Lean your head here on my lap, and I'll start to tell."

"But doing so... it makes me want to kiss it, to suck it..."

"Try to hold out. But... if you cannot... you can do how you feel like, all right? Yes, so, good. Are you comfortable?

Well, I was saying - with all my possessions I left Baghdad in a hurry, joining a caravan going down to the south. I hadn't still decided where to settle, but hearing the talk of my travel companions, I thought it could be worth to stop at least for a while in Ta'izz, a town famous for his slave market and for its beautiful mosque.

When we reached the Zaidite kingdom, I joined the part of the caravan continuing towards Ta'izz. In theory that kingdom was subject to Baghdad Caliph, but it was practically autonomous, so I felt safe.

For sure that town could not be compared with the Baghdad wonders, but it was a city of some importance. Moreover, being the location of one of the most important slave markets of that region, it was also an important commercial centre. The merchandise I had with me was rather precious, so that I could soon get a good name and also open my own shop in the town bazaar, especially when it was known I had no relations with the Portuguese who, just a few years before, attacked Aden trying to conquer all that region. Also my good knowledge of Arabic and of Muslim customs helped me very much. Moeover, just after I reached the town, I make friends with a local merchant named Yahya Sallal.

Yahya was a young man about thirty-years-old. He wasn't very handsome, and yet he was really likeable. I met him one afternoon, when I was to a nearby uidian to bathe. I was just washing myself near the bank when Yahya came riding his horse. He stopped near the river and looked long at me, remaining on the saddle of his horse. So then, I greeted him in Arabic.

He opened in a wide smile and shouted, "Do you know our language, stranger?"

"Just a little. Just enough to talk business or love, but not enough to talk religion or philososphy."

"And do you like talking business or love better?"

"That depends by whom I'm with. And you, sir?"

"Like you, stranger, it depends by whom I'm with. Where are you from?"


"Never heard of it." He answered me."

"He never heard of Venice?" Poletto asked, astounded.

Lorenzo smiled, "Yes, it could seem incredible, but the further I travelled, the fewer people knew about our beautiful city.

Then, that man asked me, "Are you just passing by?"

"For the moment I'm living in Ta'izz."

"The same as me. What are you doing here, in my town?"

"I'm a merchant. And you?"

"I'm a merchant too." The man answered.

"I never saw you at the bazaar."

"Sure, I don't do business there. I'm a slave merchant, specializing in young men for harems."

This made me curious. So I came out of the water and approached him as he dismounted his horse.

"My name is Lorenzo Zorzi and, as I said, I'm a merchant."

"And I am Yahya Sallal."

"And you are a merchant of boys for harems, you said?"


"Eunuchs, you mean?"

"Not necessarily. The ones I have gelded are really very few. The majority of the powerful men I serve like having one or several boys able to gladden their beds, and they prefer the boys to be complete, untouched. And the less wealthy pay me good gold coins to taste my firstlings, before I sell them."

"You mean that it is possible to come at your place to enjoy the graces of your slave boys?"

"Of course. Are you interested?"

"What's their age?"

"From ten to fourteen."

"That's a pity. They are too young for me."

"But they are the most delicious morsels."

"It could be so, but I prefer them from seventeen up. And not gelded."

"Already mature youths, then. At that age I would be no more able to sell them, if I don't geld them. You see, when a new slaves caravan comes, I choose the most handsome and youthful boys, between six and eight of age. For two, three years I instruct and prepare them and then, after having them tested, I can sell them. If around thirteen, fourteen years of age I haven't yet sold tem, I have them gelded and I sell them as eunuchs. Otherwise I sell them to a brothrel or like common slaves. Only a few of them remain in my home, as a servant or a tester."

"You say you instruct them? How?"

"I've good music experts to teach them to sing and play music. Then dance teachers so they can learn to move in a graceful way and, above all, in an erotic way. Then I have massage teachers, so they can learn both to have a man relaxed or aroused according what they want. And last, teachers of loving arts, so that they can learn to use all their bodies to give the utmost pleasure to their future master. When all the courses are over, the tester has to check their abilities and above all, and this is the most delicate aspect, test their little asses, so that it is not too tight, but neither too loose. A too tight ass would give pain to the member of their future master, but a too loose one will not give him enough pleasure. That's why a tester has to be rightly endowed and he has to use it in the correct way in order not to spoil the boy's ass. After they have passed the tests, and after hearing the opinion of the tester, I can fix a price and put them for sale."

Yahya explained me everything in detail until he became aware that his speeches had given me a visible erection.

Thus, pointing his finger toward my wet clothes, stretched because of my hard member, he said, "I see that I caused you a small inconvenience. Would you possibly come to my place to taste the grace of one of my boys? Even though, for what I can see, your penis is possibly somewhat too big..."

"No, thank you. I'll stick to my ideal: I like more mature boys better. But if you have some, I would be pleased to try one of them."

"In this moment, summing up all my servants and testers, I have just seven slaves at home, between sixteen and twenty-six-years old. You can anyway come and see them. If one of them is of your liking, it would be a pleasure for me to put him at your disposal to appease the desire I awakened in you with my speeches."

"You are tempting me, Yahya..."

"Well, I see you have your horse here. Be so kind to follow me, then."

I didn't need to be asked twice; in fact it was a while since I had any sexual encounters. Wearing my tunic on my still wet clothes, I jumped on my horse and followed him. He was living in a wide house surrounding a nice garden. He made me sit on soft cushions in a beautiful room within a fresh semidarkness. Yahya offered me some tea and at once sent to call his slaves. One by one he had them to undress, and besides telling me their names and ages, he told me what was their speciality in love arts. I was slightly embarrassed, but the boys were not at all shy. I found three of them more attractive than the others and Yahya was aware of that before I could tell. Therefore he sent away the other four.

"Lorenzo, amongst these three I advise you to start with Ibrahim. On another day, if you will honour me with your visit, you can try also Salem, then Qahtan as well. So then you can make your choice and I will give you the one you prefer as my personal gift."

"Your generosity embarrasses me, Yahya, I cannot accept..."

"No, Lorenzo, I feel a great liking for you and I hope, with my gift, to cement our friendship. Thus, I pray you to accept. Please don't offer an affront to me."

"You are taking me by my weak side. How can I refuse such an exquisite offer?"

"Good. So, Ibrahim, take my guest to the green room and try to make him happy and not to make my hospitality cut a poor figure. See you later, Lorenzo, and don't be in a hurry - enjoy Ibrahim how and as long as you please."

The boy, wearing his light white tunic again and taking in his hands the light blue broad sash, bowed and gestured me to follow him. When we were in the room owing its name to the green of the alcove that stood out in it, Ibrahim again undressed and when he saw I was also starting to undress, he came near me and stopped me with a light gesture.

With a mischievous smile he said, "Allow me to undress you, my lord."

I let him do it, while I admired his nakedness - Ibrahim was just seventeen and his body was really harmonious. While he was undressing me, he caressed me lightly and in a very skilful way. His glabrous body, his olive complexion, his mischievous smile were conquering me and making me more and more excited. Another thing I liked - his member; while he continued to slowly undress me, it was rising, palpitating and hard. Evidently the boy was feeling pleasure while giving me pleasure.

When he had undressed me, he started to slowly tour around me and to lick all over my body while his fingers, light and tireless, were skilfully brushing me in the right spots. I was literally out of myself for the pleasure. I suddenly stopped him, seized him at his waist and pulled him to me, kissing him on the mouth with vigor. He answered with abandon to my long kiss, actively participating in it. I then had him turn around and so, standing, I tried to penetrate him. Ibrahim cooperated with sincere enthusiasm, facilitating the penetration with skilled movements.

I was clasping his chest in my arms, pulling him to me at each stroke, and he pushed himself against me, almost to be more deeply penetrated, and skilfully tilted his pelvis and made his anus palpitate so increasing my pleasure incredibly. But when he felt I was accelerating my rythm and the vigor of my lunges into him, Ibrahim parted from me.

With a cunning smile he said, "Not yet. There is no hurry, my beautiful lord. Let me first caress you some more."

I was relying on his skilled care, really happy to savour pleasure in that way. Then the boy, taking a small jar of precious unguent from a low table, started to spread it all over my body. I soon felt strange sensations of freshness and warmth, artfully increased by his hands slipping surely all over my skin, lingering on certain spots and passing rapidly on others, in a long, highly erotic massage. Meanwhile I was caressing his body no more ephebic and not yet manly, intensely enjoying that intimate and exciting contact.

Then Ibrahim offered himself again to me and I again took him, with a kind of bursting out joy, until he again made me slow down. We continued so, alternating moments of frenzy with sweet calm, until I was no more able to restrain myself and jetted into him, moaning for the intensity of pleasure that the boy had been able to give me. He released at the same time as me, even though he didn't touch himself.

When everything was over, Ibrahim started again to caress my body with a relaxing massage, until he became aware that my breath was again normal. He then took a carafe and served me a fresh drink with an odd taste, but really thirst quenching and sustaining.

Then, after helping me to dress, he asked me, "Are you happy with me, my lord? Are you satisfied with Ibrahim?"

"Yes, boy, I'm really satisfied. You are a real wizard in making love."

"Thank you, my lord. Now let me take you back to my master..."

When I met again Yahya, I expressed him all my enthousiasm.

"I'm happy that you liked my Ibrahim. But wait until you test also the other two. As Ibrahim is the youngest of the three, he is also the least skilled. Anyway, in the end, if he's the one you like best, Ibrahim will be yours."

As I didn't want to take profit of his kindness, I went to see Yahya only some days later, but before going to his place, I sent him a very beautiful brocade length as a gift.

When I showed up at his home, Yahya scolded me for that present, "You ought not! So, now, I'm even more in debt towards you."

"No, my dear friend, I am the one in debt. The time I spent with Ibrahim is a lot more valuable than that poor length of cloth."

"Well, I cannot refuse. Today, if it pleases you, you can withdraw with Salem... What do you think about that?"

He summoned him and the boy readily came. He was wearing an almost transparent, green tunic, with a broad sash of white silk and brocade babouches, also white.

Salem was a half-breed, born by an Arabian father and a black slave. He was eighteen and was of a rare beauty. He had a noble and proud aspect, so that he had more the aspect of a prince than of a slave.

Salem took me to the bathroom. Here, as soon as we undressed, he wanted to wash me. It was something halfway between ecstasy and torture. He was really skilled and in a short time he succeeded in arousing me so much that I was thinking I could resist no more.

He too was really skilled in bringing me to one step from the explosion of my senses, without making me surpass the fatal point. But my body hadn't yet united to his and desire was dizzyngly increasing in me.

"Salem, I want you!" I suddenly said with my voice hoarse with passion.

"Sure, my lord, you will have me. I'm here for this purpose. But wait some more, I beg you, and you will not be disappointed."

He didn't lie. When for the umpteenth time he brought me at the threshold of ecstasy, his purple lips opened on my member, that at that point was red hot, and took it with such a gentleness and skill that I felt like having reached paradise. I let him do it, enthrusting myself totally to his sweet and expert action.

His skin, of a rich bronze color, was smooth and velvety, almost totally hairless besides a silky patch on his pubis, crowning his beautiful ebony member. Different from Ibrahim, Salem was not a tester, because of the remarkable size of his manly attributes. With glutonny I bent to lick and suck them, lavishing on him the same cares he was devoting to me. We were so linked up, our members tightly intertwined and I felt that the boy was gradually losing part of his self control and this had the effect to excite me even more. I then pumped inside his mouth with increased determination, until I descharged in him who, almost at the same time, gave me all his savoury seed.

But I wasn't yet satisfied with him, so I said, "Salem, I want to take your firm little ass. Let me see how much skilled you are also at that."

"As my lord wishes..." promptly answered the boy, his eyes shining in anticipation and, starting again to massage my body, with his lips he gave new vigor to my member. When he felt I was ready, he sat on my lap and with a few skilled moves, he slipped my pole into himself, girdled my neck with his arms and started to move up and down, happily smiling.

His face was in front of mine and I could see pleasure shining in his eyes. I felt also his palpitating member brushing against my belly at each of his soft springing and the sensation was really pleasurable. I pulled him to me and kissed him - his mouth smelled of roses.

When he felt I was nearing my orgasm, without letting my pole slip out of his warm, delightful little ass, he parted from me a little, spun around and, guiding me, moved so that we were both on all fours, I still deeply embedded in him and kneeling over him.

I then embraced him and brushing his small hard tits, I impaled him with strong strokes until I felt I was again ready to discharge into him. Salem reached his orgasm just before me. His enjoyement roused a set of delightful pulsations in his anus and this made me reach the heights of pleasure, enhancing my sensations, and I gave him all my seed for the second time.

After that splendid union, while Salem was washing my body again and then gently drying it, I was asking myself which one of the two boys I would have liked better, which one I would choose. It wasn't an easy decision to take. Ibrahim's wild impulsiveness, or Salem's sweetness? The amber complexion or the bronze one? The greedy little ass or the skilled mouth?

And last came the day when I could try also Qathan. He was a twenty-year-old boy, son of a Portuguese man and an Arabian slave. He was possibly the one with a more manly body, even though his body had a remarkably sweet shape. His eyes had an incredibly intense light and a multitude of gold specks were dancing in his iris. His skin had a slightly olive nuance and he was the most hairy of the three boys, though not too much for my taste. He just had some hair arond his tits and a thin line that from his navel was going down, opening like a fan around his member that was proudly erect and pointing upright.

When he was naked in front of me, his glorious erection made me understand how much the boy was excited at the thought of making love with me and this flattered me. I too undressed, approached him and brushed his stake with the tips of my fingers.

He shuddered in answer and said, "My lord, let me dance for you."

"As you like, Qathan."

He then started to moan a kind of singsong, his lips barely open, and started moving at the rhythm of his chant, at first slowly, in a very sensual way, then gradually faster. His eyes were not leaving my body even for a fleeting moment and when he saw my erection awakening, they lit like a flash and a light smile lingered on his beautiful face.

"Do you like my body, my lord?"

"Yes, you are beautiful."

"It is dancing for you, because he knows that soon he will be yours and he already anticipates the joy. This body of mine shivers waiting to please you, to belong to you."

"Come nearer, I want to caress it."

"Wait, my lord. The awaiting makes what will come more pleasurable. Do you see how each part of this body shivers for the hope to give you pleasure?"

Qathan went on so, talking to me with a warm and sensual voice, more and more full of passion, and now his body at times brushed lightly against mine, giving me sensations of inexpressible pleasure, so increasing my desire. He was really skilled, he knew how to awaken all my senses.

I made a step toward him, "I want you, Qathan."

"Yes, my beautiful kord, I will soon be yours and you can do with me anything you wish. I will be yours... your slave... but await some more. Restrain your ardour..."

"It is not possible. I want you." I told him, caught by a frenzy never felt before.

I really wanted that boy with an incredible intensity. Possibly right because he was so manly, so self assured, so strong, I wanted to bend him to my desire. He read determination into my eyes and stopped, waiting. His body was shuddering lightly, but he was still. I reached him and my hands seized him and felt the firm solidity of that male body. I embraced him and my lips searched for his lips. Qahtan replied to my kiss, then gently pushed me towards the alcove couch filled with cushions.

I could feel in him an animal, magnetic strength, a determination that, even though not reaching the point of a challenge, was confronting with mine. He let me drive him but, in his turn, he was driving me.

When we laid down in the alcove, he came on top of me and started to kiss and lick all over my body. I too was kissing him in the same way, exploring all of his beautiful body with my lips and my fingers. He was offering himself to me without reserve, but at the same time I felt that, also without reserve he was taking my body for his pleasure. He readily obeyed to my orders, but also took his initiative. I liked this mixture of submission and autonomy, I liked this strength I was feeling sallying forth from him.

More than a slave bestowing pleasure, he gave me the impression of a lover who was ready to do everything to please me, but at the same time demanding for his own plesure. I liked him! And it was difficult not to abandon myself to him, not to become his pleasure slave. I was almost subjugated by him.

At a certain point I murmured, "What do you want me to do, Qahtan?"

"Let yourself go, let yourself be loved. I promise you the most beautiful, the most sweet pleasures. You are the most beautiful man I ever saw..."

"That's not possible. There must be men more beautiful than me. You are just flattering me."

"Of course, because it is impossible not to flatter his own master. I would like to belong to you forever and to be able to bestow you the utmost pleasure, forever. This is my only desire - being your slave, living for you."

Qahtan didn't disappoint me, he was able to give me such a pleasure that I would have liked it to never end.

At one point I asked him, "Qahtan, would you be able to give me the highest pleasure penetrating me with your marvellous flesh-pole?"

Qahtan barely smiled, didn't answer, took some unguent and started to prepare me with a long, erotic massage. When he reached my pulsating hole, I discovered all his art. His fingers were lingering there, spreading the cream, at times forcing the opening but then withdrawing, penetrating just a little, loitering than suddenly leaving me, a finger immersed in me caressed the inside all around flooding me with a fire of sensations of shooting pleasure. He pepared me for a long time, until I beseeched him not to dawdle any more, to penetrate me. I begged him. He finally replaced his fingers with his beautiful, quivering pole, inflamed like hell and sweet like paradise, and he started again the play he did before with his fingers, but with his member, making me die of desire.

When at last he invaded me and was totally inside me, he started a love dance that threw me into raptures and that made me almost lose my senses. I was feeling my body vibrate at each of his lunges like a harp played by the best of musicians. When at last he emptied inside me, I was so well excited that I at once got out from under him, made him lie on his back, spread his legs and impaled him with vigor. I saw he was enjoying it ant this excited me even more. I fucked him with a raving rythm, all his body jolted under my relentless strokes. Qahtan, under me, moaned with pleasure, licking his beautiful lips, seized by ecstasy. We both were prey of a wild pleasure.

He succeeded in making me reach the height of pleasure three times one after the other, and yet I didn't still feel sated.

When at last, dressed back, I went again at Yahya's presence, he welcomed me with a wide smile.

"Well then, my friend, now that you have tasted all three my slaves in which you were interested, did you make your choice?"

"You offered me three precious pearls. It is not an easy choice. Therefore, I pray you, let me renounce your lavish gift but, as long as I will stay here in Ta'izz, let me enjoy of all three boys again."

"As you like. Each day I will send to your home one of them, in turns, and he will spend all the night with you. But on the day when you will leave us, you will have to take one of them with you as your slave. I always keep what I promise."

"Aren't you sorry to so deprive yourself of one of those splendid boys?"

"I told you, I like, as well as my clients, only boys under fourteen. These are too grown up, now, even though they are skilled. And for any slave I lose, I will find others, don't worry."

I stopped in Ta'izz for eight months and every day one of the three slaves came on turn and I spent every night with one of them, experiencing the ecstasy of love. Each of them, in fact, vied to give me the utmost pleasure. When I decided to leave, joining a caravan going towards Isfàn, Yahya insisted I had to make my choice.

So, then, I asked him to give me Ibrahim. Yahya seemed astounded.

"It's rare I can be wrong, and yet I would have bet you would have chosen Qahtan. I felt he was, amongst the three boys, the one with whom you had the utmost pleasure..."

"Yes, you are right. But I feel that if I choose him, I would soon become his slave, in bed. That boy is far too strong, too beautiful, too skilled. Also Salem is very, very good in bed, but Ibrahim is the sweetest of them. Moreover, and above all, I very much like to talk with him too, and he is also the most clever of them. I believe that amongst the three boys Ibrahim will be the one who would be more faithful and that he will be, for me, besides a very pleasant bed mate, a very good servant too."

"I think you are right. And it will be as you desire. I will ask the boy to get ready and I will also give you the property certificate. Have a good journey, my friend. And if you will one day pass here, remember that here you have an open house and a trustful friend. May Allah protect you."

We left the town with the caravan. On the evening of the first stop, Ibrahim, after making love with me, asked, "Why did you choose me, my lord? I was sure you would choose Salem or possibly also Qahtan..."

"Are you sorry I choose you?"

"Oh no, master, I'm more than happy and also honoured."

"I've choosen you because I like you above all the other two. Qahtan is strong and will be able to do well for himself in life. Salem is independent, he would possibly have been a good bed mate, but not a good servant. You are different. You are gentle, docile... Moreover it is really agreable talking with you, you are the most intelligent of you three. What I want is not only a bed mate, but also somebody with whom I can communicate."

"Thank you, my lord. I will always be grateful and loyal to you. You can do anything you want with me and I will always be glad to please you with all my means."

"Good; but let's now sleep, my boy. The trip will be long and tiring." I said embracing him and getting ready to sleep." Lorenzo concluded.

"All three the slaves were fascinated by you, master." Poletto said.

"It seems so."

"Eh, I can understand it, you are really fascinating. Was Qahtan so beautiful?"

"One of the most beautiful males I ever met."

"More than me, right?"

"Possibly. But you too are very beautiful and terribly desirable. And I notice you are already hot. Do you know that I want to feel your nice, good peg slipping inside me?" Lorenzo said spreading his legs and guiding the boy to him.

But Poletto resisted him and with a cunning expression said, "Restrain your desire, master. I promise you the most beautiful pleasures, the most sweet. You are the most desirable man in the world and tonight I will be your slave, you love slave..."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 10

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