Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Apr 11, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, chapter 10


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

A complete list of my stories may be found in the longer header before chapter 1, or on Nifty's homepage under the alphabetical listing of authors.

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David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah David Chapter 10

Davy and Jon spent the rest of the week in Wisconsin having fun in a variety of ways. Much of their time was devoted to riding the Jet Ski, swimming, or being lazy in the sun, but there were interesting side trips as well.

Davy's grandparents wanted the boys to have the freedom to play on their own, but loved their company and tried to think of things they could all do together. On Wednesday when it rained, they drove to some of the tourist spots which had art galleries and a variety of shops. The boys weren't into buying souvenirs made in China, but honestly enjoyed browsing the galleries looking at a variety of art works from pottery to paintings.

One gallery featured an exhibit of pastels by an artist who signed his work simply as, "Joshua." His short bio was accompanied by a photograph of his husband and him. The boys thought it was cool to see a picture of a happy young gay couple and wished they could meet them.

It was obvious that some of Joshua's paintings featured his partner, Eric, as the model, though others included a variety of handsome boys. Their images were sensuous without being overtly sexual.

Grandma was especially attracted to a small pastel of two boys in swimsuits lying on a beach holding hands. The models reminded her of Davy and Jon, so she decided to purchase it to hang in their winter home when they eventually settled on one.

At a ceramic studio down the street, Jon found a pot he really liked, but decided it was more than he should spend. Davy slipped money to his grandfather and asked him to buy it while he distracted Jon. He thought it would be a perfect birthday gift. When Grandpa mentioned to the potter that his grandson was buying it as a surprise for his boyfriend, the man smiled and gave him a discount, knowing it would be appreciated by kids who were on the same team he was.

On Thursday, the weather was cool but dry and they drove to a hiking trail which Grandpa had read about. It turned out to be another fun adventure for everyone.

Friday night, the boys said they were going down to the beach for one last moonlight swim before Davy's dads arrived. This time they stripped as soon as they were out of sight of the house and played grab-ass all the way to the cottage. Their bodies reacted to the fooling around; leaving no doubt they were stimulated. Davy pulled Jon down on top of him in the sand the minute they reached their destination and began to make out.

"Jeez Master Hart, you're a horny little sucker!"

"Well, it's been two days and I AM horny and ready to suck and be sucked," he announced playfully.

"Careful what you say; sound carries a long way across water. I suppose the only way to quiet you down...

" to stuff your big cock in my mouth," Davy finished Jon's sentence, his teeth gleaming in the light of the full moon as he grinned broadly.

Things not only got quiet, but quite intense after that.

The week after they got home from Wisconsin the boys were busier than usual. There were a few more tutoring sessions, karate lessons, swimming sessions, and shopping for school clothes. Much of it was fun, but part of it was serious work.

Davy did a lot of reviewing with Jon privately, as well as with Cade, during lesson time in preparation for taking a post-test to see how much progress he'd made. The results would be given to his counselor for possible changes in his classes. Cade wanted to have him placed in levels that were high enough to challenge his abilities, but not so difficult that they overwhelmed him. To this point, the school had been relying on the mandatory evaluations that the state used for rating kids who were home-schooled. Davy would certainly score higher than he had on those several months before.

The highlight of the week for the boys was Wednesday afternoon at school for orientation, games, and a cookout. They rode their bikes to campus, being careful to fasten them in the stanchions with both guys' cable locks intertwined through the wheels and fames. Someone with a big bolt-cutter could no doubt make off with them, but this would be enough to deter the average teenage thief.

They were just going into the lobby near the main office when a scruffy looking boy pushed past' and Willa and Jenna caught up with them.

"Hey this was good timing!" Willa grinned. "I hope we all have some classes together."

"Maybe we'll get the same lunch schedule at least," Jon responded. "That would be fun."

"We can all hang around together today unless they split up boys and girls for some reason." Davy suggested.

"I don't think they're gonna give us any segregated in-depth health education information today," Jenna teased. "Unless, perhaps to teach certain freshmen boys the value of deodorant."

"Are you trying to tell us something?" Jon smirked, raising his left arm and sniffing in an exaggerated fashion.

"Not you guys; it's the kid who came in ahead of us a minute ago!" Jenna hastened to say. "You both smell really great – good enough to eat! I mean, neither one of you has a problem with offensive odors. Um..., I mean..."

"You're digging yourself into a deeper hole," Jon joked. "Just tell us we aren't stinky booger-brained boys and we'll forget whatever else you said."

The four of them laughed so hard that they nearly walked past the table where they were to pick up their tentative schedules and homeroom assignments.

"I'll bet we all get split up for the first part today," Jon frowned. "It looks to me like the homerooms are alphabetical like they were in middle school. We better agree on a place to meet afterwards.

It wasn't until nearly an hour later that the four met outside the smaller practice gym for a session involving the whole ninth grade class. In the beginning, Vice-principal Collins went over a number of school rules, the majority of which weren't much different from the ones in middle school, and would be reviewed on Monday with the entire student body present. It was basically boring, so most of the kids let their minds wander to other places.

A few kids had physically slipped away to other locations before the meeting began, undoubtedly to break some of those rules behind the bushes near the tennis courts. From their general demeanor later and smell of smoke on their clothes, their classmates suspected tobacco wasn't their only vice.

What those students also missed were a number of games intended to break the ice among freshmen who had been rivals as middle-schoolers. The purpose of the social time was to begin to develop a sense of school unity and pride. That part turned out to be fun!

At the end, everyone was assembled on the bleachers to learn the school song and a few cheers that would be used at pep rallies, games, matches, or meets, depending on the sport.

The cheerleaders in their skimpy outfits probably impressed a number of horny freshman boys, but Jon and Davy were not among them. They critiqued some of their moves and their figures, but were not interested on the same level as many of their peers.

During the short time-span between the assembly and their picnic supper, there was a meet-the-coach opportunity for students whose sport hadn't started practicing yet. That meant the girls went to meet their swim coach while the boys headed to another spot to meet theirs.

Coach Fanning seemed pleased at the rather large number of freshman boys who expressed interest in the program. He knew a few of them from teaching at the Y and others from attending middle school meets when his schedule had permitted. He paid special attention to Bradon Witte, patting his butt when he showed them where to sign up. He was almost as friendly with the others, but some of the boys tended to tense up and look uncomfortable, including Davy.

"What's with him?" Davy asked Jon as they went to find the girls.

"He's always been a bit touchy-feely," Jon replied. "Did it make you uncomfortable?"

"Yeah, he reminds me of Pastor Bob, and it creeps me out!"

"I get strange vibes from him too, but I've never heard anything bad about him; still, we probably should keep our eyes open."

The boys met up again with Jenna and Willa on the way to the picnic. Two more kids from church, Megan Rehn and Bradon asked if they could join them.

"The more the merrier," Jon smiled. "It's gonna be fun to have so many of us in the same class. I noticed you were kicking butt in the dodge ball game, Bradon."

"I did okay. How come you weren't in it?"

"We decided to play Robin Hood and try our luck at archery. We weren't all that great, but we didn't accidentally kill anyone either."

"Knowing you, if you hit someone it would be on purpose," Bradon joked back.

The six of them secured a spot at a vacant picnic table awaiting the signal to get their food. They were lucky enough to be the third table called. Being early would ensure that there was still a variety of food from which to choose.

Serving the brats and hotdogs was a sophomore, Spencer Bruce. He grinned at Jon when he put an especially big brat on his plate.

"You'll need to open up wide to take that baby," Spence said. "Where are you sitting? I'd like to talk to you when I'm free?

"I'll be over at the far table with my friends," Jon replied, pointing in the direction where Willa and Jenna were setting down their plates.

"Oh, with girls," Spence frowned.

"Yeah, there's three girls and us three boys."

"Okay, maybe we can meet after they're gone."

"Whatever," Jon responded.

"I've never seen you blow someone off like that," Davy whispered as they went to join the others.

"Spence probably wishes I'd blow him off for real," Jon grinned, returning to his normal happy self.

"So what's the story?"

"Are you going to be jealous if I tell it all?"

"Nope, whatever you may have done, it was before we were buds."

"There's not a lot to tell. We were pretty close in middle school and jacked off together at the urinals in the locker room a time or two, but when he hit ninth grade, he was too `mature' or whatever to be seen with us peons. I'm not sure why he's trying to act like a friend now."

They dropped the subject before they rejoined their companions.

The kids ate, talked, and laughed during their mealtime. Every so often, a teacher, coach, or counselor would stop by the tables to informally chat with the new class members. It made the kids feel as if they were part of a large extended family, which was the very thing Dr. Pilchard was trying to promote. Kids who felt like they belonged were far less likely to cause trouble and would be more likely to turn to someone if they needed help.

The girls were the first to depart because they had to catch their ride. Bradon stayed for a while because he wanted to get to know Davy better and to talk about the swim team. Coach Fanning joined them for a few minutes, sitting next to Bradon. He draped an arm over the boy's shoulder and told him how pleased he was to have him on the team. It seemed to Davy that Bradon tensed up at the coach's touch, but thought perhaps he was reading into it because of his own reservations about the man.

The coach mentioned something about working with Bradon's little brother, Matt, on the Y team and suggested bringing him to watch the high school boys practice sometime. Bradon agreed that it might be a good plan.

Spence didn't come over to the table until everyone but Davy had left. By then, Jon had figured he might have changed his mind.

"I'd like to talk to you alone," Spence began.

"You can say whatever you want in front of Dave. We don't keep any secrets from each other," Jon said.

"Maybe you don't, but I do. I don't even know this guy."

"His name is Dave and he's my bud. Dave, this is Spence.

"Hi. I know you want to talk to Jon alone. It's okay," Davy said. "I'll wait for him by the bikes."

A few minutes later, Jon met Davy at the designated spot.

"Well?" Jon said.

"Well, what?" Davy grinned.

"Don't you want to know what Spence talked about?"

"Not if you promised him you'd keep it a secret. I trust you."

"Once again, I know why I love you so much!" Jon exclaimed, nearly kissing him on the lips until he remembered they were in front of the school and other kids were still milling around.

"He didn't say much other than he had a surprise for me. It had something to do with what he learned while staying on his grandparents' ranch in Montana this summer."

"Maybe he wants to invite you out there next summer to help breed horses or whatever," Davy ventured with a grin.

"I have a feeling from how he touched me when no one was watching, that he might want me to be part of a breeding process, but without horses involved. Anyway, he invited me to a sleepover on Friday night."

"I'll miss you, but I haven't spent a lot of time with the dads lately."

"I wouldn't go without you."

"But, I don't own you. You can do things with other friends without me being along."

"Yes you do, and no I can't! I've given my heart to you and I don't want to be apart from you unless it's absolutely necessary. I invited him to my house instead."


"So, I'm inviting you too, not that you ever need an invitation to sleep with me."

"I'll bet he's gonna be pissed when he sees me there."

"I don't care! He either accepts you as part of my life or he can take his toys and go home."

"Has he got big toys?" Davy joked.

"Nothing like yours, the last I knew anyway."

"Man, I hope this doesn't turn ugly."

"Well if it does, like Cade says – we know karate and a number of other Japanese words!" Jon giggled.

Spence had scarcely been in Jon's house a minute when he spied Davy on the deck by the pool wearing a boxer-type swimsuit.

"What the fuck's he doin' here? I thought we had the house to ourselves."

"The three of us are alone for the time being. We might get in some swimming before supper. Jim will be home pretty soon to make pizza for us."

"Who's Jim?" Spencer's attention was temporarily diverted.

"He's a guy on the police force who's staying with us."


Anyway, why are you paying more attention to this new kid than to me?" Spence asked sullenly.

"Are you jealous of my friendship with Dave? They say what goes around comes around. Perhaps it's a kind of the reverse of do unto others'; it's like do unto others as they've done unto you'."

"What's that supposed to mean."

"It's quite simple. You were all buddy-buddy with me until you got out of middle school and then you wouldn't give me the time of day."

"I was doing high school stuff and I couldn't hang around with younger kids."

"Why not?"

"It wouldn't have been cool. Now you're in high school we can go back to like it was when we were doing stuff together."

"I don't think so. You don't diss a guy for almost a year and expect him to come running back like a puppy dog."

"But it's not my fault! You didn't have a cell phone. We couldn't text and stuff."

"I still had a land line and a laptop with wireless. We could have done messaging like we used to."

"Whatever. Let's get into the pool; it's fuckin' hot today."

The two walked out to where Davy was on the deck. He had overheard enough of what Spence had said to make him feel uncomfortable in the boy's presence.

Spence stripped naked in front of Jon and Davy immediately.

"Come on, Jon, we used to go skinny in your pool. I suppose your new little friend is shy about showing off his little wiener." Spence mocked.

"Nope," Davy grinned, shedding his trunks. "I just didn't want to show you up."

Spence's eyes went wide as he got a good look at Davy's junk. Hanging un-aroused, it looked to be more than an inch longer than Spence's in the same state. He quickly jumped into the water trying to prevent Davy from being able to compare.

Jon and Davy soon followed. All of them shrank a bit from the cool water, but Spence was still embarrassed that he had the least between his legs of the three of them, especially after his remark.

Davy didn't tend to hold grudges except where his mother was concerned, and was soon attempting to break the ice with Spence. After awhile, Spence began to relax, finding that the new kid was friendly and pleasant. Mostly Spence had no choice. If he said anything disparaging about Davy, he was sure Jon would send him packing.

Jim came out the patio door to let Jon know he was home and was going to start on the pizzas as soon as he took a quick shower. A few minutes later, he returned to the kitchen in shorts and a T and began making dough.

Jon and Davy jumped out of the pool, toweling off and putting on their trunks before going into the kitchen to help. Spence soon followed.

While Jim was precooking the sausage to get some of the fat out of it, the boys chopped onions, green peppers, and bits of pepperoni. Davy and Jon chattered away with Jim, but Spence remained quiet unless asked a direct question. Eventually he got involved when he realized something had happened over the summer that he knew nothing about.

"I didn't hear about any kidnapping while I was in Montana. What's the story?"

"A man from my former church chloroformed me and tied me up with duct tape in the back of his SUV. Jon saved my butt and Officer Rankin (pointing at Jim) was so kind when he arrived just as Jon was freeing me. He was like another dad!"

"Why would someone from a church want to kidnap you?"

"Uh, my mother was partially responsible. She was pissed that my dad got full custody of me."

Spence nodded. He was beginning to see why Davy was devoted to Jon. It was probably just some kind of hero worship. He'd have to keep his mouth shut. Well, at least in terms of talking. He was sure he could win Jon back once he used his mouth in another way in private later.

Their conversation was interrupted at that point as Todd came in from the garage.

"Mmm, it looks like a pizzeria in here! Thanks for getting this going."

"No problem. Thanks for finishing up the paperwork so I could," Jim grinned. "You know I'd rather make a dozen pizzas than fill out a couple of forms. I'm about to put them in, so hurry if you want a shower before we eat."

"I'll just wash up a bit and save the shower for bedtime," Todd answered, giving his boyfriend a secret look that Davy and Jon also caught. "I'm afraid I'd take too long and these young'uns would eat it all up!"

The two of them longed to kiss, but were afraid they'd embarrass Jon in front of Spencer whom neither one knew very well. Had it been just Davy, they wouldn't have held back.

The boys decided to sleep out on the deck like Jon and Spence had done in the past. The temperature had cooled enough to be comfortable, but wasn't predicted to fall much before morning. They wouldn't need more than a sheet over them, if that.

Jon pulled the inflatable mattresses out of a box in the garage and the boys took turns blowing them up with the hand pump. After covering them with old comforters and a sheet each, he assigned the twin sized one to Spence, reserving the larger one for Davy and him to share. Spence didn't look happy, but didn't say anything. It would be more sensible to bide his time.

They played naked in the pool again with only the underwater lights for illumination. After drying off, they put on clean boxers to sleep in and settled down for the night.

Davy was drifting off on his stomach next to Jon when he heard Spence talking in a soft whisper. He forced himself to stay awake, but feigned sleep in order to find out what was being said.

"Is he asleep yet?"

"Yeah, he seems to be. What's up?"

"I've got some good stuff in my bag. Let's go light up."

"I thought you gave up that shit after we tried it a couple of years ago."

"Nah, I've been doing it all summer! This is primo Montana-grown weed. Billy, grandpa's main hired man, has a nice little setup off in a remote place where Grandpa doesn't go anymore. He shares enough with the others so they don't rat on him."

"How did you smuggle it home on the plane without being sniffed out by one of those dogs?"

"Grandpa paid Billy to drive me home so we could stop at Yellowstone and other places. He said it would help my education, and boy did it ever!"

"I suppose you saw a lot of sights."

"I saw more action..."


"Billy taught me a lot! He says I give the best head he's ever had and he can't wait for me to come back next summer. He wants me to fly out over Christmas break and I'm working on the grandparents already. After we've had a joint, I'll demonstrate my talents."

"First, we're not smoking."

"Why in the hell not?"

"I promised Dad I wouldn't."

"Bullshit!" Spence exclaimed, louder than he'd intended.

He remained quiet a minute watching Davy to see if he stirred.

"Promises to parents are only made to keep them off your back. What he doesn't know won't hurt him," he continued in a softer voice.

"It could. If a policeman's son got caught, it wouldn't reflect well on him. Besides, I don't like the feeling and I'm a man of my word!"

"Some man you are. You're too much of a wimp to have any fun."

"Peer pressure of that nature doesn't work on me," Jon proclaimed.

"Okay, I know some pressure that will," Spence snickered as he felt Jon's bulge through his underwear.

Jon turned onto his stomach quickly in an attempt to keep his dick under control and his loyalty to Davy intact. Being felt up like that would be a temptation for any horny teenage male.

"Oh, so you want to play bottom! I'm versatile." Spence said as he ran his fingers between Jon's legs toward his perineum.

"Stop it! You're not my boyfriend and I'm not your plaything. Cut it out or I'll get Dad to drive you home right now!"

"You'd be smart to cooperate so I don't have to tell your dad and Dave's that you're queers. I'll bet they'd make you stop hanging around together."

Jon started to giggle so hard that Davy couldn't fake sleep any longer and joined him.

"What the fuck?" Spence exclaimed.

By way of answer, Jon leaned over and kissed Davy on the lips. They held it a little longer than one normally would for a friendly peck.

"We do it in front of our dads too. And in case you decide to out us at school, don't even think of going there! You've told me enough to have your precious Billy arrested for growing pot and for molesting a minor."

"You can't! He didn't MAKE me do anything. I wanted to get fucked. I WANTED to do all of it!"

"Under the law, you're too young to consent. I didn't say I'm necessarily gonna tell, but I WILL do it for sure if you mess with us."

"Shit! I'm goin' home! Turn on a light so I can find my stuff."

"I'll go ask Dad to give you a ride. You shouldn't be out alone at this time of night. You'd have to walk a few blocks to catch a bus and they've stopped running by now anyway."

"I'm not afraid; I can walk a couple of miles!"

"What's the racket about?" Todd called as he came out in his boxers.

"Spence isn't feeling well and needs a ride home. He says he can walk, but I don't think it's a good idea – him being sick and all."

"You're right. I'll grab a shirt and shorts."

"I'm so proud of you," Davy cooed, nuzzling Jon's neck. "You really are a man of your word. You had a chance to get a blowjob from someone who's probably a lot better at it than I am and you turned it down."

"Actually, I'm a boy of my word. I don't think `man' applies quite yet. Besides why would I risk losing the guy I love for a few moments of sexual pleasure?"

"You feel like a man," Davy insisted as he explored the territory inside of Jon's boxers. "Let me reward my man with an amateur blowjob of my own."

"Only if I can do the same for you," Jon insisted.

They cuddled together pretending to be asleep because they didn't want Todd to catch them in a compromising position when he returned. They feigned it so well that they fell asleep before getting their promised rewards.

Author's notes:

Some of you asked about Wyatt's Thanksgiving because you couldn't find it in the list under my name. The link is:

Thanks to all who emailed since last posting. The list includes: Bill T, Ott H, Bill K, Walt S, Mendy D, Vern, Jim W, Tony W, Neal H, John McD, Roger L, Tom A, Bill K, Paul R, and Paul F.

Did anyone catch this happy couple who just got engaged? Aren't they adorable?


Next: Chapter 11

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