Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on May 17, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long 15


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

There are a few short stories also: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009) under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010) under "Beginnings," "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010) under the Science Fiction/Fantasy category, and "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011) under "Beginnings."

I am listed on Nifty under the category of "Prolific Net Authors" which will make it easier for you to access earlier stories. Some of these stories are also posted at: along with those of other writers that may interest you.

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Finally, David has a new site that is hosting a number of authors. It's at: My first story, "Always and Forever," is posted there.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, chapter 15

Davy and Jon spent a quiet evening at Jon's house on Friday. Todd and Jim were both on the night shift, so since Todd was aware that Joe would be gone on a sleepover, he had thought it would be a good opportunity to give Brock and Brent more privacy at their house while Davy and Jon had the run of his place. Had it been Jon and that boy, Spencer what's-his-name, he would not have done it. There was something about the kid that Todd didn't trust. Jim had had the same impression. They were both glad the boy hadn't been back since the night he had supposedly taken ill.

The boys made a batch of popcorn around 8:00 and cuddled naked on the sofa in the family room under a big downy comforter. Truth be told, their new "little bro" sometimes put a bit of a damper on their sexual activities. They didn't resent him in any way at all, but it was cool to be skin to skin and not worry about what kind of example they were setting for the younger boy.

Although "Field of Dreams" was Jon's favorite movie, it didn't hold his interest as much as the warm bat and balls within his grasp. It wasn't long before the boys were making out with the movie entertaining itself somewhere in the distance.

As was often the case, their activity began as play wrestling which quickly escalated to serious love-making. Their hands were soon petting whatever parts of the other one's body that were within reach. Eventually, they ended up on the floor in front of the fireplace nursing one another to rapturous orgasms.

Brock and Brent took advantage of being home alone and indulged in some fantasy play that they both enjoyed. Brock, in uniform, was the cop who had pulled Brent, a motorist with a lot of speeding tickets, over and let him go after receiving sexual favors. It involved handcuffs and a nightstick, but no one was bruised from the encounter. They both ended up getting off twice.

After Bradon went up to his room, Mark and Joe got down to discussing their secrets. Joe wept openly as Mark told about being molested by his swimming coach. He ended his disclosure by saying that he felt like damaged goods and that no one would want him after what he'd done.

Joe assured him that he was still pure since he'd not done any of those things voluntarily and even if he had done so, it didn't make him a bad person or someone to be looked down on.

When it was Joe's turn to tell his story, he told about his father's temper and how often he'd been spanked and sent to bed hungry over the years. He also admitted that his father had caught him masturbating when he gave him the last, and heaviest, beating. However, he didn't disclose that he'd been looking at gay porn while jacking off.

Mark ran his hand gently over Joe's back.

"I think they're healing. You might not have much in the way of scars. If you do, it will only make you look more macho."

"I hope they heal. I don't want to carry any more reminders of him than I have to!"

"Mom has a tube of vitamin E cream that helped make my hernia scar fade. Here look, it's barely visible, just a tiny pencil line."

Mark pulled his jeans and underwear down far enough to reveal his pubes and part of his dick in the process. The sight made Joe feel like he couldn't breathe! Then, when Mark invited him to touch the surgery site, Joe's jeans became almost unbearably tight.

"Let's go show Mom your back and see if she thinks the cream would do any good. You aren't embarrassed to be shirtless in front of her are you?"

"Nah, I might have been a few weeks ago, but everyone from the doctors and nurses in the hospital to my social worker has checked it out. I really don't mind anymore."

Mickey was watching the news when the boys found her in the family room.

"Mom, we need the vitamin E cream for Joe's back," Mark said and Joe took off his shirt.

"Who did this to you; has it been reported?" she asked with emotion, on seeing his back.

"My father did it to me, and yes the police arrested him and charged him with abuse. My parents are both under a no-contact order."

"I'm glad you've been removed from the situation. I remember hearing about a boy being brought in on a Saturday morning when I was off duty, but I didn't find out his name. Of course we are very careful about patients' privacy these days."

"That was probably me. I hope no other kid had to go through this."

"Let me get the cream. I'm very optimistic it will help. I know it did for Mark. You should have seen how red and puffy his surgery line was before he used it. He knows how to apply it because he's done it often. You must take it home and use it consistently."

"I'll pay you for it; I'm sure it's not cheap."

"It's not expensive and I'm sure it will be past its expiration date before we have call for it again, if ever. You'll be doing me a favor by taking it because I hate to waste."

Downstairs again, the boys stripped to their underwear and lay on one of the sleeping bags which they had placed on the air mattress. Mark asked Joe to lie on his stomach while he gently rubbed the cream onto the welts. Since a couple of them disappeared beneath the waistband, Mark lifted the elastic and rubbed that area too.

Poor Joe was both excited and on the verge of embarrassment as his penis filled with blood and hardened in reaction to Mark's ministrations. He wasn't sure what he should do if Mark asked him to turn over.

Fortunately, Mark pulled the other sleeping bag over them as soon as he finished. As he got up to turn off the light, it was obvious that he too had been turned on by the contact. The sight of a big bulge in Mark's underwear made Joe feel better about his own predicament, and hotter to boot, making it necessary to adjust himself.

"I wish I could pay you back for your kindness," Joe whispered. "Is there anything you'd like me to do?"

"Um, I'd like you to snuggle up against my back unless you think it's gay. Bradon does that for me sometimes and it makes me sleep better."

"Of course I will! I don't care what anyone else thinks if it helps you."


Joe loved the excuse to hold Mark in his arms. His nipples became erect as they came in contact with Mark's back. The scent of Mark's shampoo and body wash mixed with the natural aroma of his body acted like an aphrodisiac for Joe. He wondered if Mark was aware of the effect it was having on him.

The two fell asleep in that position and stayed cuddled together all night despite changing positions several times. No matter who was snuggled against whom, they rarely broke contact for any length of time.

Mickey peeked into the basement in the early light of dawn to check on the boys. Because they'd become too warm and pushed the top bag down, she could see that they were bare from the waist up and nestled like a pair of little kittens. They looked so adorable that she was tempted to take a picture, but decided against it. After all, it was sort of like she was spying on them. She wasn't upset by what she saw, but she did suspect that they were becoming quite close. Ah well, as Bradon had wisely said, "what will be, will be."

Joe awakened shortly after Mickey left the basement. His internal alarm was still set early even though he had given up the paper route. He idly wondered where on the route the new person was at this point. His successor was a young father who had jumped at the chance to make a little extra money after he got laid off from a good job and was now working at a low-paying one which wasn't providing enough income to keep his family. Joe was rather glad that Brent had talked him into quitting since it gave someone a chance who needed it.

Joe's bladder eventually convinced him to get up, so he emptied it after willing his dick to go soft enough to pee through. He dampened a wash cloth to wipe away the evidence of his wet dream. In doing so, he remembered it involved Mark and him in the Franklin locker room. He wished it hadn't been just a dream. Until recently, he'd been fearful that God would punish him for having a night emission. Now, he was dreaming of doing the things with Mark that they'd done in his mental picture. He had come a long way in a short time!

After brushing his teeth, he came back, crawled under the sleeping bag, and cuddled up against Mark's back again. After drifting for several minutes, he awakened to find that Mark was wrapped around his back. He could feel Mark's hot stiffy pressed against his butt. It was enough to make him hard again, especially since Mark began to hump in his sleep. In very short order, Mark whimpered and pumped a small warm load of cum. It made Joe feel even hornier than he'd been already. He reached for one of his discarded socks on the floor next to their makeshift bed. Slipping it over his erection, he stroked about four times before he climaxed. Again, he drifted in and out of sleep for another 15 minutes or so till he realized Mark was awake.

Mark made a hasty run to the bathroom and returned a few minutes later with a damp spot on his underwear where he'd tried to sponge off his jizz. His minty breath was evidence that he'd brushed too. Joe thought that might be a hopeful sign and decided to test the waters.

"I left something out when I told you all that stuff last night. I have to be honest with you. I was looking at gay porn when my father caught me."

"I left something out about me too," Mark confessed. "Are you gay like me?"

"Yeah," Joe admitted. "I didn't think you'd quit talking to me, but I didn't want to chance making you mad..."

"I had a feeling we might be alike. I thought we were going to kiss yesterday when Mom called us to help with the groceries."

"I thought so too."

"Have you ever kissed another guy?"

"Only my uncle and that wasn't on the mouth."

"Bradon and I have kissed on the cheek, but that's all the experience I've had. Do you want to try it?"

Joe nodded, and they tentatively kissed. It was awkward because they bumped noses in the process the first time, but it was sweet. They tried a second time with more finesse.

"That was awesome!" Mark exclaimed.

"Was it better than your dream?"

"Oh, you noticed."

"How could I miss when you were humping my butt before you came?"

"Seriously?" Mark blushed.

"Cross my heart!"

"It was a great dream because you were in it!" Mark grinned. "Sorry if I embarrassed you."

"You didn't; it was HOT! You were in mine too. I had sticky briefs earlier this morning. We were doing things I've only dreamed of, literally!"

"I'd like you to demonstrate someday, but I'm afraid to get into too much too soon, if you know what I mean. I want us to be close buds before we take a chance on messing things up."

"Me too! I only recently discovered what my dick was really good for and I've never done it with another guy."

"You know what I did with the coach and I don't want you to think I'm a slut by rushing things and leading you into stuff you're not ready for."

"I know you're not a slut, and I'll be happy to be led wherever you want to take me, I think. But I agree that we shouldn't mess around too much before we know that we really care for each other. And I'm not sure how much is too much. I mean, I want to see your stuff and feel it in my hands and I loved kissing you."

"We'll do as much kissing as you want and I think it would be hot to touch."

They kissed again, this time with their mouths slightly open. They were ready to touch tongues when they heard Bradon thundering down the stairs and pulled apart.

"Hope I didn't interrupt anything, but Mom has breakfast about ready. She got a call to sub for someone and she called Brock to make sure it was okay to leave us alone. She's so conscientious about stuff like that. Anyway, he said it was fine. I have to go to swimming practice and you guys can tag along or stay here and play."

"Much as I'd like to cheer you on, watching practice can be boring, so I think Joe and I will stay home if it's okay with you."

"Makes me no never-mind," Bradon grinned. "Just don't do anything I wouldn't!"

After breakfast when they were alone, the boys got out Mark's laptop and searched for advice on kissing. It took awhile before they found something that they really liked.* No doubt it had been written with opposite-sex couples in mind, but there was no reason they couldn't benefit from the article.

When they got to the paragraph about French kissing, they knew they were on the right track, and decided to stop reading and start practicing. In a matter of seconds, their passions began to rise and their boy parts along with them.

"I didn't know kissing could be this HOT!" Mark gasped when they came up for air.

"Me neither! I'm so hard I feel like I'm gonna burst."

"Me too," Mark agreed, pulling down his jeans and shorts to prove his point.

Joe quickly followed his lead. Suddenly the boys were sharing and comparing like they'd wanted to all along.

"Wow, you got to keep your skin?" Mark observed.

"I think yours is prettier," Joe responded. "In our church the males weren't supposed to be circumcised. Dave has his skin too, though I've never had a good look at it."

"I have, and he does. May I feel yours?"

"Sure, if I can too."

Although they only touched and didn't do anything more to stimulate each other, their Cowper glands were producing a fairly heavy flow of natural lube. Both wanted to masturbate the other to orgasm, but both held back.

"I guess we should put them away and zip up or we won't be able to keep from doing what we said we didn't want to do yet." Mark said with a determined look.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but I hope we don't wait forever!"

"We won't. Let's finish our homework and then try kissing again."

Thanksgiving break was a welcome change for most of the students, but even more special for Davy and some of his friends, in particular, the Witte boys. Lt. Philip Witte's Guard unit was scheduled to arrive at the airport late on Monday. Since there was no school for the whole week, several of Bradon's and Mark's friends wanted to join them to welcome their father and the other troops home.

Davy's dads were proud that Joe and he were willing to take the time to honor the company of soldiers they'd not even met. Naturally, their motives also had to do with supporting their new friends and getting to see events they'd only heard about in the past, but still, it represented an effort on their part.

Brock agreed to take a "herd" of boys in their SUV, while Willa's mother offered her minivan which would be filled with girls. In this case, Willa didn't mind being seen in it because they were all close friends from school who'd be with her.

They weren't all going just to see Bradon's dad because they knew several others among the returning soldiers. After one of their local servicemen had recently received a Congressional Medal of Honor, they felt more patriotic than they had in the past and realized how important these military people were to their freedoms.

There was an unusually large crowd at the airport for 10:30 at night. Normally it was nearly deserted at that hour. When the plane eventually landed a little after 11:00, the men on board felt quite emotional seeing the larger reception in their honor.

Upon deplaning, the soldiers got into formation in an area cordoned off for that purpose. They were barely able to contain themselves until the formalities were over and they were dismissed. Once they were allowed to find their families and friends, the scene was a madhouse.

Philip Witte found his family quickly because his sons and their friends were holding a huge banner with his name on it. His eyes were wet with tears as he joined them.

Bradon and Mark held back so their mother and father could kiss and embrace first. As much as they wanted to feel his strong arms around them, they realized that moms and dads had a special relationship that should be respected.

As soon as Phil released his wife from his bear hug, he grabbed Bradon and Mark, one in each arm and held them tightly against his body. He kissed them both on the cheek, not holding back his expression of love for them.

"How are you doing, Sport?" he said quietly, searching Mark's eyes.

"I'm good," Mark smiled. "You should see how Bradon and I are doing with swimming! I think you'll be pleased," he enthused, trying to take the spotlight off of him and his problems.

"You know I'm proud of you boys. My God, you've both grown a lot in the last six months!" he beamed. "I don't recognize all your friends; please introduce me."

Being an observant and sensitive man, Phil didn't miss the special blush Bradon had when he introduced Megan. She looked vaguely familiar, but she'd not been one of Bradon's good friends in the past. Obviously Bradon was growing up and had become aware of the charms of the opposite sex.

It was also apparent that Mark was close to his buddies, especially Joe. Mickey had told him about the special relationship they'd formed in his healing process following the molestation he'd suffered. Phil thought she had been correct in saying they were closer than a lot of boys. He wondered...

Jon and Chandler had known and respected Lt. Witte for several years, so they weren't quite as star-struck as Davy and Joe were. However, all the kids sensed that Phil was a good person who could be counted on when the chips were down. Joe felt that Mark was worrying unnecessarily about how his father would react when he eventually came out.

The Witte boys both had a swim practice on Tuesday, but at different locations. While Bradon was at the high school gym, Phil had a long talk with Mark. He brought up the subject of what Mark had been through and they both cried some in the process. Phil apologized for not being home when he was most needed. Mark said the coach had already begun to do improper things with him before Phil's last deployment and that he was sorry he hadn't had the guts to talk to his dad about it then – before it escalated.

At the end of their discussion, both felt a bit lighter for having aired their feelings. They were no longer ignoring the elephant in the room.

Phil dropped Mark at the Y on his way to pick up Bradon. Then the two of them spent quality time together. Phil praised his son for all he'd done holding things together in his absence.

"Mark told me in detail what you did to save him. You're a hero in his eyes and mine."

"Dad, I only did what anyone would have done in my shoes, plus I had two guys to help me. I'm not sure how it would have gone down without them, but I don't think Fanning would be standing trial if they hadn't been there. Since they took that evil minister down, they knew the importance of getting everything documented carefully. The DA says there is no question the coach will serve time because of the evidence. It's only a matter of how much time. Now that several young men have come forward with similar accusations, he will likely die in jail of old age, unless someone kills him first."

"I don't want someone to kill him! I want him to live many years with the burden of guilt for what he did to Mark and the others."

"Honestly Dad, I'm not sure he feels any guilt. I think he's convinced himself that the boys enjoyed it."

"Oh God, I hope there IS a judgment in the next world!"

Davy and Jon were both excited that they each had a grandmother coming to spend Thanksgiving. Davy was eager to meet Jon's Grandma Melba in person. He'd talked to her on the phone and by Skype, and she'd teased the boys about wedding plans after Jon had told her Davy was his boyfriend. Jon had come out to her several years ago, so there wasn't anything coming up that would be awkward.

Joe was slightly apprehensive because he hadn't met Davy's "good" grandparents or Melba either. However, the boys assured him that they were all great people who would dote on him as if he were their grandson.

"How are you putting them up since I'm in the guest room?" Joe asked.

"It's not the guest room; it's your room. I can sleep with you and they can have my room. Or, I can sleep with Jon at his house. It's no problem. We could probably use Cade and Harrison's apartment if we needed it. They're going to visit Cade's parents for the rest of the week and the weekend."

Todd picked up his mother at the airport on Tuesday afternoon. He took only Jon with him because there wouldn't have been room for the other two after he got Melba and her luggage in the convertible. It was one of the few times he wished he had a larger vehicle.

Jon texted Davy when they were on the way home, so Davy and Joe timed their short walk to meet them the minute they got there.

Since Melba had already hugged her grandson the minute she had passed from the security area, she made a beeline for Davy. After she'd nearly squeezed the life out of him, she headed for Joe.

"You have to be Joe! I'm so pleased to meet you. Please call me Grandma Melba and I'll adopt you as my grandson if that's okay with you."

"Thanks," he replied as he experienced one of her bear hugs. "You're very kind and you don't even know me."

"Well, I figure that any brother of my grandson's boyfriend is fair game to be my grandson-in-law or something like that. An old lady can't have too many grandsons!" Melba chortled.

Joe couldn't believe that a grandparent could be so loving and jolly. Jon was very lucky to have her.

David and Amanda arrived in their minivan later in the afternoon, so Joe was treated to another couple of grandparents who were ready to claim him as their own. He was delighted with all the attention.

Wednesday evening, Jon's and Davy's families all went out to eat together at the insistence of the grandparents. They would have Thanksgiving dinner separately and thought it would be fun for everyone to have at least one evening as a group. The boys were delighted to have their grandparents get acquainted in an informal setting where no one would be preoccupied by the process of preparing a meal.

Since the next couple of days would be filled with traditional food, they chose to go to El Rancho which was famous for its fajitas and margaritas. The latter were really smooth and tasty. Melba and Amanda decided to have a second one since they seemed very light. The men, who were driving, held back to just one. About midway through the second, both ladies got a bit silly, much to the delight of their sons and grandsons.

If anyone was experiencing a high that wasn't alcohol induced, it was Joe. He'd never experienced Mexican food before at all and he thought it was the greatest invention since sliced bread. Davy had grown up with tacos and what passed for refried beans, but he too was elated at the taste of authentic cuisine. His mother, like most of the church members, had decided that Mexican restaurants were dirty and that no self-respecting child of God should go there.

Joe and Davy teased each other about making music all night, given all the beans they'd eaten. Jon and Davy had already agreed that they would be sleeping at their own houses that night, so Jon joked that they'd have to settle for a duet rather than a trio.

After a couple of fun-filled hours, the families left for their respective homes.

Author's notes: The following is the site Joe and Mark used to learn to kiss better.


Thanks to: Larry, Walter Sz, Tom A, Stan W, Roger L, Bill K, Brian M, Mendy D, Jim W, Trish R, Bill T, Jeff, Tony W, Josh I, Paul R, Ott H, Paul F, JJ, Daniel L, Walt S, and Nathan N. for emailing this week.

Minnesota passes same-sex marriage bill:

Looks like marriage equality is coming!

Next: Chapter 16

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