Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on May 26, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 16


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

There are a few short stories also: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009) under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010) under "Beginnings," "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010) under the Science Fiction/Fantasy category, and "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011) under "Beginnings."

I am listed on Nifty under the category of "Prolific Net Authors" which will make it easier for you to access earlier stories. Some of these stories are also posted at: along with those of other writers that may interest you.

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Finally, David has a new site that is hosting a number of authors. It's at: My first story, "Always and Forever," is posted there.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 16

It was the first time in many weeks that Jon and Davy hadn't slept in the same bed. Both missed each other, but Davy had Joe to keep him company.

"Is Jon gonna be okay with us sleeping together?" Joe asked when they'd finished brushing their teeth.

"Sure. He trusts me and he understands that you're my brother. He knows some brothers sleep together and some teach their younger sibs stuff like jerking off, but there's no need for me to do that since you obviously know how to or you wouldn't have been caught and... Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to remind you of all that crap."

"It's okay. I'm glad I got caught and got beaten `cause it made Brent take pity on me so you guys would take me in. Otherwise, I'd still be living with my parents. I guess the Bible is right when it says that all thing work together for good for those who love God. Um, that reminds me, could you put the cream on my back tonight?"

"Sure, li'l bro, I'm happy to help. It may not feel as good for you as when Mark does it, but I'm all you got tonight."

Fortunately or unfortunately, it was very good for Joe. As he felt Davy's hands dip under the waistband on his briefs, he let out a contented sigh which sounded almost a purr, and his boy part began to swell in response. Instead of hiding his problem like he normally would have, Joe turned over on his back when Davy was done, allowing him to get a good view of the tent he was pitching.

"I'll bet you get noticed in the locker room," Davy quipped.

"Do you think I'm in the normal range?" Joe asked. "I haven't seen very many hard ones."

"I haven't either, but from that bulge, I'd say you measure up."

"Can we compare?"

"Um, you said you'd already felt mine."

"I want to put them side by side," Joe said, feeling nearly as horny as he had when looking at the porn magazines he'd found. "I just want to look. We ARE brothers, after all."

"Okay, I guess I'd do the same with other guys." Davy sighed, pulling his underwear down and pulling back his foreskin to reveal his pink head.

"That's really cool! I wish I could pull my skin back like that."

"You can't; how do you keep it clean?"

"Well, I shower every day and I can pull it back a little when it's soft."

"But there's bound to be stuff collecting further under your skin. You need to be able to clean all of it! You could get germs and have an infection and they'd have to cut your skin off to save your dick!"

"No way! What am I going to do?"

"I think you should use some lotion or something and pull it back as far as possible several times a day. If you grease it up enough, it shouldn't hurt too much. Then you should try holding it back a few minutes when you get hard. That will stretch it more. Eventually, it should be as loose as mine."

"Okay, now let's put them side by side." Joe insisted. "Wow, I'm bigger than I thought!"

"You're almost as big as me. Lots of times we think we're not as big as our friends because we see our own junk from a different angle. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Are we done now?"

"Just about. Can you pull up your balls so I can see?"

"Yeah, but what for?"

"You have a seam too."

"Oh, you mean the line going down my dick to my butt-hole?"

"Yeah. I thought I was the only one like that. I asked my mother when I was little and she said they had to sew me shut when I was born so my insides wouldn't fall out."

"That's nonsense! All guys are made that way. I looked it up on the Internet. The site said that up till about seven weeks boy and girl fetuses have the same sorta open genital area and when testosterone kicks in, the sack for our balls begins to form and our penises too. Then it closes up and leaves what looks like a seam. It's called the `penile raphe' or something like that. I remember because it reminded me of penis and that dorky kid from our old church named Ralph."

Davy's clinical description of genital development tended to cool Joe's horniness, and both boys were soft by the time he'd finished. Davy was relieved because he felt a little awkward about having Joe studying his penis so closely, especially when it was hard and beginning to ooze. He didn't want to do anything he wouldn't feel comfortable telling Jon about.

"Thanks, big bro!" I guess you've done your part to further my education. Honestly, I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. Now, we'd better get to sleep."

Thanksgiving Day was a time of feasting and counting blessings. Davy was especially grateful for how his life had changed in since the last November holiday. He was, for all practical purposes, a new boy in a new world. Some of the adjustments had been easier than others.

Having the freedom to surf the `net as he pleased and being able to be himself - with a boyfriend and the whole nine yards had been wonderful. Having to go to school every day had taken a bit of adjustment, but had soon become second nature. Jon and other friends had helped him make the transition fairly smoothly.

Another positive change was getting to know the father he'd never stopped loving. That and becoming acquainted with grandparent he'd scarcely remembered were things that made him truly thankful.

The meals in his home and others were fairly fancy with an overabundance of food. Davy thought about the poor and homeless who were eating at the church that day and wondered how they were doing. He remembered that Wyatt was serving and thought about the boy, Jesse, whom Wyatt had befriended. He sincerely hoped that Jesse's life would improve soon.

He didn't have to wonder for long because he got a text from Wyatt saying that Jesse was moving in with him. Davy responded with a quick "cool" and said he hoped to see them both on Monday, if not before.

Around 7:00 p.m. after their day of feasting, Mark's grandparents went home, and the Witte house felt suddenly empty. He begged his parents to let him call to see if Joe could spend the night. It surprised him that he didn't really have to plead his case.

Joe received permission just as easily, and was soon being dropped off by Brent. The minute Joe had been invited, Davy had texted Jon to see if they could spend the night together. Jon's grandma had told him not to stay at home on her account because she was making an early night of it. The consideration of her feelings had been the only thing holding him back, so he was at Davy's house in a flash.

"Did you get to act like a big bro and teach Joe anything last night?" Jon grinned.

"I let him see my hardon up close and he put his up next to it to see how he measured up. Actually, he's nearly as big. I also taught him about stretching his foreskin so he can clean his dick better."

"I wish mine looked more like yours and Joe's," Jon lamented.

"You have a little skin," Davy replied. "It's not like you were skinned completely! It's enough to protect that sensitive spot under the head."

"I know, but I'm still jealous. I wonder if it can be stretched in length as well as in width."

"We can look that up on the Internet too," Davy said. "You can find about anything on there."

Meanwhile at the Witte house, Joe and Bradon were trying to reassure Mark that things would go well for him. He had decided to come out to his parents that evening rather than to put it off any longer. He thought he would sleep better once it was over – however it turned out. He remembered that Cade had offered him a place to stay if things went sour.

"You don't have to do it tonight if you don't want to," Joe told him. "I'm only out because I kinda blurted it out and I knew that Brent and Brock are gay, so I trusted them with knowing about me."

"He's right, Mark," Bradon agreed. "He and I will protect you whatever you do and you know Mom and Dad aren't homophobes. I'm positive they won't turn on you, and if I'm wrong, I'll go with you wherever you go."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Sure! You're my baby bro and I'll stick by you even if our parents should decide not to. I don't want to live in this house if they don't treat you like they always have."

"Okay, I'm ready. I want you guys to be on either side of me when I tell them please."

"You've got it, bro!" Bradon squeezed his shoulder.

They found their parents in the family room with their feet up, relaxing over small glasses of white zin after a day of entertaining.

"Mom and Dad, I have something important that I need to discuss with you and I don't want to put it off any longer."

"What is it son? Are you feeling okay?" Phil asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I'm gay," he said quietly, giving in to a few tears at the end.

To Mark, the room remained still as a tomb for several minutes. In reality, it was only a few seconds before his father came over to where he was standing and hugged him close. Both of them shed tears. Mickey joined them quickly, embracing both father and son.

"I assume you other boys already knew," Phil smiled as Bradon and Joe.

They nodded.

"Are you sure about your orientation?" Mickey asked. "Does it have anything to do with what the coach did to you?"

"No Mom. I knew already I was attracted to boys. I'm pretty sure Fanning figured it out and used it to control me. He threatened to tell you and..." Mark began to sob in earnest.

His tears were partly from the pain of remembrance and partly from relief that he was out to his parents at last and was feeling no animosity from them.

"I'm not terribly surprised," she continued. "I dismissed some of the signs I should have recognized. I wasn't ready to face it."

"I'm sorry, Mom! I didn't mean to disappoint you."

"You haven't disappointed me! I love you and I always will. Your father and I have already discussed what we would do if you happened to be gay."

"Was I obvious?"

"Not really, but I couldn't help noticing how you reacted when Joe was around."

Her comment sent Mark and Joe into a round of deep blushing which tended to confirm her suspicions.

"Mom! I didn't say Joe was gay!"

"It's okay Mark. I'm out at home."

"I assume that's in your new home," Mickey commented.

"Yup. If my biological father had known for sure, he probably would have beaten me to death."

"Oh no!" Mickey exclaimed as she put her arms around the boy.

"Thanks," Joe smiled. "I wish my mother had hugged me like that."

"If you ever need an extra hug, I'm here," she replied.

"Now that you know we're both gay, are you going to keep us from sleeping together?" Joe asked.

"Are you boyfriends?" Phil inquired.

"Kinda," Mark admitted. "It's not like we've done anything like, you know..."

"Do you think it would be proper for Bradon to have Megan sleep over in the same bed?" Phil asked. "Should we treat you boys differently?"

"Megan could get pregnant, but Mark and Joe can't," Bradon spoke up, without realizing exactly how his comment sounded.

"That's true, but wouldn't we be giving Mark preferential treatment?"

"It would be okay with me," Bradon blushed. "I'm not gonna be doing stuff like that with any girl for a while yet."

"I don't think we should make any new rules, Phil. A wise person once told me, `what will be, will be' and I believe he was right," Mickey said with a quick glance in Bradon's direction.

"Okay boys, I guess we've gotten into your personal lives a lot deeper than I intended. It must be the wine! Sorry about that. I trust that neither of you will get pregnant if we leave you to your own devices."

Everyone laughed at Phil's comments. Three very relieved boys went to the basement, Mark challenging Bradon to some game on X-box on the way. Phil and Mickey smiled at each other as they left.

"Well, now we know for sure," Mickey said. "I wouldn't have wished him to be different, but I can't stop loving him because he is."

"Yup. And he knows how to pick a good kid to be with," Phil agreed. "It would be nice if they could stay together, but I suppose middle school romances don't stand much of a chance."

"I had a crush on you way back then," Mickey grinned.

"I liked you too, now that I think of it."

"Is that why you stole my pencils and teased me all the time?"

"Sure! How else does a 13 year old guy express his affection?"

"I'm glad you've grown out of that!"

"Yeah, I've moved on to bigger and better things. Wanna play with my joy stick?"

"Oh you naughty boy! Haven't we made up for lost time yet?"

"No! We missed last night."

"Good point. Let's go take a shower together."

School began again on Monday, bringing the kids' freedom to an end until Christmas break. It was a bit difficult to concentrate on academics knowing that another vacation was just around the corner.

Before classes, Davy and Jon found Wyatt and Jesse in the foyer. They all smiled and bumped fists. Jesse looked like a new kid. He was squeaky clean, with a fashionable haircut and new clothes. Anyone from the meals program would probably walk right by him on the street and not recognize him.

"Wow! Is it really you?" Jon exclaimed.


"He does clean up well, doesn't he?" Wyatt beamed.

"It's funny, but I had been thinking of both of you right before you texted and told me the news. I'll bet there's more to the story."

"There is," Wyatt said, "but we're not going to tell you all of it until a little later. I like you guys, but I don't know you that well yet. I think I can trust you."

"I'd bet on it," Jon responded, taking Davy's hand in his long enough for Wyatt and Jesse to see.

The both got knowing looks on their faces. It wouldn't be too long before they'd have an honest, open discussion to confirm their mutual suspicions.

The interval before Christmas break was an especially trying time for Joe since a hearing on his adoption was scheduled for the second week in December. He hoped and prayed that everything would go the way he wanted it to and that he would be officially a part of his new family by Christmas.

The proceedings took place in a small chamber in the courthouse with all the concerned parties seated around a large table. It looked a little like a business board meeting since Judge Keegan wasn't wearing a robe.

Brent and Brock were there with their lawyer, Frank Morris. Dr. Troxel and Ms. Baldus were also in attendance. Joe knew all of them were in his corner, making him feel relaxed. However, his face fell when his paternal grandparents, Hezekiah and Esther came in the last minute before it all began. Since the chairs at the table were all occupied, they sat in the front row of spectator seats nearby.

Judge Keegan began by reviewing the case.

"The parental rights of Isaiah and Orpha Smith have already been terminated by the court because of a history of abuse culminating in the severe beating of their son, Josiah, who is in foster care with Brock and Brent Mason-Hart. These gentlemen have been thoroughly vetted and are deemed fit and proper to be his parents. It is my understanding that they wish to formally adopt him and that he is eager to become their son.

Is that your pleasure, gentlemen?"

"It is," Brent and Brock answered in chorus.

"And that is also your wish, Josiah?"

"Yes sir!"

"Mr. Morris has presented the proper paperwork to expedite the matter, so I feel there are no obstacles in the way of moving this forward."

"My son didn't get a fair hearing!" Hezekiah interrupted in a loud voice. "His rights as a parent were violated. The Bible says if you spare the rod you spoil the child!"

"Who exactly are you and why are you interrupting these proceedings?" Judge Keegan asked, suspecting they were the grandparents.

"I am Josiah's loving grandfather and I demand that he be raised by my wife Esther and me since the Godless people who run our government won't let my son keep him."

"Sir, you are not in a position of demanding anything. Grandparents do not have the same legal standing as parents."

"That's wrong! You are ready to hand my innocent grandson over to perverts and I'm not allowed to bring him up in a Christian home! That is pure evil. The last days are upon us! The Beast is ruling the universe!"

"Your Honor," Joe said. "May I speak?"

"Certainly; of everyone here, you should have the major say in your placement."

"I stayed with my grandparents for a month last summer in Texas. During that time I was punished almost daily for not having my Bible verses memorized perfectly. This `loving' grandfather once tied me to a fence post in the sun in nothing but my underwear for three hours in the middle of the day with no shade or anything to drink. I was pretty much out of my head before it was over. I might have died if someone hadn't splashed water on me and given me a drink when he wasn't there."

"Who did that against my orders?" Hezekiah thundered. "I'll tan their hides!"

"Then you don't deny doing this to the boy, Mr. Smith?"

"Of course not! He was disobedient and I had to do what was best for him for eternity's sake! It's not about today. Our bodies are evil and we have to punish them to redeem our immortal souls! This world is only the front porch. Heaven is the mansion we will live in forever, if we please God! We are not..."

"That is quite enough clap-trap," Mr. Smith. "If you have no factual evidence to add to these proceedings, I will thank you to either sit quietly or to vacate these premises."

"I will not be still while my own flesh and blood is being handed over to evil homosexuals! I demand to be heard!"

"Bailiff, will be please escort Mr. Smith out of this chamber?"

"I will not leave without Josiah! Boy, you'd better come with me or you'll be sorry!"

"Bailiff, please find an officer in the hallway to take charge!"

"Your honor, I would like to request a no-contact order for Josiah's grandparents as well as his parents," Attorney Morris said.

"So noted; I will issue one immediately."

After two deputies removed Hezekiah in handcuffs with Esther following meekly behind, Judge Keegan continued.

"Josiah, I have already heard about the things your father did to you and there is no need to dwell on bad memories. Is there anything you'd like to say about your current placement – good or bad?"

"Sir, I am happier there than I've ever been! I have never known what it's like to live in a loving home without fear before now. Everything is new! I have a new brother, Davy, and several new friends who are great. Both of my new dads treat me like I'm somebody and not dirt! I'm going to public school and learning lots of new things. I'm even swimming some with a cool boy who is my best friend. I pray I won't wake up to find it's all a dream. I don't want to go anywhere else, especially Texas!"

"Don't worry, Josiah. I'm not sending you to live with your grandparents. If they had been kind and loving and you had wanted to go with them that might have been a different scenario.

Now does anyone else have anything to say for the good of this case?"

In turn, both Dr. Troxel and Ms. Baldus gave their recommendations that Joe be placed permanently with Brent and Brock and that the adoption should take place as quickly as possible to aid in healing his emotional wounds as he well as his physical ones.

At the end of the hearing, Judge Keegan granted Brent and Brock's petition to adopt Joe. After the pronouncement was made, Joe hugged everyone including the judge. While that wasn't exactly proper decorum, the judge hugged him back instead of chastising him for his show of elation. It nearly brought tears to his eyes to see the boy so happy.

Brock and Brent were taking Joe out for lunch before driving him back to school. They planned to have a celebratory dinner on Friday evening, but felt they wanted to make the whole week as special as possible. As they stood on the courthouse steps, Joe asked the question that was on his mind.

"Am I legally Joseph Mason now?"

"That may take awhile," Brent told him. "I wish it were that simple. Our lawyer said he'd file the paperwork before he goes to lunch, but these things don't move as quickly as they do in novels and movies."

"Oh... I had hoped I'd be your son before Christmas." Joe said with a wan smile.

"The formalities don't really matter; you're still our son from this day forth! You won't be treated any different. We'll still tease you and give you noogies!"

"What's a noogie?"

"Here, let me demonstrate," Brent said and he embraced Joe around the shoulders and massaged his scalp with his fist, messing up his hair.

Joe's laughter wafted though crisp late fall air like the sound of a playful cherub. Everyone within hearing range smiled, including Judge Keegan who was exiting the building at that moment.

When asked whom he'd like to take to dinner on Friday, Joe said he wanted Mark, Bradon, Chandler and Jon as well as his brother, Dave. He offered some of his allowance money toward the cost of the extra boys.

"Joe, you are my son - our son," Brent said with tears in his eyes. "We want to do this for you. You can't imagine how special you are to me."

"I kinda knew that," Joe smiled. "You've given me your last name like Davy has his dad's."

"We love you both as our sons, but we thought hyphenated names might be rather cumbersome if you decide to combine your names with your partners' someday. We love you both as equally as possible, but I do feel a unique bond with you. I don't love Davy any less. I'm not saying this well..."

"I know what you mean," Joe smiled. "I feel closer to you than any other adult because you were the first to see to my wounds and take care of me. I felt love in your touch. That doesn't mean I don't love you too, Brock!"

"I'm not jealous and I'm sure Davy isn't either. We are gonna be one happy family. It's all good!"

Author's notes: Thanks to those who emailed this week: Jim W, Larry, Josh I, Roger L, Bill K, Walt S, Mendy D, Tony H, Tony W, Tom A, Trish R, Ott H, Paul F, Paul R, Charles C, JJ, and Scott W.

Found this video recently. I can see Jim doing something like this with Todd, though they are just a little younger than these two appear to be.

Openly gay boys can now be scouts! Tommy and Tanner will cheer even though it's too late for them.

Thoughts and prayers for the people of Moore, OK as well as others in storm-related difficulties.

Next: Chapter 17

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