Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Jun 1, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 17


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 17

For their Friday night celebratory dinner, Brent made reservations for eight at Zephyr's where Harrison was working as a waiter. He specifically asked to be seated in one of the small dining rooms with Harrison as their server. He knew that being requested by name would give their friend brownie points with the management. He also thought it would be nice to have a reason to tip the young man generously.

The party of eight consisted of Brock and Brent, plus their two sons, of course, their son's boyfriends, and Bradon and Chandler. All were dressed nicely in khakis and long-sleeved dress shirts with open collars. They looked spiffier than a lot of office workers do on the last day of the work week.

Harrison was the perfect waiter. He was very attentive, making sure that each person was treated like royalty. He was returning with their drink orders when he noticed a scruffy-looking man and a distressed appearing woman heading in the direction of Brock's table. When he got closer, he could see that the man had a gun mostly hidden under his coat.

"Excuse me!" he said in an exaggeratedly campy manner. "I need to serve these drinks before they get warm!"

"Go back to the kitchen. We have family business to conduct about my grandson and we don't need your interruptions, faggot!"

"How rude!" Harrison exclaimed in exaggerated offence. "I'm going to have to report you to the management for your hateful language."

As he said that, he knocked a glass of ice water on Hezekiah Smith's foot, diverting his attention for a moment. Then before the old man knew what had hit him, he had been disarmed and was pinned to the floor, face down.

"Never cross a man when he's doing his best `fairy' routine," Harrison advised in his normal voice. "And if you don't keep quiet and stop struggling, you could end up seriously injured – by accident, of course.

I don't suppose anyone in the room has a pair of handcuffs they can lend me. I'm not planning anything kinky, so they don't have to be pink or fuzzy."

"Sgt. McBride at your service," said a man who had quickly come to his aid. "You were awesome! I had spotted the gun and overheard part of the conversation. You solved the problem while I was trying to formulate a plan that wouldn't result in anyone getting hurt. Your diversion and quick moves were wonderful. Obviously, you have training. Have you been in law enforcement or the military?" he asked as he cuffed Hezekiah and sat him firmly in a chair not far from the dinner guests.

"Neither, but I've studied martial arts for a while. What's the plan now?" Harrison asked. "Please tell me it won't disrupt our guests in the whole restaurant. It's our busiest night of the week – and most profitable."

"I don't see any reason to cordon off this dining room, much less the rest. My wife and I are planning to enjoy your prime rib tonight for our anniversary celebration with our families. Since we're the only other people in the immediate area, I doubt anyone else knows about the incident seeing that no shots were fired. I've called the station and advised them to send the officers through the kitchen to cause as little disruption as possible."

Initially, everyone chattered excitedly about Harrison's heroic actions, but all stopped talking when Esther began berating her husband.

"I told you not to come here and threaten them! Josiah isn't ours anymore. You've gotta let it be!"

"Be still, woman! I'm the head of the household and you WILL obey." Hezekiah insisted.

"There won't be a household much longer. I'm leaving you."

"You can't do that. Who's going to post my bail? The Lord commanded us to stay together until death does us part. How will you survive without me?"

"Oh shut up, you old billy goat. Find one of your cronies to put up the money! I contacted Ruth two days ago and she told me I can live with Karen and her in California. She's sending me a plane ticket."

"You'd live with lesbians?"

"I'll live with my daughter and her wife, if that's what you mean."

"Go for it, Grandma." Joe spoke to her for the first time. "I'm glad you're not like he is."

Esther turned toward Joe who was sitting near the end of the table, "I should have intervened more last summer; I'm so sorry."

"You probably saved my life with that water..."

"It was you who went against my orders!" Hezekiah said in anger and amazement.

"Yes, but not soon enough or forcefully enough!" Esther spat back.

The arrival of the two officers who slipped in through the swinging door interrupted their dispute.

"Dad!" Jon said as he jumped up to hug first Todd and then Jim. "You've gotta hear about what Harrison did. He should be put up for an award."

"Sgt. McBride mentioned that when he called," Todd answered.

Once there, Todd and Jim made quick work of it. They recorded the names of witnesses they knew and could get the rest from Bill McBride, so they didn't need to spend a lot of time at the scene. They were there long enough to see that the diners were being served their appetizers by their very professional waiter who was as cool and unruffled as if nothing unusual had happened.

Despite the "unfortunate incident" as they would forever say in referring to Hezekiah's actions, the dinner party resumed and everyone delighted in the food. The prime rib was succulent as was the lobster. Davy and Joe were probably the most impressed because they'd not grown up with such luscious things to eat. While the other boys didn't feast on these often, they had certainly eaten them before.

When Harrison looked at the amount that Brent had added to the bill for a tip, his eyes widened. Then he read the short note on an additional piece of paper, and he beamed.

"We've discussed it with the boys and they will be happy to sleep over at their boyfriends' houses while Cade's family members are in town for your graduation. His parents can have Davy's room and his brother and wife should be comfortable in Joe's, so you can all be under the same roof and spend more time together and less traveling to motel rooms. Consider this a small token toward paying you back for what you've done for us."

Harrison breathed a sigh of relief. He had been obsessing over housing Cade's relatives because there was a big sporting event on the same weekend and rooms were at a premium. He could hardly wait to tell Cade, so he sent him a text immediately.

Ronald (Ron) and Virginia (Ginger) Carstenson arrived the night before graduation bringing their son Randy and his wife Dawn with them. Brock viewed the fact that they had all ridden together as a sign of how well they got along, and his observations were on the mark. Unlike some in-laws, Dawn fit in with the rest as if she'd been born into the family, and they all treated Harrison as blood-kin as well. Many hugs were exchanged among them.

Brock introduced them to the rest of the household and showed them where they'd be sleeping. Cade and Harrison had an array of snacks ready in their apartment to share and invited the Mason-Hart clan to join them. However, Brock and Brent declined, feeling that it should be family time for Cade and his relatives. Besides, Davy was leaving soon for Jon's house and Phil was coming to collect Joe at any moment.

By prearranged plan, the door between the apartment and the upstairs was left open so that Cade's family could move about as they wished. Randy and Dawn went to their bedroom a bit earlier than the rest. Randy was living up to the double meaning of his name and wanted to spend "quality time" with his young wife. It was fortunate that the house was well-built so the sounds of their coupling weren't broadcast to the rest. Brock had considered how the closets isolated that room from the rest when he had made the room assignments.

Despite the gray December afternoon, Harrison's spirits were high as he stood in line anticipating the first notes of Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance" which would begin the graduates' march down the aisle. He had worked hard for his degree, not only in studying but also in paying most of his own way.

When his turn came to receive his diploma, his eyes glistened with tears. At last, the tangible symbol of his efforts was in his hands.

Having Cade's family there for him also made him emotional. They were not only supportive, but were hosting a dinner in his honor at the restaurant in the same room where he had served the Mason-Hart clan earlier in the month. Their guest list included Brock, Brent, their sons, and their sons' boyfriends.

He had wanted to invite the Mason-Harts to the ceremony, but tickets were at a premium because winter graduation was held in a small gym which barely had room for the graduates' families, let alone additional guests.

Just as Harrison was being hugged by Cade after the ceremony, he spied his mother heading for the exit.

"Mom!" he called. "I'm so pleased you were able to come!"

Vera Brooks turned with an expression akin to that of a deer caught in the headlights. She seemed uncertain of what to do until Harrison came running over and embraced her. Then she cried against his chest.

"I'm so sorry about what happened in July. I should have stood up to your father then. We're separated currently and I've insisted on a number of conditions before I'd even consider reconciliation. He's been pleading for me to come back to him, but I'm not sure I want to even if he apologizes to you. If he doesn't, there is no way I'd live under the same roof again! I didn't know how you'd feel about seeing me, so I've been afraid to contact you. I know you must hate me!"

"I don't hate you, Mom. I felt a great sense of loss when you seemed to react the same way as Dad and the boys when I came out. I'm really surprised and pleased that you don't hate me and that you took the time to come today."

"I didn't think I would be here because I'd been told tickets were limited, but a friend had an extra because her husband had to be out of town on business. I did my best to stay out of sight so as not to ruin your day."

"You have helped MAKE my day! Come and meet the love of my life and his family. You've only heard about them second-handed."

Introductions were made all around and Ginger immediately invited Vera to join them for dinner. Harrison called the restaurant to have another place set, over Vera's protests that she didn't want to crash the party.

The dinner party was a great success and it didn't cost Cade's parents anything in the end. The owner of the restaurant wanted to reward Harrison for the way he'd handled the incident with Joe's grandfather and this seemed to be a win-win situation for all concerned. Harrison had not only kept them from losing business on that night, but had also helped keep the reputation of the place intact. In addition to the sumptuous meal the Carstensons had planned, there were a number of appetizers and special desserts which they'd not expected.

Harrison would be eternally grateful to Cade's family for the way they adopted his mother. She appeared to be easily accepted as another member of an extended family. A large part of what he had lost in the summer had now been restored. He felt like Job at the end of his story.

"What do you want for Christmas," Joe asked Mark as they lay cuddled, fully clothed, on Mark's bed.

"You!" Mark responded with a big grin.

"You have me already, or were you talking about my butt?"

"No, I'm not ready to do anything like that! But I might like to do more than kiss pretty soon."

"Me too. I almost unloaded in my undies last time we were making out. I had to finish it when I got home..."

"I did too. I don't suppose there's any reason we couldn't jerk off together. I'm a lot more comfortable about the idea of playing around with another guy than I was when I started therapy. You know I love cuddling and kissing, but since I was forced..."

"I was scared because I thought I'd go to Hell, but I no longer fear that God will punish me for messing around," Joe said. "I remember not long ago I judged Davy for things I thought he was doing. Now I'm eager to try them too, but I'm still a little nervous about the whole thing."

"We can help each other. I've been scared because I was taught things by a dirty old man instead of discovering them with a nice kid like you. I know you were really sheltered and not told about sex, but if I can fill that gap, don't be afraid to ask me. I don't know everything, but Bradon's explained a lot to me since they got the talk' at school this year. He and I looked on the net for more details. And if you're afraid I caught something from the coach, my tests came back negative and so did his. The court made him get tested for my sake."

"I trust you, but I'm pretty naïve about a lot of sex stuff, even playing with myself. Is there a special way to do it?" Joe asked excitedly.

"Not really; it's whatever feels best to you. Sometimes you just wanna get off and other times it's good to take it slowly and hold back till you can't stand it any longer. Bradon say's that's called `edging' because you stay on the edge for a long time. I guess when you finally blow it's awesome, but I can never hold back very long."

"That might be something two guys could do together and kinda torture each other, um, in a good way." Joe speculated.

"Maybe sometime, but there's something else I'd like to try first to help hold off a little, unless it would make you uncomfortable."

"What's that?"

"In involves two guys getting naked and kissing and stuff and then rubbing their bodies together with their dicks between them with one guy on top – um, unless it would make you uncomfortable. I mean, it's kinda like screwing, so if that's too scary..."

"Can we help each other get naked?" Joe asked in response.

"Um, yeah if you want to; that would be really hot!"

Their hearts both began to beat faster as they helped one another undress. As Mark was removing Joe's briefs, he stopped to bury his nose in Joe's pubes despite his initial apprehension.

"You smell nice," Mark sighed, having conquered yet another phobia.

"That feels hotter than anything I've ever done!" Joe squealed.

"Sh! Don't be too loud or someone might suspect what we're doing."

"How are we gonna stay quiet when it gets really good?" Joe questioned.

"Good point; I'll turn on some music to help cover the sound," Mark offered.

He didn't play it loud enough to cause anyone to knock on the door and ask them to tone it down, but his choice of tunes would help mask any gasping or moaning that was likely to take place.

Their first real sharing of their bodies was probably a lot more romantic than what most kids do, whatever their orientation. Because they had experimented mainly with kissing for several weeks, their foreplay was nothing short of fantastic. Both were perspiring and leaking fluid long before Joe pulled Mark on top of him, sensitive to the fact that Mark might feel trapped if he were on the bottom.

Once in position, Mark began to flex his hips in the time-honored manner. Joe cupped Mark's fleshy globes to help. Soon, they were gasping into each other's mouth. All of their senses were filled with nothing but the taste and aroma of one another; and their breathing became more rapid yet.

Then with an upward thrust and a gasp, Joe began to fill the space between them with his stored up seed. Mark followed suit quickly. For several minutes, they kissed gently as they came down from their sexual high.

"I love you," Joe blurted out.

"I love you too," Mark responded.

"I'm sorry; we weren't gonna say that," Joe grinned.

"It wouldn't matter if we said it or not because we feel it." Mark observed.

"Do you think we can last forever?"

"We can try. Um, have you ever tasted it?"

"A little, Joe admitted. "Do you want to?"


Little, if any, "precious seed" went to waste.

Christmas at Davy's house would be a low-key family affair. Brock's parents, Amanda and David were in Switzerland with his bother Sean and family. Since they were now living state-side for the foreseeable future, they felt they must spend some quality time with their family abroad. They were hoping to have everyone come to Florida the following year to enjoy a warmer winter vacation.

Davy didn't expect to see many people other than his boyfriend and Joe's boyfriend plus a few others at swim practice. It would be a quiet vacation, but a wonderful one because it would be his first Christmas in many years with his dad.

On December 24th at around 1:30 in the afternoon, the doorbell at the Mason-Hart residence rang. Davy answered it and was surprised to see Judge Keegan on the front steps.

"Please come in," he said. "My dads are somewhere in the house. May I hang up your coat and get you something to drink before I look for them? I know there's adult eggnog in the fridge."

"Thanks, but I don't plan to stay too long. Actually I came to see Josiah or `Joe' as I guess he prefers to be called.

"Hey Joe, you have a visitor," Davy called up the stairs.

Joe was perplexed because he wasn't expecting anyone at the moment. When he saw the judge standing in the foyer he swallowed, thinking something about his adoption had gone wrong. This was not good a day to receive bad news.

"Joe, it's good to see you," Judge Keegan greeted him with a warm smile.

"I have a little present that Santa asked me to drop off."

Joe shook the man's hand as he accepted a manila envelope. He opened it quickly and scanned the paper inside. Then a big smile lit up his face. It was the official adoption certificate!

"This is the best Christmas present ever!" Joe exclaimed as he impulsively hugged the man. "I thought I wouldn't get it for another month or two."

"Well, sometimes the wheels of justice run a little faster when someone greases them a bit. I knew how much this meant to you, so after it got bottle-necked in someone's cubical, I hand-carried it through the process and everyone was cooperative in expediting it. Some of our bureaucrats seem to enjoy currying my favor by helping me out on occasion."

"What's all the excitement," Brent asked as he came in from the garage.

"I'm yours for sure now!" Joe exclaimed, handing Brent the paper. "The judge brought it to me!"

"That was most kind of you, Sir!" Brent said. "Please let me take your coat and find you some refreshment."

"Thanks, but David already made the offer. I have to get home before Marcia skins me alive for being late on Christmas Eve. My children and grandchildren are due in another hour. Anyway, I had to see the smile on Joe's face to make my holiday complete."

"You've certainly made his day, and mine! Thanks so much for doing this.

After the judge had departed, Brent went to look for Brock to tell him the news. Brock was equally elated.

The Christmas Eve service that ended at midnight was well attended. It seemed as if most of Davy's new family and friends were there. Brock and Brent sat with Todd and Jim who had brought Melba and Jim's father Matthew with them. It was the first time any of the group had met Matthew, and all took to him quickly. He was friendly and amiable and looked like he could be Jim's older brother because of his youthful appearance and similar features.

A whole row of well dressed high school and middle school boys sat behind them. It included Jon, Davy, Joe, Mark, Bradon, Chandler, Wyatt, and Jesse.

Cade and Harrison slipped in the last minute and the boys moved closer together to give them room. The younger guys thought it was great to have their twenty-something buds with them. It made them feel grown up.

The service was beautiful, and all the participants went out into the crisp December air feeling peaceful and refreshed.

Everyone at Davy's house slept in a bit the next day. Davy and Joe awakened to the aroma of coffee brewing and took it a sign that breakfast wouldn't be too far behind. They were not disappointed, though it turned out to be more of a brunch than a breakfast.

Brock was busy frying bacon while Brent was minding the Belgian waffle-maker. It wasn't long before they were all sitting down to a hearty meal.

After clearing the table and tidying up the kitchen, they retired to the living room to open their gifts. There wasn't anything very expensive, and the boys didn't expect more than they received. Their fathers provided for most of their wants and needs on a regular basis, so these were more like token presents to mark the meaning of the season.

Each guy had found a little special remembrance for each other, plus their dads gave the boys gift cards that they could use in stores or on line. Joe would spend several hours later trying to find the best use for his. He had grown up being frugal and continued to watch his money carefully. It wasn't that his father hadn't made a fairly decent living, but the man had given more to the church than was sensible and had kept the lion's share of the remainder for himself.

Both Joe and Davy had shopped on line earlier for their boyfriends' presents. They all had a bit of an underwear fetish, so it seemed appropriate to find sexy intimate garments for their love interests. Brock had let them use his credit card for the purchases from Moda Audaci. Since they were eligible for free shipping if they spent a few dollars more, they had bought matching items for themselves. They could hardly wait (or possibly wait HARD-ly) to model them together. That would happen soon.

Around 7:30, Phil dropped Mark off, and Jon arrived a few minutes later on foot. Everyone headed for Davy's room to play video games and exchange their personal gifts.

After their short tournament, Mark opened his present from Joe and blushed when he saw the skimpy briefs with a sculpted pouch to hold his jewels. Jon didn't tease him because he accurately predicted his gift would be similar.

Jon and Mark had both purchased bikini swim suits for Davy and Joe, so it was obvious they had all been thinking with their little heads too. No one could wait to try on their presents, so they quickly stripped and slipped into them before their boy parts expanded enough to make it difficult.

Davy and Joe, having been sheltered most of their lives, were the first to pop boners from being nearly naked in close proximity with other boys in the same state.

"Let's go to my room," Joe said with his discarded clothes in one hand and Mark's hand in his other.

"We're fine right here," Jon teased. "But if you want us to go there, it's okay with me."

"Not you guys!" Joe blushed.

"Davy, it looks like we're not wanted. I wonder why they're planning to be alone. You don't think they're really that sleepy do you?"

"I don't care about them," Davy replied. "I just hope you're not!"

Suffice it to say that both couples found the desire and energy to finish up their Christmas celebration in an appropriately romantic fashion.

Author's notes: Thanks to those who responded this week: Ott H, Paul R, Roger L, Walter Sz, Jim W, Bill K, Tom A, Tony H, Vern, Daniel L, Tony W, Josh I, Mendy D, Scott W, Walt S, Nathan N, Dick W, Roger P, JJ, JTR, and Trish R.

As of Friday night, there's more hardship for Oklahoma. Let's do what we can and hope they don't suffer more!

Below are some links which you might want to pursue. JTR sent the one about whales, hoping to get us all to sign the petition.

Todd saw the article about lost boys and they reminded him of Davy and Joe, but were in more extreme situations than our boys.

I think I found the one about the basketball player from a Catholic school coming out. Interesting reaction from the school; I guess if you score lots of points it counts as dispensation... Oops, sarcasm on my part.

Next: Chapter 18

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