Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Jun 24, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 20


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

A complete list of my stories may be found in the longer header before chapter 1, or on Nifty's homepage under the alphabetical listing of authors.

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David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 20

Bradon awakened first and took a quick shower to lessen the congestion when the rest got up. Micah was stretching in bed when he came back nude into the room they were sharing.

"You're impressive even when you're soft," Micah observed, having scanned his body.

"Thanks. Do I take it you're okay with last night?"

"Yup! I've always wanted to do that, but never got the chance except fantasizing with my computer." Micah blushed.

"I wanted to do it with someone other than my brother," Bradon admitted. "I still like girls, but it's fun getting off with a guy too."

"Same here, I think. I know some guys can go either way and I might be one of them."

"Not to change the subject, but you might want to use the shower before the others wake up."

"Um, do I smell that bad?"

"No, you smell great. I'm just making a suggestion so you don't have to rush."

"I know," Micah grinned. "Here, you can sniff my armpit!"

"I'll take a rain-check.

"What took you guys so long last night?" Davy snickered when Bradon and Micah emerged from the bedroom dressed in swim trunks and tank tops.

"We wanted to give you bums a chance to get your rocks off so we took a moonlight swim." Bradon teased.

"Skinny, I hope!"

"Of course," Bradon smiled. "Is there any other way?"

"Not when it's just a bunch of guys." Davy agreed.

Knowing Grandma's schedule, the rest of the guys got up and showered before the intercom buzzed. Since they showered with their boyfriends and resisted the temptation to fool around, it didn't take much time.

Amanda observed the boys' interactions over breakfast. She was pleased to see how they'd all adopted Micah because she could tell he was starved for companionship and affection. She decided to talk to her grandsons privately to see how they felt about simply including him in their activities for the whole time they were there. He appeared to be good company for Bradon and evened up the number of pairs so Bradon wouldn't feel like a fifth wheel.

When she got the chance to ask the boys, they gave her plan a big thumbs-up. Then she called and ran the idea by Micah's Uncle Seth who agreed, but insisted on buying some of the groceries to help reimburse her for his nephew's keep despite her objections that it wasn't necessary.

Sunday was another day of playing a lot in the water. Because Brock and Brent wouldn't be around for the week like the kids would, the boys told them that they should ski as much as they wished. The men did take several turns, but still wanted the boys to have the lion's share.

Around 4:30, after saying their farewells, Brock and Brent left for home and the boys continued to play. Grandpa told them he trusted everyone with driving the boat, so he was going to take a nap. The boys continued to be responsible after he left, but they did try skiing nude, except for life vests, until Joe took a spill that smacked his nuts soundly. After that, they put their trunks back on unless they were in the boat. Fortunately Joe wasn't in pain very long and his boys didn't swell up. Of course, Mark had to check them several times to make sure they were okay. He even got brave enough to give them a kiss to make them better. Surprisingly, the others didn't tease him.

Before bedtime, the boys went skinny dipping. For the most part, they didn't end up with stiffies because they'd already been around each other several hours undressed.

On Monday over breakfast, Grandpa and Grandma elaborated on their plans for celebrating Joe's Birthday at the end of the week.

"Since it's your golden birthday and your first birthday with us, we thought we'd go all out," Amanda told him. "The party will be our gift to you."

"I've never really had a birthday party because my family didn't celebrate them. Um, they were stricter than about anyone else in the church, including Davy's mother. They got the idea from the Jehovah's Witnesses I think."

"That's sad; we'll have to make up for lost time," Amanda said.

"Um, what's a golden birthday?"

"It's when your age is the same number as the date you were born on," Grandpa chimed in. "On the 14th of June, you'll be 14."

"That's cool! I'd never heard of that, but it sounds special."

"We thought we'd drive to the Dells because it's supposed to be the "water fun" capital of the world with various water slides and the like." Grandpa David continued. "It's not a terribly long drive, but to get the full enjoyment out of it I've made reservations to stay overnight on the 13th at a place with cabins. Grandma and I will have our own and you boys can share one with three bedrooms, if that's okay."

All the boys nodded in the affirmative. They were all compatible and would enjoy being together. By this time, none of them was self-conscious about nudity.

"On the way, we can visit a park we read about and have a picnic lunch. That will save time, and give you boys the chance to stretch your legs at about the halfway point. It will be a leisurely trip, so we can hike trails, check out the shops, or look at the exceptional scenery," Grandma added.

The next day, you can do all the water things you want and have a great dinner with a birthday cake. When we're ready, we can drive straight back other than pit-stops as needed."

"Should we take our sleeping bags?" Davy asked.

"Yes," Grandma answered. "The cabins are fairly small and primitive, but are guaranteed to be clean. We'll need our own towels as well.

For clothes, you should take a pair of decent shorts and a shirt for eating out, but you don't need more than sandals and swim trunks besides those. You'll need toothbrushes and the like, but if we forget anything or run into a problem, we can always go to a Wal-Mart."

"Could we stop in the town with the art galleries on the way?" Davy asked.

"Certainly," Grandma smiled. "I want to get there sometime this summer to find another pastel to hang in our condo in Florida so we have things to remind us of this part of the world. I hope the owner of that shop has more works by the same young artist."

For the rest of the day, the boys played hard on the lake. Davy and Joe became more comfortable on skis by the hour, it seemed. No one took any serious spills despite cutting back and forth across the wake of the boat. By suppertime, they were all pretty well played out.

They took showers early and retired by twos. From the quiet that descended on the bunkhouse, it appeared that no one did anything other than sleep once the lights were out.

The next day, they took it easy so as to be rested up for the birthday trip.

On Thursday, they all arose early, rolled up their sleeping bags and packed a few things for their overnight at the Dells. They managed to get their personal gear into two gym bags so that things would fit in the van. Since Grandma and Grandpa were as sensible in their packing, everything fit without crowding the passengers. One of the boys would have to sit in the small jump-seat in the second row, but since all were slender, it wouldn't be a hardship.

After a big breakfast, they got underway. Although they were all excited, some of them napped on and off after the first half hour on the road.

Their shopping stop at the art galleries didn't take very long because Amanda quickly found the pastel she wanted. It was a lakeshore scene with several boys who were evidently skinny dipping. Most were in the water, and the one who was preparing to dive off of a large rock formation was partially screened by a tree branch so his genitals weren't on display. As was often the case in paintings by Joshua, the figures were in a natural state without being overtly erotic.

Lunch in the forest preserve was also a delight. Everyone hiked one of the easier trails after feasting on sandwiches, chips, and fruit. Back in the van again, everyone stayed awake. The scenery became more interesting as they neared their destination.

Grandma insisted on checking out their accommodations before she allowed Grandpa to formally register. When she was satisfied that the facilities were clean, she gave the go-ahead to get settled. She asked the boys to come to their cabin in about a half hour to load up again and take a tour of the area so they could decide which places looked to be the most fun for the next day's activities. She told them she had an additional surprise for them.

The bigger cabins, if you can call them that, consisted of a small sitting room with a galley kitchen at one end. There were two tiny bedrooms on each side of a small bathroom, and another bedroom in the loft which was accessed by a ladder instead of real stairs. Bradon and Micah volunteered to take that one, but said they'd trade if someone else preferred it.

"I can sleep on the couch tonight," Micah said to Bradon after seeing that there was only one full sized bed per room.

"Does it bother you to share with me?" Bradon asked.

"No! Uh, I mean it's okay; I thought you might not want to."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"You're completely straight and I'm not sure about me."

"So? We've already helped each other out, and I enjoyed it. I thought you did too."

"I did." Micah said with a blush.

"Then there's no reason not to sleep together. My brother and I shared a bed for a bunch of years when we were little. He had his own room, but he kept crawling into my bed when it stormed or he had a bad dream, and eventually our parents gave up trying to separate us. He moved into his own room a couple of years ago, but came back after he was molested. Now that he has Mark, we don't sleep together much and I kinda miss it. It's like having my own big warm teddy bear."

"So, um, you like cuddling?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Would you want to do that tonight?" Micah asked, holding his breath for the answer.

"I'd like it if you would."

"That would be great!"

"Hey, have you guys managed to unpack all your clothes yet?" Mark called up cheekily. "We need to get our stuff out of the bag.

"We're waiting for you horn-dawgs to finish making out," Bradon shot back. "Maybe we should put you up here. It's a bigger playpen."

"Okay, if you don't mind trading." Mark agreed. "But since it's Joe's party, I guess he should decide."

Joe opted to do whatever Mark wanted to do, so they switched with Bradon and Micah.

Amanda met the boys at the door of the cabin and said that Joe should go in first, followed by Davy. The boys gasped in surprise as they launched themselves into the arm of their dads.

"I so wished you could be with me on my first birthday as your son," Joe said with tears of joy. "This just keeps getting better and better! I already have my wishes and I haven't even blown out any candles."

"We arranged to take a long weekend, and left shortly after noon today," Brent grinned. "Grandma has been scheming to do this for several weeks."

"I hate to interrupt, but I think we should go check out which attractions you'll want to take advantage of tomorrow," Grandpa David said. "Why don't you two boys ride with your dads since we can't all fit in the van legally? You can follow us; it's not far to the first one."

Joe had the final decision on what they would do the next day since it would be his birthday, but he opted for the things which everyone else liked as well. Grandpa purchased the tickets for the water park right away because the proprietors limited the number of admissions so their clients would have the optimum experience. He suggested that if they ever wanted to come on a weekend, they should make reservations pretty far in advance, especially around holidays and in the month of August in general.

Next, they checked the go-kart track which didn't take reservations. They could decide tomorrow how long they wanted to play there. All the boys wanted to spend at least a couple of hours racing around the track.

Since they had awhile before going to dinner, Amanda announced that they were taking a ride on the river to see the natural beauty of the area. Water parks might be fun, but they were commercial attractions which could be experienced in other locations. She had done her homework on the computer while planning their trip, so everyone trusted her judgment.

She smiled as she saw the boys' reactions when Grandpa pulled up to the departure point. The sign read, "Dells Army Duck Tours" and the boys let out whoops of joy as they realized what it meant.

Their mode of transportation would be an amphibious craft which was painted in a camouflage pattern, and looked like a small version of Noah's Ark with wheels. Soon Amanda recorded the boys' joyful expressions by snapping several pictures of them in front of the vehicle. Brent used the camcorder to preserve as many memories as possible.

While seated aboard awaiting their departure, the boys poured over the brochures which gave the facts and figures about the WWII style craft they'd be riding in. They imagined what the troops, not very much older than they were, must have been feeling and thinking as they stormed beaches in war-torn Europe in similar vehicles. It was both exciting and sobering to realize the original purpose of the craft.

Once on the river, their initial excitement over their mode of transportation subsided and the boys were awed with the beautiful rock formations and other natural wonders. They took a number of pictures in the process.

Over dinner on the balcony of a rustic restaurant overlooking the river, they all thanked Grandma for planning so well.

"Wow!" Joe exclaimed. "I've already had the absolute best birthday of my life even before it's actually my birthday!"

In his own demonstrative way, he hugged his dads and grandparents fiercely. The adults loved his unselfconscious display of affection.

Back at the cabins, everyone opted to make an early night of it because of how packed with activities the next day would be. The adults were well aware that the boys would probably take some time to wind down and knew they probably wouldn't get as much sleep as they should regardless.

Jon and Davy took their showers first when they got back to their cabin. Jon had something he wanted to try with his lover and the anticipation made his bulge swell on the way to the bathroom.

They got wet and turned off the water before soaping one another thoroughly with wash cloths. Jon paid particular attention to Davy's butt and perineum, so Davy did the same in return. When Jon set the shower wand on "massage" and aimed it between Davy's butt cheeks, Davy squealed in delight.

"Oh God, that's awesome! I think I could get off without touching my dick!"

"Try it on me," Jon requested.

He too gasped at the jets of water which made his rectum tingle.

"I'm gonna ask Dad and Jim to buy me one of these for my birthday."

"I think I might ask Dad and Brent for one too," Davy agreed. "We'd better quit so the other guys can have a shower. We can continue playing in our room."

"Oh, I plan to," Jon grinned lasciviously.

They ran through the sitting room with their towels tenting. Bradon and Micah playfully grabbed at their towels, but didn't pull them all the way off.

As soon as they got into their room, they began to make out like crazy. Eventually, Jon asked Davy to lie on his back while he licked his balls. If that weren't enough, Jon moved to Davy's perineum. The experience of getting tongued in a very private area felt ticklish and hot at the same time.

Davy wasn't expecting what Jon did next, but it was so exciting that it took his breath away. Jon flicked his tongue tentatively across Davy's rosebud. Davy gasped and nearly melted at the feeling.

Finding that there was no unpleasant taste, Jon got braver and continued to stimulate Davy's sensitive nerves.

"Oh, oh, oh," Davy gasped.

"Are you close?"

"Uh huh!"

That signaled Jon to change his position. He sucked in as much of Davy's steely cock as he could just in time to catch the first volley. It was followed by a number of smaller shots as Davy emptied his tubes of a couple of day's buildup.

He dropped his head back in exhaustion, wearing a smile that he couldn't have wiped off if he'd wanted to.

"Was it okay?" Jon grinned.

"I'm practically catatonic, and you have to ask? Where did you learn to do that, or shouldn't I ask?"

"I read about it on the net; I didn't learn it personally from someone else." Jon assured him. "It's called rimming' I think."

They kissed deeply, sharing the residue of Davy's jizz before he returned the favor. Jon was as turned on by it as Davy had been. It took a very few minutes before he too was experiencing an earth-shattering orgasm.

Mark had planned to give Joe an early birthday gift in the form of a blow job if Joe would let him, but after all the excitement of their day, they fell asleep in each other's arms before his mission was accomplished. Both had awesome dreams, however.

Bradon made good on his promise to cuddle with Micah. Unlike snuggling with his brother, this time it had erotic overtones. Micah got brave and reached around behind him to touch the rod which was poking him in the back.

"That's a fine piece of meat, Master Witte."

"So it this, Master Graham," Bradon replied, reaching around to caress Micah's stiffy.

"Is this too gay for you," Micah wondered aloud. "I don't want to mess you up."

"I'm not afraid of the experience," Bradon told him. "I figure we're either straight or gay or bi and we're gonna be regardless of what we do. So, maybe it's best to try lots of things while we're young and not going steady or whatever."

"That's a cool way to look at it."

"I think so. I'm kinda curios about what a blow job would feel like."

"Um, giving one or getting one?"

"Both. Do you know what 69 is?"

"You mean besides a number between 68 and 70?" Micah giggled.

"Precisely, my dear Watson."

"You want to try it?"

"Yup, you?"


Knowing this might be his only chance to have a sexual experience with a boy he liked and trusted, Bradon didn't want to shortcut it. He began by kissing Micah on the lips for a couple of minutes before moving to his ears on the way to his nipples. Micah's gasps and sighs let him know he was doing it well despite being inexperienced.

Micah, also sensing this might be his only sexual time with this boy, freely participated to the max. They were both oozing precum by the time they got into the classic 69 position. With only a moment's hesitation, they caught the sticky drops on their tongues. Neither was repulsed by the taste since they'd both tasted their own fluids at times.

From there, they proceeded to bathe one another's `nads and the area immediately behind them. By the time they took each other's cock in their mouth, they were very close to the point of no return. After a little head-bobbing, both were shaking and moaning. Moments later, Micah backed off of Bradon's cock long enough to gasp out that he was about to cum. Bradon didn't back off, so Micah went back to sucking too. Then their glorious climaxes hit, Micah's slightly ahead. Both pumped big loads of jizz, and kissed immediately afterwards, sharing the mixture of their juices.

"I'll never forget this," Micah promised, when his panting slowed down enough to talk.

"Me neither," Bradon agreed as he cuddled up to his friend.

Joe received his first birthday gift shortly after he and Mark had taken an early morning shower. Once they were clean and dry, they scampered up the ladder to the bedroom they were sharing and stood for a moment kissing. Full skin to skin contact made their embrace even more pleasurable than usual.

Mark dropped to his knees and kissed Joe's hard member after he gently pulled back its foreskin. It had stretched to the point that it no longer painful for Joe.

"I want to give you a special birthday gift from my heart," He said. "I won't do it if you think it's gross."

"Um, what do you have in mind?"

"I want to start your day off by sucking you off."

"That sounds awesome! Are you sure this isn't rushing things more than you wanted to?"

"Joe," he answered, standing up to look him in the eyes. "I'm sure of my feelings for you and of yours for me; as sure as a punk kid can know anything. I know it's possible we won't grow old together, but I think we could. I know what's in here," he proclaimed with his hand over his heart.

"I feel the same about you and I'm ready for whatever you want to do." Joe said just before kissing Mark deeply.

Mark eased Joe back on the bed and hovered over him, kissing and licking his way to his intended target. Joe gasped and writhed as Mark proved he knew how to satisfy another boy. Again Mark bared the head of Joe's phallus and kissed it. This time, he continued by licking it like a lollypop, which cause Joe to begin a mantra of, "uh-uh-uh-uh...

The thing that put Joe over the edge was Mark's licking his balls and then running his tongue from them to the tip of Joe's cock.

"Here it comes!" Joe cried. "You'd better back off."

Mark backed off just far enough to feel the first volley splatter on his face. He took the rest in his mouth, savoring its taste. Joe nudged Mark upward on his body until he could clean up the residue with his tongue. They French kissed like veterans until most of Joe's offering was consumed.

"Now it's my turn," Joe declared.

"Uh, it's your birthday, so it's my treat."

"Don't I get another treat?" Joe grinned. "I want my mouth full of you and I want to feast on your seed."

Mark couldn't refuse a sensuous request like that, so he lay back while Joe proved he was a quick study. He tried to copy everything Mark had done to him including being careful not to scratch with his teeth.

Mark didn't take long to reach orgasmic bliss either. He was already turned on from what he'd done to Joe, and he was fully relaxed in knowing that he now felt no fear or guilt. Joe's touch was light and loving in contrast with what he'd been subjected to from his adult molester. This was, at last, what good sex should be. He couldn't wait to tell Dr. Troxel that he now felt free! He wasn't sure how much detail he would share.

Joe's birthday celebration continued to be a great success. The boys spent quite a bit of time at the water park as well as a couple of hours driving go-karts. Davy took the opportunity to mention that he needed to get his learner's permit soon since he had been eligible for several months and now Joe would be too. Brock and Brent said they would take care of it soon after they got home. Brock reminded Davy that he hadn't studied the manual thoroughly and would have to do so if he wanted to pass the written test on the first try.

They went for dinner at a seafood buffet restaurant to allow Joe the opportunity of sampling various things he'd never tried. He loved nearly everything he put in his mouth, but thought the octopus was kind of rubbery. He did justice to everything else, including a number of shellfish which he'd been taught were an abomination, by those who took Leviticus literally.

The sumptuous meal was topped off by a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and 14 candles on it. After he blew out all the candles, he confessed that he didn't make a wish because everything he could have desired had already been fulfilled.

In addition to the money his new grandparents had spent on him, he received an MP3 player that everyone, including the other boys, had contributed money toward. Joe felt like a king.

Joe and Mark rode to the lake property with Brent and Brock so there would be more room for the others to spread out in Grandpa's van. The adults drove straight through, stopping only for potty breaks. They got home before it was totally dark, but no one wanted to play on the lake and all retired by 9:30 or 10:00. However, not everyone went to sleep immediately.

Saturday was their last full day together and it made some of them sad. Chief among those was Micah. Being in the company of the others his age had distracted him from the family problems he was facing. He began to think about those again as he realized he'd soon be separated from his network of new friends. However, it cheered him when all of the boys exchanged cell numbers and email addresses with him and promised to stay in touch. He knew he could still count on them to help him. He was also looking forward to asking Emily Franz to the movies when he got home.

Everyone got in as much time skiing and riding the Jet Ski as possible. They played hard and ate heartily.

It was after supper on Saturday and the boys were headed for the lake for a last skinny dip when Micah's phone alerted him to an incoming text from his father. His grin grew wider as he read it. He excused himself to find a place where he could talk in private and he placed a call to talk directly. After a few minutes, he joined the others, pumping his fist in the air in a sign of victory.

"Okay, what's the excitement?" Bradon asked.

"My Dad and Mom are back together! They spent the last three days on a second honeymoon on the advice of their marriage counselor. I think they must have spent it all in bed because they are definitely getting back together. Dad said something about remembering why they got married in the first place! I have a family again!"

"That's so cool!" Bradon exclaimed as he hugged Micah.

The rest all congratulated him with hugs, shoulder squeezes, and other signs of affection.

"Thanks guys; it's so cool that you all helped keep my mind off my troubles while they were making up."

"We're glad we could be of service," Bradon grinned.

"Um, would you like to take another moonlight walk and I could express my appreciation?" Micah whispered.

"Yeah, I think that would be fun."

Author's notes: Thanks for the emails for the following: Walter Sz, Jim W, Ott H, Mendy D, Paul R, Tony W, Larry, Bill K, Tom A, Bill T, Bill B, Sammy H, Roger L, Walt S, Trish R, Scott W, and Paul G.

Currently a number of readers receive an announcement when a new chapter is posted. If you are 18 or over and would like be on the list, I'll be happy to add you. I do it with the BCC function, so your email should not be visible to anyone else.

If you're interested in the amphibian craft the guys were on in the Wisconsin Dells, you can find out something on Wikipedia:

Thanks to all who encouraged Kit in his writing!


Next: Chapter 21

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