Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Jul 30, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long Chapter 24


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

Next posting will be in about two weeks.

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 24

The following morning, the group headed for the space center. They spent several hours there before heading back down to Fort Lauderdale. The boys napped some on the way, so they were ready to hit the beach for a while before dinner. Everyone got ready to sun and swim at one of the local beaches. Grandma made sure that all her guests were well covered with sunscreen before letting them loose.

Most of them had a great deal of fun, but Gabby whined about getting gritty from the sand, and she hated the salty water. No one let it spoil their fun, but it was certain that she wouldn't be going to the beach the next day.

Grandpa knew that there wouldn't be enough room in his van to take everyone the following day. He suggested that the rest of the men and boys go together and he would take the ladies on a shopping trip. He wasn't terribly interested in spending a whole day in the sun anyway.

Immediately, Davy and Jon began to work on Brock to take them to Haulover Beach only half an hour away. When Brock asked why that particular one, the boys told him it was one of the few nude public beaches in the country and they wanted to go naked.

After talking it over with Sean and Brent, Brock said it would be okay as long as Mark's parents didn't object. Mark really wanted to go, but was nervous about calling home. Eventually, Brock called Phil to tell him what the plan was.

"I think they go nude at the lake, don't they?" Phil asked.

"Yes they do, but that's just the boys for the most part, no ladies around."

"I don't think females will interest Mark, other than to satisfy his curiosity, and that isn't a bad thing. I'm fine with it. Let me talk to him a minute to make sure he uses sun-block on his, um, privates."

The guys could just about tell what Phil was saying to his son because of the blushing Mark was doing. It was rather cute.

Haulover Beach turned out to be a great excursion for all involved. It would be the last day in the warmth of Florida for the guys from the Midwest, so they were taking full advantage of it.

Tyler was shy about taking off his swimsuit, but everyone else got naked right away. Once he saw that his young companions didn't have any pubic hair, he decided to join them.

"I figured I'd be the only one who wasn't, um, mature," he mumbled.

"You probably are," Davy grinned. "We're all swimmers so we shave it all off before our big meets. Some of us like to keep it that way. If you've looked, our dads trim down to a little arrow shape over their dicks."

Tyler took a quick peek and blushed. Then he started to get an erection and covered his crotch with both hands.

"Come on cuz, let's hit the cool ocean water. That'll take care of your problem," Joe said, taking Tyler's hand.

Truth be told, it was an excuse to deflate his own expanding problem too.

The boys played jumping waves for about half an hour before Brent called them all back to their towels to get another coating of lotion. It was supposedly waterproof, but he knew from experience that there was no guarantee it would live up to the hype on the label.

Tyler confided in the boys that he had swum nude a number of times because swimming classes at his school were done that way. The coach said it had to do with the chlorine stripping the color out of trunks and lining the pool with it, but Tyler thought the man liked perving on the boys.

"So you're not embarrassed to be seen naked with no pubes at school?" Joe asked.

"Nah I'm not because a lot of the guys my age only have a little fuzz. See, I have some coming in; it's so blond it doesn't show up. I'm glad you guys shave."

"What are you grinning about, Dave?" Jon asked.

"I just had an image of how my mother would react if she knew we were having this conversation while standing around stark naked. You know we were always supposed to have at least some article of clothing on at all times. It seems so ridiculous to me now. I've come a long way!"

"And you've CUM a lot of times!" Jon quipped.

After a couple of seconds, Tyler giggled. "I just got that!"

"See, you aren't a little boy anymore." Davy assured him.

Sean enjoyed the chance to be naked on the beach as much as the boys did. He really had no opportunity at home to bare his stuff other than in the locker room at his club, and the men there tended not to walk around undressed very much, so he didn't either.

He also loved watching his son's reaction to nudity. Tyler seemed to be more at ease being naked than he had in the past and he was having a difficult time keeping his erection down when he saw good looking girls. He was growing up. This experience would probably serve as an invaluable lesson on female anatomy for him. Evidently he wasn't particularly interested in other boys, though he did check them out too. Unlike his cousins and uncle, he probably wasn't gay. Not that it mattered, because Sean would love him either way.

All too soon, vacation was over and the guys were heading for the airport to return home. Tyler and Sean went to see them off. Hugs were exchanged all round. Tyler, especially, was demonstrative in his affection.

"I hope I can come over in the summer to stay at the lake. I want to see you again, soon! This is the best Christmas in a long time. Keep me posted on how your swimming finals go. I really do think it's a great sport. I'm just not very good at it."

"And we think soccer is great too. We don't get to see it as much as American football," Joe said.

"We're gonna watch the next World Cup," Mark added.

Sean embraced his brother and brother-in-law with a great deal of warmth too. At one time, he had been rather cool toward their relationship, but after being around them together, he had a great deal of respect for them and the family they were raising. Their boys and the boys' friends were good role models. They had certainly affected a change in Tyler's attitude and for that he was most thankful. The trip to America was having more impact than he'd anticipated. He would do his best to send Tyler in the summer.

There was a New Year's Eve party for a number of boys at the Witte house the day after they got home. Bradon had organized it because Micah had come home with him for a couple of days to meet Mickey and to have a look at the town where Bradon lived. It was their intent all along to get the summer gang together at least for the first day of the year. Micah's dad would be making the four hour drive to pick him up after lunch on New Year's Day. He didn't mind the trip because he was thankful that Micah at last had a close friend. Micah was trying to talk his parents into letting him transfer to Iowa for his last two years in high school, and they were considering it.

Bradon had thought about inviting Nate, Chandler, and a few other guys from school, but felt the presence of decidedly straight boys might be inhibiting to the others. He imagined there would be a certain amount of making out in the basement when the guys were left on their own. Their parents had let them know they wouldn't be staying up late because Mickey had to pull an early shift in the morning.

The boys, except for Bradon and Micah, cuddled on the sofa in front of the TV in the basement family room. They weren't watching it all that much because other things were vying for their attention.

Micah and Bradon got into a play-wrestling match on the floor – actually it was more like a grab-ass session. The other boys stopped making out to watch the two roll around striving for dominance.

Bradon was currently on top and staring into Micah's eyes. Micah wasn't making any attempt to dislodge him as they lay with full body contact, panting.

"Jeez, get a room you guys," Mark snickered.

"You wanna go to my bedroom," Bradon asked quietly without acknowledging his brother's comment.

Micah nodded, never breaking his gaze.

Bradon kissed him on the lips before getting up and offering his hand to help him stand too, their boxers tenting pronouncedly in the dim light. Then hand in hand they crept up the stairs, hoping Bradon's parents actually had retired early.

"Well, that's an interesting development," Joe commented.

"I'm not surprised," Mark said. "They really like each other a lot and I can only imagine what they did at Micah's house if they're this open in front of us."

"I thought he was straight, especially after what happened with Megan," Joe continued.

"He might be, but I think he's uncertain at this point," Mark said. "He could be bisexual. There was no mistaking what he's feeling for Micah right now.

Speaking of which, is anyone watching the TV until midnight? We know the New Year has already begun in New York. I thought we could pull our air mattress into the next room and you guys could stay in here or vise versa. I'd like to start the year out right with Joey."

"Suits me," Davy grinned. "Why don't Jon and I go in the other room in case your dad comes down in the morning? Um, he wouldn't be as shocked if he found you two all wrapped up together."

"It's fine with us," Mark agreed. "He's pretty cool. I'm sure you wouldn't shock him anyway."

The second term of school began quietly for Davy and Jon with no repercussions about being out of the closet. As far as they could discern, no one seemed to care if they were gay or not. If anyone did, the speedy dispatching of Reed Halverson might have served as a deterrent. His brother, Gunnar, was toeing the line as far as the boys could tell. He even made it a point to say hello to them without any slurs or asides. Without his brother's influence, he appeared to be a decent kid.

Davy and Jon were far too keyed up about swimming finals to pay attention to much else anyway. This year, along with Bradon and Nate, they had qualified for the state meet.

In a pep assembly, their team was honored along with the wrestlers who would soon be in state matches and the basketball team which had a very respectable season thus far.

This year, Coach Carstenson had put his sophomore relay team together as roommates so Nate was the fourth. Davy and Jon were fine with having him, but did miss the freedom they'd felt when they roomed with Wyatt and Jesse. Now, they would probably have to keep their boxers on in the room.

As they were relaxing after supper the first night, Nate came out of the bathroom without a stitch on after taking his shower.

"Um, I hope you're okay with this and I'll put something on if you're not, but I usually don't get dressed after my shower at home unless my room is really cold, and I always sleep raw."

"It's fine with us," Bradon said, answering for his friends. "I think we all do the same. I mean, I do slip something on if I'm going out to the kitchen when the `rents are still up."

"Cool," Nate grinned.

"Aren't you nervous that Jon and I will try to have our way with you?" Davy asked.

"Nah, you have each other. I don't think my rudder is big enough to entice you anyway."

"I beg to differ," Bradon said. "That's a nice piece of meat!"

Once everyone had shed their boxers, they chubbed up a bit. Nate didn't seem to be embarrassed to have the rest see him in a semi-erect state.

"You guys look like you've been in the sun," Nate observed. "How did you get tan all over?"

The rest filled him in or their time at the nude beach. He expressed envy, saying he thought he would be a practicing nudist once he had grown up and moved out.

A number of Cade's swimmers did well, some taking titles. The sophomore relay team came in second in the state, competing against others who had a lot more experience. The boys were as excited as if they'd won the lottery. In a year's time, they had gone from not qualifying for the big meet to nearly winning it. They went home determined to dominate the event next year.

Jon was surprised to get a call from Spencer's dad, Lloyd, about six weeks after the incident in the cafeteria, asking if he could come over to have a talk with him. Jon hadn't seen Spence at school in a long time, but assumed he was might have dropped out like he'd done with swimming the year before. If there were any rumors going around about what had happened to him, Jon was out of the loop enough that he hadn't heard them.

Lloyd Bruce didn't spend much time on formalities, getting right down to his mission once Jon ushered him into the living room. Davy was already sitting there, so Jon made sure to introduce the two before Lloyd explained.

"I suppose you've heard about Spencer via the school gossip mill."

"Nope. Is he ill?" Jon asked.

"Yes, in a way he is. He's in the hospital for depression and is getting dried out from abusing alcohol, marijuana, and possibly some other substances."

"I'm sorry to hear that. He and I kinda drifted apart after he started high school."

"I'm aware that you haven't been around since then. He rather got the big head when he hit ninth grade. He seemed to think he was too mature to hang around with you younger boys, but that was a tragedy in the long run because of the punks he associated with.

Since he's in rehab, they've all deserted him like rats from a sinking ship. I was hoping some of his old friends could help him back on his road to recovery. So, I was wondering if you'd go with me to visit him tomorrow."

"It depends on the time of day. Dave and I have to do homework and martial arts until 5:00 and then we need to eat..."

"I was thinking of 7:00 when everyone would be finished with dinner."

"What do you think, Dave?" Jon asked.

"You should go if you want. We should be done by then and I can work on my science homework until you get back, and we can do math together."

"You're not coming with me?"

"I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be a good idea. Spence doesn't like me much and my presence would probably upset him. He was your friend for several years and I hardly know him."

"Okay, Mr. Bruce, I'll go with you at 7:00, but I can't stay too long because with the new term I have little time to spare. However, if you think it will help Spence, I'm willing to do it."

"Thanks! I hope I can convince Bradon, Nate, and others from the swim team to go at other times. I don't want to overwhelm him with everyone at once and I don't want any of you boys to feel obligated to come each time. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7:00 sharp."

"I'm really not looking forward to it," Jon sighed after Mr. Bruce had left.

"Can't say I blame you; evidently his father doesn't know what Spence did to both of us. I've been working on forgiving him for outing us at school. In a way, I suppose it may all be for the best because we don't have to be cautious about our every move, but I really would like to have waited until we were juniors at least. Next year we'll be better at karate and the current crop of senior bullies will have graduated, but..."

"I know how you feel. I'm about ready to forgive him just because I don't want to carry the burden of hating him, if you know what I mean."

"I do. Hate and bitterness get heavy as lead sometimes. I can probably get past those feelings for him, but I'm not sure about my mother. I might nurse that grudge for years."

"I wish you were going with me. It's not that I want you to have to go through it; it's that I know how much I depend on you to keep me on an even keel."

"That's sweet of you," Davy smiled. "You know I feel the same about you, but like I said, I think if I were there it wouldn't go well since he thinks I stole you away from him."

"But he's had his precious Billy. You would think he'd have moved on!"

On the way to the rehab center, Jon got the feeling that Spence's father was going to be using their time alone to pump him for information.

"Um, Spencer's probably told you about the ranch foreman, Billy, who he got close to. Do you know what kind of stuff they did together?"

"I have no first-hand knowledge because I wasn't there," Jon deftly avoided divulging what Spence had told him.

"You would make a good politician, Jon. You replied truthfully, but didn't say anything. I'm interested in what Spencer may have said to you."

"I don't feel it's my place to tell you anything. What he may or may not have said about this Billy person might or might not have been factual and therefore, I have no intention of repeating it."

"You are a good, loyal friend to my son. I respect that and I won't probe further."

The remainder of the short ride passed in silence. Soon they were being escorted to Spencer's room. He didn't look entirely pleased to have their company.

"Have you come to say you told me so?" he said to Jon.

"No, your dad asked me to visit you. I'm sorry if my presence is upsetting. I wanted to tell you that I've forgiven you for what you did to Dave and me before Christmas."

"I don't need forgiveness. You had it coming!"

"We all need to be forgiven sometimes, and it makes me feel better to forgive you."

"Why don't I leave you two alone a few minutes so you can talk freely?" Spencer's dad said nervously. "Just come down to the waiting room when you're ready to leave, Jon. You certainly don't have to stay here if Spencer isn't nice to you."

Once his father was out of the room, Spence started in about what he thought Jon had done.

"I'm surprised you have the balls to act like my friend after ruining my life. I know you got Billy in trouble in spite of what you say."

"Look, I don't have any idea where your grandparents live in Montana, much less what Billy's last name is. I didn't rat on him."

"Sure," Spence sneered. "You were all jealous because I have a boyfriend who knows how to make real love. You're a goody-goody policeman's son who would turn in your best friend because it's the `right' thing to do."

"Spence, face reality; when you were at my house last year, you were pissed off when I wouldn't get high with you or have sex with you. You taunted me about being too good then just like you are now. We haven't talked much since. You can't suggest we're good buds at this point, Jeez!

I don't know anything about what you and Billy did other than you said he fucked your brains out on the trip home and you loved it!

I looked up the news story on the `net about him growing marijuana after you accused me of turning him in. Now, I feel guilty for not finding out where he lived and maybe calling Billy and threatening him so he'd stop using you, or telling on him if he didn't."

"Spare me your pious guilt trip! He loves only me and I love him! And a little grass ain't gonna hurt anyone. When he gets it straightened out, I'm gonna go out there and live with him. He promised! I'm 16 and we can legally be together as lovers. Soon I'll blow this town and have my freedom."

"Over my dead body!" Lloyd exploded as he came in from the hall where he'd been eavesdropping.

"I'm sure that can be arranged!" Spence shot back. "You got Jon to set me up, didn't you? What did he give you Jon, thirty pieces of silver?"

"I didn't set you up," Jon exclaimed. "I assumed your father had gone to the waiting room just like you did. Besides, you're the one who spilled your guts. I didn't lead you on."

"I'm going to have your precious Billy charged with molesting a minor and he'll be in jail until he rots!" Lloyd yelled.

"Nothing happened. And if it theoretically had, there's no proof. And besides, I'd never testify against him. I bragged to Jon, and whatever he might say is all hear-say evidence anyway. I've watched enough detective shows to know that.

Now get the fuck out of my room, both of you! I don't want to see either of you again – EVER!"

"Spence, I'm sorry you don't believe me, but I had no idea your father was outside listening.

Mr. Bruce, I can't believe you did this! It wasn't fair to Spence or me!"

"I got the truth which is what I was after. Now I know he's a pervert besides being a druggy. I'll take you home," Lloyd said."

"No you won't; I'll walk rather than ride with you."

"It's too far and the neighborhood between here and there isn't exactly wonderful, especially at night."

"Then I'll get someone to pick me up or I'll take a cab, but I'm not riding with you." Jon insisted as he got out his phone and headed for the door, texting his dad.

"Wait," Spence called after him. "You really didn't plan this with my father?"

"No, I didn't. I don't necessarily approve of what Billy did to you since he's an adult and you aren't, but if you love him and he loves you, it's not like I thought it was I guess. I do hate it that you're on drugs."

"Billy didn't push me to take the pills. In fact he told me I need to stay in here until I can get off them. Oxycodone is a bitch!"

"Is that what you're on?"

"Yeah, and I'm not proud. It just got so bad at home I needed to escape. The doctor thinks I may be bi-polar." Spence began to cry. "I'm not strong like you and Dave are."

"Spence, I'm not strong either, especially without him. If I were on drugs, I'd be struggling too. You need to do your best, and I will do what I can to help if you want."

"Thanks. I might call you. You know I really did have a thing for you..."

"And I had a crush on you until you left me high and dry."

"I know. I wish I could turn back the clock, but I know I can't. Tell Dave I'm not jealous of him anymore. I think you make a good couple and I'm sorry I outed you."

"Thanks," Jon smiled.

They continued their conversation for several minutes while Jon waited for his ride. He decided in that interval that he really would forget the past and do his best to help Spence get back on the right path.

Spence felt like kicking himself for wasting much of their earlier moments ranting at Jon for things he didn't do. Now he wished Jon could stay longer.

"Gotta go; Dad texted that he's just pulled up to the main entrance." Jon announced.

Spence hugged him before he left.

Author's notes: Thanks to Roger L, Walt S, Paul R, Bill T, Mendy D, Ott H, Tony W, Walter Sz, Paul F, Mike W, Scott W, Tom A, James K, Bill K, Wayne, Trish R, and Jim W who emailed since last posting. As always, I hope I haven't omitted anyone.

I will be leaving on vacation early on Wednesday morning, so I may not answer you promptly if you email. Also there will be approximately a two week interval before the next chapter is posted.


Next: Chapter 25

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