Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Oct 9, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 30


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 30

The last part of spring term flew by quickly as it often does when warm weather arrives. With track practice and other activities as well as helping Cade and Harrison, Davy and Jon had little time to spare.

They did manage to keep up their studies and occasionally volunteer at the Sunday meals program. They always coordinated their serving schedule with Wyatt and Jesse's when possible. That left little time for any other activities.

Finally, the closing day of school arrived. After taking their last exam of the year, the boys met up with Bradon, Mark, Joe, and Spence at the bike racks. They rode together to McDonald's for lunch. Most of them chose one of the chicken wrap options after reading the calorie contents of the various meals. They had never realized that eating some of the hamburger selections could amount to a substantial portion of their fats and calories for the whole day.

"As fast as this semester went, it still seemed like this day would never come," Jon declared.

"Fer sure," Davy agreed. "Why can't summertime go on as long?"

"If we think about having to wait `til September to get our driving licenses, that should make it drag some." Jon grinned.

"Or you could be like me and have the license but not the car," Spence complained. "These next few days are going to be an eternity waiting for Billy to arrive. Darn that mare that had to have twins and complicate things."

"Hey, that's what comes with living on a ranch, I suspect." Bradon chimed in. "Their pictures are adorable. Just think, without Billy there helping before the vet arrived, they might not have made it. You'd better be thankful for that."

"I am; I'm just so antsy to be with him and out of this place!"

"It's not all bad here," Joe said defensively.

"I know," Spence agreed. "I love you guys and your dads and everyone who's helped me. And I'll miss Mom and especially, Eddy."

"We'll watch over him for you." Bradon insisted. "We'll have his back next year in high school if he ever needs us."


Billy arrived in the big pickup two days later around 3:00 in the afternoon. He had driven nearly straight through, catching a few hours of sleep in the wee hours in a Wal-Mart parking lot which he considered safer than most of the rest areas.

A piece of foam and his sleeping bag met his needs for bedding, and the fiberglass cap with sliding windows provided protection against the elements.

Davy and Jon had the basement apartment ready for the two lovebirds to nest in until they were ready to leave. Since the trip had taken so much out of him, Billy took Brock up on the invitation to stay a couple of nights rather than to leave the following morning.

Spence was fine with that. He wanted to get to Montana soon, but he wasn't in a big hurry now that he had his man in his arms. He took Billy downstairs for a nap, and that is what they actually did.

Brock and Brent cooked a fine dinner to mark Billy's arrival. After dinner, Billy and Spence went over to see Spence's mother and brother.

They had settled into a small condo which was located not far from the high school. Eddy could easily walk to school when the weather wasn't good enough for biking. No doubt he could hitch a ride with some of his older friends when the weather was really bad.

By 9:00, Billy looked so sleepy that Sonja suggested they go home to bed. Neither guy insisted on staying longer.

When they arrived back at the house, they took a quick shower together which refreshed them enough to make love before going to sleep. However, neither guy had the stamina to go for seconds despite their desires.

The second night, Brock and Brent invited Sonja and Eddy to a farewell dinner for Spencer. Sonja insisted on bringing a salad and Spence's favorite after dinner treat, a "buster bar" ice cream dessert* to complement the meal. The men were pleased with her thoughtfulness.

Around 9:30, Sonja and Eddy headed home after nearly hugging the life out of Spence and Billy. They would miss them, but were happy for them to be carving out a life together.

Before going to bed, Billy and Spence packed Spence's few belongings in the back of the pickup. His things didn't take up much space at all, so it would be possible to sleep back there if they wanted to.

Billy said he thought they could do that one or two nights to save money and then splurge on a couple of good motels with king sized beds and pools the other nights. They were going to make several days of it unless there was an emergency at the ranch.

After a hearty breakfast and lots of farewell hugs, the pair got on the road. Spence promised to keep his buddies updated about their progress.

On the weekend, Brock and Brent drove Davy, Jon, Joe, Mark, and Bradon up to the lake for a week of playtime. Micah's parents had already brought him up to his uncle's place so he'd be there when the guys arrived.

As before, the boys had a great time with the grandparents. They spent many hours playing in the water in Speedo's or less.

Grandpa David had purchased yet another Jet Ski which meant the guys could all ride at once if they rode double. No one had any objections to being snuggled close to his boyfriend, especially on the days when they were alone and wore only their lifejackets. On those occasions, it seemed like everyone needed to retreat to their rooms in the bunkhouse (Bradon and Micah in the cabin) to "nap" with their boyfriends after an hour on the water.

Life at the lake fell into a comfortable rhythm somewhat like the last time, but with fewer outings to other places. It was great to be totally relaxed with no obligations or travel time.

On the one instance when it rained lightly for 24 hours straight, the boys played games in the bunkhouse. A chunk of the afternoon was devoted to a marathon of Monopoly. When anyone went broke, he had to shed what few clothes he was wearing. After Jon lost all his holding, Davy played wildly and went bankrupt too. Then they went to their bedroom to "console" one another.

That night, Bradon and Micah slept in the bunkhouse with the rest because the weather was chilly and nasty. They made no bones about pushing their beds together so they could cuddle. Actually, some bones were probably made, but that's another story.

The following morning dawned sunny and beautiful. The sandy soil in the immediate area had soaked up whatever water hadn't flowed into the lake.

There was, of course, one night out at a good supper club to give Grandma a break from KP. She enjoyed eating out, but said with all the help she got from Grandpa and the boys, she never felt like a slave to the kitchen.

At the end of the week, Brock and Brent came to retrieve the boys. The minute they got out of the SUV, Bradon said he needed to talk to them.

"Um, my dad said that Micah was welcome to stay with us until his parents get possession of their new house. Their old one in Illinois sold immediately and they're putting their furniture in storage pods. They have a tiny, one-bedroom apartment in the mean time."

"So, you'd like us to take Micah home, is that it?"

"Yeah, if it's not too much trouble. Dave says there's a jump-seat to go in the second row."

"He's right, and Phil talked to us last night. Of course Micah is welcome."

"Thanks!" Bradon exclaimed as he hugged both men.

"Do you think there's another high school romance in the offing?" Brent grinned when Bradon was out of earshot.

"Indeed, it could be, my dear Watson."

Immediately on arriving home Sunday afternoon, Joe received a message to Skype with a boy named Kent, about his age, who had been removed from his home by social services because of receiving a severe beating from his father.

Joe talked with the kid for a couple of hours. He quickly picked up that Kent carried a load of guilt over turning his father in. The boy felt responsible for splitting up his whole family. His grandfather had called him a traitor.

Joe assured him that he had done the right thing. He related his own story, including the fact that his father and grandfather were dead.

"I didn't kill them. They caused their own deaths. In part, I blame the religious crazies who taught them it's okay to beat a kid, but they were adults who could supposedly think for themselves! They chose the wrong path and so did you father. Don't ever let anyone try to pin the blame on you."

Kent thanked him several times for helping him before their session ended. They exchanged email addresses and phone numbers. Joe invited Kent to call him or email him when he needed to talk.

After they'd said goodbye, Joe sent a synopsis of their conversation to Merle who soon responded that he had done exactly the right thing.

Upon thinking it over, Jim and Todd weren't sure that they wanted to do anything more elaborate than go to the courthouse to get married. They had really loved the wedding that Cade and Harrison had, but felt they didn't have the time or energy to pull it off considering the extra shifts they were working. Besides, they didn't want to do anything that would make their friends to feel obliged to give them presents.

Melba Watson felt they needed to have a lovely, memorable day and so she came to the rescue. SHE would organize it and pay for it. Todd put up a bit of a fight, but everyone knew it was mostly for show. They also knew that he could never win once Melba had made up her mind.

She checked with Brock and Brent about what they had done for Cade and Harrison the previous August. They quickly volunteered to have the affair in their back yard and to take care of some of the details. Within a week, it was all planned right down to having Judge Keegan officiate.

Dr. Erenberger would be away on study leave at the time, and besides, Melba didn't want to put him on the spot in case the Presbytery wouldn't give him permission to perform a same-sex marriage.

Brent figured out a way to take care of the gifts problem. The people who would be invited to the Fourth of July celebration included Todd and Jim's closest friends who would be on the guest list. Everyone who would attend knew them and liked them. So, Brent suggested that when they sent out invitations to the party, they ask everyone to arrive by 2:00 because there would be a special event. No one would know about the wedding ceremony until it happened.

The invitations would say that this year all the food would be provided. If anyone wished to contribute to the picnic, they could do so in the form of non-perishable goods for the city's food pantry.

The fare was bound to be delicious because Melba engaged Zephyrs to cater it with Chef Renaldo overseeing it. It would be pricy, but she figured it was a once-in-a-lifetime event and therefore should be done to style.

On the appointed day, all but one of the guests showed up by 2:00 and the latecomer within five minutes. One end of the Mason-Hart deck was filled with fresh flowers and a small white lectern. Judge Keegan stood behind it.

As soft recorded music began to play on the small PA system, the guests crowded onto the other end of the deck or on the patio below, looking expectantly toward the judge. Then the patio door opened to reveal Jon and Davy in white shorts and bright yellow shirts. They stood on either side of the opening when Jim and Todd dressed in white jeans and rainbow shirts emerged. The boys walked ahead of the men to where the judge stood with a microphone and then stepped aside, Jon by his father and Davy by Jim.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we are gathered here to witness the legal union of these two men. They are pleased to have you be a part of the first day of their new life together as a married couple.

Todd and Jim, you have taken the first step by obtaining a marriage license from the county. I now ask you, is it your intent to become spouses in accordance with the laws of this state?"

"It is," they answered together.

"Will you please join hands and repeat your vows to each other?"

"James Alan Rankin, my Jim, I fell in love with you the first time I set eyes on you. That love grew as I watched your compassion for everyone you came in contact with; including the respect you've shown toward even those who have run afoul of the law.

Since living with you on a daily basis, my caring for you has increased tenfold. Today, before God and these witnesses, I want to seal our union for the rest of our lives.

I promise to love you, respect you, and be a part of your life in sickness and health, in poverty or wealth until death parts us, and beyond if possible."

"Todd Patrick Watson, you are the light of my life. I also remember the moment we met and how I wished that you could feel for me what I felt for you. As we've grown together, that wish has become a reality.

It is my desire to spend the rest of my days as your spouse. I will love you and be faithful to you in good times and bad – whatever comes our way. In addition, I promise to be a loving parent to your son, Jonathan. He also has a special place in my heart."

"May I have the rings?" the judge asked.

Jon and Davy took them out of their shirt pockets and handed them to Judge Keegan.

"The ring is a circle, symbolic of eternity. May these be for you a constant reminder of your love which is more powerful than death. Please place them on your spouse's finger...

I now declare you to be joined in matrimony as spouses together. You may kiss."

Everyone applauded as the newlyweds kissed and then turned to hug their two attendants. Strains of "Love Me Tender" were heard from the speakers while the men circulated to greet the guests at the party.

After a bit, Melba took the microphone and asked everyone to take a few minutes to obtain something to drink because she wanted to propose the first toast.

Most of the adults chose champagne, wine, or beer, while the kids were served soft drinks or lemonade. When it appeared that everyone was ready, Melba started.

"Todd has always been my favorite son, well, actually my only child," she laughed. "As such, he has always been a joy. Today I can no longer play favorites because I have another son whom I have come to love as well. I wish my sons a lifetime of love and happiness. Here's to Jim and Todd!"

"To Jim and Todd," everyone drank up and cheered.

"Our catered dinner will be served at 5:30," Melba continued. "In the mean time, there are tables of goodies to nibble on, games to play, and a karaoke machine if anyone wants to provide entertainment. Let's party!"

When the grooms went into the house and returned a few minutes later in swimsuits, the crowd knew the formalities were over. Cade started a volleyball game with Harrison and some of the kids. Todd and Jim jumped into the pool. Before long, everyone was having a great time.

It looked like it was going to be an ordinary summer for Davy and Jon with the usual activities. The difference was that this year they would be making a bit of money helping Cade work on the house instead of picking up mowing jobs and the like.

There were any number of projects that didn't require skilled labor, and Cade trusted them with several that did. The boys were quick learners, checking the Internet for tutorials which dealt with various aspects of remodeling.

This proved invaluable as the three of them installed new countertops. They had begun early in the morning and were nearly finished with the majority of it by lunch time. However, the sink still needed to be hooked up and the range and dishwasher weren't back in place.

They had finished eating when Office Bullock appeared at the front door.

"Hey Bill, is this a professional call? Has some neighbor complained about the noise?" Cade joked.

"No, Cade, this is an emergency situation and one that I don't like to make. I need to speak with Jon.

Jon, your father was shot trying to break up a domestic dispute. He's in the hospital. Jim is with him and he asked the chief to send me to tell you and bring you to the hospital."

"How bad is it?"

"I don't know, honestly. They took him by ambulance and I haven't had an update."

At that moment his phone rang and Jim was on the line.

"Sure, he's right here," he said, handing the phone to Jon.

"Do you know anything more?" Jon asked immediately. "Oh, okay. We're leaving immediately."

"What did he say," Davy asked.

"They're taking him up to surgery. He has a bullet lodged in his brain and they're going to attempt to remove it. I'm scared!"

"I know, but try not to worry," Davy responded as he hugged Jon. "Your dad is a strong man."

They found Jim in the waiting room with his head in his hands. He tried to put on a brave front when he saw them coming, but it was evident that he'd been crying.

"No word yet?" Bill asked.

"Nope. Thanks for getting Jon and Davy."

"No problem. I have to go back to help with the investigation, but please keep me informed."

"Will do."

Jim moved to the middle of the three-seat bench he was occupying and the boys sat on each side of him. He put his big arms around both of them and pulled them close. It was as much for drawing strength from the boys as it was for comforting them.

No one spoke. There were a million questions that Jon wanted to ask, but didn't feel it was the time for them. Mostly, he was praying in his mind for his father's healing.

Two hours passed and there was still no word. Then a nurse came in to say that things were progressing and that the surgeon hoped to finish up in another few minutes. After that, it would still be a while before they could see Todd. She suggested that they might want to take a break and get something to eat.

No one felt like eating anything. Jim hadn't eaten lunch, but didn't think he should leave in case Todd needed him. Davy felt Jim needed to keep up his strength, and so he went to the cafeteria to get a bowl of soup and some crackers to tide Jim over.

Jim appreciated the gesture and forced himself to eat, despite not having much of an appetite. He had to admit that he felt better for doing so.

Forty-five minutes later, the receptionist led them to a small conference room where the surgeon would meet them. They didn't wait there long.

"I'm Doctor Carson."

"I'm Jim Rankin, Todd's spouse and these are our boys, Jon and Dave."

Jim fudged the truth a bit because he suspected that visiting would be limited to immediate family and he knew Jon would need his boyfriend with him for support in the coming hours and days.

"It's good to meet you," the doctor said, shaking hands with the boys as well as with Jim.

"Brain surgery is always a bit tricky, but everything went as well as could be expected. I won't lie to you. The next 24 hours are critical ones. He's suffered considerable trauma, especially from the buildup of blood and fluid inside his skull. However, if all continues to go well, I expect him to make a full recovery, eventually. There could be considerable therapy ahead of him and it may require a lot of help and understanding from each of you.

Do you have any questions?"

"Is he really gonna be normal," Jon blurted out.

"I can't promise that there won't be some changes in his thinking abilities or his personality, but I'm not anticipating anything drastic because the path of the bullet didn't affect the most vital parts of his brain as far as we could determine. We'll know more about his motor skills when we wake him from the medically induced coma. We're keeping him in a comatose state to allow him to heal faster. You need to be aware that he won't be able to talk to you for the time being. He may be able to sense you presence at some level, but he won't be responsive until at least tomorrow afternoon. So, I suggest that you go home to rest after seeing him for a few minutes.

Anything else?"

"Will I be allowed to stay by his side?" Jim asked.

"You are welcome to, but he's not going to know you're there."

"He'll know," Jim said in a near whisper.

Going into the ICU stirred feelings of both hope and dread. They all wanted to be assured that Todd was alive and breathing, but they didn't know exactly what they would find.

Seeing his father with bandages and a puffy face – various tubes and wires attached to him, Jon might have walked by and not recognized him had he not been told where his father was. It was harrowing and he might have passed out had Davy not been holding on to him.

Jim drew a sharp breath, but didn't break down. He took Todd's hand and talked to him, bending to kiss him on the lips.

The intensive care nurse ushered the boys out after a few minutes, but not before Davy told Jim that Brock was on his way to pick them up so he needn't worry about them. Jim nodded, but didn't take his eyes off of his husband.

Jim dozed some, but never left Todd's side except once to go to the bathroom. Sometime in the early hours, the alarm on the heart monitor went off and Jim felt a sense of dread and rising panic.

A nurse appeared immediately to check.

"It's okay," she said softly. "Actually it's a good sign that he's being active enough to set it off. Someone should have warned you that the monitor is set on "resting" mode which basically shows things being normal while the patient remains completely still. The movement in his legs and arms means that he has control over those parts of his body. That's great!"

"Thank God for that!" Jim replied. "I was afraid I was losing him."

After the nurse left the room, Jim again talked to Todd. He could have sworn that Todd squeezed his hand, so he kept on talking for about half an hour. It seemed to him that every time there was a lull in his monolog Todd urged him to keep on.

Eventually, Jim feel asleep with is head next of Todd's hand at the edge of the bed.

Author's notes: Thanks to those of you who have emailed since last posting: Jim W, Walt S, Bill T, Ott H, Tony W, Bill K, Tom A, Neal H, Andreas S, JJ, Wayne, Trish R, Mendy D, Stan A, Bill C, and Paul R.

The following was sent by Paul R. You may have read it on Yahoo or somewhere already, but if not, here is an example of an understanding grandparent who is far more caring that his daughter!

Paul R caught an typo in the last chapter. If you find something, please let me know so that I can fix it on the master copy. I have this habit of changing things the last minute after my editors have given their blessing and sometimes I screw up!

Next: Chapter 31

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